Octava Guía Inglés Grado 6

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Hermanas Franciscanas de María Inmaculada

NIT.891.901.020-7 – DANE.176147001241
Resolución No. 000481 de Junio 15/2007 de la
Secretaria de Educación Municipal.
Estrategia pedagógica virtual año escolar

Subject: English Teacher: Carolina Ramirez Delgado

Topic: I belong to a community Student´s name:
Book: Way to go 6 grade Grade: 6-
Unit: Modulo 3 unit 2 Deadline: August 20th ,2020

 I can talk about places in town.
 I can describe places.
 I can talk about where places are.

1. Entra al siguiente enlace y practica los lugares de la ciudad.Recuerda tomar al menos un

pantallazo por cada tipo de ejrcicio ( son 3 clases de ejercicios, al menos 3 pantallazos)


2. Ahora entra al siguiente enlace y mira el video sobre las preposiciones de lugar. En clase
se explicarán las dudas que queden y se practicará.


3. Mira el mapa y luego lee las oraciones de abajo, practica señalando donde queda cada
lugar. Solo practica señalando.
4. Mira las fotos y escribe 6 oraciones usando preposiciones de lugar sobre donde quedan.


EXAMPLE: The café is next to the restaurant

1. The school is next to the supermarket

2. The supermarket is between the school and pharmacy

3. The bookshop is in front of the restaurant

4. The bakery is between the bookshop and restaurant

5. The café is next to the bakery

6. The pharmacy is next to the supermarket

5. Escribe el lugar de la ciudad donde puedes hacer esa actividad. Observa el ejemplo.

1.Where can you buy books? I can buy books in a Bookstore

2.Where can you go to see a film? I can go to see in a film in a cinema
3. Where can you go to sit and read books? I can go to sit and read books in a library
4. Where can you buy medicines? I can buy medicines in a pharmacy
5. Where can you buy bread? I can buy bread in a bakery
6. Where can you buy clothes, electric appliances and furniture for the house?
I can buy clothes, electric appliances and furniture for the house in a shopping mall
6. Mira el mapa de la ciudad y corrige los errores en negrilla que hay en las oraciones, usa
las preposiciones que hay en el recuadro.

1. The pharmacy is opposite the restaurant.

The pharmacy is next to the restaurant

2. The café is next to the pharmacy.

The café is opposite the pharmacy

3. The cinema is opposite the restaurant.

The cinema is next to the restaurant

4. The department store is at the end of the street in the corner.

The department store is at the end of the street on the corner

5. The petrol station is between the supermarket.

The petrol station is next to the supermarket

6. The restaurant is opposite the pharmacy and the supermarket.

The restaurant is between the pharmacy and the supermarket

7. Escoge la opción correcta. Escribe la letra en el recuadro.

1 pharmacy
2 bookshop
3 library
4 Watch films
5 Buy bread
6 Watch films
7 Play loud music
8 Says hello
9 cleans
10 Throws rubbish on the floor
8. Responde las siguientes preguntas sobre tu vecindario. Usa información real.

a. Do you like your neighborhood?

b. What’s an important place in your neighborhood?
c. What´s your favorite place in your neighborhood?
d. Is there a supermarket near your neighborhood?
e. Are there any schools near your neighborhood?
f. Name 3 problems of your neighborhood.

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