Focus: 850 Palmetto Avenue Chico, CA 95926 530-343-3446 Vol. 30, No. 1 - 1/27/11

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First Baptist Church, Chico

850 Palmetto Avenue
Chico, CA 95926
Monthly Newsletter
Vol. 30, No. 1 - 1/27/11

We are a richly varied church community celebrating the grace of God through worship, through encouraging spiritual
growth, and by living as reminders of God’s loving presence in our world.

was never a Boy Scout, but I’ve always liked those who may come at the last minute on a given

I their motto about being prepared. Another way

of saying the same thing is that it’s helpful to
have a Plan B – just in case Plan A bombs.
night. If we took 13 men and 7 women, or some
such combination, for a couple of weeks, we would
pretty much guarantee that those who needed to stay
at the Shelter would be able to have a bed.
As I shared with you last month, the Torres Shelter
is in need of a Plan B. Their numbers have been Should this plan be put into place, guests would be
running close to what they can handle. In case bused to arrive here at 9 pm – after they’ve checked
you’ve heard that they’re still well under their total in and eaten at the Shelter. They would be bused
capacity number of 120, let me explain the back to the Shelter in the morning, somewhere
situation. around 5:45 or 6:00 am so they could be on their
way at about the same time they usually leave the
You may know that the Shelter has beds for men,
Shelter. The Shelter would provide a staff person
women and families. The men’s room has beds for
during the night. Our guests would sleep on mats as
70. The women’s room has beds for 30. There are
they did when we sheltered the homeless a number
5 family rooms with 4 beds in each of those. This
of years ago. We’re attempting to borrow mats
totals 120 beds.
from the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. We’ll
However, capacity may be reached before the 120 supply paper goods like toilet paper and paper
figure. For example, last night (the 25 th ), there towels.
were 73 men. The Shelter put 4 men in a family
It’s still not definite that our Fellowship Hall will be
room leaving the men’s area with 69 beds filled.
needed, but as I began, it’s better to be prepared
Two of the family rooms only had 2 beds filled,
than to suddenly find that the Shelter is 4 or 5 or 10
but they were filled with a mother and child or
beds short with no place to sleep more individuals.
father and child, and so the other 2 beds couldn’t
This is a good contingency plan for all involved.
be used. So while the total number wasn’t close to
the 120 figure, there was really only one men’s bed I’ve been very impressed with your support for this
available. They were essentially at capacity. plan. It may be that our Fellowship Hall won’t be
needed. But we’re ready to offer our hand of
The Shelter board decided earlier that if they’re
fellowship to these in need. Thank you for your
this close to capacity for 3 or 4 days in a row,
willingness to help us spread God’s love to these
they’ll ask us to take a certain number of men, and
who are in need.
perhaps women, so that they’ll have room to accept
First Baptist Church, Chico
850 Palmetto Avenue
Chico, CA 95926

Every Member a Minister
Rev. Ted Sandberg D. Min.


Sunday, February 6 - Communion Sunday
Tuesday, February 8 - Governing Board 7 pm
Wednesday, February 9- CAIC 11:45 am
Thursday, February 10th/17th/24th - choir 6pm
Saturday, February 12 - ABW Roll Bandages Fellowship Hall
Monday, February 14 - Valentine’s Day
Tuesday, February 15 - Circles
Sunday, February 20 - Missions/Social Concerns serves evening meal to Torres Shelter
Sunday, February - FOCUS Articles due in office
Monday, February 21 - President’s Day-Office Closed
Sunday, February 27- Spiritual Practice Class

Expediters: Joyce Shannon, Louise Logue, Evelyn Cash, Marta Torres, Bernice Sherrill
Date Sermon Title Sermon Text
February 6 Communion “Not Very User Friendly” Matthew 5:13-20
Worship Leader: Catherine Hendrix
Communion Servers: Joyce Shannon & Louise Logue
Alesia Bouvet & Charlaine Sandberg

February 13 “Living A New Teaching” Matthew 5:21-37

Worship Leader: Jerry Brandstatt

February 20 “Going The Extra Mile” Matthew 5:38-48

Worship Leader: Louise Logue

February 27 “Which Master To Serve” Matthew6:24-34

Worship Leader: Laura Sederberg

ADULT DISCUSSION CLASS Sunday Mornings at 9:15 am with Shirley Stanley and Jerry Fogle.
We are using Judson Press Material. This material covers the Bible in 5 years.
Presently in a video series of archeological finds in the Holy Land.
Coffee and Donuts provided.

Keep up with all that is going on at the First Baptist Church.
Happy February Birthday Wishes to:
Jimmie McMahen 2/1:Dennis Houchin 2/4:Katie Buzarellos 2/4:Christopher Herringer 2/8:
Frieda Stratton 2/8:Shane Rainey 2/8:Paula Johnson 2/11:Erin Carper 2/12:Dani Logue 2/16: Aggie
Wallace 2/17:Graeme Wendorf 2/18:Margaret Nevin 2/19: Cal Rainey 2/21: Gayle Reynolds 2/28:Shirley
Stanley 2/29: ***
*REMINDERS: Can Food Drive - Salvation Army Barrel is in the Narthex
Table in the Narthex - Donate your old Eye Glasses for Haiti
Table in the Narthex - Soup Labels for Education
At the right of the table in the Narthex - Torres Shelter Milk Bottle

Next FOCUS Article Deadline - Sunday, February 20

DID YOU KNOW that First Baptist Church has walkers, crutches, wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment to loan?
If you or someone you know needs to borrow any of these items, call the church office at 343-3446 to arrange pick-up.

From Helen Wertz & Family: On Behalf of my family and myself, Thank You to my Church Family for the out
pouring of love and sympathy we felt with Hank’s passing, thank you for the many cards, calls and just being there.
God Bless You, Helen Wertz & Family.
Focus on Chico First Baptist Family
We are continuing to pray for: The War in Iraq and Afghanistan
FRIENDS WITH CANCER: CAROL: Catherine Hendrix’s neighbor - diagnosed with kidney cancer; PAUL
METTLE - Jill Ramsey’s brother-in-law; FERN MORGAN - Mother of friend of Terre Reynolds; FRANK
JAMES - Mary Jane Bowser’s friend - esophageal cancer; MARGARET BALLINGER’S SISTER - Undergoing
chemotherapy for extensive cancer; CHERYL DEAN: Evelyn Cash’s cousin has bone cancer
J. T. HENDRIX: Now in Hospice care; LILLIAN WENDORF: Doing well; MARY JANE BOWSER: Fluid
under knee cap - dislocated right toe; GEORGE SMITH: Recovering from a knee operation; TIM CLELAND:
Margaret Nevin’s friend - recovering at home and in rehab; SHIRLEY SMITH: Has Parkinson’s and Palsy SP;
AMY: Ed Hightower’s daughter - Parkinson’s disease; RICK: Jill Ramsey’s cousin - has kidney failure; GRACE
BLANCHARD: Knee problem.
Courtyard at Little Chico Creek: HELEN WALLACE
The Inn at the Terraces (Apt 12): EDITH MCCONNELL - Phone: 342-4421
Roses & Ivy Elder Care Center: DOLLY SKINNER
Twin Oaks Care Center: LOU HAYES
Roseleaf Senior Care (Humboldt Rd., Chico): PAULA JOHNSON
Windsor Chico Care Center: J. T. HENDRIX
Feather River Canyon Home: ELAINE HERRINGTON - Phone: 876-9918
MILITARY: DAN GERFEN: Joan Hannis Gerfen’s son- Dan deployed to Afghanistan
JASON WILLIAMS - Ed Hightower’s step grandson
WILL DUNHAM - Doris Arbuckle’s grandson
Pacific Coast Baptist Association. Remember those who are grieving.
*If there are names that can or should be removed please contact Ted or the office at 343-3446*
Save February 12th, at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall - All Circles are invited
to help roll bandages for our White Cross quota. All you need to bring are
scissors to trim the strings. Coffee & snacks will be served by the president.
The end of April will be the Women’s Conference in Yakima, Washington. We will
be getting more information soon that will include the date and prices. This is
a fun time to meet our other sisters from 5 states including ours.
Save May 14th for our Yard Sale! Cindy Hightower has offered her yard for this
event as her house is on the corner of two busy streets! More info later


Susan Linderman 10:00 AM Country Waffle 690 Rio Lindo
Hope 7:00 PM Sue Rychtera 1030 Holben Avenue
Lauran Bethell 6:30 PM Mandarin Cuisine 1040 Mangrove

Spiritual Practice: Affirmations of Serenity, Sufficiency and Gratitude Class

Sandi Johns will be teaching a class on prayer practices (or how to pray). The class in entitled Spiritual Practice:
Affirmations of Serenity, Sufficiency and Gratitude.
The class will be on Sunday (February 27) beginning around noon. We will fellowship and eat our sack lunches
immediately following church. Sandi has requested that you bring your prior experiences. She will also want to know
your expectations/desires. This class will be opened to the public.
AB Women’s Ministries
Bible Book for February: Jonah
News & Updates
At our December meeting, we voted to donate $50 to the Sixth Street Drop-in Center, which is a shelter for homeless
teen-agers. When we met in January, Cindy Hightower reported that she was able to purchase three new sleeping
bags with those funds, and the shelter was very pleased to receive them.
Doris Arbuckle, Reporter

AB Women’s Ministries Board Meeting

The American Baptist Women met on January 8 in the library. Those attending were Cheri Sandberg, Marty
Brandstatt, Virginia Bolton, Margaret Ballinger, Joyce Shannon, Jackie Long and Louise Logue.
Cheri opened the meeting with a prayer. The Treasurer's report was distributed.
Marty read a “thank you” for the gift card that we sent for White Cross. She also reported on the White Cross
requirements. They have requested 150 rolled bandages 10 yards long by 2 inches wide. We will be rolling bandages
at the next board meeting on February 12.
Cheri reported the results of six phone calls we made to local charities that we have donated to in the past.
We discussed the indoor/outdoor yard sale. The date selected was May 14. We will use two days to set-up and
ideally we will accept donations up to and including May 12.
There were several suggestions for fund raisers including a Bazaar, a tea-luncheon and a fashion show.
Submitted by Louise Logue
The Susan Linderman Circle
The Susan Linderman Circle met on January 18 at 10:00 A.M. at the Country Waffle restaurant.
Those attending were Evelyn Cash, Ann Clark, Margaret Ballinger, Lena White, Vivian Anderegg, Jackie Long,
Betty Hannis, Louise Logue and Virginia Bolton, chairman.
Lena opened the meeting with a prayer. Margaret made a motion to change the name of the circle to Circle of
Charity. Ann seconded the motion. After a short discuss, the group voted to change their name to Circle of Charity.
The name will become effective on May 1, 2011. A brief report of the recent ABW board meeting was delivered by
Louise. There was a period of sharing and fellowship following. Evelyn will continue to be a caller for the Circle.
The devotion was brought to us by Betty. It was taken from Romans 12.
Margaret reminded everyone that if they would like to donate any items to Catalyst, she would see that they were
delivered. She read a list of items that they would like to have.
The next meeting’s devotion will be communicated by Virginia.
The regular offering was $40 and the Love Gift amount was $35.
Virginia adjourned the meeting with prayer.

The Circle of Hope

The Circle of Hope met on January 18 at the home of Joan Gerfen. We revealed our Secret Sisters and drew names
for 2011 season. We collected $28 for our General Offering and $8 for Love Gift. We enjoyed tea and cookies and
a wonderful evening of fellowship.
The All-Committee meeting
The All-Committee meeting on January 15 was well attended. We sang a few songs and read the Church Covenant
responsively. The Committees met and prepared goals for 2011. Immediately following the All-Committee meeting
we held our first Governing Board meeting for 2011. After the opening scripture and prayer, we dispensed with the
minutes. There were a few changes to the calendars.
Jerry Fogle reminded us that the financial report was posted in the narthex.
Sue Rychtera reported that the expenses were approximately $700 more than the donations for last year.
The Pastor’s report included a comment that Doris Arbuckle and Marty Brandstatt had come to help “undecorate”
the church, in addition to those who help clean each week. Carol Willette has been hired as the new secretary. The
Annual meeting will be held on January 23rd. The next meeting for the missional group will be held on January 29.
Deborah Logue will no longer be maintaining the web site. As of the first of the year, it will be maintained by Carol
and Ted. Ted informed us that the Fellowship Hall will possibly be used to house homeless men when the Torres
Shelter reaches capacity. Under old business, Joan Gerfen reported for the nominating committee. Under new
business, Ted suggested that we continue the ad for the Chico Theater program. Joan will bring forms for the 5
Wishes program and explain the program on January 23. We also discussed a new class that Sandi Johns will teach a
class on spirituality on February 27th, immediately after worship. Those attending will be invited to bring a sack
Committee chairs or representatives reported on committee activities.
Ted told us that we needed to obtain a Historian/Photographer.
The next Governing Board will be held on February 8, 2011 and Sue Rychtera will bring the opening scripture and

Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting for First Baptist Church was held on January 23 in the Social Hall.
Rev. Ted Sandberg opened the meeting with prayer, and we enjoyed a meal prepared by Andrea and Marc Edson.
Jerry Brandstatt noted that the Committee goals seemed reasonable. He also stated a chairperson is still needed for
the Property Management Committee. If you are interested, see Jerry.
Joan Gerfen explained briefly the 5-Wishes program. She distributed the forms and will set-up a meeting soon.
Alice Reed announced a new class that will be held on February 27, immediately following church. Those attended
are invited to bring a sack lunch and meet in the social hall. Rev. Sandi John will teach the class: “Spiritual Practice:
Affirmations of Serenity, Sufficiency and Gratitude.” The class will run about an hour.
Doris Arbuckle reported that she and Ted would be visiting shut-ins beginning next week.
Cheri Sandberg suggested that if you would like to be on the Prayer Chain, call the office and leave your name and
phone number.
Marta Torres commented that the Communication Committee would be sending emails to each committee member
regarding their meetings.
Ted adjourned the meeting with a prayer
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

February 2011
Flowers for the Month -“Provided by church members”

1 2 3 4 5

Worship 11am

Stewardship 6pm Communications

Joan Gerfen
Social Hall

6 Communion 7 8 9 10 11 12
Rose Scott out ABW - roll
bandages 10am
Pastor/Staff 5:30
fellowship hall
Education 6pm
Membership 6:30 Gov. Bd. 7 pm
CAIC 11:45 am

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Chico Heritage
Valentine’s Day
Assoc. Soc Hall
1:30 to 4:30pm

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Missions/Social Flag Day
serve evening meal
to Torres
Concerns 5:15
FOCUS deadline
F.O.R. 7 pm

27 28
“Spiritual Practice:
Affirmations of
Sufficiency and
12:00 pm
*Lock up person

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