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Written By: David Cha

When I was living in the United States, I missed Korea so much, so I wrote to many places in Korea

where my family traveled.

<Travel to Iisan>​:When I was young, my family lived in Ilsan, Korea. We went to the park many

times named “호수공원” This is where I was first introduced to “호수공원”. ​O​n the day​,​ in the spring, you

can see many beautiful places such as trails surrounded by cherry blossom trees, a wooden bridge that can cross

the lake, a small zoo with some animals like

peacocks and parrots. Also, there are many

resting places that have beautiful landscapes like

this. ​I​n the night, you can walk the street with

multicolored light with trees. Also, you could see

and hear a wonderful fountain named “singing fountain.” The singing fountain means the water comes out with

a good music beat and bright light. Sometimes, you can see fireworks sparkling like starlight and wonderful like

Aurora. ​ ​Video​ (looking 호수공원 by drone)

When my family went 호수공원, we were going

many places near 호수공원. So, I’m introduce

the places near 호수공원. ​F​irst, I introduced to the name 원마운트. There are many things in 원마운트. You

can see ‘Water park’ and ‘Snow Park’ the most famous places in 원마운트 also there are restaurants, clothing

store and etc. It was located near 노래하는 분수대. ​S​econd, I introduced about 고향 가로수길 there are many

restaurants like chinese restaurant, curry restaurant, and etc. Also, you can see such beautiful landscape in 고향
가로수길 and 원마운트. ​T​hirdly, I introduce the Aquarium. You can see various facilities in the Aquarium.

There was a beautiful cafe where you can eat some coffee and cookies, some creature models you can take a

photo, and the entrance you can see a lot of creatures. When you enter the entrance, you can hear the sound of

creatures making, the smell of many creatures where they live, the food they eat, and their own smell. Also,

You can see a lot of creatures like sharks, lizards, parrots, and etc. Aquarium located​ ​in the 노래하는 분수대.

L​astly, I

introduce about

the department

store near

호수공원. when

you across the

bridge between

고향 가로수길

and 원마운트.

There are two department store named ‘홈플러스’ and ‘현대 department’. There are some restaurants and

clothes repair room and etc in 홈플러스 and you can buy clothes, shoes, and etc in 현대 department. If you

have a chance to go Iisan, how about having a great time in

호수공원? You can see such a beautiful landscape in 호수공원

by riding a bike. Also, You can go to many places like the

aquarium, 원마운트, 고양 가로수길 near 호수공원.

Author’s Page

Hello, my name is David Cha (차준혁).

My native language is Korean (한국어).

I am from Korea (한국).

I wanted to share this narrative because it

has a lot of beautiful places.

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