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Szabist Larkana Campus

Final Assessment of Marketing Management

Submitted to

Sir Junaid Ahmed Shah


Sania Sultan Ahmed

Reg no: 1866120


Ans no 1

Basically concept development is a detail version of new product ideas and concept testing
enables the targeted customers to judge or assess the product concepts through surveys and

Hence for a company which is launching a new mobile built in project so this step plays a
vital role because with the help of this step a company can asses the success of their product
and a company can also identity the key perceptions of their targeted customers, they can
assess the customer's further needs and wants associated with the product they are going to
launch. Furthermore it also proves the feasibility of the concept , company can also estimate
the possible market potential and can estimate sales return on the investment, helps to
identify further features that customers find more useful and it also helps to eliminate the
poor concepts regarding the launching of new mobile phone .

Company’s success does not only depend on the amazing products but it also depends on
many other factors. As we can see that now a days customers have became more aware about
the products and have more industry influence than the past so with the advancement of
customer’s thinking companies has also became advanced in many terms thus companies also
focuses on the other means of providing good services in order to maintain the customer
relationships. Because building strong customers relationships leads the companies towards
developing the customer loyalty. Customers relationship means the ways a company tries to
engage with its customers to improve their experience

Thus by developing positive customers relationships like when we posses a good history with
our customers than it will make more difficult for our competitors to capture away our
customers, positive customer relationships creates the intangible incentives for a particular
customer to return towards the same brand , positive customer relationships leads towards
good individual interactions thus which builds up the trust with the passage of time and it also
influence their purchase decisions. So in the result of maintaining the positive customer
relationships we can create the loyal customers for our company forever and customers will
turn into most valuable loyal customers.

Ans no 2

Development process of new product

Basically product development process is followed by several steps.

Idea Generation I generated many ideas such as launching a new fizzy soft drink or cold
juice or any energy drink in the market.

Idea screening In this step I am going to choose the fizzy soft drink idea because I think it
has high market potential and profit.

Concept Development This is a instant fizzy soft drink for adults who want to drink as
midway refreshing drink

Analysis In this step I am going to analyse the cost the benefit, resources and profit.

Product Development

I will develop the technical spec the prototype and the last trial production.

Testing I will offer the sample of the soft drinks to my targeted area to analyse their
reactions the soft drink.

Commercialization In this final step I will go to market to launch my new product (fizzy sof
drinks) to begin the selling process.

Brand positioning of the Fizzy soft drinks

I will strategically position my product with in current world of soft drinks. I will try to
position my product as a part of the consumer's daily life so that this affinity can create a
degree of loyalty and by making purchase easier for the consumers.

Frame of Reference

The competitive frame of reference of the fizzy soft drinks is

 Fizz Soft drinks


 Non – Alcoholic

Points of difference

POPs of the soft drink in relation to other drinks

 Unique taste profile

 Make you feel the cheerful view of life

Points of difference

Indicates the difference between the drinks available in market and out product

 Contemporary up to date
 Refreshing flavour and taste

Brand Mantra Refreshing, family soft drink, brings Happiness

Market segmentation is the building block for choosing right customers because market
segmentation is the process through which we can split buyers into distinct and measurable
groups of customers who shares the similar wants and needs. Marketers cannot communicate
1 to 1 with all every customers thus this is how with the help of segmentation marketers can
segregate the market and choosing the right customers.

Ans no 3

In this crowded media agency market standing out of new companies is more important
because as we see that the competition is increasing day by day so communicating well is
very much important.

Recommendations to JAS media to do in order to manage its services differentiation should

be that JAS media should manage to differentiate its services by introducing new expertise.
Expertise you choose should depend on the experience and market demand as well the most
important way to stand out is to keep focus on your clients because most of the clients always
wants to work with those media agencies who understand their requirements , media agency
can also maintain their differentiation by providing new content, by branding , further more
it can also manage to differentiate its services by always providing the high level of
experience, work and industry standing also.

In this competitive market it is very difficult for every business to strive to get the market
advantage . Thus JAS media should look for niche market. Where the customers they find
will be under serviced and hence JAS can experience a good market advantage, JAS must
create a corporate culture that can attract the best talent , JAS must know about the foot prints
of their ideal customers and they should also establish their unique value proposition to get
market advantage and last they must analyse the market opportunities to increase the market

Ans no 4

My favourite brand is Nike and I am applying the brand Z pyramid model on it.

Presence Nike is an American multinational corporation and it is known for designing and
selling of footwear apparel equipment and accessories.

Relevance It is relevant for me in many terms such as quality because I am a quality seeker.

Performance Nike delivers high performance what it promises to deliver

Advantage yes Nike offerings are very innovative and timeless designs than others..

Bonding The experiences it provides creates the emotional and lasting bonds.

Secondary brand associations of the Nike associates it to build the brand equity.

Some of the core associations of Nike include the innovative technology, high level of
quality amazing performance etc. The main and most important associations of Nike are that
it has associated its brand with the worlds famous athletic celebrities who possess similar
personality as the brand. The moat famous association of Nike was the collaboration between
Nike and Jordan.

Ans no 5

Basically brand revitalization means that when a particular brand reaches to its maturity and
when its profit begins to decline than the strategy of revitalization is used. Whereas
reinforcement means that when company uses many different market actions which
continuously covers the meaning of brand in terms of awareness and the image. In
revitalization we do the basics well however in reinforcement we innovate for the particular
position. In brand revitalization we find new sources for brand equity while in reinforcement
we work to attract new users. Revitalization process for brand equity and reinforcement
process is to manage the Brand equity.


Basically it is impulse which is followed up for particular time period. Fad is not predictable
it is short lived without social, political and economic influence. Fad is all about the products


Trend basically means that the continuous or common direction in which something change
evolve , adapt etc. Trends are predictable. Trends can provide many opportunities. Trend can
provide many opportunities. Trend is that what drives the customer to purchase product

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