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1. A safe flight starts with good planning, and good planning for a flight starts with briefings.

are a very important part of any flight preparation.
Different briefings take place before the flight:
A. The Purser to cabin crew preflight briefing
B. The flight crew to cabin crew preflight briefing
C. The passenger preflight safety briefing.
D. All of the above correct.

2. Although the work of the flight crew and cabin crew is very different in nature, the flight crew and the
cabin crew work as one crew, with a common goal, the safe completion of the flight.
A. The sharing of information from the cockpit to the cabin, and from the cabin to the cockpit is
essential to the safety of the flight.
B. to ensure flight crew and cabin crew communication and coordination is a flight crew to cabin
crew preflight briefing in not neccessary.
C. The flight crew to cabin crew briefing should encourage open two-way communication,
teamwork and coordination.
D. A and C are correct.

3. Cockpit to Cabin pre-flight briefing should include the following topics:

A. The flight crew to cabin crew preflight briefing need not always to start with professional,
respectful introductions,
B. Unusual Situations: For example, armed escorts traveling onboard; Cockpit entry procedures,
emergency and communication procedures.
C. Anything that the flight crew or the cabin crews need to discuss related to the flight. (for example,
special cargo, flight crew meals etc..) can be done later when deemed neccessary.
D. Cockpit entry procedures, emergency and communication procedures need not to be reviewed
since they both have been trained on the subjects.

4. The sterile cockpit procedures should be discussed by the cockpit and cabin crew should include, for
A. the signals, and procedures to be applied when the sterile cockpit rule is in effect.
B. the purser can interrupt any time the cockpit crew for any issues.
C. Sterile cock[it procedures only apply for cockpit crew
D. None of the above is correct.

5. Passenger Safety briefings should focus the passengers’ attention on safety, and make passengers
aware that it is in their interest to pay attention:
A. When introducing a safety briefing, the cabin crew can increase passenger awareness by using
phrases such as “For your safety” or “As your safety is important to us”.
B. The cabin crew should emphasize the importance of: Listening and watching the safety briefing;
C. make the passenger being aware of the location of safety equipment: i.e. safety cards, exits, and
D. all of the above are correct.

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