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Neuropsychobiology Received: January 19, 2018

Accepted after revision: April 19, 2018
DOI: 10.1159/000489470 Published online: June 13, 2018

Pathophysiology of Depression:
Molecular Regulation of Melatonin
Homeostasis – Current Status
Monika Dmitrzak-Weglarz a Edyta Reszka b    

a Department
of Psychiatric Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
Poznan, Poland; b Department of Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics, Nofer Institute of Occupational

Medicine, Lodz, Poland

Keywords about and refereed to for almost 50 years, the relationship

Depression · Melatonin synthesis and metabolism · Gene between melatonin and depression is still not clear. In this
expression · Single-nucleotide polymorphisms · Epigenetics review, we summarize current knowledge about the genetic
and epigenetic regulation of enzymes involved in melatonin
synthesis and metabolism as potential features of depres-
Abstract sion pathophysiology and treatment. Confirmation that
Circadian rhythm alterations resulting in disturbed sleep and melatonin metabolism in peripheral blood partially reflects
disturbed melatonin secretion are flagship features of de- a disorder in the brain could be a breakthrough in the stan-
pression. Melatonin, known as a hormone of darkness, is se- dardization of measurements of melatonin level for the de-
creted by the pineal gland located near to the center of the velopment of treatment standards, finding new therapeutic
brain between the two hemispheres. Melatonin has an anti- targets, and elaborating simple noninvasive clinical tests.
depressant effect by maintaining the body’s circadian © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel
rhythm, by regulating the pattern of expression of the clock
genes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and modifying
the key genes of serotoninergic neurotransmission that are Introduction
linked with a depressive mood. Melatonin is produced via
the metabolism of serotonin in two steps which are cata- Depression has become common in modern society,
lyzed by serotonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT) and acetylse- and it seriously affects human health. Globally, an esti-
rotonin-O-methyltransferase (ASMT). Serotonin, SNAT, and mated 350 million people of all ages worldwide suffer
ASMT are key melatonin level regulation factors. Melatonin from depression. The burden of depression is 50% higher
acts mainly on the MT1 and MT2 receptors, which are present for females than males. This illness may gradually become
in the SCN, to regulate physiological and neuroendocrine chronic, with high recurrence and disability rates. What
functions including circadian entrainment, referred to as a is more, depression can lead to suicide, the second leading
chronobiotic effect. Although melatonin has been known cause of death in people aged 15–29 years [1]. Without - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Monika Dmitrzak-Weglarz

Center of Medical Biology
Rokietnicka St. 8
PL–60-806 Poznan (Poland)
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E-Mail mweglarz @

Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase
Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase
5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
Serotonin N-acetylotransferase
N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine (melatonin)
Cytochrome P450 1A2
6-Sulfatoxymelatonin (6SMT)

Fig. 1. Synthesis and metabolism of mela- MTNR1A MTNR1B

tonin. MTNR1A/1B, melatonin receptor

active treatment, patients can suffer mental deterioration from. The depressive episode may occur in the course of
and personality changes that make it difficult to adapt to bipolar disorder, unipolar disorder, or schizophrenia,
social life. and can accompany other psychiatric conditions. This of-
The exact etiology of depression is still not fully under- ten results in patients with depression being misdiag-
stood. It is a heterogeneous disease caused by a different nosed [14].
environmental and genetic factors and their interactions There are no clinically accepted biomarkers for diag-
[2]. The development of depression may be precipitated nosing depression or predicting responses to individual
by various factors: biological, social, genetic, psychic, so- treatments. To develop effective predictive markers that
matic, or biochemical, which, due to their multitude and have a significant impact on the health and economy of
lack of specificity, are still not clearly defined [3, 4]. Ob- societies, we need to know and understand all the etio-
servation of the action of antidepressants has allowed the pathological pathways of depression. According to the
formulation of the basic hypothesis that depression is 2013 WHO resolution, without a comprehensive, coordi-
caused by a deficiency of neurotransmitters in the brain, nated response at a national level, this will not be possible
particularly serotonin and noradrenaline [5–7]. In addi- [1]. Circadian rhythm alterations, resulting in disturbed
tion to neurotransmission disorders in the central ner- sleep and melatonin secretion, are a flagship feature of
vous system, neuroendocrine and immunological chang- depression. In shift workers, abnormal melatonin secre-
es are also indicated [8–10]. Moreover, there is a great tion has been reported to cause several psychiatric dis-
significance of psychological and social factors such as eases including depression [15].
socioeconomic conditions, stressful life events or specific
personality traits [11–13]. The studies carried out with
the methods of molecular genetics confirm the role of ge- Melatonin
netic predisposition in the etiology of depression [2].
Polyetiological determinants of depressive disorders Melatonin, known as a hormone of darkness, has a
(DDs) indicate a further need to look for the causes of relatively short history. In 1958, Lerner et al. [16] iso-
depression, both in a holistic way and using methods lated the substance from the pineal glands of cows; when
without a priori assumptions. incorporated into the body of a frog, it changed the col-
Current treatments for depression are limited in their or of the skin. Further research on melatonin revealed its
efficacy because their therapeutic benefits can take sev- pleiotropic effects. Melatonin plays a regulatory role in
eral weeks to set in, and they are only effective in approx- a wide range of physiological and behavioral processes
imately one-third of people with the disease. There are such as the sleep-wake cycle, seasonal adaptation, hor-
multiple variations of depression that a person can suffer monal secretion, thermoregulation, reproduction, di- - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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Light Enzyme synthesis Serotonin


Amino acids

RHT NN A cAMP Nucleus

PVN SCG NE Melatonin
n Retina SCN
a tio
Pleiotrpic effects: Calreticulin
Sleep modulator Tubulin
Antidepresssant Calmodulin
Night Anxiolytic
Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant
Regulating reproductive

Fig. 2. The pathway leading to melatonin synthesis and its impact on other systems. Based on [17] (modified and
supplemented). RHT, retinohypothalamic tract; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; PVN, paraventricular nucleus of
the hypothalamus; SCG, superior cervical ganglion; NN, adrenergic neurons; NE, norepinephrine; A, adrenore-
ceptor; RZR/RORα, retinoid-related orphan nuclear hormone receptor.

gestion, and many others. It also has antidepressant, melatonin [21]. Melatonin biosynthesis and secretion are
neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant ef- controlled by the noradrenergic system. Thus, a decreased
fects [17]. melatonin level may also reveal serotonin function disor-
ders, as serotonin is a precursor of melatonin (Fig. 1) [22,
Melatonin Synthesis

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the dark – Role of Melatonin Receptors
the nocturnal serum melatonin level amounts to 25–85
pg/mL in adults [18]. Melatonin level reaches its peak be- The master biological clock in mammals and human
tween 01:00 and 04:00 h with a focal point of 03:00 h [19]. is localized in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus
Although melatonin level shows a constant rhythmic am- (SCN). Light input causes the release of γ-aminobutyric
plitude in each individual, there are large differences acid (GABA) by the SCN, and the inhibitory signal is
across different individuals [20]. It is produced via the transmitted to the pineal gland to inhibit melatonin pro-
metabolism of serotonin in two steps which are catalyzed duction [24]. Therefore, decreased melatonin levels may
by arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT)/sero- reflect hypothalamic dysfunction in the regulation of os-
tonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT) and hydroxyindole-O- cillatory melatonin secretion. On the other hand, envi-
methyltransferase (HIOMT)/acetylserotonin-O-methyl- ronmental factors that disturb rhythms of sleep and
transferase (ASMT). N-acetylation of serotonin by wakefulness affect melatonin synthesis and secretion
AANAT produces N-acetylserotonin (NAS), and O- [25]. The pathway leading to melatonin synthesis and its
methylation of NAS by HIOMT, eventually producing impact on other systems is presented in Figure 2. - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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The regulation of circadian rhythm by melatonin acts tor increases anxiety-like behavior and cognition deficits
via specific receptors located at a high density in the SCN [41]. Liu et al. [42] confirmed previous reports, indicating
[26–28]. This effect is mediated by two types of melatonin that deletion of the MT1 and MT2 receptors causes defi-
receptors, well characterized in mammals by Dubocovich cits in hedonic and social interaction behavior and in-
et al. [29]. Thanks to these studies, the main types of re- creases anxiety-like behavior.
ceptors were finally distinguished and characterized: MT1 Recent progress in understanding the role of melato-
and MT2 (MEL1A and MEL1B or MTNR1A and MTN- nin receptors in the circadian rhythm and mood disor-
R1B) (review [30–32]). Both receptors are G-coupled ders has facilitated the creation of a novel class of melato-
7-transmembrane receptors [33]. For a more detailed de- nin agonists, i.e., –synthetic ligands mediated by MT re-
scription of melatonin receptor signaling pathways, the ceptor activation. Clinical and preclinical results are very
reader is referred to other expert reviewers [34, 35]. In promising, and indicate that selective ligands targeting
short, both receptors are tightly coupled to the Gi/cAMP melatonin receptors may improve the efficacy of pharma-
pathway. They can also activate other major signaling cotherapy [32, 43].
pathways such as the ERK1/2 and the PI3K/AKT path-
ways. Peculiarly, the MT1 receptor has been shown to
couple to the Gq/PLC/Ca2+ pathway, while MT2 inhibits Circadian Rhythm and Melatonin in Depression
cGMP levels. Both receptors can also create MT1/MT2
heteromers, likely combining the capabilities of both re- Impairment of biological rhythms occurs in a number
ceptors. Thus, multiple signaling pathways are mediated of psychiatric symptoms. Disturbances manifest in the
by melatonin receptor activation. Focusing on the SCN, rhythm of activity and sleep. Patients with mania feel a
both melatonin receptors are involved in regulating the decreased need for sleep, while patients with depression
expression of the core clock genes (Per1, Per2, Bmal1, and may suffer from hypersomnia (sleep of long duration, but
Clock) [26, 36, 37]. Although the circadian machinery is ineffective) or insomnia (i.e., difficulty in initiating or
present in every cell, the effect of melatonin on rhythmic maintaining sleep, or sleep of such poor quality that sig-
clock gene expression is not yet clear. nificant consequences are experienced). With both types,
In humans, MT1 and MT2 receptors are expressed not patients suffer from excessive drowsiness and a feeling of
only in the brain and retina but also in several peripheral constant tiredness during the day. There are also changes
organs and tissue. Cecon et al. [34] prepared lists of hu- in the severity of depressed mood throughout the day.
man tissues in which melatonin receptors have been Melancholic depression is characterized by the worst
identified. Thus melatonin, via MT1 and MT2 receptors, mood occurring in the morning and a partial recovery in
regulates a variety of physiological and neuroendocrine the evening. These symptoms can interfere with cognitive
functions. However, studies in humans are still limited functions such as memory and attention.
[38]. With depression, many metabolic and hormonal pat-
Melatonin receptor signaling is significantly more di- terns dependent on the circadian rhythm are disrupted.
verse than initially suspected. Depending on the cellular For instance, alterations in body temperature [44, 45],
context, homo- and heteromeric complexes of melatonin feeding schedules [46], glucose metabolism [47, 48], and
receptors can be formed. Recruitment of various G pro- cortisol secretion [49–51] have been observed circumfer-
teins and regulatory proteins to these complexes further entially outside the central nervous system. The studies
differentiates the receptor signaling capacity [39]. Addi- describe abnormalities in secretion rhythms, with ad-
tionally, receptor gene variants may cause receptor ex- vanced phases and/or decreases in nocturnal amplitude
pression and function as well as increase the risk of dis- of melatonin rhythm in depression [52, 53]. On this basis,
ease and affect drug efficacy. Jockers et al. [32] reported hypomelatoninemia in DD was categorized as “low mela-
several nonsynonymous variants in both types of recep- tonin syndrome” [54]. Subsequent studies have found
tors; this list will be extended along with subsequent tests. some inconsistent results, i.e., increases as well as no dif-
To date, the role of melatonin receptors in mood dis- ferences in nocturnal melatonin levels in depressive ill-
turbances is based on animal models and has not yet been ness [55–58]. Differences between studies may reflect the
directly translated in humans. Comai et al. [40] demon- use of antidepressants, β-blockers, or hormonal drugs as
strated that MT1 receptor knockout mice mimic behav- well as the factors age, exposure to light, and season [52].
ioral and circadian changes like what is observed in mel- Other problems encountered are difficulties in obtaining
ancholic depression. Similarly, deletion of the MT2 recep- complete overnight melatonin secretion profiles (from - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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Table 1. Key points of melatonin synthesis regulation in depression as measured in serum by ELISA

Protein Serum level in Ref. Link

depression patients
vs. healthy controls

Serotonin ↓ [103] Serum serotonin abnormality in depression

Melatonin No difference [104] Results suggest that the melatonin production is phase-shifted in
major depression
↓ [105] Serum melatonin levels in depressed patients were lower than in
↓ [106] Serum melatonin levels in depressed patients were lower than in
controls; the highest melatonin secretion was observed at 3:00 a.m.
in severely depressed females
↓ [105] Nocturnal serum melatonin levels in depressed patients were lower
than in controls
AANAT – – –
ASMT ↓ [83] Decreased mRNA and protein expression levels of the ASMT gene
and cognitive impairment in depression patients

onset to offset, especially in very disturbed patients), as- els, including those based on the knockout of the genes
say difficulties, differences between a home and hospital encoding the key enzymes ASMT and AANAT [65].
environment, the effects of medication, and the heteroge- AANAT is believed to control the rate-limiting step.
neity of patient samples. However, biochemical analyses performed on blood
The main monoamine hypothesis of the pathophysiol- platelets and/or cultured cells have revealed a highly sig-
ogy of depression indicates that depression is induced by nificant decrease in ASMT activity and melatonin level in
a change in the level of ≥1 monoamines such as serotonin individuals with autism spectrum disorders [66]. Thus,
(5-HT), noradrenaline (NE), and dopamine (DA). The the activity of both AANAT and ASMT might influence
evidence for the serotonergic theory is an observation the concentration of N-acetylserotonin, which influences
that antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants the expression of tyrosine receptor kinase B (a BDNF re-
(TCA), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), ceptor) [67].
and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) increase The mechanism of melatonin synthesis in the brain is
the level of serotonin in the brain. A detailed analysis is well-established, but there is no comprehensive study of
outside of the aim of this review and can be found else- this pathway and changes in the periphery in mood dis-
where (review [59]). order patients. Data on metabolites of melatonin mea-
We focus on serotonin as a neurotransmitter which is sured in the serum by ELISA test are presented in Table
a precursor of melatonin synthesis. In a depressed pa- 1. Genetic polymorphism, aberrant gene expression, and
tient, serotonin synthesis is impaired [60] and the poor epigenetic modulation can easily affect melatonin synthe-
precursor availability may prevent the formation of an sis and metabolism which can lead to depression patho-
adequate amount of melatonin. However, only a few physiology. In the following paragraphs, we present the
studies have analyzed the relationship between serotonin mechanisms that regulate the metabolism of melatonin at
and melatonin levels and the correlation with the blood various molecular levels.
serum. Modai et al. [61] analyzed 10 healthy men, and
Chojnacki et al. [62] presented serotonin and melatonin
secretion in postmenopausal women with eating disor- Gender Difference in Mood Disorders and Melatonin
ders. To the best of our knowledge, only Rao et al. [63] Circadian Profiles
and Bozhko et al. [64] provided an analysis of depressed
patients after they had received light therapy. Epidemiological research suggests that bipolar disor-
A metabolic pathway responsible for converting sero- der, particularly type I, affects both genders equally [68];
tonin into melatonin has been observed in animal mod- type II affects women slightly more often [69]. Depres- - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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sion is twice as common in women than in men (major and the development of depression. Galecki et al. [74]
depression: 20.3 vs. 11.4% and dysthymia: 2.6 vs. 1.6%) evaluated 2 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs;
[70]. Parker and Brotchie [71] hypothesized that hor- rs4446909 and rs5989681) of the ASMT gene in recurrent
monal changes during adolescence are responsible for the DD-affected patients. The presence of the AA genotype
differences observed. Such changes lead to greater “hy- of the rs4446909 polymorphism and the GG genotype of
peractivation” of the limbic system in women. The pos- the rs5989681 polymorphism was associated with a lower
sible influence of the sex hormones estrogen and proges- risk of recurrent DD. They also discovered that the ASMT
terone on neurotransmitter systems (i.e., noradrenergic, transcript level depended on a genotype in both polymor-
serotonergic, and GABAergic), should also be taken into phisms. In contrast, Kripke et al. [67] did not confirm an
consideration. After puberty, women more often show association of these 2 ASMT SNPs with depression. How-
hyperactivation of the limbic system in response to nega- ever, the abovementioned polymorphisms located in the
tive stressors, a result of the influence of gonadal hor- promoter were more frequent in autism spectrum disor-
mones. Therefore, higher results of “neuroticism” are de- der patients than in controls, and associated with a dra-
terminants of a tendency towards an emotional response matic decrease in ASMT transcripts in blood cell lines.
which generates differences in the frequency of anxiety Geoffroy et al. [75] found an association of rs4446909
and depression. with 3 variables of sleep measured by actigraphy in bipo-
In the light of recent studies, it seems that gender dif- lar disorder patients.
ferences in the incidence of depression should be correct- The second significant enzyme in melatonin synthesis
ed by age. Forlani et al. [72] showed that after the age of is AANAT. Soria et al. [76] assessed the contribution of
81 years, depression occurrence decreases as age increas- AANAT gene variability to susceptibility to major de-
es. The association of depression with functional mea- pression, by considering 2 SNPs located in the promoter
sures such as household activity, mobility, and disability region of AANAT (rs3760138 and rs4238989) as signifi-
in performing household chores, was stronger in men cant. Using multimarker analysis, they found significant
than in women. Similarly, severely disabling conditions associations between 2 three-marker protective haplo-
like stroke were more strongly associated with depression types and the susceptibility of the three-marker haplotype
in men than in women. containing the rare alleles of rs3760138-rs4238989-rs8150
There is conflicting evidence about differences be- and major depression. These 3 polymorphisms were not
tween men and women in circadian rhythm, evaluated by replicated in depression patients. However, they showed
measuring melatonin and cortisol in the plasma and urine. a relationship between susceptibility to autism and breast
Gunn et al. [73] conducted controlled studies on healthy cancer.
volunteers (14 women and 14 men) aged 19––33 years. Physiological functions of melatonin are mediated via
Women showed significantly higher levels of plasma mel- 2 high-affinity membrane melatonin receptor subtypes,
atonin and cortisol than men. Women also showed a MT1 and MT2, the activation of which may lead to differ-
much higher rhythm of the amplitude of both hormones. ential cellular responses. Interestingly, none of the MT1
Men had a higher level of cortisol in the urine than wom- gene polymorphisms have been previously studied in
en, while in the case of the melatonin metabolite, –6-sulf- DDs. The promoter SNP rs2119882 (–184T/C) of MT1
atoxymelatonin, no differences were found between the has been associated with schizophrenia and the insomnia
sexes. Some women were taking oral hormones which can symptoms of schizophrenia [77]. In the case of the MT2
affect metabolic pathways; however, their impact on the gene, an increased risk for recurrent DD in patients with
melatonin and cortisol levels could not be distinguished. the C allele and a decreased risk in patients with the T al-
Further research on a larger population and with a more lele (rs4753426) have been found. Patients with the AT
restrictive selection of subjects is still necessary. heterozygote of rs794837 have an increased mRNA level
of the MT2 gene [78].
Melatonin is metabolized in the liver almost exclusive-
Genetic Association Study of Melatonin Homeostasis ly by cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1A2 to its primary
Variation in Depression metabolite 6-hydroxymelatonin, conjugated with a sul-
fate, and excreted in the urine. Several reports have indi-
ASMT catalyzes the last stage of melatonin biosynthe- cated that SNPs in the CYP1A gene are associated with
sis. This rate-limiting melatonin synthesis enzyme is thus increased inducibility and decreased (or even loss of) ac-
the most likely genetic factor in melatonin disturbances tivity of the enzyme when compared with the wild-type - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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Table 2. Single nucleotide polymorphisms connected with neuropsychiatric symptoms

Gene name rs# Alternative Link with mental Ref. SNPedia (summarizing link with
ID gene disorders other diseases)

AANAT rs8150 C>G depression [76] autism

(serotonin-N- (UTR-3) night work and breast cancer
acetyltransferase) rs3760138 G>T depression [76] autism
ID: 15 (intron) night work and breast cancer
rs4238989 C>G depression [76] night work and breast cancer
ASMT rs4446909 G>A depression [107] autism
(acetylserotonin-O- (promoter) bipolar disorder
methyltransferase) rs5989681 G>A autism [66] autism
ID: 438 (promoter)
MTNR1B rs4753426 C>T depression [78] insomnia in
(melatonin receptor 1B) (promoter) schizophrenia
ID: 4544 multiple sclerosis
diabetes mellitus
rs10830963 C>G delirium [108] type 2 diabetes
(intron) glucose metabolism
polycystic ovary
rs156244 T>G delirium [108] –
MTNR1A rs2119882 –184T>C schizophrenia + [77] polycystic ovary
(melatonin receptor 1A) (promoter) insomnia in diabetes mellitus
ID: 4543 schizophrenia oral cancer
CYP1A2 rs2470890 –1545C>T clozapine effect [80] colorectal cancers
(cytochrome P450 1A2) (promoter) (antipsychotic) lung cancers
ID: 1544 rs762551 –163C>A olanzapine effect [109] tobacco consumption
(intron) (antipsychotic/mood breast cancer
rs2472304 A>G schizophrenia + [80] leukemia
(promoter) tardive dyskinesia lung cancer
breast cancer
metabolic syndrome
type 2 diabetes
CYP1A2 rs1056836 C>G depression [110] risk of cancer (prostate, breast lung,
(cytochrome P450 1B1) (exon) colorectal)
ID: 1545 Leu432Val

of the enzyme. Among mental disorders, only autism [79] Melatonin Related-Gene Expression Profile in
and schizophrenia [80] have been analyzed according to Depression
the CYP1A2 gene polymorphism. Other research has re-
lated to the metabolic rate of psychiatric drugs such as Melatonin is primarily produced by the pineal gland
olanzapine or clozapine. Significant association reports from the amino acid tryptophan. Melatonin is also pro-
are summarized in Table 2. duced in and secreted by various extrapineal organs, tis-
Association studies on melatonin-related genes are sues, and cells. Its synthesizing enzyme, AANAT, is also
poor and often not replicable in mental disorders; in de- expressed in various extrapineal organs, tissues, and cells.
pression, in some cases, there is a total lack of them. A small amount of melatonin is produced in the gut, bone - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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marrow, epithelial hair follicles, skin, or salivary glands. tion determination in human samples could provide a
However, the physiological significance of melatonin very useful biomarker, but the biological function of
from these extrapineal sites is still unresolved [81]. The 5-hmC is unknown. However, it is postulated that both
central biological clock, with the use of pineal melatonin, 5-mC and 5-hmC in DNA present possibly different
synchronizes peripheral (tissue) clock effects. Thus, dis- functions in epigenetic regulation. It is important to de-
turbances in the central secretion may be reflected in the termine the contents of these 2 modified nucleotides and
peripheral expression. Pozo et al. [82] presented the their ratios in order to examine their complete role in
mRNA expression of nuclear receptor RZR/RORα, mela- psychiatric disorders. Two studies have observed a de-
tonin membrane receptor MT, and ASMT in human B creased level of 5-hmC in patients with major DD [87]
lymphocytes for the first time. To our knowledge, there and bipolar disorder [88]. The results of most of these
are only 2 studies in the literature that characterize mRNA studies indicate reduced levels of 5-mC and 5-hmC. It
expression of ASMT in the peripheral blood of recurrent should be emphasized that the 5-mC level was deter-
DD. Galecki et al. [74] and Talarowska et al. [83] have mined using the ELISA assay, but not using Alu and
demonstrated the reduced mRNA expression of ASMT in LINE-1 indicative sequences.
patients with depression and cognitive impairment. Sur- As the hypermethylation of the promoter regions of
prisingly, these studies, despite promising results, have several genes may influence their expression, it would be
not been replicated. Moreover, no analysis of other mela- of interest to investigate the epigenetic regulation of
tonin related-genes as potential biomarkers of depression MTNR1A and MTNR1B, both possessing CpG islands
has been provided. It should be mentioned that mRNA around the transcription start site. Unfortunately, there
level changes normally outdistance protein changes. are no data supporting the putative impact of methylation
However, mRNA level may increase due to decreased on melatonin synthesis and input.
translational efficiency or protein stability to maintain
the protein. Thus, a simple correlation between proteins
and their mRNA levels may not be observed and an anal- Melatonin in Treatment for Depression
ysis of both at the very same time is necessary.
Depressed patients often show an altered circadian
rhythm, sleep disturbances, and diurnal mood variation.
Epigenetics in Depression Thus, chronotherapies, including bright light exposure,
sleep deprivation, and social rhythm therapies, seem to be
Though the assumption that environmental stressors useful adjuncts in nonseasonal and seasonal depression
affecting epigenetics may also explain depression etiol- [89]. However, antidepressant drugs have marked effects
ogy, epigenetic regulation in psychiatric disorders that on circadian processes and sleep. Surprisingly, pharma-
include DNA methylation, histone modifications, and cotherapy using melatonin and pure melatonin receptor
control of mRNA processing as well as translation by agonists, while improving sleep, has not been shown to
noncoding RNAs has been investigated only very recent- improve the symptoms of depression [90]. A novel anti-
ly [84]. Global DNA methylation may be an outcome of depressant, agomelatine, combines 5HT2c antagonist and
DD. Indeed, several studies have reported on global melatonin agonist action, and has shown promising ef-
DNA methylation level in the peripheral blood of pa- fects in both acute treatments of major depression and
tients with depression. In an Australian study on 24 preventing relapse. This drug does not induce an increase
monozygotic twin pairs (half were females), there were in serotonin levels, and it has considerably fewer side ef-
no differences in global methylation related to depres- fects on the gastrointestinal tract, sexual sphere, or meta-
sion. Among female discordant monozygotic twins, de- bolic processes, which are characteristic of many other
pression was associated with lower global mean meth- antidepressants [91]. As the use of serotonergic agents to
ylation levels [85]. It has also been observed that anxious treat depression has increased, so has the incidence of se-
individuals have significantly higher levels of global rotonin syndrome. Thus, searching for new drugs pre-
methylation (measured by the 5-mC level in the blood) venting serotonergic toxicity is necessary. However, an
than controls [86]. association between serotonin syndrome and melatonin
It is thought that epigenetic changes at the DNA level has not been established through clinical research.
are due to both methylation and hydroxymethylation. The use of medication to regulate the melatonin path-
Quantification of 5-mC content for global DNA methyla- way may be crucial [92]. For example, in Poland, the - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff Diets with Tryptophan and Melatonin
System approved the recommendation of agomelatine in
2014. According to the experts, clinical agomelatine is an Both melatonin and serotonin are synthesized from
antidepressant, which can be a therapeutic option for a the same amino acid,– tryptophan. Melatonin is synthe-
subpopulation of patients with an episode of major de- sized in the pineal gland, which is outside the blood-brain
pression with the presence of sleep disorders, anxiety, or barrier. Overproduction of melatonin may lead to in-
anhedonia [93]. This means that Polish patients can now creased tryptophan uptake from the blood. Its reduced
benefit from this drug. supply and difficult passage through the blood-brain bar-
State-of-the-art pharmacological treatment of depres- rier to serotoninergic neurons can lead to a decrease in
sion or its subtypes requires more studies evaluating the serotonin synthesis. Therefore, a diet rich in both trypto-
effectiveness of melatonin analogs in different subpopu- phan and exogenous melatonin may have a beneficial ef-
lations. Liu et al. [43] have summarized the clinical and fect on wellbeing [23].
preclinical specific therapeutic effects of melatonin prep- Tryptophan is an exogenous amino acid that must be
arations (i.e., Circadin) and other synthetic ligands (i.e., provided to the body within the diet. It is well known that
ramelteon and tasimelteon) mediated through MT recep- the most abundant sources of this amino acid are protein-
tor activation. The results are very promising. Therefore, rich products such as lean meat, fish, yellow and white
development of new specific and selective drugs targeting cheese, milk, soy products, legume seeds, pumpkin seeds,
melatonin receptors is necessary for more effective phar- and eggs [95]. The content of tryptophan in various foods
macotherapy of sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances, can be traced in the Food Composition Databases con-
mood disorders, learning and memory, or neuroprotec- ducted by the Nutrient Data Laboratory, United States
tion. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA [96]. Re-
search carried out by Lindseth et al. [97] confirmed that
people on a high tryptophan diet (>10 mg/kg body weight
Clinical Effects of Drugs Targeting MT1 and MT2 per day) have a significantly lower level of depressive
Receptors symptoms, irritation, and anxiety than people on a low
tryptophan diet (<5 mg/kg body weight per day).
Synthetic elaboration of information on drugs used Melatonin can also be supplied in food. Its presence
and tested for effects on MT1 and MT2 receptors was pre- has been identified in various foods ranging from fungi
pared by Liu et al. [43]. Four preparations are listed, the to animals and plants. In foods of animal origin, the high-
use of which is approved in specific indications and in est content of melatonin has been found in eggs and fish.
others subject to further testing. For example, the use of In plants, the highest content is in nuts. Some types of
melatonin (Circadin) is approved for insomnia in older mushrooms, cereals, and germinating legumes or seeds
people, but clinical trials are being conducted in sleep dis- are also good dietary sources of melatonin. The review
orders in children, seasonal affective disorders, and the prepared by Meng et al. [98] presents a detailed list of
treatment of breast and prostate cancer. Ramelteon is ap- products containing melatonin. It has been proven that
proved for the treatment of primary chronic insomnia products rich in melatonin such as pineapple, orange, or
and is being tested in the phase advance when given be- banana increase the concentration of circulating melato-
fore bedtime. Tasimelteon is approved for sleep disorders nin in human serum [99]. Unfortunately, we do not have
of blind people and is being tested for temporary insom- such detailed knowledge about the bioavailability of mel-
nia due to, for example, shift work. Agomelatine is ap- atonin in other food products. However, controlled stud-
proved in major depression and is being studied for the ies in which volunteers took intravenous or oral melato-
improvement of disturbed sleep patterns and seasonal nin preparations indicated poorer bioavailability than
disturbances of the biological rhythm [43]. Detailed in- with intravenous administration. The biochemical modi-
formation can also be found at Drug Bank [94]. Research fications of the administered melatonin turned out to be
into the role of various selective ligands of melatonin MT1 significant. There were also bioavailability differences be-
and MT2 receptors in the modulation of circadian rhythms tween the genders– (it is higher in women). Various sci-
in animal models is ongoing, with the aim of ultimately entific bodies and dietary societies indicate that, with age,
discovering new drugs with different effects on MT1 and when the level of endogenous melatonin synthesis drops,
MT2 receptors [32]. a supplementary diet can bring positive health effects. It
is recommended to take 1 mg melatonin at bedtime [100]. - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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Significance and the Future Direction of Melatonin through all the steps in the synthesis and metabolism of
Studies for Depression melatonin, will facilitate a deeper understanding of mood
disorders and the development of novel mood-stabilizers.
Evidence has shown that melatonin secretion decreas- At the same time, measurements of the effects of melato-
es during the onset of depression, but goes up again after nin will become standardized and effective.
remission. Therefore, the melatonin level might be used
as an effective indicator for the diagnosis of depression
[101]. However, melatonin is not effective for treating all Conclusions
forms of depression [102]. Above all, one needs to under-
stand that the relationship between melatonin and de- Future research should verify the following hypothe-
pression is very complex. Studies on the role of melatonin ses:
in the pathogenesis and treatment of depression still con- −− Disturbances in the melatonin biosynthesis pathway
stitute an important topic in the field of depression re- are observable in the blood serum.
search. −− There are differences in the melatonin biosynthesis
Although melatonin was discovered and has been pathway in patients with depression and healthy con-
widely referred to 50 years ago, the relationship between trols.
melatonin and mental disorders, especially depression, −− There is a different ratio of the key components of the
has not been clearly established. There is little research melatonin pathway in the course of unipolar versus
into melatonin treatment for mental disease. The results bipolar depression.
of biochemical measurements indicate that melatonin −− mRNA profiling that focuses on key melatonin path-
treatment does not have serious negative consequences, way components is a more visible and tangible early
so melatonin will likely be widely used in clinical practice. biomarker of the state and type of depression.
Understanding the mechanism of melatonin action is −− Total methylation and the methylation pattern of
crucial for its proper administration, an increase in its ef- genes encoding receptors involved in the melatonin
ficacy, and to avoid potential side effects. This is essential action are characteristic for depression and relate to
for the efficient treatment of depression patients. the gene expression level.
The research reported to date has shown widespread −− SNPs of selected candidate genes connected with the
effects of melatonin on cell metabolism, but the mecha- melatonin pathway are associated with the efficacy of
nisms responsible for its mood-stabilizing effect have re- melatonin synthesis, depression risk, and the severity
mained unresolved. A detailed and precise description of of symptoms.
the biological background of melatonin treatment in rela- An understanding of complex melatonin regulation
tion to behavioral symptoms will help develop a more mechanisms (from genes to proteins and vice versa) may
personalized approach in pharmacotherapy. Confirma- provide novel insights and avenues into the development
tion of the fact that the metabolism of melatonin in pe- of new pharmacological and behavioral treatment strate-
ripheral blood partially reflects a disorder in the brain gies for depression and prevent the serotonin syndrome.
could be a breakthrough, leading to the standardization
of measurements of melatonin levels, the development of
treatment standards, finding new therapeutic targets, and Acknowledgement
devising simple noninvasive clinical tests. Additionally,
This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Po-
the main problem in human studies is the lack of oppor-
land (grant No. 2016/23/B/NZ5/02634).
tunities to analyze the effect of melatonin gene expression
in the brain and its direct correlation with behavioral
changes, so where postmortem analysis is not an option, Disclosure Statement
using peripheral blood as a noninvasive material for the
analysis is warranted. Only this material makes it possible The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
to prepare a fast, low-cost, and widely applicable clinical
test. However, this will not be possible without examina-
tion of all the basic mechanisms of the disease pathology.
A comprehensive investigation of the melatonin path-
way at the level of genes, their transcripts, and proteins, - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM
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World J Biol Psychiatry 2006;7:138–151. - 6/14/2018 1:05:06 PM

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Melatonin Homeostasis in Depression Neuropsychobiology 13

DOI: 10.1159/000489470
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