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1. I won't tell anyone your secret.

2. Are we meeting at the restaurant this Saturday?

3. We won't have saved enough money to buy a new car by March.
4. Real Madrid has scored a new goal. They're going to win the football match.
5. My father and I are watching the new TV series tonight.
6. This time next week, I will be sunbathing on the beach.
7. Which medical advances are the experts discussing at the conference next week?
8. Mary keeps a lot of empty bottles. She's going to recycle them.
9. I'm seeing the doctor Thursday morning.
10. In fifty years' time this pond will have disappeared.
11. We're going to travel by train around South America next year.
12. Air pollution is terrible for the forests. It is going to destroy the trees.
13. Hurry up! By the time we arrive to the cinema, the film will have started.
14. By the end of the day I II have cleaned my house.
15. This time next month, We'll be skiing in the Pyrenees.
16. The experts will be meeting next week to discuss medical advances
17. My friends and I are going to the cinema at 6 p.m.
18. My sister will have received my Christmas card by the end of this week.
19. The weather forecast says it'll be snowing tomorrow tonight.
20. I think humans will travel to Mars in 2080.
21. In twenty years, many animal species will have become extinct.
22. This time tomorrow, I'll be waiting for you at the bus station.
23. This time next month, my family and I will be visiting our relatives in Scotland.
24. I'm sure she'll win the competition.
A. It's cold in here!
B. l'II close the window
26. Scientists will be researching the effects of the climate change on the North Pole by the end ol the year.
27. By 2050, scientists will have found a solution to the problems of global warming.
28. They won't have heard the news by then.
A. I'm late
B. I'll drive you to the school.
30. My friends and I are going to visit Greece in summer.
31. I don't think there will be flying cars.
32. By the end of the term l'II have finished my degree in History
33. This time next week, l'II be taking my English exam.

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