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17th century - narrowing of grammar; rules of language

19th century - words went their separate ways


Grammar is the underlying system of rules of a language. Is the art of words (by Prof.

Syntax is the arrangement and inter-relations among words in a sentence; structure of a


“Ya gotta know all the rules and structures inside out before you start to break them —
and make truly great music.” - Charles Mingus, jazz musician

Lingua franca - language used all over the world; it’s english

Grammarians Two Types:

Descriptivist - how people use language
Prescriptivist - how people ought to use language

Prof. Geoffrey Pullum - authority in grammar

“How do I know what I think until I’ve seen what I’ve said?” - E. M. Forster, novelist

The Elements of Style by Strunk and White (book)

. "Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words,
paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should
have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not
that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his
subjects only in outline, but that he make every word tell."
. “Prose is architecture, not interior decoration” - Ernest Hemingway
. Hank Williams - singer/songwriter with good lyrics
. Henry James - writer with simple proses
. Bob Dylan
. Allen Ginsberg
. Walt Whitman
. Wayne words - Australian expressions not pronounced correctly
. Strine words - also Australian expressions
. le mot juste - French for “exact word” or “right word”
. Fun facts about not so “new” words:
. Selfie - 20 yrs ago in Australia
. Twerking - 20 yrs ago in New Orleans
. OMG - Winston Churchill in 1917
. Unfriend - 1659
. Terms:
. Voice - how you talk to the reader
. Tone - effect of your message to the reader
. Word Choice:
. a. Choose words carefully
. b. Understand the diff between denotation and connotation
. c. Acquire a rich and ample vocabulary
. d. Use figures of speech such as metaphors and similes
. e. Be aware of the pros and cons of adjectives and adverbs
. Avoid these fillers:
. You know
. Like
. Actually

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