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I. Datos Informativos:
Institución.- Instituto Superior Tecnológico "Vicente León"
Carrera Tecnologia Superior en Desarrollo de Software
Coordinador.- Mgs. Ximena Lopez
Docente.- Lic. Luis Yanchatipan Correo electrónico.- l.yanchatipan@itsvicenteleon
Período Académico A1 Periodo Lectivo Noviembre - Abril 2019
Asignatura.- English A1 Código.- DS06-1B120

18 semanas
Total horas Docencia.- 5
semanales: Aprendizaje

Total horas-período

II. Descripción de la Asignatura:

English levels A1 (A1.1 and A1.2) give students the specific grammar and vocabulary which help them understand and use familiar everyday expressions
and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. They also can introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer
questions about personal details such as: where they live, work and study; what things they have in their class and their houses or apartments and finally
students can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

III. Objetivo General de la Asignatura:

The following subject (English levels A1.1 and A1.2) provides students a range of basic vocabulary, structures and use of grammar focused on developing
the receptive(listening, reading) and productive (speaking, writing) English skills in order to help students transmit their ideas, feelings and opinions in a
basic level with the help of their tutor and classmates.

IV. Resultados de Aprendizaje al finalizar el curso:

At the end of this levels, students will understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a
concrete type. They also will introduce themselves and others and will ask and answer questions about personal details such as: where they live, work
and study; what things they have in their class and their houses or apartments.

V. Metodología:

• The Grammar Translation Method

• Suggestopedia
• Total Physical Response
• Communicative Language Teaching
• The Direct Method
• Task-Based Language Learning
VI. Planificación de la Asignatura:

R1.- 1. Students say hello and introduce themselves and others using my, your, his, and her. They identify and talk about personal and
classroom objects using the articles a/an, plurals, this/these, and it/they.

Habilidades y Destrezas de Aprendizaje por Unidad

Título de la Unidad Listening and N. de horas
Speaking Grammar pronunciation Reading Writing

the verb be (I, you,he, A video introducing the

Asking for information she, it, we, you, they.). learning curve team. An article about the
politely . Telling the time. Singular. Singular and Listening for information transformation for
london lost and found
Filling out a form.
Capital letter.. A
1. My life. Asking for the information plural nouns. This, that, about people. office. Preparing to personal information 18
at a movie theater or an these, those. Possesive Contradictions. The
airport. adjectives. 's for alphabet. Word stress. read. Adjectives and form.
possession. Numbers. nouns.

Recursos didácticos Students book, worksheets,handouts,students portfolio,dictionaries,projector,CDs

R2.- Students talk about cities, countries, nationalities, and languages using yes/no questions and be. They talk about the weather using
the present continuous and conjunctions.

Habilidades y Destrezas de Aprendizaje por Unidad

Título de la Unidad Listening and N. de horas
Speaking Grammar pronunciation Reading Writing

the verb be (I, you,he, A video introducing the

Asking for information she, it, we, you, they.). learning curve team. An article about the
transformation for Filling out a form.
2. People and politely . Telling the time. Singular. Singular and Listening for information london lost and found Capital letter.. A
Asking for the information plural nouns. This, that, about people. office. Preparing to personal information 18
things at a movie theater or an these, those. Possesive Contradictions. The
airport. adjectives. 's for alphabet. Word stress. read. Adjectives and form.
possession. Numbers. nouns.

Recursos didácticos: Students book, worksheets,handouts,students portfolio,dictionaries,projector,CDs

R3.- 3. Students talk about cities and time zones using time expressions. They discuss daily and weekly routines using simple present questions.

Habilidades y Destrezas de Aprendizaje por Unidad

Título de la Unidad Listening and N. de horas
Speaking Grammar pronunciation Reading Writing
Being polite in stores. Reading questions
Grocery shopping. requesting personal
Buying things in a Simple present (I, you, information. Reading
restaurant, café, or we, they).Simple a video about cafés questions about what Writing questions
store. present (he, she, it, ). around the world. people are wearing. requesting personal
3. Food and Drink. information. Writing 18
Frequently adverbs. Listening for times
questions about what
Simple present wh- and days.
people are wearing.

Recursos didácticos: Students book, worksheets,handouts,students portfolio,dictionaries,projector,CDs

Lecturas: A strange combination!; What? You do not llike sports?
R4.- 4. Students describe houses and apartments using simple present questions and short answers. They talk about jobs and
workplaces using simple present Wh-questions.

Habilidades y Destrezas de Aprendizaje por Unidad

Título de la Unidad Listening and N. de horas
Speaking Grammar Reading Writing

Simple present (I, you,

Being polite in stores. we, they).Simple a video about cafés Reading questions Writing questions
Grocery shopping. requesting personal requesting personal
present (he, she, it, ). around the world.
4. Daily life. Buying things in a
Frequently adverbs. Listening for times
information. Reading information. Writing 18
restaurant, café, or questions about what questions about what
Simple present wh- and days.
store. people are wearing. people are wearing.

Recursos didácticos: Students book, worksheets,handouts,students portfolio,dictionaries,projector,CDs

Lecturas: Screen-free week!; Teenagers … then, Teenagers … now!; How to make friends!

R5.- 5. Students talk about foods they like, have, and need using some/any and count/uncount nouns. They talk about sports they watch
and play using simple present Wh-questions.

Habilidades y Destrezas de Aprendizaje por Unidad

Título de la Unidad Listening and N. de horas
Speaking Grammar pronunciation Reading Writing

A video about the

can and can't. object inportance of electronic
checking information. An article about art in
pronouns. There is/ devices.Listening for Describing yourself.
5 All about me. Asking for and giving
are. Prepositions of specific information. public spaces. Rooms Beacuse. 18
directions. and fornitures
places. Sentence stress. Can and
can't . The /h/ sound

Recursos didácticos: Students book, worksheets,handouts,students portfolio,dictionaries,projector,CDs

Lecturas: Screen-free week!; Teenagers … then, Teenagers … now!; How to make friends!

VII. Sistema de Evaluación:

Instrumentos Primer Parcial % (Puntos) Segundo Parcial % (Puntos) Promedio %

Trabajo Individual 2 2 2
Fase 1: Trabajos Trabajo de clase o colaborativo 2 2 2
Prácticos Exposiciones 2 2 2
Fase 2: Lecciones Escritas 2 2 2
Fase 3: Evaluación Cuestionario 2 2 2
Total: 10 10 10
VIII. Bibliografía:

•Richmond, Jim Scrivener, "personal best A1"

IX. Revisión y Aprobación:

Lic. Luis Yanchatipan M. Mgs. Ximena López Mgs. Fabricio Quimba

Docente Coordinadora Área de Inglés Vicerrector Académico
Fecha y Firma Fecha y Firma Fecha y Firma

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