Braver New World-4: Alexine, John, Sammy

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Braver New World- 4

Alexine, John, Sammy

Human Rights

 People will have freedom of speech and religion without fear of

discrimination or persecution.

 Individuality is permitted and encouraged

 Able to participate in government enables people to feel happy

and not revolt against the government

 This perfect combination of strict and lenient human rights

keeps society under control.

 Democratic Republic

 Laws are enforced by a Law Enforcement System

 Officers receive more training and their jobs are held to a higher

 Citizens have the option of taking place in political elections if they

have a voting license

 Prior to obtaining a voting license, citizens are required to

complete a mandatory civic literacy course. This short course will
educate citizens on how to make an informed vote, which will
ideally lead to more qualified leaders being elected. These
courses will be offered for free in public seminars funded by the
government, and many integrated into high school curriculum.

 The salary of an occupation depends on the significance of the

job. For example, a surgeon will be paid more than a

 Economy as a whole is driven by taxes

 Taxes for an individual are determined by their monthly income

 Citizens are required to have a minimum of six community

service hours a month that will cover the costs of public

 Advances the quality of life for citizens

 All citizens have the right to own personal devices

 Citizens may create their own technology, but should it violate on

the rights of others then it will be considered an infraction of the
constitution and taken into legal matters.

 Cloning of entire people or animals is outlawed and subject to


 A new governmentally funded research program will be started

allowing for the cloning of human organs and vital body parts.
This process will be taken very seriously and only be made
available to those in life-threatening situations. If one was in
critical condition as a result of failure of an organ, it would be an
extraordinary feat to have the ability to replace it with a
technologically derived genetic replica.

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