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EE 155

ASSESSMENT/DIAGNOSTIC EXAM (Review on Single-Phase AC Circuits)

Problem: (solution to the problem with online discussion)

A passive circuit has a voltage e = 150cos(377t + 10o) volts and a resulting current
i = 5sin(377t + 40o) amperes. Determine the following:

A. Peak value of voltage and current

Let: Em = peak value or maximum value of voltage (also called the AMPLITUDE of voltage)
= 150 volts (ans. 5%)

Im = peak value or maximum value of current (also called the AMPLITUDE of current)
= 5 amperes (ans. 5%)

Note: The AMPLITUDE usually represents the coefficient of the trigonometric function of either sine or
cosine of the given instantaneous voltage (e) or instantaneous current (i)

B. Average value of voltage and current

Let: Eave or Vave = average value of sinusoidal voltage wave

= (2/∏)(Em) = 0.63662Em = 0.63662 x 150 = 95.5 volts (ans. 5%)

Iave = average value of sinusoidal current wave

= (2/∏)(Im) = 0.63662Im = 0.63662 x 5 = 3.183 amperes (ans. 5%)

C. RMS or effective value of voltage or current

Let: E or V = RMS or effective value of sinusoidal voltage wave

= Em/(sq.rt of 2) = 0.707Em = 0.707 x 150 = 106.05 volts (ans. 5%)
= 1.1111Eave (or Eave = 0.9E)

I = RMS or effective value of sinusoidal current wave

= Im/(sq.rt of 2) = 0.707Im = 0.707 x 5 = 3.535 amperes (ans. 5%)
= 1.1111(Iave) (or Iave = 0.9I)

D. Instantaneous value of voltage and current after t = 0.1 second

Let: e = instantaneous value of voltage wave at any time t (in seconds)

= 150cos(377 rad/sec x 0.1 sec x 180o/∏ rad + 10o) = 147.7 volts (ans. 5%)

i = instantaneous value of current wave at any time t (in seconds)

= 5sin(377 rad/sec x 0.1 sec x 180o/∏ rad + 40o) = 3.22 amperes (ans. 5%)

E. Frequency and period of the wave

Let: ω = angular velocity of the sinusoidal wave (radian per second)

= 377 rad/sec : N (rpm) = 120f/P ; P = no. of poles of the generator; N is the speed of the driving
prime mover
= 2∏f

f = frequency of the wave (Hertz or cycles per second: 1 Hertz = 1 cps)

= ω/2∏ = 377/2x∏ = 60 Hertz (ans. 5%) : 2∏ rad = 1 cycle ; 1 cycle = 1 rev for 2 poles gen.

T = period of the wave (in seconds)

= 1/f = 1/60 = 0.01667 second (ans. 5%) or 0.01667 second/cycle

F. Components or elements or parameters of the circuit (Impedance, resistance and

reactance (specify whether it is inductance or capacitance)

Let: Z = impedance of the circuit = R ± jX = (R2 + X2)1/2 = Zcisθ = Z<θ = Ze±jθ (Euler’s Identity)
R = resistance of the circuit (real component of Z which dissipate or consume the real power P)
R = Zcosθ = X●tanθ (base on impedance triangle)
X = reactance of the circuit (Note: +jX refers to the inductive reactance in ohms; -jX refers to the
capacitive reactance in ohms)
X = Zsinθ = R/tanθ = Rcotθ

I = E/Z = VR/R = VX/X: VR = voltage drop across the resistor R; VX = voltage drop across the
reactance X
Z = 106.05/3.535 = 30 ohms (ans. 5%) = Em/Im
In complex polar form:
Note: conversion of cosine to standard sine function: cosωt = sin(ωt + 90o)
Only cosine must be converted into a standard sine. If the given instantaneous waveform is already
a sine function, it must be retained. Never convert from sine to cosine, because the trigonometric
standard sine wave function is directly the equivalent polar form of the sine wave.

E = 106.05cis(90o + 10o) = 106.05cis100o V ; θV = +100o (ccw from the x-axis)

I = 3.535cis(40o) A ; θI = +40o (ccw from the x-axis)

Z = 106.05cis100o/3.535cis(40o) = 30cis(60o) = 15 + j25.981 ohms = 30cos60o + j30sin60o

By inspection:
R = 15 ohms (ans. 5%) ; X = XL = 25.981 ohms (inductive reactance) (ans. 5%)

G. Power factor angle and power factor of the circuit (note: state whether lagging or

Let: (From the information on the impedance of the circuit)

θ = represent the power factor angle of the circuit
θ = 60o (ans. 5%)

PF = power factor of the circuit or overall power factor of the system

PF = cosθ = cos60o = 0.5 lagging (ans. 5%) because the element of the circuit is

H. True power, reactive power and the apparent power expressed in complex rectangular
form based on the current conjugate method

Let: S = is the complex apparent power of the circuit (VA, kVA, MVA)
S = (abs E) x (abs I) = (P2 + Q2)1/2 refers to the magnitude of S only

In complex form:
S = (E)x(I*) refers to the standard current conjugate method (CCM) in computing complex power
S = P ± jQ = S(cis±θ)
Note: +jQ means inductive or lagging reactive power (lagging power factor; or θ = +θ)
-jQ means capacitive or leading reactive power (leading power factor; or θ =-θ)

I* means the conjugate of current complex or vector current I

S = (106.05cis100o) x (3.535cis-40o) = 374.887cis60o VA (ans. 5%)

S = 187.443 watts + j324.661 vars

By inspection: P = 187.443 watts (ans. 5%) ; Q = 324.661 vars (inductive) (ans. 5%)

I. Draw the vector diagram or phasor diagram based on the standard conventional rotation

Note: vector or phasor diagrams are always rotated counterclockwise (ccw), known as the positive phase
sequence rotation in three-phase system
Given data:
E = 106.05cis100o V ; θV = +100o (ccw from the x-axis)

I = 3.535cis(40o) A ; θI = +40o (ccw from the x-axis)

θ = θV – θI = 100o – 40o = 60o

Note: as shown from the phasor diagram, I is lagging by 60 electrical degrees with respect to E (based on
ccw rotation).

Phasor/vector diagram:(10%)

Prepared by:
Asst. Professor I

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