Q: He Is Strong: Schlumberger-Private

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Std: XII commerce Sub: Mathematics

Time: 2 ½ Hours Total Marks: 50


1) Use of Logarithmic table is allowed

2) Use of calculator is not allowed

Q.1 (A)Select and write the most appropriate answer from the given alternatives for each question

(1marks each ) [5]

(i) If p : He is intelligent.
q : He is strong
Then, symbolic form of statement “It is
wrong that, he is intelligent or strong” is
a) ∼ p ∨ ∼ p b) ∼ (p ∧ q)
c) ∼ (p ∨ q) d) p ∨ ∼ q
1 2 −1 0
(ii) If A= B= then AB =
−3 −1 1 5
1 −10 1 10 1 10 1 10
a) b) c) d)
1 20 −1 20 1 20 −1 −20
(iii) If y = (5 x 3 – 4 x 2– 8 x ¿ ¿ 9 then =−−−−−−¿

a) 9(5 x 3 – 4 x 2– 8 x ¿ ¿ 8 (15 x 2− 8x − 8)
b) 9(5 x 3 – 4 x 2– 8 x ¿ ¿ 9 (15 x 2 − 8x − 8)
c) 9(5 x 3 – 4 x 2– 8 x ¿ ¿ 8 (5 x 2− 8x − 8)
d) 9(5 x 3 – 4 x 2– 8 x ¿ ¿ 9 (5 x 2 − 8x − 8)
(iv) The date on which the period of the bill expires is called
a) Legal due date b) Grace date
c) Nominal due date d) date of drawing
v) In an ordinary annuity, payments or receipts occur at
a) Beginning of each period b) End of each period
c) Mid of each period d) Quarterly basis

B) State whether the following statements are true or false (1 marks each) [4]

i) Truth value of 2 + 3 < 6 is F.

ii) The derivative of f(x) = a x , where a is constant is x.a x−1
iii) Regression equation of X on Y is y - ý=b yx ¿
iv) The secular trend component of time series represents irregular variations.

C) Fill in the following blanks

i) The slope of tangent at any point (a,b) is called as ..........
ii) If f(x) = x 3−3 x 2 + 3x − 100, x ∈ R then f ′′(x) is ..............
iii) A person who draws the bill is called …………
iv) Regression equation of Y on X is …………

Q.2 (A) Attempt any seven of the following question (3 marks each) [21]

1) Represent the truth of each of the following statements by Venn diagrams.

i) Some hardworking students are obedient.
ii) No circles are polygons.
iii) All teachers are scholars and scholars are teachers.

2) Find if
x 10 x
y = 10 x + 10x +1010

3) If e x +e y =e(x+ y ) than show that =−e y−x

4) The total cost of producing x units is Rs. ( x 2 + 60x + 50) and the price is Rs. (180 - x)
per unit. For what units is the profit maximum?

5) The total cost of manufacturing x articles C=47 x +300 x 2−x 4 . Find x ,for which
average cost is (i) increasing (ii) Decreasing

6) An agent is paid a commission of 7% on cash sales and 5% on credit sales made by

him. If on the sale of Rs. 1,02,000 the agent claims a total commission of Rs 6,420
find his cash sales and credit sales.

7) A bill of Rs. 6,395 drawn on 19th January 2015 for 8 months was discounted on 28th
February 2015 at 8% p.a. interest. What is the bankers discount? What is the cash
value of the bill?

8) A cargo of rice was insured at 0.625 % to cover 80% of its value. The premium paid
was Rs. 5250. If the price of rice is Rs. 21 per kg. Find the quantity of rice (in kg) in
the cargo

9) Given the following data, obtain linear regression estimate of X for Y = 10

1 x́ = 7.6, ý = 14.8, σ x =3.2 , σ y =16 ,∧¿r = 0.7

10) For a certain bivariate data on 5 pairs of observations given

∑ x =20 , ∑ y=20, ∑ x 2=90, ∑ y2 =90, ∑ xy =76
Calculate (i) cov(x,y) ii) b yx and b x y (iii) r

(B) Attempt any four of the following questions (4 marks each) [16]

i) Express the following equation in matrix form and solve by method of reduction.
x + 2y + z = 8, 2x + 3y – z = 11 and 3x – y – 2z = 5

ii) Find the inverse of the following matrices by adjoint method
1 2 3
0 2 4
0 0 5
iii) Using the truth table, verify
p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
iv) Find the present value of an annuity immediate of Rs. 36,000 p.a. for 3 years at
9% p.a. compounded annually. [Given(1.09¿−3 = 0.7722]

v) The following table shows the index of industrial production for the period from
1976 to 1985, using the year 1976 as the base year
Year 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
Index 0 2 3 3 2
Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
Index 4 5 6 7 10

Fit a trend line to the above data by graphical method.

vi) The following table shows the production of gasoline in U.S.A.for the years 1962
to 1976.
Year Production Year Production
(million Barrels) (Million Barrels)
1962 10 1970 6
1963 0 1971 7
1964 1 1972 8
1965 1 1973 9
1966 2 1974 8
1967 3 1975 9
1968 4 1976 10
1969 5
i) Obtain trend value for the above data using 5-yearly moving averages
ii) Plot the original time series and trend values obtained above on the same


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