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With the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful and in the Presence of Our

Ancestors, both Seen and Unseen.

The First Key
As if awakened from some deep sleep the student found himself moved by a deep inner
longing for understanding of self. Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I feel so all
alone on this path? The student found that all of his friends seem to lack the same
desire and longing for greater insight. Feeling alone isolated and unfulfilled, he began
to walk, walking towards the Temple of the Mystic Light. He had heard that this was
the place many of the great masters gathered to discuss the fate of mankind. Yet how
was he to get there when the Temple of the Mystic Light was a place with no walls or
physical structure. Frustrated, the student sat down where he was and began to call on
God for answers. How is it that I can hear of this place called the Temple of the Mystic
Light yet not be able to access it? The student cried out to God, “God I have given my
life in this search for inner truth and self, why can I not access this Temple of the
Mystic Light?”

With that the wind began to blow and it seemed to just play around his right ear, in
fact there seemed to be a whispering in this wind as if it were trying to speak to him.
He sat there listening to the wind and the voice became clearer and clearer. It said, “I
am the spirit of the wind, my origin has no beginning, my destination no end, I have
been here, there and ever where, but really no where. What it that you seek?”

The student amazed at this conversation with the wind decided to go along with it and
responded,” I seek the Temple of the Mystic Light. I need to find my purpose in life
and my reason for being”. The spirit of the wind responded, to access this Temple, you
must step out side of self, you must allow yourself to be in spirit as spirit and nothing
more, for you are seeking to go to a place of no return, for once exposed to the Masters
of the Temple you will never be the same. Are you ready for this? The student knew
that anything could be better than this frustration he was living at this time. Yes, yes
take me to this Temple. The spirit of the wind instructed the student, to just relax and
be at peace with the thought of something better in store, that is all, just be at peace
with the though of something better.

As the student thought of something better he found a great sense of peace come over
him, he felt hope. It was on the wings of hope that he found himself soaring as if
beyond the sun, moon and stars. On and on he soared for what seemed like days. Now
as the student was making his way towards the Temple a great gathering was taking
place in the inner most chambers of the Temple. There in the hall of Orunmila, the
master of fate, witness to all of creation. Orunmila, the wise one, he who stood at the
right hand of God during creation and was taught the destiny of all of creation.
Orunmila had incarnated on the earth plane some seven times, to of which he was a
Yoruba man. So very humble, yet so very wise, Orunmila sat in council with other
ascended masters to discuss mankind.

Orunmila told those present that there was a student on his way to the Temple. That
this student had been prepared for years for the work that was ahead, yet the student
had to come to the Temple for more training. Orunmila, informed them that the
student thought he was all alone on his journey, he was completely unaware that
divine forces where working in his life. He was being driven by the hand of fate, the
hand of Orunmila himself! He was one of the select heads; he was to be given the

Orunmila, inquired who amongst them would like to begin the process with this young
one? It was the female master who was the first to respond for she had tapped into the
student’s vibration and she knew he needed to feel the female essence first. Next to
responded was the Sufi Master Hazrat Khan, for like most the student knew of Islam
but had so little understanding of the deeper mystical elements of it. It was agreed that
these were the two masters to work with him.

Orunmila spoke to the council of the great change that was coming to mankind. That
the universal consciousness of which they were aware was going to take place on
earth. He told them that the consciousness was always there but few understood it. The
example he used was material wealth, it matters not the race, if you are independently
wealthy you be long to the same circle. Well when taken to a higher vibration, all who
know God do not get caught in the different costumes of God. It is those without
wealth who fight and struggle to become wealthy. They fight with each other, they
complete with each other, and they destroy each other for wealth. Yet, those with
wealth commune with each other as if part of a great brotherhood. Such is the same
with those who know God, they are of one brotherhood, it matters not that God is
called Olodumare, Allah, Jesus, Lord etc. God is still God among those who know God.
However, for those who do not know God, they fight and complete with each other to
make their God the best. Just like those without wealth fight and complete for wealth.

With that Orunmila, told the council that it was important that this student receive
universal insight. That the student be taught how to see God in all of creation and
never get caught in the illusion over which others are destroying themselves. It was
with these words that the great Orunmila extended himself to all who were gathered
and thanked them for their presence.

The female master left the council to await the arrival of the student.

The student arrived and inquired of the Master, teach me Master the keys to mastering

Master: Dear One, why do you want these keys?

Student: That I might open the door to my own self-mastery.

Master: To master self is to take full responsibility for all of creation.

Student: How can I take full responsibility for this great creation?

Master: Are not you a part of It?

Student: Yes

Master: You must be certain of your connection to this universe or else the keys will
not open the door.

Student: So the universe is the door?

Master: You are the door.

Student: How can I be the door and not this great universe?

Master: You and the universe are one and the same. To love and care for yourself is
to love and care for the universe.

Student: So, the keys to mastering self will ensure my love of self?

Master: Yes, and in doing so you will love the universe.

With that the Master drew the initiate close to her breast and with gentle hands she
placed them upon his crown chakra. Then she opened herself fully to the vibrations of
the universe and allowed all of Its cosmic energy to vibrate in and about her and pass
into the initiate. The initiate was transfixed and experienced an implosion. Every
inhibition, every doubt, every insecurity seemed to melt away and all there was, was
pure love. Pure unconditional love. So warm, so comforting and unlimited. As the
initiate floated on the beams of the Master’s vibration he became one with the
universe. All was complete, all was full and all was in divine order. The initiate found
himself traveling down the passageway of his own staff of life. How could this be? Yes,
he had found out that his body was not him but a vehicle to transport him on this
earthly journey. It was his spirit that traveled through his own penis into her holy
womb. His spirit was inside of her, being comforted and warmed by the divine rays of
the sun that had filled her. There inside of her the initiate saw the unity of Being and
the Oneness of creation. As she continued to open up and reach higher levels of
completion the initiate saw beyond the veil of matter into the heart of eternity. Oh, it
was truly all an illusion. He was so much more than ego, body and social drive. He was
spirit, wonderful, divine spirit. He saw, he felt, he experienced and then as she came
down, she gently lowered him back to this reality. Still in a state of suspended
animation she spoke to him. She spoke to his soul: Dear One, there are four major
keys to mastering the self. They are Devotion, Awareness, Ritual and Faith.
Student: Why just four?

Master: Four is a foundational number, upon which all will be built. For you must
build your own spiritual legacy as all Masters before you. I was to give to you the
experience. Now go to MASTER Hazrat Khan for more insight into their meaning.
With that the student took leave of this great Master who was the embodiment of
female essence and loving spirit. As always he bowed and was transported by spirit
to the throne of the transcended Sufi Master, Hazrat Khan.

Khan: Come close Dear One. Have not you learned by now that your spirit cannot

Student: It was not that I was trying to hide. I was just trying to adjust to the
vibratory difference between you and her. Yet, I could not sense any difference.

Khan: There is no difference. Spirit is the same. Energy is the same. It just takes on
different forms. Seek not to get caught in differences. Seek unity. Difference is the
trap of the illusion. Unity is the liberator. So you have come for deeper insight into
the four keys to self-mastery that she gave to you?

Student: Yes, Master.

Khan: Which door will you open?

Student: The door to self.

Khan: And what is self?

Student: God.

Khan: How does God manifest?

Student: As all of creation.

Khan: What part of creation are you?

Student: All and yet me.

Khan: How do you lose the me?

Student: By understanding the We?

Khan: Who is the We?

Student: The entire universe.

With that answer a book appeared. The complete sayings of Hazrat Inyat Khan.
Khan: Oh wonderful book, speak to him of the four keys to mastery.

Book: Yes, my lord, on page 26 #236 you say that “Devotion is proved by sacrifice”.

Student: What must I sacrifice?

Book: All that keeps you from self-mastery.

Student: How will I know what that is?

Book: My Lord on page 222 you say “Verily, truth is all the religion there is and it is
truth which will save. At every step towards the final goal man will be asked for a
sacrifice and that sacrifice will be greater and greater as he continues along the
path. When there is nothing, whether mind, body, thought, feeling or action that he
keeps back from sacrificing for others, then man proves his realization of divine

Student: My devotion is seen in my sacrifice?

Master: Yes

Student: Now I understand why I must serve others.

Book: My Lord you also say of Devotion on page 120, “Devotion without wisdom is
like salt water”.

Student: Therefore my sacrifice for others must be guided by wisdom.

Master: Yes Dear One that is why we all seek to tap into the universal consciousness
of the All knowing aspect of God known as Orunmila/Tehuti. Until we are able to
obtain that consciousness we use the great Oracle to gain God’s wisdom.

Book: On page 127 you say my Lord, “Devotion gives all, ask nothing.

Student: So in unconditional love we find Devotion?

Master: By all means. Look at the devotion of a mother for a child and her
willingness to sacrifice. There is no greater example of the key of Devotion than that
of mother. That is why you must go to mother Yemoja/Auset for the completion of
this lesson. This is enough for today. We do not want to overload your circuits, ha,
ha, ha. Now, go rest and ponder your first key to self-mastery.

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