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The impact of this environmental disaster have been really hard to

imagine, the WHO an environmental company has proved that the

contamination has produced to much bacteria’s and contamination,
that the Ganges river has exceed the term ‘Safe’ by 3000 times. As
said before, many people leave near this enormous river, so due to
bad treatment and contamination, more than 420 thousand people
have been suffering the need of water, food, self-treatment and
agriculture. Since all of this things have always been taken from the
Ganges River. Finally, the river has created infant and child mortality
rates, but the worse of all skin problems and really bad disabilities due
to contamination.

Getting focused in what is the Economic Impact, India specially the

Ganges River near population has had enormous Economic Impacts:

1. Fresh Water Source - This might be seen as an Environmental

Impact but actually this is also economical since, the agriculture
that provides not just food but also Exportation to other countries
due that India is rich in spices.
2. Dams and Rivers - The new innovations made in India such as
the hydro power energy, can't be functioning again by the simple
answer as the river being polluted, and as the rivers and dams
might flood near citizens will get affected and the country must
pay the destructions.
3. Tourism - As mentioned before the Ganges river is a religious
river, so due to the importance in the Hinduism many people
come to do religious stuff, but since the river has a big number of
infections, tourism decreases because people won't like to get
infected and as well, because India is known as having river
adventure sports.
4. Textile Industries - Since Textile industries and many industries
such as mining, construction, and fishing depend on good water,
not polluted, this hasn't been able to do, due to high levels of
5. Irrigation - India as being a big export country, agriculture and
other ecological hand works have been stopped because they
don't have enough sustainable land and also safe land
On the other hand, we will be talking about Environmental Impacts
(Economical and Environmental Impacts might share similar facts):

1. Marine Organisms - Since fishing is really common in India,

many fishes are near those sides, so since the amount of
Bacteria has raised 3000 times what can be consider as safe, as
any living thing it gets infected, so marine organisms, get
infected, making this get killed, and even fishes not coming to
these lands so they don't get infected.
2. Water Source - Water since the beginning of time is important for
everyone, since this river is contaminated with rubbish, dead
bodies either animals or cremated bodies or sewage material,
water isn't safe enough to use either for neither washing nor
3. Diseases - People that live near to this river have higher
possibilities to get infected of many risk diseases and being killed
by simple as diarrhea, typhoid or hepatitis. 2.5 million People
from over 34 thousand villages are suffering of cholera.
4. River chain pollution - due to the fact that the Ganga river has a
merge with other 3 rivers that are Yamuna, Kaali and Ram
Ganga this other rivers apply more pollution to the main biggest
river the Ganga River, having as common sense that the fact that
India must clean the Ganga River at the same time they must
clean the other 3 rivers.
5. Human Life - Things we do each day such as laundry, bathing,
cleaning or even drinking water, has spread surprisingly many
diseases that have been concentrated throughout the whole
Ganga River, having as consequence the decrease in
expectancy life, and the opportunities to babies having a good
environment to at least survive until they have sufficient nutrients
to defend their self

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