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Al – Q u d s U n i v e r s I t y ‫جـامـعـــــــــــــــــة الـقـــــــــــــــدس‬

Faculty of Business & Economics ‫كليــــــــــــــة‬

Department of Accounting ‫ـ‬
‫ـ واالقتصـــــــاد‬
Course Syllabus
Course Title & number : Intermediate Accounting I - 1302-201
Semester : Fall Semester 2020 / 21
Credit Hours : Three
Time : 12:00 – 13:00
Prerequisites : Financial Accounting Principles I + II (1302-101 + 1302-102)
Lecturer : Nidal Neiroukh, MA, MBA, CPA, ACPA, CFA
Email :
Office Hours : Sunday, Tuesday 12:00 – 14:00

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of the function of
accounting in today's complex business environment. The course introduces the student to the role
of theory in the development and application of accounting. The learning process involves
reflection on the role of theory and research in understanding existing practice and guiding the
evolution of accounting within a changing economic environment.

Objectives of the course:

This course is concerned with many of the major problems of financial measurement and disclosure
that are basic to the preparation of corporate financial statements. The purpose of this course is to
acquaint students more depth with accounting theory, concepts, analysis, for application to
financial accounting measurements, reporting and understanding of how IASB, FASB and SEC rules
were derived and how they apply to solve the problems in the text and cases.

Grade distribution:
There will be two hours exams and a comprehensive final. It is very important to note that there
will be absolutely no make-up exams. The grade for any missed exam is zero.

First exam 20%

Second exam 20%
Quizzes & activities 20%
Final exam 40%
Total 100%

،‫الطلب حسب وصف المساق بحل اسئلة بيتية معينة مسبقا ً لكل فصل يتم تدريسة وتم حل امثلة عليه مشابه لموضوعه في المحاضرة‬ -1
‫ باالضافة الى ما تم طلبه من الطالب حسب‬،‫سوف يتم اعتماد اربعة مسائل من الفصول المختلفة يتم تصحيحها ومنح العالمة حسبها‬
.)‫ عالمة‬16 = ‫ مسائل‬X 4 ‫ عالمات‬4( ‫وصف المساق‬
2014 ‫ و ارسال البيانات الختامي ة والتقري ر الم الي لس نة‬ ‫على كل طالب الدخول الى موقع بورصه فلسطين‬ -2
‫ة كاملة‬JJ‫ات المالي‬JJ‫رض البيان‬JJ‫داد وع‬JJ‫ة من حيث اع‬JJ‫ المتداول‬J‫ركات‬JJ‫ه على الش‬JJ‫ع تطبيق‬JJ‫اق م‬JJ‫ة بالمس‬JJ‫ا يتم تدريس‬JJ‫ة م‬JJ‫ ومقارن‬2015‫و‬
.)‫ عالمات‬4( ‫وااليضاحات المرافقة اليها مع تحليلها بغرض اتخاذ اكفاء القرارات‬

Class procedure:
Class sessions will consist of lectures as well as discussions. In order to derive the greatest benefit
from the class, it is imperative that you read the text and work on the assigned problems before
class. Class participation is extremely encouraged.

Homework problems listed on the syllabus will be collected on a weekly basis. These will be scored
on the basis of completeness, legibility, and effort.
There will also be other homework assigned, which will be collected on the dates announced in
class. These assignments will be scored on the basis of correctness, completeness, clarity, and
Assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class on the appropriate dates. A late assignment will
receive a reduction in grade. Doing well in this course requires your keeping up to date with your
assignments. You are encouraged to seek help to complete homework (study groups, tutors, your
instructor, etc.), however it is expect that the homework be your own work, completed prior to
attending class.

Case Studies
Two to three short case studies will be assigned. Students are expected to analyze each case and
provide a three to four page write-up on the due date specified.

Class Participation
Class participation is an important element of this course. Accounting is no exception to the rule
that people learn by doing. Participation makes our class more interesting and clarifies your
understanding of the material.
Included in the class participation portion of your grade will be your attendance, your attentiveness,
your being on time for class, your ability to ask thoughtful questions during class, and your ability to
respond to questions from your instructor. Chronic lateness will not be tolerated, as it is a
distraction to your classmates and me.
Attendance is considered necessary for satisfactory performance in this course. More than 2
absences will result in the loss of 1 letter grade of your final calculated grade. Being late is
considered an absence.

Final Exam
The Final Exam is scheduled by the University during the week after the last class period. The exam
content will be mostly objective and short case-oriented and closely related to the text and the
problem assignments. Makeup exams will only be granted under the guidelines and policies of the
AL-Quds University!

Class Format and Student Preparation

Classes will consist of lectures, discussions, and problem solving. As indicated in the class schedule,
there will typically be chapter readings and homework problems assigned for each class meeting.
As part of their preparation for class, students are expected to study the chapter readings and
complete the homework problems PRIOR TO each class meeting.
I will normally devote a part of each class period to the discussion and illustration of selected items
from the assigned materials. The objective of these discussions is to clarify and elaborate on certain
items because of their special relevance or difficulty. Students are encouraged to ask questions at
any time and to request that particular points be explained in more detail, if they remain confused
or uncertain about items discussed or if concepts in the readings remain unclear.

Tips for Success in this Class

First of all, this is NOT a course to take lightly. Despite any preconceived opinions you may have
about your ability to understand accounting or the importance of accounting to an organization or
your personal career goals, you can succeed in this course and learn a lot! The best way to succeed
in this course is to keep up. It is also important that you take a systematic approach to this course
and set aside regular time each week, to read the chapters and do the homework problems before
class, so you can make the most of the class lectures. You should also set aside time after class to
review your class notes, to reinforce what was discussed in class, which will help with your
retention of the material.
I realize that this may not be the only class that you are taking this semester and you will have a
juggling act trying to balance your classes, work, and personal life. However, in my prior experience
with this class, I believe you need to make this class a high priority (# 1 priority ideally) among your
classes in order to succeed in it.

Topics to be covered during the course:

1st week Financial Accounting & Accounting standards
2 week
Conceptual framework underlying financial accounting
3rd week
The Accounting Information System
4th & 5th weeks
Income Statement &Related Information
First Exam
6th & 7th weeks
Statement of financial position and Statement of Cash Flows
8th & 9th weeks
Accounting and The time Value of Money

10th & 11th weeks Cash and Receivables

Second Exam
th th
12 & 13 week Valuation of Inventories (A cost basis approach)

Inventories, Additional Valuation Issues

14th week
Final Exam

1- Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, and Paul D. Kimmel, Intermediate Accounting IFRS edition,
4th edition volume one, John Wiley &Sons, Inc. 2017.
2- Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, and Paul D. Kimmel, Intermediate Accounting IFRS edition,
3rd edition volume one, John Wiley &Sons, Inc. 2014.
4- Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, and Paul D. Kimmel, Intermediate Accounting, 16 th edition,
John Wiley &Sons, Inc. 2016.

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