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I Diaphragm


i The Diaphragm
Konstadinos A. Plestis
Stanley C. Fell

The diaphragm is the major muscle of ventilation. It is a from the transverse septum, the ventrolateral portions
dome-shaped, musculofibrous sheet that separates the arise from the ventrolongitudinal muscle layer of the
thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. Its periphery body, and the dorsal portions are derived from the para-
consists of three groups of muscular fibers that converge vertebral musculature. These five segments fuse and leave
into a central tendon. These muscular fibers originate a pleuroperitoneal foramen posteriorly in each side of the
from the lower six ribs bilaterally, from small slips arising thoracic cavity. These two foramina close early in fetal
from the posterior aspect of the xiphoid process, from life. The openings through which congenital and acquired
the medial and lateral arcuate ligaments, and from the diaphragmatic hernias occur are the pleuroperitoneal
lumbar vertebrae by two pillars or crura. The medial and openings posteriorly; two small passages anteriorly, just
lateral arcuate ligaments are tendinous bands that extend behind the sternum; and the esophageal hiatus between
the vertebral attachments of the diaphragm across the the two dorsal divisions of the diaphragm.
upper portion of the psoas major and quadratus lum- Contraction of the costal portion of the diaphragm
borum muscles. The right crus, broader and longer than causes the lower ribs to elevate with concomitant flat-
the left, arises from the upper three lumbar vertebrae, tening of the diaphragmatic convexity, thus enlarging the
while the left crus arises from the corresponding upper thoracic cavity. Similarly, contraction of the crural portion
two lumbar vertebrae. The medial margins of the two adds downward displacement of the diaphragm with a
crura meet in the midline to form a poorly defined arch lesser effect on overall ventilation. Diaphragmatic con-
above the aorta, the median arcuate ligament. The right traction occurs during the early phases of expiration
crus forms the esophageal hiatus in 64% of individuals; during quiet breathing.
however, it is not uncommon (34% of individuals) that During expiration, the anterior and inferior margins
fibers of the left crus take part in the formation of the of the lung do not extend as far forward and inferiorly
right side of the esophageal orifice. Also, in 2% of individ- as the corresponding portions of the pleural space. These
uals the left crus makes up the major part of the esopha- portions of the pleural cavity that are entered by the
geal hiatus (Collis, 1968). The central tendon is a roughly lung only during inspiration are termed pleural recesses;
trifoliate aponeurosis. Its two lateral leaves relate to the therefore, penetrating wounds or inaccurately placed tho-
parietal pleura superiorlyand the peritoneum inferiorly racic drainage tubes do not enter the pleural space (Rob-
while the middle leaf is fused to the pericardium superi- inson and Brodman, 1981).
orly and relates to the triangular ligament of the liver in The arterial supply to the diaphragm is largely via the
the abdomen. right and left inferior phrenic arteries, the intercostal
Embryologically, the diaphragm arises from five mor- arteries, and the musculophrenic branches of the internal
phologic elements: the central tendon, two ventrolateral thoracic artery. There are minor contributions from the
parts, and two dorsal parts. The central tendon is formed pericardiophrenic arteries that run with the phrenic
nerves, entering the diaphragm where the nerve pene-
*Supported by the Feldesman Fund for Thoracic Surgery at Mon-
trates. Venous drainage of the diaphragm is via the infe-
tefiore Medical Center. rior phrenic veins, which drain into the inferior vena

1500 CHAPTER 56 • Anatomy, Embryology, Pathophysiology, and Surgery of the Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm

cava. In the thorax venous drainage is via the azygos

and hemiazygos vein system. Necrosis of the diaphragm
because of vascular insufficiency has not been reported.
Motor and sensory innervation of the diaphragm is via
the phrenic nerves. The lower six or seven intercostal
nerves distribute some sensory fibers to the peripheral
portion of the diaphragm.
The diaphragm has three major apertures: the aortic,
the esophageal, and the inferior vena cava. It also has a
number of smaller ones. The esophageal hiatus, elliptical
in shape, is located at the level of T10, just left of the
midline and anterior to the aortic hiatus. It transmits the
esophagus, the vagi and sympathetic trunks, esophageal
branches of the left gastric vessels, and lymphatic vessels.
The fascia on the inferior surface of the diaphragm ex-
tends upward into the opening in a conical fashion to
attach to the wall of the esophagus about 2 cm above the
gastroesophageal junction. This fascial expansion limiting
the upward displacement of the esophagus is known as
the phrenoesophageal ligament. The vena cava traverses
the right leaf of the central tendon of the diaphragm at
the level of the T8-T9 intervertebral disk. The inferior
vena cava orifice is stretched during diaphragmatic con-
traction, thus facilitating the flow of venous blood into
the thorax during inspiration. Small branches of the right
phrenic nerve and a few lymphatics also traverse the vena
cava orifice. The aortic aperture, strictly speaking, is an FIGURE 56-1 • Lateral chest film demonstrating intrathoracic
osseoaponeurotic opening, located anterior to the lower tumor in an asymptomatic patient.
border of T12, between the crura and behind the median
arcuate ligament. The aortic aperture also transmits the
azygos vein, the thoracic duct, and lymphatic vessels that
common finding on a chest radiograph is a well-defined,
ascend from the cisterna chyli to the thorax.
usually rounded, homogeneous mass in the lower right
There are also two lesser apertures in each crus, one lung field, occupying the cardiophrenic angle on the
transmitting the greater splanchnic nerve and the other, posteroanterior view. The frequent use of computed to-
the lesser splanchnic nerve. Other structures that pass mography (CT) scans has led to an increase in the diag-
between the abdomen and the thorax through the dia- nosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in asymptomatic
phragm or posterior to it are the superior epigastric adults (Figs. 56-1 and 56-2).
vessels between the sternal and costal origins of the Morgagni's hernia is rare; a cumulative 3.6% incidence
diaphragm, the musculophrenic vessels between the dia- of Morgagni's hernia has been found among all patients
phragmatic origins' at the level of the T7-T8 cartilages, with congenital diaphragmatic hernias (Berandi et al,
the lower five intercostal nerves at the level of the T7 1997). It is more common in adults than in children. It
cartilage inferiorly the sympathetic trunk deep to the
medial arcuate ligament, and the inferior hemiazygos
There may be a triangular gap between the sternal and
costal origins of the diaphragm bilaterally, where the
pleura and the peritoneum are separated merely by loose
areolar tissue. Similarly, the muscular fibers of the dia-
phragm may be deficient between the costal portion of
the diaphragm and the portion arising from the lateral
arcuate ligament bilaterally. These potential spaces are
not as common as the parasternal spaces, and when they
exist the superior surface of the kidney is separated from
the pleura only by areolar tissue. It is through these
potential spaces that congenital diaphragmatic hernia
may occur in the adult. In contrast to the acute, often
life-threatening symptoms of congenital diaphragmatic
hernia in the neonate, this entity is almost always asymp-
tomatic in the adult population (MacDougal et al, 1963).
On routine chest radiographs, congenital diaphragmatic
FIGURE 56-2 • A computed tomography (CT) scan
hernia may easily be misinterpreted as mediastinal or demonstrates a Bochdaiek hernia containing retroperitoneal
pulmonary tumors (Raymond et al, 1996). The most fat. Surgical repair was not performed.
CHAPTER 56 • Anatomy, Embryology, Pathophysiology, and Surgery of the Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm 1501

bloating. Rarely, intestinal obstruction may occur. These

hernias are more common on the right hemidiaphragm
because the pericardium protects the left side of the
diaphragm; occasionally they occur bilaterally. Obese, el-
derly females are most usually affected. A sac is almost
always present, and omentum and colon are the usual
contents. Surgical repair, when indicated, is best per-
formed via a subcostal transperitoneal approach. The
contents are reduced, the sac is excised, and the diaphrag-
matic defect is closed by suturing the edge of the defect
to the posterior rectus sheath, and to the lower ribs, if
required. Laparoscopic repair and repair via video-as-
sisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) have been described
in symptomatic patients, the former being technically
easier than the latter (Hussong et al, 1997; Newman
et al, 1995). The hernia sac should not be removed
during laparoscopic repair, as this may result in massive
pneumomediastinum with potential cardiorespiratory
Bochdalek's hernia has been reported in up to 6% of
the adult population (Gale, 1985). These hernias may
contain retroperitoneal fat, omentum, colon, and stomach
(Kirkland, 1959). Right hemidiaphragm occurrence has
FIGURE 56-3 • A chest film of elderly female, interpreted as
demonstrating a juxtapericardial fat pad. been reported (Campbell and Lilly, 1982). Symptoms
caused by intestinal obstruction or respiratory compro-
mise may be episodic due to spontaneous reduction of
herniated viscera. The diagnosis of a Bochdaleck hernia
occurs parasternally through a defect between the costal in a patient with intermittent symptoms may prove a
and sternal origins of the diaphragm, as previously de- challenge despite the most sophisticated diagnostic test-
scribed. Morgagni's hernia is almost always asymptomatic ing. Repair in the adult is best performed via the trans-
(Figs. 56-3 and 56-4). When present, symptoms are thoracic approach. Large defects may require a prosthetic
usually gastrointestinal, such as epigastric discomfort or patch or advancement of the diaphragm to a higher rib
for adequate repair. VATS has also been employed in the
management of this condition with promising results
(Silen et al, 1995).


Porous diaphragm syndrome is defined as the phenome-
non of peritoneopleural transphrenic passage of fluids,
blood, gases, tissue, and exudates by way of a common
pathophysiologic feature, a hole in the diaphragm.
Kirschner (1998) was the first to clearly define the vari-
ous porous diaphragm syndromes (Table 56-1). The de-
fects are usually located in the tendinous portions of the
diaphragm between the interlacing tendinous or muscle
fibers, and less commonly in the muscular portions of
the diaphragm. They may be single, multiple, or even
cribriform. Ranging in size from a tiny pinhole to a
centimeter or more in diameter, they definitely favor the
right hemidiaphragm. Some defects may be congenital;
however, the majority are acquired. Kirschner noted that
acquired defects occur as a result of challenges to the
integrity of the diaphragm by various space-occupying
intraperitoneal substances that increase intra-abdominal
pressure or produce necrosis of the diaphragm. Clinically,
patients usually present with thoracic findings such as
pleural effusion, pneumothorax, hemothorax, and empy-
ema secondary to abdominal pathology.
FIGURE 56-4 • A barium enema, in the same patient as that THE PHRENIC NERVE
in Figure 56-3, performed to investigate sigmoid colon,
demonstrates a Morgagni hernia. Surgery was not indicated in The phrenic nerve arises chiefly from the C4 nerve root
this case. with contributions from the C3 and C5 nerve roots. It
1502 CHAPTER 56 • Anatomy, Embryology, Pathophysiology, and Surgery of the Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm

TABLE 5 6 - 1 • Porous Diaphragm Syndromes phragm where it branches. The left phrenic nerve de-
scends between the left common carotid and subclavian
FLUIDS arteries crossing in front of the left vagus nerve, then
passing lateral to the arch of the aorta continuing down
Spontaneous ascites
Cirrhosis of t h e liver
the side of the pericardium where it branches.
Meigs' syndrome Merendino and associates (1956) clearly established
Pancreatic ascites the anatomic and physiologic distribution of the phrenic
Chylous ascites nerves at the diaphragm, and they also developed the
Iatrogenic ascites
strategy for diaphragmatic incisions. Their findings are
Peritoneal dialysis
Hemoperitoneum freely quoted or paraphrased. The right phrenic nerve
Abdominal/tubal pregnancy reaches the diaphragm just lateral to the inferior vena
R u p t u r e d spleen cava, while the left phrenic nerve enters the diaphragm
R u p t u r e d aortic aneurysm lateral to the left border of the heart, in a slightly more
Operative hemorrhage
anterior plane than the right phrenic nerve. Both nerves
divide at the level of the diaphragm or just above it into
GASES several terminal branches, the right phrenic nerve being
the mirror image of the left. Two or three of these termi-
Pneumoperitoneun nal branches are usually very fine and are distributed to
Catamenial pneumothorax
the serosal surfaces of the diaphragm. Three muscular
Therapeutic pneumoperitoneum
Spontaneous p n e u m o p e r i t o n e u m branches arise directly from the phrenic nerve; one is
Laparoscopic p n e u m o p e r i t o n e u m directed anteromedially toward the sternum, another is
Diagnostic p n e u m o p e r i t o n e u m directed laterally anterior to the lateral leaf of the central
tendon, and the third one is directed posteriorly. The
last-mentioned ramus divides into a branch that runs
Endometriosis posterior to the lateral leaf of the tendon, and a branch
Catamenial p n e u m o t h o r a x that runs posteriorly and medially to the region of the
Pleural e n d o m e t r i o s i s crus. These four branches are named the sternal or ante-
rior branch, the anterolateral branch, the posterolateral
branch, and the crural or posterior branch (Fig. 56-5).
Subphrenic abscess They are usually located deep within the muscle rather
Liver abscess than lying exposed on the undersurface of the diaphragm
Pancreatic pseudocyst as it is described in anatomic texts. Because of the rapid
Bilothorax diminution in the size of the phrenic nerve rami, it is
impractical to delineate areas in the diaphragm where
incisions can be made safely. However, circumferential
P e r f o r a t e d peptic ulcer disease incisions anywhere in the periphery of the diaphragm
result in little, if any, loss of diaphragmatic function
From Kirschner PA: Porous diaphragm syndromes. Chest Surg Clin (Fig. 56-6). Similarly, incisions in the central tendon and
North Am 8:449-472, 1998; with permission.
lateral or transverse incisions from the midaxillary line
medially do not result in diaphragmatic paralysis (Sicular,
1992). Prior to Merendino's seminal work, radial inci-
originates on the scalenus medius, at the lateral border
sions in the diaphragm were customarily employed. The
of the scalenus anterior under the sternomastoid muscle,
radial incision in the diaphragm from the costal margin
at the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage.
to the esophageal hiatus results in almost total diaphrag-
It descends on this muscle beneath a tough fascial invest-
matic paralysis, and it should be condemned (Fig. 56-7).
ment, crossing the muscle from its lateral to its medial
The radial incision was a major cause of postoperative
border on the way to the thoracic outlet. At the root of
morbidity and mortality in patients subjected to thoraco-
the neck, the phrenic nerve is crossed by the transverse
laparotomy; it resulted in ineffective cough, lower lobe
cervical and suprascapular arteries; the left phrenic nerve
atelectasis, and associated pneumonia. Nevertheless, it is
is crossed also by the thoracic duct. At the apex of the
still described in the literature (Heitmiller, 1992).
thorax the right phrenic nerve lies behind the innominate
vein and crosses the internal mammary artery laterally to
medially, usually in front of the artery. The left phrenic
nerve descends on the front of the first portion of the Technique for Diaphragmatic Incision
subclavian artery to enter the thorax. The C5 nerve root A circumferential incision is made with electrocautery 3
usually joins the phrenic nerve trunk on the surface of cm from the costal margin. The cut edges of the dia-
the scalenus anterior. However, it may descend into the phragm are grasped with Allis clamps and elevated, facili-
thorax before it joins the main nerve. This is an im- tating further incision. Bleeders are managed with electro-
portant consideration in diaphragmatic pacing. In the cautery, but large branches of the phrenic artery are best
thorax the right phrenic nerve descends along the right controlled with suture ligatures. When a diaphragmatic
side of the innominate vein and the superior vena cava, incision is made in association with antireflux proce-
and then along the side of the pericardium anterior to dures, it is best to use only the anterolateral two thirds
the hilum of the lung. It then passes along the upper of the diaphragm. Stay sutures are placed in the diaphrag-
border of the inferior vena cava to just above the dia- matic flap and elevated over the rib spreader, as described
FIGURE 5 6 - 5 • Branches of t h e phrenic nerve at
the d i a p h r a g m . ( A d a p t e d f r o m M e r e d i n o KA,
Johnson RS, Skinner HH et al: The
i n t r a d i a p h r a g m a t i c d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e phrenic
nerve w i t h particular reference t o t h e p l a c e m e n t
of d i a p h r a g m a t i c incisions a n d c o n t r o l l e d
segmental paralysis. Surgery 39:189, 1956.)

FIGURE 5 6 - 6 • D i a p h r a g m incisions. (A radial incision;

B, circumferential incision; C a n d D, incisions in safe
areas.) ( A d a p t e d f r o m M e r e d i n o KA, Johnson RS,
Skinner HH et al: The i n t r a d i a p h r a g m a t i c d i s t r i b u t i o n
o f t h e phrenic nerve w i t h particular reference t o t h e
placement of d i a p h r a g m a t i c incisions and c o n t r o l l e d
segmental paralysis. Surgery 39:189, 1956.)

FIGURE 5 6 - 7 • A radial incision t h a t can cause

paralysis of a m a j o r p o r t i o n of phrenic nerve. ( A d a p t e d
f r o m M e r e d i n o KA, Johnson RS, Skinner HH et al: The
i n t r a d i a p h r a g m a t i c d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e phrenic nerve
w i t h particular reference t o t h e p l a c e m e n t o f
diaphragmatic incisions a n d c o n t r o l l e d segmental
paralysis. Surgery 39:189, 1956.)

1504 CHAPTER 56 • Anatomy, Embryology, Pathophysiology, and Surgery of the Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm

Outline of base
Esophagus of pericardium

FIGURE 56-8 • Septum transversum incision for

transdiaphragmatic exposure of the cardia. A, Cross-
section view; 8, side view. (Adapted from Meredino
KA, Johnson RS, Skinner HH et al: The
intradiaphragmatic distribution of the phrenic nerve
with particular reference to the placement of
diaphragmatic incisions and controlled segmental
paralysis. Surgery 39:189, 1956; and Sicular A: Direct
septum transversum incision to replace
circumferential diaphragmatic incision in operations
of the cardia. Am J Surg 164:167, 1992.)

by Collis (1968). This maneuver gives ample exposure described by Sicular (1992) is shorter compared with the
to the "attic of the abdomen" and simplifies management circumferential incision and has the advantage of rapid
of the vasa brevia and the gastrohepatic ligament. By performance (Fig. 56-8). However, it does impose some
retracting the stay sutures caudally, the operator can dis- risk of trauma to the left phrenic nerve. Incisions in the
sect the intrathoracic aspect of the diaphragmatic attach- diaphragm should be closed with two layers of nonab-
ment to the esophagogastric junction with two fingers sorbable sutures. A first layer of interrupted mattress
inserted in the abdomen while dissecting the chest, sutures is followed by a layer of continuous polypropyl-
allowing for repair of the crura in the abdomen and ene sutures. This technique obviates the risk of diaphrag-
performance of a fundoplication before closure of the matic disruption, which is a known complication of dia-
diaphragmatic incision. For left transthoracic esophago- phragmatic closure with absorbable sutures.
gastric resections, the circumferential incision may be
carried down to the esophageal hiatus. If the tumor is
adherent to the diaphragm, wide resection of the dia- Phrenic Nerve Injury
phragm can be easily performed using this technique. Causes of phrenic nerve injury are listed in Table 56-2.
The diaphragmatic incision through the central tendon Cardiac procedures in both the pediatric and adult popu-
CHAPTER 56 • Anatomy, Embryology, Pathophysiology, and Surgery oj the Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm 1505

TABLE 5 6 - 2 • Causes of Phrenic Nerve Injury procedure, diaphragmatic function usually returned in 6
months; however, it was permanent in 20% of cases
Cervical (Iverson et al, 1966). Notably, in 50% of these patients
Birth injury there was delayed evidence of diminished diaphragmatic
Blunt-penetrating trauma: spine or soft tissue function resulting in ventilatory loss. Currently, tempo-
Operative injury rary paralysis of the phrenic nerve can be instituted
Neck surgery: thyroid, neck dissection, splenectomy
Jugular vein cannulation
during thoracotomy by local anesthetic injection. This
Deliberate: crush, exeresis for tuberculosis technique is used occasionally to diminish the pleural
Thoracic space following p u l m o n a r y resections. Pneumoperito-
neum is instituted concomitantly to facilitate elevation of
Operative injury the diaphragm.
Thymectomy/mediastinal tumor In the postoperative patient who is supine and on
Pulmonary resection ventilatory support, diaphragmatic paralysis may not be
Deliberate: pneumonectomy, hiatal hernia repair
suspected because positive-pressure ventilation tends to
Blalock-Taussig shunt
Pericardiectomy mask abnormal findings. In the spontaneously breathing
Aortic arch aneurysms patient, left pleural effusion, lower lobe atelectasis, and
CABG: pericardial traction, topical hypothermia, ITA harvest elevation of the left hemidiaphragm are, unfortunately,
Neoplastic common sequelae of cardiac surgery and may mask phre-
Lung cancer nic nerve injury. Similarly, diaphragmatic paralysis is dif-
Malignant mediastinal tumor ficult to diagnose by either chest radiography or fluoros-
Lymphoma copy. In cases with a high index of suspicion, phrenic
Infectious n e r v e c o n d u c t i o n s t u d i e s are required (Russel et al,
Typhoid, pneumonias 1991). Measurement of phrenic nerve conduction time
Viral: polio, herpes zoster, rubella allows direct evaluation of phrenic nerve function and
Idiopathic integrity. An electrical stimulus is applied over the phre-
(Probable undiagnosed viral infection) nic nerve in the neck and a diaphragmatic electromyo-
gram from T7 and T8 intercostal spaces is displayed on
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; ITA, internal thoracic artery. a storage oscilloscope. Prolongation of the phrenic la-
tency by more than 2 msec is considered indicative of
phrenic nerve paralysis. This test can establish the diag-
lations are the most common cause of phrenic nerve nosis at the bedside, and if it is serially performed, may
injury with resultant paralysis of the hemidiaphragm. prognosticate recovery. In cases in which recovery of
Phrenic nerve injury during cardiac procedures may re- phrenic nerve function is expected, prolonged ventilatory
sult from transection, contusion, and stretch or thermal support is indicated.
injury. Thermal injury may be due to heat caused by the In the nonacute situation, elevation of the hemidi-
injudicious application of electrocautery or due to cold aphragm on chest radiograph may suggest paralysis. Flu-
following topical cardiac hypothermia. In a series of 831
closed cardiac surgical procedures in infants and children,
Zhao and co-workers (1985) noted an incidence of phre-
nic nerve injury in 2 . 1 % of cases. This injury is most
commonly noted following systemic-pulmonary artery
anastomosis, atrial septectomy, or combined pulmonary
artery banding and ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus.
The most frequent cause of phrenic nerve injury during
operations for acquired heart disease is from the intraper-
icardial application of saline slush as a means of myocar-
dial preservation. The incidence of this complication has
been reported to be as high as 73%. However, it was
reduced to 17% with the use of an insulating pad to
protect the phrenic nerves (Esposito and Spencer, 1987).
Typically the left hemidiaphragm is most commonly af-
fected, although bilateral injuries are occasionally noted.
The proximity of the phrenic nerves to the internal mam-
mary artery puts them at risk during harvest of the artery
for coronary artery bypass procedures. Nerve injury in
these cases is usually caused by thermal injury from
cautery dissection or due to stretch injury (Markland et
al, 1985). Phrenic nerve paralysis was formerly employed
as an adjunct to collapse therapy for tuberculosis. Resec-
tion of the phrenic nerve was performed to ensure total
and permanent paralysis (Fig. 5 6 - 9 ) , while in other in- FIGURE 56-9 • Chest film of 70-year-old female who had
phrenicectomy for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis 40
stances phrenic nerve crush was used. After the latter years prior to her coronary artery bypass.
1506 CHAPTER 56 • Anatomy, Embryology, Pathophysiology, and Surgery of the Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm

oroscopy is considered the most reliable method to docu- however, when this injury is noted in a child older than
ment diaphragmatic paralysis. The diagnosis is 3 months, it can usually be managed successfully with
established by the "sniff test," which demonstrates para- continuous positive airway pressure through a nasotra-
doxical motion of the diaphragm on fluoroscopy. The cheal tube. In 34 cases of diaphragmatic paralysis follow-
paradoxical excursion should involve the entire hemidi- ing pediatric cardiac surgery, it was noted that no patient
aphragm and should exceed 2 cm for establishment of the older than 3 years of age required intubation for longer
diagnosis of diaphragmatic paralysis (Alexander, 1996). than 2 weeks (Lynn et al, 1982). Patients younger than 3
However, paradoxical movement of the diaphragm has years of age who still required intubation and continuous
been noted in 6% of normal subjects during the sniff test positive airway pressure 3 to 4 weeks following surgery
(Shim, 1980). were candidates for diaphragmatic plication because of
the potential complications of long-term intubation (pul-
Pathophysiology of Diaphragmatic Paralysis monary and systemic infection) and difficulties in main-
taining adequate caloric intake. Shoemaker and associates
Infants are more likely to have respiratory difficulties report (1981) confirmed the need for diaphragm plication
from diaphragmatic paralysis than older children and in infants less than 5 months old.
adults. The intercostal and accessory muscles of respira-
tion in infants do not contribute significantly to respira- Most adults with unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis
tory mechanics; thus unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis are asymptomatic; those having troublesome dyspnea on
may produce a 50% loss in pulmonary function (Mickell exertion or orthopnea may benefit from diaphragmatic
et al, 1978). Because infants are customarily maintained plication. Graham and associates (1990) reported 10-
in the recumbent position, there is further reduction in year follow-up of 17 patients treated with diaphragmatic
vital capacity. Also, the mobile mediastinum of the infant plication. All patients were less dyspneic with objective
is shifted to the nonaffected side, further diminishing improvement in spirometry and oxygenation. Diaphrag-
pulmonary function. Further, the narrow airway in in- matic plication has also been successfully employed in
fants predisposes to bronchial obstruction from retained adults following phrenic nerve injury associated with
secretions that cannot be readily evacuated by crying cardiac surgery and after pneumonectomy with deliberate
or cough. sacrifice of the phrenic nerve (Glassman et al, 1994;
Takeda et al, 1994).
In normal adults, diaphragmatic excursion may con-
tribute 30% to 60% of total tidal volume. With unilateral
diaphragmatic paralysis, there is a decrease of 20% to • REFERENCES
30% of vital capacity and maximum voluntary ventila-
Alexander C: Diaphragm movements and a diagnosis of diaphragmatic
tion, and a 20% decrease in oxygen uptake on the in- paralysis. Clin Radiol 17:79-83, 1966.
volved side, as well as decreased residual volume and Berandi RS, Tenquist J, Sauter D et al: An update on the surgical aspects
total lung capacity (Zhao et al, 1985). Hypoxemia and of Morgagni's hernia. Surg Rounds 370-376, 1997.
hypercapnia result. These numbers increase when pa- Campbell DN, Lilly JR: The clinical spectrum of right Bochdalek's
hernia. Arch Surg 117:341-344, 1982.
tients are supine. Disabling gastroesophageal reflux may CollisJL: Surgical control of reflux in hiatus hernia. AmJ Surg 115:465-
occur in left-sided paresis. These findings are increased 471, 1968.
with the patient supine. Disabling gastroesophageal reflux Collis JL, Kelly TD, Wiley AM: Anatomy of the crura of the diaphragm
may occur in left-sided paresis. Nevertheless, in patients and the surgery of hiatus hernia. Thorax 9:175-189, 1954.
with sufficient respiratory reserve, unilateral diaphrag- Eposito JA, Spencer FC: The effect of pericardial insulation on hypo-
thermic phrenic nerve injury during open heart surgery. Ann
matic paralysis may not be symptomatic despite the ven- Thorac Surg 43:303-308, 1987.
tilatory losses previously noted. Gale ME: Bochdaleck hernias: Prevalence and CT characteristics. Radi-
ology 156:449-452, 1985.
Glassman LR, Spencer FC, Bauman G et al: Successful plication for
Treatment of Diaphragmatic Paralysis postoperative diaphragmatic paralysis in an adult. Ann Thorac
A few cases of repair of a transected phrenic nerve have Surg 58:1754-1755, 1994.
been reported, without documentation of success by elec- Graham ER, Kaplan D, Evans CC et al: Diaphragmatic plication for
unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis: A ten-year experience. Ann
trophysiologic testing (Merav et al, 1983; Shoemaker et Thorac Surg 49:248-252, 1990.
al, 1981). The management of phrenic nerve injury and Heitmiller R: Results of standard left thoracoabdominal esophagogas-
diaphragmatic paralysis in infants following cardiac sur- trectomy Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 4:314-319, 1992.
gery is still controversial. Some authors have used venti- Hussong R, Landreneau R, Cole F: Diagnosis and repair of Morgagni
latory support in excess of 1 month for managing this hernia with video assisted thoracic surgery. Ann Thorac Surg
63:1474-1475, 1997.
problem and rarely do they employ diaphragmatic plica- Iverson LI, Mittal A, Dugan D et al: Injuries to the phrenic nerve
tion (Zhao et al, 1985). In Mickell and co-workers's resulting in diaphragmatic paralysis with special reference to
series (1978) 19 of 32 patients demonstrated complete stretch trauma. Am J Surg 132:263-266, 1966.
resolution of diaphragmatic paralysis, 9 were asympto- Kirkland JA: Congenital posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia in the
adult. Br J Surg 47:16-22, 1959.
matic with persistent defect, and 1 patient was treated Kirschner PA: Porous diaphragm syndromes. Chest Surg Clin North
with surgical plication. Shoemaker and co-workers Am 8:449-472, 1998.
(1981) demonstrated reduction in the duration of ventila- Lynn A, Jenkins J, Edmonds J: Diaphragmatic paralysis after pediatric
tory support, extubating his patients within 6 days fol- cardiac surgery: A retrospective analysis of 34 cases. Crit Care
lowing diaphragmatic plication. It is clear that intraopera- Med 11:280-282, 1982.
MacDougal J, Abbott A, Goodhand T: Herniation through congenital
tive recognition of phrenic nerve injury in the neonate diaphragmatic defects in adults. Can J Surg 6:301-316, 1963.
is an indication for immediate diaphragmatic plication; Markand O, Moorthy S, Mahomed Y: Postoperative phrenic nerve palsy
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1507

in patients with open heart surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 39:68-73, Russel R, Molvey D, LaRoche C et al: Bedside assessment of phrenic
1985. nerve function in infants and children. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
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nerve with restoration of diaphragmatic function. Chest 84:642- Shim C: Motor disturbances of the diaphragm. Clin Chest Med 1:125-
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placement of diaphragmatic incisions and controlled segmental Surg 32:252-259, 1981.
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31:400-401, 1981. ease. Ann Thorac Surg 39:445-449, 1985.


David S. Gierada
Richard M. Slone
Matthew J. Fleishman

Diagnostic imaging of the diaphragm is challenging due its thinness (Fig. 56-10). A smooth scalloped or polyar-
to its thin structure and complex shape. Abnormalities cuate contour of the diaphragm is a normal variation,
that affect the diaphragm are often first detected on chest and most frequently involves the right hemidiaphragm.
radiographs as an alteration in position or shape. Cross- The lumbar portions of the diaphragm occasionally may
sectional imaging studies, primarily computed tomogra- be seen on the frontal view and the sternocostal inser-
phy (CT) and occasionally magnetic resonance imaging tions are visible on the lateral view when there is ade-
(MRI), can depict structural defects and intrinsic and quate x-ray penetration and adjacent fat on both sides.
adjacent pathology in greater detail. Fluoroscopy is the Several signs help distinguish the right from left hemi-
primary radiologic means of evaluating diaphragm mo- diaphragm on the lateral radiograph (Fig. 56-11). The
tion, although MRI and ultrasound can also image this entire anteroposterior (AP) extent of the right hemidi-
function. This chapter illustrates the normal appearance aphragm is usually visible because of its interface with
of the diaphragm; the evaluation of abnormalities in the lung, while a variable segment of the anterior left
shape, position, and structure; and the role of imaging in hemidiaphragm is usually obscured by the adjacent heart
specific conditions, including congenital and acquired and mediastinal fat. Gas in the stomach or splenic flexure
hernias, diaphragm paralysis, and diaphragm masses. of the colon beneath the left hemidiaphragm can be used
to identify this side on the lateral projection; interposi-
tion of the colon between the liver and right hemidi-
aphragm is seen in less than 1% of patients (Prassopoulos
Radiography et al, 1996). Finally, in a left lateral radiograph (left side
of the patient is in contact with the film cassette), the
On chest radiographs, the superior margin of each hemi-
right ribs are more magnified than the left ribs. Therefore,
diaphragm with overlying parietal pleura forms a dome-
the hemidiaphragm that inserts along the margin of the
shaped interface separating aerated lung from the opaque
larger ribs can be identified as the right, and vice versa.
soft tissues of the abdomen. The heart with subjacent
pericardium and fat forms a relative depression between
the two hemidiaphragms, obscuring the central and ante- Cross-Sectional Imaging
romedial portions of the diaphragm. Intraperitoneal free The muscular diaphragm can be seen on cross-sectional
air outlining the inferior surface of the diaphragm reveals imaging studies; however, due to its shape, thinness, and
1508 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-10 • Normal diaphragm thickness.

Erect radiograph reveals the shape and
thickness of the diaphragm (arrows) in a
patient with a large amount of intraperitoneal
free air secondary to a bowel perforation. The
superior margins of the central, anterior aspect
of the diaphragm are obscured by the heart
and mediastinal fat. (From Gierada DS, Slone
RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the
diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237,

close contact with the liver and spleen, portions are often The diaphragmatic crura arise from the anterior as-
obscured. On CT, the diaphragm has the attenuation of pects of the L1-L3 vertebral bodies on the right and the
skeletal muscle, and is best seen where it is surrounded LI and L2 vertebral bodies on the left (Williams et al,
by lower attenuation fat (Fig. 56-12A). However, some 1989). The right crus is larger, and its medial fibers
segments of the diaphragm in contact with the liver or decussate around the esophagus to form the esophageal
spleen may be visible because the diaphragm enhances to hiatus, which may be seen on CT or MRI scans when
a lesser degree with intravenous contrast (Fig. 56-12B). appropriately oriented in the axial plane (Fig. 56-14A).
Nodular infoldings of the diaphragm near costal inser- The crura form the boundary of the retrocrural space
tions are often seen (Fig. 56-13), particularly in elderly (Fig. 56-14B and C). The aortic hiatus, which lies poste-
individuals, and these may indent the liver or spleen to rior to the esophageal hiatus, and the inferior vena caval
simulate focal lesions (Fig. 56-14) or simulate peritoneal hiatus, which passes through the central tendon, are not
implants. The domes of the diaphragm are best depicted well depicted in the axial plane, but they may be seen in
using volumetric (helical) CT and coronal or sagittal coronal or sagittal planes.
reformations (Brink et al, 1994). Lymph nodes along the anterior aspect of the central
The direct multiplanar imaging capability of MRI can diaphragm drain the diaphragm, anterior mediastinum,
improve depiction of the diaphragm, which is clinically and adjacent liver (Rouviere, 1938). These anterior dia-
useful in selected cases. On MRI, the muscular diaphragm phragmatic (also referred to as pericardial and cardi-
has signal intensity similar to skeletal muscle, liver, and ophrenic angle) lymph nodes are located anterior to the
spleen on all pulse sequences, and similar to CT, it is diaphragm and posterior to the xiphoid and adjacent
best depicted where it is separated from these structures costal cartilages in the cardiophrenic angles (Fig. 56-15).
by high signal intensity abdominal or mediastinal fat One or two lymph nodes, usually smaller than 5 mm in
(Gierada et al, 1996). As on CT studies, the greater diameter, are normally visible on CT scans (Aronberg et
enhancement of the liver after intravenous gadolinium al, 1986). The inferior pulmonary ligaments (Cooper et
administration can improve depiction of the diaphragm al, 1983; Godwin et al, 1983; Rost and Proto, 1983) and
with MRI (Kanematsu et al, 1995). Occasionally, short phrenic nerves and vessels (Berkmen et al, 1989; Ujita et
segments are sufficiently thick to allow distinction from al, 1993) are sometimes visible along the domes of the
the adjacent liver without contrast (Gierada et al, 1996). diaphragm on CT

FIGURE 56-11 • Distinguishing the hemidiaphragms on the

lateral chest radiograph. The right hemidiaphragm (black arrows)
is visible to the anterior chest wall and extends posteriorly to the
margin of the more magnified right ribs (R) on this standard
lateral film obtained with the left side of the chest in contact
with the film cassette. The left hemidiaphragm (white arrows) is
obscured anteriorly by the subjacent heart, extends posteriorly to
the less magnified left ribs (L), and lies above air-filled colon (C).
(From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation
of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging oj the Diaphragm 1509

FIGURE 56-12 • Normal diaphragm on a contrast enhanced computed tomography scan. A, A scan through the upper abdomen
in a 30-year-old man reveals portions of the diaphragm (open arrows) that have adjacent low attenuation fat (f) or aerated lung.
Segments of the diaphragm in contact with structures having similar attenuation such as the liver (L), spleen (Sp), or skeletal
muscle (M) are not separately visible. St, stomach. B, In this 78-year-old man, the diaphragm (arrowheads) enhances less than the
liver (L), but the same as skeletal muscle (m) and can be distinguished. Note the normal nodular appearance of the right crus
(black arrow). (From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am
8:237, 1998.)

The diaphragm can also be seen using ultrasound.

Although of similar echogenicity to the liver, the dia-
Abnormalities Affecting the
phragm can be distinguished because the acoustic imped- Diaphragm
ance of these structures differs, resulting in specular re- ABNORMALITIES OF DIAPHRAGM
flections that delineate the interface between them.
However, the field of view with ultrasound is limited,
and the diaphragm is more difficult to see in obese Alterations in diaphragm position or contour seen on
patients, in whom liver is positioned higher up under the chest radiographs may be due to intrathoracic or intra-
rib cage, and in areas where the sound waves are blocked abdominal processes, or they may be intrinsically related
by air in the stomach or intestines. Hence, ultrasound is to the diaphragm. Normally, the dome of the right hemi-
used infrequently in clinical evaluation. diaphragm projects at about the level of the anterior 6th

FIGURE 56-13 • Nodular diaphragm folds. Image in a 76-year-

old man demonstrates multiple normal nodular infoldings of the
right and left hemidiaphragm (arrows). (A, aorta; C, colon; E,
esophagus; L, liver; Sp, spleen; St, stomach.) (From Gierada DS,
Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm.
Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
FIGURE 56-14 • Normal variation of costal diaphragm slips
and normal retrocrural space. A, A computed tomography scan
through the upper abdomen reveals a nodular, low
attenuation focus surrounded by hepatic parenchyma {black
arrow). B and C, On successive caudal images, the nodular
focus is seen to be contiguous with a thickened portion of the
diaphragm near its costal attachment. Also note the
esophageal hiatus {curved arrow) bordered by the right (re)
and left (Ic) crura. The crura outline the retrocrural space,
which contains the aorta (A), lower posterior mediastinal fat
(f), azygos {white arrow) and hemiazygos {arrowhead) veins.
Smaller structures adjacent to the azygos vein likely represent
the thoracic duct and tiny lymph nodes. (A, aorta; j,
gastroesohageal junction; L, liver; Sp, spleen; St, stomach.)
(From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging
evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237,

FIGURE 56-15 • Anterior diaphragmatic lymphadenopathy in a patient with lymphoma. A and B, A computed tomography scan
shows enlarged lymph nodes {white arrows) in the pericardial fat, anterior to the diaphragm {arrowheads). Note the thin
enhancing caudal tip of atelectatic lung {black arrows), not to be mistaken for the diaphragm. (A, aorta; E, pleural effusion; H,
heart; L, liver; Sp, spleen; St, stomach; V, inferior vena cava.)

CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1511

rib and posterior 10th rib on erect PA chest radiographs elevation (Fraser et al, 1994; Kawashima and Libshitz,
obtained in full inspiration (J u m \ 1987; Lennon and 1990; Rabinowitz et al, 1982).
Simon, 1965). It may be slightly higher (one-half rib Eventration is a frequently encountered cause of hemi-
level) in obese individuals and lower in thin persons. diaphragm elevation. The abnormally thin portions of the
The left hemidiaphragm is usually positioned up to one diaphragm are more easily stretched and displaced up-
rib interspace, or several centimeters, below the right ward by the liver and abdominal viscera (Hesselink et al,
hemidiaphragm (Armstrong et al, 1995; Juhl, 1987; 1978; Vogl and Small, 1955). This may be of congenital
Tarver et al, 1989), although in about 10% of normal etiology due to incomplete muscularization of the peri-
subjects it is at the same level or slightly higher (Fel- cardioperitoneal membrane (Tarver et al, 1989), but the
son, 1973). increased incidence with age suggests that eventration of
CT usually helps in further assessment of diaphragm the right hemidiaphragm is often acquired (Okuda et al,
position or contour abnormalities, and sometimes it re- 1979). Eventration is usually unilateral and incomplete,
veals unsuspected abnormalities when it is performed for but it may involve the entire hemidiaphragm. The ante-
other indications. The primary indication for MRI of the romedial right hemidiaphragm is most commonly af-
diaphragm is assessment of congenital or acquired her- fected by partial eventration (Armstrong et al, 1995; Vogl
nias. Suspected diaphragm paralysis is assessed using and Small, 1955), while complete eventration usually
fluoroscopy. occurs on the left hemidiaphragm and in males (Tarver
et al, 1989). Partial eventration is seen as a focal, broad-
based, mass-like, upward bulge of the hemidiaphragm
Unilateral Elevation (Fig. 56-16). Complete eventration results in smooth
Lung volume loss is one of the most common causes of elevation of the hemidiaphragm on radiographs, with
unilateral hemidiaphragm elevation (Table 56-3); it can slight paradoxical, little, or no movement during inspira-
be due to atelectasis, partial lung resection, radiation tion on fluoroscopy, which may be indistinguishable from
or post-inflammatory fibrosis, or congenital hypoplasia. phrenic nerve paralysis (Armstrong et al, 1995; Tarver et
Additional signs of volume loss that may be present al, 1989). CT, MR, ultrasound, and liver scintigraphy can
include ipsilateral shifting of mediastinal structures and be used to determine the contents of the eventration. If
narrowing of the intercostal spaces. Malignant mesotheli- small, distinction from a localized herniation may be
oma can encase the lung and cause restrictive disease difficult (Fig. 56-17).
with resultant ipsilateral volume loss and hemidiaphragm Unilateral hemidiaphragm elevation may be related to
abdominal disease. Large abdominal tumors (Fig. 56-18)
or fluid collections, such as subphrenic abscesses (Fig.
TABLE 5 6 - 3 • Hemidiaphragm Elevation 56-19) are potential causes. Hemidiaphragm elevation
may also be associated with dilatation of the stomach
UNILATERAL or colon.
Lung volume loss (atelectasis, lobar collapse, partial lung Phrenic nerve paralysis, discussed subsequently in
resection, radiation fibrosis, congenital pulmonary greater detail, is often first suspected when hemidi-
hypoplasia, encasement by tumor) aphragm elevation is noted on a chest radiograph (Fig.
Eventration 56-20). Impaired inspiratory excursion of the diaphragm
Abdominal disease (dilated stomach or colon, hepatomegaly,
and rib cage due to pain from a rib fracture or pleurisy
splenomegaly, subphremic abscess)
Phrenic nerve paralysis ("splinting") can also produce hemidiaphragm elevation.
Splinting (rib fracture, pneumonia, infarction, abscess, Additional causes of splinting include acute lower lobe
peritonitis) pneumonia or infarction, and acute intra-abdominal in-
Mimics (subpulmonic pleural effusion, large pleural mass, flammatory processes such as subphrenic abscess, chole-
diaphragmatic hernia)
After single lung transplant for pulmonary fibrosis
cystitis, and peritonitis (Fraser et al, 1994).
Phrenoplasty Subpulmonic accumulation of pleural fluid can mimic
hemidiaphragm elevation. This is suspected primarily
BILATERAL when the dome of the apparent hemidiaphragm margin
is positioned more laterally than usual (Fig. 56-21)
Lung volume loss (suboptimal inspiration, supine positioning,
atelectasis, lung resection, pulmonary fibrosis) (Fleischner, 1963; Hessen, 1951; Peterson, 1960). On the
Abdominal mass effect (obesity, pregnancy, marked bowel left, the distance .between the gastric air bubble and
dilation, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, large abdominal the apparent hemidiaphragm margin may be increased
tumors) (Armstrong et al, 1995; Fleischner, 1963; Fraser et al,
Subpulmonic pleural effusions
1994; Hessen, 1951; Peterson, 1960), but this can be
Neuromuscular disease (quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, seen in the absence of subpulmonic fluid if the gastric
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, air bubble is positioned anterior and inferior to the hemi-
myasthenia gravis, Eaton-Lambert syndrome, muscular diaphragm dome (Felson, 1973). Subpulmonic fluid, if
dystrophy, steroid or alcohol myopathy, rhabdomyolysis) not loculated, can be confirmed by lateral decubitus ra-
Connective tissue disease (fibrosis in rheumatoid arthritis,
sclerodema, and ankylosing spondylitis; weakness in systemic
diographs (see Fig. 56-21). A large basilar pleural mass
lupus erythematosus, polymyositis) may also mimic hemidiaphragm elevation.
Endocrine and metabolic disorders (hypothyroidism, Phrenoplasty to minimize the pleural dead space fol-
hyperthyroidism, Cushing's disease, hypokalemia, lowing pulmonary resection by dissecting the ipsilateral
hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia, metabolic alkalosis)
Phrenic nerve paralysis hemidiaphragm away from the pericardium and increas-
ing the hemidiaphragm surface area allows the hemidi-
1512 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-16 • Partial eventration. Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (6) radiographs in a 42-year-old man reveal a broad,
upwardly bulging segment {arrows) of the anteromedial right hemidiaphragm.

aphragm to rise higher, resulting in unilateral elevation hemidiaphragms of pregnant women are also typically
(Brewer and Gazzaniga, 1968). This technique minimizes positioned higher than usual. A large amount of ascites,
the size of fluid collections accumulating in the lobec- diffuse bowel dilatation due to ileus or mechanical ob-
tomy space when the remaining lung is too small to fill struction, marked hepatosplenomegaly, and intra-abdom-
the thoracic cavity. inal tumors are additional causes of bilateral elevation
(Felson, 1973).
Lung volume loss is the most common intrathoracic
Bilateral Elevation cause of bilateral elevation. Etiologies include bilateral
The most frequently encountered cause of bilateral hemi- atelectasis, diseases causing bilateral pulmonary fibrosis,
diaphragm elevation (see Table 56-3) is obesity. The and bilateral partial lung resection. Lung volume may

FIGURE 56-17 • Multiplanar magnetic resonance image (MRI) of focal diaphragm defect. A, Radiograph in a
patient with breast cancer reveals a rounded "mass" (arrows) in the right lung base, suspicious for a lung nodule. B,
Postcontrast sagittal MRI that the "mass" {arrow) represents a focal bulge of the liver (L). The enhancement and
signal characteristics on this and other pulse sequences were identical to the liver, consistent with a small, focal
eventration or herniation. (From Slone RM, Gierada DS: Pleura, Chest Wall, and Diaphragm. In Lee JKT, Sagel SS,
Stanley RJ, Heiken JP (eds): Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation, Vol 1, 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
Lippincott-Raven, 1998.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1513

FIGURE 56-18 • Abdominal liposarcoma. Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (fi) radiographs show left hemidiaphragm elevation
and retrocardiac mass. C and D, Computed tomography images reveal that radiographic findings are due to a large tumor (T)
of mixed fat and soft tissue attenuation, which extends through the esophageal hiatus (curved arrow in D). (A, aorta; E,
esophagus; la, left atrium; Ic, left crus of diaphragm; re, right crus of diaphragm.)

also be diminished in the absence of pulmonary disease while other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, sclero-
due to suboptimal patient inspiratory effort, as it may be derma, and ankylosing spondylitis may cause diaphragm
on supine portable radiographs since supine positioning elevation when they result in pulmonary fibrosis (Reid,
lowers functional residual capacity (Blair and Hickam, 1995; Wilcox and Pardy, 1989).
Bilateral phrenic nerve paralysis results in bilateral
Unilateral Depression
hemidiaphragm elevation. Bilateral subpulmonic pleural
effusions can simulate bilateral hemidiaphragm elevation. Unilateral hemidiaphragm depression (Table 56-4) is a
Numerous neuromuscular, endocrine, and metabolic dis- relatively infrequent finding. One cause is a tension pneu-
eases are rare etiologies of bilateral hemidiaphragm eleva- mothorax, in which there may be ipsilateral hemidi-
tion due to diaphragm weakness or paralysis (Reid, 1995; aphragm depression accompanying contralateral medias-
Wilcox and Pardy, 1989). Connective tissue diseases such tinal shift. In supine patients, a pneumothorax of
as polymyositis and systemic lupus erythematosus may substantial size may collect anteriorly (preferentially in
cause diaphragm elevation on the basis of weakness, the base of the hemithorax, the least dependent position)
FIGURE 56-19 • Subphrenic abscess. A, A radiograph in a febrile 29-year-
old man demonstrates elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with atelectasis
and focal consolidation in the right lung base. B, A chest radiograph
obtained 3 weeks later reveals an air-fluid level (arrows) in the right
subphrenic space, consistent with an abscess. C, A computed tomography
scan confirms that the abscess (A) is within the abdomen, internal to the
hemidiaphragm (arrows) and adjacent to the liver (L). Consolidation (C) is
present in the medial right lung base. The patient had sustained a liver
laceration in a motor vehicle accident 9 months previously and developed a
biloma that required percutaneous catheter drainage; the drains had been
removed 4 months previously. (From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ:
Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237,

FIGURE 56-20 • Paralyzed hemidiaphragm. A, Postoperative chest radiograph obtained after left carotid endarterectomy
demonstrates an elevated left hemidiaphragm. Note the skin staples in left lower neck. S, A radiograph obtained 1 month later
shows no change. Fluoroscopy revealed left hemidiaphragm paralysis.

CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1515

FIGURE 56-21 • Subpulmonic pleural effusion. A, Apparent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with a laterally positioned
dome (arrow) suggests the presence of a subpulmonic pleural effusion. S, Right lateral decubitus view (right side down)
confirms a mobile pleural effusion (e) of moderate size. (Courtesy of Harvey S. Glazer, MD, St. Louis, MO.) (From Gierada DS,
Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)

without significant separation of the lateral and apical apparent change in the position of the pleural fluid mar-
visceral p l e u r a l m a r g i n s . H e m i d i a p h r a g m d e p r e s s i o n gin on radiographs (Felson, 1973). However, detection of
therefore can be an indirect sign of a pneumothorax in hemidiaphragm inversion on radiography may be difficult
the supine patient. Erect or lateral decubitus views with because the normal diaphragm-lung interface is obscured
the abnormal side up can resolve difficult cases. by the fluid. Hemidiaphragm inversion is more readily
Asymmetric bullous emphysema can be associated with recognized on the left, since depression of the stomach
relatively greater hemidiaphragm depression on the more or colon may be seen (Armstrong et al, 1995). On axial
severely affected side (Fig. 56-22). After single lung trans- CT images, p l e u r a l fluid inverting the right hemidi-
plantation for emphysema, the hemidiaphragm on the aphragm may resemble a cystic intrahepatic mass (Hert-
transplanted side assumes a more normal position, and zanu and Solomon, 1986).
unilateral depression is seen on the side of the native lung. In c h i l d r e n , u n i l a t e r a l h e m i d i a p h r a g m depression
A large pleural effusion may invert a hemidiaphragm raises the suspicion of congenital lobar emphysema or an
(Mulvey, 1965; Swingle et al, 1969); in such cases, drain- aspirated foreign body. In congenital lobar emphysema,
age of pleural fluid by thoracentesis may result in little there is marked hyperinflation of the affected lobe with
depression of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm and contra-
lateral shift of the mediastinum, and often compressive
TABLE 5 6 - 4 • Hemidiaphragm Depression atelectasis of the other lobes. Uncommonly, the enlarged
lobe may be completely opacified due to impairment of
UNILATERAL fluid drainage by bronchial obstruction. Aspiration of
foreign bodies, particularly in children, is a reported
Large pneumothorax etiology of obstructive overinflation. However, this effect
Asymmetric bullous emphysema
may simply be related to air trapping, since full inspira-
Large pleural effusion
Foreign body aspiration tory radiographs can be difficult to obtain in children
Congenital lobar emphysema (Fraser et al, 1994).
Single lung transplant for emphysema

Bilateral Depression
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema, asthma)
Deep inspiration (young, thin person) Bilateral hemidiaphragm depression (see Table 56-4) is
Bilateral large pneumothorax seen m o s t often w i t h hyperinflation in p a t i e n t s with
Mechanical ventilation at high pressures chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Fig. 56-23). In
Cystic fibrosis emphysema, the hemidiaphragms are often flat and may
Pulmonary histiocytosis X be inverted; in asthma, they may be slightly less curved
Tuberous sclerosis but are rarely flat (Armstrong et al, 1995). With the
marked hyperinflation sometimes seen in advanced em-
1516 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-22 • Asymmetric bullous emphysema. Severe bullous

emphysema in a 36-year-old man is more severe on the right,
resulting in right hemidiaphragm depression and contralateral
mediastinal shift.

physema, the costal insertions of the diaphragm may be occasionally have a relatively low diaphragm. Mechanical
visible on radiographs (see Fig. 56-23) (Fras'er et al, ventilation at high pressure and bilateral tension pneu-
1994; Slone and Gierada, 1996). Healthy normal individ- mothorax can produce bilateral hemidiaphragm depres-
uals, particularly those who are young and thin, may sion. Finally, cystic fibrosis typically results in hyperin-

FIGURE 56-23 • Severe emphysema. A, A radiograph in a 65-year-old woman with severe emphysema demonstrates
hyperinflation with depression of the hemidiaphragm to below the 11th posterior ribs (11) and flattening of the diaphragm
contour. 6, Close-up view of the right hemidiaphragm reveals its costal insertions {arrows). (From Gierada DS, Slone RM,
Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1517

flation, and interstitial lung disease in association with underlying pulmonary hypoplasia. Prenatal diagnosis is
normal or increased lung volumes can be seen in histio- possible using fetal ultrasound (Bencerraf and Greene,
cytosis X, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, and tuberous scle- 1986).
rosis. In the adult, a Bochdalek hernia is seen on the chest
radiograph as a soft tissue mass of variable size bulging
upward through the posterior aspect of a hemidiaphragm.
CONGENITAL HERNIAS OF THE The hernia contents usually can be defined without diffi-
DIAPHRAGM culty on CT, which can also demonstrate the diaphrag-
Bochdalek's Hernia matic defect (Fig. 56-25). Other radiologic studies can
be used to demonstrate the hernia contents; barium stud-
Bochdalek's hernia results from incomplete closure of ies may reveal herniated bowel loops, intravenous urogra-
the embryonic pleuroperitoneal membrane. Despite the phy may reveal a herniated kidney, and 99mTc sulfur col-
name, it typically occurs through posterolateral defects loid scintigraphy may demonstrate herniation of the liver
in the diaphragm separate from the foramen of Bochdalek or spleen. Small, focal diaphragmatic defects or disconti-
(White and Suzuki, 1972). The defect is usually located nuity, with or without herniated fat or viscera, are seen
laterally, but it also occurs medially and may be small or in more than 10% of adults on CT (Fig. 56-26) (Caskey
large (Fraser et al, 1994). This hernia is seen far more et al, 1989; Gale, 1985). Their increasing incidence with
commonly on the left than right diaphragm, an observa- age, obesity, and emphysema strongly suggests that the
tion that has been attributed to earlier closure of the majority of such abnormalities are acquired, and are not
right pleuroperitoneal membrane (Tarver et al, 1989) and true Bochdalek hernias (Caskey et al, 1989).
the protection of right-sided defects by the liver (Fraser
et al, 1994). A small defect may contain only retroperito-
neal fat, while larger defects can contain abdominal vis- Morgagni's Hernia
cera such as the stomach, intestine, spleen or kidney on Foramen of Morgagni hernias are related to maldevelop-
the left, and the liver on the right (Panicek et al, 1988; ment of the embryologic septum transversum with failure
Tarver et al, 1989). of fusion of the sternal and costal fibrotendinous ele-
In the neonatal period, a large Bochdalek hernia (con- ments of the diaphragm (Panicek et al, 1988; Tarver et
genital diaphragmatic hernia) is a surgical emergency al, 1989). In contrast to the true Bochdalek hernia, a
(Kirks and Caron, 1991). Newborns present-with severe hernia sac of peritoneum and pleura surrounds the con-
respiratory distress and a scaphoid abdomen. The initial tents of a Morgagni hernia (Fraser et al, 1994). Morgagni's
chest radiograph usually reveals opacification of the he- hernia is most often right sided, probably because left-
mithorax and contralateral shift of the mediastinum due sided defects are covered by the heart and pericardium,
to herniation of the abdominal contents into the chest and it is often associated with obesity. The hernia sac
(Fig. 56-24). As air is swallowed, bowel loops in the usually contains omentum, but it may contain transverse
chest become filled with gas and produce multiple lucen- colon or rarely stomach, small bowel, or liver (Tarver
cies. Morbidity and mortality are related to the degree of et al, 1989). Most Morgagni's hernias are asymptomatic

FIGURE 56-24 • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. A, a radiograph obtained in an infant shortly after birth reveals partial
opacification of the left hemithorax; a dilated, air-filled stomach (St); and upper abdominal bowel gas (B). B, Hours later, air has
passed into bowel loops (B) in the left hemithorax, confirming a large congenital hernia. (Courtesy of Marilyn J. Siegel, MD, St.
Louis, MO.) (From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237,
1518 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-25 • Bochdalek and hiatal hernias.

Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs in a 71-
year-old man show a large, left, posterolateral opacity
(long arrows) and a large opacity above the central
portion of the diaphragm (short arrows). Note the
preserved interface of the left lower lobe with the
anterior left hemidiaphragm (open arrows in A). C,
Tomographic image from intravenous urogram reveals
elevation of the enhancing left kidney (LK) into the lower
left hemithorax. The right kidney (RK) is in its normal
location. D and £, Computed tomography images through
the lower chest reveal herniation of the left kidney (LK)
and surrounding fat (f) through the margins (arrows in E)
of a large defect in the left hemidiaphragm, characteristic
of a Bochdalek hernia. A portion of the stomach (St) in
the posterior mediastinum represents the central
supradiahragmatic opacity seen on radiograph, consistent
with a concomitant large hiatal hernia. (A, aorta; H,
heart; L, liver.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1519

FIGURE 56-26 • Posterior diaphragm defects. A and B, Computed tomography images in two different patients reveal
herniation of abdominal fat (f) through the margins (arrows) of posterior diaphragm defects, which could be either congenital or
acquired with aging. (A, aorta; L, liver; Sp, spleen; St, stomach.) (B, from Slone RM, Gierada DS: Pleura, Chest Wall, and
Diaphragm. In Lee JKT, Sagel SS, Stanley RJ, Heiken JP [eds]: Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation, Vol 1, 3rd ed.
Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1998.)

although some produce epigastric pressure or discomfort, may be difficult to identify owing to its typically small
and rarely strangulation of contained portions of the size. As with the Bochdalek hernia, liver scintigraphy or
gastrointestinal tract (Fraser et al, 1994). multiplanar MRI are occasionally useful.
Morgagni's hernias usually come to clinical attention
as asymptomatic right cardiophrenic angle masses de-
tected on chest radiographs (Fig. 56-27). Gas-filled intes- ACQUIRED HERNIAS OF THE DIAPHRAGM
tinal loops may be present, facilitating radiographic diag- Hiatal Hernia
nosis. CT permits distinction from other causes of
cardiophrenic angle masses such as pericardial cysts, peri- Hiatal hernia is the most frequently encountered type of
cardial fat pads, and pleural or parenchymal masses by diaphragmatic hernia in adults. Acquired enlargement of
revealing omental fat, omental vessels, and abdominal the esophageal hiatus and laxity of the phrenoesophageal
viscera peripheral to the diaphragm in the lower anterior ligament are etiologic factors, often associated with con-
chest (see Fig. 56-27). The actual diaphragmatic defect ditions resulting in increased intra-abdominal pressure,

FIGURE 56-27 • Morgagni hernia. A, Posteroanterior radiograph in a 50-year-old man demonstrates a right cardiophrenic
angle mass (M). B, A computed tomography scan through the lower chest reveals transverse colon (C) surrounded by
omental and mesenteric fat in the right lower chest. Mesenteric vessels (arrows) are seen coursing from the right
parasternal region. The diaphragm defect was not depicted. (A, aorta; H, heart.) (B, from Slone RM, Gierada DS: Pleura,
Chest Wall, and Diaphragm. In Lee JKT, Sagel SS Stanley RJ, Heiken JP [eds]: Computed Body Tomography with MRI
Correlation, Vol 1, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1998.)
1520 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-28 • Hiatal hernia. Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs in an 83-year-old man reveal a large,
retrocardiac mass containing an air-fluid level (arrowheads) representing the herniated intrathoracic portion of the
stomach (arrows).

such as obesity and pregnancy (Fraser et al, 1994; Tarver al, 1983). Hiatal hernias are frequent incidental findings
et al, 1989). Sliding hiatal hernias (Fig. 56-28) are much on CT scans. Extension of a portion of the proximal
more common than the periesophageal variety, in which stomach into the lower mediastinum is seen, and an
the stomach herniates up alongside the lower esophagus. abnormally wide esophageal hiatus may be identified if it
On chest radiography, hiatal hernias are depicted as is appropriately oriented in the transverse plane (Fig.
lower posterior mediastinal, retrocardiac soft tissue 56-29). When marked ascites is present in a patient with
masses, often containing air and fluid (see Fig. 56-28). a hiatal hernia, CT may show fluid extending into the
The diagnosis is easily confirmed by a barium esophago- lower posterior mediastinum mimicing a mediastinal ab-
gram, although this is rarely necessary. Very large hernias scess, necrotic tumor, or foregut cyst (Godwin and Mac-
can become incarcerated or undergo volvulus (Pearson et Gregor, 1987).

FIGURE 56-29 • Hiatal hernia. A, A computed tomography scan through the lower chest demonstrates herniation of a portion
of the stomach (St) into the lower mediastinum. B, Image obtained several centimeters caudad demonstrates widening of the
esophageal hiatus (arrows) and herniation of the stomach (St). (A, aorta; H, heart; I, inferior vena cava; L, liver; Sp, spleen.) (A,
from Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1521

Traumatic Hernia omentum, liver, or spleen (Rodriguez-Morales et al, 1986;

Voeller et al, 1990; Ward et al, 1981). In virtually all
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia can result from either cases, traumatic rupture of the diaphragm is associated
penetrating or blunt injury. Diaphragmatic rupture is with multisystem injuries that more directly determine
recognized in 0.5% to 6% of blunt trauma survivors in survival in the acute setting (Boulanger et al, 1993; Chen
various series (Guth et al, 1995; Rodriguez-Morales et al, and Wilson, 1991; Guth et al, 1995; Voeller et al, 1990;
1986; Voeller et al, 1990; Ward et al, 1981). It more often Ward et al, 1981), and there are no reliable clinical
affects the left hemidiaphragm, possibly because of the signs or symptoms (Rodriguez-Morales et al, 1986). In
protection of the right hemidiaphragm by the liver or addition, conservative management of patients whose ab-
because of the inherently greater weakness of the left dominal injures can now be followed by CT or ultra-
hemidiaphragm; infrequently, bilateral rupture occurs sound precludes the identification of diaphragmatic tears
(Chen and Wilson, 1991; Gelman et al, 1991; Guth et al, that would have been detected during exploratory lapa-
1995; Kearney et al, 1989; Rodriguez-Morales et al, 1986; rotomy. The diagnosis of diaphragm rupture therefore
Voeller et al, 1990; Ward et al, 1981). Penetrating trauma may be overlooked and requires a high degree of suspi-
due to stab wounds most often affects the left hemidi- cion (Desforges et al, 1957; Guth et al, 1995). Early
aphragm, since most people are right-handed, while gun- diagnosis is important since the pleuroperitoneal pressure
shot wounds affect both sides with equal frequency gradient can cause defects to enlarge over time (Chen
(Chen and Wilson, 1991). Blunt traumatic tears can in- and Wilson, 1991; Marchand, 1957) with eventual bowel
volve any portion of the diaphragm (Boulanger et al, incarceration, strangulation, and obstruction (Andrus and
1993), although they usually involve the posterior central Morton, 1970; Boulanger et al, 1993; Desforges et al,
aspect of a hemidiaphragm and extend radially, or they 1957; Gourin and Garzon, 1974; Probert and Havard,
result in disruption of the posterolateral attachments 1961).
(Hood, 1971; Ward et al, 1981). Blunt traumatic defects Numerous studies have found the chest radiograph to
are usually large, often more than 10 cm in length (Chen be the most valuable test in the preoperative diagnosis of
and Wilson, 1991; Panicek et al, 1988; Voeller et al, diaphragmatic rupture. However, the range of reported
1990; Wise et al, 1973). Penetrating wounds are usually sensitivities is wide, from 20% to 71% (Chen and Wilson,
less than 2 cm in length (Wise et al, 1973). 1991; Gelman et al, 1991; Guth et al, 1995; Rodriguez-
Herniation through a traumatic defect most frequently Morales et al, 1986; Voeller et al, 1990; Ward et al, 1981).
involves the stomach on the left and the diver on the Herniation of hollow viscera into the chest (Fig. 56-30)
right, but it can also involve the large or small bowel, or identification of a nasogastric tube in the intrathoracic

FIGURE 56-30 • Diaphragmatic hernia caused by surgical trauma. A, Portable radiograph obtained immediately following
surgical repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm reveals a normal position of the diaphragm and a nasogastric tube tip (arrow)
positioned in the proximal stomach (St). B, Portable radiograph 2 days later, after injection of an oral contrast agent through the
nasogastric tube, demonstrates marked upward displacement of a dilated stomach (St). The position of the nasogastric tube tip
(arrowhead) is unchanged, but there is focal narrowing (arrowhead) of the body of the stomach where the stomach has
herniated through the diaphragm into the chest, resulting in gastric obstruction and dilatation of the fundus, (a, gastric antrum.)
(A from Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
1522 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-31 • Traumatic diaphragm rupture. A, A radiograph

showing apparent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm in a 28-
year-old man complaining of increasing shortness of breath. B, A
computed tomography scan (CT) at the level of the main
pulmonary artery (PA) reveals the cause—herniation of the liver
(L) into the thorax. C, CT through the upper abdomen
demonstrates the free edge of the torn right hemidiaphragm
(arrow), with herniation of omental fat (f) and colon (C); the
caudal tip of the herniated liver (L) is also seen. The patient
reported involvement in an automobile accident 9 years
previously. (A, aorta; I, inferior vena cava; P, pancreas; PA,
pulmonary artery; Sp, spleen; St, stomach.) (From Slone RM,
Gierada DS: Pleura, Chest Wall, and Diaphragm. In Lee JKT, Sagel
SS, Stanley RJ, Heiken JP [eds]: Computed Body Tomography
with MRI Correlation, Vol -1, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-
Raven, 1998.)

stomach are the most specific radiographic signs. Dia- therefore, serial radiographs can be helpful in diagnosis
phragm rupture should be suspected whenever radio- (Desforges et al, 1957; Rodriguez-Morales et al, 1986;
graphs reveal apparent elevation of a hemidiaphragm, Voeller et al, 1990). Other plain radiographic findings of
although this can be due to atelectasis, eventration, post- diaphragm injury include hemothorax, basal lung opacity,
traumatic paralysis, or subpulmonic pleural effusion. Be- or abnormal contour of a hemidiaphragm. Rarely, herni-
cause nonspecific apparent elevation of the hemidi- ated omental fat can simulate pleural fluid on chest radio-
aphragm is usually the only sign of right hemidiaphragm graphs (Gurney et al, 1985). Radiographic findings are
rupture (Fig. 56-31), right-sided rupture is more difficult absent or nonspecific in most penetrating injuries, and
to detect. Evidence of rupture may not be present on the early diagnosis typically requires direct inspection
initial film, but it may develop on subsequent films; (Shackleton et al, 1998).
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1523

Diaphragm tears are often documented on CT, with diographic or CT examinations are equivocal. Ultrasound
several findings indicative of traumatic disruption (De- may be of particular value in assessing the right hemidi-
mos et al, 1989; Heiberg et al, 1980; Holland and Quint, aphragm by depicting the free edge of the hemidiaphragm
1991; Worthy et al, 1995). Abrupt discontinuity of the as a flap within pleural fluid or demonstrating liver herni-
diaphragm may be visible with or without visceral hernia- ated into the chest (Somers et al, 1990). Scintigraphy can
tion (see Fig. 56-31). Inability to identify the diaphragm also demonstrate traumatic herniation of the liver or
(absent diaphragm sign) in an area where it does not spleen. Contrast studies of the upper or lower gastroin-
contact another organ and should normally be seen may testinal tract may be useful, particularly in delayed pre-
be noted. Identification of abdominal structures external sentation.
to the diaphragm indicates intrathoracic herniation. Fi-
nally, as on barium studies, focal constriction of the
stomach (collar or hourglass sign) at the site of hernia- PARALYSIS OF THE DIAPHRAGM
tion occasionally is demonstrated on CT. Paralysis of the diaphragm can be due to an abnormality
Retrospective analyses indicate that most diaphrag- at any point along its neuromuscular axis. It may be
matic tears are detectable by CT (Murray et al, 1996; unilateral or bilateral and has numerous potential causes
Worthy et al, 1995), but several studies have found CT to (Fraser et al, 1994; Ingram, 1987; Reid, 1995; Tarver et
be of limited value in prospectively making the diagnosis al, 1989). Phrenic nerve trauma related to surgery
(Chen and Wilson, 1991; Gelman et al, 1991; Voeller et (stretch, crush, or transection) (see Fig. 56-20) and inva-
al, 1990). If hemidiaphragm elevation is only mild and a sion by a malignant neoplasm (Fig. 56-33) are the most
defect is not seen on CT, further imaging may be indi- common causes, although many cases are idiopathic.
cated. In problematic cases, direct coronal or sagittal Central nervous system etiologies such as multiple sclero-
imaging with MR (Carter et al, 1996; Dosios et al, 1993; sis, Arnold-Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, and high
Gelman et al, 1991; Mirvis et al, 1988; Shanmuganathan cervical quadriplegia are associated with bilateral hemidi-
et al, 1996), or spiral CT with coronal and sagittal re- aphragm paralysis. Hypothermic injury of the phenic
formatting (Fig. 56-32) (Israel et al, 1996), can be defin- nerve related to the use of cold topical cardioplegia dur-
itive. These imaging planes can be of particular value in ing coronary artery bypass surgery can lead to unilateral
depicting the secondary sign of a focal bulge or mush- (usually left) or bilateral hemidiaphragm paralysis. Nu-
rooming in the diaphragmatic contour, particularly on merous other causes have been implicated, including
the right hemidiaphragm where diagnosis can" be difficult. mediastinal masses such as lymphadenopathy aortic an-
Other imaging studies are sometimes useful when ra- eurysm, and substernal goiter, and diabetes, vasculitis,

FIGURE 56-32 • Traumatic diaphragm rupture. A, A

radiograph in a 53-year-old man obtained following a
motor vehicle accident reveals a soft tissue bulge
(arrows) along the left hemidiaphragm. Transaxial
computed tomography (CT) image (B) and sagittal image
reconstructed from the transaxial CT images (Q reveal
herniation of abdominal fat (f) into the chest. The
sagittal image demonstrates a defect (arrows) in the left
hemidiaphragm (small arrows). There was no visceral
herniation. (A, aorta; ant, anterior; H, heart; Sp, spleen.)
(From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging
evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am
8:237, 1998.)
1524 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-33 • Paralyzed hemidiaphragm. Radiograph demonstrates an elevated left hemidiaphragm and a large
left paramediastinal mass (M) representing bronchogenic carcinoma involving the expected location of the phrenic
nerve. Fluoroscopic examination confirmed hemidiaphragm paralysis, consistent with phrenic nerve invasion. (From
Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)

herpes zoster, and birth injury. As noted previously, dia- tive disadvantages include limited temporal resolution
phragm weakness without paralysis can be found in nu- (currently 3 to 5 images per second), restriction to hori-
merous conditions, including myopathies, connective tis- zontal patient positioning, and greater time and expense.
sue diseases, and various endocrine and metabolic We have used dynamic MRI to assess diaphragm motion
disorders (see Table 56-3). in patients undergoing lung volume reduction surgery
Fluoroscopy is the simplest, quickest, and most practi- and have observed improved diaphragm excursion and
cal method of assessing diaphragm movement. Dia- better coordination of chest wall and diaphragm move-
phragm movement can also be assessed by ultrasound, ment postoperatively (Fig. 56-34) (Slone and Gierada,
MRI, and by comparing radiographs obtained in full 1996). Ultrasound has the advantage of portability so
inspiration and expiration. In most studies, the average that it can be performed at the bedside if necessary, but
maximal excursion of the domes of the diaphragm is 3 it has the disadvantages of a limited field of view and
to 5 cm (range, 2 to 10 cm) (Alexander, 1966; Gierada potential difficulty in imaging the left hemidiaphragm
et al, 1995; Harris et al, 1983; Simon et al, 1969). Normal due to gas in the stomach or intestine. These modalities
excursion is usually greater than 2.5 cm, but excursion may be of value in assessing motion when the diaphragm
of less than 3 cm is fairly frequent (Armstrong et al, margin is obscured on fluoroscopy by a pleural effusion
1995; Fraser et al, 1994; Simon et al, 1969; Young and or consolidation.
Simon, 1972) and can be seen in healthy persons with a Fluoroscopy is the most efficient and reliable radiologic
normal vital capacity (Young and Simon, 1972). Unequal means of assessing for diaphragm paralysis. The examina-
excursion of the hemidiaphragms is common, generally tion is typically performed with the patient erect; however,
differing by less than 1.5 cm, and it may be greater on supine positioning stresses the diaphragm by removing
either side (Gierada et al, 1995; Young and Simon, 1972). the aid of gravity during inspiration and may increase the
Asynchronous motion of the hemidiaphragms is not un- sensitivity of the test. In most adults, the fluoroscopic
usual (Felson, 1973; Gierada et al, 1995; Juhl, 1987). field of view in the frontal projection is large enough to
Depicting motion by MRI requires scanner hardware view only an entire hemidiaphragm or the medial aspects
that can produce strong magnetic field gradients to ac- of both hemidiaphragms. With oblique or lateral position-
quire repeated images every 1 second or less in a single ing, both hemidiaphragms are completely included in the
plane during breathing. Relative advantages of MRI in- field of view and can be assessed simultaneously.
clude a large field of view, easily obtained measurements In unilateral paralysis, a paralyzed hemidiaphragm
due to the inherent digital spatial calibration and lack of paradoxically moves upward on inspiration and down-
image magnification, and the ability to view motion of ward on expiration (Fig. 56-35), passively following
segments of the diaphragm in multiple planes rather changes in intrapleural and intra-abdominal pressure
than just the highest points of the diaphragm as with (Juhl, 1987; Tarver et al, 1989). In bilateral paralysis,
fluoroscopy, which provides a projection view only. Rela- both hemidiaphragms move upward on inspiration, con-
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1525

FIGURE 56-34 • Dynamic magnetic resonance image of diaphragm motion. These sequential right midsagittal images were
obtained during slow, deep breathing in a 56-year-old woman with severe emphysema before (7-5, top row) and 6 months
after (6-70, bottom row) lung volume reduction surgery. Five of the 30 images obtained in each sequence are shown.
Comparison of the end-expiratory images (7 with 6, 5 with 10) and end-inspiratory images (3 with 8) reveals improved
curvature of the diaphragm and increased diaphragm excursion postoperatively. (From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ:
Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)

FIGURE 56-35 • Left hemidiaphragm paralysis following lung volume reduction surgery. Sequence of coronal
magnetic resonance images obtained during slow, deep inspiration (1-4) and expiration (4-6), with stars marking the
end expiratory position of the hemidiaphragm domes, reveals normal, full excursion of the right hemidiaphragm but
slight paradoxical motion of the left hemidiaphragm. Paradoxical movement during a subsequent fluoroscopic sniff
test was also consistent with left hemidiaphragm paralysis. (From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging
evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
1526 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

comitant with inward rather than normal outward move-

ment of the abdominal wall (Higgenbottam et al, 1977).
However, a paralyzed hemidiaphragm may show a slight
descent on slow, deep inspiration due to passive stretch-
ing as the rib cage expands.
The sniff test is therefore necessary to confirm that
abnormal hemidiaphragm excursion is due to paralysis
rather than unilateral weakness. For the stiff test, the
patient inhales rapidly and forcefully through the nose
with the mouth closed. This normally produces a sharp,
brief descent of both hemidiaphragms. Paradoxical up-
ward motion greater than 2 cm of an entire hemidi-
aphragm, as seen in oblique or lateral projection, is con-
sistent with hemidiaphragm paralysis (Alexander, 1966).
Several potential difficulties may limit the fluoroscopic
assessment of diaphragm paralysis. Diaphragm motion
may be diminished due to inflammatory processes such
as pneumonia, pleuritis, pleural effusion, peritonitis, and
subphrenic abscess, so fluoroscopic assessment is best
delayed until such reversible conditions that may affect
the diaphragm have resolved. Complete eventration may
be difficult or impossible to distinguish from diaphragm
paralysis (Fraser et al, 1994), and severe weakness or
fatigue may appear identical to bilateral paralysis on flu-
oroscopy (Tarver et al, 1989). Although some patients
with bilateral paralysis show the typical paradoxical up-
ward motion of both hemidiaphragms during a deep
inspiration or sniff maneuver, normal inspiratory descent
of the diaphragm can be mimicked in those patients who
perform the compensatory maneuver of actively exhaling
below functional residual capacity using their abdominal
muscles, then inhaling by relaxation of the abdominal
muscles, which causes passive descent of the diaphragm
(Kreitzer et al, 1978). This effect can be detected by
carefully observing abdominal motion during breathing
(Malagari and Fraser, 1995), and it is minimized by
performing the examination with the patient in the re-
FIGURE 56-36 • Accessory hemidiaphragm. A, A radiograph
cumbent position, which eliminates the assistance of obtained in a 7-year-old girl demonstrates a small right
gravity and allows the paradoxical or absent motion to hemithorax, a hazy increase in opacity obscuring the right
be detected (Ch'en and Armstrong, 1993). heart border, and a curvilinear band of tissue (arrows)
extending laterally from the right hemidiaphragm. B, A
In some patients with phrenic nerve injury, even computed tomography scan reveals a thin band of tissue {open
though fluoroscopy demonstrates paralysis, the paralysis arrows) coursing through the right lower lobe parenchyma to
may not be permanent. Regeneration of phrenic nerve a posterior rib. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return to
fibers may lead to partial or complete recovery of dia- the right atrium was evident on other images. The thin tissue
band with these associated finding's is characteristic of a rare
phragm function over time, usually within 1 year based accessory hemidiaphragm; no pathologic proof was obtained.
on the normal rate of peripheral nerve regeneration (Wil- (Courtesy of Marilyn J. Siegel, MD, St. Louis, MO.) (From
cox et al, 1990). The diagnosis of diaphragm paralysis Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of
can also be difficult in patients with severe hyperinflation the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am 8:237, 1998.)
due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in whom
the normal hemidiaphragm moves very little; or in weak,
debilitated patients who cannot produce a strong inspira- lent to fluoroscopy in making the diagnosis of diaphragm
tory effort or forceful sniff. Care must be taken not to dysfunction (Diament et al, 1985; Gottesman and
mistake the jerking upward motion of the entire thorax McCool, 1997; Houston et al, 1995). Dynamic MRI of
produced by some patients in their attempt to sniff force- diaphragm movement can reveal abnormal motion due
fully for paradoxical upward diaphragm motion. Defini- to hemidiaphragm paralysis (see Fig. 56-35), but the
tive diagnosis of phrenic nerve paralysis can be obtained accuracy of this technique has not been studied.
using cervical phrenic nerve stimulation with electromyo-
graphic measurement of phrenic nerve latency (Gandevia,
1987; Shochina et al, 1983) or with concomitant fluoro- ACCESSORY DIAPHRAGM
scopic or ultrasound monitoring of the diaphragm to look An accessory, or duplicated, diaphragm is a rare congeni-
for diaphragm contraction (McGauley and Labib, 1984). tal anomaly in which a thin, fibromuscular membrane is
Several studies have reported that the sonographic attached to the diaphragm anteriorly and courses posteri-
assessment of diaphragm motion or thickness is equiva- orly and cephalad to attach to the posterior rib cage
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm 1527

(Davis and Allen, 1968; Hopkins and Davis, 1988; Wille (Gourlay and Aspinall, 1966), mesothelial, and teratoid
et al, 1975). Most reported cases occur on the right side. (Muller, 1986) cysts reported most frequently (Olaffson
The accessory diaphragm may follow a fissure or divide et al, 1971). Most malignant tumors are sarcomas of
the lower lobe. There is a frequent association with other fibrous or muscular origin (Olaffson et al, 1971). Numer-
congenital anomalies, particularly pulmonary hypoplasia, ous other tumors have been reported, including
partial anomalous arterial supply or venous drainage, schwannoma (Koyama et al, 1996), chondroma (Itakura
congenital heart disease (Davis and Allen, 1968; Kena- et al, 1990), pheochromocytoma (Buckley et al, 1995),
noglu and Tuncbilek, 1978), and congenital pulmonary and endometriosis (Posniak et al, 1990).
venolobar ("scimitar") syndrome (Woodring et al, 1994). Tumors of the diaphragm large enough for radio-
The diagnosis is most frequently made during childhood graphic detection produce a focal bulge or contour abnor-
due to repeated respiratory infections or respiratory dis- mality and can resemble a diaphragmatic hernia, eventra-
tress, but it may occur incidentally in an asymptomatic tion, or a pleural lesion. Since the diaphragm is a thin
patient. structure, the diaphragmatic origin of a mass may be
On frontal radiographs, the affected hemithorax is difficult to confirm as separate from the lung, pleura, or
usually small due to the accompanying pulmonary hypo- abdominal viscera, even on CT, MRI, or ultrasound. Small
plasia, and the mediastinal border is indistinct and masses of fat density are occasionally seen on CT within
blurred by a hazy increase in opacity (Fig. 56-36). The the diaphragm muscle, which may represent lipomas that
lateral radiograph reveals a retrosternal band of increased are too small for clinical or radiographic detection, or the
opacity produced by loose areolar connective tissue filling density may be age-associated fat containing diaphrag-
the space between the anterior chest wall and the small matic defects (Caskey et al, 1989). The CT appearance
lung (Davis and Allen, 1968). The findings closely resem- of nonlipomatous soft tissue tumors generally is not spe-
ble those of right upper and middle lobe atelectasis or cific.
left upper lobe atelectasis or, alternatively, primary pul- Pleural plaques related to prior asbestos exposure or
monary hypoplasia (Currarino and Williams, 1985; Davis prior pleural inflammatory disease may produce calcified
and Allen, 1968; Kenanoglu and Tuncbilek, 1978; Wille (Fig. 56-37) or noncalcified diaphragmatic masses.
et al, 1975). A thickened, oblique septum may be seen Calcified plaques can be detected on chest radiography,
extending posteriorly and cephalad from the diaphragm but CT is more sensitive for detection of both calcified
to the posterior chest wall. CT (see Fig. 56-36) or MRI and noncalcified pleural plaques. Features helpful in dis-
may be helpful in suggesting the diagnosis -(Becmeur et tinguishing asbestos-related diaphragmatic plaques from
al, 1995). pleural metastases, mesothelioma, or the rare primary
diaphragmatic tumor include bilateral occurrence, calci-
fication, sharp margins, and flattened contour.
Thoracic and abdominal tumors may secondarily in-
Primary tumors of the diaphragm are very rare. Benign volve the diaphragm by direct extension. Such tumors
tumors are most common, with lipomas (Castillo and include bronchogenic carcinoma; mesothelioma and
Shirkhoda, 1985) and cystic masses such as bronchogenic other primary or secondary pleural or chest wall malig-

FIGURE 56-37 • Calcified pleural plaques. Computed tomography scans at (A) and just below (8) the left hemidiaphragm
dome demonstrate irregular calcified plaques (arrows) along the diaphragmatic pleura bilaterally in a 74-year-old man,
characteristic of prior asbestos exposure. Note the small hiatal hernia containing proximal stomach (St). (A, aorta; C, colon;
L, liver; Sp, spleen.) (From Gierada DS, Slone RM, Fleishman MJ: Imaging evaluation of the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin
North Am 8:237, 1998.)
1528 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Imaging of the Diaphragm

nancies; tumors of the stomach, kidney, adrenal gland, Brewer LAD, Gazzaniga AB: Phrenoplasty, a new operation for the
management of pleural dead space following pulmonary resection.
colon, or retroperitoneum; lymphoma; and peritoneal Ann Thorac Surg 6:119, 1968.
carcinomatosis (Tarver et al, 1989). However, when tho- Brink JA, Heiken JP, Semenkovich J et al: Abnormalities of the dia-
racic or abdominal masses abut the diaphragm without phragm and adjacent structures: Findings on multiplanar spiral
traversing it on imaging studies, definitive diagnosis of CT scans. AJR Am J Roentgenol 163:307, 1994.
invasion cannot be made. Buckley KM, Whitman GJ, Chew FS: Diaphragmatic pheochromocy-
toma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 165:260, 1995.
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CONCLUSION the diagnosis of a ruptured right hemidiaphragm. Clin Radiol
51:137, 1996.
The diaphragm performs most of the physiologic work Caskey CI, Zerhouni EA, Fishman EK, Rahmouni AD: Aging of the
of inspiration and forms an anatomic barrier between diaphragm: a CT study. Radiology 171:385, 1989.
the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Disorders of the Castillo M, Shirkhoda A: Computed tomography of diaphragmatic li-
poma. J Comput Tomogr 9:167, 1985.
diaphragm can be related to impairment in either of these Ch'en IY, Armstrong JD1: Value of fluoroscopy in patients with sus-
functions, with most having radiologic manifestations. pected bilateral hemidiaphragmatic paralysis. AJR Am J Roent-
Both intrathoracic and intra-abdominal disease processes genol 160:29, 1993.
can alter the normal radiologic appearance of the dia- Chen JC, Wilson SE: Diaphragmatic injuries: Recognition and manage-
phragm. Abnormalities are usually first detected on chest ment in sixty-two patients. Am Surg 57:810, 1991.
Cooper C, Moss AA, Buy JN et al: CT appearance of the normal inferior
radiographs, often incidentally in asymptomatic patients, pulmonary ligament. AJR Am J Roentgenol 141:237, 1983.
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aging studies for definitive diagnosis. CT, MRI, and fluo- hypoplasia: A study of 33 cases. Pediatr Radiol 15:15, 1985.
roscopy are the most frequently useful additional studies, Davis WS, Allen RP: Accessory diaphragm. Duplication of the dia-
while ultrasound, barium contrast studies, and liver- phragm. Radiol Clin North Am 6:253, 1968.
Demos TC, Solomon C, Posniak HV, Flisak MJ: Computed tomography
spleen scintigraphy are occasionally helpful. Selection of in traumatic defects of the diaphragm. Clin Imag 13:62, 1989.
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clinical situation can facilitate the diagnosis of diaphragm diaphragm. J Thorac Surg 34:780, 1957.
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the evaluation of suspected abnormalities of diaphragmatic mo-
tion. J Clin Ultrasound 13:539, 1985.
Dosios T, Papachristos IC, Chrysicopoulos H: Magnetic resonance im-
COMMENTS AND CONTROVERSIES aging of blunt traumatic rupture of the right hemidiaphragm. Eur
J Cardiothorac Surg 7:553, 1993.
Diaphragmatic imaging is a subject that is not frequently Felson B: Chest Roentgenology. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1973.
considered in the practice of general thoracic surgery. Fleischner FG: Atypical arrangement of free pleural effusion. Radiol
Nonetheless, in recent years standard imaging techniques Clin North Am 1:347, 1963.
Fraser RS, Pare JAP, Fraser RG, Pare PD: Synopsis of Diseases of the
have been augmented considerably to provide superb im- Chest, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1994.
aging by CT and MRI. In addition, dynamic MRI enables Gale ME: Bochdalek hernia: Prevalence and CT characteristics. Radiol-
real-time imaging of diaphragmatic function and pathol- ogy 156:449, 1985.
ogy. Drs. Gierada and Slone have written a clear and Gandevia SC: Assessment of hemidiaphragmatic "paralysis." Am Rev
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1530 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias


Geoffrey M. Graeber
Jacob Davtyan
Joseph I. Miller, Jr.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are classified as (1) anomalies occur in up to 40% of live births (Cunniff
posterolateral (Bochdalek), (2) retrosternal anterior et al, 1990). Thorpe-Beeston (1989) reported prenatal
(Morgagni), (3) septum transversum (central), or (4) diagnosis of major abnormalities in 48% of fetuses, in-
esophageal hiatal. The first three are discussed in this cluding chromosomal defects in 31% and major malfor-
chapter. Hiatal hernias are discussed in Esophageal Sur- mations in 17% Trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 are the most
gery, Section IV. common chromosomal abnormalities. Cardiac, neural,
and genitourinary anomalies are frequent (Adzick et al,
1989). Malrotation of the bowel is always present.
Posterolateral Hiatal Hernia of
HISTORICAL NOTE Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Jeffries MR et al: Extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation (ECMO): Cardiopulmonary support in infancy. Trans
Although Vincent Bochdalek's 1848 description was that Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 22:80, 1976.
of bowel herniation through a dorsal diaphragmatic split Cunniff C, Jones KL, Jones MC: Patterns of malformation in children
the lumbocostal triangle, the coagenital posterolateral di- with congenital diaphragmatic defects. J Pediatr 116:258, 1990.
aphragmatic hernia (CPLDH) carries his name. In 1946, Dietz HG, Pongratz D: Morphology of the diaphragmatic muscle in
CDH. Eur J Pediatr Surg 1:85, 1991.
Cross performed the first successful repair of CPLDH Geggel RL, Murphy JD, Langleben D et al: Congenital diaphragmatic
in a newborn. Bartlett and co-workers (1976) reported hernia: Arterial structural changes and persistent pulmonary hy-
successful application of extracorporeal membrane oxy- pertension after surgical repair. J Pediatr 107:457, 1985.
genation (ECMO) in infancy. German and co-workers German JC, Gazzaniga AB, Amlie R et al: Management of pulmonary
(1977) reported the first survivor of ECMO in the treat- insufficiency in diaphragmatic hernia using extracorporeal circula-
tion with a membrane oxygenator (ECMO). J Pediatr Surg
ment of CPLDH. 12:905, 1977.
CPLDH occurs in 1:2000 to 1:5000 live births (Har- Gray SW, Skandalakis JE: The diaphragm. In Embryology for Surgeons:
rison and de Lorimier, 1981) and is a result of failure of The Embryological Basis for the Treatment of Congenital Defects.
the pleuroperitoneal canal to close at the eighth week of Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1972 p 359.
Gross RE: Congenital hernia of the diaphragm. Am J Dis Child
gestation (Gray and Skandalakis, 1972). Of these hernias, 71:580, 1946.
80% occur on the left side. Bilateral hernias are extremely Harrison MR, de Lorimier AA: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Surg
rare (Levy et al, 1969), and very few of these newborns Clin North Am 61:1023, 1981.
survive (Sokal et al, 1990). In only 10% of cases is there Levy JL Jr, Guyner WA, Louis JE et al: Bilateral congenital diaphrag-
a true hernia sac. The abdominal organs herniate into the matic hernias through the foramina of Bochdalek. J Pediatr Surg
4:557, 1969.
chest through the diaphragmatic defect, compressing and Molenaar JC, Bos AP, Hazelbrock FWJ, et al: Congenital diaphragmatic
retarding the growth and development of the ipsilateral hernia, what defect? J Pediatr Surg 26:248, 1991.
lung. The mediastinum may be shifted to the opposite Nakamura Y, Yamamoto 1, Fukuda S et al: Pulmonary acinar develop-
side, affecting the contralateral lung as well. The mor- ment in diaphragmatic hernia. Arch Pathol Lab Med 115:372,
phology of the diaphragmatic muscle is normal (Dietz 1991.
Nakayama DK, Motoyama EK, Mutich RL et al: Pulmonary function in
and Pongratz, 1991). The morphologic and biochemical newborns after repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr
development of the lungs is retarded in most cases, par- Pulmonol 11:49, 1991-.
ticularly on the ipsilateral side (Nakamura et al, 1991). Sokal MM, Yellin PB, Mestel AL et al: Survival after bilateral congenital
The susceptibility of these babies to bronchopulmonary diaphragmatic hernia. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 29:677, 1990.
dysplasia during artificial ventilation is probably related Thorpe-Beeston JG, Gosden CM, Nicolaides KH: Prenatal diagnosis of
congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Associated malformations and
to a defective antioxidant system and defective surfactant chromosomal defects. Fetal Ther 4:21, 1989.
production (Molenaar et al, 1991). Pulmonary hypoplasia
is also evident in pulmonary function studies. Nakayama
and associates (1991) showed restrictive lung defects in BASIC SCIENCE
infants who survived neonatal repair of CPLDH, and
Geggel and colleagues (1985) reported decrease of the Pathophysiology
cross-sectional area of the pulmonary arterial bed in in- The pathophysiology of CPLDH depends on the interplay
fants dying after repair of CPLDH. Associated major of pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension.
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias 1531

Hypoplastic lungs result in various degrees of hypoxia. the side of the hernia. In the usual presentation of an
In addition, such lungs have increased sensitivity to the infant with this type of hernia, the bowel sounds are in
stimuli increasing pulmonary vascular resistance, namely the left chest, and the heart sounds are displaced toward
hypoxia, acidosis, hypercarbia, and hypothermia (Sho- the right side of the chest. The abdomen is scaphoid
chat, 1987). The resulting pulmonary hypertension re- because the viscera are in the chest. Compression of the
verses the flow through the patent ductus arteriosus and ipsilateral lung also causes a severe decrease in or absence
opens the f o r a m e n ovale w i t h right-to-left s h u n t i n g . of breath sounds on the ipsilateral side. The mediastinum
Thus, the syndrome of persistent fetal circulation (Ger- is shifted to the contralateral side, and in severe cases the
sony et al, 1969) is established, resulting in the vicious contralateral lung is also compressed by the shift of
circle of hypoxia, acidosis, even higher pulmonary resis- the thoracic viscera secondary to the migration of the
tance, and increasing right-to-left shunting, which ulti- abdominal viscera into the pleural space. Auscultation of
mately culminates in the death of these babies. the abdomen demonstrates a relative absence of bowel
sounds, which is consistent with the migration of the
bowels into the left chest. Confirmation of the diagnosis
DIAGNOSIS is usually obtained radiographically If a nasogastric or
The clinical presentation depends on the degree of respi- orogastric tube has been placed prior to radiography, the
ratory compromise, which may vary from severe distress tip of the tube is seen above the diaphragm, particularly
at birth to delayed presentation in infancy or early child- with left-sided hernias. This defines the stomach as being
hood. The age of the patient at presentation is one of the in the left pleural space. The radiograph also demon-
determining factors of morbidity and mortality (Reynolds strates bowels in the affected pleural space (Fig. 56-38).
et al, 1984). The newborn with CPLDH is usually dysp- The infant should not have mask ventilation at this time,
neic, tachycardic, and frequently cyanotic with a striking since mask ventilation promotes deposition of air in the
scaphoid abdomen. The trachea and the heart are shifted gastrointestinal tract, which causes further distention of
to the contralateral side. Breath sounds are decreased or the stomach. The infant should be intubated, an umbili-
absent on the ipsilateral side. Chest radiography may be cal line should be established, and he or she should be
diagnostic, with bowel loops in the affected hemithorax prepared for immediate surgical correction.
and contralateral mediastinal shift. The gastric tube may
be seen in the chest, and paucity of gas is noted in the
abdomen. On the right the defect may be blocked by the MANAGEMENT
liver, with less extensive herniation and milder respira-
tory compromise.
Preoperative Management
The clinical presentation of the infant suffering from The clinical suspicion of CPLDH in a newborn with
foramen of Bochdalek hernia is dependent on the size of respiratory distress mandates endotracheal intubation, as-
the defect and the amount of visceral migration that sisted ventilation, and orogastric tube decompression of
occurs from the peritoneal cavity to the ipsilateral pleural the gastrointestinal tract to prevent further bowel disten-
space. In small hernias the amount of migration of ab- tion and worsening of respiratory compromise. These
dominal viscera into the thoracic cavity is minimal. These babies are maintained with an inspired oxygen fraction
patients do not present until later in infancy or even (Fio 2 ) of 1.0, peak inspiratory pressure below 30 cmH 2 0,
childhood. Symptoms range from discomfort to feeding positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of less than 5
abnormalities and colicky symptoms with poor progres- c m H 2 0 , and hyperventilation. High-frequency ventilation
sion of growth. Radiographs of the chest generally define may be used. Preductal and postductal arterial blood
these hernias because air is located in one of the viscera gases are monitored by right radial and umbilical arterial
that has herniated through the foramen. catheters, respectively. Ideally, postductal arterial oxygen
Correction of small hernias presenting after the perina- tension (Pao 2 ) is maintained above 100 mm Hg, arterial
tal period is generally conducted through an ipsilateral carbon dioxide tension (Paco 2 ) below 30 mm Hg, and
thoracotomy. The hernia sac, if present, is generally iden- pH above 7.50 to prevent and alleviate pulmonary vaso-
tified, the abdominal viscera are reduced into the perito- spasm. Sodium bicarbonate and tromethamine (THAM)
neal cavity, the sac is excised, and the defect is closed. may be used to treat acidosis. Venous access and mainte-
Closure is usually performed by horizontal mattress su- nance of systolic blood pressure higher than 50 mm Hg
tures placed over pledgets. Occasionally the repair is are basic. Fluids are kept to a minimum. Babies should
reinforced with a running suture line placed superficial be paralyzed with pancuronium and anesthetized with
to the horizontal mattress sutures. Prosthetic patch recon- fentanyl. Fentanyl use is thought to be associated with
struction is seldom necessary. In infants and children decreased frequency and severity of episodes of pulmo-
presenting in this manner, morbidity and mortality from nary hypertension (Vacanti, 1989; Vacanti et al, 1984) as
the condition and its operative correction are minimal. well as decreased incidence of pneumothorax, a cata-
The condition can be severe, however, because severe strophic complication (Hansen et al, 1984).
respiratory distress and even death have been reported Multiple attempts have been made to define the pre-
with rapid expansion of abdominal viscera into the chest. dictive factors of mortality of patients with CPLDH (Ra-
Infants who present with large congenital defects of phaely and Downes 1973; Boix-Ochoa et al, 1974; Boix-
the diaphragm usually have respiratory distress very early Ochoa et al 1977; Manthei et al, 1983; Mishalany et al,
in the immediate perinatal period. Auscultation of the 1979; Ruff et al 1980; Wilson et al, 1991). 1983; Wilson
chest at that time reveals bowel sounds in the chest on et al, 1991; Ruff et al, 1980). Admission or preoperative
1532 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias

FIGURE 56-38 • A, This radiograph demonstrates typical findings in a newborn infant who has a foramen of
Bochdalek hernia. Note that the abdominal viscera have migrated through the diaphragm and are occupying the left
pleural space. The mediastinal contents, great vessels, and tracheobronchial tree are all shifted to the right. Note that
the cardiac silhouette blends with the compressed pulmonary parenchyma on the right side and that the stomach,
colon, and small bowel are all in the left chest. The child has been intubated and is being prepared for emergency
surgical correction. 6, This postoperative chest radiograph shows that the hernia has been corrected and that a chest
tube is in place in the left pleural space. Note that the left lung does not totally fill the left pleural space. This is
consistent with severe hypoplasia in the lung; the chest tube has been properly placed but does not establish
complete expansion of the lung. The tracheal air column, the cardiac silhouette, the great vessels, and the rest of the
mediastinal structures have returned to their normal position. Note also that the right lung is fully expanded and is
no longer compressed by the displacement of the mediastinal structures.

blood gas values, specifically, a pH higher than 7.2, a Operative Repair

Paco2 below 35 mm Hg, and a Pao2 above 100 mm Hg
are associated with an excellent prognosis. Patients with Traditionally, newborns with CPLDH are taken to the
a pH below 7.0, Paco2 above 50 mm Hg, and Pao2 below operating room emergently after expeditious resuscita-
80 mm Hg fare poorly. Vacanti and co-workers (1984) tion. Neck lines should be avoided, preserving the vessels
termed the infants achieving a postductal Pao2 above 100 for possible ECMO. A transabdominal subcostal approach
mm Hg with standard therapy responders and those who is preferred by most for left-sided lesions, whereas a
were unable to achieve a postductal Pao2 of 100 mm Hg transthoracic approach may be more useful for right-
with maximum therapy nonresponders The responders sided hernias. Herniated organs are returned to the peri-
most often survived without ECMO. Nonresponders had toneal cavity, and the seldom-present hernia sac is ex-
more severe pulmonary hyperplasia and pulmonary hy- cised. The lung is inspected, but no attempt should be
pertension not responsive to medical and ventilatory in- made to expand the hypoplastic lung. Extralobar pulmo-
terventions; in the past all these babies died without nary sequestration, occasionally present, should be ex-
ECMO (Vacanti, 1989). Bohn (1987) compared preductal cised. The edges of the defect are defined. Frequently, a
Paco2 levels with ventilatory index (VI). Among those significant span of the posterior diaphragm can be un-
with a Paco2 of 40 mm Hg and a VI over 1000 there rolled after incision of the posterior peritoneum.
was 100% survival. Preoperative alveolar-arterial oxygen Most of the defects can be closed primarily with inter-
difference (PA2 — Pao2) calculated from preductal (right rupted nonabsorbable sutures. In rare cases of absent
radial) arterial blood gas is another predictor of out- posterior rim, the sutures can be passed around the ribs.
come. Survivors have PA2 — PaQ2 below 200 mm Hg; Large defects can be closed with a prosthetic patch. The
those with PA2 — PaQ2 above 200 mm Hg rarely survive left pleural space is drained with a 12 French chest tube,
(Bohn, 1987). which should be placed to an underwater seal but never
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias 1533

to suction. A contralateral chest tube is also placed. If cate placing a one-way valve in the tube and allowing for
the patient's condition permits, the malrotation should manual pressure equalization. Still others advocate gentle
be corrected. The abdomen is closed by using techniques negative pressure generated through a water seal system
developed for closure of abdominal wall defects, and to promote expansion of the lung and relief of pressure
digital stretching of the anterior wall is performed. If in the chest. In general, the majority feel that water seal
primary fascial closure is impossible, only the skin can drainage or gentle suction across a water seal drainage is
be closed, leaving ventral hernia to be closed later. Occa- most beneficial.
sionally the "silo" technique has to be used.
Surgical correction of a severe foramen of Bochdalek Timing of the Operation
hernia presenting in the perinatal period is conducted As stated earlier, most newborns with CPLDH are oper-
through an upper abdominal approach. After the perito- ated on emergently Recently, however, there have been
neal cavity has been opened, the abdominal viscera are several reports of comparable or even better results with
reduced from the pleural cavity. If a peritoneal sac is delayed repair after various periods of medical stabiliza-
present, it is resected following the removal of the ab- tion (Breaux et al, 1991; Cartlidge et al, 1986; Charlton
dominal viscera from the defect. A 10 French chest tube et al, 1991; Haugen et al, 1991; Hazelbrock et al, 1988;
is placed in the pleural cavity to evacuate fluids, to aid Langer et al, 1988). To answer these and many other
in the re-expansion, and to ensure that no pressure oc- questions regarding the proper management of newborns
curs in the affected pleural space. Although the chest with CPLDH, a large, multicenter, prospective random-
tube in many cases may not completely re-expand the ized study is necessary.
ipsilateral lung, the equalization of pressure allows return
A recent development in the treatment of CPLDH is
of the mediastinum to the midline and removes any
antenatal surgical therapy (Harrison and deLorimier,
pressure on the contralateral lung. Before the defect is
1981; Harrison et al, 1990a,b). There is an ongoing de-
repaired, any extralobar pulmonary sequestration that
bate over the feasibility of this experimental therapy (Sto-
may be present should be surgically removed. If the
lar, 1990). It imposes a risk to the mother as well as to the
defect is relatively small, it may be closed by the direct
fetus with potentially fatal results for both. The proper
suture technique as outlined previously. If the defect is
indications for this procedure are yet to be defined (Wen-
substantial and can only be closed with tension, synthetic
strom et al, 1991).
patch reconstruction should be performed. The patch
should be sewn to the margin of the defect" with perma-
nent horizontal mattress sutures. Some surgeons believe Long-Term Results
that this suture line should be reinforced with a running,
fine Prolene suture superficial to the original layer of Although some respiratory abnormalities can be found in
horizontal mattress sutures. The peritoneal cavity should survivors of CPLDH, they generally have a normal life
then be inspected for obstructing duodenal bands and and carry on normal physical activity (Frenckner and
malrotation of the midgut, which are often present. These Freyschuss, 1988). Most of these studies were performed
conditions should be corrected before closure is started. in the follow-up of patients operated on in the pre-ECMO
era. As more severely affected babies survive the modern
Closure of the abdomen can sometimes be difficult, therapy, their prognosis may be different (Falconer et
since the abdominal viscera have not matured in the al, 1990).
peritoneal cavity. With return of the abdominal viscera
into the peritoneal cavity, compression of the diaphragm
can occur with a tight abdominal wall closure. Such
compression would impede good excursion of the dia- Retrosternal Anterior Diaphragmatic
phragm and ventilation of the patient. In order to avoid Hernia (Morgagni)
this serious complication, a ventral epigastric hernia may
be created. In such cases the fascia and musculature are BASIC SCIENCE
left open, and only the skin is closed. If sufficient relaxing Retrosternal anterior diaphragmatic hernia was described
incisions cannot be made by mobilizing only the skin by Morgagni in 1769. It is much less frequent than
and subcutaneous tissues to close the defect, a surgical posterolateral hernia, accounting for only 1% to 6% of all
gastroschisis is created. In such cases the peritoneal cav- congenital defects of the diaphragm (Cullen et al, 1985).
ity is not large enough to hold the viscera without caus- The herniation occurs between the xiphoid and costo-
ing serious encroachment on the diaphragm. The surgical chondral attachments of the diaphragm, more frequently
gastroschisis repair is made by using synthetic material on the right side (Gray and Skandalakis, 1972).
to fashion a pouch along the anterior abdominal wall In rare cases, foramen of Morgagni hernias arise in
that contains a portion of the viscera. The abdominal the potential spaces between the sternum and the costal
viscera are gradually returned to the enlarging peritoneal muscular portions of the diaphragm. These spaces,
cavity by gentle, progressive compression of the pouch through which the internal thoracic vessels exit the
without causing undue embarrassment of respiratory thorax to become the superior epigastric vessels as they
function. enter the rectus sheath, exist just lateral to the posterior
The management of the chest tube during the opera- table of the sternum. On the left side this potential
tion and in the immediate postoperative period has been space is partially protected by the pericardium. For
a source of some controversy. Some surgeons prefer to this reason herniation through this foramen is more
leave the chest tube to water seal, whereas others advo- common on the right side. The visceral peritoneum is
1534 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias

FIGURE 56-39 • A and B, These radiographs demonstrate a

loop of colon filled with air that protrudes into a foramen of
Morgagni hernia. The bowel was not strangulated or ob-
structed when the examination was performed. The patient
suffered from fullness and cramping abdominal pain. An ab-
dominal approach was used in correcting the hernia. The child
had an uneventful postoperative course.

usually completely adjacent to both potential spaces. sis, which can occasionally be confirmed by plain films
Hence, a foramen of Morgagni hernia usually has a true alone. Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
hernia sac when the abdominal viscera protrude into imaging (MRI), and ultrasound may confirm the diagno-
this space. Any one of the abdominal viscera that has a sis, depending on what abdominal viscera are in the sac.
mesentery may protrude into either one of these poten- Occasionally, upper gastrointestinal or colonic contrast
tial spaces. radiography are necessary to confirm the diagnosis by
The most frequent organs to protrude into a foramen identification of the stomach, small bowel, or colon above
of Morgagni hernia are the colon, omentum, stomach, the diaphragm in the peristernal position (Fig. 56-39).
and small bowel. Such hernias infrequently present in Often CT scans or MRI make this diagnosis without
childhood; more commonly this rare entity presents in contrast since loops of bowel are found in a demonstrable
the adult with varying symptoms. Obese individuals are hernia sac. If the patient has only omentum in the hernial
more commonly affected than slender patients, and sac or the diagnosis is equivocal for any reason, a diag-
women are more commonly affected than men. Many nostic pneumoperitoneum may be conducted to outline
foramen of Morgagni hernias may be missed because the the hernia sac. In such cases the hernia sac is outlined
radiographic indication of a fat pad to the right of the by the air entering the hernia and defining the omentum
pericardium is mistaken for a pericardial fat pad or a or other structures.
pleuropericardial cyst. Colicky pain is a relatively infre-
quent finding, as is vascular compromise of the organs MANAGEMENT
herniated into the space. Colonic, gastric, and intestinal
volvulus has been reported, although the volvulus is Surgical Repair
seldom total; rather, the volvulus is relenting in nature, An abdominal approach for repair of this hernia is indi-
causing the patient to have intermittent symptoms of cated in most instances. An upper abdominal incision
partial gastric, colonic, or intestinal obstruction. Com- based on the patient's body habitus, the size of the hernial
plete obstruction of any one of these viscera can occur contents, and the extent of the hernia sac allows excellent
but is extremely rare. visualization. Foramen of Morgagni hernias have been
repaired through subcostal, paramedian, and midline in-
cisions. Once the peritoneal cavity is entered, the abdom-
DIAGNOSIS inal viscera are withdrawn from the hernia sac and re-
A strong suspicion of the foramen of Morgagni hernia duced to their normal anatomic positions. All adhesions
may be generated by plain posterior, anterior, and lateral are taken down. The hernia sac is then defined, intro-
radiographs. An excessively large density in the region of duced into the peritoneal cavity, and resected. The repair
the fat pad on the pericardium should suggest the diagno- of the defect may be effected by several means.
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias 1535

When the defect is small and the edges are relatively may also include omphalocele, sternal defect, and pental-
mobile, horizontal mattress sutures of 0-gauge braided ogy of Cantrell (Cantrell et al, 1958; Milne et al, 1990).
permanent material may be placed to close the defect. A high incidence of gastrointestinal anomalies, absent
Some surgeons prefer using polypropylene. In some in- pericardium, and herniation of the heart through the
stances the edges may be oversewn with a running suture defect occurs (Lee et al, 1991; Wesselhoeft and DeLuca,
superficial to the horizontal mattress suture to further 1984).
secure closure. Under no circumstances should the edges
of the defect be closed under tension because the hernia
has a distinct tendency to recur. Many surgeons prefer to DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT
close the defect with synthetic patch material if the defect Diagnostic workup may include plain radiographs of the
is too large for the edges to come together without ten- chest and abdomen, ultrasound, contrast studies of the
sion. In such cases the prosthetic material is joined to gastrointestinal tract, and nuclear scan. A cardiac workup
the edges of the diaphragmatic defect or the chest wall may be required to delineate the congenital heart defects.
by permanent synthetic horizontal mattress sutures, Surgical repair is best done through the abdomen to
which are tied individually. Some surgeons prefer to over- enable correction of intra-abdominal pathology. The first
sew the suture line with a running polypropylene suture priority is to reduce the herniated organs into their re-
after the horizontal mattress suture layer has been placed. spective cavities and to close the diaphragmatic defect
Prosthetic materials that have found favor include poly- (Touloukian, 1984). Only then is the omphalocele, if
tetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) sheeting, woven Dacron, and present, dealt with. Congenital heart defects may require
various synthetic meshes. Most surgeons now prefer repair as well.
Teflon sheeting since it has a relatively low adhesion
rate, is pliable, and sutures well to both muscle and the
chest wall. • KEY REFERENCES
When the foramen of Morgagni hernia is identified Connors RH, Weber TR, Randolph JG: The diaphragm: Developmental,
through a thoracic incision, the principles of repair are traumatic, and neoplastic disorders. In Baue AE, Geha AS, Ham-
much the same. The hernial sac is entered, the visceral mond GT et al (eds): Glenn's Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,
contents are dissected and reduced into the abdomen, 5th ed. East Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1991, p 531.
the sac is resected, and repair is performed. Under no A good reference to general disorders of the diaphragm.
circumstances should closure be completed under ten- O'Rourke PP, Lillehei CW, Crone RK et al: The effect of extracorporeal
sion. If horizontal mattress sutures cannot close the de- membrane oxygenation on the survival of neonates with high-risk
fect appropriately, a soft tissue patch, such as Teflon congenital diaphragmatic hernia: 45 cases from a single institu-
sheeting, may be used for this purpose. In such instances tion. J Pediatr Surg 26:147, 1991.
horizontal mattress sutures of permanent material are Excellent review article on the role of ECMO in congenital dia-
placed around the edges. Some practitioners prefer using phragmatic hernia.
pledgets on the diaphragmatic surface. Along the chest
wall, the sutures may be placed around a rib or costal
cartilage to secure the closure. Occasionally sutures have • REFERENCES
to be placed through the periosteum of the sternum to Adzick NS, Vacanti JP, Lillehei CW et al: Fetal diaphragmatic hernia:
effect an adequate repair. The primary suture line may Ultrasound diagnosis and clinical outcome in 38 cases. J Pediatr
then be reinforced, if necessary, with a continuous run- Surg 24:654, 1989.
ning suture. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Jeffries MR et al: Extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation (ECMO): Cardiopulmonary support in infancy Trans
Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 22:80, 1976.
Postoperative Management Bohn D: Blood gas and ventilatory parameters in predicting survival in
Postoperative care is the same as with any other patient congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr Surg Int 2:336, 1978.
Boix-Ochoa J, Natal A, Canal J et al: The important influence of arterial
who has had major abdominal surgery. The patient is blood gases on the prognosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
kept NPO until bowel sounds return and flatus is passed World J Surg 1:783, 1977.
per rectum. Judicious intravenous fluid replacement ther- Boix-Ochoa J, Peguero G, Seijo G et al: Acid-base balance and blood
apy is maintained. Antibiotics are used appropriately if gases in prognosis and therapy of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
any one of the abdominal viscera has been opened. If the J Pediatr Surg 19:49, 1974.
Breaux CW Jr, Rouse TM, Cain WS et al: Improvement in survival of
hernia has been repaired through a thoracic incision, patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia utilizing a strategy
chest tubes are placed to maintain the expansion of the of delayed repair after medical and/or extracorporeal membrane
lung. In most cases the patient enjoys a benign postopera- oxygenation stabilization. J Pediatr Surg 26:333, 1991.
tive course and should be discharged within 6 to 10 days Cantrell JR, Haller JA, Ravitch MM: A syndrome of congenital defects
after the repair. involving the abdominal wall, sternum, diaphragm, pericardium,
and heart. Surg Gynecol Obstet 107:602, 1958.
Cartlidge PHT, Mann NP, Kapila L: Preoperative stabilization in congen-
ital diaphragmatic hernia. Arch Dis Child 61:1226, 1986.
Septum Transversum (Central) Charlton AJ, Bruce J, Davenport M: Timing of surgery in congenital
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Diaphragmatic hernia tion. Anaesthesia 46:820, 1991.
BASIC SCIENCE Cullen ML, Klein MD, Phillippart Al: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Surg Clin North Am 65:1115, 1985.
Septum transversum diaphragmatic hernias are extremely Cunniff C, Jones KL, Jones MC: Patterns of malformation in children
rare. They are among the midline congenital defects that with congenital diaphragmatic defects. J Pediatr 116:258, 1990.
1536 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias

Dietz HG, Pongratz D: Morphology of the diaphragmatic muscle in tify patients requiring prolonged respiratory support. Surgery
CDH. Eur J Pediatr Surg 1:85, 1991. 93:83, 1983.
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of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Thorax 45:126, 1990. hernia with omphalocele: a report of two cases. J Pediatr Surg
Frenckner B, Freyschuss U: Pulmonary function after repair of congeni- 25:726, 1990.
tal diaphragmatic hernia—a short review. Pediatr Surg Int 3:11, Mishalany HG, Nakkada K, Wooley MM: Congenital diaphragmatic
1988. hernias: eleven years experience. Arch Surg 114:1118, 1979.
Geggel RL, Murphy JD, Langleben D et al: Congenital diaphragmatic Molenaar JC, Bos AP, Hazelbrock FWJ et al: Congenital diaphragmatic
hernia: Arterial structural changes and persistent pulmonary hy- hernia, what defect? J Pediatr Surg 26:248, 1991.
pertension after surgical repair. J Pediatr 107:457, 1985. Morgagni GB, Alexander B (transl): Seats and Causes of Disease Investi-
German JC, Gazzaniga AB, Amlie R et al: Management of pulmonary gated by Anatomy. Vol. 3. Miller & Cadell, London 1769, p. 205.
insufficiency in diaphragmatic hernia using extracorporeal circula- Nakamura Y, Yamamoto I, Fukuda S et al: Pulmonary acinar develop-
tion with a membrane oxygenator (ECMO). J Pediatr Surg ment in diaphragmatic hernia. Arch Pathol Lab Med 115:372,
12:905, 1977. 1991.
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fetal circulation). Circulation 39 (Suppl III):87, 1969. newborns after repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr
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study in 13 patients. J Pediatr Surg 23:1139, 1988. response to perioperative anesthesia in the treatment of high-
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Immediate preoperative and postoperative oxygen gradients iden- 26:1028, 1991.
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm 1537


Eric Frechette
Raymond Cloutier
Jean Deslauriers

Eventration ("e," out of; "venter," the belly) is a condition and Elfving identified localized eventration that was
in which all or a portion of one hemidiaphragm is perma- sometimes encountered on mass chest surveys. Bilateral
nently elevated yet retains its continuity and normal eventration in infants and children has since been re-
attachments to the costal margins. This congenital anom- ported by Avnet (1962) and Lindstrom and Allen (1966).
aly has a left-sided predominance with a marked decrease In 1923, Morrison performed the first successful repair
in muscular fibers (Wright et al, 1985). Eventration is of an eventration, and he described the surgical principles
differentiated from a hernia by the unbroken continuity that are still used today. He plicated the diaphragm of
of the diaphragm in the former. By contrast, diaphrag- a 10-year-old girl with immediate relief of symptoms
matic paralysis is an acquired condition in which the (Morrison, 1923a). In infants, there were only 11 cases
diaphragm, even if somewhat atrophic, is still muscular. of eventration described prior to the first successful repair
Diaphragmatic paralysis is generally related to pathologic made by Bisgard (1947) in a 6-week-old male. In addition
involvement of the phrenic nerve. Although different, to giving a good description of the technique, he provided
eventration and diaphragmatic paralysis often produce the presently accepted definition of eventration as an
the same radiographic appearance and lead to the same abnormally high or elevated position of one leaf of the
physiologic disturbances. intact diaphragm (cited in Thomas, 1970).
In this chapter, we discuss the etiology, diagnosis, Eventration of the diaphragm still remains a rare con-
indications for surgery, techniques of repair, and results dition for which surgery is seldom indicated. In a 1954
for both of these conditions. We also describe the meth- review article by Arnheim, 300 surgical cases had been
ods used for distinguishing eventration from diaphrag- reported, but only a few patients were operated on (Lax-
matic paralysis. dal et al, 1954). The value of plication was even ques-
tioned by Svanberg (1956), who doubted whether any
functional benefit would result from fixing the diaphragm
HISTORICAL NOTE in a lower position.
Eventration of the diaphragm was first recognized in
1774 by Jean-Louis Petit in his Oeuvres medicates post-
humes (Petit, 1760) It was in 1829, however, that Beclard • HISTORICAL READINGS
first introduced the term "eventration of the diaphragm" Arnheim EE: Congenital eventration of the diaphragm in infancy. Sur-
(cited in Cruveilhier, 1829). About one century later, gery 35:809, 1954.
Wood (1916) (cited in Thomas, 1970) "expanded further Avnet NL: Roentgenologic features of congenital bilateral anterior dia-
on eventration and made a plea that one should not phragmatic eventration. Am J Roentgenol 88:743, 1962.
confuse this with diaphragmatic herniation. He further Beck WC: Etiologic significance of eventration of the diaphragm. Arch
Surg 60:1154, 1950.
suggested that surgical plication could be done if symp- Bisgard JD: Congenital eventration of the diaphragm. J Thorac Surg
toms were sufficiently disabling and distressing (cited in 16:484, 1947.
Laxdal et al, 1954). The term eventration is still currently Bovornkitti S, Kangsadal P, Sangvichien S, Chatikavanij K: Neurogenic
used, although numerous other definitions such as idio- muscular aplasia (eventration) of the diaphragm. Am Rev Respir
pathic high-lying diaphragm, relaxatio diaphragmatica, Dis 82:876, 1960.
Clopton MB: Eventration of the diaphragm. Ann Surg 78:154, 1923.
relaxed diaphragm, insufficiency of the diaphragm, and Cruveilhier J: Atlas d'anatomiepathologique, Vol 1, Book 17, Plate V
neurogenic muscular aplasia (Bovornkitti et al, 1960) Paris, Bailliere, 1829, p 2.
have been mentioned over the years. Clopton (1923) and Korns HM: The diagnosis of eventration of the diaphragm. Arch Intern
Beck (1950) speculated that eventration is a congenital Med 28:192, 1921.
anomaly that is likely the result of a failure of musculari- Laxdal OE, McDougall H, Mellin GW: Congenital eventration of the
diaphragm. New Engl J Med 250:401, 1954.
zation of the diaphragm. Lindstrom CH, Allen RP: Bilateral congenital eventration of the dia-
Before the use of radiography, the diagnosis of eventra- phragm. Am J Roentgenol 97:216, 1966.
tion of the diaphragm was difficult to make, and Korns Morrison JMW: Elevation of one diaphragm, unilateral phrenic paraly-
sis: A radiological study with special reference to differential diag-
in 1921 was able to collect only 65 cases in the world nosis. Arch Radiol Electrother 27:353, 1923a.
literature. In 1935, only 183 cases had been published Nylander PEA, Elfving G: Partial eventration of the diaphragm. Ann
(Reed and Borden, 1935). In 1951, a report by Nylander Chir et Gynec Fenniae 40:1, 1951.
1538 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

Petit JL: Traite des maladies chirurgicales et des operations qui leur TABLE 5 6 - 5 • Anatomic Classification of Eventration
conviennent: Ouvrage posthume de J. L. Petit Vol 2 (revised ed).
Paris, Meguignon, 1760, p. 233.
Reed JA, Borden DL: Eventration of the diaphragm. Arch Surg 31:30, Total Bilateral
1935. Partial (localized) Partial
Svanberg L: Clinical value of analysis lung function in some intratho- Anterior Complete
racic diseases: Spirometric, bronchospirometric and angiopneumo- Posterolateral
graphic investigation. Acta Chir Scand 111:1196, 1956. Medial
Thomas TV: Congenital eventration of the diaphragm. Ann Thorac Surg
From Thomas TV: Non-paralytic eventration of the diaphragm. J
10:180, 1970.
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 55:586, 1968.
Wood HG: Eventration of the diaphragm. Surg Gynecol Obstet
23:344, 1916.

by stretching it out. This concept is further supported by

BASIC SCIENCE the observation that both eventration and Bochdalek's
Terminology: Eventration and Paralysis hernia occur more frequently on the left side, most often
in males, and generally have an intact anterior muscular
of the Diaphragm
rim (Kirklin and Hodgson, 1947; McNamara et al, 1968a,
According to most authors (Chin and Lynn, 1956; Simo- b; Reed and Borden, 1935).
neau et al, 1983; Wright et al, 1985), true eventrations Macroscopically the eventrated diaphragm is thin with
are always derived from a congenital defect in the muscu- a membranous appearance, whereas the more peripheral
lature of one portion or the entire central part of the portion is still muscular with normal attachments of the
diaphragm. It results from an incomplete migration of muscle to the sternum, lower ribs, and dorsolumbar
myoblasts from the cervical somites into the pleuroperi- spine. Indeed, Wright and associates (1985) pointed out
toneal membrane during the fourth week of embryologic that there is little difficulty at thoracotomoy in distin-
development (Moore, 1988). McNamara and colleagues guishing eventration with its membranous appearance
(1968a) even suggested that the anomaly involved a de- from diaphragmatic paralysis, in which the diaphragm,
fect similar to that observed in a Bochdalek hernia, but even if somewhat atrophic, is still partly muscular.
it occurred at a slightly later stage. According to Thomas Histologically, the attenuated portion of the eventrated
(1970), a premature return of the viscera to the abdomi- diaphragm is composed of fibroelastic tissue (Shah-Mir-
nal cavity after their rotation and the absence of ingrowth any et al, 1968) with muscle fibers and nerve bundles
striated muscles to the pleuroperitoneal membrane from seldom seen and no evidence of degeneration of the
the septum transversum may be factors involved in the phrenic nerve. Based on their location, eventrations can
development of eventration. Based on this theory, the be further divided into three types (Thomas, 1968, 1970)
premature return of the viscera to the peritoneal cavity Table 56-5): (1) anterior (Fig. 56-40), (2) posterolateral,
might prevent complete development of the diaphragm and (3) medial. Bilateral eventrations are mostly seen

FIGURE 56-40 • A, Standard posteroanterior chest radiograph showing an asymptomatic congenital eventration of
the right hemidiaphragm diagnosed in an adult moderate right diaphragm eventration. B, Lateral view showing the
incomplete anterior nature of the eventration.
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm 1539

TABLE 5 6 - 6 • Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

Intact phrenic nerve

Mechanical factors or blunt trauma
Abnormal phrenic nerve
Post-traumatic or postoperative
Sequelae of neuromuscular or infectious disorders
Malignancies of lung or mediastinum

within the context of polymalformations (Elberg et al,

In a carefully analyzed review, Revillon and Fekete
(1982) showed that cases of true eventrations could oc-
cur in any location over the dome of the diaphragm, such
as underneath the heart (6 patients), partially central (15
patients), partially peripheral (13 patients), and complete
(6 patients). These authors also showed that microscopi-
cally the abnormal area always contained some muscular
fibers, although these were fewer in number and dis- FIGURE 56-41 • Standard posteroanterior chest radiograph
persed in every direction. Often, muscular fibers were of a 10-month-old child with complete eventration of the right
replaced by fibrous tissue rich in collagen and leucocytic hemidiaphragm.
Occasionally, eventrations have been reported to be
associated with other developmental defects such as hy- intact or an abnormal phrenic nerve (Fig. 56-42, Table
poplastic aorta, cleft palate, transposition of the abdomi- 56-6). In both cases, loss of contractility progressively
nal organs, or undecended testicle. In Smith and co- leads to muscular atrophy and distention of the dome.
workers' series (1986) of 10 infants with congenital Ultimately, the physiologic disturbances associated with
eventrations, 7 had significant associated problems, in- eventration and acquired elevation of the diaphragm are
cluding congenital heart disease in 4. Eventration of the similar. Table 56-7 outlines the main differences between
diaphragm can also be associated with prenatal cytomega- the two conditions.
lovirus infections and maternal exposure to drugs such as
thiopental (Becroft, 1979; Elberg et al, 1989). In complete
Physiologic Consequences of an Elevated
eventration, the ipsilateral lung is nearly always hypo-
plastic, similar to what is seen with diaphragmatic hernias Diaphragm
(Fig. 56-41). The most significant physiologic derangements associated
At birth, breech deliveries or difficult and prolonged with a high hemidiaphragm relate to the respiratory sys-
forceps deliveries can result in phrenic nerve injuries, tem because the diaphragm contributes to a large propor-
often associated with vocal cord paralysis or brachial tion of the tidal volume in normal individuals (Agostini
plexus injuries (Cavrot and Richard, 1956). These inju- and Sant'Ambrogio, 1970; Clague and Hall, 1979). Con-
ries are usually the result of a pull on the C3-C5 nerve sequently, several authors have been able to document a
root, but in severe cases, they may be produced by an restrictive pattern characterized by a reduction in lung
actual tearing off of these nerve roots (Stauffer and Rick- volumes and mild hypoxemia, all changes made worse
ham, 1972). If there are no associated injuries, these when measurements are obtained with the patient in a
lesions can be difficult to differentiate from congenital supine position (Graham et al, 1990). In the group of
eventration. patients reported by Wright and colleagues (1985), there
Acquired elevation of the diaphragm (often inappro- was moderate hypoxia, and the total lung capacity (TLC),
priately termed eventration) can be associated with an vital capacity (VC), and expiratory reserve volume were

TABLE 5 6 - 7 • Differences Between True Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

Feature Eventration Paralysis

Incidence Rare Common

Etiology Congenital anomaly in formation of the diaphragm Acquired lesion
Associated congenital anomalies Yes No
Phrenic nerve Intact Often abnormal
Appearance of the diaphragm Marked decrease in muscular fibers Atrophic but still muscular
Membranous appearance
Sniff test Decreased motion but not paradoxical Paradoxical motion
1540 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-42 • A, Standard posteroanterior chest radiograph of a 55-year-old woman with an idiopathic elevation
(often called eventration) of the left diaphragm. At fluoroscopy, the diagram moves very little but there was no
paradoxical motion. No cause could be found to explain the anomaly. Spirometric studies showed a restrictive
pattern with a vital capacity of 72% of predicted. 6, Standard chest radiograph taken 4 years before A and
considered normal.

lower than predicted with the patients seated, falling forceful or even quiet inspiration. Thus, there is paradoxi-
further away from predicted values with the patients in cal deflation of the lung on the involved side during
the supine position. Obviously, this restrictive pattern is inspiration and paradoxical inflation during expiration
more severe in cases of paralysis and complete eventra- resulting in rebreathing of dead space air (Rodgers and
tion, while it can be nonexistent in cases of partial or McGahren, 1989). This paradoxical respiration is ex-
mild eventrations. Thus some patients with diaphrag- plained by the negative intrapleural pressure created by
matic elevation have few or no respiratory symptoms, the normal diaphragm that is not counterbalanced by the
whereas others may present with shortness of breath, paralyzed diaphragm on the affected side. Because of
poor exercise tolerance, orthopnea, or even frank respira- weak intercostals, soft thoracic cage, and very mobile
tory failure if the patient has an underlying lung disease. mediastinum, this phenomenon is often worse in new-
In addition to this restrictive defect, many authors (Eas- borns than in children or adults. Indeed, paradoxical
ton et al, 1983; McCredie et al, 1962; Ridyard and Stew- respiration is often aggravated by the increased abdomi-
art, 1976) have shown various degrees of compressive nal pressure associated with the supine position of new-
atelectasis with decreased ventilation and perfusion in borns and by the small caliber of their bronchial tree
the involved lung base. (Arnheim, 1954; Ribet and Linder, 1992; Stone et al,
In 1979, Clague and Hall studied the effect of posture 1987), which results in higher airway resistance and
on lung volume, airway closure, and gas exchange in greater tendency toward airway obstruction caused by
eight patients with diaphragmatic paralysis. They showed secretions. Coexisting cardiac or pulmonary malforma-
that the mean VC in the sitting position was 81% of the tions may further aggravate the situation. In a series of
predicted normal value; in the supine position it fell by nine patients with eventration seen during the first 19
a further 19% in right-sided paralysis and 10% in left- months of life reported by Paris and associates (1973),
sided paralysis. The mean Po2 was also less than pre- severe respiratory symptoms were present in five of nine
dicted in the sitting position and fell significantly on patients. In Jarry et al's series (1982), four of seven
lying. All of these findings were attributed to the inability patients required assisted ventilation prior to correc-
of the paralyzed hemidiaphragm to resist movements of tional surgery.
the abdominal contents into the chest on lying down, Elevation of the diaphragm can also be the cause of
when gravitational forces must be overcome. digestive symptoms related to the rotation of the gastric
One other important respiratory consequence com- fundus underneath the diaphragm, or even to complete
monly seen in newborns with an abnormal diaphragm is volvulus of the stomach with outlet obstruction. Ac-
the phenomenon of paradoxical respiration, in which the cording to Laxdal and others (1954), the stomach may
normal lung is compressed by the mediastinum during lie in any one of the following positions, all of which are
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm 1541

the result of its being drawn up into the chest: (1) normal are other clinical signs that may be found on physical
position, except that the fundus rises unusually high examination (Huault et al, 1982; Rodgers and McGabren,
under the diaphragm (Buckstein, 1948); (2) inversion 1989). In such cases, it is also important to look for
with the greater curvature lying adjacent to the undersur- signs of birth trauma that could indicate diaphragmatic
faces of the diaphragm (Fichardt, 1946; Malenchini and paralysis rather than eventration.
Roca, 1946); and (3) inversion with partial or complete The diagnosis of congenital eventration is usually sug-
volvulus (Ferriere, 1948). gested on chest radiographs (see Fig. 56-41), and the
classic appearance is that of an elevated hemidiaphragm
CONGENITAL EVENTRATION OF THE often associated with loss of volume of the ipsilateral
lung and displacement of the mediastinum toward the
DIAPHRAGM contralateral side. The lateral film is useful to determine
The true incidence of eventration of the diaphragm is the degree of involvement as well as the type of eventra-
unknown, but Chin and Lynn (1956) reported that the tion. On fluoroscopy, complete eventration results in
Southampton and Portsmouth mass radiography units smooth elevation of the hemidiaphragm with little or
had diagnosed only 32 cases of elevation of the dia- slightly paradoxical movement during inspiration, often
phragm in 412,000 subjects during a 5-year period indistinguishable from phrenic nerve paralysis (Gierada
(1949-1954) for an incidence of approximately 1:1400. et al, 1998). In an attempt to clearly outline diaphrag-
In that series, it occurred nine times more often on the matic contours and rule out possible diaphragmatic her-
left side than on the right side. In another series reported nia, some authors (Avnet, 1962; Buchwald, 1965; Zeitlin,
by Christensen (1959), 38 cases out of 107,778 persons 1930) have described the use of peritoneography and
examined were found, for a frequency four times greater pneumoperitoneography, but these have now been re-
than in the Chin and Lynn report. In neonates and young placed by the less invasive techniques of ultrasound and
children, the true incidence of eventration is even harder computed tomography (CT) scanning. Ultrasound is par-
to pinpoint. In a review of 2500 chest radiographs of ticularly useful because it can be carried out at bedside
neonates, Beck and Motsay (1952) found some diaphrag- in neonatal units and can be used to assess diaphragmatic
matic weakness in 4% of 2500 chest radiographs in new- motion and thickness as well as detect cysts or masses
borns, but only 3 patients had severe symptoms, indicat- that may on occasion mimic diaphragmatic elevation
ing that the incidence may have been overestimated. In (Othersen and Lorenzo, 1977). Prenatal ultrasound has
another study, Kinser and Cook (1944) 'identified an also been described as an aid to the diagnosis of eventra-
abnormally elevated diaphragm in 31 of 412,149 radio- tion (Rodgers and McGahren, 1989). Occasionally, CT,
graphs. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), liver isotope scan,
Overall, males are affected more often than females, and gastrointestinal studies are useful to determine the
and the left hemidiaphragm is involved more frequently contents of the eventration.
than the right (Chin and Lynn, 1956; Wayne et al, 1974).
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
In all cases of newborns or infants with severe respiratory
As many infants with unilateral eventration have few or difficulties, initial treatment must aim at supporting oxy-
no symptoms, especially if the defect is focal, congenital genation and achieving gastric decompression. In severe
eventration is often undiagnosed until later in life when cases, the child may have to be intubated and placed on
weight gain and reduction of cardiopulmonary reserve a mechanical ventilator. Once the patient is stabilized,
may generate pulmonary symptoms. the diagnosis is confirmed and surgical plication, often a
When eventration is symptomatic, the spectrum of life-saving procedure, is carried out in a timely fashion.
clinical presentation ranges from mild respiratory insuf- Before proceeding with operation, it is particularly im-
ficiency to cyanosis, or even respiratory failure necessitat- portant to ensure that the respiratory symptoms are due
ing intubation (Kizilcan et al, 1993; Mclntyre et al, 1994; to the eventration and not to associated cardiac malfor-
Sarihan et al, 1996). Most often, however, difficulty in mations or pulmonary anomalies.
feeding, repeated attacks of pneumonitis, and dyspnea are If the eventration is only partial, if the child is asymp-
the prominent symptoms. The symptoms of congenital tomatic, or if he or she responds well to conservative
eventration can also develop very insidiously with inter- management, most surgeons agree that operation can be
mittent vomiting, necessitating small feedings given in delayed or even totally avoided. This approach is some-
an upright position. Interestingly, the clinical course of what controversial in the pediatric literature because
eventration in children does not always correlate with some investigators recommend to proceed with early sur-
the severity of involvement, as sometimes patients are gery even in mildly symptomatic patients in order to
asymptomatic with large or complete eventrations. maximize development of the underlying lung (Gaultier,
According to Michelson (1961), one of the most valu- 1976; Revillon and Fekete, 1982) (Fig. 56-43). This is
able signs of eventration is the Hoover sign (Hoover, especially true if the eventration limits expansion of the
1920), or accentuated outward excursion of the costal thoracic cage or is the cause of repeated pulmonary
margin from the midline on inspiration owing to failure infections.
of the diaphragmatic action to oppose that of the inter- The operation is usually carried out through a postero-
costals. Diminished breath sounds, contralateral tracheal lateral thoracotomy, and simple plication is recommended
shift, and depression of the abdomen of the involved side because it is faster, can be done with minimal blood loss,
1542 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-43 • Preoperative (A) and postoperative (S) chest radiograph of a child with incomplete
eventration of the right hemidiaphragm. Surgical plication was carried out to maximize development of the
underlying lung.

and involves no entry into the peritoneal cavity where tures. Central diaphragmatic pleating with two circular
the spleen, liver, or other digestive organs can be injured purse-string sutures, and circumferential pleating directly
(Table 56-8) (Jewett and Thomson, 1964; Paris et al, on the thoracic wall, have also been described, but they
1973; Schwartz and Filler, 1978; Stone et al, 1987). To are used less frequently (Affatato et al, 1988; Shoemaker
plicate the diaphragm, most surgeons use the technique et al, 1981).
(or modifications of the technique) described by The alternative technique of plication (Bishop and
Schwartz and Filler (1978) in which the slack of the Koop, 1958; Thomas, 1970) is to open and resect the
diaphragm is pulled in a radial direction, and pleats excess aponeurotic portion of the diaphragm, followed
are created by the placement of full-thickness horizontal by a two-layer overlapping approximation of normal pe-
mattress nonabsorbable sutures or staples (Maxson et al, ripheral muscle while avoiding inadvertent injury to un-
1993) in the anteromedial to posteromedial direction, derlying abdominal viscera. With this technique, it is
while avoiding injury to branches of the phrenic nerve. possible to anticipate a better functional recovery of the
This type of plication gives the diaphragm an "accordion" diaphragm, although it is associated with increased blood
appearance. In this manner, the diaphragm can be pli- loss, phrenic nerve injury, and diaphragmatic dehiscence
cated with as many rows of sutures as necessary for it to (Revillon and Fekete, 1982).
become taut. During this type of plication, one should As part of the plication procedure, the diaphragm can
aim at replacing the diaphragm one or two intercostal be sutured anteriorly to the ribs (State, 1949; Stauffer
spaces below where it should ultimately be located. Gra- and Rickham, 1972) and posteriorly to the crurae. If the
ham (1990) and co-workers also suggested buttressing medial component of the diaphragm is lacking, it is
the final layers of suture with polytetra fluroethylene recommended to use the diaphragmatic portion of the
(Leflon) pledgets in order to prevent tearing out of su- pericardium or other autologous tissue or meshes for
reinforcement (Thomas, 1968, 1970). If the abdominal
cavity is not large enough to accommodate the return of
TABLE 5 6 - 8 • Surgical Techniques for Repair of intrathoracic organs, the creation of a temporary ventral
Congenital Eventration hernia may be necessary (Thomas, 1970).
Patients who have bilateral eventration or those with
Advantages infracardiac involvement are best managed through an
abdominal approach. In such cases, an upper transverse
Plication incision with liver mobilization allows the surgeon access
Easier and faster operation
Minimal blood loss
to both right and left hemidiaphragms. The abdominal
No entry in peritoneal cavity approach also allows for the creation of a transverse
Excision and plication abdominal muscle flap that can be used to reinforce the
Possible reapproximation of normal muscle with repair (Rogers and McGahren, 1989). If a gastric volvulus
recovery of functions
Avoids inadvertent injury to abdominal organs
is present, a gastrostomy with gastropexy may be neces-
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm 1543

TAB LE 5 6 - 9 • Results of Plication for Congenital Eventration of the Diaphragm in the Pediatric Population

No. of Operative Length of
Author Patients Mortality Follow-up Clinical Radiographic Functional

Stauffer and Rickham, 1972 8 0% Up to 11 yr 100% 100%

Revillon and Fekete, 1982 28 4% Unknown — 95% —
Stone et al, 1987 11 36% (4/11) 1-7 yr — 100% —
Kizilcan et al, 1993 25 0% 1.5-11 yr 92% 75% 5/6
Total 83 6% (5/83) 97% 91% 83%

Results were seen at the Mayo Clinic between 1960 and 1980. In
142 of 247 patients, initial evaluation failed to suggest a
The results of surgical plication for congenital eventration cause for the elevated hemidiaphragm. In this cohort, a
of the diaphragm are shown in Table 5 6 - 9 . In one series cause for diaphragmatic paralysis was found in only six
(Kizilcan et al, 1993), assessment of long-term function patients (five tumors, one neurogenic) during follow-up
of plicated diaphragms was done by fluoroscopic, ultra- ranging from 5 months to 20 years. The authors con-
sound, and spirometric studies. The absence of paradoxi- cluded that patients with unexplained diaphragmatic ele-
cal motion with normal localization of the diaphragm vation are unlikely to have an underlying occult malig-
was documented in all patients, while satisfactory motion nant process, but that recovery of diaphragmatic function
of the diaphragm was also documented by fluoroscopy in is also unlikely.
9 of 12 patients. Additionally, normal pulmonary function
Most cases of diaphragmatic elevation with an intact
test values were obtained in five of six patients of suitable
phrenic nerve are related to mechanical factors, such as
age for spirometric assessment. In another study (Revil-
seen with loss of volume of the thoracic cage and in-
lon and Fekete, 1982), good anatomic results as seen on
creased intrapleural negative pressure. Indeed, most of
chest radiographs were obtained in 25 of 27 children
these situations are associated with normal diaphragmatic
who had plication of the diaphragm while not in respira-
function or temporary paralysis with full recovery ex-
tory failure.
pected. W h e n pneumonectomy has been carried out, the
Several authors have noted that most ventilator-depen- diaphragm is always elevated, but it seldom produces
dent patients can be extubated within 1 week of plication symptoms requiring specific therapy (Fig. 56-44). An
Revillon and Fekete, 1982; Smith et al, 1986; Symbas et abnormally thin and elevated diaphragm with a macro-
al, 1977). scopic aspect of eventration has been described following
In general, the surgical correction of bilateral eventra- blunt trauma (Holgersen and Schnaufer, 1973).
tion is associated with a higher operative mortality be- Diaphragmatic elevation related to involvement of the
cause of associated malformations and more severe hypo- phrenic nerve can be classified as post-traumatic, second-
plasia of the lung (Watanabe et al, 1987). ary to neuromuscular or infectious diseases, neoplastic,
or idiopathic (Table 56-10). Injuries to the phrenic nerve
ACQUIRED ELEVATION OF THE can occur after any type of operation in the thorax or in
DIAPHRAGM the neck, but they are more commonly reported after the
correction of congenital cardiovascular anomalies (Mok
Etiology et al, 1991) resulting from the use of electrocautery
In the adult, diaphragmatic elevation is often found on (Allen et al, 1979) or following dissection (Affatato et al,
r o u t i n e chest r a d i o g r a p h s d o n e in a s y m p t o m a t i c or 1988) near the zone where the phrenic nerve runs. In a
mildly symptomatic patients. In some of these patients, large series of children undergoing operation for congeni-
the diagnosis is clearly that of a congenital eventration tal heart disease, Mickell and collaborators (1978) found
(true eventration) that had gone unnoticed during child- the incidence of postoperative symptomatic diaphrag-
hood only to become symptomatic with decreased pul- matic paralysis to be 1.7%. In the adult patient undergo-
monary function caused by obesity, chronic obstructive ing open heart surgery, the use of ice or slush topical
lung disease, or any other pulmonary disorder. In most hypothermia is associated with a higher rate of diaphrag-
other adult patients with an elevated diaphragm, the
disorder is acquired and it can be associated with an
intact or an abnormal phrenic nerve (see Table 5 6 - 6 ) . TABLE 5 6 - 1 0 • Causes of Phrenic Nerve Paralysis
Often the cause of diaphragmatic elevation is difficult to
determine and in Donzeau-Gouge and associates series Traumatic Surgical, obstetric, chest tube
Infectious diseases Poliomyelitis, herpes zoster, diphtheria,
(1982) of 20 patients, no clear etiology for the elevation influenza, syphilis, tuberculosis,
of the diaphragm could be found even after full surgical echinococcus infections
exploration. In those cases, diaphragmatic elevation may Neoplastic diseases Mediastinal tumors, N2 diseases
be the early manifestation of a malignant disease or a Others Dystrophia myotoxica, pericarditis,
disabling neuromuscular disorder. In 1982, Piehler and subphrenic abscess, lead poisoning
others reported an interesting study of 247 patients who
1544 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

FIGURE 56-44 • A, Standard posteroanterior chest film. 8, Barium swallow showing a severe degree of elevation of
the diaphragm after pneumonectomy with volvulus of the stomach and outlet obstruction. Note that the gastric
fundus is above the level of the carina.

matic paralysis (Efthimiou et al, 1991), but many patients or metabolic disorders must be suspected although the
with these injuries are expected to fully recover. Phrenic most common causes are obesity and pregnancy (Gierada
nerve palsy after insertion of a chest tube has also been et al, 1998).
reported (Arya et al, 1991; Ayalon et al, 1979; Marinelli
et al, 1981). A number of neuromuscular or infectious Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
disorders affecting the phrenic nerve or diaphragm have
been reported to be associated with an elevated dia- In the adult population, symptoms associated with ac-
phragm; these include poliomyelitis, herpes zoster (An- quired elevation of the diaphragm are predominantly res-
derson, 1970; Brostoff, 1966), dystrophia myotoxica piratory. Most patients complain of dyspnea and some-
(Chin and Lynn, 1956), diphtheria, influenza, syphilis, times cough and retrosternal or epigastric pain. Other
lead poisoning (Wynn-Williams, 1954), pericarditis, complaints include a variety of digestive symptoms, rang-
subphrenic abscesses (Hoover, 1913), and echinococcus ing from gas bloat, nausea; vomiting, heartburn, frequent
infection of the liver (Meyler and Huizinga, 1950). Per- and uncontrollable belching to loud, abnormal noises
haps the most publicized cases have been those associ- originating from air moving along the gastrointestinal
ated with the epidemic of polymyelitis in the early 1950s. tract.
In 52 surviving adults submitted to follow-up examina-
tion by Sotrup (cited in Christensen, 1959), seven cases
of permanent eventration were found: four right-sided, TABLE 5 6 - 1 1 Common Causes of Acquired
two left-sided, and one bilateral. Diaphragmatic Elevation

Neoplastic involvement of the phrenic nerve is often Supradiaphragmatic Atelectasis

the cause of diaphragmatic elevation, and in patients Pulmonary resection
with bronchogenic carcinomas, phrenic nerve paralysis is Radiation fibrosis
usually secondary to mediastinal node disease. Phrenic Restrictive pleural disease
(diffuse mesothelioma)
nerve paralysis can also be associated with malignant Phrenic nerve paralysis
mediastinal masses such as thymomas, lymphomas, and Diaphragmatic Idiopathic elevation
germ cell tumors. Post-traumatic
Acquired diaphragmatic elevation can also be classified Infradiaphragmatic Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
according to the location of the disorder that is responsi- Subphrenic abscess
Abdominal mass
ble for the anomaly (Table 56-11). When both hemidi- Colon or stomach distention
aphragms are elevated, neuromuscular, connective tissue,
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm 1545

The diagnosis of acquired elevation of the diaphragm cases, the objectives of surgery are to immobilize the
can usually be made on standard PA and lateral chest diaphragm in a lower flat position, to reduce its paradoxi-
films. The diaphragm is clearly elevated and forms a cal movement and compression of the ipsilateral lung
round, unbroken line arching from the mediastinum to and mediastinum, and possibily to recover function if
the costal arch (Laxdal et al, 1954). The stomach is drawn there is adequate residual muscle under the costal arch.
up into the chest, and it may be normally positioned with An abdominal approach is recommended for the repair of
a high fundus or it may be inverted with a partial or bilateral eventrations, if there is infracardiac involvement
complete volvulus. If there is involvement of the phrenic (Othersen and Lorenzo, 1977) or if there is a gastric
nerve, true paradoxical motion of the diaphragm is seen volvulus that requires repositioning.
on fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopic examination may also be More recently, plication done through a video-assisted
useful in ruling out pericardial cysts or excess mediastinal thoracic surgery approach was described by Mouroux
fat located at the cardiophrenic angle that may simulate and co-workers (1996) (Fig. 56-45). With this technique,
eventration. Diagnostic pneumoperitoneum might be the eventrated diaphragm is pushed down by endoscopic
useful to distinguish between an elevated diaphragm and long clamps and then plicated by the use of two superim-
frank herniation, although in chronic hernias adhesions posed transverse continuous sutures. The first line of
would prevent air from reaching the pleural space. The sutures holds the diaphragm down and keeps the excess
original technique described by Zeitlin (1930) involved tissue within the abdomen, while the second suture line
the introduction of air, nitrous oxide, or carbon dioxide completes the repair by placing the desired tension over
into the peritoneal cavity, followed by an upright chest the dome. One obvious advantage of the technique is the
radiograph to outline the diaphragmatic continuity. Un- minimal access type of surgery, which facilitates postoper-
fortunately, CT scanning and ultrasound are not very ative recovery and respiratory re-education.
helpful in differentiating between elevated diaphragm and Surgical repair of a transected phrenic nerve with res-
true herniation (Yamashita et al, 1993). Michelson (1961) toration of diaphragmatic function has been reported in
has also shown that faradic stimulation of the phrenic patients with operative trauma to the phrenic nerve, even
nerve at the time of thoracotomy may be helpful to 4 months after the injury (Brouillette et al, 1986; Merav
document the integrity of the phrenic nerve. Electromyo- et al, 1983). In such cases, sural or intercostal nerve
graphic studies can also be used preoperatively to docu- grafts can be used to bridge the gap between the severed
ment the integrity of the phrenic nerve (Witz et al, 1982). segments. Nerve regenerates at a rate of 1 mm per day,
Two other issues in the investigation of-an elevated so several months of observation are required before
hemidiaphragm in adults must be addressed during the restoration of motor function to the diaphragm. Good
workup of these patients. The first involves the ruling results can be expected in approximately 75% of cases
out of a malignancy by CT scanning and if necessary (Fig. 56-46) (Millesi, 1981).
by bronchoscopy and the second is to document the
consequences of the disorder on pulmonary function
through spirometric and exercise studies.
Indications for surgery in adults are uncommon, and
the clinician must be very careful before recommending
plication for respiratory or digestive symptoms thought
Most cases of eventration occurring in adult life should to be related to elevation of the diaphragm. Table 56-12
be treated conservatively unless severe dyspnea interfer- summarizes the results obtained after surgical correction
ing with normal activities, orthopnea, or gastrointestinal of an elevated diaphragm. In Graham and co-workers'
symptoms are clearly related to the high position of series (1990) of 17 patients with a mean age of 53.7
the diaphragm. In infants with phrenic nerve paralysis years who underwent plication of the diaphragm, all
secondary to open heart surgery, aggressive treatment by patients showed both subjective and objective improve-
plication of the diaphragm is recommended by many ment (Table 56-13). Six patients were reassessed 5 or
authors if the child is symptomatic or cannot be weaned more years after plication (range, 5 to 7 years) and the
off the respirator. In the report of Shoemaker et al (1981), improvement was maintained. In that series, the main
six of seven patients treated by plication of the diaphragm considerations before surgery were that the patient had
survived, the one death occurring in a premature infant dyspnea interfering with normal activities and orthopnea
with multiple congenital cardiac defects. Children older as well as respiratory function tests typical of diaphrag-
than 2 years of age are usually asymptomatic or have matic paralysis. In a very interesting paper reported by
only minor respiratory problems and as a rule they do Wright and colleagues (1985), seven adult patients un-
not require surgery (Tonz et al, 1996). derwent plication of the diaphragm for dyspnea resulting
Although Wood (1916) was the first to suggest plica- from unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. There were no
tion if symptoms were sufficiently distressing, Morrison postoperative complications and all patients' symptoms
(1923b) is credited with being the first surgeon who were improved after surgery. After plication, significant
actually performed a successful plication of the dia- increases were noted in Pao2 and all lung volumes except
phragm. The operation is usually carried out through a residual volume. The authors concluded that diaphrag-
posterolateral approach, and the repair can be done with matic plication is a safe and effective procedure for adult
a simple plication without opening the diaphragm, or patients with dyspnea resulting from unilateral diaphrag-
through the excision of a central ellipse of aponeurotic matic paralysis. Similarly, Ribet and Linder (1992) re-
diaphragm followed by double breast suturing. In all ported good results in 11 adults followed up for a mean
1546 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

Port 1

FIGURE 56-45 • A, Position of the two thoracoscopic ports. A minithoracotomy is made over the ninth intercostal space for
the suturing of the diaphragm. B, With the use of Duval forceps, the apex of the eventration is pushed down toward the
abdomen. C, The newly created transverse fold of diaphragm is sutured with nonabsorbable material. D, Completed operation.
ICS, intercostal space. (From Mouroux J, Padovani B, Poirier NC et al: Technique for the repair of diaphragmatic eventration.
Ann Thorac Surg 62:905, 1996.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm 1547

TABLE 5 6 - 1 2 • Results of Plication for Diaphragmatic Elevation in the Adult Population

Operative Length of Improvement

No. of Mortality Follow-up
Author Patients (%) (yr) Clinical Radiographic Functional

Graham et al, 1990 17 0 5-7 6/6 SIS SIS

Wright et al, 1985 7 0 0.3-4 7/7 in in
Ribet and Linder, 1992 11 0 8.5 (mean) 10/11 — —
Pastor et a I, 1982 15 0 1-15 13/15 15/15 —
Donzeau-Gouge et al, 1982 9 10 0.4-10 7/8 — —
McNamara et al, 1968a 13 0 1-5 12/13 — —
Total 72 1.3% 92% 100% 100%

FIGURE 5 6 - 4 6 • A, Preoperative chest r a d i o g r a p h of a n e o n a t e w i t h acquired elevation of t h e r i g h t h e m i d i a p h r a g m secondary

to transection of t h e phrenic nerve, w h i c h occurred d u r i n g chest t u b e insertion f o r p n e u m o t h o r a x . 6, Chest r a d i o g r a p h done 12
m o n t h s a f t e r p l i c a t i o n a n d p r i m a r y repair o f t h e phrenic nerve.

TABLE 56-13 Dyspnea Scores and Physiologic Measurements Before and After Unilateral
Diaphragmatic Plication

Before Operation After Operation P value

D y s p n e a Score 7.4 + 0.8 3.3 0.9 <0.001

Sitting 2.7 + 0.7 3.2 ± • 0.5 <0.001
Lying 1.9 + 0.5 2.7 ± 0.6 <0.001
Sitting 4.1 + 1.6 4.5 ± 1.7 <0.002
Lying 3.4 + 0.8 4.2 ± 1.7 <0.002
FRC 2.5 + 0.2 2.9 ± 0.2 <0.01
ERV 0.6 + 0.2 0.9 ± 0.2 <0.01
RV 1.9 ± 0.2 2.0 ± 0.7 NS
DLCO (% predicted) 85 ± 4.5 100 ± 6.9 <0.05
Pao 2 73.1 ± 10.9 85.6 ± 13.2 <0.001
Paco 2 39.8 ± 6.7 38.4 ± 6.1 <0.001

DLCO, diffusion coefficient; ERV, expiratory reserve volume; FRC, Functional residual capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; N5, not significant; RV,
residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity.
From Graham DR, Kaplan D, Evans CC, et al; Diaphragmatic plication for unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis: A 10-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg
49:249, 1990.
1548 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Congenital Eventration and Acquired Elevation of the Diaphragm

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1550 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing


Jacquelyn A. Quin
John A. Elefteriades

The process of breathing, though seemingly simple, re- apneustic center, located in the lower pons, is believed to
quires several components, all of which must function prolong the inspiratory phase of breathing, while (3) the
and appropriately interact in order to achieve adequate pneumotaxic center, located in the upper pons, inhibits
ventilation. Included are upper and lower motor neurons, inspiration and participates in the "fine tuning" of respira-
the diaphragm and other muscles of ventilation, and the tion. Although it is considered an involuntary function,
lungs themselves. Injury or involvement of any singular voluntary control of breathing may supersede the brain-
component with disease may completely or permanently stem reflex.
interfere with the process of ventilation. Selected individ- Input for regulation is provided by central and periph-
uals with respiratory failure, who would otherwise have erally located chemoreceptors. Central chemoreceptors,
been dependent on mechanical ventilation, have regained located near the medullary respiratory control center,
independence through diaphragm pacing. The purpose of respond to changes in surrounding cerebral spinal fluid
this chapter is to review diaphragmatic pacing including (CSF) pH. During states of decreased ventilation, higher
diseases that respond to pacing, the process itself, and partial pressures of carbon dioxide (Pco2) result in in-
results of pacing. creased co 2 diffusion across the blood-brain barrier. The
subsequent decrease in CSF pH and corresponding in-
crease in free [H + ] ions stimulate increased respiration
(Fig. 56-47). Peripheral chemoreceptors, located in the
FUNCTION carotid bodies, respond to decreased arterial partial pres-
As elucidated by West (1995), respiration is controlled sures of oxygen (Pao2); less of a response is seen with
via respiratory centers, which are collections of upper changes in pH and Pco 2 (Fig. 56-47B).
motor neurons located within the pons and medulla. Of the muscles that effect ventilation, the diaphragm is
Three respiratory centers exist: (1) The medullary respi- the most important. This muscular sheet has two distinct
ratory center, located in the reticular formation of the components: The thinner, costal muscle inserts on the
medulla, consists of inspiratory and expiratory areas, ribs and sternum and causes the diaphragm to flatten
which together influence the rhythm of breathing; (2) the and displace caudally. A thicker, crural component inserts

FIGURE 56-47 • A,
Ventilatory response to
increasing C0 2 at different
curve concentrations of
alveolar Po2. B, Ventilatory
response to hypoxia at
different concentrations of
alveolar Pco2. (BTPS, body
temperature, ambient pressure,
saturated with water vapor.)
(From West JB: Respiratory
Physiology: The essentials.
Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins,
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing 1551

on the lumbar vertebrae. In addition to diaphragm con- secondary to an increased risk of hypothermia exposure
traction, crural fibers increase thoracic diameter during (Dimopoulou et al, 1998). In this regard, placement of
inspiration by elevating the lower ribs (DeTrover, 1982). an insulation pad within the pericardial well has been
Three types of muscle fibers comprise the diaphragm. shown to offer significant protection to the phrenic nerve.
Approximately 55% of diaphragm fibers are type 1, slow- In Wheeler and co-workers' (1985) study of 120 patients,
twitch, highly oxidative fibers that resist fatigue. Type IIA the incidence of injury was reduced from 60% to 8%.
fibers (21%) are fast-twitch, highly oxidative fibers that Laub and associates (1991) demonstrated a reduction in
resist fatigue to an intermediate degree. Type IIB fibers phrenic injury from 18% in the control group to 0% in
(24%), by contrast, are fast-twitch, glycolytic fibers that the protected group.
are prone to fatigue (Lieberman et al, 1973). This ratio Injury to the phrenic nerve may occur during the
of different fiber types allows the diaphragm versatility in harvest of the left internal mammary artery owing to the
meeting the metabolic demands of routine and strenuous close proximity of the nerve to the origin of the artery
activity. During normal respiration, only a fraction of the (Fig. 56-48) (Setina et al, 1993). Direct or thermal injury
total number of fibers are stimulated during any given may occur during dissection of the artery; injury may
respiration; this allows a proportion of fibers to recover also result from reduced perfusion of the nerve as the
metabolically even as the diaphragm performs continu- proximal branches of the corresponding mammary artery
ous work. are divided (O'Brien et al, 1991). Iatrogenic injury to the
The phrenic nerve, arising from the C3-C5 nerve phrenic nerve during various congenital heart procedures
roots, carries lower motor innervation to the diaphragm. has been reported (Watanabe et al, 1997). Anecdotal
In as many as 76% of patients, contribution of the C5 causes of phrenic nerve injury may occur as a result of
nerve root does not occur until the nerve trunk is in the trauma (Merev et al, 1983) or during noncardiac proce-
thorax, several centimeters below the level of the clavicle dures (Sheridan et al, 1995). The phrenic nerve may
(Kelley, 1950). This anatomic variant is important when be directly involved in malignancy, infection, or other
considering placement of the nerve electrode; a cervically metabolic disorders.
placed electrode may not capture all of the phrenic nerve As with diaphragm injury, lower motor neuron injury
fibers. Although the nerve is comprised mostly of motor essentially precludes diaphragmatic pacing. Most cases of
fibers, a small number of sensory fibers innervates both
the thoracic and peritoneal surfaces of the muscle.


Injury may occur to any of the components of respiration:
diaphragm, phrenic nerve, or the central respiratory up-
per motor neuron; however, the change in respiration
may be imperceptible if the insult is slight. Symptomatic
injury is managed according to the affected ventilatory
component. In this regard, accurate assessment of the
level of injury is paramount, as this knowledge influences
the likelihood of successful phrenic nerve pacing.

The diaphragm may be involved in a number of patho-
logic states, systemic diseases, and drug toxicities, as
outlined extensively by Syabbalo (1998). In general,
phrenic pacing is ineffective in these circumstances. Med-
ical or surgical management of the underlying disease
is appropriate. A different situation is encountered in
quadriplegic patients with diaphragm atrophy resulting
from chronic disuse. Provided it is otherwise normal with
an intact phrenic nerve, the diaphragm is expected to
respond favorably to diaphragmatic pacing.

Lower Motor Neuron and Phrenic Nerve

FIGURE 56-48 • Interrelationships between the internal
Iatrogenic phrenic nerve injury as a result of topical mammary nerve and phrenic nerve. A, Right side. B, Left side.
cardiac hypothermia during cardiac surgery is well de- Anatomic structures: 1, scalenus anticus muscle; 2, internal
scribed; the overall incidence ranges from less than 10% mammary artery; 3, phrenic nerve; 4, subclavian artery; 5,
accessory phrenic nerve. (From Setina M, Carry S, Grim M, Pirk
to over 70%, depending on the method of diagnosis J: Anatomical interrelation between the phrenic nerve and the
(Dajee et al, 1983; Chroni et al, 1995; DeVita, 1993). internal mammary artery as seen by the surgeon. J Cardiovasc
Injury more commonly occurs to the left phrenic nerve Surg (Torino) 34:449, 1993.)
1552 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing

lower motor injury are well tolerated and temporary; may ensue. However, because the condition is not truly
conservative management usually suffices. However, pro- nocturnal, the term "central alveolar hypoventilation" is
longed or bilateral paralysis may occur with significant preferred over sleep apnea. Adults may present with CAH
mortality and morbidity due to repeated pneumonia, ven- secondary to medullary involvement with tumor or infec-
tilatory failure with repeated incubation, and prolonged tion. In the pediatric population, congenital CAH is often
mechanical ventilation (Diehl et al, 1994; Tonz et al, diagnosed in association with other congenital diseases
1996). including Hirshsprung's disease, metabolic disorders, and
other neuropathic conditions and tumors (Del Carmen
Sanchez et al, 1996).
Upper Motor Neuron Disease
Patients with central alveolar hypoventilation, or cen-
Upper motor neuron injury may occur secondary to tu- tral sleep apnea, must be distinguished from those with
mor involvement, infection, trauma, or stroke. Idiopathic obstructive sleep apnea. Patients with either affliction may
nerve dysfunction may occur. Upper motor neuron injur- present with nocturnal episodes of apnea and complaints
ies are amenable to phrenic nerve pacing provided the of daytime somnolence (Mendelson, 1997); however, pa-
phrenic nerve is intact. The majority of phrenic nerve tients with obstructive sleep apnea have a normal ventila-
patients fall into one of two categories of upper motor tory response to hypoxia and hypercarbia. Sleep apnea is
neuron disease: central alveolar hypoventilation or quad- caused by mechanical airway obstruction secondary to
riplegic. obesity, abnormal pharyngeal anatomy, exaggerated relax-
Central alveolar hypoventilation (CAH) or central ation of the pharyngeal musculature with sleep, or by
sleep apnea falls under the category of sleep apnea disor- space-occupying pharyngeal tumors.
ders. In general, sleep apnea represents a spectrum of The diagnosis of sleep apnea and the distinction be-
disturbed sleep patterns characterized by episodes of tween the two entities is usually performed using poly-
failed respiration lasting greater than 10 seconds. The somnography in an overnight sleep laboratory. The pro-
number of apnea episodes varies: from 5 to greater than cess is an involved one in which several parameters
20 episodes per hour may be seen in afflicted patients. including sleep, oxygenation, breathing airflow patterns,
The exact prevalence is unknown; however, the reported and body movement are studied (Douglas, 1995). The
incidence varies from 0.3% to 15% of the population diagnosis is made in children similarly (Guilleminault et
(Davies and Stradling, 1995). al, 1996). Yen and colleagues (1997) have suggested a
Central alveolar hypoventilation is also commonly simpler method of distinguishing between the two enti-
known as Ondine's curse. The history of this term is ties using measurements of airway impedance. Though
outlined both by Goldblatt (1995) and Fodstad (1995). obstructive and central sleep apneas are considered two
The term originates from the Latin word for wave, unda. distinct diseases, individuals may demonstrate character-
Swiss philosopher von Hohenheim used the appellation istics of both components. In such cases, if the obstruc-
"undine" in his 1807 rendition of nature in which the tive component is present less than 50% of the time, the
earth is represented by four types of spirits. In this apnea is considered central in origin (Mendelson, 1997).
scheme, gnomes symbolize the earth and sylphs represent Distinction between the two entities is necessary for
the air. Salamanders depict fire and undines, or female proper patient management. Patients with CAH are con-
nymphs, epitomize water. In 1811, German playwright sidered for phrenic nerve pacing; patients with obstruc-
de la Motte Fouque published Undine, a fictional story of tive sleep apnea are encouraged to undergo weight loss
a mortal, Knight Huldbrand, who marries Undine, an if necessary, and they are supported at night with the use
underwater spirit with an evil uncle, Kuhleborn. Follow- of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). In more
ing a disagreement with Huldbrand, Undine is forced to advanced cases, patients with obstructive sleep apnea
return to water, to the service of her uncle. She returns on may undergo uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, the removal of
the wedding night of Huldbrand's remarriage to another redundant upper airway soft tissue to reduce upper air-
mortal to claim his life on behalf of Kuhleborn. Several way impedance. In extreme cases, tracheostomy may be
variations of the original story followed, including the necessary to secure an airway during sleep (Yen et al,
French play Ondine, by Jean Giraudoux, translated into 1997).
English by Valency in 1954. In this variation, Ondine's The other common condition that is treatable by phre-
husband Hans is fatally cursed for unfaithfulness by for- nic nerve pacing is cervical spinal cord injury. The world-
getting to breathe. The term Ondine's curse was subse- wide incidence of spinal cord injury varies from less than
quently borrowed by Severinghaus and Mitchell (1962) 20 per million to over 40 per million population; the
to describe three patients with failure of nocturnal hypo- incidence in industrialized countries appears slightly
ventilation. higher (Karamenhetoglu, 1995; Lan et al, 1993; Otom et
CAH is caused by a diminished response of the recep- al, 1997). In the United States, the estimated incidence
tors in the medulla to increased Pco 2 (Mellins et al, is 45 per million population (Johnson et al, 1997). Most
1970). The normal increase in ventilation that occurs in injuries are related to motor vehicle crashes (Burney et
response to increasing arterial Pco 2 is diminished or ab- al, 1993; Shingu et al, 1994; Thurman et al, 1995) with
sent in individuals with CAH; the ventilatory response to a high degree of cervical injury and associated quadriple-
decreases in Po2 is also blunted. Although the respiratory gia or quadriparesis (Price et al, 1994). Among the ado-
impairment is continuous, affected individuals may con- lescent population, preventable sport-related causes of
sciously augment ventilation while awake. At night, with cervical injury are seen with a disturbingly high fre-
the loss of this voluntary contribution, episodic apnea quency (Scher 1998; Tator et al, 1997; Tyroch et al,
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing 1553

FIGURE 56-49 • Sensory and motor findings that distinguish "high" quadriplegia. Quadriplegia at C2-3 is amenable
to diaphragm pacing. (From Shields TW: General Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1994.)

1997). In the elderly, cervical injuries from falls predomi- HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF PACING
nate (Alander et al, 1994; Spivak et al, 1994). Although full-time, simultaneous bilaterally diaphrag-
In general, patients with high cervical injury, that is, matic pacing has been in practice only for the last 2 to 3
above the C3 level, are most likely to benefit from pacing decades, the concept of diaphragmatic contraction and
since the nerve roots of C3-C5 and the integrity of the artificial respiration through electrical stimulation of the
phrenic nerve are maintained. The necrologic examina- phrenic nerve can be traced back to the late 1700s,
tion in these patients demonstrates intact sensation to beginning with Cavallo in 1777 (Beard and Rockwell,
the clavicles, and motor function of the trapezius and 1875). In 1818, phrenic nerve stimulation was carried
sternocleidomastoid muscles only (Fig. 56-49). Patients out by Ure, who described his experimentation in a
whose cord injury involves any part of the C3-C5 nerve criminal who had just recently been hanged: "The chest
roots have a compromised phrenic nerve, which may heaved and fell; the belly was protruded and again col-
interfere with pacing. Patients with cord injury below the lapsed, with the relaxing and retiring diaphragm" (Ure,
C5 level have an intact and functional phrenic nerve, and 1819).
they should be able to breathe independently although it Clinical applications of phrenic nerve stimulation fol-
may not be apparent at the immediate time of injury. In lowed thereafter. Guillaume Duchenne de Boulogne used
order to make this determination, a waiting period of phrenic nerve pacing to treat cholera patients who devel-
approximately 3 months is advised. oped secondary asphyxia during a cholera epidemic in
Diaphragmatic pacing has been attempted in two addi- 1849 (Erdmann, 1858). Israel (1927) reported on the
tional clinical situations: chronic obstructive pulmonary successful use of phrenic nerve stimulation to support
disease (COPD) (Glenn, 1978) and intractable hiccups. ventilation in six asphyxiated newborns. In 1950, Sarnoff
As patients with COPD become accustomed to chronic and co-workers reported the use of phrenic nerve stimu-
hypercarbia, they become dependent on "hypoxic drive" lation in the management of patients with bulbar polio-
instead. If supplemental oxygen is required, episodic res- myelitis.
piratory failure may occur, which may be treated using Long-term, continuous pacing of the conditioned dia-
phrenic nerve pacing. Fortunately, in practice, few pa- phragm as it exists today was largely pioneered by Glenn
tients have such advanced COPD. Similarly, intractable and his associates at Yale. Applying their background
hiccups have been treated with diaphragm pacing; how- knowledge of cardiac pacemakers, they first reported on
ever, the discomfort of pacing has often led to voluntary continuous phrenic nerve stimulation in an animal model
cessation. Reports of phrenic nerve pacing in various (Glenn et al, 1964), followed by its clinical application
other diseases are not considered standard practice. in a patient with primary hypoventilation (Judson and
1554 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing

Glenn, 1968). The next step in the development of phre- (Fujii et al, 1995; Van Lunteren and Moyer, 1996; Van
nic nerve pacing systems should logically focus on the Lunteren et al, 1995), free radical scavengers (Supinski
refinement of a commercially available, totally im- et al, 1997; Travaline et al, 1997), and steroids (Dekhuij-
plantable pacing system with automatic rate adjustment, zen et al, 1995) are under study.
based on the patient's end-tidal Paco2. While such ad-
vances have been realized experimentally Hogan et al,
1989; Lanmuller et al, 1997; the clinical application and PREREQUISITES FOR PACING
availability of such devices continue to be hindered by It must be emphasized that phrenic nerve pacing is re-
the relatively small patient population who use such served for patients with an intact phrenic nerve and
devices and subsequent lack of interest in their commer- functional diaphragm. Accurate assessment of both is
cial development. imperative. New and modified techniques for assessment
However, experimentation continues in the develop- of diaphragm strength and contraction have been de-
ment of artificial and assisted ventilation. Investigations scribed (Maclean, 1981; Markland, 1984; McCauley,
include the use of intercostal nerve stimulation as a sole 1984; Syabbalo, 1998); however, established screening
or supplementary source of artificial respiration (DiMarco tests for phrenic nerve function often suffice. These in-
et al, 1989, 1994) and in combination with phrenic nerve clude observational assessment of the diaphragm during
pacing (Supinski et al, 1991). Attempts to restore dis- transcutaneous phrenic nerve stimulation, fluoroscopy,
rupted phrenic nerve function have been reported, in- and phrenic nerve conduction studies.
cluding phrenic nerve grafting (Baldissera et al, 1993; Initial testing of the nerve is carried out by percutane-
Krieger et al, 1994) and intradiaphragmatic phrenic nerve ous stimulation in the neck, using a technique similar to
stimulation (Peterson et al, 1994a, b). Other avenues electromyography (Sarnoff et al, 1950; Shaw et al, 1975).
of research involve the study of diaphragm mechanics The lateral edge of the clavicular head of the sternoclei-
(Coirault et al, 1995), strength and fatigue (Golgeli, domastoid muscle is displaced medially. A thimble elec-
1995; Mador, 1996; Rochester, 1985), histology (Bisschop trode is placed at this level and a current is directed
et al, 1997), and gene expression (Gosselin et al, 1995). posteriorly toward the presumed location of the nerve
The diaphragmatic response to pharmacologic agents (Fig. 56-50). Simple observation often suffices in assess-

FIGURE 56-50 • Access of the phrenic nerve for

stimulation studies. A, The phrenic nerve "trigger
point" is identified at the lateral border of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle where the nerve crosses
the scalene muscles. 6, Application of the thimble
electrode. (From Sarnoff SJ et al: Electrophrenic
respiration. VII. The motor point of the phrenic
nerve in relation to external stimulation. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 93:190, 1975.)
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing 1555

ment of diaphragm function; significant and obvious con- In addition to a functional phrenic nerve and dia-
traction of the diaphragm should ensue if the nerve phragm, phrenic pacing patients should have adequate
is intact. Failure to elicit this response implies nerve pulmonary function parameters and normal chest mor-
compromise, as the accuracy of the test approximates phology. Patients with CAH should demonstrate arterial
100% (Mier et al, 1987; Shaw et al, 1980). Phrenic nerve blood gas improvement with hyperventilation. All pa-
conduction time is also assessed, using two surface elec- tients must be knowledgeable and cooperative and have
trodes (placed over the anterior and posterior axillary adequate medical and psychological support, including a
line at the T8-T9 intercostal level) and an oscilloscope. team of health care providers who can be made well
The interval time from cervical stimulation of the phrenic versed in phrenic nerve pacing, and a supportive network
nerve until a diaphragm action potential is recorded. The of family members and friends. Patients with underlying
average value in normal volunteers is 8.4 + 0.78 msec. pulmonary disease, chest wall deformities, and neuro-
A prolonged latency (10 to 14 msec) is abnormal; how- muscular disorders involving the diaphragm are poor
ever, this does not necessarily preclude successful pacing candidates for diaphragm pacing. Similarly, patients who
(Glenn and Sairenji, 1985). lack adequate nursing and emotional support often fail
Quantitative diaphragm function is evaluated fluoro- pacing.
scopically A ruler with radiographically opaque numbers
is placed behind the pacing candidate such that the dome
of the unstimulated diaphragm lies over the numeral 1.
Maximal diaphragmatic descent on inspiration or phrenic Unlike the heart, which is an electrical syncytium and
nerve stimulation is measured. In normal individuals, the contracts with a single stimulus, the diaphragm requires
diaphragm descends approximately 8 to 10 cm; excursion a series of stimuli to effect contraction. This form of
of at least 5 cm is desired for pacing (Glenn, 1985). pacing, termed "pulse train stimulation," has several asso-
Phrenic nerve paralysis is suspected by elevation of the ciated definitions (Fig. 56-51). The pulse width defines
affected hemidiaphragm on chest radiography or fluo- the duration of an individual stimulus within a pulse
roscopy. This is confirmed with a positive sniff test in train. The pulse interval, which defines the duration of
which a paradoxical, rapid upward movement of the time between individual stimuli, may be alternatively
diaphragm is seen when the supine patient sniffs briskly expressed as its reciprocal, frequency (frequency = 1000
through the nose with the mouth closed. A functional per pulse interval). The pulse train duration defines the
phrenic nerve should provide a brisk downward deflec- total duration of a given series of pulse currents; this
tion of the diaphragm on nerve stimulation. The current corresponds to the actual duration of diaphragm con-
required to p r o d u c e m i n i m a l c o n t r a c t i o n of the dia- tractions. The amplitude of the pulse current measures
phragm is defined as the threshold current; the maximal the voltage of the pulse train stimuli; this determines the
current is defined as the least amount of current that strength of diaphragmatic contraction as reflected by the
produces maximal excursion of the diaphragm. resulting tidal volume.
Cervical magnetic stimulation (CMS) offers an alterna- Unlike normal physiologic excitation, stimulation of
tive method to assess phrenic nerve conduction and dia- the phrenic nerve with a unipolar electrode causes simul-
phragm function. A magnetic coil, placed over the C3-
C5 nerve roots, causes depolarization of these roots. The
test is relatively painless and well tolerated. Because de- Pulse width Pulse interval
polarization is applied to the roots comprising the phre-
nic nerve rather than the nerve per se, cross-stimulation
of the other muscles of respiration that are supplied by
the same nerve roots may occur; therefore, the test is not
specific for the phrenic nerve itself. The nerve roots may
be tested unilaterally (Mills et al, 1995) or bilaterally
(Similowski et al, 1998). Clinical applications using CMS
have included detection of diaphram fatigue (Laghi et al,
1996; Similowski et al, 1998), and the selection of phre-
nic nerve pacing candidates (Similowski et al, 1996);
however, experience with this mode of phrenic nerve
assessment is limited.
T r a n s d i a p h r a g m a t i c p r e s s u r e may also be u s e d for
p h r e n i c nerve a n d d i a p h r a g m assessment. Indwelling
midesophageal and stomach balloon catheters indirectly FIGURE 56-51 • Pulse-train stimulation, associated
measure pleural and abdominal pressures, respectively. parameters, and units of measurements: amplitude (volts),
voltage of each stimulus within the pulse train; pulse width
The transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) is calculated as (msec), duration of an individual pulse; pulse interval (msec),
the difference in pressure between the two catheters. A duration between pulses within a train; pulse train duration
value of approximately 10 cm H 2 0 is seen with phrenic (msec), overall duration of one train of pulses. Frequency
nerve stimulation in normal individuals (Moxham and refers to the timing of stimuli within a pulse train (i.e.,
frequency [Hz] = 1000/pulse interval). Rate is defined as the
Shneerson, 1993). Diaphragm atrophy as well as phrenic number of pulse trains delivered in one minute. (From Shields
nerve dysfunction may cause lower values; thus, careful TW: General Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed. Baltimore, Williams &
interpretation of results is required. Wilkins, 1994.)
1556 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing

taneous depolarization of the entire nerve including all

associated motor units. Because the composition of the
native diaphragm includes fibers that are relatively prone
to fatigue, continuous, full-time pacing requires condi-
tioning of the diaphragm to electrical stimulation over a
period of weeks. As this occurs, the histology of the
diaphragm evolves from the existing composition of fast
(glycolytic) and slow (oxidative) fibers to one exclusively
of slow fibers. The vascular supply increases, enzyme
patterns change, and mitochrondria are increased (Man-
nion and Stephenson, 1985; Salmons and Hendriksson,
1981). These changes reflect the diaphragm's "plasticity"
and its inherent ability to sustain continuous mechani-
cal work.

FIGURE 56-53 • The two nerve-cuff electrode configurations

PACING EQUIPMENT AND COMMERCIAL for phrenic nerve stimulation. A, 180-degree or "half cuff"
DEVICES electrode configuration; S, 360-degree or "full cuff"
configuration. (From Letsou GV, Hogan JF, Lee P et al:
Currently, three phrenic pacing systems are in clinical Comparison of 180-degree and 360 degree skeletal muscle
nerve cuff electrodes. Ann Thorac Surg 54:925, 1992.)
use: the Avery model (Avery, Glen Cove, NY, USA), the
Jukka Astrostim (Atrotech OY, Tampere, Finland) and
the "Vienna phrenic pacemaker" (Medlmplant, Vienna,
Austria). Although each model varies slightly in design, neously implanted radio receiver. The receiver translates
all subscribe to the same concept of phrenic nerve pacing the radiofrequency signal into direct current, which is
(Fig. 56-52): an extracorporeal generator and antenna delivered through an electrode to the phrenic nerve. All
are used to encode pulse trains into radiofrequency sig- three systems use increasing amplitude within each pulse
nals which are transmitted across intact skin to a subcuta- train to generate a smooth, gradual contraction of the
diaphragm. At present, there is no totally implanted phre-
nic nerve pacing system available for clinical use.
The Avery model uses the prototypic design of Glenn
and associates at Yale. The stationary extracorporeal gen-
erator is approximately the size of a clock radio. A hand-
held, portable generator is also available. The antenna
coil is taped securely to the patient's skin, directly over
the subcutaneously implanted receiver. The receiver,
about the size of a pocket watch, is placed subcutane-
ously over the lower, anterolateral aspect of the rib cage.
The unipolar electrode stimulates the entire phrenic
nerve with every impulse. A bipolar electrode is available
for patients in whom a competing device, such as a
cardiac pacemaker, is a consideration. The electrode is
preferentially placed beneath the nerve as a half-cuff or
180-degree configuration, as opposed to the cirumferen-
tial full-cuff or 360-degree configuration (Fig. 56-53), to
avoid the potential complication of circumferential scar
tissue that may occur with the latter (Letsou et al, 1992).
The Jukka Astrostim unit has a quadripolar electrode
made of two strips of polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)
with two electrode contacts on each strip. One strip is
placed in front of the nerve and the other behind it. In
theory, at any given time only partial recruitment of
motor units occurs, using one of the four electrode con-
tacts as a cathode, while the opposite side serves as the
anode (see Fig. 56-53A). Unstimulated motor units are
allowed time for metabolic recovery. This pattern of nerve
stimulation, which is designed to mimic the pattern of
FIGURE 56-52 • Components of the diaphragm pacer. A, The metabolic recovery during natural ventilation, is believed
external generator and antenna (shown overlying the receiver) to alleviate diaphragm fatigue. At regular intervals, the
and the implanted receiver and electrode. B, Electrode and stimulation threshold may be increased to achieve a larger
receiver as placed in patient. The phrenic nerve is placed at the tidal volume. These "sighs" condition additional dia-
level of the upper thorax. The receiver is positioned over a flat
portion of the lower chest wall. (From Shields TW: General phragm muscle mass in the event that recruitment of
Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1994.) these "reserve" muscle fibers are needed to meet increased
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing 1557

is carried out through a limited anterior thoracotomy in

the T2 or T3 intercostal space (Fig. 56-55). The internal
mammary artery and vein are divided to avoid injury or
disruption. The phrenic nerve is identified as it courses
anterior to the hilum, and a location is chosen to allow
flat, tension-free placement of the electrode. Two parallel
incisions are made in the mediastinal pleura on either
side of the phrenic neurovascular bundle. The electrode
is gently slipped behind the nerve and vessels such that
the phrenic nerve bundle is in contact with the electrode
without tension or distortion. Minor bleeding encoun-
tered during the dissection is anticipated to stop sponta-
neously; cautery, with potential injury to the phrenic
nerve, is best avoided.
Extra electrode length is left in the thorax to safeguard
against tension on the phrenic nerve by the electrode
with lung re-expansion. An intercostal segment of chest
tube is used to facilitate passage of the electrode wire
through the chest wall. After the electrode wire is con-
nected to the receiver unit, excess wire is placed into a
Teflon bag for easy, safe access later. The receiver and bag
are placed in a subcutaneous pocket with the receiver
closer to the skin surface to optimize signal transmission.
The subcutaneous tissues are closed tightly to avoid re-
ceiver migration within the pocket, with the skin incision
well away from the underlying receiver. Chest closure is
standard. Before undraping the patient, the system is
tested under sterile conditions. A stimulation threshold
of 1.0 to 2.9 mA indicates a functional unit. Failure to
achieve this necessitates re-evaluation of electrode place-
ment and component parts. If indicated, the contralateral
unit is placed approximately 2 weeks after the first im-
plantation. It is anticipated that thoracosopic electrode
placement may eventually supersede the open technique.
However, one must always adhere to the principle of
FIGURE 56-54 • Quadrapolar electrodes. A, Atrotech minimal nerve trauma, regardless of the method of place-
electrode. S, Single prong of the Vienna Pacemaker electrode, ment.
enlarged to show sewing ring. Matchstick placed for Cervical electrode placement remains somewhat con-
comparison. C, Full, 4-pronged Vienna Pacemaker electrode.
(From Creasey G, Elefteriades J, Dimarco A et al: Electrical troversial. Advantages of this approach include the avoid-
stimulation to restore respiration. J Rehab Res Dev 33:123, ance of bilateral thoracotomy, which may be advanta-
1996.) geous in patients with pulmonary parenchymal disease
or chest wall deformity. Bilateral concurrent implantation
may be performed in the neck. The major disadvantage
metabolic demands (Talonen et al, 1990). Similarly, the of cervical electrode placement is failure to provide com-
Medlmplant model stimulates the nerve in a partial, stag- plete phrenic nerve stimulation in individuals with an
gered fashion using multiple electrode contacts. After accessory or bifurcated phrenic nerve; these compo-
each breath, the cathode-anode combination is alternated nents often do not consolidate until the phrenic nerve is
bilaterally to avoid diaphragm fatigue. Each electrode has in the thorax. Other anatomic variations of the nerve in
four contact prongs that are sutured to the phrenic nerve the neck, including an intramuscular segment within the
epineurium using 8-0 suture (Fig. 56-54). scalenus amicus, or proximity to the brachial plexus
(Fodstad 1987), may preclude effective pacing. The elec-
trode may also migrate with excessive neck movement.
In the event that cervical electrode placement is per-
In placing the phrenic nerve electrode, the operator must formed, temporary endotracheal intubation, removal of
use extreme caution in handling the nerve because injury the tracheostomy, and occlusion of the tracheostomy site
essentially precludes pacing or spontaneous breathing. may be used to decrease the risk of electrode contamina-
Muscle relaxants are avoided intraoperatively as they can tion during placement. Exposure is obtained using a
obfuscate pacing assessment. The prophylactic use of supraclavicular incision. The lateral border of the sterno-
antibiotics and careful aseptic surgical technique are of cleidomastoid muscle is identified and retracted medially.
paramount importance to avoid the disastrous complica- The nerve is almost always found overlying the scalenus
tion of infection. amicus muscle at this level, crossing from the lateral to
Electrode placement for the Avery of Atrotech model medial aspect of the muscle, just deep to the scalene
1558 CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing

FIGURE 56-55 • Transthoracic

approach for phrenic nerve electrode
placement. Top frame: separate
incisions for the second to third
intercostal spaces and for receiver
placement shown (R, receiver; A,
anode plate; C, connectors.) Middle
and bottom frames: sequential steps
in placement of the electrode
behind the phrenic neurovascular
bundle. (From Elefteriades JA et al:
The Diaphragm: Dysfunction and
induced pacing. In Baue CL (ed):
Glenn's Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Srugery, 6th ed. Stamford, CT,
Appleton & Lange, 1996.)

fascia. A stimulation probe is placed in this area, and 2 tracheostomy may be replaced by a Teflon tracheal button
to 10 mA of current is applied. Diaphragm contraction to maintain the airway with improved cosmesis and less
confirms correct identification of the nerve. Placement of tracheal irritation.
the nerve electrode and radio receiver is similar to that
in the chest. The subcutaneous pocket is placed inferior
to the clavicle, using the existing supraclavicular incision.
The Medlmplant system is placed through a median Approximately 2 weeks of recovery are allowed after
sternotomy with bilateral simultaneous electrode place- device implantation before pacing is initiated, as attempts
ment. The electrode prongs are sutured to the phrenic to pace earlier may cause bloody pleural effusion, thought
nerve epineurium using fine polypropylene suture and secondary to disruption of immature pleural adhesions.
the surgical microscope. The receiver is placed under- Low-frequency continuous, bilateral simultaneous pacing
neath the rectus abdominis fascia. is preferred in individuals totally dependent on diaphrag-
A permanent tracheostomy is present in most, if not matic pacing; in adults with central alveolar hypoventila-
all, patients in whom phrenic nerve pacing is undertaken. tion, unilateral pacing may suffice. Pacemaker settings
This provides a secure airway in the event of pacemaker preset from the manufacturer (Avery) include inspiratory
malfunction, and it should be maintained, even after full- duration (1.3 seconds for adults, 0.6 second for children)
time continuous pacing is achieved. The conventional and pulse width (150 msec). Settings for current are
CHAPTER 56 • The Diaphragm/Phrenic Nerve Pacing 1559

placed just above the maximum threshold level. The patients in the study had paced for less than 5 years (108
respiratory rate is individualized for each patient. Rates patients, 68%). Thirty-one patients (20%) paced for 5 to
of 6 to 10 breaths/min usually suffice for patients who 10 years, 16 patients (10%) paced for 10 to 15 years, and
pace bilaterally; higher rates are required for children and 4 patients (16%) paced for 15 to 20 years.
for patients who pace unilaterally (Weese-Mayer, 1989). More recently, Weese-Mayer and associates (1996)
Quadriplegia patients with diaphragm atrophy require reported results with the quadripolar electrode, using
conditioning of the diaphragm prior to continuous, bilat- both physician questionnaire and the Atrotech registry.
eral stimulation. The usual conditioning regimen starts Sixty-four individuals (35 children, 29 adults) from 13
with 15 minutes of pacing during each waking hour. The countries underwent device implantation. Thirty-three
number of minutes of eacb hour and the number of hours children and 27 adults paced bilaterally. At a mean fol-
paced each day are gradually increased until continuous low-up of 2.0 ± 1.0 years, 94% of 35 children paced
pacing is achieved. Patients are monitored during pacing successfully. Of the 29 adults, 86% adults paced success-
sessions using measurements of tidal volume, minute fully at a mean follow-up of 2.2 ± 1.1 years. Thirteen
ventilation, end-tidal C 0 2 , oxygen saturation, and occa- (45%) of the adults paced full time. Twelve (41%) adults
sionally, blood gas measurements. A fall in tidal volume paced part time; two of these patients paced less than 5
with a corresponding rise in end-tidal C 0 2 is an indica- hours daily. Nine (26%) of the children paced full time;
tion that the diaphragm may be beginning to fatigue. The 66% of the children paced part time (at least 5 hours
patient is rested on mechanical ventilation overnight or daily). Complication-free pacing rates were lower (60%
longer if necessary, and on resuming the pacing schedule, of pediatric and 52% of adult patients, at follow-up peri-
a shorter pacing period is set. Advances in the pacing ods of 2.0 ± 1.0 and 2.2 ± 1.1 years, respectively).
schedule are made every 7 to 14 days (or less) as tolerated Complications included electrode dysfunction (19%),
by the patient. The conditioning phase usually lasts 3 electrode failure requiring replacement (3.1%), receiver
to 6 months; however, this process may be longer in failure (5.9%), infection (2.9%), and iatrogenic nerve
quadriplegic p a t i e n t s w i t h severe d i a p h r a g m atrophy. injury (3.8%).
Once continuous pacing is achieved, the frequency of Several series provide data on long-term follow-up
stimuli within each pulse train and the number of breaths after pacemaker implantation. Fodstad (1995) reports
per minute are decreased to minimize diaphragm fatigue. experience with device implantation in 42 patients (33
Patients who require only intermittent pacing may initi- bilateral, 9 u n i l a t e r a l ) w i t h a m e a n follow-up of 62
ate the full pacing schedule without conditioning, as months. Nineteen patients continued to pace full time, 5
diaphragm fatigue is unlikely. In children, bilateral pacing patients paced intermittently, and 8 patients did not pace.
should be performed to avoid mediastinal shifts, which Seven patients had died after pacing for periods ranging
may occur with unilateral pacing. A faster respiratory from 4 months to 11 years. Three patients died before
rate and shorter inspiratory duration (0.6 second) are achieving pacing. Of the 8 patients who did not pace at
preferred in the pediatric population. Children over the the time of follow-up, six patients with partial phrenic
age of 8 to 10 may essentially pace as adults. nerve damage (C3-C5 injury) stopped pacing after peri-
Unlike cardiac p a c e m a k e r s , w h i c h are essentially ods ranging from 1 month to 3 years. The two remaining
maintenance free, phrenic pacemakers require constant patients, both of w h o m underwent pacemaker implanta-
vigilance and a thorough understanding of the pacing tion for hiccups, stopped pacing voluntarily, shortly after
device, its limitations, and associated caveats to avert device implantation. Mayr and associates (1993) reported
potential complications including infection, respiratory on experience using the Vienna pacemaker in 15 patients
insufficiency, nerve injury, a n d diaphragmatic fatigue. with high cervical quadriplegia and complete ventilatory
Pacemaker failure may occur from receiver or electrode insufficiency. Three patients were undergoing condition-
malfunction or from interference by another pacing de- ing. Eleven patients who achieved conditioned diaphragm
vice such as a cardiac pacemaker. pacing, at time of follow-up, had paced a mean of 43.3
months (range, 5 to 83 months); included were 4 patients
who died after pacing 7, 3 1 , 58 and 60 months. One
RESULTS patient was able to pace intermittently for 2 to 3 hours
Given the relatively low numbers of phrenic nerve pace- at a time. Experience with the Vienna pacemaker in eight
makers implanted worldwide, the number of institutions pediatric patients, with ages ranging from 2 to 13 years
with reported series of patients are few. The largest series (mean age, 9 ± 3-), was reported by Girsch (1996). At
of patients with follow-up was that reported by Glenn the time of follow-up, one patient continued to undergo
and associates, in 1988, of 165 patients who underwent diaphragm conditioning. Continuous phrenic nerve pac-
device implantation at one of six centers: Yale-New Ha- ing was achieved in four patients after a mean condition-
ven Medical Center, Children's Memorial Hospital (Chi- ing period of 13 months; these four patients had paced
cago), Toronto Western Hospital, Umea University Hospi- for periods of 10, 28, 38, and 48 months. Two of these
tal (Sweden), Mayo Clinic, and Children's Hospital of Los patients subsequently died of complications of pneumo-
Angeles. Sixty-five patients underwent unilateral elec- nia. Two patients paced intermittently for 24 and 36
trode placement; the remaining 100 patients underwent months, respectively; at the time of follow up, both had
bilateral p l a c e m e n t . Twenty-seven p e r c e n t of p a t i e n t s died from complications of pneumonia. One patient re-
paced full time; 6 1 % paced part time. Pacing successfully fused to pace after device implantation and was ventilated
met the ventilatory requirements of 47%, and was par- mechanically.
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