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UNIT 6: Skills Test B

Dictation Listening
You are going to listen to a recording You are going to listen to a student called
about some research about birds. Listen Sarah talking to her class about some
to the whole recording once. Then you will research into shark skin she has done for
hear the recording again with pauses for a school project. For questions 1–10,
you to write down what you hear. Make complete the sentences with a word or
sure you spell the words correctly. short phrase.

1 Sarah compares a shark’s skin to a
                                      .. in terms of the way their design affects
........................................ speed.


........................................ 2 The shipping industry thought that having

shark-like bumps on ships meant that less
was used.

3 Over time, scientists worldwide became
less confident about the            that
shark-like bumps gave to ships.


4 Scientists said that swimsuits using shark-

skin technology needed to be more
in order to have any real effect.

5 Sarah says the shark-skin material Chinese
scientists have produced is more

6 In Sarah’s opinion, the most           

use for shark-skin technology is in the
medical world.

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7 A new ‘shark-skin’ invention made out of
is being used in hospitals to protect patients
from bacteria. 10 Sarah says doctors believe cleaning the
well is more effective against bacteria.

8 Something similar to the new invention can
be seen in the            of some people’s

9 Sarah discovered that some           

have created an alternative invention which
destroys bacteria.

Task 1

You are going to read an article about four people’s views on technology. For questions
11–17, choose from the people A–D. The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person/people:

11 suggests that getting information online encourages people to be lazy?      

12 says that there are more disadvantages than advantages to technology?      

13 says that technology is more than just the gadgets we use at home?      

14 mentions an alternative, non-technical way of doing something?      

15 says that experts are near to having answers to big questions about life and the world?

16 thinks that future technological change in some areas will be limited?      

17 talks about how technology has made looking for work much faster?      

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18 tells us what the word ‘technology’ makes us think of?      

19 mentions a disadvantage of people easily getting facts and information online?      

20 suggests that some people are wrong to dislike technology?      


Task 2

Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

21 According to Rajish, what do older people criticise teenagers for?

22 According to Teresa, why are spell-checks a good thing?

23 According to Courtney, why will robots not take over the world?

24 What major doubt does Courtney have about technology as a whole?

25 What problem does Mikey have with communications technology?


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Total: ___/50

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Is new technology a good thing?
Education has really benefited from
technology. For one thing, word processing
A Rajish enables you to write much faster and more
When we mention technology, it immediately neatly, instead of using messy handwriting.
brings to mind computers, smartphones and And spell-checks correct your work for you,
iPads and we maybe think of kids who get which is good because then it’s of a higher
addicted to them and who never go outside. standard. Computers have also made job
But we shouldn’t forget that technology is also searching much easier. You can actually
things like cars, robots, printers: things that apply for a job directly on a company’s
affect daily life in many ways. Scientists in website. But with some companies, if you
laboratories use technology all the time, for prefer, you also have the option of sending in
the good of humanity, trying to find cures for a paper CV. Going on social media gives you
diseases, trying to create crops which don’t more ways of connecting with people and
get diseases. They look at things under finding your perfect friend. Before, your only
microscopes, through telescopes, and this option was to meet people from your area.
way we can understand things better in our What else? You don’t need to leave your
world. Some older people disapprove of new house to go shopping any more, and that’s
technology, and I can understand their good because you free up time to do what
position. It is hard if you are not familiar with you want. For me, that’s what it’s all about –
using it. But when they criticise young people providing you with options.
for using their smartphones all the time, and
blame technology, they are ignoring all the
things that, for example, help us survive
disease … help them survive disease as well.

B Teresa

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Technology has advanced incredibly quickly
and influenced everyone’s lives. Of course,
C Courtney there are both negative and positive sides,
It’s weird – scientists claim they’re close to but in my view the negatives outweigh the
finding the secrets of the universe. Yet they positives. But it all comes down to the way a
still can’t find simple solutions to small things person uses technology. Technology itself
like a cure for the common cold. So maybe isn’t making our lives any better, but anybody
we’ve still got a lot to discover with can take advantage of all the many
technology in the future. I certainly don’t opportunities that technology has provided
believe robots, even if they do become super- and improve themselves. Some technologies,
intelligent, are capable of taking over the particularly those in medicine, are still
world, as some people think. That’s pure improving our lives in a big way today. Having
science fiction – after all, it’s humans who said that, I believe some technological
program them. I also have a general distrust improvements in other areas have gone as
about how we collect information now: if you far as they usefully can, and further
want to find something out you only need to technological advance just for its own sake is
ask Google and not move from your chair. only raising new problems rather than offering
This means you don’t really need to know solutions. We’ve been able to communicate
much anymore, since you can always look instantly with anyone in the world for many
things up. It’s the same with sat-nav years and this area has not seen much by
technology in cars – if it doesn’t work, people way of technical improvements recently.
are completely lost. In the old days, people
used maps, and had to know and also
research a lot more. To me, that’s the biggest
single issue with technology – what back up
plans do we have in place for when it all goes

D Mikey

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