Psychological Disorders Flashcards

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Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders

Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

The guide by which most psychological disorders are
characterized, described, and diagnosed
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Psychotic disorder characterized by distortions of reality
and disturbance in content and form of thought, perception,
and behavior
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Positive Schizophrenia Symptoms
Hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thoughts and
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms
Disturbance of affect and avolition
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
Contains at least one major depressive episode
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Pervasive Depressive Disorder
A depressed mood (either dysthymia or major depression)
for at least two years
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Seasonal Affective Disorder
The colloquial name for major depressive disorder with
seasonal onset, with depression during within the winter
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Bipolar I Disorder
Contains at least one manic episode
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Bipolar II Disorder
Contains at least one hypomanic episode and at least one
major depressive episode
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Cyclothymic Disorder
Contains hypomanic episodes with dysthymia
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Constant disproportionate and persistent worry
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Specific Phobias
Irrational fears of specific objects
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Social Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety due to social or performance situations
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Fear of places or situations where it is hard for an
individual to escape
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Panic Disorder
Recurrent attacks of intense, overwhelming fear and
sympathetic nervous system activity with no clear stimulus.
It may lead to agoraphobia
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
Obsessions (persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses)
and compulsions (repetitive tasks that relieve tension by
cause significant impairment)
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Body Dysomorphic Disorder
Unrealistic negative evaluation of one’s appearance or
specific body part
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Dissociate Amnesia
Inability to recall past experience; may involve dissociative
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Dissociative Fugue
A sudden change in location that can involve the
assumption of a new identity
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Dissociate Identity Disorder
Two or more personalities that take control of behavior
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Feelings of detachment from the mind and body, or from
the environment
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Somatic Symptom Disorder
At least one somatic symptom, which may or may not be
linked to an underlying medical condition, that causes
disproportionate concern
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Preoccupation with having or coming down with a serious
medical condition
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Conversion Disorder
Unexplained symptoms affecting motor or sensory function
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Personality Disorder
Patterns of inflexible, maladaptive behavior that cause
distress or impaired functioning
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Cluster A
Paranoid, schizotypal, schizoid (odd, eccentric, “weird”)
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Cluster B
Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic (dramatic,
emotional, “wild”)
Behavioral Sciences – Psychological Disorders
Cluster C
Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive (anxious,
fearful, “worried”)

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