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Climatic Controls - how does each affect the climate?

● solar radiation
- At higher latitudes, the angle of solar radiation is smaller causing energy to be spread over a
larger area of the surface (cooler temperature)
● wind systems
- Prevailing wind direction is from the west, the pacific gives Vancouver a maritime climate, which
moderates its temperatures and increases rainfall
● ocean currents
- Since wind is coming from the west which also affects the ocean current
- Being as close as we are to the pacific ocean, brings moisture and unsettled, 'crummy' weather
to the interior
● landmasses (continents) & bodies of water
- The ocean stores solar radiation, distributing heat and moisture around the globe and drives
weather systems.
● altitude
- The highest point in BC stands a little more than 150m above sea level.
- The higher the altitude the thinner the air, which means the atmosphere is not able to absorb
and retain as much heat.
● mountains
- Vancouver has moderately mild winters with little snow.
- The cold air from the Arctic that sweeps over the rest of Canada in winter is not able to reach
Vancouver because the Rocky Mountains block it
● local influences
- Cutting down and burning trees?
- Buildings
- Urbanization

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