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Abnormal bleeding

* Pregnancy (abortion ectopic abruption previa)

* Fat/DM/ chronic anovulation/ Heavy & lengthy bleeding in above age 40 ::::
endometrial cancer
* Frequent bleeding : remove mechanical fibroids/iud
* Inconsistent anovulatory bleeding : regularised with BCP
* Heavy or lengthy bleeding : regularised/stopped with BCP week-off/continuously or
disrupted with DMPA
* Lengthy bleeding denuded endometrium : thicken with strong estrogen & stop
bleeding with mild estrogen & harden with progesterone for 10days

Absent mullerian structures (uterus,vagina)

* Primary amenorrhoea since no outflow tract

* MULLERIAN AGENESIS normal estrogen & testosterone levels of OVARY causes normal
breast dev & pubic-axillary hair. Renal abnormalities.
* ANDROGEN INSENSITIVITY male level testosterone from Y chromosome gonad cause
normal Breasts from peripheral conversion to estrogen but scant hair due to
defective androgen receptor.

Hyperandrogenism causes

* Hyperprolactinemia (galactorrhea)
* Late onset Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia (17 -OH progesterone)hypOOtension
* Adrenal tumor (DHEA-S)
* Ovarian sertoli-leydig tumor (testosterone)
* Thyroid disorder (goitre)
* Cushing syndrome (hypertension buffalo hump)

Sertoli-leydig cell tumor of ovary

* Increased 5 alpha reductase & decreased SHB globulin

* DHT causes hirsutism after conversion of High levels of unbound testosterone from


* High Unopposed estrogen PCOS : endometrial cancer

* Low estrogen : osteoporosis
* Cervical stenosis : endometriosis
* Y chromosome gonad : Neoplasia
* Fat/DM/ chronic anovulation/ Heavy & lengthy bleeding in above age 40 ::::
endometrial cancer


* Anovulatory signs : Chronic menometrorrhagia since menarche & string of pearls

* Insidious hirsutism from hyperandrogenism
* Excess estrogen
* Metabolic syndrome


* RAPID a/w virilization in tumors of adrenal (abdominal mass) or ovary sertoli-

leydig (adnexal mass)
* INSIDIOUS a/w acne in PCOS


* GnRH agonists -central cause of Precocious puberty

* HRT -sheehan
* Operative hysteroscopy -asherman
* Surgical removal of Y chromosome gonads -neoplastic risk with 46xy gonadal
dysgenesis & androgen insensitivity.
* Clomiphene - induce ovulation in PCOS desiring pregnancy.
* OCP - regulate menses in PCOS don't desire pregnancy
* Weight loss & OCP + Spironolactone : hyperandrogenism ( lower ovarian androgen &
elevate SHBglobulin, peripheral antagonism)

Puberty. Menarche.

* 4 stages: breast THElarche, hair PUBarche-ADRENarche, GROWTH spurt, MENarche.

* Estrogen causes BREAST. Androgen cause HAIR.
* No breast dev in estrogen deficiency. No hair in androgen deficiency.
* #DELAYED PUBERTY Primary amenorrhoea with infantile Breasts are seen in
hyper/hypo gonadotropic HYPOGONADISM. HYPER cause is ovary, evaluated by
karyotyping (gonadal dysgenesis). HYPO cause is CNS, evaluated by h&p& hormonal
* Primary amenorrhoea with breast dev are seen in mullerian agenesis and androgen
insensitivity. Differentiated by scant hair in androgen insensitivity.
* # PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY Peripheral causes are ovarian granulosa cell tumors &
adrenal tumors. MCC central cause is idiopathic where the patient is initially tall
but later shorter than that of his age. Others brain tumors, hydrocephalus, head
trauma require brain imaging & bone age.

Pituitary adenoma

* Galactorrhea without hyperprolactinemia. OBSERVE if estrogen/menses normal(low

risk). MRI if (high risk) low estrogen/menses.
* Galactorrhea with hyperprolactinemia. Doesn't desire pregnancy despite normal
estrogen, Rx PERIODS PROGESTIN WITHDRAWL Desires pregnancy but low estrogen, Rx DA
* Surgery in case of Noncompliance to medical Rx or macro adenoma.


* Production -Prolactin
* Oozing out -oxytocin
* Galactorrhea -nonpeuperal watery/milky (fat droplets on smear. No pus blood). B/l


During pregnancy hypertrophies without proportional increase in vascular supply.

Unlike posterior (ADH,oxytocin), anterior Pituitary (Prolactin, TSH, FSH LH) lacks
direct blood supply so is vulnerable to ischemic necrosis

Secondary amenorrhoea

* ASHERMAN Hormonally unresponsive due to Adhesions+-sclerosis obliterating

endometrial cavity from Trauma (mechanical d&c/conization, infectious, radiation)
to basal endometrium in a recently pregnant(postpartum/miscarriage) uterus/cervix
* SHEEHAN hypo hormonal state due to anterior Pituitary necrosis from ischemic
damage during postpartum hemorrhage and hypotension

Contrasting definitions

* Menses.Amenorrhoea . Primary = by 16 age. Secondary = 6mon or more.

* Secondary sexual characters.Puberty = tanner stage 3 by 14 age. Precocious = 2SD
from mean
* Gonadotropins = FSH LH differentiate cause [NORMAL PUBERTY: elevated if ovary,
lowered if CNS] [PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY: lowered in peripheral cause, elevated to
reproductive levels in central cause]. GONADAL = ovarian estrogen.
* Hyperandrogenism = hirsutism acne virilization
* RARE Virilization = clitoromegaly voice-deepening temporal-balding muscled male
* Metabolic syndrome = glucose intolerance, hyperlipedimia, hypertension, central

Clinical presentations

* Delayed puberty -infantile genetalia and primary amenorrhoea.

* Hyperprolactinemia -galactorrhea
* Ovarian failure -hot flushes
* Amenorrhoea -hormonally unresponsive endometrium
* Hypothalamic dysfunction -poor nutrition, eating disorders, excess exercise,
chronic illness, stress.
* Primary hypothyroidism -goitre
* Pituitary adenoma -galactorrhoea, headache, peripheral visual field defect
bitemporal hemianopsia
* Craniopharyngioma-neurologic deficits
* Kallmann syndrome - anosmia

Hormone induction tests

* PROGESTIN bleeds if estrogen thickened

* ESTROGEN followed by PROGESTIN bleeds if hormonal. Not if outflow tract problem

Infertility treatments

* Clomiphene for inducing ovulation

* Laproscopy for uterine and tubal factors
* ICSI & IVF for male factor
* Restoration of pelvic anatomy in endometriosis
* IU insemination for cervical factor

Endometriosis in fertile vs infertile

* Incidence 5% vs 40%
* Fecundity 20% vs 10%

Probability of live birth in a given monthly cycle.
= around 20%
Accounts to 90% after 12months


* Primary (never)
* Secondary (1yr inability)

Infertility diagnosis : Uterine fibroids and salphingitis

* HSGram (radiologic dye)

* SIS (saline infused vaginal US)
* HScopy (endoscope is gold standard)

Ovarian factor seen in 3 conditions

* Polycystic ovarian syndrome

* Premature ovarian failure
* Hypothalamic or Pituitary disorder

Ovulation signs

* Regular menses
* Biphasic BBT (followed by 0.5F rise for 10-12days)
* Day 21 serum progesterone
* Prior LH surge
* Day3 FSH
* Anti-mullerian hormone
* US: Diminished follicle size
* Cul de sac fluid

Fertility factors

* Ovulation (biphasic bbt & regular menses)

* Uterine (fibroids-menorrhagia)
* Tubal (H/O STDs chlamydial/gonococcal)
* Male (semen analysis including those who previously conceived children)
* Endometriosis (3D dysmenorrhoea dyspareunia dyschezia)
* (rare)cervical viscid thick (h/o cryotherapy)

HAO outflow tract

* Hypothalamus (pulsatile GnRH TRH)

* TRH acts on Anterior Pituitary to produce TSH and Prolactin. GnRH increases FSH
* Gonadotropins TSH Prolactin Thyroid hormones have inverse feedback on
* Ovary releases estrogen progesterone.
* Menses represent Patent outflow tract
* normal HAO with Ovulatory cycles have Biphasic Basal body temperature and regular

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