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First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care.
The content of this chapter was revised March 2011.

Table of Contents

ASSESSMENT OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM.......................................7–1

EXAMINATION OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM.......................................7–2
CARDINAL SYMPTOMS...........................................................................................7–4
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Injuries..................................................................7–7
Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)...............................................................7–9
Ankle Sprain......................................................................................................7–11
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome..................................................................................7–14
Epicondylitis: Lateral (Tennis Elbow) and Medial (Golfer’s Elbow)...................7–15
Glenohumeral (Shoulder) Dislocations.............................................................7–17
Knee Injury (Ligamentous and Meniscal)..........................................................7–21
Low Back Pain..................................................................................................7–25
Neck Pain..........................................................................................................7–29
Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease).....................................................7–33
Patellar Femoral Syndrome..............................................................................7–36
Rheumatoid Arthritis..........................................................................................7–36
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome....................................................................7–40
Shoulder Tendinopathy and Bursitis..................................................................7–43
EMERGENCIES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM...................................7–46
Clavicular Fracture............................................................................................7–46
Limb, Pelvic and Hip Fractures.........................................................................7–48
Septic Arthritis...................................................................................................7–55

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

Musculoskeletal System 7–1


The following characteristics of each symptom should Muscles
be elicited and explored:
–– Pain or cramping
–– Onset (sudden or gradual) –– Weakness
–– Acuity or chronicity –– Wasting
–– Chronology –– History of previous injuries and treatment received
–– Current situation (improving or deteriorating)
–– Location and character Neurovascular Structures
–– Severity and extent –– Paresthesia (for example, pins and needles sensation)
–– Timing (frequency, duration, intermittent or –– Numbness
constant, predilection for time of day) –– Paresis
–– Precipitating and aggravating factors –– Paralysis (for example bowel or bladder
–– Relieving factors incontinence)
–– Effects on activities of daily living –– Skin: rash, changes in colour of limb, or signs
–– Previous diagnosis of similar episodes of physical abuse (for example, bruises, welts,
–– Previous treatments cigarette burns)
–– Efficacy of previous treatments
–– Associated symptoms (for example, fever, chills,
trauma, repetitive activity) –– Self-care deficits (for example, in bathing, dressing,
toileting, grooming, eating, communicating)
Assess and monitor pain or discomfort using a pain
intensity instrument such as the Wong-Baker Faces –– Mobility, use of mobility aids (for example, getting
Pain Scale, the Numeric Rating Scale, or the Comfort up and sitting down, walking up stairs, transferring
Scale (available at: from shower/tub, inability or refusal to use limb or
pain_scales/). Also assess presence of night pain, to bear weight)
radiation or referred pain, and course. –– General level of fatigue (quantify)


The general characteristics outlined above should
be explored for each symptom described below, –– Previous trauma (for example, to bones, joints,
if applicable. ligaments)
–– Arthritis (rheumatoid or osteoarthritis)
Bones and Joints –– Diabetes mellitus (associated with greater risk
–– Pain, swelling, redness, heat, stiffness (duration) of carpal tunnel syndrome)
–– Time of day when these symptoms are most –– Hypothyroidism (associated with greater risk of
bothersome (for example, nocturnal awakening carpal tunnel syndrome)
because of pain) –– Recent immobilization of an extremity
–– Symmetry of involved joints –– Medications (for example, steroids)3
–– Relation of symptoms to movement and activity –– Allergies
–– Limitation of movement –– Congenital problem with orthopedic involvement
–– Deformity (for example, swelling, inflammation, (for example, developmental dysplasia of the hip)
contracture, unusual positioning or appearance) –– Obesity
–– Joint locking, instability –– Osteoporosis
–– Extra-articular findings (for example, urethritis, –– Cancer
pustular rash, tophi, nodules, numbness –– Menopause
and tingling) –– Immune deficiency (recent infection)
–– Trauma or overuse injury (obtain accurate description –– Potential exposure to sexually transmitted infection
of exact mechanism of injury, noises heard, position
–– Recent infection, such as an upper respiratory tract
in, sensations felt, and limb use after injury)
infection, meningitis or a soft tissue infection

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–2 Musculoskeletal System

–– Recent immunization (specifically if vaccine was PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY (SPECIFIC
administered in affected limb) TO MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM)
–– Past surgical history –– Absenteeism from work or school (multiple days)
–– Occupational hazards (activity involving heavy
lifting or repetitive joint motion, for example,
kneeling, reaching overhead)
–– Rheumatoid arthritis –– Sports activities (for example, contact sports or
–– Psoriatic arthritis those involving repetitive motion)
–– Reactive arthritis –– Risk behaviours for injuries (for example,
–– Ankylosing spondylitis snowmobiling, skateboarding, illicit drug use,
–– Diabetes mellitus (associated with osteoarthritis) injection drug use, alcohol abuse [specifically
–– Hypothyroidism (associated with greater risk of drinking and driving])
carpal tunnel syndrome) –– Dietary calcium and vitamin D intake
–– Lupus erythematosus –– Smoking
–– Osteoporosis –– Exercise habits
–– Cancer (bone) –– If chronic concern, how has illness affected
interactions with family and friends, self-concept
–– Traditional activities such as hunting and fishing


The purpose of examining the musculoskeletal system MUSCULOSKELETAL SCREENING EXAM

is to assess function and performance of activities Assess the joint above and below the injury or
of daily living, as well as to check for abnormalities. abnormality. Examine the lumbosacral spine and
A screening exam is appropriate for most people. below if there is a lower limb complaint, and examine
Although the musculoskeletal and neurological the cervical spine and neck if there is a concern
systems (see Chapter 8, “Central Nervous System”) with an upper limb. Examine specific joints in the
are discussed separately in this set of guidelines, they following order, depending on the joints that need to
are usually examined together. be assessed. Compare corresponding paired joints.
–– Temporomandibular joint
–– Cervical spine
–– Apparent state of health –– Shoulders
–– Appearance of comfort or distress (for example, –– Elbows
often observed related to pain, infection,
–– Wrists and hands
inflammation, or fracture)
–– Thoracic spine
–– Attitude (for example, apprehensive, restless)
–– Lumbosacral spine
–– Colour (for example, flushed, pale)
–– Hips
–– Nutritional status (obese or emaciated)
–– Knees
–– Match between appearance and stated age
–– Ankles and feet
–– Temperature may be elevated in inflammatory or
infectious disease
–– Tachycardia from pain or shock if major trauma is
–– Blood pressure normal, unless in shock from major

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–3

INSPECTION allowing functional movement.3 Abnormalities

–– Mobility result from neurological or mechanical disruption.
If you see a limitation, gently attempt passive range
–– Gait (for example, Trendelenburg, antalgic) and
of motion (the examiner moves the joint to its limit
posture. Examine the patient while rising from
while also anchoring it) to provide information on
a chair, manipulating a small object, rising from
joint mobility and stability as well as the limits of the
supine, and while using mobility aids. Most can be
respective tendons and muscles. Note the degree of
assessed as patient walks into the room; also assess
joint movement achieved (hyper- or hypo-mobile),
gait without shoes and posture while undressed
resistance to movement, crepitus, and/or pain on
–– Symmetry of structure and function (for example, movement of the joint.
shoulders at the same level)
–– Note alignment, size (muscle bulk, bone The normal range of active and passive motion is
enlargement) and contour of the joint (for example, the same.
valgus: deviation or outward angulation of the
distal segment of a bone or joint (a > < shape of Ligament Stability Around Joints
the two legs is observed); or a varus: deviation or –– Determine stability of collateral ligaments of ankle
inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone (see the section “Ankle Sprain”)
or joint (a < > shape of the two legs is observed)1 –– Determine stability of collateral and cruciate
–– Inspect skin and tissues over joints and compare ligaments of knee (see the section “Knee Injury”)
corresponding joints and bones for:
–– Colour and extent of area affected (for example, Neurologic Status
redness implies inflammatory or infectious Assess limbs for the following:
process, bruising, discoloration)
–– Motor exam: Note the presence of tremors or
–– Swelling (for example, around joint area may
fasciculations. Assess muscle bulk and tone. Test
indicate arthritis or infection; over a bony area
strength of prime muscle groups (that is, flexors
may indicate trauma, fracture or tumour; over
and extensors) for each joint. When possible, test
soft tissue may indicate trauma or infection)
strength with like muscle groups (for example,
–– Rash, puncture wounds, and scars
test finger flexors with your own finger flexors).
–– Masses Muscle strength should be equal bilaterally and
–– Deformity (for example, alteration in shape, should fully resist your opposing force. There is
bony alignment, ingrown toe nail) wide variability in normal muscle strength among
different people
–– Reflexes (grade and symmetry)
Palpate each joint, including skin, muscles, bony –– Sensation (including paresthesia)
articulations and area of joint capsule while the patient –– Gait and coordination (for example, heel to toe
is as relaxed as possible, for the following features: walking)
–– Temperature (for example, heat implies inflammatory See “Examination of the Central Nervous System” in
process or infection – if an area feels hot to the Chapter 8, “Central Nervous System”.
touch, compared to uninvolved joints or skin)
–– Swelling (may indicate joint infection or effusion) Vascular Status
–– Induration (for example, tissues feel tense, Assess limbs for the following:
–– Tenderness –– Peripheral pulses
–– Nodules, masses –– Pallor
–– Lymph node enlargement4 –– Limb temperature (especially coolness)
This part of the examination is particularly important
Range of Motion if the client has experienced trauma.
Ask client to demonstrate active range of motion (the
patient moves the joint while stabilizing the body area
proximal to the joint being moved). This provides
information about muscles and bony structures

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–4 Musculoskeletal System



SYMPTOMS GROUPED –– Neoplastic and infectious (constant pain, night

BY POTENTIAL CAUSE pain, fever, weight loss, anorexia, fatigue,
–– Inflammatory (for example, pain, erythema, weakness, history of cancer)
warmth, swelling, morning stiffness for –– Neurologic (for example, paresthesia, tingling,
> 30 minutes); see also Table 1, “Symptoms bowel and bladder incontinence, headaches,
of Musculoskeletal Injury” weakness)
–– Mechanical/degenerative (for example, pain Table 1 presents the symptoms associated with various
worse at end of day, better with rest, joint locking, types of musculoskeletal injury.
clicking, instability); see also Table 1, “Symptoms
of Musculoskeletal Injury”

Table 1 – Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Injury

Symptom Fracture Dislocation Sprain Strain
Pain* Severe Moderate to severe Mild to moderate Mild to moderate
Swelling Moderate to severe Mild Mild to severe Mild to moderate
Bruising Mild to severe Mild to severe Mild to severe Mild to severe
Deformity Variable Marked None None
Function Loss of function Loss of function Limited Limited
Tenderness Severe Moderate to severe Moderate Moderate
Crepitus Present Absent Absent Absent
* Pain level should be used as a guideline as pain threshold may vary considerably


–– Tenosynovitis –– Osteoarthritis
–– Rheumatoid arthritis –– Metabolic arthropathy
–– Reactive arthritis –– Tumours
–– Psoriatic arthritis –– Mechanical abnormalities (for example, erosion of
–– Viral polyarthritis (for example, hepatitis B virus, cartilage and bone)
Epstein-Barr virus) –– Blood dyscrasias
–– Septic arthritis (for example, Staphylococcus –– Sickle cell anemia
aureus, Streptococcus species) –– Neuroarthropathy
–– Autoimmune disease (for example, polymyalgia –– Ligament injury
rheumatica) –– Fibromyalgia
–– Rheumatic fever –– Radiculopathy
–– Immune complex arthritis (for example, HIV) –– Nerve entrapment
–– Polyarthritis associated with systemic diseases –– Spondylolysis
(for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, –– Osteomyelitis
Lyme disease, syphilis, bacterial endocarditis)
–– Stress fracture
–– Gout and pseudogout
–– Avascular necrosis
–– Bursitis
–– Tendinitis
–– Ankylosing spondylitis

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–5


The causes of neck pain are outlined in Table 2,
“Causes of Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Disorders.”

Table 2 – Causes of Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Disorders

Biomechanical Referred Rheumatologic Neoplastic
Neck strain Thoracic outlet syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoblastoma
Herniated disk Pancoast’s tumour Ankylosing spondylitis Osteochondroma
Spondylosis Esophagitis Psoriatic arthritis Giant cell tumour
Myelopathy Angina or myocardial Reiter’s syndrome Hemangioma
Whiplash infarction Myelopathy Metastases
Fracture Vascular dissection Enteropathic arthritis Multiple myeloma
Cervical facet-mediated pain (vertebral or carotid artery) Polymyalgia rheumatica Chondrosarcoma
Shoulder pain Fibromyalgia Chordoma
Infectious Myofascial pain Gliomas
Osteomyelitis Diffuse idiopathic skeletal Syringomyelia
Diskitis Brachial plexitis hypertrophy Neurofibroma
Meningitis Peripheral entrapment Microcrystalline disease Apical lung tumour
Herpes zoster Neuropathies Osteoarthritis
Lyme disease Complex regional pain Miscellaneous
Pharyngeal abscess Paget’s disease
Cervical radiculopathy
Cervical spondylotic
Diabetic neuropathy
Tension headache

CAUSES OF SHOULDER PAIN Extrinsic Disorders (Referred Pain)

Intrinsic Disorders –– Cervical spine disorders

–– Brachial plexus neuropathy
–– Glenohumeral osteoarthritis
–– Myofascial pain
–– Acromioclavicular syndrome
–– Thoracic outlet syndrome
–– Septic arthritis
–– Diaphragmatic irritation
–– Rheumatoid arthritis
–– Neoplastic disease
–– Osteoarthritis
–– Myocardial ischemia
–– Gout
–– Gallbladder disease (pain in right shoulder)
–– Rotator cuff impingement
–– Rotator cuff tear Shoulder pain can arise from the bony structures of
the shoulder or from the muscles, ligaments, and
–– Rotator cuff tendinitis
tendons that support the shoulder. Most shoulder
–– Bicipital tendinitis problems are attributable to overuse and trauma.
–– Biceps tendon rupture
–– Subacromial bursitis CAUSES OF ELBOW PAIN
–– Calcific tendinitis –– Fracture
–– Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) –– Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
–– Trauma to bony structures (for example, clavicle, –– Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint)
–– Dislocation
–– Osteoarthritis
–– Rheumatoid arthritis
–– Gout8
–– Olecranon bursitis

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–6 Musculoskeletal System

CAUSES OF WRIST AND HAND PAIN –– Inflammatory arthritis

–– Osteoarthritis –– Ankylosing spondylitis
–– Rheumatoid arthritis –– Psoriatic spondylitis
–– Carpal tunnel syndrome –– Paget’s disease (tuberculosis of spine)
–– Fracture
Referred Pain of Visceral Disease
–– de Quervain tenosynovitis
–– Trigger finger and trigger thumb –– Prostatitis
–– Ganglion cyst –– Endometriosis
–– Gout8 –– Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
–– Kidney stones
CAUSES OF HIP PAIN –– Pyelonephritis
–– Referred pain (for example, lumbar spine, –– Aortic aneurysm
sacroiliac joint) –– Pancreatitis
–– Osteoarthritis –– Cholecystitis
–– Fracture –– Penetrating peptic ulcer
–– Trochanteric bursitis
–– Iliopsoas bursitis
–– Ischiogluteal bursitis –– Bursitis
–– Adductor tendinitis –– Patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee)
–– Rheumatoid arthritis –– Patellofemoral syndrome
–– Stress fractures of the tibia or fibula
CAUSES OF LOW BACK PAIN –– Osteoarthritis
–– Rheumatoid arthritis
Mechanical Low Back Disorders
–– Baker cyst
–– Lumbosacral strain (mechanical low back pain) –– Ligament injury
–– Degenerative disk disease (osteophytes, disk –– Cartilage injuries / meniscal tears
–– Gout8
–– Facet joint syndrome
–– Chondromalacia patella
–– Spondylolisthesis
–– Spinal stenosis –– Achilles tendinitis
–– Osteoporosis –– Achilles tendon rupture
–– Fracture –– Retrocalcaneal bursitis
–– Spondylolysis –– Sprain
–– Spondylosis –– Strain
–– Severe kyphosis –– Fracture
–– Severe scoliosis –– Gout8
–– Lumbar lordosis –– Rheumatoid arthritis
Nonmechanical Spine Disease –– Osteoarthritis
–– Shin splints
–– Neoplasia (for example, multiple myeloma,
–– Plantar fasciitis
lymphoma, spinal cord tumour, metastatic
–– Hallux valgus (bunion)9
–– Infection (for example, osteomyelitis, septic disk,
epidural abscess)

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–7


ACROMIOCLAVICULAR (AC) –– Neurovascular symptoms

JOINT INJURIES10,11,12 –– Cervical spine symptoms

Shoulder separation due to ligament injury. PHYSICAL FINDINGS

–– There may be a “step-off” deformity of the
acromioclavicular joint
Type I (sprain): Partial tear or sprain of the –– Note the position of the clavicle (type III
acromioclavicular ligaments. Mild acromioclavicular deformities have a prominent distal clavicle), any
joint pain without joint deformity, although there swelling or bruising
may be minimal swelling and minimal ligamentous –– Tenderness on palpation of the acromioclavicular
disruption and instability. Range of motion limited joint
by pain.
–– Palpate all of the following structures
Type II (subluxation): Complete tear of the for tenderness to rule out other injuries:
acromioclavicular ligaments and a sprain or sternoclavicular joint, clavicle, acromion, spine
partial tear of the coracoclavicular ligaments. The of scapula, coracoclavicular ligaments, coracoid
acromioclavicular joint is locally tender and painful process, humerus
with motion. It is often very swollen. The distal end –– Decreased shoulder range of motion; pain with
of the clavicle may protrude slightly upward. arm abduction
Type III (dislocation): Complete tear of the –– Pain at rest or elicited with movement
acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments. –– Pain increases with severity of injury
Significant pain, especially on any attempt at –– Cross body adduction test positive (elevation
abduction or palpation of the coracoclavicular of affected arm to 90 degrees then holding the
ligaments; there is an obvious “step-off” deformity on elbow and passively adducting the arm elicits
physical examination, although swelling may mask it. pain); only perform if injury is not severe and
acromioclavicular joint injury diagnosis is not clear
Type IV, V, VI: More severe shoulder injuries that often
result from higher energy trauma and require surgery. Perform a careful neurovascular assessment of
The distal clavicle is displaced, affecting muscle brachial-plexus motor and sensory function,
and/or fascial tissue. because associated injuries, though rare, can occur.
Additionally perform a cervical spine examination
CAUSES (see section “Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord
Usually results from a direct blow to or fall on the tip Trauma” in Chapter 14, “General Emergencies and
of the shoulder (superior or lateral aspects) with arm Major Trauma”).
adduction, or fall onto an outstretched hand (FOOSH) RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes (in a
or elbow. PDF document) and has videos for a very thorough
physical examination of the shoulder. See RheumInfo’s
HISTORY “The Shoulder Examination”, available at: http://
–– Mechanism of injury. The history often involves
a fall onto the acromion, usually with the arm in The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic
adduction. Severe forces resulting from significant Trauma of Lenox Hill Hospital website describes and
falls are often associated with grade III injuries has pictures for some specific physical examination
–– Pain over injured area or superior aspect of techniques for the shoulder (available at: http://www.
–– Inability to use shoulder
–– Night awakening and pain, often when one rolls
onto the shoulder
–– Previous shoulder injuries or instrumentation

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–8 Musculoskeletal System

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS –– Type III: Immobilize and protect in an arm

–– Clavicle fracture sling for 2–3 weeks. Start range-of-motion and
strengthening exercises as soon as tolerable, with
–– Rotator cuff injury
the patient experiencing mild pain at the most.
–– Shoulder dislocation Many are able to return to their usual activities
–– Shoulder impingement syndrome after 6–12 weeks once full range of motion and
strength are regained
Ice Pack Locally to Reduce Pain and Swelling
–– Instability of the shoulder and/or clavicle
–– Loss of mobility For all grades of acromioclavicular injuries, ice packs
–– Chronic pain may be used:
–– Arthritis –– Apply ice to area for a maximum of 15 minutes qid
–– If soft-tissue injury is severe, apply q2–3h
–– Use ice as long as swelling and pain are present
–– A single AP view x-ray of both acromioclavicular –– Heat is contraindicated in acute soft-tissue injury
joints with the patient’s arm internally rotated
may be advisable to determine extent of injury, Client Education
especially in younger people with significant –– While resting shoulder avoid reaching overhead or
symptoms; if this is not adequate, an AP view of across the torso, lifting objects, leaning on elbows
the glenoid or a Zanca view can be taken. Stress and sleeping on the shoulder
x-rays (where the patient holds weights) are no
longer recommended Pharmacologic Interventions
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to
MANAGEMENT reduce pain and swelling:
Appropriate Consultation ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
PO tid-qid prn
Consult a physician for all type II and higher injuries
as soon as possible. or
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs
Nonpharmacologic Interventions PO bid-tid prn
Rest Injured Limb Do not use if there are contraindications to the use
Type and period of rest varies according to severity of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy to
of injury. aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease). Instead,
–– Avoid aggravating positions and activities
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Type I: Sling in acute injury stage for very brief
q4–6h prn
period (3–5 days), then discontinue. They heal
within a few weeks. Start range-of-motion and or
strengthening exercises as soon as tolerable, with acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs
the patient experiencing mild pain at the most. q4–6h prn
Many are able to return to their usual activities
within 3 days to 2 weeks, although this is Monitoring and Follow-Up
dependent on pain –– Arrange follow-up at 1–2 days and at 14 days
–– Type II: Immobilize and protect in an arm sling for –– Start range-of-motion exercises within pain-free
3–7 days. Subluxation requires a longer period of range as soon as tolerable. This should start with
immobilization (7–21 days). Start range-of-motion small arm circles with the arm in a pendulum
and strengthening exercises as soon as tolerable, position
with the patient experiencing mild pain at the most. –– Advise client to begin stretching and strengthening
Many are able to return to their usual activities program when range of motion is regained
after 2–4 weeks once full range of motion and
strength are regained, but there is a risk of re-injury
for up to 10 weeks after injury

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–9

–– Exercise progression: passive range of motion, –– Secondary adhesive capsulitis: Occurs secondary
active assisted range of motion, isometrics, active to another pathologic process that causes disuse,
stretching exercises, and late stretching and such as bursitis or tendinitis of the shoulder or
strengthening exercises a contributing event (for example, prolonged
–– Exercises are best done in multiple short sessions, immobilization following a stroke with upper
not long ones limb paralysis, brachial plexus injury, cervical
–– Exercise should be preceded by application of radiculopathy, humeral fracture, Parkinson’s
moist heat for 10–15 minutes and should be disease)
followed by icing for a maximum of 15 minutes
–– Any exercise that causes pain should be
temporarily omitted –– Trauma which may have contributed to secondary
adhesive capsulitis
As range of motion, flexibility and strength improve,
–– Initially pain occurs at night with no known cause
so will shoulder function
and there is no limitation of range of motion
Referral –– Shoulder pain and limitation of passive movement
in all directions, with pain occurring at the limits
Consider transfer of clients with type III injuries, of motion; limited range of motion may only start
depending on the severity of the clinical picture. months after the start of pain
Transfer all clients with type IV–VI injuries to a
–– Pain progresses over many weeks to occurring
physician for consultation as soon as possible.13 Type
constantly at rest and is aggravated by repetitive
IV–VI injuries require an orthopedic consultation and
motion, stress, cold, vibration, and weather changes
likely surgery.13
–– Stiffness of shoulder limits movement more than
If pain is still present after 12 weeks or returns when pain: Inability to passively abduct the shoulder
the patient’s activities are increased, in type III in a 90° arc while the examiner stabilizes the
injuries, consult a physician regarding the need for scapula; greater loss of passive external rotation
an orthopedic consultation. than abduction and internal rotation (at least a 50%
decrease in shoulder range of motion – both active
(FROZEN SHOULDER)14,15 –– Pain caused by combining abduction and external
rotation or extension and internal rotation
A reversible syndrome of painful glenohumeral (stretching of the capsule)
joint capsule contracture that restricts active and –– Later, pain decreases and range of motion increases
passive shoulder movement and results from an over time; pain subsides after 1–2 years
uncertain cause. The process leads to a progressive –– Other findings are relatively unremarkable
increase in pain that lasts approximately 1–2 years
–– Musculoskeletal and integumentary examination
before decreasing and the global restriction in the
–– Neurologic exam of the arms and neck to rule
glenohumeral joint improves. Approximately 10%
out other potential causes (for example, cervical
have long-term limitations in movement.
radiculopathy, Parkinson’s disease)
CAUSES –– Thyroid gland assessment to rule out disease as
a cause
There are two types of capsulitis:
RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes (in
–– Primary adhesive capsulitis: Idiopathic (unknown), a PDF document) and has videos for a very
unrelated to any injury. It occurs more frequently in thorough physical examination of the shoulder. See
people in their 40s to 60s, in women, and in people RheumInfo’s “The Shoulder Examination” (available
with diabetes mellitus. Approximately 15 percent at:
of those affected will develop bilateral disease examination).
The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic
Trauma of Lenox Hill Hospital website describes and
has pictures for some specific physical examination
techniques for the shoulder (available at: http://www.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–10 Musculoskeletal System

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES –– Home exercises (for example, stretching and

–– Biceps rupture or tendinopathy maintaining strength) are best done in multiple
short sessions (for example, 5 minutes), not
–– Brachial neuritis
long ones
–– Cervical disk disease
–– Exercise should be preceded by the application of
–– Cervical spondylosis moist heat for 15 minutes, and should be followed
–– Cervical sprain or strain by icing for a maximum of 15 minutes
–– Neoplastic brachial plexopathy –– Any exercise that causes pain should be avoided
–– Parkinson’s disease –– Educate patients about the disease course (full
–– Rheumatoid arthritis recovery may take up to 18 months) and prevention
–– Rotator cuff dysfunction (for example, avoid repetitive movement, sources
–– Traumatic brachial plexopathy of vibration)
As range of motion, flexibility and strength improve,
so will shoulder function.
–– Chronic pain
–– Permanent loss of shoulder mobility Pharmacologic Interventions
–– Instability of the shoulder Analgesics to reduce pain for 2–3 weeks:
–– Recurrence of adhesive capsulitis
acetaminophen (Tylenol, generics), 325 mg,
1–2 tabs PO q4–6h prn
–– Fasting blood sugar (to rule out diabetes mellitus,
if the person is not diabetic) ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
PO tid-qid prn

Goals of Treatment naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg PO bid-tid

for 2 weeks or longer prn
–– Relieve pain and inflammation
Do not use ibuprofen or naproxen if there are
–– Maintain function of shoulder by restoring normal
contraindications to NSAIDs (such as a history of
range of motion
allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease).
–– Prevent complications
–– Treat any underlying condition (for example, Consult a physician when the above measures do not
diabetes mellitus) work for pain control and/or when there is pain at rest
and/or night pain.
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Mobilize the shoulder as early as possible
–– Avoid aggravating positions and activities (for Arrange follow-up in 1–2 weeks and then monthly
example, overhead arm movements, repetitive until normal range of motion is achieved for the
movements) patient.
–– Heat can be used for chronic stiffness and discomfort
–– Start range-of-motion exercises with the patient
using light handheld weights within the pain-free Refer to a physician as soon as possible. An early
range. This should start with small arm circles with physiotherapy consultation (if available) is especially
the arm in a pendulum position important for adhesive capsulitis because optimal
–– After the pendulum range-of-motion exercise, treatment of this condition involves physical therapy
passive stretching in all directions should be done and therapeutic exercises. However, it should be
to a point of tension, but not pain; do not abduct combined with intra-articular corticosteroid injections
higher than the shoulder administered by a physician. The combination
of physiotherapy and a corticosteroid injection
–– Exercise progression: passive range of motion, active
improves function and range of motion faster than
assisted range of motion, isometrics, active articular
an injection alone.
stretching, and late stretching and strengthening
exercises once range of motion improves

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–11

ANKLE SPRAIN16,17 –– Swelling

–– Bruising
Stretching (beyond the normal range) or tearing injury
–– Inability to walk after the injury (depending on
to the ligaments supporting the ankle. The sprain
degree of sprain)
location is dependent on the mechanism of injury.
–– Sounds heard (for example, “pop”)
Medial sprain: Sprain of the medial ligament complex –– Previous injury
(deltoid ligament) resulting from an eversion type of
injury. It usually avulses medial or posterior malleolus PHYSICAL FINDINGS
and strains the syndesmosis.
–– Affected limb may be unable to bear weight
Lateral sprain: Sprain of the lateral ligament –– Swelling evident (extent depends on severity of
complex (which includes the anterior talofibular, sprain; for example, first-degree sprain has minimal
calcaneofibular and posterior talofibular ligaments) tenderness and swelling, and the patient can weight
usually resulting from an inversion injury that bear with minimal pain; second-degree sprain has
occurs while the ankle is plantar flexed. The anterior moderate tenderness and swelling and decreased
talofibular ligament is often the first and the most range of motion, and the patient can weight bear
severely injured. with pain; third-degree sprain has severe tenderness
Syndesmotic sprain: Sprain of the syndesmotic and swelling and very decreased range of motion,
ligament complex (which includes the anterior and the patient is unable to weight bear)
tibiofibular, posterior tibiofibular, and transverse –– Bruising present in moderate and severe sprains
tibiofibular ligaments and the interosseous membrane) –– Anterolateral aspect of ankle joint tender
usually resulting from dorsiflexion and/or eversion –– Posterolateral aspect of ankle joint may be tender
type of injury. These sprains result in chronic –– In severe sprains, anterior aspect of ankle also tender
ankle instability. –– Lateral ligament may show laxity
–– First-degree sprain: Ligament is stretched and –– Tenderness over either malleolus
joint is stable –– Passive range of motion (dorsiflexion, plantar
–– Second-degree sprain: More severe; significant flexion, inversion, eversion) may be limited
partial tearing or rupture of the ligament(s), joint because of pain; increased pain on eversion signals
is mildly to moderately unstable, but there is a medial sprain and increased pain on inversion
abnormal laxity in certain movements signals a lateral sprain
–– Third-degree sprain: Complete tear of ligament(s), –– Palpate whole fibula, distal tibia, foot and Achilles
joint is unstable tendon for tenderness and integrity to rule out other
CAUSES –– Squeeze test: at mid-calf level squeeze fibula
–– Trauma against tibia; pain in anterior tibiofibular ligament
–– Physical activity (anterolateral and proximal ankle) area indicates
–– Step on an uneven surface or step down at an angle syndesmotic sprain
–– Predisposing laxity of ligaments –– Thompson test18: Have the patient lying prone
with the knees flexed at 90°. Squeeze the patient’s
HISTORY calf. The ipsilateral ankle should plantarflex if the
Achilles tendon is intact. With an Achilles tendon
–– Mechanism of injury – often sudden twisting rupture, the force will not be transmitted and the
motion of foot and lateral ankle – most commonly ankle will not plantarflex
forced inversion of foot and ankle causing injury
to the lateral collateral ligament with eversion-type DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
injury to the deltoid ligament being the second
most common type of sprain (see sprain location –– Fracture
descriptions based on mechanism of injury, under –– Avulsion fracture of the proximal 5th metartarsal
the title in this section) –– Tendon rupture (for example, Achilles, peroneal,
–– Depending upon extent of injury and degree of posterior tibial)
ligament injury, symptoms vary in severity –– Dislocation or subluxation
–– Acute pain –– Penetrating wound

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–12 Musculoskeletal System

COMPLICATIONS Nonpharmacologic Interventions

–– Chronic laxity of ligaments, instability, and Rest the Joint
recurrent injury to ankle Type and period of rest varies according to severity
–– Chronic pain of injury.
–– Neurovascular compromise (for example, abnormal
proprioception) –– For second- and third-degree sprains, no weight-
bearing or partial weight-bearing with crutches,
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS limited weight-bearing activities
–– For first-degree sprains, weight-bearing can occur
X-ray of ankle and/or foot (according to Ottawa Ankle
as tolerated
Rules, below) to rule out a fracture if indicated.
–– A gradual increase in weight-bearing is
Ottawa Ankle Rules19 recommended, beginning as soon as pain and
stability allow; this promotes healing and
Order ankle x-rays only if there is: proprioception
–– Pain on palpation near the malleoli (either –– Continue use of crutches until able to walk with a
malleolus and for 6 cm proximal to it) AND normal gait
–– Pain on palpation of the posterior edge or tip of the
Ice to Reduce Swelling and Pain
lateral malleolus OR
–– Apply ice as soon as possible to lateral aspect of
–– Pain on palpation of the posterior edge or tip of the
ankle for a maximum of 20 minutes q3–4h for 48
medial malleolus OR
hours (longer if swelling continues)
–– Can’t weight bear both immediately after the injury
–– If sprain is severe, apply ice q2h
and for four steps at the time of examination
–– Use ice as long as swelling and pain are present
Order foot x-rays only if there is: –– Heat is contraindicated for the acutely injured ankle
–– Pain on palpation in the midfoot area AND –– Never use heat in acute or subacute phases
–– Pain on palpation at the base of the 5th metatarsal of recovery
OR –– Heat may be used for chronic swelling
–– Pain on palpation at the navicular OR
Compression and Elevation to
–– Can’t weight bear both immediately after the injury Reduce Swelling and Pain
and for four steps at the time of examination
–– Tensor bandage should be worn for the first
See the teaching program for the Ottawa Ankle Rules, 2–3 days for first-degree sprains, longer for second-
available at: degree sprains
flash.html. A poster is also available at: http://www. –– Ankle should not be wrapped too tightly, but should support it
–– When possible, ankle should be elevated above
MANAGEMENT level of heart for first 48 hours
Goals of Treatment –– A physician might recommend second-degree
sprains be immobilized with a removable air boot
–– Reduce pain and swelling or splint in addition to a tensor bandage
–– Maintain range of motion –– Third-degree sprains should be immobilized with
–– Rehabilitate ankle strength a cast or have a stabilization device applied and
–– Prevent further injury ensure they are not weight bearing, depending on
physician recommendation
Appropriate Consultation –– During movement, the ankle should have a lace-up
Consult a physician if joint instability is present ankle brace applied, if possible, or a tensor bandage
at initial examination. Also, consult a physician to help prevent re-injury
if there is no improvement after 2 weeks of
conservative therapy.

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–13

Exercises Pharmacologic Interventions

–– Start gentle range-of-motion exercises for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain
dorsiflexion, plantar flexion and foot circles both and swelling:
ways within 24–48 hours or when there is mild
pain and swelling for first- and second-degree ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
PO tid-qid prn
sprains, as tolerated
–– Encourage Achilles tendon stretching as tolerated or
–– Instruct client to draw letters of alphabet with big naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs
toe in the air PO bid-tid prn
Plantar flexion, inversion and eversion should be Do not use if there are contraindications to the use
avoided in the very early stages of rehabilitation (start of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy
after 1–2 weeks). to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease).
Instead, use:
Muscle-strengthening exercises should be started
when range of motion is regained. Instruct client about acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
the following exercises: q4–6h prn

–– Inversion, eversion, toe curls, marble pickups For moderate to severe pain, stronger analgesics may
–– Toe and heel raises on inclined surface, holding be needed in addition to NSAIDs in the first 24–48
end position for 4–6 seconds (10–20 repetitions) hours; use:
–– Toe raises on flat surface, holding end position for acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs
4–6 seconds (10–20 repetitions) PO q4–6h prn
–– Heel and toe walking
Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Balancing on one foot (for proprioception)
–– Walking on different surfaces (for proprioception) Follow up in clinic at 48 hours and again in 2 weeks,
or sooner if pain and swelling persist.
Client Education
–– Counsel client about the importance of rest, ice, Referral
compression, and elevation Arrange physiotherapy (if readily available) if symptoms
–– Healing takes 4–6 weeks persist for more than 2–3 weeks, or if it is a second- or
–– Teach client to use crutches to prevent full weight- third-degree sprain.
bearing until they can walk with a normal gait
Consult a physician for all second-degree sprains, as
–– Teach client the proper application of tensor an immobilization device (for example, air boot) or a
bandage splint may be recommended.
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of
medications (dose, frequency, side effects) Refer all third-degree sprains to a physician; they
often require a below-knee walking cast for 2–3 weeks
–– Teach client exercises to restore range of motion
and/or surgery.
and build strength and encourage them to continue
until their activities are pain free
–– Educate clients about need to gradually return
to activities that do not require ankle turning or
twisting and then progression to those activities
that do require these movements
–– Counsel client about strategies to prevent further
injuries to ankle (for example, doing warm-up
exercises before physical activities such as sports;
wearing high-top, lace-up shoes and/or external
ankle supports for walking and running, watching
surfaces that one is ambulating on, maintaining
strength, balance and flexibility)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–14 Musculoskeletal System


The symptoms and signs are a result of compression –– Sensory loss over the palmar aspect of the thumb,
of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Tends to index, middle, and radial aspect of the ring fingers,
affect the dominant hand but may be bilateral. and over the thenar eminence (for example, 2-point
CAUSES –– Tinel’s sign: painful sensation and/or paresthesia
of the median-nerve innervated fingers induced by
–– Increased pressure on the carpal tunnel
percussion of the median nerve at the level of the
Risk Factors palmar wrist
–– Phalen’s sign: keeping both wrists in a full palmar-
–– Obesity flexed position for one minute may reproduce
–– Occupation involving repetitive and prolonged symptoms (for example, pain and/or paresthesia of
wrist flexion and extension or the prolonged use the median nerve innervated fingers)
of vibratory handheld devices23 –– Carpal compression test25: Apply direct pressure
–– Pregnancy over the carpal tunnel (palmar wrist). A positive
–– Female gender test occurs when numbness and tingling result
–– Diabetes mellitus from the application of pressure. This test is
–– Rheumatoid arthritis more sensitive and specific than Tinnel’s and
–– Hypothyroidism Phalen’s signs
–– Connective tissue disorders –– Weakness of the hand while performing tasks
–– Pre-existing median mononeuropathy (for example, opening jars, thumb abduction and
opposition [later sign])
–– Aromatase inhibitor use (for example, breast
cancer treatment) –– Muscle wasting of the thenar eminence (late sign)
–– Predisposing genetics Occasionally carpal tunnel syndrome will be present
without these sensory and motor deficits. Consult a
HISTORY physician if this situation is suspected.
Symptoms usually affect the thumb, index and middle
finger and half of the ring finger. However, it can DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
affect the wrist, the entire hand and/or radiate as high –– Cervical spine spondylosis
as the shoulder. –– Peripheral neuropathy
–– Tingling, numbness, or pricking sensation in the –– Brachial plexus lesion
fingers or hand
–– Dull aching pain in the fingers, hand or forearm
–– Symptoms often worse at night and may awaken Without treatment, permanent injury to the nerve may
patients from sleep eventually occur.
–– Symptoms provoked by flexion or extension of
wrist, repetitive hand or wrist actions, or elevation
of the arms None.
–– Relief of symptoms afforded by shaking,
wringing, or rubbing the hand, or stopping MANAGEMENT
aggravating activities
Goals of Treatment
–– Occasionally motor weakness in the affected hand
–– May be periods of remission and exacerbation –– Relieve symptoms
and/or progression from intermittent to persistent –– Prevent complications
–– Assess for risk factors listed above (see “Risk

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–15

Appropriate Consultation EPICONDYLITIS: LATERAL

Consult a physician if there is evidence of muscle (TENNIS ELBOW) AND MEDIAL
weakness, wasting of the thenar eminence, constant (GOLFER’S ELBOW)28,29,30
paresthesias, patient is over 50 years old, impaired
2-point discrimination (> 6 mm), positive Phalen’s Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is a chronic
sign, or if symptoms have been present for more than inflammatory process occurring at the wrist extensor
10 months when the patient initially visits. Otherwise, origin of the lateral epicondyle. Medial epicondylitis
treat conservatively and follow closely. (golfer’s elbow) is a chronic inflammatory process
occurring at the wrist flexor origin of the medial
Nonpharmacologic Interventions epicondyle. Tennis elbow is 5 times more common
than golfer’s elbow.
–– Avoid aggravating activities, especially repetitive
motion activity CAUSES
–– Splint with the wrist in neutral positon of extension
–– Usually secondary to overuse or repetitive use
at nighttime; it can be worn continuously to
(> 2 hours daily)
decrease symptom severity
–– Encourage patient to do yoga exercises to stretch Risk Factors
and strengthen the upper body joints. This can help
decrease pain –– Populations at risk: athletes and manual labourers
–– If carpal tunnel syndrome develops during –– Smokers
pregnancy, educate the patient that often the –– Obese individuals
symptoms slowly resolve after delivery –– 45–54 year olds
–– Lifting loads > 20 kg more than 10 times per day
Pharmacologic Interventions –– Repetitive or fast athletic motions with poor
NSAIDs are no better than placebo for treatment of technique
carpal tunnel syndrome according to the results of a –– Repetitive movement with the wrist not straight for
Cochrane systematic review.26 more than 2 hours a day
Injectable corticosteroids are less effective than –– Use of tools > 1 kg at work
surgery over the long term.27 –– Repetitive wrist extension and/or supination
(lateral epicondylitis)
Short-term treatment with oral corticosteroids may
be helpful (consult a physician).26 HISTORY

Monitoring and Follow-Up –– Pain at the lateral or medial epicondyle

(extra‑articular); may vary from minimal effect
–– Follow up in 2 weeks to see if there is response on work to affecting sleep
to treatment –– Pain exacerbated by repetitive wrist and elbow
–– If improving, continue to see every 2 weeks until movements
resolved or until 6 weeks has passed –– Referred pain to the extensor surface of the forearm
(lateral epicondylitis)
–– Referred pain to the extensor surface of the forearm
Refer to a physician if the carpal tunnel symptoms (medial epicondylitis)
do not improve within 6 weeks of consistent effort –– Risk factors as described above (see “Risk
with conservative measures described above Factors”)
(see “Nonpharmacologic Interventions”) as surgery
and/or treatment with oral or injectable corticosteroids PHYSICAL FINDINGS
may be warranted. If there is evidence of thenar
muscle weakness or atrophy, referral should take –– Swelling (mild)
place immediately. –– Warmth
–– Redness (mild)
–– Pain may increase with elbow in full extension and
resisted wrist pronation (medial epicondylitis) or
supination (lateral epicondylitis)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–16 Musculoskeletal System

Lateral Epicondylitis –– A constrictive band can be placed on the proximal

–– Tenderness over lateral epicondyle and proximal forearm area approximately 10 cm distal to the
wrist extensor muscles (just distal to the lateral elbow for the first 6 weeks (commercial “tennis
epicondyle) elbow” bands are available)
–– Pain exacerbated by resisted extension of the wrist Ice Locally to Reduce Pain and Swelling
or passive wrist flexion to the end point when
–– Apply ice to elbow for a maximum of 15 minutes
elbow is fully extended
Medial Epicondylitis –– Use ice as long as swelling and pain present
–– Heat is contraindicated in acute-phase soft tissue
–– Tenderness over medial epicondyle and proximal
wrist flexor muscles (just distal to the medial
epicondyle) Physical Therapy
–– Pain exacerbated by resisted flexion of the wrist –– Progressive strengthening and flexibility training
or passive wrist extension to the end point when
elbow is fully extended Pharmacologic Interventions
RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes (in a PDF Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to
document) a very thorough physical examination reduce pain and swelling:
of the elbow. See RheumInfo’s “Examination of the
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
Elbow”, available at: PO tid-qid prn
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs
–– Avulsion injury of the tendon PO bid-tid prn
–– Bursitis NSAIDs should be prescribed for short-term use (for
–– Septic tenosynovitis example, 5–7 days) in this situation because of the
–– Compression of the median or interosseous nerves potential for long-term side effects.31
–– Fracture Do not use if there are contraindications to the use
–– Osteoarthritis of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy
–– Osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease).
–– Cervical radiculopathy Instead, use:
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Tendon rupture
Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Recurrent episodes
–– Arrange follow-up at 1–2 days and at 14 days
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS –– Start gentle range-of-motion exercises within pain-
None. free range in 2–3 days
–– Advise client to begin stretching and strengthening
MANAGEMENT program when range of motion is regained and the
elbow is pain free
Goals of Treatment –– Exercise progression: passive range of motion,
–– Relieve pain active assisted range of motion, isometrics, active
–– Reduce inflammation stretching exercises, and late stretching and
–– Prevent complications strengthening exercises
–– Exercises are best done in multiple short sessions,
Nonpharmacologic Interventions not long ones
Rest the Limb –– Proper body mechanics must be demonstrated
before return to sport or work
–– Client should avoid exacerbating activities

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–17

Referral –– Forearm pronation

In most clients, the problem subsides with –– Frequently have associated injuries
conservative treatment. Refer to a physician if there is Check for associated injuries with all potential
failure to respond to treatment (for example, persistent dislocations:
or worsening pain or dysfunction) within 4 months.
Diagnostic tests and/or orthopedic referral may be –– Proximal humeral, acromial, scapular, coracoid
warranted. and glenoid fractures
–– Avulsion or tear of the rotator cuff
–– Injuries to the adjacent neurovascular structures;
axillary nerve injury is most common and is often
DISLOCATIONS32,33 associated with decreased active contraction of the
Dislocation of the humeral head from the deltoid muscle and numbness over the deltoid area
glenohumeral joint socket. (do a neurovascular examination, including motor
and sensory function in this area)
CAUSES –– Arterial injury (check for radial pulses bilaterally)
Trauma (usually blunt). RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes (in a
PDF document) and has videos for a very thorough
–– > 95% are anterior dislocations: usual mechanism
physical examination of the shoulder. See RheumInfo’s
is forced abduction and external rotation of
“The Shoulder Examination”, available at: http://
an extended arm (for example, fall on an
outstretched arm)
–– Posterior dislocation: anterior shoulder trauma, The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic
forced adduction and internal rotation of the arm Trauma of Lenox Hill Hospital website describes and
–– Inferior dislocation: forces transferred to a fully has pictures for some specific physical examination
abducted arm or forced hyperabduction of the arm techniques for the shoulder, available at: http://www.
–– Severe pain
–– Loss of mobility of shoulder –– Soft tissue injury (for example, rotator cuff
avulsion or tear)
–– Past history of shoulder dislocation (more frequent
if patient is < 40 years old) –– Clavicle or humerus fracture
–– Acromioclavicular joint separation or injury
Anterior Dislocation –– Neurovascular compromise
–– Shoulder appears flattened laterally (squared –– Recurrent dislocation or subluxation
instead of rounded) and prominent anteriorly
–– Arm in slight abduction and external rotation DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
–– Resistance to movement X-ray (if available) is necessary before reduction;
–– The acromion process is prominent in thin clients obtain images in two planes (anteroposterior [AP]
and scapular “Y” or axillary view) to confirm the
Posterior Dislocation dislocation and to rule out a fracture if the mechanism
–– Shoulder appears flattened anteriorly with a of injury is suggestive. Posterior dislocations are often
prominent posterior shoulder and coracoid process difficult to detect on an AP view.
–– Arm in adduction and internal rotation
–– Not able to externally rotate
Goals of Treatment
Inferior Dislocation
–– Relieve pain
–– Arm held above head and patient not able
–– Reduce dislocation
to adduct it
–– Prevent complications

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–18 Musculoskeletal System

Appropriate Consultation Risk Factors

Consult a physician. The dislocation should be –– 30–50 year old male
reduced as soon as possible. –– Postmenopausal females (estrogen has a urocosuric
[protective] effect)
Nonpharmacologic Interventions –– Obesity
Immobilize the client’s arm in a sling-and-swathe –– Hypertension
(using a pillow and/or padding if required) dressing –– Lead intoxication
in the position of most comfort. –– Trauma
–– Medications including low-dose aspirin, thiazide
Pharmacologic Interventions
and loop diuretics, pyrazinamide, cyclosporine,
Analgesia is needed: and nicotinic acid can cause hyperuricemia by
morphine 5–10 mg IM or SC reducing uric acid secretion. Cytotoxic drugs
may cause hyperuricemia by precipitating tumour
Monitoring and Follow-Up lysis syndrome
Monitor pain and neurovascular status frequently –– Alcohol abuse (especially binge-drinking)
until transfer. –– Increased intake of dietary purines (particularly in
meat and seafood)40
Referral –– Daily intake of fructose-sweetened beverages in
women (for example, sugar-sweetened soda or
Medevac to hospital for reduction.
orange juice)41
–– Other risk factors: family history, hyperlipidemia,
GOUT34,35,36,37,38 atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal
Inflammatory disease of peripheral joints associated failure, hypothyroidism, hemolytic anemia, psoriasis
with high serum concentrations of uric acid and
deposition of urate crystals in synovial fluid and
other tissues.39 –– Sudden onset of moderate-to-severe pain in a joint;
joint is “on fire”
CAUSES –– Great toe (first metatarsophalangeal joint) most
Hyperuricemia is due to high levels of uric acid commonly affected initially
resulting from either increased urate production or –– Instep, ankle, knee, hands, wrist and elbow may
decreased renal excretion of uric acid. be affected
–– Almost all attacks are monoarticular (involving
–– Primary gout: Idiopathic hyperuricemia; usually
only one joint)
lasts for lifetime
–– Widespread joint involvement occurs rarely,
–– Secondary gout: Hyperuricemia resulting from
may be accompanied by fever, chills and
comorbid diseases (for example, hypertension,
general malaise
renal failure, hemolytic anemia, psoriasis, renal
insufficiency) drugs, dietary products, or toxins –– Pain usually occurs spontaneously, is severe
(for example, weight of sheet feels too much),
throbbing and continuous; worst pain is often in the
first 24 hours
–– First attack begins during the night or early morning
–– May be precipitated by trauma, alcohol binging,
administration of certain medications (for example,
diuretics), surgery, serious medical illnesses
(stroke, myocardial infarction) or other risk factors
as listed above (see”Risk Factors”)
–– Attacks are recurrent (if untreated) with
asymptomatic periods after resolution of an acute
gouty arthritis attack

2011 (Revised April 2013) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care
Musculoskeletal System 7–19


Acute Gouty Arthritis –– Septic arthritis

–– Trauma (for example, stress fracture)
–– Temperature usually normal
–– Pseudogout (can be coexistant)
–– Temperature may be mildly elevated if more than
–– Infection (bacterial, mycobacterial, fungal)
one joint is involved
–– Lyme disease
–– Heart rate may be elevated
–– Bursitis
–– Client appears in acute distress
–– Cellulitis
–– Difficulty walking or inability to bear weight on
–– Osteomyelitis
affected limb
–– Degenerative arthritis with acute inflammation
–– Metatarsophalangeal or interphalangeal joint
of great toe shows the following characteristics –– Osteoarthritis
(or other involved joint): redness and swelling; –– Rheumatoid arthritis
overlying skin tense and shiny; range of motion –– Acute rheumatic fever
reduced and accompanied by pain; joint acutely
tender and feels warm or hot COMPLICATIONS
–– Recurrent attacks
Recurrent Gouty Arthritis
–– Joint deformity and reduced mobility
–– Acute attacks occurring after an asymptomatic –– Chronic pain
period (the asymptomatic periods get shorter) –– Renal calculi (nephrolithiasis, if chronic
–– Increasing length of symptoms, amount of hyperuricemia)
disability, and number of joints affected –– Tophi (deposition of uric acid crystals in soft
–– Often fever is present tissues)
–– Chronic gouty arthropathy (asymmetrical bony –– Nephropathy (may take years to develop with
erosions and deformities, including tophi) may chronic hyperuricemia)
develop leading to no asymptomatic periods
Chronic Tophaceous Gout
–– Measure serum uric acid (elevated if > 425 mmol/L)
–– Joint deformity may be present with inflammation –– X-ray of affected area useful to investigation for
larger than a single joint erosion, tophi, and other changes associated with
–– Tophi (chalky subcutaneous nodules) visible chronic gout (not usually present during first attack)
and/or palpable in connective tissues or bone (for –– Obtain sample for white blood cell (WBC) count
example, pinnae of ear, olecranon bursa, dorsum of (elevated in acute phase)
hands, ulnar surface of forearms, Achilles tendon
–– Determine erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
and joints of hands and feet). They are usually not
(elevated in acute phase)
painful or tender
–– Determine the following to rule out associated
Clinical diagnosis of gout requires diagnostic and diseases and obtain baseline (given possible
laboratory investigations. The following will provide sequelae of gout and its treatment)38: creatinine,
evidence to confirm a diagnosis: urinalysis, CBC, liver function tests, and lipid
–– History of an episode or more of monoarticular profile
arthritis followed by a symptom-free period The gold standard test is joint fluid analysis for urate
–– Inflammation greatest within 24 hours crystals; however, this test is often not available and
–– First metatarsophalangeal joint affected unilaterally must be done by a physician.
–– A lesion is visible or palpable and likely to be
a tophus (for example, they are common on
the pinnae)
–– Synovitis resolves quickly after pharmacologic
treatment with colchicine
–– Tests listed under “Diagnostic Tests” below
(see “Diagnostic Tests”)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–20 Musculoskeletal System

MANAGEMENT Pharmacologic Interventions

Goals of Treatment Acute Gouty Arthritis

For acute gout (including those on antihyperuricemic
–– Relieve symptoms
agents), relieve pain and inflammation as soon as
–– Prevent recurrence
possible with anti-inflammatory medications (ideally
–– Prevent complications within 24 hours of symptoms, otherwise a longer
course of treatment may be needed).
Appropriate Consultation
Consult a physician if the client is acutely ill or febrile
on initial presentation. Consult a physician if no ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 2–3 tabs
response to therapy in 24–48 hours. PO tid-qid until acute symptoms subside, then taper
drug to discontinue in another 72 hours
Nonpharmacologic Interventions or
–– Bed rest during acute phase; no weight-bearing naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 500 mg PO bid
(for example, use of a cane or crutches) for 5 days maximum; reduce to once daily after
–– Immobilize the joint until hyperacute symptoms objective and subjective improvement occurs;
are controlled discontinue after the attack resolves
–– Increase fluid intake to > 3 litres/day during attack Short courses of oral corticosteroids (prednisone
(output of 2 L /day or more), particularly when 30–50 mg/day for one or two days then tapered over
starting a medication)43 7–10 days) may be used in patients who cannot take
–– Client should discontinue alcohol consumption NSAIDs because of contraindications or intolerance.35
–– Low fat and sugar diet (to reduce risk for gout)
Recurrent Gouty Arthritis
–– Low protein and purine (for example, limit organ
Use an agent to control recurrent hyperuricemia; see
meat, beer, peas, beans, lentils, oatmeal, spinach,
“Referral” and “Prevention” below
asparagus; increase low-fat dairy products) diet
only if intake is excessive36
Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Weight reduction (to an ideal body weight) will
help an obese client in the long term –– Follow up in 24 hours to ensure response to
–– Test for and manage comorbid states that may be therapy
present (see “Causes” and “Risk factors”) –– Follow up in 1 month to evaluate status
–– For client with chronic gout, measure uric acid
Client Education levels annually and assess adherence to prophylaxis
–– Explain chronic nature and course of the disease;
chronic tophaceous gout may be prevented if urate- Referral
lowering treatment is started early and there is Refer to a physician regarding prophylactic therapy
excellent adherence to it and the patient avoids risk for clients with recurrent episodes.
factors (see “Risk Factors”)
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of Prevention44
medications (dose, frequency, side effects,
Most patients including those with tophaceous gout
adherence to regimen between attacks to prevent
will experience another episode of gout within 2 years
future attacks)
if they are not treated preventatively.
–– Advise client to avoid known precipitating factors
and/or reversible causes (see “Risk Factors”) Indications for Prophylaxis
–– Explain how to prevent irritation (for example, –– 24-hour urinary uric acid secretion > 1000 mg
proper-fitting footwear, not going barefoot in (in men < 25 years old or premenopausal women)
the house) –– > 2 attacks per year
–– Advise client to return to clinic at first sign of –– Severe, persistent hyperuricemia > 720 µmol/L38
recurrence –– Presence of tophi
–– Advise client to begin anti-inflammatory –– Chronic gouty arthritis (clinical or radiological
medications at the first sign of an acute attack signs)

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–21

–– History of recurrent renal calculi Grade I sprain: Microtear of the ligament with
–– Renal insufficiency inflammation; increase in joint opening < 5 mm
–– Uric acid nephropathy (0.2 inch) for valgus stresses; no instability.
–– Allergy to uricosurics Grade II sprain: Partial macrotear of the ligament
accompanied by significant increase in joint opening
Nonpharmacologic Preventative Measures
(with an end point) and some instability.
–– Lifestyle changes as indicated above
under “Nonpharmacologic Interventions” Grade III sprain: Complete tear of the ligament, with
(see “Nonpharmacologic Interventions”) no end point distinguishable on examination and
–– Educate that urate-lowering medication is often knee instability.
taken indefinitely (see below) and the importance
Collateral Ligament Injury
of adhering to treatment even if asymptomatic
–– Usually caused by direct trauma to the contralateral
–– Educate clients receiving prophylaxis that
side of the knee or excessive indirect force to the
prophylactic therapy does not treat an acute gouty
knee in a varus or valgus manner; medial collateral
arthritis attack. Therefore, if an acute attack occurs
ligament injuries also occur often in those who
they should continue their prophylactic medication
play sports and make sudden changes of direction
and consult their care provider as soon as possible
and speed
to treat the acute attack. It is treated the same way
–– Pain and a sensation of tearing may be noted at the
as any acute gouty arthritis attack. Additionally,
time of injury
urate-lowering medication should not be started
until an acute gout episode had resolved –– Medial collateral ligament injury may have
tenderness along the distal femur extending to the
–– Educate client about gout (see “Client Education”)
joint line. They also have medial joint pain and
Gout Prophylaxis (Urate-Lowering Medication) usually difficulty walking, twisting, and turning
Gout prophylaxis is nurse practitioner or physician –– Pain below the medial joint line suggests a low-
initiated and may include the following: grade sprain
–– Lateral collateral ligament injuries are uncommon
Xanthine oxidase inhibitors: prevent gout by reducing
but have lateral joint line pain
uric acid production.
–– Valgus and varus stress testing shows increased
Allopurinol 100 mg PO od initially, titrated upward at laxity in grade II or III sprains (see “Physical
2–3 week intervals to achieve a serum uric acid level Findings”)
< 357 µmol/L. Febuxostat (Uloric) is a newer agent –– Medial collateral ligament injuries are the most
used to prevent gout. common and are often associated with meniscal
Colchicine (0.6 mg PO bid) for prophylaxis against tears and injury to other ligaments
gout when urate-lowering medication is started (for
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
a maximum of 6 months after serum urate levels are
–– History of a twisting injury, noncontact sudden
normal). Colchicine is very toxic (fatal) in overdose
stopping and changing direction or pivoting, valgus
so patients with prescriptions should be counselled to
knee stress, or knee hyperextension, accompanied
ensure that it is stored out of reach of children.
by a pop or a tearing feeling
–– More common in women playing pivoting sports
KNEE INJURY (LIGAMENTOUS –– Effusion within hours of the injury
AND MENISCAL)45,46,47,48,49 –– Hemarthrosis found in 75% of cases
The knee is the joint most susceptible to injury. –– Knee feels unstable (for example, “loose,”
Most knee injuries in adults involve the ligaments “giving out”)
and cartilage. –– Difficulty going down stairs, squatting and side
TYPES –– Laxity on Lachman test or anterior drawer sign
(see “Physical Findings”)
Ligament Injuries
–– Most common knee ligament injured
All grades of sprains involve pain. –– Frequently associated with injury to a medial
collateral ligament and/or meniscus

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–22 Musculoskeletal System

Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury HISTORY

–– Most injuries result from direct trauma to proximal –– Mechanism of injury (for example, trauma,
tibia when the flexed knee is decelerated rapidly, activity) and when it happened
as in a dashboard injury
–– Age of patient and comorbidities
–– Injury results in no to severe impairment
–– Location where pain started and is currently
–– May have pain with semiflexed positions, starting
–– Pain duration
to run, lifting a weight, and walking long distances
–– Noise made when injured (for example, “pop”)
–– Acute injury symptoms are often vague, with
–– Timing and location of joint swelling
minimal pain and/or swelling, full range of motion
–– Concerns about knee function (for example,
–– Posterior drawer test (see “Physical Findings”)
weakness, giving out, limping, catching, locking)
and posterior tibial sag demonstrates laxity. See
RheumInfo’s “The Knee Examination”, available –– If trauma, amount of energy involved and any knee
at: symptoms prior to traumatic incident
examination –– Ability to function (for example, walk, climb stairs)
–– May be associated with other ligament injuries –– Associated injuries


–– Medial meniscal injury is one of the most common The ability to examine a knee injury may be limited
causes of knee-joint pain; medial meniscus is much by pain and swelling. A patient may need to return
more susceptible to tears than lateral meniscus for a complete knee exam at a later date, after being
–– Injury often occurs due to twisting the knee with treated symptomatically at the initial visit.
a planted foot; older adults may have a tear due to Always compare the uninjured leg with the injured one.
degenerative changes without any trauma
–– Observe the knees both while weight bearing and
–– Client reports pain and sometimes “tearing” or
not; look for swelling, bruising, structure and
“popping” at time of injury, but often continue to
alignment of the knees
walk; pain and swelling increase over the first day
–– Palpate knee, soft tissues and surrounding bony
–– Vague symptoms and pain persists and interferes
structures, including joint lines, for tenderness,
with weight-bearing activity
warmth, and crepitus
–– Client may present weeks after injury
–– Effusion testing by comparing medial and lateral
–– Pain often present with activity, in particular
patellar dimples and looking for a ballottement sign
twisting or pivoting, but not at rest
(for example, after milking fluid into the centre of
–– Client often reports that the knee “locks,” the knee the patella can be forced against the femur
“catches,” or does not move properly which may to create a tap)
be attributable to pain or a physical inability
–– Test active and passive range of motion; look for
to extend the knee because the torn meniscus
smooth movement and range
prevents extension
–– Test hamstring and quadriceps strength bilaterally
–– Most consistent physical finding is tenderness to
–– Neurovascular examination (sensation, motor,
palpation along the medial joint line; there may
and pulses)
also be a small effusion present causing “stiffness,”
no smooth passive range of motion and/or no full –– Observe patient’s gait
knee extension –– Observe ability to walk on toes and heels, ability
–– Clinical tests help identify meniscal injury (for to squat and then walk like a duck in the squat
example, McMurray test and Thessaly test, see position
“Physical Findings”); see RheumInfo’s “The Knee Perform the following tests with relaxed leg muscles
Examination”, available at: to test knee ligaments:
–– Varus and valgus stress testing – assess collateral
More than one-third of meniscal injuries are ligaments by applying varus and valgus stresses to
associated with anterior cruciate ligament tear and the knee with the knee in 30° of flexion (to isolate the
possibly medial collateral ligament injuries. collateral ligaments); compare to the opposite knee

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–23

–– Lachman test – assess anterior cruciate ligament COMPLICATIONS

by flexing knee to 20 degrees. Push down on –– Recurrence
thigh with one hand. Grasp proximal tibia and
–– Joint stiffness and/or instability
pull anteriorly with the other hand. A torn anterior
cruciate ligament has more anterior glide and a –– Osteoarthritis
vague end point when compared to the other knee
–– Anterior drawer sign – assess anterior cruciate
ligament by flexing knee 90° and then attempt to Use the Ottawa knee rules to decide whether an x-ray
displace the tibia anteriorly on the femur; often it is warranted for acute knee injuries. Most injuries do
helps to sit on the foot while attempting to displace not warrant an x-ray.
the knee anteriorly; any displacement suggests
injury; a 1 cm difference when compared to the Ottawa Knee Rules50
other knee suggests a complete tear Order knee x-rays only if a patient injured their knee
–– Posterior drawer test – assess posterior cruciate and there is one or more of the following:
ligament by flexing knee 90° with feet on the table
–– Age greater than or equal to 55 OR
and then attempt to displace the tibia posteriorly on
–– Pain on palpation of the patella only OR
the femur; any displacement suggests injury
–– Pain on palpation at the head of the fibula OR
–– Thessaly test – assess meniscus by having patient
hold clinician’s hand and then stand on one leg –– Unable to flex knee to 90 degrees OR
while flexing knee to 20° and then have patient –– Can’t weight bear both immediately after the injury
internally and externally rotate their knee; pain or and for four steps at the time of examination
locking suggests a meniscal tear A teaching program for the Ottawa Knee Rules is
–– McMurray test – assess meniscus by having available online at:
patient lie supine and passively flexing and knee_rule_flash.html. A poster is also available at:
extending the knee while internally rotating the
tibia and then again while externally rotating the
tibia. The clinician holds the heel and the medial MANAGEMENT
knee along the joint line; a painful click along the
joint line while extending suggests a meniscal tear Goals of Treatment
RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes (in a –– Relieve symptoms
PDF document) and has videos for a very thorough –– Restore or maintain knee function
physical examination of the knee. See RheumInfo’s –– Prevent complications
“The Knee Examination”, available at: http:// Appropriate Consultation
If there are any diagnostic doubts, consult a physician
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS as soon as possible. In particular, consult a physician
–– Ligament(s) sprain (anterior cruciate, posterior if the injury was incurred at high speed (for example,
cruciate, medial collateral, lateral collateral, a car accident).
–– Knee and/or patellar dislocation Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Osteoarthritis If pain, swelling and/or muscle spasm prevents a
–– Rheumatoid arthritis full examination of the knee, treat the patient for
–– Effusion (for example, synovial, popliteal cyst) their symptoms, and then have them return once the
–– Bursitis symptoms improve for a more thorough assessment.46
–– Patellar femoral pain syndrome Conservative treatment of isolated grade 1 and 2
–– Stress fractures of femoral condyles or tibial collateral ligament and minor meniscal injuries
plateau involves nonpharmacologic interventions.
–– Referred pain from back sacroiliac joint and/or hip

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–24 Musculoskeletal System

Specific treatments: Client Education

–– Most knee injuries will respond well to
–– Medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligament
conservative management
injuries should never be fully immobilized. A
hinged or elasticized brace may be used early in the –– Meniscal tears, posterior cruciate ligament, and/or
rehabilitation process to help with pain relief anterior cruciate ligament injury may predispose
one to osteoarthritis later in life
–– Meniscal tears should initially have knee rest
where positions and activities that place a lot of –– To prevent injuries, athletes should have regular
pressure on the knee joint are avoided until pain and focused neuromuscular training programs that
and swelling resolves focus on strength, agility, flexibility, and power
–– Those with grade 3 posterior cruciate ligament Pharmacologic Interventions
injuries should wear a long leg brace for at least
3 weeks Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to
reduce pain and swelling:
For all knee injuries:
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
–– Client should rest and elevate knee for first PO tid-qid prn
24–72 hours
–– Ice should be applied for a maximum of 15 minutes
qid for first 3 days naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs
PO bid-tid prn
–– Compression, in the form of tensor bandages, may
be applied for the first couple of days for comfort Do not use if there are contraindications to the use
–– Client should start ambulating using crutches with of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy to
weight-bearing as tolerated as soon as ambulation aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease). Instead, use:
causes only minor pain acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO q4-
–– Initiation of gentle range-of-motion exercises 6h prn
within the pain-free zone should begin as soon
If pain moderate to severe initially, use:
as pain and swelling subside enough to allow.
Start with quadriceps extension. Early movement acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs
improves healing and strength. After full active PO q4h prn to maximum of 15 tabs, then switch to
range of motion is pain free, then strengthening plain acetaminophen
can begin:
Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Medial collateral ligament strengthening
exercises are isometric quadriceps contractions Follow up in 1–2 days to reassess injury. If swelling
and then move to partial squats, increasing the and pain are reduced, you may be able to examine the
range of motion gradually knee more thoroughly. It may take up to 6 weeks after
–– Meniscal tear patients start with straight leg injury to fully assess damage to a knee. Re-evaluate
raises held for 5 seconds; initially without the knee every week until you are able to fully assess
weights and then with ankle weights; exercises the knee to ensure there are no other injuries, no
requiring resisted deep knee bends (for example, need for referral or diagnostic imaging, and to start
stationary bicycle) should be avoided until rehabilitation.
patient is pain and swelling free Clients may return to sports or usual work activities
–– Anterior cruciate ligament strengthening after full range of motion and strength have been
exercises start with the hamstring and regained.
quadriceps with the feet planted for the first
six weeks; it progresses to exercises for Referral
proprioception, balance, and core strength Discuss referral to an orthopedic surgeon with a
–– Posterior cruciate ligament strengthening physician if any of the following are present:
exercises start with quadriceps and hip
strengthening with the feet planted for the first 2 –– Knee unstable due to injury to multiple ligaments,
weeks; stationary bicycling helps improve range or anterior cruciate ligament and a meniscal tear
of motion and can provide increasing resistance; –– Angulated or displaced fracture
proprioception and power training are added –– Knee instability continues after conservative

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–25

Collateral Ligament Injury TYPES

Grade III collateral ligament injuries are almost
always treated non-operatively, but a referral to a Lumbosacral Strain
physician is recommended to ensure there are no other (Mechanical Low Back Pain)
knee injuries that may warrant surgery. –– Due to stretching or tearing of muscles, tendons,
ligaments or fascia of the lower back secondary to
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury trauma or chronic mechanical stress
Treatment should be supervised by an orthopedist as –– May be accompanied by sciatica
they can be treated with or without surgery. Treatment
of acute injuries depends on the severity. Sciatica
Clients with associated ligament injury or meniscal –– Nerve root irritation (lumbosacral radiculopathy)
injury should be referred immediately to an –– Sharp or burning pain in buttocks or posterior-
orthopedist, because surgery is often necessary. lateral legs or both, along path of sciatic nerve
(usually to foot or ankle); pain below the knee is
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
more likely true radiculopathy
Isolated tears should be managed conservatively, but
–– Numbness or tingling in affected leg
some posterior cruciate ligament injuries may require
surgical fixation. Refer a client with a grade III injury –– Increased pain with coughing, sneezing or Valsalva
to a physician to determine if surgery is warranted. maneuver if due to disk herniation

Meniscal Tears Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

If the knee remains locked, the patient is unable to –– Narrowing of the spinal canal, nerve root canals or
squat or if symptoms of pain, giving way (a sense intervertebral foramina, trapping the nerve root
that the knee is going to collapse) and swelling do –– Significant stenosis present if back pain relieved
not improve after 3 weeks of conservative treatment, with sitting or spinal flexion, intermittent leg
client should be referred to an orthopedist by a tingling, and calf pain induced by walking and
physician for potential surgical intervention. Older relieved with rest (pseudoclaudication), normal
adults who have tears due to chronic degeneration are arterial pulses
not candidates for surgery. –– May be numbness and pain that radiates to the foot


Acute low back pain is one of the most common
health problems. Almost everyone experiences it in Possible Fracture
his or her lifetime to some degree. It is the second –– Major trauma
most common symptom-related visit to a healthcare
–– Minor trauma in older clients, clients who may
have osteoporosis, and/or those who are on chronic
Back structures that can be a source of pain are corticosteroids
muscles, ligaments, vertebral bones, facet joints,
intervertebral disks, nerve roots, and muscles. Pain Possible Cauda Equina Syndrome
usually results from strain or degeneration of these (Surgical Emergency)
structures, but serious inflammatory, infectious and –– Usually due to a tumour or a large disk herniation
neoplastic disorders also occur. –– Saddle anesthesia (for example, loss of sensation in
Back pain can also result from disorders of the perineal area)
visceral structures immediately anterior to the –– Bladder dysfunction, bowel dysfunction
spine: aorta, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, stomach, –– Severe or progressive neurologic dysfunction in
gallbladder, prostate, uterus, and ovaries. the legs
–– Laxity of anal sphincter
–– Major motor weakness in quadriceps (knee
extensors), ankle plantar flexors, evertors and
dorsiflexors (foot drop)
–– Bilateral sciatica

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–26 Musculoskeletal System

Possible Tumour or Infection HISTORY

–– Client age < 18 or >50 years Obtain a detailed history, with a precise description
–– History of cancer (known or unknown) – check of the pain (for example, location, duration, severity,
breast, prostate and lymph nodes radiation) and events surrounding its onset (for
–– Constitutional symptoms such as fever, chills, example, activity at the time).
and/or unexplained weight loss –– Pain localized in low lumbar area
–– Risk factors for spinal infection (for example, –– Pain may radiate into buttock or to below the knee
recent bacterial infection, injection drug use, (for example, sciatica)
indwelling catheter, or immunosuppression) –– Aching pain may be accompanied by intense, sharp
–– Pain that is worse in the supine position or severe muscle spasm
nighttime pain –– Sitting increases pain
–– Pain not better after 1 month of treatment –– Supine posture decreases pain
–– Acute neurologic deficits (potentially spinal cord –– Rest decreases pain
compression) that progress or are severe
–– Motion increases pain
Possible Herniated Nucleus Pulposus53 –– Focal motor weakness
–– Sensory changes (numbness, tingling, pins and
–– Straight leg raise positive at < 60 degrees
–– Weak dorsiflexion of ankle or great toe
–– Interference with daily activities
–– Decreased ankle reflex
–– Interference with performance of job-related
–– Decreased light touch in dermatomes of foot/leg activities
(L4, L5, S1)
–– Occupation involving bending or heavy lifting
CAUSES –– History of recent or previous trauma or back pain
and its treatment, if applicable
–– Contusions
–– Other underlying spinal disk, bone or joint disease
–– Ligamentous strain (for example, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis)
–– Muscular strain –– Social or psychological distress contributing to
–– Muscular tension related to mechanical stress chronic pain (for example, screen for depression)
–– Osteoarthritis of spine –– History of substance abuse
–– Protruding intervertebral disk –– Evaluate for red flag indicators for potentially
serious conditions (see “Red Flag Indicators for
Risk Factors Potentially Serious Conditions”)
–– Aging
–– Prolonged periods of standing or sitting PHYSICAL FINDINGS
–– Poor posture –– Client appears in mild-to-severe distress
–– Pregnancy –– Abnormal posture (tilting to one side)
–– Smoking –– Difficulty walking
–– Obesity –– May be unable to stand or sit up straight (observe
–– Females client change positions)
–– Improper lifting techniques –– Spinal deformities may be present (for example,
–– Family history scoliosis, kyphosis)
–– Osteoporosis –– Bruising or soft tissue swelling may be present
–– Past trauma –– Spasm of paraspinal muscles may be present
–– Psychologically or physically strenuous work –– Intervertebral disk space may be tender in lumbar
–– Little education area and along paravertebral muscles
–– Job dissatisfaction –– Range-of-motion maneuvers (flexion, extension,
rotation, side bending) may be limited (especially
–– Psychological conditions (for example, depression,
forward flexion)

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–27

–– Straight leg-raise test – while supine, passively Appropriate Consultation

elevate an extended leg with the ankle dorsiflexed; Consult physician for moderate to severe back
positive if pain reproduced between 10 and pain, especially if the client is > 50 years of age,
60 degrees; may be limited because of muscle has neurologic abnormalities, has a psychological
tightness, muscle spasm or nerve root irritation comorbidity, or if you suspect an underlying organic
(sciatica) cause for the back pain. Consult a physician to discuss
–– Reflexes normal in cases of soft tissue injury, but the potential for a medevac if any of the red flag
may be abnormal in cases of impingement on indicators above are present (see “Red Flag Indicators
nerve root for Potentially Serious Conditions”).
–– Palpate peripheral pulses
–– Weakness with heel or toe walking may be present Nonpharmacologic Interventions
(in cases of impingement on nerve root) –– If the initial assessment indicates no serious
–– Sensory deficits may be present (in cases of condition or red flag indicators (see “Red Flag
impingement on nerve root) Indicators for Potentially Serious Conditions”),
–– Motor deficits may be present (for example, ankle assure the client that there is no evidence of a
and great toe dorsiflexion, plantar flexion) dangerous problem and that a full, quick recovery
–– Bowstring test may be positive (in cases of can be expected
impingement on nerve root) –– Clients with sciatica (usually from a herniated disk)
–– Evaluate for red flag indicators for potentially may have a longer expected recovery time than
serious conditions (see “Red Flag Indicators for clients with nonspecific back symptoms and thus
Potentially Serious Conditions”) may need more education and reassurance
–– Bed rest should be discouraged as it may actually
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS increase pain and slow recovery; patients should
See “Causes of Low Back Pain”. be encouraged to continue activities of daily living
as soon as possible and be reassured that pain on
COMPLICATIONS ambulation is not related to permanent damage
–– Chronic or recurrent back pain –– Return to work as soon as feasible (for example,
office workers may be able to return sooner than
–– Absenteeism from work
manual labourers); arrange return to modified
–– Dependency on or abuse of opioid analgesics duties if available and/or necessary
–– Occupational disability –– Heavy physical activity should be reduced for
2 weeks; otherwise activity as tolerated
–– No heavy lifting (> 11 kg [25 lb])
In the absence of any red flag indicators above –– Do not suggest an exercise therapy program
(see “Red Flag Indicators for Potentially Serious until after subsidence of initial pain; exercise can
Conditions”), no investigations are needed within the help prevent recurrences after the acute pain has
first 4 weeks of acute mechanical low back pain from decreased
lumbar strain.
–– Use a heating pad or hot water bottle to reduce
MANAGEMENT54,55,56,57 muscle stiffness, pain, and spasm (20 minutes qid
prn if pain < 3 months)
Treat clients with uncomplicated acute low back pain –– Provide advice about nutrition and weight loss if
conservatively and follow them closely if there are no client is overweight
red flag indicators (even if sciatica is present).
–– Client may require note for time off work; time
off should be brief; goal is to keep client active;
Goals of Treatment
discuss and arrange work modification, if possible,
–– Relieve pain with client’s supervisor
–– Promote rapid recovery and prevent chronicity
–– Prevent further injury
–– Prevent or reduce work absence
–– Educate and reassure the client

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–28 Musculoskeletal System

To be avoided: Pharmacologic Interventions

–– Prolonged standing Analgesics to relieve back pain:
–– Prolonged sitting ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
–– Bed rest PO tid-qid prn (for a maximum of 2–4 weeks)
–– Lifting > 11 kg (25 lb) or
–– Lifting and twisting motions naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs
–– Slumping posture PO bid-tid prn (for a maximum of 2–4 weeks)
To be encouraged: or
–– Lumbar support acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Frequent positional changes q4‑6h prn
–– Maintenance of normal spine alignment when Do not use ibuprofen or naproxen if there are
sitting or standing contraindications to the use of aspirin or NSAIDs
–– Proper lifting techniques (such as a history of allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs or
peptic ulcer disease).
Client Education
The need for education will vary among clients at If pain is moderate to severe, or if first-line agents
different stages of care; an obviously apprehensive are contraindicated, poorly tolerated or fail to control
client may need a more detailed explanation. Provide discomfort:
information about causes of low back pain, its good acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs
prognosis, the minimal information diagnostic tests PO q4–6h prn – may be used in addition to NSAIDs.
usually provide, activity and work suggestions, and
when to return to the clinic (if a red flag indicator Monitoring and Follow-Up
occurs, see “Red Flag Indicators for Potentially Arrange follow-up at 1–2 days, and then every
Serious Conditions”). 2 weeks until client has recovered. Assess compliance
Any client who does not recover within 2 weeks may with exercise and medications. Reassess for red flag
need more extensive education about back problems, conditions and any psychological comorbidities at
the reassurance that recovery usually takes place and 4 weeks (see “Red Flag Indicators for Potentially
that special tests may be considered if recovery is slow. Serious Conditions”).

–– Educate about the importance of maintaining as Referral

much activity as possible and to not use bed rest
–– Refer to a physician if symptoms persist after
unless there is a period of severe symptoms
4 weeks, or sooner if symptoms are worsening
–– Discuss the aim to help them return to productive despite conservative treatment
function at home and work (even if the pain is not
–– Arrange referral to a physiotherapist (if readily
completely resolved)
available) after 3 weeks of pain
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of
–– Arrange a medevac, after speaking to a physician,
medications (dose, frequency, abuse, overuse)
if any of the red flag indicators above are present or
–– Teach the client core and back-strengthening and suspected (see “Red Flag Indicators for Potentially
stretching exercises that can be done at home; Serious Conditions”)
aerobic exercise, stretching and strengthening
should be a part of the routine; there should be a Prevention
gradual increase in the frequency and intensity of
the exercises Exercise programs can prevent low back pain and
decrease recurrence (if initiated after the pain has
–– Yoga, pilates, acupuncture, spinal manipulation,
and massage therapy may be helpful for patients
interested and with access to these modalities
–– Advise client not to start exercises until acute
symptoms have subsided, or after 4 weeks of
symptoms; after this time exercise improves pain
relief and function

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–29

NECK PAIN58,59,60,61,62 RED FLAGS

Neck pain, acute and chronic, is commonly seen in the –– Severe trauma
primary care practice setting. Degenerative changes of –– Impaired consciousness
the cervical spine are the most common cause. –– Loss of reflexes
–– Sensory and motor deficits; for example, weakness,
Few patients with neck pain are absent from work and
gait disturbance (cervical spondylotic myelopathy)
< 1% develop neurologic dysfunction.
–– Loss of bowel or bladder function, sexual
Organic diseases affecting the cervical spine are dysfunction (cervical spondylotic myelopathy)
rare but important causes of pain; certain symptoms –– Headache, shoulder or hip pain, and/or visual
and signs help to identify the more serious changes in an older adult (rheumatologic diseases)
clinical conditions.
–– Constitutional symptoms such as fever, chills,
For patients who have recently experienced a major and/or unexplained weight loss along with
fall or trauma that may have resulted in cervical spine immunosuppression, cancer, or intravenous drug
and/or spinal cord trauma see the section “Cervical use (tumour, infection)
Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma” in the chapter
“General Emergencies and Major Trauma” and the CAUSES
Canadian C-Spine Rules, available at: http://www. Biomechanical disorders that occur secondary to overuse, trauma or deformity constitute the most
common cause of neck pain. Typically, these disorders
TYPES are characterized by correlating exacerbation or
alleviation of symptoms with certain physical
Myofascial Pain
Myofascial pain is the most common type of acute and
chronic neck pain. The upper trapezius and levator The causes of biomechanical disorders include neck
scapulae are the muscles most frequently involved in strain, herniated disk, spondylosis and myelopathy.
myofascial pain of the neck, head, and upper back. The Most biomechanical disorders of the cervical spine
pain is often described as dull, aching or burning and is without nerve compression have a natural history of
referred from active myofascial trigger points (hyper- improvement. Most patients with mild to moderate
irritable spot within a taut band of skeletal muscle or pain without nerve compression will improve within
muscle fascia) that are tender on compression. 2–3 weeks.

Neuropathic Pain Biomechanical Neck Problems

Disease and injury of the neck may involve nerves or Without Nerve Compression
nerve roots lying along the transverse processes or the Clients with pain only in the cervical area, trapezii and
paravertebral region of the spinal cord. This produces shoulders may have one of many disorders, of which
neuropathic pain felt in the occipital region, the back, cervical strain, cervical facet syndrome and cervical
the posterior ear and ear lobe, and the anterior neck. discogenic pain are the most common.
A history of significant trauma, cervical arthritis, Cervical strain
prior herniated disk or herpes zoster infection, along
–– Injury to cervical paraspinal muscles and ligaments
with typical neuralgic pain and sensory disturbances,
–– May be related to posture and sleeping habits
should suggest a neuropathic process.
–– Not a cause of chronic pain
Neuropathic pain is usually described as sharp,
burning or aching and often follows the distribution Cervical Facet Syndrome
of the affected nerve segment. The pain is worsened –– Caused by flexion-extension injury (for example,
by movements that stretch the involved nerve or nerve whiplash) or due to an occupation where neck
roots. It is frequently accompanied by sensory and extension is required repeatedly
motor disturbances such as hyperesthesia, paresthesia, –– Common causes: rear-impact motor vehicle
hypalgesia, and a decrease in muscle strength. Disk crashes, falls, diving accidents, other sports injuries
herniation with radicular pain is one example of –– May involve damage to soft tissues, ligaments,
neuropathic disease. nerves, intervertebral disks, and/or bony structures
–– Some patients remain symptomatic for years

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–30 Musculoskeletal System

Cervical Discogenic Pain PHYSICAL FINDINGS

–– Most common cause of neck pain –– Inspect neck for bruising, deformities
–– Degeneration in the intervertebral disk –– Palpate paraspinal and upper trapezius muscles
bilaterally for tenderness and spasm
Biomechanical Neck Problems
with Spinal Compression –– Observe patient moving and resting the head and
neck (including posture)
Most often occurs secondary to compression of the –– Inspect cervical range of motion (forward flexion,
spinal cord or nerve roots in the spinal canal. The lateral flexion, rotation, extension) and shoulder
symptoms are known as cervical radiculopathy. It range of motion
causes acute and chronic neck pain. In addition, arm
–– Neurologic testing; see Table 3, “Characteristics
pain may be present, with or without sensory and
of Cervical Radiculopathy Caused by Compression
motor deficits.
of Cervical Nerve Root” for specific changes
The location, duration and size of lesions influence the expected by nerve root:
severity and distribution of symptoms. Compression –– Bilateral reflexes (brachioradialis, biceps,
usually results from a combination of osteophyte triceps)
growth and degenerative disk disease. The C6–C7 –– Motor and sensory testing (muscle strength
levels are the most commonly affected. and tone of shoulder and arm joints against
resistance, gait, sensation of arms, hands,
Cervical Radiculopathy
shoulders, and neck)
–– Due to degenerative changes (most common),
–– Test for upper motor neuron signs (that is,
cervical foramenal stenosis, cervical herniated
spasticity, weakness, hyperactive reflexes,
disk, herpes zoster, Lyme radiculopathy, diabetic
Babinski reflex, pronator drift)
Neurological findings may not be present with a
Risk Factors cervical fracture, so utilize clinical judgment when
For whiplash, the factors are: assessing and deciding whether to consult a physician.

–– Female Examination findings can be categorized in many

ways. Treatment is based on the more general
–– Younger age
“Whiplash-Associated Disorders Classification of
–– History of neck pain
Neck Pain” as described below. Typical examination
–– Rear end collision with patient in a stationary findings for more specific Biomechanical Neck
vehicle Problems with (see Table 4) and without (see Table 3)
–– Patient not at fault Nerve Compression are found in tables below.
–– Repetitive work
Whiplash-Associated Disorders
HISTORY Classification of Neck Pain
–– Mechanism of injury or events occurring just prior –– Whiplash-Associated Disorders Class I: pain,
to pain, if known stiffness or tenderness without any physical
–– Onset and course of symptoms changes or restrictions
–– Radiation of pain (shoulders, chest, arm, scapula, –– Whiplash-Associated Disorders Class II: pain and
occiput, face) tenderness with decreased range of motion
–– Neuropathic signs (for example, paresthesia, –– Whiplash-Associated Disorders Class III: pain
numbness, weakness) and neurological signs (sensory, motor, or reflex
changes) with no fracture or cervical instability
–– Whiplash-Associated Disorders Class IV: fracture
or dislocation

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–31

Table 3 – History and Physical Examination for Biomechanical Neck Problems without Nerve Compression
Condition History Physical Examination
Cervical strain Pain in middle or lower portion of the posterior Local tenderness, stiffness or tightness in
neck paracervical and trapezial muscles, decreased range
Pain may be diffuse or localized to both sides of of motion, loss of cervical lordosis
the spine No abnormalities found on neurologic or shoulder
Spasm of cervical and upper back muscles examination

Pain, stiffness, tightness in upper back or shoulder Spinal x-rays may be normal or reveal loss of
for a maximum of 6 weeks lordosis

Cervical Facet Flexion-extension injury (and acceleration- May be paracervical muscle contraction and/or
Syndrome deceleration injury for whiplash) to soft tissue occipital headache
(whiplash) structures Neck pain midline or slightly to one side; is more
Occupation requiring repeated neck extension severe than extremity pain
Sympathetic ganglia may be damaged, resulting Limited neck range of motion
in nausea, hoarseness, or dizziness May be referred pain to shoulders, periscapular
Intervertebral disk injuries occur with severe area, occiput, or upper arm
trauma Neurologic examination often unremarkable, with
Stiffness and pain with motion; may also have the exception of occasional Horner’s syndrome
difficulty swallowing or chewing X-rays may reveal loss of cervical lordosis
In severely injured clients, structural damage
identified on x-rays mandates immediate stabilization
Cervical Pain exacerbated by holding head in one position No abnormalities on neurologic examination
Discogenic Pain for long periods of time Neck pain on range of motion (mechanical neck
Often muscle tightness and spasms pain), more severe than extremity pain
Limited neck range of motion

Table 4 – Characteristics of Cervical Radiculopathy Caused by Compression of Cervical Nerve Root

• Neck pain, weakness
• Arm pain
• Neurologic changes (reflexes, motor and/or sensory)
Nerve Location of
Root Area of Pain Sensory Loss Motor Loss Reflex Loss
C4 Neck to scapula Across shoulders Shoulder elevation None
C5 Neck to outer shoulder, Lateral arm Shoulder abduction, external Biceps,
scapula rotation, elbow flexion, forearm brachioradialis
C6 Shoulder, scapula, Lateral forearm, Shoulder abduction, external Biceps,
outer arm to thumb, index finger and thumb rotation, elbow flexion, forearm brachioradialis
index finger supination and pronation
C7 Shoulder, hand, Index and middle fingers, Elbow and wrist extension (radial), Triceps
middle finger palm forearm pronation, wrist flexion
C8 Shoulder, inner forearm Inner forearm, medial Finger and wrist extension, distal None
to ring and little fingers, hand, ring and little fingers finger flexion, extension, abduction
medial hand and adduction, distal thumb flexion

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–32 Musculoskeletal System


See Table 2, “Causes of Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Consult immediately if there is concern of serious
Disorders”. injury (for example, trauma of significant force) or if
there is associated neuropathic pain and/or neurological
COMPLICATIONS changes. Treat all other injuries conservatively and
–– Permanent nerve damage with compression follow up closely. For patients who have cervical spine
of nerve root and/or spinal cord trauma also see the section “Cervical
Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma” in Chapter 14,
–– Chronic neck pain
“General Emergencies and Major Trauma”.
–– Absenteeism from work
–– Disability (long term) Nonpharmacologic Interventions
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS63,64 Treatment for patients with a Whiplash-Associated
Disorders Class I to III (see “Whiplash-Associated
Discuss with a physician before ordering any tests. Disorders Classification of Neck Pain”):
The Canadian C-Spine Rule may be helpful in
discussing the patient who has experienced neck –– Clients without systemic disorders should be
trauma. treated with non-operative therapy for 3–6 weeks
–– Ice for a maximum of 15 minutes qid provides
The Canadian C-Spine Rule can be used with all
additional analgesia in some cases
trauma patients who may have a cervical spine injury
and have a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15 and are stable. –– Heat may decrease muscle tightness and improve
range of motion
Cervical spine x-rays are warranted only if any one of –– Posture modification (for example, sitting straight
the following is true: with shoulders back, driving with shoulders
–– Age > 65 years OR slightly shrugged, not carrying over-the-shoulder
–– Having paresthesia in extremities OR bags, limiting time sitting in one position),
including while sleeping (should have head and
–– Was a dangerous mechanism of injury (for
neck aligned with body – for example, sleep on
example, fall from 3 feet or more/5 stairs, direct
back with pillows under thighs)
force to head, bicycle accident, vehicle rollover or
ejection, motorized recreational vehicle accident) –– Soft cervical collars (to support, but not extend
OR neck) should not be used for long periods of
time as they may delay improvement; wear for a
–– None of the following low-risk factors:
maximum of 3 hours at a time, and for a maximum
–– Sitting in the clinic OR of 2 weeks; they may be most useful at night when
–– Able to walk at any time after trauma OR there may be increased pain (to help the patient
–– Delayed onset of neck pain OR sleep); avoid immobilization if possible
–– Pain on palpation of the midline cervical spine –– Educate clients about the good prognosis for
OR recovery and lack of neurological deficits in
–– Simple rear-end motor vehicle accident OR most cases
–– Any one of the above low-risk factors AND not –– Avoid aggravating activities
able to actively rotate neck 45 degrees to the left –– Continue usual activities as soon as possible
and the right –– Avoid work absences, if possible
A poster explaining the Canadian C-Spine Rule is –– Home exercises daily once symptoms are
available at: controlled (for example, cervical range of motion
cdr_cspine_poster.pdf. holding each end range for 5 seconds, stretching,
shoulder rolls); 15 repetitions twice daily after
MANAGEMENT applying moist heat to neck; continue exercises
every other day after acute pain resolves
Goals of Treatment
–– Relieve symptoms
–– Regain or maintain full range of motion
–– Prevent complications

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–33

Pharmacologic Interventions –– Crepitus on active motion of the knee

Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory –– Bony tenderness and/or enlargement
drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce localized pain: –– No warmth on palpation
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Stiffness in morning (lasting < 30 minutes) or after
q4‑6h prn inactivity lasting < 30 minutes
–– Severe, acute pain is not common
–– Age > 50
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs –– Low ESR (< 20 mm/h)
PO tid-qid prn
–– Low rheumatoid factor (< 1:40)
or –– Radiologic findings of osteophytes or joint
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs space narrowing (especially for hip and knee);
PO bid-tid prn the findings may not correspond to clinical
Do not use NSAIDs if there are contraindications to examination
the use of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of Secondary osteoarthritis is more likely to present
allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease). atypically. Common risk factors are trauma, gout,
Instead, use acetaminophen. other diseases, other bone and joint concerns.

Monitoring and Follow-Up Osteoarthritis usually slowly progresses with a

stepwise decline. Patients will have different amounts
–– Arrange follow-up at 1–2 days, at 7 days and then of disability that may be correlated with the patient’s
every 2 weeks to assess response to treatment compliance with nonpharmacologic treatments.
–– Start range-of-motion exercises within pain-free
range once symptoms are controlled CAUSES
–– Advise client to begin stretching and strengthening Unknown.
program when full range of motion is regained
Risk Factors68
–– Older age
Most clients, including those with cervical
–– Female
radiculopathy, improve and return to normal activity
within 2 months. Clients who are still symptomatic –– Obesity (for knee and hand, possibly hip)
after 4 weeks of non-operative treatment should be –– Not having osteoporosis
referred to a physician for further evaluation. –– Sports activities (for example, regular wrestling,
boxing, cycling, cricket, soccer)
A physiotherapy consultation or referral would be
–– Occupation (physical labourer – type affects risk
useful, if one is readily available, particularly if the
for specific kinds of osteoarthritis; for example,
patient has had neck pain for more than 3 weeks and/
repetitive knee bending predisposes to knee
or the pain persists despite doing home exercises.
–– Previous joint trauma to knee or hip
OSTEOARTHRITIS (DEGENERATIVE –– Joint malalignment (for example, varus/valgus
JOINT DISEASE)65,66,67 knees)
Influence of multiple factors on the articular cartilage –– Developmental joint abnormalities (for example,
of movable joints. Variable amounts of synovial developmental dysplasia of the hip)
inflammation result, new bone forms at joint surfaces –– Muscle weakness (quadriceps and knee
(osteophytes). osteoarthritis); increased hand strength and hand
Primary osteoarthritis typically can be found with
–– Proprioceptive deficits (for knee osteoarthritis)
many of the following:
–– Genetics
–– Pain (including aching or stiffness) affecting –– Acromegaly
fingers (DIP and PIP joints), knee, hip, and/or –– Crystalline deposit disease (for example, gout,
spine most often pseudogout)
–– Asymmetric involvement of joints

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–34 Musculoskeletal System

HISTORY69 The two forms of osteoarthritis are inflammatory

–– Family history and noninflammatory. Those with inflammatory
osteoarthritis often have joint swelling, morning
–– Age > 40 years
stiffness, night pain, joint effusion, and warmth on
–– Pain in one or more joints (joints most affected palpation of the joint. Those with noninflammatory
are DIP [distal interphalangeal], PIP [proximal osteoarthritis usually have pain (increased with
interphalangeal], MCP [metacarpophalangeal], movement) and disability, with joint tenderness,
knees, hips, spine [C5, T8, L3 are most common]) bony prominence(s) and crepitus.
–– Pain is aching in character
–– Pain may worsen with changes in weather DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
–– Pain often increases with activity, is relieved by –– Gout
rest and may progress so it occurs at rest and
–– Rheumatoid arthritis
at night
–– Infectious monoarticular disease
–– Pain may be referred (for example, to knee
–– Trochanteric bursitis (in clients with hip problems)
from hip)
–– Ligamentous or meniscal problems, local bursitis,
–– Localized joint stiffness may be present in the
loose bodies (in clients with knee problems)
morning (< 30 minutes duration) or after periods
of inactivity COMPLICATIONS
–– Generalized joint stiffness absent
–– Chronic pain
–– Crepitus (a noisy joint) may be present
–– Progressive joint destruction with increasing loss
–– Joint enlargement with limited range of motion
of function and pain
may be present
–– Impingement of spinal nerves
–– Flare-ups of pain may occur after prolonged,
unaccustomed use
–– X-rays of affected joint
Extent and pattern of physical findings are variable. –– Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
–– Rheumatoid factor
–– Difficulty with mobility may be present if
spine (cervical or lumbar), hips, feet, or knees MANAGEMENT70
are affected
–– Joints may appear enlarged and deformed Goals of Treatment
–– Range of motion limited according to extent of –– Relieve or modify symptoms
joint involvement –– Preserve joint function
–– Muscle strength and joint stability (ligament) may –– Minimize disability
be affected –– Prevent complications
–– Osteophyte formation (bony enlargement on –– Improve quality of life
peripheral joint)
–– DIP and PIP joints may have osteophyte formation Management depends upon severity of osteoarthritis
(Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes) and presence of associated reactive inflammation
–– First carpometacarpal and metatarsophalangeal (synovitis) and should be individualized for
joints commonly affected each person.
–– Tenderness may be present on joint palpation Appropriate Consultation
–– Crepitations may be felt or heard with movement
of joint Consult a physician if the client is < 50 years of
age, there is multiple or atypical joint involvement,
or if nerve dysfunction is suspected. Also consult a
physician if a trial of acetaminophen does not reduce
the pain and the client has a contraindication to
NSAID therapy.

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–35

Nonpharmacologic Interventions Pharmacologic Interventions71

–– Weight-reduction strategies to reduce stress on Medications do not prevent progression of joint
joints if client is obese damage. Therefore, aim to control pain:
–– Daily exercise program (walking is best, or acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
swimming, bicycling) to maintain joint function q4–6h prn (maximum 4 g/day [12 regular strength
and muscle strength, decrease arthritis pain and tablets/day])
limit disability; the most benefit is gained early
If there is insufficient pain control with
in the disease process
acetaminophen, discontinue acetaminophen and
–– Range-of-motion exercises, flexibility, muscle- initiate therapy with an NSAID, if not contraindicated
strengthening, and aerobic exercises to target (for example, heart failure, hypertension, renal failure,
muscle groups that are weak (to help decrease a history of peptic ulcer).
disability and pain)
–– Application of moist heat and cold for 20 minutes Start at a low dose and increase after 2–4 weeks if the
at a time to reduce joint pain drug is well tolerated but the pain is not well controlled.
–– Discourage bed rest or inactivity, as this will cause ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
further loss of function and increase immobility PO qid prn (maximum anti-inflammatory dose is
–– Rest the affected joint for short periods (maximum 3.2 g/day)
24 hours) if pain develops after prolonged use or
–– If knee osteoarthritis, patient can try soft, elastic naproxen (Naprosyn), 250 mg bid prn (maximum
heeled sports shoes, wedged shoe insoles, canes, anti-inflammatory dose is 1.5 g/day)
walkers, and/or a sleeve elastic knee brace
NSAIDs should be taken continuously if prn use
–– Physiotherapy
does not control symptoms or if the patient has
Client Education inflammatory osteoarthritis.
–– Explain prognosis, process, physical limitations, If a 2- to 4-week trial of one NSAID is ineffective,
therapeutic options and expected course of the then an alternative NSAID may be tried.
–– Educate about the importance of exercise to The COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (Celebrex) may be
decrease pain and disability prescribed by a physician, particularly if a patient has
a low cardiovascular risk profile and is at high risk of
–– Discuss coping mechanisms (for example, activity
gastrointestinal bleeding.
avoidance, denial) and potential for depression;
encourage patient self-management –– Combination analgesics (for example,
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of acetaminophen with codeine [Tylenol #3]) may
medications (dose, frequency, side effects) and also be prescribed to select patients who have
nonpharmacologic interventions insufficient relief with NSAIDs
–– RheumInfo is a Canadian website with information –– Intra-articular corticosteroid injections are
for patients on the disease, medications, sometimes used
exercise, and heat and cold therapy, available at: –– Topical therapies include diclofenac topical solution (Pennsaid) or gel (Voltaren gel) and
–– An online brochure about osteoarthritis is available capsaicin (Zostrix, many generics) topical cream
from The (Canadian) Arthritis Society at: http:// Monitoring and Follow-Up
Types%20of%20Arthritis/TAS_OA_eBROCH_ Follow up after 2–4 weeks of starting a new
ENG.pdf. The Society also offers a patient medication to assess efficacy. Follow up every
education program on Arthritis Self-Management, 3 months. Clients receiving daily doses of
(available at: acetaminophen, ASA, or other NSAIDs should
default.asp?s=1&returnurl=/asmp/Default.asp) undergo regular monitoring as follows (every
that patients can be referred to, if available in 6–12 months): blood pressure, complete blood count,
your community creatinine level, electrolyte levels, liver function tests
(LFTs), and stool examination (for occult blood).
Assess compliance with exercise routine and discuss
management issues the patient may be facing.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–36 Musculoskeletal System

Referral Risk Factors

Refer to a physician if symptoms are not controlled –– Female
with conservative treatment within 6 weeks. Arrange –– 30–55 years of age
for physiotherapy (if readily available). Consider –– Nulliparity
referral to an occupational therapist in cases where –– Family history
activities of daily living are limited by pain (for
–– Native ancestry
example, an occupational therapist can provide
mobility assistive devices). –– Cigarette smoking
–– Genetic factors
–– Infectious factors (potential role)
–– Rheumatoid factor autoantibody (more likely to
For detailed information on the clinical presentation, have extra-articular disease)
assessment and management, see Chapter 10, –– Occupational exposure to dust and fibres (for
“Hematology, Metabolism and Endocrinology”. example, silica, asbestos, wood and electrical
PATELLAR FEMORAL SYNDROME –– Increased birth weight

For detailed information on the clinical presentation, HISTORY

assessment and management, see Chapter 14,
–– Recent systemic illness or trauma (usually for
“Musculoskeletal System” in the Pediatric Clinical
monoarthritis) may have occurred
Practice Guidelines.
–– Onset of symptoms generally insidious with
many joints affected (polyarthritis); other onset
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS72,73,74,75,76,77 patterns include intermittent joint involvement
(palindromic), or one joint (usually a large one;
A chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterized
by progressive, symmetric and erosive polyarthritis
that is inflammatory in origin, and affects primarily –– Hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles and feet are
the distal joints. It can progress to affect the proximal the joints most commonly affected; joints exhibit
joints. Certain extra-articular manifestations are pain, swelling, stiffness, warmth, and/or redness
common, including rheumatoid nodules, arteritis, –– Pain and stiffness exacerbated by prolonged rest
peripheral neuropathy, keratoconjunctivitis, or strenuous activity
pericarditis and splenomegaly. Up to 5% of First –– Joint stiffness (slowness or difficulty moving)
Nations individuals have rheumatoid arthritis. for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour upon rising in
morning, over a period of more than 6 weeks;
If treatment is not successful, significant disability
improves after moving
occurs within 20 years. Joint damage starts early in
–– Fatigue, general malaise, low grade fever,
the disease process of rheumatoid arthritis. The longer
depression, and weight loss may be present during
that active disease occurs, the less likely one is to
acute exacerbations, including onset
respond to treatment. Therefore early and aggressive
treatment is warranted, as disease-modifying –– Adversely affects daily routine and quality of life
antirheumatic drugs can slow the damage. (for example, activities of daily living, employment
type and ability to complete tasks)
CAUSES As disease progresses:
–– Largely unknown –– Morning and resting stiffness lasts for longer
periods (an indication of disease progression)
–– Disease progresses to involve multiple other
joints, including DIP, all arm joints, all foot
joints (similar to hand damage), knee, hip,
cervical spine, cricoarytenoid joint (hoarseness,
inspiratory stridor)
–– Progressive joint destruction, deformity

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–37

PHYSICAL FINDINGS In addition to the typical signs and symptoms

of rheumatoid arthritis, extra-articular disease
Acute Exacerbation manifestations may be seen, including but not
–– Client in moderate distress limited to: anemia of chronic disease, fatigue,
–– Temperature may be elevated pleuropulmonary disease, pericarditis, neuropathy,
episcleritis, renal disease, vasculitis, weight loss,
–– Heart rate may be elevated
fatigue, depression, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome,
–– Affected joints swollen (bilateral symmetric joint
involvement common and diagnostic, especially
MCPs, MTPs, and PIPs); may feel “boggy”; may Chronic Progressive Disease
not be equal damage symmetrically
–– Affected joints may be red –– Affected joints are enlarged
–– Affected joints are warm and tender to pressure –– Joints become deformed: PIP joints take on
or movement fusiform shape (Boutonniere deformity); flexion
contractures may occur (for example, swan
–– Range of motion reduced (in particular, finger
neck deformity); ulnar deviation of MCP joints;
flexion, wrist and elbow extension, knee flexion)
deviation of wrists
–– Decreased grip strength
–– Subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules that are not
–– May be thickening of palmar flexor tendons attached to bone or skin may be present (small seed
–– Palmar erythema to marble sized; most common over proximal ulna)
Functional status can be assessed by the Stanford –– Progressive weight loss may occur
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), a self- A definite diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is
report questionnaire available at RheumInfo: based on the confirmed presence of:
Rheumatology_Clinic_HAQ_VAS_V2.pdf. –– Synovitis in at least 1 joint
–– Absence of an alternative diagnosis that better
explains the synovitis
–– A total score ≥ 6 from the 4 domains forming the
classification criteria below

Table 5 – Classification Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Domain Description Score
A. Joint involvement (swollen or tender 1 large joint (shoulder, elbow, hip, knee or ankle) 0
joints on examination) 2 to 10 large joints 1
1 to 3 small joints (with or without involvement of a large joint) 2
4 to 10 small joints (with or without involvement of a large joint) 3
> 10 joints ( at least 1 small joint) 5
B. Serology (at least 1 test result Negative rheumatoid factor (RF) and negative anti-citrullinated 0
is required) protein antibody (ACPA)
Low positive RF or low positive ACPA 2
High positive RF or high positive ACPA 3
C. Acute-phase reactants Normal C-reactive protein (CRP) and normal erythrocyte 0
(at least 1 test result is required) sedimentation rate (ESR)
Abnormal CRP or abnormal ESR 1
D. Duration of symptoms (self-reported < 6 weeks 0
pain, swelling or tenderness) ≥ 6 weeks 1
A score ≥ 6/10 is needed to classify a patient as having definite RA.
Source: American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Collaborative Initiative.
2010 Rheumatoid Arthritis Classification Criteria. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2010;62(9):2569-81.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–38 Musculoskeletal System


–– Degenerative osteoarthritis with inflammation Before medications are started, newly diagnosed
(see the section “Osteoarthritis”) clients should undergo some basic laboratory tests:
–– Septic arthritis complete blood count, ESR, C-reactive protein,
–– Polymyalgia rheumatica rheumatoid factor (note that only 30% of patients
–– Systemic lupus erythematosus are positive when they first present), anti-nuclear
antibody (ANA), anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies,
–– Gout
creatinine LFTs. Urinalysis should also be performed
–– Psoriatic arthritis before drug treatment starts.
–– Gonococcal arthritis
–– Reiter’s syndrome (in men) Bilateral x-rays of hands, wrists, and feet to establish
a baseline if rheumatoid arthritis is suspected.
–– Lyme disease
–– Polymyositis MANAGEMENT78,79,80
–– Inflammatory bowel disease (for example, Crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis) Goals of Treatment
–– Acute viral polyarthritis (for example, due to –– Control pain
rubella, parvovirus, hepatitis B virus) –– Reduce inflammation
–– Sarcoidosis –– Preserve joint function
–– Sjogren’s syndrome –– Prevent long-term disability
–– Fibromyalgia –– Quickly achieve and maintain control of disease
–– Paraneoplastic disease activity (for example, remission or lowest possible
amount of disease activity)
–– Maintain or improve quality of life
–– Chronic pain
Disease activity (increase or decrease in symptoms)
–– Progressive joint destruction or deformity
varies due to the natural disease course and the
–– Loss of mobility (due to muscle weakness) interventions (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs)
–– Hematologic involvement (for example, anemia used. The goal is clinical remission, yet flares may
of chronic disease, neutropenia) occur. Clinical remission occurs when disease activity
–– Pulmonary involvement (for example, pleural (for example, inflammatory response) is absent, yet
effusion, interstitial fibrosis) does not mean that further erosive changes will not
–– Renal involvement (for example, happen and/or that joint pain, swelling, or tenderness
glomerulonephritis, drug toxicity) will be absent.
–– Dermatitis (for example, subcutaneous rheumatoid
nodules, skin ulcers) Appropriate Consultation
–– Coronary involvement (for example, pericarditis, Consult physician as soon as possible for:
coronary artery disease)
–– Previously undiagnosed clients (for example,
–– Vascular involvement (for example, vasculitis, those with early inflammatory arthritis suspected
peripheral artery disease, stroke) of having rheumatoid arthritis)
–– Neurologic involvement (for example, neuropathy, –– Clients whose disease is not controlled by current
carpal tunnel syndrome) therapy (including those with a flare of increased
–– Eye concerns (for example, episcleritis, scleritis, symptoms, physical and laboratory findings of
keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Sjogren’s syndrome) inflammatory synovitis)
–– Depression –– Clients whose disease is progressive
–– Osteopenia –– Clients in whom a complication is developing
–– Lymphoma

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–39

Nonpharmacologic Interventions81 –– Rheuminfo is a website with information for

Acute Episode patients on the disease, medications, exercise,
heat and cold therapy (available at: http://www.
–– Adequate rest and nutrition
–– Rest for affected joints when they are inflamed and/ –– An online brochure about rheumatoid arthritis is
or taking a nap when fatigued available from The (Canadian) Arthritis Society
–– Splint affected joint during acute phase to reduce (available at:
pain prn pdf%20documents/Types%20of%20Arthritis/TAS_
–– Ice packs to reduce pain and swelling of affected RA_eBROCH_ENG.pdf). The Society also offers
joints; moist heat applications to reduce pain, a patient education program on Arthritis Self-
muscle spasms and stiffness (15 min QID prn) Management (available at:
Long Term
asp) that patients could be referred to, if available
–– Adequate, balanced, nutritious diet, high in fish oil in your community
–– Exercise program at least twice a week to maintain
joint mobility (range of motion exercises) and Pharmacologic Interventions
muscle strength; should also include regular A wide range of medications may be used to treat
aerobic exercise (for example, walking, swimming, rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with mild disease will
cycling) often receive an NSAID (for example, ibuprofen,
–– Maintenance of ideal body weight or loss of weight naproxen), if tolerated, to control pain and
if obese inflammation. If a patient does not respond to one
–– Joint protection (for example, pace self, good body agent they may respond to another NSAID.
mechanics, enlarged grips, orthotics) ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 2–3 tabs
–– Bone protection if client is on corticosteroids PO tid-qid
–– Heart protection (for example, smoking cessation, or
regular monitoring of blood pressure and lipids,
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 2 tabs PO
regular exercise)
Client Education Oral corticosteroids (for example, prednisone) are also
–– Explain risk factors for, and the course and used to limit inflammation, particularly during flares.
prognosis of the disease
Erosive damage can start within a few months
–– Often improves during pregnancy, but drug
of the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore,
use must be discussed with a physician prior
treatment with a disease-modifying antirheumatic
to pregnancy
drug (DMARD, for example, hydroxychloroquine
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of [Plaquenil], sulfasalazine, methotrexate, leflunomide
medications (dose, frequency, side effects, [Arava]) and/or a biologic agent (TNF inhibitors, for
compliance) and nonpharmacologic therapies example, infliximab [Remicade], etanercept [Enbrel],
–– Instruct client to take medications with meals adalimumab [Humira]) should start as early as
to reduce gastrointestinal upset possible).
–– Stress importance of daily exercise in maintaining
function and mobility of joints These drugs must be prescribed by a physician.
–– Pneumococcal and annual influenza vaccines are Reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection is possible
important due to immunocompromised state in patients receiving biologic (anti-TNF) therapies.
–– Teach the client relaxation exercises that may work When this complication occurs it tends to be during
for them (for example, guided imagery) the first 8 months of treatment; thus, all patients
–– Assess family support systems and encourage who are candidates for a biologic agent must have a
family members to become active in client’s negative tuberculin skin test prior to starting therapy.
treatment program
–– Advise client to return to clinic if acute episode

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–40 Musculoskeletal System

Monitoring and Follow-Up SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT

Acute Episode SYNDROME82,83,84,85
–– Follow up in 48–72 hours to assess response to Pain and diminished function of the shoulder
therapy secondary to compression of structures surrounding
the glenohumeral joint with shoulder elevation. It does
Long-Term Surveillance
not refer to injury of a specific anatomical part (for
–– Follow up regularly (frequency depends on stage example, rotator cuff). This results in inflammation
of disease; for example, severely active disease and weakness of the muscles of the rotator cuff which
every 2–3 weeks, well-controlled disease every results in impingement, rotator cuff tendinopathy, and/
3–6 months) or rotator cuff tears (also known as stages 1–3).
–– Evaluate C-reactive protein, erythrocyte
The rotator cuff muscles are the supraspinatus
sedimentation rate to monitor disease activity
(abduction and external rotation), infraspinatus
every 1–2 months (or as guided by a physician);
(external rotation and abduction), teres minor
creatinine (every 6 months); urinalysis (yearly);
(external rotation and abduction) and subscapularis
other laboratory evaluations may be necessary
(internal rotation, abduction, adduction), all of which
depending on the medication(s) the patient is on
envelop the scapula. These muscles are required for
–– Assess weight, appetite, energy level, sense of the stability and function of the glenohumeral joint.
–– Joint evaluation (changes, new joints affected, Supraspinatus is most often involved in rotator cuff
swelling, tenderness, decreased motion, deformity); tears. Subscapularis tears can also involve biceps
if hands are involved, examine wrists, elbows, tendon injury.
shoulders, knees, MCP and PIP joints Stage 1: Usually occurs in people ≤ 25 years of age
–– Functional status can be assessed by the Stanford after strenuous activity; often gradual onset with dull
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), a self- ache in anterolateral shoulder. Swelling and bruising
report questionnaire (available at RheumInfo: within the shoulder’s bursae and tendons has occurred due to impingement.
Stage 2: Usually occurs in people 25–40 years of age
–– Monitor symptoms and physical changes for
who often have had multiple previous episodes; in
progression of disease (for example, complications)
addition to pain from tendinopathy of the rotator cuff,
–– Determine efficacy of therapy some permanent fibrosis, thickening or scarring of
–– Encourage joint mobility through exercise program the bursae and tendons is present; x-rays may reveal
–– Identify acute exacerbations calcific deposits within the rotator cuff.
–– Patients on hydroxychloroquine require annual
Stage 3: Client usually > 40 years of age; may feel
optometric examination
a sudden pop in the shoulder and then suffer severe
pain. Client has a rotator cuff tear, biceps tendon
rupture and/or a bony change.
Refer any patient with suspected rheumatoid
arthritis to a physician. For previously diagnosed CAUSES
rheumatoid arthritis patients, refer if not controlled
Shoulder impingement syndrome: forceful or
on their current regimen. Arrange physiotherapy and
repetitive motion.
occupational therapy consult (if readily available).
Rotator cuff tear: in addition to the above factors,
degeneration, extrinsic structure impingement
or tension overload due to throwing motion or
traumatic forces.

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–41

Risk Factors Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy:

–– Repetitive movements (in particular overhead –– Pain present during activities of daily living
movements) –– May be muscle atrophy over scapular fossa if
–– Older age tendinopathy present for a long time
–– Increased body mass index –– Asymmetric movement of the affected scapula may
–– Manual labourer (for example, painter, mechanic) be present
–– Trauma (for rotator cuff tears only) –– Often tenderness over affected muscle(s)
–– Pain in one shoulder predisposes one to problems –– Pain with range of motion greater than 90 degrees
in the other shoulder abduction or on internal rotation
–– Weakness in the affected shoulder
HISTORY AND PHYSICAL FINDINGS86 –– Decreased strength on “empty can” test for
Perform a complete history and physical for the supraspinatus strength (available at: http://www.
shoulder and neck, as described under “Assessment
of the Musculoskeletal System” and “Examination of supraspinatus-strength/)
the Musculoskeletal System” in this chapter. Enquire –– Decreased strength on internal and external rotation
about trauma or repetitive injury to the area at work or (with elbows at 90 degrees and next to thorax)
at leisure and past medical history.
Rotator Cuff Tear:
All rotator cuff pathology (including shoulder
–– Weakness and stiffness that impairs functional use
of the affected shoulder
–– The posterior shoulder muscles may be atrophied –– Some rotator cuff tears are not painful, particularly
if impingement present for a long time in older adults
–– Decreased strength (compared to the opposite and –– Unable to smoothly control shoulder adduction
uninjured shoulder) of the rotator cuff muscle(s) (drop arm sign)
that is/are affected if impingement present for –– Decreased strength on external rotation (with
a long time elbows at 90 degrees and next to thorax) and
–– Active range of motion may be decreased due abduction
to pain –– A full thickness tear can be accurately diagnosed
–– Shoulder pain (often localized to lateral deltoid) in patients over age 60 with a painful arc, drop arm
worse with overhead movement and often at night sign, and external rotation weakness
(for example, lying on the shoulder)
RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes
–– Pain is increased with resisted abduction, external
(in a PDF document) and has videos for a very
thorough physical examination of the shoulder.
–– Painful arc (for example, abduction with arms See RheumInfo’s “The Shoulder Examination”
30 degrees anterior to shoulder) is painful between (available at:
60 and 120 degrees shoulder-examination).
–– Neer test is done by first stabilizing the scapula,
placing the patient’s arm in full pronation and The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic
then inducing forced flexion of the shoulder. Pain Trauma of Lenox Hill Hospital website describes and
with this maneuver indicates a positive test and is has pictures for some specific physical examination
suggestive of subacromial impingement techniques for the shoulder (available at: http://www.
–– Hawkins test (hold the affected shoulder in
one hand and then flex the elbow to 90 degrees
and internally rotate the shoulder with the other
hand). Hawkins is positive when the maneuver –– Cervical radiculopathy
reproduces pain –– Acromioclavicular osteoarthritis
–– Subacromial bursitis
–– Bicipital tendinopathy
–– Rotator cuff tear
–– Glenoid labrum tear
–– Adhesive capsulitis

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–42 Musculoskeletal System

COMPLICATIONS measures should be completed for a minimum of

–– Decreased shoulder range of motion 12 weeks before surgical repair is considered for
most of these patients.
–– Chronic pain
–– Secondary adhesive capsulitis (loss of mobility) –– Start range-of-motion exercises within pain-free
–– Tendon tear range within 2–3 days, if possible. Stretch shoulder
–– Decreased muscle strength and endurance capsule to increase flexibility and keep movement,
so range of motion is similar to the other shoulder
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS in all directions (flexion, extension, abduction,
adduction, internal and external rotation)
–– Avoid aggravating positions and activities to
MANAGEMENT control pain (for example, limit overhead and
reaching activities initially; push, pull and lift with
Goals of Treatment the elbows kept close to their side; avoid repetitive
–– Relieve pain and inflammation
–– Advise client to begin strengthening program only
–– Maintain function of shoulder after full range of motion is regained. Strengthen
–– Prevent complications the shoulder muscles (rotator cuff, scapular
stabilizers and core muscles) with elastic bands and
Appropriate Consultation
light weights used below shoulder level
Consult a physician immediately about all stage 3 –– Exercise progression: passive range of motion,
injuries (rotator cuff tears or biceps tendon ruptures). active assisted range of motion, isometrics, active
Consult a physician if a stage 1 or 2 injury remains stretching, and late stretching and strengthening
symptomatic for > 4–6 weeks. exercises
–– Home exercises are best done in multiple short
Nonpharmacologic Interventions sessions (for example, 5 minutes), not long ones
Rest Affected Limb –– Shoulder strengthening exercises, with instructions
and diagrams can be found on the Nicholas
Type and period of rest varies according to type and
Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma
severity of injury.
of Lenox Hill Hospital website (available at:
–– Avoid aggravating positions and activities (for
example, all overhead activities) –– Exercise should be preceded by application of
–– Stage 3: Place injured limb in sling for comfort88 moist heat for 15 minutes and should be followed
Ice Pack Locally to Reduce Pain and Swelling for by icing for a maximum of 15 minutes
Acute Injuries –– Any exercise that causes pain should be
temporarily omitted
Apply ice pack as follows:
As range of motion, flexibility and strength
–– Apply ice to area for a maximum of 15 minutes qid improve, so will shoulder function. Patients can
–– If soft-tissue injury is severe, apply q2–3h resume activities gradually after they have noted
–– Use ice as long as swelling and pain are present improvements both in symptoms and shoulder
–– Heat is contraindicated in acute soft tissue injury function with weeks of physical therapy.
–– Never use heat in acute or subacute phases of
Client Education
–– Educate client about prevention and avoiding
–– Heat may be used for chronic pain or swelling
aggravating factors (for example, avoid repetitive
Conservative Treatment (Exercises) movement, in particular those overhead; avoid
carrying heavy objects)
Applies to all shoulder impingement, rotator cuff
tendinopathy, partial thickness tears, all symptomatic –– Improvement in symptoms and shoulder function
and chronic tears and full thickness tears in patients requires dedication to exercise program for months
that are elderly with comorbid conditions. These

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–43

Pharmacologic Interventions likely in young clients than in elderly clients. Many

Stages 1–3: Anti-inflammatory analgesics to reduce elderly clients have progressive loss of function of
pain and swelling for 7–10 days and then prn the rotator cuff as a result of aging.
thereafter: Discuss a referral to an orthopedic surgeon with a
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs physician:
PO tid-qid prn –– immediately if there is an acute full thickness
or rotator cuff tear in a healthy patient
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, –– immediately if there is a pre-existing partial rotator
PO bid‑tid prn cuff tear with the patient suddenly losing their
ability to abduct or flex the shoulder
Do not use if there are contraindications to the use
–– after 6–9 months for rotator cuff tendinopathy if
of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy
the above measures do not significantly provide
to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease).
relief of symptoms and/or improve function
Instead, use:
–– after 6–12 weeks for partial rotator cuff tears if the
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO above measures do not provide relief of symptoms
q4–6h prn or improve function
acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs SHOULDER TENDINOPATHY
q4–6h prn AND BURSITIS89,90,91
Stage 2 and 3: In addition to the drugs given above,
Tendinopathy: A disease of a tendon, including
corticosteroids may be injected into the subacromial
tendinitis, tendinosis, and tendon rupture
bursa, by a physician.
Tendinitis: Inflammation of a tendon
Monitoring and Follow-Up
Tendinosis: damage to a tendon at the cellular level,
Stages 1 and 2: Clients with this type of acute injury often due to chronic degeneration
should be monitored as follows:
Bicipital tendinitis involving the long head of the
–– Arrange follow-up at 1–2 days and at 10 days and biceps tendon is a common cause of shoulder pain.
then monthly to evaluate symptoms and function
until full range of motion and strength are achieved Rotator cuff tendinopathy most often involves
the supraspinatus tendon92 (see “Rotator Cuff
–– If shoulder function and pain improves after
Tendinopathy”, under “History and Physical
4–6 weeks of exercises, the patient should continue
Findings”, in the section “Shoulder Impingement
the exercises and gradually resume their regular
–– Full range of motion and strength without pain Bursitis: Inflammation or degeneration of the
should be present prior to returning to full work subacromial bursa; a common cause of shoulder pain.
–– After full shoulder function has been achieved, CAUSES
exercises should be continued to prevent recurrence Tendinitis: Overuse, repetitive strain from
repeated motion.
Biceps tendon injury happens more frequently in those
Physiotherapy consultation or referral should who are involved in frequent pulling, lifting, reaching,
be considered if at all possible for all shoulder or throwing. It also occurs due to shoulder injury such
pathologies. as impingement, rotator cuff pathology or instability.
Stage 1 and 2: If symptoms persist after 4–6 weeks of Bursitis: Local trauma, overuse, repetitive trauma,
conservative therapy, refer to physician for evaluation. infection, bleeding, related to a systemic disease
Stage 3: Transfer to physician on next scheduled (for example, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, sepsis,
transport. Treatment is usually surgical repair, polymyalgia rheumatica), inflammation of the
depending on whether there is significant loss of supraspinatus tendon, shoulder impingement.
function and/or partial or full tears. Repair is more

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–44 Musculoskeletal System

HISTORY AND PHYSICAL FINDINGS Often, there is a “Popeye” deformity, which consists
Perform a complete history and physical for the of the biceps that has retracted into the arm and
shoulder and neck, as described under “Assessment appears as a mass seen or palpable near the elbow or
of the Musculoskeletal System” and “Examination in the middle of the upper arm.93
of the Musculoskeletal System” in this chapter. With subacromial bursitis, pain is felt when the
Enquire about trauma or repetitive injury to the area client lies on his or her shoulder and often radiates
at work or at leisure and past medical history. A fever to the deltoid. Tenderness is elicited when the space
or recent bacterial infection could indicate septic on the lateral aspect of the shoulder, just inferior to
bursitis. It is often difficult to distinguish, by history the acromion, along the deltoid, is palpated. Usually,
and physical exam, a rotator cuff tendinitis or tear and there is only decreased passive abduction of that arm.
subacromial bursitis. Subacromial bursitis may occur in a client with rotator
RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes cuff injury, shoulder impingement syndrome or a
(in a PDF document) and has videos for a very systemic disease (in this case it is often bilateral).
thorough physical examination of the shoulder.
See RheumInfo’s “The Shoulder Examination”
(available at: –– Rotator cuff injury (for example, tendinopathy or
shoulder-examination). tear, subacromial impingement)
–– Glenohumeral arthritis
The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic
Trauma of Lenox Hill Hospital website describes –– Acromioclavicular injury
and illustrates some specific physical examination –– Pectoralis minor strain
techniques for the shoulder (available at: http://www. –– Cervical or brachial plexus pain –– Septic bursitis
Tendinitis and bursitis: Nonspecific and localized –– Gout or pseudogout
pain and aching (at rest and with movement) of the –– Rheumatoid arthritis
shoulder with reduced active range of motion. –– Polymyalgia rheumatica
With bicipital tendinitis, the pain is aggravated when COMPLICATIONS
the client flexes the forearm as the examiner provides
resistance and simultaneously palpates the long head –– Chronic pain
of the biceps muscle in the bicipital groove. –– Secondary adhesive capsulitis (loss of mobility)
–– Instability of the shoulder
Biceps tendinopathy: Usually the pain is in the
–– Tendon rupture
anterior shoulder with radiation to the biceps
muscle. Increased pain with lifting, pulling and –– Decreased muscle strength and endurance
overhead activities. Often present with other shoulder
pathology. Tenderness on palpation over the proximal
long head of biceps at the bicipital groove (medial None.
to the greater tubercle of the humerus) should be
present. The Yergason test can be used to diagnose MANAGEMENT
bicipital tendinitis. In this test, the patient’s shoulder
is adducted and the elbow is flexed to 90°. The Goals of Treatment
examiner palpates the bicipital tendon in the bicipital –– Relieve pain and inflammation
groove while resisting the patient’s attempt at –– Maintain function of shoulder by restoring normal
forearm supination. A positive test occurs when there range of motion and strength
is pain in the bicipital groove, and is indicative of –– Prevent complications
bicipital tendinitis.88
Biceps tendon rupture often happens with trauma, Appropriate Consultation
and typically involves a proximal rupture of the long Consult a physician for all biceps tendon ruptures.
head of the biceps while sparing the short head of the
biceps. During the injury, the patient will often feel
a “pop,” acute onset of pain, bruising, and swelling.

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–45

Nonpharmacologic Interventions Client Education

The treatment is the same for all biceps tendinopathy –– Educate client about prevention and avoiding
and subacromial bursitis conditions. Rest, ice, and aggravating factors (for example, avoid repetitive
heat are recommended until pain has decreased. movement, in particular overhead movement; avoid
carrying heavy objects)
Rest Affected Limb
Pharmacologic Interventions
–– Avoid aggravating positions and activities
–– Type and period of rest varies according to severity Anti-inflammatory analgesics to reduce pain and
of symptoms and type of injury or disorder swelling for 5–7 days:
–– Use sling in acute stage for brief period (2–3 days), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
then discontinue PO tid-qid prn
–– Rest the shoulder for 5–7 days or
Ice or Cold Pack Locally to Reduce Pain and Swelling naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 500 mg PO bid for
2 weeks or longer prn
–– Ice, for a maximum of 15 minutes q3–4h qid,
provides additional analgesia in some cases Do not use if there are contraindications to the use of
–– Use ice as long as swelling and pain are present aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy to aspirin
–– Heat is contraindicated in the acute phase of soft- or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease). Instead, use:
tissue injury acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Heat may be used for chronic stiffness and q4–6h prn
discomfort Consult a physician when the above measures do not
Exercise work for pain control and/or when there is rest pain
and/or night pain.
Note that the following exercises are not applicable to
acute bursitis.
Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Start range-of-motion exercises within pain-free –– Arrange follow-up at 14 days, sooner if needed,
range in 2–3 days (in cases of minor injury) and then monthly until normal range of motion and
–– Avoid aggravating positions and activities (for strength are achieved
example, overhead arm movements, repetitive –– A step-wise return to activity can occur once range
movements) of motion is free of pain
–– Advise client to begin stretching and strengthening
program when range of motion is regained Referral
–– Exercise progression: passive range of motion, Refer to a physician if there is no improvement
active assisted range of motion, isometrics, active with conservative therapy in 4–6 weeks, if there is
stretching, and late stretching and strengthening continued pain, or if there is a biceps tendon rupture.
exercises For subacromial bursitis, consult and refer to a
–– Home exercises are best done in multiple short physician if pain is still causing marked disability
sessions (for example, 5 minutes), not long ones after 3 days of anti-inflammatory analgesics for a
–– Exercise should be preceded by application of possible steroid injection to that area.
moist heat for 15 minutes and should be followed
by icing for a maximum of 15 minutes A physiotherapy consultation (if available) is useful to
improve strength and flexibility of both the biceps and
Any exercise that causes pain should be temporarily the shoulder muscles if symptoms are not resolving
omitted. with initial conservative treatment after 4–6 weeks.
As range of motion, flexibility and strength improve,
so will shoulder function.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–46 Musculoskeletal System


CLAVICULAR FRACTURE94,95,96 Risk Factors

Clavicular fractures are common injuries, accounting –– Male gender

for approximately 2.6% of all fractures.95 The force –– Age < 30 years
required to fracture the clavicle is greater in adults –– Older adult
than in children, therefore it occurs more often in
children and adolescents. However, the incidence HISTORY
increases in older adults. In addition, healing occurs –– Fall onto outstretched upper extremity, fall onto the
at a slower rate in adults, and there is a greater risk shoulder or direct clavicular trauma
of complications. –– Pain (moderate to severe), especially with
The clavicle is the sole articulation of the shoulder movement of the upper extremity
girdle to the trunk. It protects major underlying –– Less pain if they are sitting up and supporting their
vessels, the lungs and the brachial plexus. These arm (for proximal third clavicle fractures)
structures are in close proximity to the clavicle and
may be injured by the sharp edges of the broken bone. PHYSICAL FINDINGS95

Sixty nine percent of clavicle fractures occur in the –– Tenderness

middle third of the bone (class A), 28% involve the –– Swelling over fracture site (for example,
distal or lateral third (class B), and 3% involve the hematoma)
proximal or medial third (class C).95 –– Crepitus and/or palpable movement of the bone
Class B fractures are further classified as:
–– Deformity (usually inferior and anterior
–– Type I (nondisplaced): the supporting ligaments displacement of the affected shoulder)
remain intact and there is no significant –– Tenting of the skin over the fracture
displacement of the fracture fragments –– Ecchymosis, especially when severe displacement
–– Type II (displaced): the coracoclavicular ligament causes tenting of skin
ruptures, with resultant upward displacement –– Bleeding due to open fracture (rare) (for example,
of the proximal segment because of the may appear as a puncture wound)
sternocleidomastoid muscle –– Non-use of arm on affected side with affected arm
–– Type III (articular surface): the fracture involves held close to chest wall and supported by other arm
the articulating surface of the acromioclavicular
joint Distal neurovascular examination (for example,
peripheral pulses, capillary refill, sensation, strength),
CAUSES94 head, neck, cardiovascular and lung examination (to
clinically exclude pneumothorax) must be performed
–– Class A fractures usually result from direct force
(see “Assessment of the Respiratory System” in
applied to the lateral aspect of the shoulder due to
Chapter 3, “Respiratory System”). This is particularly
a fall, sporting injury, or motor vehicle accident
important if a lot of force was involved (for example,
–– Class B fractures result from a direct force to the motor vehicle collision) or a proximal third clavicle
top of the shoulder fracture is suspected.
–– Class C fractures result from a direct force to the
–– Fall onto shoulder or outstretched upper extremity –– Dislocation
–– Direct trauma to clavicle area –– Shoulder fracture
–– Most proximal third fractures are from high –– Rotator cuff injury
energy trauma
–– Sternoclavicular joint injury
–– Acromioclavicular joint separation

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–47

COMPLICATIONS95 –– displaced fractures with shortening or comminution

–– Pneumothorax (two fracture sites present)
–– Hemothorax –– type II or III distal clavicle fracture
–– Severe internal injuries are often associated with –– posterior displacement of proximal third fracture
proximal third clavicle fractures
Nonpharmacologic Interventions95
–– Intrathoracic injury (as with fracture of the first rib,
great force is necessary to cause proximal-third –– Employ the ABC (airway, breathing and
clavicle fractures, and it is imperative to rule out circulation) approach to evaluation and
underlying injuries) stabilization
–– Subclavian artery and vein injury –– Perform a careful secondary survey
–– Internal jugular vein injury –– Apply a cold pack to site of injury for 20 minutes
–– Axillary artery injury every 1–3 hours while awake for 72 hours
–– Scapula and/or rib fractures –– Immobilize the upper extremity with a sling until
clinical union at the fracture site happens (for
–– Brachial plexus compression may result from
example, the site is not tender and the patient can
hypertrophic callus formation and may cause
fully move the arm with little discomfort). This
peripheral neuropathy
usually takes 3–12 weeks in adults
–– Post-traumatic arthritis
–– Delayed union or non-union (especially with Class A (Middle-Third Fractures)
distal‑third fractures) –– Treat with sling immobilization (some prefer a
–– Poor cosmetic appearance figure-of-eight clavicular splint, especially for
displaced fractures)
Class B (Distal-Third Fractures)
–– Routine clavicle x-ray (the fracture is usually seen
with an AP view) –– Type I (nondisplaced) and type III (articular
–– Chest x-ray to rule out pneumothorax surface) fractures of the distal clavicle are treated
with sling immobilization
MANAGEMENT –– Type II (displaced) fractures should be
immobilized in a sling and swath (so the arm is in
Goals of Treatment an anatomic position) and may require orthopedic
–– Identify and treat associated life-threatening surgical fixation
injuries Class C (Proximal-Third Fractures)
–– Stabilize fracture site
–– Treat nondisplaced fractures with sling
–– Relieve pain immobilization
–– Identify and manage complications –– Displaced fractures may require orthopedic referral
Uncomplicated clavicle fractures may be managed by for surgical reduction
a primary care provider. Open Fractures
Appropriate Consultation95 If the fracture is open, the client should be treated
with prophylactic antibiotics, tetanus (Td) vaccination
Consult a physician as soon as the patient is stable for
(if needed), sterile irrigation of the skin and placement
a potentially emergent or urgent referral if there is:
of a sterile dressing while awaiting urgent orthopedic
–– open fracture consultation.
–– neurovascular compromise
–– respiratory compromise
–– intrathoracic injury
–– hemodynamic instability
–– completely displaced fracture (for example,
displacement greater than 1cm if proximal third
fracture or greater than the bone width)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–48 Musculoskeletal System

Client Education If an NSAID is contraindicated, not well tolerated

–– Client should use a sling or shoulder immobilizer or pain control is unsatisfactory consider use of a
–– Alternatively, client may use a figure-of-eight narcotic analgesic:
bandage (clavicle strap); educate clients as to acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs
proper placement and adjustment techniques; PO q4–6h prn
paresthesias or edema in the hands or fingers
Consult a physician for prophylactic antibiotic orders
indicate that the strap is too tight and should be
if the client has an open fracture. These individuals
removed and reapplied; purpose of this bandage
also require a tetanus vaccination (if not up to date).
is to reduce pain by decreasing movement of the
fracture fragments, not necessarily to maintain
Monitoring and Follow-Up
perfect alignment; may be combined with a sling
for added comfort –– Reassess injuries in 48 hours, then follow up
–– Patient can use shoulder as much as symptoms weekly until full shoulder mobility has returned
allow, but should not participate in strenuous –– Arrange orthopedic follow-up if necessary (this
activities will depend on type of initial injury and presence
–– If using a sling encourage daily elbow range-of- of complications)
motion exercises to prevent functional decline
–– For distal third fractures encourage shoulder
range-of-motion exercises as soon as symptoms Consult a physician, as indicated under “Appropriate
allow, to prevent a frozen shoulder. A pendulum Consultation”, above. Medevac to hospital on the
exercise where the patient gently draws circles with recommendation of a physician.
their dangling arm after bending over at the waist Arrange physiotherapy (if readily available).
is helpful
–– After immobilization is removed and the patient
is pain free, patients should start shoulder range of LIMB, PELVIC AND HIP FRACTURES97
motion and strengthening exercises A break in the continuity of the bone.
–– Counsel client about injury prevention: adequate
protective gear for participation in certain sports, CAUSES
use of seatbelts, drug and alcohol counselling
–– Trauma
(as needed), early physical therapy (for example,
–– Pathological fracture secondary to underlying
range-of-motion exercises) if indicated
disease (for example, osteoporosis)
–– Avoid strenuous activities and contact sports until
at least 4 weeks after clinical union and the client TYPES OF FRACTURES97,98
has full range of motion, their usual strength in
the shoulder, and no pain with deep palpation over Descriptions of fractures should include the name
the fracture of the injured bone, the location of the injury (for
example, dorsal or volar) and the following when
Pharmacologic Interventions possible:
Control discomfort with a nonsteroidal anti- Condition of the Overlying Tissues
inflammatory drug (NSAID).
–– Closed (simple) fracture: fracture that does not
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs communicate with the external environment
PO tid-qid prn for 1–2 weeks –– Open (compound) fracture: fracture that
or communicates with the external environment (for
example, puncture wound or laceration of skin by
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs
PO bid-tid prn for 1–2 weeks site of fracture)

Do not use if there are contraindications to the use Fracture Orientation

of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy to –– Transverse: fracture perpendicular to the bone’s
aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease). long axis
–– Oblique: fracture diagonally across bone’s
long axis

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–49

–– Spiral: fracture line goes in two different directions –– Radial fracture (wrist)101: In adults, the most
–– Segmental: A fracture that results in a single, large, common radial fracture is the Colles’ fracture, which
free floating section of bone between two fracture is extra-articular and occurs 2.5–3 cm (1–1.2 inch)
lines proximal to the articular surface of the distal radius.
–– Avulsion fracture: fracture in which fragment of This fracture occurs with the hand in dorsiflexion;
bone is pulled from its normal position by muscular the distal fracture segment is angulated dorsally
contraction or resistance of a ligament and may cause a “dinner fork” deformity
–– Buckle fracture: A fracture where there is bulging –– Scaphoid fracture102: Often found in those who fall
(buckling) of the bony cortex, seen almost onto an outstretched hand and have radial sided
exclusively in children wrist pain. Patients who have snuffbox tenderness
–– Greenstick fracture: incomplete angulated fracture (over the scaphoid) should be considered to have a
of a long bone, seen most often in children scaphoid fracture, until proven otherwise
–– Metacarpal fracture103: Usually from direct trauma.
Fracture Comminution Tenderness is localized to the injured metacarpal
–– Comminuted fracture: fracture involving three or bone. A “boxer’s fracture” is a fracture of the distal
more fragments of the same bone neck of the fifth metacarpal and is one of the most
common metacarpal fractures. It is generally the
Fracture Angulation or Displacement result of punching something with a closed fist
–– Nondisplaced fracture: fractured bone ends stay in (generally a wall or refrigerator)
alignment –– Finger fracture: Most cause pain in the fractured
–– Displaced fracture: fractured bone ends out of bone. The three most common types of finger
alignment (for example, move away from each fractures are the following: (1) Distal phalanx
other) fractures are usually crush injuries or direct blow to
–– Angulated fracture: fracture site forms an angle the tip of the finger which can produce significant
relative to the long axis of the bone soft tissue damage.104 (2) Middle and proximal
phalangeal fractures should be examined for
Fracture Shortening evidence of angulation (by x-ray) or rotation (by
–– The amount (in mm or cm), by which the bone’s clinical examination comparing alignment of the
length has been reduced, along the long axis of phalanxes bilaterally when the metacarpophalangeal
the bone and proximal interphalangeal joints are flexed at
90 degrees), each of which requires reduction by
HISTORY a physician. Most often caused by a direct force to
the bone or to the dorsum of the hand105,106 (3) Small
–– Determine exact mechanism of injury (for
avulsion fractures of the middle phalangeal base
example, falling onto an outstretched hand)
occur with a hyperextension injury107
–– Pain
–– Pelvic fracture: Often associated with major
–– Swelling
trauma and can lead to significant blood loss108
–– Loss of function (see Chapter 14, “General Emergencies and Major
–– Numbness distal to fracture site (possible) Trauma”)
–– Injuries to other parts of the body –– Hip fracture: Common in elderly clients due to
–– Past medical history (for example, osteoporosis, falls and osteoporosis. May not be very painful, but
past injuries or surgeries in the affected area) often presents as sudden onset of pain and inability
–– Last meal (if urgent surgery may be required) to walk. Often presents with externally rotated hip
and shortened lower extremity109,110
HISTORY OF COMMONLY SEEN FRACTURES –– Femur fracture: Often associated with major
–– Fracture of the clavicle: see the section trauma and can lead to significant blood loss111
“Clavicular Fracture” –– Tibial and fibular fracture: Occur with high- and
–– Fracture of radial head (elbow)99,100: Usually low-impact forces or repetitive use. Fractures
caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. Client of both bones at the same time are unstable and
may have difficulty with flexion at the elbow and require urgent orthopedic consultation112,113
may not be able to pronate the hand –– Ankle fracture: Often from low-impact force.
Majority of fractures involve one or more malleoli114

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–50 Musculoskeletal System

PHYSICAL FINDINGS –– Chest infection

–– Skin puncture wounds or lacerations near a fracture –– Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
site with or without protruding bones may be –– Exacerbation of general illness
present if fracture is open (compound) –– Compartment syndrome may result from casting
–– Bruising and swelling –– Neurovascular injury
–– Range of motion decreased (avoid assessing until –– Joint stiffness
after x-rays have been obtained if a fracture is –– Muscle atrophy, contracture and/or disuse
suspected) syndromes
–– Affected part may be pale if blood flow to the area –– Thromboembolism
is compromised (for example, slow capillary refill) –– Integumentary breakdown, including pressure
–– Check temperature of area, capillary refill, and ulcers
presence of pulses distal to site of injury (limb
cool, pulses absent and sensation decreased if Late (Months or Years Later)
blood supply has been compromised) –– Delayed, non- or mal-union
–– Test sensory function (to sharp and dull stimuli) –– Hardware failure (for fractures that have been
and 2-point discrimination distal to site of injury reduced surgically with internal fixation)
–– Palpate area around fracture (including other bones –– Persistent pain
and one joint above and below) to ensure no other
–– Deformity
–– Osteoarthritis of adjacent or distant joints
–– Affected area extremely tender
–– Avascular necrosis
–– If bones are displaced, crepitus may be felt
–– Traumatic chondromalacia
RheumInfo, a Canadian website, describes in a PDF –– Complex regional pain syndrome
document and/or a video) a very thorough physical
–– Synostosis (union of two neighbouring bones)
examination of the hip, elbow, shoulder, and knee.
See “Sources” below and/or RheumInfo’s Arthritis DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
University, available at:
X-ray, if available and only if result will affect
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 115 decision to transfer care to hospital. For these cases,
use the Ottawa Ankle Rules to decide whether an
–– Severe sprain x-ray is warranted for ankle and knee injuries.
–– Severe contusion
–– Dislocation Ottawa Ankle Rules122
–– Abuse Order ankle x-rays only if there is:
–– Pathologic fracture
–– pain on palpation in the malleolar zone (either
COMPLICATIONS116,117,118,119,120,121 malleolus and for 6 cm proximal to it) AND
–– pain on palpation of the posterior edge or tip of the
Immediate (within First Few Hours) lateral malleolus OR
–– Hemorrhage –– pain on palpation of the posterior edge or tip of the
–– Damage to arteries, neurovascular bundle and medial malleolus OR
surrounding soft tissues –– inability to bear weight both immediately after the
–– Compartment syndrome (can be seen with both injury and for four steps at the time of examination
closed and open fractures of the extremities) Order foot x-rays only if there is:

Early (within First Few Weeks) –– pain on palpation in the midfoot zone AND
–– Wound infection –– pain on palpation at the base of the 5th metatarsal
–– Osteomyelitis with compound fracture OR
–– Mal-union –– pain on palpation at the navicular OR
–– Pulmonary or fat embolism –– inability to bear weight both immediately after the
–– Acute respiratory distress syndrome injury and for four steps at the time of examination

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–51

A teaching program for the Ottawa Ankle Rules is For management of hypovolemic shock, see
available online at: the section “Shock” in Chapter 14, “General
ankle_rule_flash.html. Emergencies and Major Trauma”.
A poster is also available at: Nonpharmacologic Interventions125
–– Employ the ABC (airway, breathing and
Ottawa Knee Rules123 circulation) approach to evaluation and
Order knee x-rays only if a patient injured their knee
and there is one or more of the following: –– Recognize potential injuries based on the
mechanism of injury
–– age greater than or equal to 55 OR –– Perform a careful secondary survey and address
–– pain on palpation of the patella only OR acute, life-threatening conditions
–– pain on palpation at the head of the fibula OR –– Avoid excessive movement of the fractured bone(s)
–– inability to flex knee to 90 degrees OR –– Apply ice and elevate the affected limb above the
–– inability to bear weight both immediately after the heart, if possible
injury and for four steps at the time of examination
Do not cast a fracture.
A teaching program for the Ottawa Knee Rules is
Do not attempt to reduce a displaced fracture.
available at:
flash.html. –– Immobilize and support involved area using splints,
a back slab cast or sling (for upper extremities)
A poster is also available at:
as appropriate in the current position of the limb
unless distal neurovascular function (for example,
MANAGEMENT117 pulses, motor function, sensation) is not intact. If
neurovascular concerns exist, consult a physician
Most bones join in 4–6 weeks; lower limb bones may prior to splinting. Splinting helps decrease pain
take longer and fractures in children may take less –– For client with a suspected displaced fracture or
time. See “Management of Specific Fractures of the neurovascular compromise, give nothing by mouth
Upper Extremity” below for more details. because surgery may be needed
Goals of Treatment Open Fractures
–– Stabilize fracture If the fracture is open, the client should be treated
–– Relieve pain with prophylactic antibiotics, tetanus vaccination (if
–– Prevent or manage complications needed), sterile irrigation of the skin and placement
of a sterile dressing while awaiting urgent orthopedic
Appropriate Consultation consultation.
Consult physician for all suspected or confirmed Client Education
fractures. All open fractures and many comminuted –– Counsel client about appropriate use of
fractures require surgical management.124 medications (dose and frequency)
–– Advise client to keep limb elevated as much as
Adjuvant Therapy
possible during the first several days to reduce
If hypotension is present in a client with a major swelling
fracture (for example, femur, hip, pelvis [see also the –– If the client has a splint, ice can be applied for the
section “Pelvic Fracture” in Chapter 14, “General first 72 hours
Emergencies and Major Trauma”]) treat for shock: –– Instruct the client about cast and splint care: keep
–– Give oxygen – 10–12 L/min or more by mask; dry, avoid poking objects down the cast, as this
keep oxygen saturation > 97% to 98% may result in damage to the skin
–– Start two large-bore IVs and administer normal
saline or Ringer’s lactate as needed (see the section
“Shock” in Chapter 14, “General Emergencies
and Major Trauma”)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–52 Musculoskeletal System

–– Advise client to return to the clinic as soon as Monitoring and Follow-Up

possible if pain increases or is new, if pressure, –– Monitor vital signs and watch for tachycardia and
numbness or tingling develops, if there is hypotension; shock may occur with major fractures
significant damage to the cast or splint, if there is of the pelvis and femur
bleeding or discharge from the cast or splint, if the
–– Monitor neurovascular status of area distal to the
limb becomes cool, if colour changes are noted in
fracture site
the distal limb, or if no longer able to move distal
joints or digits –– For uncomplicated, stable fractures, client should
return to clinic in 3–7 days for neurovascular
–– Teach client how to care for limb after removal of
evaluation, earlier if needed.125
cast: skin should be kept clean and well hydrated
with oil or petroleum jelly to prevent drying, Referral
cracking and infection; range-of-motion exercises
should be done to regain joint mobility (tell the –– Medevac to hospital, if indicated, after consultation
client that these exercises may be painful and that it with a physician
may take some time to regain full mobility) –– Medevac clients with open fractures, as immediate
orthopedic consultation will be needed
Pharmacologic Interventions125 –– Refer clients with displaced fractures urgently, as
Control discomfort with analgesics such as an orthopedic consultation is required, and surgical
NSAID: repair may be needed

ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs MANAGEMENT OF SPECIFIC FRACTURES
or All of the above management considerations also
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs apply to the following fractures (see “Management”).
PO bid-tid prn
Fracture of Radial Head 99,128
Do not use if there are contraindications to the use
of aspirin or NSAIDs (such as a history of allergy to Management of an nondisplaced fracture includes
aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer disease). a sling and posterior elbow splint for 1–2 days
with range-of-motion exercises initiated as soon as
If an NSAID is contraindicated, not well tolerated,
possible. Follow-up weekly for 3 weeks to ensure
or pain control is unsatisfactory consider use of a
improvement. X-ray again if there is more pain or
narcotic analgesic:
no improvement in range of motion to ensure that
morphine 5–10 mg IM or SC q4h prn no displacement has occurred with mobilization
or (displacement can occur if too much motion is
attempted prematurely).
acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3), 1–2 tabs
PO q4–6h prn Displaced, open, dislocated, and unstable fractures
of the radial head should be referred to an orthopedic
Fracture pain may last a couple of days to a week.
surgeon for operative repair. Open (surgical) repair
Pain after this period may signal a complication.
has better functional results for most radial head
If pain is still not controlled with any of the above fractures.129
measures, consult a physician.
Radial Fracture130,131
Consult a physician if the client has an open fracture,
for prophylactic antibiotic orders if required (for If needed, a reduction by traction and manipulation
example, open distal phalanx fractures may not may be performed by a physician. After the fracture is
require antibiotics).126 Individuals with open fractures reduced, a plaster short-arm cast or a splint is applied
also require a tetanus vaccination (Td) if they have not for 5–8 weeks. If the fracture is nondisplaced and
received one within the past 10 years. If the primary was not reduced, casting for 6 weeks is indicated.
series for tetanus vaccination is incomplete (< 3 A follow-up x-ray 2 weeks after injury is done,
doses of an immunization series) or is undetermined, through the cast, to check alignment. If the fracture
vaccinate if it has been > 5 years since the last dose.127 was reduced, a follow-up x-ray should also be done

2011 (Revised April 2013) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care
Musculoskeletal System 7–53

at 6 weeks after the injury, through the cast, to check Middle and Proximal Phalangeal
healing and possible timing for cast removal. Active Fracture126,139,140
range of motion should begin immediately after Nondisplaced, stable, extra-articular fractures can be
cast removal. managed by dynamic splinting with “buddy taping”
to the adjacent finger (4th and 5th fingers should be
Scaphoid Fracture102,132
splints for each other) for 4–6 weeks. If pain or
Patients who have snuffbox tenderness (over the swelling is significant, one can start with 1–2 weeks
scaphoid) should be considered to have a scaphoid of immobilization in a splint. Do follow-up x-rays in
fracture until proven otherwise. Those with a confirmed 1 week. Gentle range-of-motion exercises, both active
nondisplaced scaphoid fracture or with snuffbox and passive, should be initiated after 2 weeks with
tenderness and no apparent fracture on initial x-ray (as “buddy taping” in situ.141 Assess finger and range of
initial x-rays may be negative in up to 10%) should be motion every 1–2 weeks until finger function is normal.
treated by immobilization in a short arm thumb-spica
Large intra-articular or displaced fractures are usually
cast or splint. After 7–10 days the x-rays should be
unstable and require orthopedic referral, as do open
repeated to confirm or rule out a fracture. Confirmed
nondisplaced fractures are casted for 6–10 weeks.
Patients with confirmed displaced scaphoid fractures
should be placed in a long arm thumb-spica cast and OSTEOMYELITIS142,143,144
seen urgently by an orthopedic surgeon.
Infection of the bone.
Metacarpal Fracture 133,134,135
Nondisplaced fractures of the metacarpals are initially
Bacterial infection (most common pathogen
treated by immobilization in a forearm splint covering
is Staphylococcus aureus [50% of cases],
the dorsal and palmar aspects of the metacarpal being
also Streptococcus spp, Enterobacter spp,
treated that places all joints in a functional position
Pseudomonas spp).
to allow the swelling to decrease. Displaced fractures
should be splinted until they are reduced by a
Risk Factors
physician. Follow-up x-ray within 7 days is necessary
and then the client should be put in a short arm –– Extension of existing soft tissue or joint infection
cast or a custom splint by a physician for 4 weeks. –– Trauma, compound fracture
Alternatively, metacarpal neck fractures can remain –– Direct introduction of organism into the bone
in a forearm splint for 4–6 weeks136 and nondisplaced (for example, foot puncture, surgery)
metacarpal head fractures can remain in a forearm –– Hematogenous spread of pre-existing infection
splint for 2–3 weeks.137 X-rays should be repeated
weekly for 3 weeks to ensure the fracture is stable. People with diabetes, sickle cell disease, peripheral
Early range-of-motion exercises (for example, wrist vascular disease with chronic skin breakdown,
flexion, extension, and grip strength) should be started immunosuppression, alcoholism, and chronic skin
as soon as possible after immobilization is removed. infection are particularly prone to osteomyelitis.

Distal Phalanx Fracture126,138 HISTORY

Protective splinting of the tip, with the distal –– Presence of one of the above risk factors
interphalangeal joint in extension for 3–4 weeks is (for example, diabetic foot ulcers, bone palpable,
usually satisfactory. If the fracture is angulated or or bone exposed)
displaced it will need to be reduced. Open, unstable, –– Mild to moderate fever may be present if either
comminuted or intra-articular fractures require referral abrupt or slow onset
to an orthopedic surgeon. –– Infection of overlying skin and subcutaneous
tissues may be present
–– Localized pain, sometimes increased by weight-
bearing or movement
–– Heat, redness and swelling of affected area
–– Fatigue
–– Malaise

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–54 Musculoskeletal System


–– Gradual onset of symptoms over several days –– Septic arthritis
–– Patients with osteomyelitis of the hip, vertebrae or –– Cellulitis
pelvis usually only have pain –– Active rheumatoid arthritis
–– Can result in septic arthritis as the presenting –– Animal bite
condition if pus gets into joint (see the section –– Spinal cord infection or neoplasm
“Septic Arthritis”) –– Gout
Chronic Osteomyelitis –– Deep vein thrombosis
–– Lumbar disk disorder
In addition to the above symptoms under “History”:
–– Sinus may be draining COMPLICATIONS
–– Ulcer that is not healing –– Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus tracts
–– Chronic bone pain
Hematogenous (Blood-Borne) Osteomyelitis –– Loss of limb
In addition to the above symptoms under “History”: –– Subcutaneous, bone, paravertebral or epidural
–– Original site of infection frequently not apparent; abscess
often history of acute bacteremia if vertebrae are –– Bacteremia
involved –– Fracture
–– Most commonly occurs in vertebrae –– Cellulitis (over the site)
–– Presents as persistent back pain with minimal or
–– Onset and symptom progression is slow or abrupt Draw blood for CBC, ESR, and blood cultures × 3.
–– May present as acute back pain with high fever,
paravertebral muscle spasm and guarding of MANAGEMENT
movements (mimicking pyelonephritis)
Goals of Treatment
PHYSICAL FINDINGS –– Relieve infection
–– Temperature may be elevated –– Prevent complications
–– Heart rate moderately elevated
Appropriate Consultation
–– Client in moderate distress
–– Distress with weight-bearing and/or non-use of the Consult a physician immediately.
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Involved area swollen and may be fluctuant,
overlying skin red –– Bed rest
–– Range of motion reduced if adjacent joint is –– Elevate and splint affected area
involved –– Apply a sterile dressing if ulcer is present and/or
–– Purulent drainage from sinus may be present if there is a draining sinus
(late finding and/or if chronic)
Adjuvant Therapy
–– Area warm and tender to touch
–– Nonhealing fracture (chronic osteomyelitis) Start IV therapy with normal saline to keep vein open.

Pharmacologic Interventions
Antipyretic or analgesic for pain and fever:
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
q4-6h prn (maximum 4 g [12 regular-strength tabs]

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–55

Consider starting empiric antibiotics in consultation HISTORY

with physician if there will be any delay in transfer –– Presence of one or more of the above risk factors
to hospital.
–– Fever and occasionally chills
The choice of antibiotic and the route of administration –– Sudden onset of acute monoarticular or
(oral or parenteral) for initial treatment of osteomyelitis polyarticular joint pain, which is often severe
will vary with the presentation and the patient’s (pain may gradually increase in prosthetic joint
medical history. Consult a physician. infections)
–– Heat
–– Redness
Medevac as soon as possible. A prolonged course of –– Swelling
antibiotics and possibly a referral to an orthopedic or –– Large joint usually involved
general surgeon is necessary for this condition. –– Client unable to bear weight on affected limb,
unable to move joint fully
SEPTIC ARTHRITIS145,146 –– Recent history of urethritis, salpingitis or
hemorrhagic skin lesions (indicating gonococcal
Infection of a joint. It is usually bacterial, but includes
infection) may be present
fungal and mycobacterial infections as well. Also
known as infectious arthritis. Approximately half –– Recent vascular catheterization or joint injection
of the cases involve the knee. or aspiration
–– Exposure to ticks (Lyme disease)
CAUSES –– Recent diarrheal illness
Common pathogens include Neisseria gonorrheae, –– Injection drug use
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas PHYSICAL FINDINGS
aeruginosa, gram-negative bacilli and occasionally The classic signs of acute inflammation may be absent
Haemophilus. Infection with viruses and fungae is in elderly clients, those who are immunocompromised
rare but may occur in immunocompromised clients. and those who use injection drugs.

Risk Factors –– Temperature elevated (in 40–60% of cases)

–– Heart rate elevated
Predisposing Factors
–– Client appears ill and in acute distress
–– Elderly (age > 80) –– Joint(s) red (in only 50% of cases)
–– Diabetes mellitus –– Joint swelling (because of effusion)
–– Pre-existing joint disease (for example, rheumatoid –– Range of motion severely limited (both active and
arthritis) passive)
–– Recent joint surgery –– Client actively resists any movement of joint(s)
–– Previous corticosteroid joint injection –– Hemorrhagic skin lesions may be present
–– Prosthetic joint –– Joint(s) warm (in only 50% of cases)
–– Injection drug use –– Joint(s) tender
–– Alcoholism –– Regional lymphatic nodes enlarged and tender
–– Integumentary infection (for example, cellulitis), –– Draining sinus (if prosthetic joint)
skin ulcers –– Papular, pustular and/or vesicular skin lesions
Origin of Infection (if gonococcal septic arthritis)
–– Concomitant skin, urinary tract or respiratory
–– Contiguous spread from osteomyelitis
–– Trauma (penetrating [for example, bite] or blunt)
–– Hematogenous spread of bacteria (in 80% to 90%
of cases) (for example, from injection drug use,
indwelling catheter, immunosuppression [for
example, HIV, medications])
–– Inoculation during joint surgery

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

7–56 Musculoskeletal System

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Appropriate Consultation

–– Localized synovitis due to trauma Consult a physician immediately.
–– Cellulitis
–– Rheumatic fever arthritis Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Active rheumatoid arthritis –– Bed rest
–– Active gout or pseudogout –– Splint limb, using pillows or a back slab, to protect
–– Reactive arthritis (Reiter’s syndrome) involved area from injury and to control pain
–– Psoriatic arthritis
Adjuvant Therapy
–– Lyme disease arthritis
–– Drug-induced arthritis Start intravenous (IV) therapy with normal saline to
keep vein open.
–– Viral arthritis
–– Infective endocarditis (must always rule this out, as Pharmacologic Interventions
septic arthritis may be the presenting sign)
Analgesic or antipyretics for pain and fever:
COMPLICATIONS acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Sepsis q4–6h prn (maximum 4 g [12 regular-strength tabs]
–– Septic shock
–– Osteomyelitis Consider starting empiric antibiotics in consultation
–– Joint destruction with physician; delay in treatment may result in joint
–– Dysfunctional joint(s) destruction and/or sepsis.
–– Loss of limb The choice of antibiotic and the route of
administration (oral or parenteral) for initial treatment
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS of septic arthritis will vary with the presentation and
Draw blood samples for complete blood count (CBC), the patient’s medical history. Consult a physician.
differential erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and
blood cultures × 3. Monitoring and Follow-Up
Monitor vital signs frequently.
Goals of Treatment
Medevac as soon as possible.
–– Relieve pain, infection and inflammation
–– Prevent complications


Internet addresses are valid as of March 2012. RheumInfo. (2009, March 7). Shoulder examination.
Available at:
INTERNET SITES shoulder-examination
Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Thompson A. (n.d.). Examination of the elbow.
Trauma of Lenox Hill Hospital (2007, March 8). RheumInfo. Available at:
Physical examination of the shoulder. Available at: physician-tools/elbow-examination
Thompson A. (n.d.). Examination of the hip.
RheumInfo. (2009, March 7). Knee examination. RheumInfo. Available at:
Available at: ompson+A.+%28n.d.%29.+Examination+of+the+hip

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Musculoskeletal System 7–57

Thompson A. (n.d.). Examination of the knee. Tierney L, Henderson M. The patient history:
RheumInfo. Available at: Evidence-based approach. New York, NY: McGraw-
s=Thompson+A.+%28n.d.%29.+Examination+o Hill; 2005.
Toth PP, Jothivijayarani A (Editors). University of
Thompson A. (n.d.). Physical examination of the Iowa family practice handbook. 3rd ed. St. Louis,
shoulder. RheumInfo. Available at: http://rheuminfo. MO: Mosby; 1997.
Uphold C, Graham V. Clinical guidelines in family
practice. 4th ed. Gainsville, FL: Barmarrae Books
Toward Optimized Practice. (2009, March). Inc.; 2003.
Management of low back pain. Toward Optimized
Practice. Available at: http://www.topalbertadoctors. CD-ROM
org/cpgs.php?sid=63&cpg_cats=85 Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski JS, Kelen GD (Editors).
Emergency medicine plus. CD-ROM version 2.0. New
York: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2001.
Anti-Infective Review panel. Anti-infective guidelines
for community-acquired infections. Toronto, ON: ENDNOTES
MUMS Guideline Clearinghouse; 2010. 1 Filate W, Leung R, Ng D, Sinyor M. Essentials of
Bickley, LS. Bates’ guide to physical examination and clinical examination handbook. 5th ed. Toronto, ON:
history taking. 10th ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Medical Society, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Toronto; 2005. p.124-26.
Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
2 Jarvis C. Physical examination & health assessment.
Cash JC, Glass CA. Family practice guidelines. 4th ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2004. p. 611-36,
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2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

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