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Forums 4 the future

Dedicated to the most
important people in my

Learning from the forum

In this writing you will find what caught my attention the most
in the forum were that there were guests who let us know
about their professions, how they managed to be great
professionals and get their work.

One of the guests was Doctor Jorge Correa, since he wanted to

be a doctor from a very young age because of the profession of
serving, supporting his family, friends was the most important
thing, he said that medicine was also the profession of
prevention and health. Beware, it is the science of curing and
preventing disease.

Another guest was Ana Maria, she was a professional in

modern languages (German, English among others), she said
that she chose her career because it is also aimed at
administration and business, her work is currently a specialist
in air and what she likes the most is learning new languages.

From them, I learned that I should not give up under any

circumstances, it is very important to know several languages
since this opens many doors for us in the workplace, to be
responsible and appreciate everything I do.
Mary Isabella

Learning from the forum

In this writing, you will find what I saw in the forum,

where there were guests who told us about their
profession, their work, and how they managed to be
great professionals.
Jorge Correa was a doctor, he had some postgraduate
studies in pediatrics, he said that medicine was the art
of prevention, care and was the science of curing and
preventing diseases, he focused on the
aforementioned aspects. He said that from a very
young age he wanted to be a doctor just for the art of
serving, he said that he supported his family and
friends who were very important. Dr. Jorge said  that
when he saw seriously ill patients it gives him more
strength to keep going.
Mary Isabella

Ana Maria was a professional in modern languages, she

said she liked languages, she also said that she chose that
career because it was very focused on administration
and business. She said she worked as an air specialist,
she told us that she loved learning new languages.
From them, I learned that I should not give up under any
circumstances, that it is important to learn new
languages, as it opens many work doors for you, that I
must be organized, responsible, and love everything I do.
Finally, from the forums, I learned that I must do what I
like, what I am passionate about, that I must never give
up, or say that I cannot because I am capable of doing
everything I set out to do. That I should choose a career
that makes me happy, and in any way that can help
Juan Pablo

The forum WAS focused on the experiences of

students who graduated from the institution in
previous years, who already have or are in the
process of professional educational training,
telling their stories, difficulties, tools, and
interests that helped them at a certain time to
choose the career they were in.
The guest who attracted my attention the most in
the forum of August 26 with professional
graduateD was Angela Neira who transmitted me a
great energy and happiness every time she talked
about her career, she said that since she was a
child she made small illustrations in the form of
drawings and that was what formed the passion to
choose the career of graphic design, she also
explained the work areas that she handled and
worked as an illustrator, she left us messages like
that we really informed about our careers to not
let us change our minds so easily. Also to strive
for our dreams despite the adversities.
Juan Pablo

The guest who most attracted my attention in the forum of

August 27 was Alejandra Rivera since she takes advantage of
every opportunity in life to fulfill her dreams, she told us
about an experience she had with a colleague, also a graduate
of the institution, which recommended her to direct a radio
program and from there she became passionate about it, that
taught us to do things without fear of failure and to give the
best of each of us
The guests who attended the forums of the project meraki 11
in my opinion are brave people who risked everything for their
dreams and for doing what they really love in the vine, they
focused on them rather than on ephemeral hobbies with no
long-term benefits, each and every one of them showed that
they are doing what they like, fulfilling the purpose for which
they came
In conclusion, they are all great people, with unique values
and a great sense of belonging for their lives, they are very
respectful people and determined by what they really want

You made a great job, you fulfill all the steps asked, now you
can upload to the course presentation.

Forum memories…
In the forum I learned a lot of things and they gave us a lot of advice,
from there I learned not to give up and that I must always fight for my
dreams and for what makes me happy, I must not settle for less than
what I deserve and that despite all the obstacles that I am on the road
I have to fight to achieve my dreams and achieve my goals.

Forum memories...

Daniela Mosquera, special education teaching student.

She is an excellent person, I had the opportunity to meet her and interact
with her.
She left us a lesson and that is that limits do not exist, a condition is not a
limit to not be able to move forward and fulfill our dreams.
In the forum I learned a lot of things and they gave us a lot of advice, from
there I learned not to give up and that I must always fight for my dreams
and for what makes me happy, I must not settle for less than what I
deserve and that despite all the obstacles that I am on the road I have to
fight to achieve my dreams and achieve my goals.

In meraky project I learned a lot of things, I learned to listen to myself, to

understand myself, to consider my decisions, with this project I can clarify a
bit more what I want for my future, I cleared my head and was able to
organize my ideas.
The forums were held on August 26 and 27 where there
were several professionals and former students who
are studying or already attended a university degree,
there were also some teachers and students of the
institution. The guests at the forum on August 26
spoke about their life and how was their process to
become a professional, the guests at the forum on
August 27 talked about how their life was after
graduation and how they lead their life after of
being in college.

Jorge, he studied medicine since from a very young age

he wanted to be because he had an attitude of help to
others. He was always supported by his closest
relatives and the influences he had on his family. His
first option was to be a surgeon since it caught his
attention but in the end he focused more on being a
pediatrician, Jorge is in Argentina, where he spends
his time helping various medical centers.

Daniela Mosquera, studied special education since

she was little she felt the mouth of working and
helping people who have a disability and precisely in
her work they specialize in that.


Daniela commented that since she was in

school she had a great experience and this
made her desire to help further boost.

My opinion about the professionals invited

to the forum is that they are people with
great aspirations, who from a very young
age have a focus on their future and how
they will perform.

By watching the forums and hearing about

the lives of these professionals and how
they achieved their goal, I learned that you
have to focus on what you want to do in the
future and achieve it.
A little guide for our future
In these forums, We heard some people talking about
going ahead in life, and they wanted us to see people
who are already professionals and that they did not
have it easy either that they had to live very hard
battles to get to where they are.
Laura Zambrano. She said that she has studied at the
district university a degree in basic education in
English, undergraduate degrees in sports training and
the secretaría of education of Facatativa, She said
that she has worked in Argentina; she gave us great
advice which is to have several experiences. She said
that we didn’t have stay with just one activity, she also
said that we must experiment more since we had
many capacities.

Daniela Mosquera. I chose her because she talked

about her life and her experience of having a
disability, which shows that having a disability isn't a
limit to studying what you want. She said that
friendship like those you had at school are
unforgettable experiences because in college or
university you had a friendship but not as strong as
those at school and she said that you could know the
lives of others by doing something totally different
than what she did.
They are people who give me the inspiration to
achieve my dreams because really for them there was
no obstacle that prevented them from achieving their
careers and their dreams, I learned that you yourself
are the biggest barrier in your life.
I thought it was cool; the two forums were a lot of fun.
I learned from the two forums, that we have to move
forward to achieve our goals and never surrounded.
Esteban Laiton

The forum WAS focused on the experiences of students who

graduated from the institution in previous years, who already have
or are in the process of professional educational training, telling
their stories, difficulties, tools, and interests that helped them at a
certain time to choose the career they were in. 

The guest who attracted my attention the most in the forum of

August 26 with professional graduateD was Angela Neira who
transmitted me a great energy and happiness every time she talked
about her career, she said that since she was a child she made
small illustrations in the form of drawings and that was what
formed the passion to choose the career of graphic design, she also
explained the work areas that she handled and worked as an
illustrator, she left us messages like that we really informed about
our careers to not let us change our minds so easily. Also to strive
for our dreams despite the adversities.
In meraky project I learned a lot of things, I learned to listen to
myself, to understand myself, to consider my decisions, with this
project I can clarify a bit more what I want for my future, I cleared
my head and was able to organize my ideas.

My opinion about the professionals invited to the forum is that they

are people with great aspirations, who from a very young age have
a focus on their future and how they will perform.

In this foros, we seen people who study diferents

collage career, and how this diferents college career
take you to diferents places, in the foros, we can see
the change between having left of the university, and
been in there, even if all of them are diferents, to all of
that shine the eyes when 
speaking of the college career, or of their lifes, each
have a diferent perseption ofthe life, all of them are
happy in their own way and all of them tell their story
with a diferent tone.
Ángela Neira: 
She said she who the iportant of choosed a college
career is that you are passionate with this, what you
don’t have to drawing very well, for study graphic
desing, she said what the most important is what you
liked the college and you wait it, she said that “graphic
desing been in all”, 
said what someone never had to leave of learn, and
what we have to look for of learn, just we 
have to search
Ana María 
She said she studied German, and she said she stdied
lenguajes ‘cause she liked, and her 
inspiration was the techers of English, she said what
the English was the first lenguaje who she 
learned, she said she what the lenguajes are very
important, and with the help of administration 
and business she support to Madres Cabeza de hogar.
Of them I learned that is not needed be very well in
everything of you have to do, you just have to 
learn, and you learn with the time, what a good college
career it’s not the one that everyone tells 
to you but the one you like.

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