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Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, Vol. 8, No.

3, 2013 179

Best practices for optimising energy efficiency in the

hotel sector: case study in Rondônia, Brazil

S.L.S. Nazario*
Department of Environmental Engineering – UNESC,
Rua dos esportes 1038,
Cacoal, RO, CEP: 76965-864, Brazil
*Corresponding author

T.B. Cetrulo
Federal Institute of Amazonas,
Parintins, AM, Brazil

J.J.L. Lins and C.M.S. Toledo

Department of Environmental Engineering – UNESC,
Rua dos esportes 1038,
Cacoal, RO, CEP: 76965-864, Brazil

Abstract: Energy efficiency has become extremely important in recent

decades. We can identify two factors leading to the search for energy
efficiency. One of the factors is economic spending cuts and the other factor is
a concern about environmental issues. Since 1968, with Club Rome, 92 in 2012
and Eco92 at Rio +20, these concerns have been intensified. This paper
presents a case study on energy efficiency in hotels, using as base data, the
Hotel Brazil, located in Espigão do Oeste – RO, in the State of Rondônia.

Keywords: energy efficiency; hotel sector; sustainable development.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Nazario, S.L.S.,

Cetrulo, T.B., Lins, J.J.L. and Toledo, C.M.S. (2013) ‘Best practices for
optimising energy efficiency in the hotel sector: case study in Rondônia,
Brazil’, Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, Vol. 8,
No. 3, pp.179–188.

Biographical notes: Sergio Luiz Sousa Nazario did his Bachelor’s and
Master’s degrees in Electric Engineering (UNESP – Ilha Solteira). He is a
Professor and Researcher of UNESC.

Tiago Balieiro Cetrulo did his Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering

(USP) and Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering (USP). He is a
Professor and Researcher of IFAM.

Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

180 S.L.S. Nazario et al.

Jefferson Junior Leal Lins is graduating in Environmental Engineering

(UNESC) and a student of scientific initiative.

Charly Maurilio da Silva Toledo is graduating in Environmental Engineering

(UNESC) and a student of scientific initiative.

This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘Boas práticas
da eficiência energética no setor hoteleiro: estudo de caso em Rondônia’
presented at IX Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão, Rio de Janeiro,
Brasil, 20–22 June, 2013.

1 Introduction

Energy efficiency has been desired in recent years owing to the need to preserve the
environment. Firms seek to innovate technologies for their devices and to optimise the
level of energy consumption.
Various types of public and private agencies are seeking alternative fuels and
methods to improve energy use because of inefficiencies. The hospitality industry,
for example, has a high rate of consumption caused by the lack of environmental
awareness, and socio-economic guests and staff and equipment use low-efficiency energy
sources (Silva Filho, 2008). Other sectors such as industries, businesses, public places
with lighting, schools and churches suffer because there is no environmental management
system (Pasa et al., 2012).
In the hospitality industry, various technologies can be employed to achieve a more
adequate level of energy efficiency. The main ones are luminous efficiency, efficiency air
conditioning and water heating efficiency (Cemig, 1996).
According to Aguiar (1999), the inefficiencies occurring in the lighting industry in
hotels can be prevalent, decreasing energy efficiency. These inefficiencies mainly occur
from the use of low-efficiency lamps, incorrect position of lamps, lights left on
unnecessarily and even dirt in the luminaires. Additionally, the electric shower has also a
significant contribution in energy expenses. According to Nogueira (2007), the electric
shower has spent approximately 26% of the energy sector, in general. Another important
factor is the lack of environmental education of guests, who, by wasting energy in hotels,
should be responsible for payment of energy bill invoices.
For Rosa and Muhlen (2002), one must seek economies in sectors where there is
greater waste and, according to the authors, the hospitality industry is among those that
spent more. Because of this factor, that there is an opportunity to reduce costs.
According to Sant’Anna (2012), hotels, regardless of size, have negative
environmental impacts, and the energy sector depends on appliances such as air
conditioning, freezers and refrigerators used in hotels. According to him, the good
condition of the appliances helps to reduce energy costs.
According to Bley (2012), light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, although more
expensive, can provide economic payback. Each 9-W lamp can replace a 100-W
incandescent lamp and a 19-W fluorescent lamp.
The ultraviolet and infrared rays emitted by incandescent and fluorescent lamps are
not visible to the naked eye. The IR is perceived as heat and UV rays are responsible for
colour fading and harmful to humans. Each of these light rays emits different amounts of
Best practices for optimising energy efficiency in the hotel sector 181

energy. Among the lamps in focus in this study, incandescent bulbs are the largest
emitters of IR and fluorescent bulbs are those that emit more UV, although in small
quantities. LED lamps (LEDs) emit no UV or IR light in the beam, thus ensuring the
quality of the illuminated objects and not contributing to the rise in temperature (Bley,
To seek energy efficiency in the hotel sector, hotels must be required to adopt new
technologies and new methods to reduce the level of consumption. Accordingly, the
objective of this study is to assess the economic feasibility of a project in the city of
Espigão do Oeste – RO and to apply best practices for optimising energy efficiency in the
hotel sector.

2 Method

Initially, a literature search was done to find the best practices for energy efficiency in the
hotel sector. Then, the establishment in which the case study was conducted was selected.
It is a hotel in the city of Espigão do Oeste – RO, with 20 apartments. After selecting the
project, it was necessary to make a diagnosis of the energy consumption of the hotel,
through documentary research on invoices Eletrobras Distribution Rondonia and field
visits, measuring sizes of rooms and collection of appliance data. For this, we made
photographic records of the environment and hotel furniture. Later, we performed an
analysis of the economic viability and payback, to install the equipment and procedures
regarding best practices raised in the literature.
To determine the consumption of electric energy in the case study, we used
equation (1) as follows:
E=P×t (1)
where P is the electric power consumed in W and t is the time used in the equipment.
To obtain data equivalent to the electricity consumption, this equation is used, and then
the monthly cost is calculated in reais; equation (2) shows the results.
Value = E × Qte × C (2)
where E is the energy consumed by the equipment and Qte is the amount of equipment
and the cost of C kW. To calculate the payback of the project in question, equation (3)
is derived as follows:
P = (c/e)/t (3)
C being the cost of equipment and installation, e an economy and t a is the time of
one year or 12 months.

3 Characterisation of case study

It was observed that the hotel has a lighting system containing 55 fluorescent lamps
ranging from 15 W to 40 W, and it does not use incandescent lamps. The air-conditioning
system has 20 air conditioners, five window units (no stamp PROCEL), 6 split-type C
and 9 split-type A. For chilling drinks and food in the rooms, the hotel has 20 fridge
appliances 120l. It was found that it contains 20 electric showers and the hotel does not
182 S.L.S. Nazario et al.

use gas heating systems or solar. There are also 20 CRT televisions (no stamp PROCEL)
with 20 channel receivers. The hotel has a computer (PC) and an internet system that uses
two switchgear internet (Wi-Fi) in the waiting room. It was found that the windows in the
hallways and rooms were sized so as to provide a good use of natural lighting.

4 Applications of best practices

Table 1 presents some of the major energy-consuming equipment in hotel environments.

Within these facilities, the table shows performance data for each electric line and
specific technology. Thus, one can observe and compare energy efficiency for each case.

Table 1 Comparison of energy efficiency between different types of devices

Equipment Type Energy efficiency

Lamps Incandescent 100W
Fluorescent 20W
Electric shower Electric power 3200W
Solar power 0W
Air conditioners Window 1088W
Split 800W
Split inverter 800W
Television CRT 29″ 125W
LCD 32″ 110W
LED 32″ 70W
Interrupters Conventional 100%
Magnetic card 70%

Table 2 presents a comparison of lighting equipment (lighting) of smaller and greater

energy efficiency. It may also be noted that a 10-W LED lamp has an efficiency around
40% higher than a 48-W fluorescent lamp. Compared with 100-W incandescent bulb, the
LED lamp has an even greater performance, reaching a difference of 83% in energy
efficiency. It is observed that for the incandescent lamp, the LED, in addition to having
an improved yield with respect to energy efficiency, is the ratio between the brightness
and the amount of watts used. It turns out to be 10 times more economical because it is
using 10 W to generate a brightness of approximately the same intensity.

Table 2 Comparison of energy efficiency between different types of devices

Equipment Type Capacity (W) Luminous flow (lm) Energy efficiency (lm/W)
Lamps Incandescent 100 1560 15.60
Fluorescent 20 1128 56.40
LED 10 900 90.00
Best practices for optimising energy efficiency in the hotel sector 183

Besides the advantages related to the luminous efficiency, which is of paramount

importance for these types of equipment, Table 3 presents some very important
environmental advantages of LEDs. Table 3 shows that the LED bulbs are capable of
regeneration and recycling, reducing the material consumption, have no heavy metals,
and casing used in polycarbonate has a higher resistance than the other lamps of
traditional casing, which are made of glass. Another characteristic to highlight is the
lifetime of an LED bulb, which is 34 times higher than that of an incandescent lamp as
presented in Table 2.
Furthermore, Table 4 shows an analysis of consumption and costs between the lamps
in question. It is found by Table 2 that the lifetime of the LED lamp is much higher than
those of the other lamps in Table 3, which carried out the consumption calculations
for the life of each lamp type. Considering the lifetime of 35,000 h for the LED lamp,
it is determined that a 10-fold consumption of the LED lamp instead of an incandescent is
two times less compared with fluorescent bulbs in question.

Table 3 Comparison of light efficiency

Equipment Type Recycle Life cycle Revitalisation metal Involucre
Lamps Incandescent No 1000 H 0 Vanadium Glass
Fluorescent No 2000 H 0 Mercury Glass
LED Yes 35,000 H 3 times No Polycarbonate

Table 4 Comparing cost

Consumption Energy cost 0.51

Type Capacity (W) 35,000h (KW/h) KW/h Lamp cost
Incandescent 100 3500 1785 1.5
Fluorescent 20 700 357 8
LED 10 350 178.5 72

Thus, LED lamps bring important advantages compared with other bulbs: it has longer
life span, low power consumption, higher luminous efficiency, uses no heavy metals, and
is recyclable. Another important feature is that the LED lamps do not emit ultraviolet or
infrared rays that are responsible for attracting insects, do not lose colour and are not
harmful to health. According to the context presented, LED lamps can bring many
benefits to the socio-economic environment of a property.
According to Table 2, electric showers by solar energy would be an important
replacement form of energy, which would bring an efficiency of 100% to the region.
As shown in Table 1, the power of the electric showers may vary from 3200 W to
5400 W. Using solar heating system with electric showers consumption is generally
despised, however.
Table 1 shows the electrical power of air conditioners on the market and findings
on the hotel in question. It is observed that the conventional split and split reverse
air-conditioning models have the same operating power, being smaller in relation to the
air conditioner window type, with the same thermal generation capacity. The difference
between the technologies is that the reverse split air-conditioning system uses a frequency
184 S.L.S. Nazario et al.

inverter, not to turn off the compressor motor, but to reduce the speed of it, thus reducing
the power consumption on the surge in departures motor. This provides a reduction of up
to 60% on the cost of electricity relative to other equipment.
Using a magnetic card in combination with the switches for driving lamps, air
conditioners and television can have a 48% reduction of energy consumption in hotel
rooms. Such cards would allow these devices turning on and off during moments that
guests enter or leave the rooms. The installation of occupancy sensors in hallways avoids
spending lighting at times when there are no people in the same areas.

5 Results

The electric shower has a consumption directly connected to its power because the solar
heating system uses no electricity, so Table 5 shows the savings of R$ 504.00 monthly,
obtained by replacing the former energy forms. Besides being highly abundant in the
northern region, as is seen, solar energy provides great savings, using a clean technology
without causing environmental problems.
Table 6 shows the comparison between the electrical power consumption and
split-type A, type C split window air-conditioning equipment, and savings generated
by replacing the same with split inverter equipment, treated here as ideal equipment.
As noted in the table, replacing split and window for split reverse conventional air
conditioners provides a savings of about 60%, resulting in a reduction of R$ 416.80
The application of occupancy sensors in hallways prevents lamps that are connected
from turning on at night, bringing savings of R$ 41.16. Table 7 shows this result.
Performing the replacement of fluorescent lamps by LED lamps can obtain savings of
approximately R$ 110.88 (Table 8).
An average reduction of 48% of energy consumption of the installation card in the
rooms can be observed according to Tables 9 and 10.

Table 5 Energy expenditure with electric shower

Electric shower
Capacity Using Monthly cost
(kW) Guests/Day shower/guests Hours Days (kW/Monthly)
Actual 3.2 15 2 0.5 30 1440
Ideal 3.2 15 2 0.5 30 0
Capacity Using Value kW Monthly cost
(kW) Guests/Day shower/guests Hours Days (R$) (R$)
Actual 3.2 15 2 0.5 30 0.35 504
Ideal 3.2 15 2 0.5 30 0 0

5.1 Payback
According to the case study, Table 11 shows that a savings of R$ 1279.38 per month can
be obtained with the methods presented. Table 11 also shows the savings obtained by
performing the replacement of less-efficient equipment with more efficient. The same
Best practices for optimising energy efficiency in the hotel sector 185

shows that a total investment of R$ 47,650.00 is needed to perform all actions necessary
to generate the savings achieved.

Table 6 Energy expenditure with air conditioners

Split air conditioners (Type A)

Capacity Monthly cost
(kWh/Month) Hours/Day (kW/Mês)
Actual 24.9 8 199.2
Ideal 9.96 8 79.68
Capacity Value kW Quantity Monthly cost
(kWh/Month) Hours/Day (R$) devices Days (R$)
Actual 24.9 8 0.35 3 30 209.16
Ideal 9.96 8 0.35 3 30 83.664
Split air conditioners (Type C)
Capacity Monthly cost
(kWh/Month) Hours/Day (kW/Monthly)
Actual 27 8 216
Ideal 10.8 8 86.4
Capacity Value kW Quantity Monthly cost
(kWh/Month) Hours/Day (R$) devices (R$)
Actual 27 8 0.35 4 302.4
Ideal 10.8 8 0.35 4 120.96
Window air conditioners
Capacity Quantity Monthly cost
(kWh/Month) Hours/Day Days devices (R$)
Actual 1.088 8 30 3 783.36
Ideal 0.4352 8 30 3 313.344
Capacity Value kW Quantity Monthly cost
(kWh/Month) Hours/Day (R$) devices Days (R$)
Actual 1.088 8 0.35 3 30 274.176
Ideal 0.6528 8 0.35 3 30 164.5056

Table 7 Energy expenditure with lighting corridors

Lighting corridors
Monthly cost
Capacity (kW) Number of lamps Hours Days Expense kW (kW/Monthly)
Actual 0.04 14 12 30 201.6
Ideal 0.04 14 5 30 84
Capacity (kW) Number of lamps Hours Days kWh (R$) Monthly cost (R$)
Actual 0.04 14 12 30 0.35 70.56
Ideal 0.04 14 5 30 0.35 29.4
186 S.L.S. Nazario et al.

Table 8 General lighting LED X fluorescent

Fluorescents lamps
Number of Monthly cost
Capacity (kW) lamps Hours Days Expense kW (kW/Monthly)
Actual 0.021 55 16 30 554.4
Ideal 0.009 55 16 30 237.6
Lamps LED
Number of
Capacity (kW) lamps Hours Days kWh (R$) Monthly cost (R$)
Actual 0.021 55 16 30 0.35 194.04
Ideal 0.009 55 16 30 0.35 83.16

Table 9 Energy expenditure with TV and lighting

Television and lighting of rooms

Capacity Number of Monthly cost
(kW) lamps Hours Days Expense kW (kW/Monthly)
Actual 0.03 12 4 30 43.2
Ideal 0.03 12 4 30 0.35 15.12
Capacity Number of Monthly cost
(kW) televisions Hours Days Expense kW (kW/Monthly)
Actual 0.1 12 4 30 144
Ideal 0.1 12 4 30 0.35 50.4

Table 10 Energy expenditure with Minibar

Capacity Number of Monthly cost
(kW) minibars Hours Days Expense kW (kW/Monthly)
Actual 0.08 20 24 30 1152
Ideal 0.08 14 24 30 806.4
Capacity Number of Monthly cost
(kW) minibars Hours Days Expense kW (kW/Monthly)
Actual 0.08 20 24 30 0.35 403.2
Ideal 0.08 14 24 30 0.35 282.24

6 Conclusions

According to the study, it is concluded that the hotels are inefficient in their energy use
for not having a system of environmental management for their facilities and suitable,
larger investments are needed to correct this. For projects that include the environmental
management system (EMS), the payback can be less.
Best practices for optimising energy efficiency in the hotel sector 187

In conclusion, it was observed that using efficient technologies and equipment, more
cost reductions and less electricity consumption could be achieved, thus improving the
economic returns from the property. Major and minor system replacements could have
huge impacts on efficiency, both environmentally and economically. Of note, equipment
such as LED bulbs can bring better energy efficiency, bring comfort to the customers and
keep away insects that are so abundant in the northern region of the country. It was also
noted that these changes are necessary to promote socio-economical jobs presenting the
important connection between environmental and socio-economics. What is most clear is
that the way forward, with new technologies and higher environmental standards and
benefits is the proper way to go.

Table 11 Payback equipment and the Hotel Brazil

Cost (R$) Monthly saving (R$) Time (Months) Payback (Year, months)
Payback general lighting
3850 110.88 12 2.89
Payback electric shower
10,000 504 12 1.7
Payback air conditioning
30,000 416.8 12 6.0
Payback lighting dos corridors
500 41.16 12 1.0
Payback rooms (TV, lighting air)
3300 206.54 12 1.3
47,650 1279.38 12 3.1

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