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Integration of Work breakdown Structure and Organization Breakdown


Organization Breakdown Structure or OBS is a hierarchical model which is used for

Project planning, managing resource, cost allocation, schedule management, revenue/profit

and work management. On other hand Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical list of

project tasks that defines the scope of a project, which translates into effort, timeline, and

budget. WBS is used for linking organizational units whereas OBS used for discharging work

responsibility. Integrating both these in single framework can improve entire efficiency of

organization and it helps to analyses performance. If one area of the project falls behind, we

can easily find out which resource unit is responsible and what can be done. WBS and OBS

must be brought before any work plan, budget or schedule formulated.

I find this article examples are very interesting

Where military, R&D departments widely apply WBS and OBS. Though these structures can

be applied at small scale project also.

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