570 - Discuss Week 2

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Second chapter-

In Portfolio Management System projects were comes under one umbrella by which

project managers can assign importance to various projects by means of their priority and

available resources. It is quite interesting that we can assign projects in three different

categories, under emergency as high priority, under operation that fits the required operation

needs to be performed and under strategic which are helpful in long-run.

We can further measure performance of project by asking question like this: How

project is performing? Does it contributing to success of other projects? If it fails what

possible choices we have and does it impacting others work?

Third Chapter-

Matrix organization structure comes with combination of organization structure in

which traditional hierarchy of management where employees managed by functional manager

and additional project managers which manages employee at different level of their

respective departments. Such system is grid and matrix.

I guess it is good practice to engage employees and managers at different level of

task, since it can build teamwork across the organization in better way whereas on the other

hand single departmental work only put limited constraint of work and does not enhances

potential. Matrix organization structure can also serve motto and goals of company, if cross

departmental issues and politics handled in effective way with appreciating extra efforts of

employees in effective way Matrix organization can be helpful in many ways.

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