Tugas 1 - Minggu Ketiga

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To be the First Mover in business, you don't need to have market analysis.

I disagree with the statement, because

Being a first mover generally means a company or business entity gets a form of profit by being the first
to move in an industry or market. This is an advantage possessed by players in certain businesses who
first entered the market, both in the context of new products or new markets. It was further stated that
this advantage was formed by three things, namely (1) earlier mastery of technology, (2) control of
scarce resources, and (3) the formation of switching costs in the market so that consumers find it
difficult to switch to new entrants.

But the current digital era, this condition is not entirely relevant. Let's take the example of a food brand
in a city in Bandung, such as the brownie Amanda, who was once very famous and is a top choice for
souvenirs when going to Bandung. But soon the same product appeared with different innovations so
that it kept triggering for Amanda Brownis to continue to develop his innovation so that it would remain
the first choice of course by making innovations that were not inferior to its competitors.

That's how in a business in making products there will always be rival products, both packaged with the
same form and the presence of added innovation where the aim is to become a competitor and of
course both are looking for profits and clearly they are in the name of competitors. Finally, the theory of
a first-mover developed, turned out to be the first player does not always bring excellence, it could even
lead us to the brink of problems or disadvantages.

Why does that happen? Because as the first player he will be the center of attention of all parties, both
consumers and of course potential competitors. At present the theory of excellence obtained by the
second party enters the market. First-movers usually spend a lot of time in terms of innovation because
it creates something new. Meanwhile, the second-movers observe and innovate on the weaknesses
made by the first-movers so that they can perform better.

Therefore an entrepreneur, especially a marketing manager, who wants to advance the business of his
company, must first be able to analyze the market carefully and thoroughly. In other words, the success
of a company's business can be determined by the accuracy of the marketing strategy it applies on the
basis of considering the situation and conditions of its market analysis. In analyzing the market,
companies need to review the type of product market, motives and behavior, market segments and
determination of market targets. Problems that need to be analyzed in the market are the size of the
market, market scope, market structure, and market opportunities. Therefore, a marketing manager in
determining business decisions in the field of marketing goods and services, first needs to conduct a
market analysis. Why do marketing managers need to carry out market analysis? Conducting market
analysis is very important, because it has certain objectives, namely to:
a. Get to know the market environment,

b. Get to know the types of markets,

c. Know the market characteristics,

d. Make the right decision.

e. Facing competitors

f. Implement policies in marketing,

g. Make a program in marketing, and

h. Get to know the characteristics of the market

The hope with market analysis is that we can find out who is using, using goods and services, whether
the goods are for personal consumption or resale. From there it will be seen that each product will need
continuous improvement, and that must be done so that we can survive and dominate the market.

Mulyadi Tugiman

030202347 / Kalimantan Selatan.

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