Capsicum Annuum: Flower Developmental Stage and Organ Sensitivity of Bell Pepper (L.) To Elevated Temperature

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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UK

PCEPlant, Cell and Environment0016-8025Blackwell Science Ltd 2001

Reactions of bell pepper to elevated temperature
A. N. Erickson & A. H. Markhart
Original ArticleBEES SGML

Plant, Cell and Environment (2002) 25, 123–130

Flower developmental stage and organ sensitivity of bell

pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to elevated temperature

Department of Horticulture Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

ABSTRACT face temperature most likely has increased by 0·6 ± 0·2 °C

over the last 140 and 100 years, and the recent warming has
High temperatures adversely affect crop productivity of
been greatest over the mid-latitude continents in winter
several plant species including bell pepper (Capsicum
and spring. (Houghton & Yihui 2001).
annuum L. var. annuum). The objectives of this study were:
Pepper is one of many crops that are primarily grown in
(1) to determine whether flower ontogeny is adversely
the mid-latitudes and also is sensitive to high temperature.
affected by high temperature during different phases of
Field and controlled environment observations of pepper
development, including pre- and post-pollination events;
production indicate substantial abortion of floral buds
(2) to determine the duration of high temperature exposure
occurs when day temperatures are ≥ 34 °C and/or night tem-
necessary to cause reduction in fruit set; and (3) to deter-
peratures are ≥ 21 °C for extended periods of time (Cochran
mine whether injury to the pistil or stamen during develop-
1936; Rylski & Spigelman 1982). Controlled experiments
ment is responsible for reduced fruit set during high
exposing peppers to constant 33 °C with increased vapour
temperature. We determined that flower buds at <2·5 mm in
pressure deficit (VPD) or no increase in VPD demon-
length, corresponding to microspore mother cell meiosis to
strated that reduced fruit set was a result of the increased
tetrad dissolution, and flowers that reached anthesis during
temperature and not the increased VPD. At 33 °C, peppers
the high temperature exposure had reduced fruit set when
continued to produce flowers, and flowers did not abscise
exposed to 33 °C for 48 or 120 h. Flower buds at <2·5 mm in
until after opening, resulting in significantly reduced fruit
length also had reduced pollen viability when exposed to
set (Erickson & Markhart 2001). The stages and structures
33 °C for 120 h. Morphological examination demonstrated
of pepper flower development and reproduction affected
that meiocytes initiated tetrad formation, but after dissolu-
by high temperature remains undetermined.
tion the microspores remained small and clumped without
Sensitivity of flower development, particularly
a thick exine. High temperature exposure at a late-
microsporogenesis, to high temperatures has been demon-
development, pre-anthesis stage did not affect pistil or
strated in many other crops. In bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
stamen viability, but high post-pollination temperatures
(Monterroso & Wien 1990) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata
inhibited fruit set, suggesting that fertilization is sensitive
(L.) Walp.) (Warrag & Hall 1984) high temperature expo-
to high temperature stress.
sure appears to adversely affect microspore development
after tetrad dissolution and prior to anthesis, resulting in
Key-words: high temperature; plant reproduction; mega-
reduced pollen viability. Pollen viability and pollen shed is
sporogenesis; microsporogenesis; microspore mother cell
reduced by high temperature in corn (Zea mays L.)
meiosis; ontogeny; pistil; pollen viability; pollination;
(Schoper et al. 1987) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum
L. Mill.) (Sato, Peet & Thomas 2000), suggesting that
anther dehiscence may also be inhibited by high tempera-
ture exposure. Identifying whether high temperature has a
similar effect on pepper pollen development and whether
High temperatures can cause significant losses in crop pro- other developmental stages and flower structures are sen-
ductivity of many species due to reduced seed yield and sitive will contribute to defining cultural solutions and
increased flower abscission (Levy, Rabinowitch & Kedar breeding strategies for improved pepper crop production
1978; Rylski & Spigelman 1982; Konsens, Ofir & Kigel during periods of elevated temperature.
1991; Wheeler et al. 2000). The adverse effects of high tem- The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine
peratures may increase in frequency, if the occurrences of whether flower ontogeny in bell pepper is adversely
extremely hot days increase as predicted with the general affected by high temperature during different phases of
warming of the global climate. As of 2001, global mean sur- development; (2) to determine the duration of high tem-
perature exposure necessary to cause reduction in fruit set;
(3) to determine whether injury to the pistil or stamen dur-
Correspondence: Dr Ami N. Erickson, Front Range Community
ing development is responsible for reduced fruit set during
College, Westminster Campus, Department of Science and Tech- high temperature; and (4) to determine whether pre- and/
nology, West Service Center, 3645 West 112th Ave, Westminster, CO or post-pollination events are sensitive to high temperature
80031-2199, USA. E-mail: exposure.

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd 123

124 A. N. Erickson & A. H. Markhart

MATERIALS AND METHODS Stages of microspore development

Plant material Anthers were excised from buds of ‘Ace’ and ‘Bell Boy’
pepper plants grown in growth chambers at day/night tem-
Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds of ‘Ace’ and
peratures of 25/21 °C to ascertain the representative devel-
‘Bell Boy’ were sown in 20 cm3 plug trays in a soil-less
opmental stages corresponding with flower bud length.
media (Strong-Lite Germination Mix; Seneca, IL, USA)
Anther squashes and aniline blue stain (1% aniline blue in
and germinated under mist at 25 ± 4 °C. After germina-
80% propionic acid) were used to determine pollen devel-
tion, plants were transplanted into 0·5-litre azalea pots in
opmental stages. At least 10 buds of each cultivar for each
soil-less media (Strong-Lite soil-less Universal Mix;
length category from 1 to 10 mm at intervals of 2 mm were
Sepeca) and were grown in the greenhouse in day/night
examined. Bud length was determined by measuring the
temperatures of 25/21 °C, under ambient light and supple-
distance from the base of the pedicel to the top of the sepal
mental, high intensity discharge lighting for 14 h of 400 W
or corolla depending on which was longer. The relationship
high-pressure sodium lamps (Lucolux LU400; General
between flower bud length, approximate days to anthesis,
Electric, Cleveland, OH, USA). Plants were watered as
and stage of pollen development is presented in Table 1.
needed and fertilized weekly with 800 mL of water soluble
20 mM · N−4·4 mM · P−16·6 mM · K (Peter’s Lite, Fogels-
ville, PA, USA). After temperature treatments com-
Flower developmental stages sensitive to
menced, plants at 33 °C were watered daily, and all plants
high temperature
were fertilized bi-weekly. When the first flower buds
reached anthesis (approximately 3 weeks after initial Four floral developmental stages were related to the length
transplant) plants were repotted into 10 L azalea pots in of the floral bud: stage I, buds with length < 2·5 mm (pre-
soil-less media and fertilized twice weekly with 1600 mL meiotic to microspore mother cell (MMC) meiosis); stage
Peter’s Lite. Open flowers and fruitlets were pinched until II, buds 2·5–4·5 mm (tetrad dissolution); stage III, buds 4·6–
commencement of experiments. 6·5 mm (young microspores); stage IV, buds 6·6–11 mm
Pepper plants of each cultivar that had developed at (maturing microspores). A minimum of nine buds from five
least seven reproductive nodes (approximately 3 months plants for each temperature treatment was tagged at each
after sowing) were placed into four growth chambers at developmental stage before transferring at mid-photope-
day/night temperatures of 25/21 °C with a 12 h photoperiod riod to a growth chamber with constant temperature of 33
of 450 ± 50 µmol m−2 s−1 PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux °C. Five plants of each cultivar remained in chambers with
density) as measured at the top of the plant canopy with a optimum day/night temperatures of 25/21 °C. After 6, 48, or
LI-COR quantum flux sensor (LI-COR Environmental 120 h of 33 °C treatment, five plants of each cultivar were
Division; Lincoln, NB, USA). Irradiation sources consisted returned to 25/21 °C. After the high-temperature treat-
of a combination of 60% of total wattage from cool white ments were completed, all chambers were set to day/night
fluorescent lamps and 40% of total wattage from 60 W temperatures of 25/21 °C, and plants were randomized
incandescent lamps. Relative humidity within chambers between the chambers. Plants were re-randomized weekly
was 70 ± 10%. To allow flower buds to develop in con- within chambers to reduce chamber effects of variation in
trolled conditions, all visible flower buds were pinched temperature and irradiation.
upon moving to growth chambers, and peppers were Plants were examined every 3 d to determine days to
allowed to grow at day/night temperatures of 25/21 °C until anthesis and fruit set or abscission. Fruits were counted
two new flowers on consecutive reproductive nodes when 3 cm or larger in length and were removed to reduce
reached anthesis. assimilate competition.

Table 1. Developmental stages of bell pepper flowers associated with microspore development, bud size, and days to anthesis at 25/21 °C
as determined with anther squashes and aniline blue stain

Length of Days to
Bud stage Characteristics buds (mm) anthesis Stage of microsporogenesis

I Calyx lobes closed, petal not visible, <2·5 14–17 Pre-meiotic and different
green buds phases of meiosis
II Calyx lobe beginning to separate 3·0–4·0 9–13 Tetrad formation and dissolution
III Further separation of calyx, petals 4·5–6·5 6–8 Young, free microspore
becoming visible
IV Protruding flower petals 7·0–8·0 3–5 Maturing microspores. Exine
becoming thick and decorated
V Protruding flower petals almost 8·5–11·0 1–2 Pollen grains undergoing mitosis;
twice as long as calyx thick, dark exine

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 125–130
Reactions of bell pepper to elevated temperature 125

After completion of the first replication (R1), a need to Fruit developed until the mature green stage (approxi-
separate stage IV into two stages of development became mately 30 d after pollination). Fruit were harvested, fresh
apparent due to the variation in time to anthesis within weight and fruit lengths measured, and seed number
this stage. In the second replication (R2) stage IV was determined.
divided into two stages: bud length 7–8·5 mm (stage IV) The experiment was arranged as a randomized split-plot
and bud length 8·6–11 mm (stage V). design with cultivar and flower temperature as the main
The experimental design was a completely randomized plot factors and pollen temperature treatment as the sub-
split-plot with treatment duration and cultivar as the main plot factor. Two replications were used, and there were four
plot and bud developmental stage as the subplot. Replica- (R1) or eight (R2) plants in each plot with 20 (R1) or eight
tion and plant were considered random effects. Each tem- (R2) flower buds in each subplot. Chamber was considered
perature treatment consisted of five plants of each cultivar a random effect and provided the error term for main plot
with four buds (R1) or three buds (R2, to accommodate the factors. Fruit set, fruit fresh weight, fruit length, and seed
increase in stage division) for each bud category per plant. number were analysed with a split-plot analysis of variance
R2 had an unbalanced design with three bud size categories using the random effects procedure of JMP version 3 (SAS
per plant, resulting in nine tagged buds per plant and a total Institute Inc.). Percentage fruit set data was arcsin trans-
of nine buds per category in each treatment. The trials were formed prior to analysis.
analysed using the split-plot, random effects procedure in
JMP version 3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). One-
way analysis of variance was conducted on treatment dura- Pollen viability
tion within each flower bud stage to compare developmen-
Pollen viability was estimated by staining in 0·4% Trypan
tal stages IV and V. Statistical analysis of percentage fruit
blue (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA). Flower buds were
set was performed after arcsin transformation. Pairwise
treated at 33 °C during early development (Stage 1) for
comparisons between means were completed using Tukey–
120 h as in the above experiment. At anthesis, flowers of
Kramer HSD (P < 0·05).
each cultivar from each treatment were collected from
eight randomly chosen plants. Flowers were tapped over
Pistil and stamen sensitivity during glass microslides and approximately 70 µL of 0·4% Trypan
early development blue were added. Using a light microscope and the 160 ×
microscope field, five microscope fields with >20 pollen,
‘Ace’ and ‘Bell Boy’ pepper plants were randomly sepa-
when possible, were counted and percentage pollen viabil-
rated between four growth chambers. After a period of
ity calculated. Clear, normal-appearing pollen in Trypan
adjustment (approximately 2 weeks) flowers of < 2·5 mm in
blue stains were considered viable.
length (Stage I) were tagged in the morning prior to the
Pollen viability was analysed with a split-plot analysis of
temperature treatment. This bud length correlates with
variance with chamber and temperature as the main plot
MMC meiosis (Table 1). At mid-photoperiod, the temper-
and pepper cultivar as the subplot. Statistical analysis of
ature in two of the chambers was changed to a constant
percentage pollen viability was performed after arcsin
33 °C. Temperature remained at 33 °C for 120 h and was
returned to 25/21 °C at mid-photoperiod on the fifth
day. Plants were re-randomized weekly within growth
chambers to reduce effects of variation in temperature
Flower bud morphology
and irradiation.
Fifteen days after flower buds were tagged, flower buds Flowers of ‘Ace’ and ‘Bell Boy’ plants grown in growth
that were approximately 11 mm in length with ‘balloon- chambers at the temperature regimes indicated above
ing’ petals, were marked for pollen donation or emascu- were used to study morphology of the developing flower
lated in the evening and covered with 3 cm wide wax bud, particularly the developing microspores. Flower buds
paper bags to prevent exposure to pollen and stigma dry- were harvested after 4, 8 and 17 d from first day of temper-
ing. The following day, emasculated flowers were polli- ature treatment, corresponding with buds of 3 mm in
nated with pollen donated from open and dehiscing length (tetrad formation), 4–5 mm in length (tetrad disso-
flowers. Pollen was always taken from a different plant lution) and 8 mm in length (maturing microspores nearing
than that used for the female. Pollen was donated ran- dehiscence) (Table 1). Buds were fixed for 3 h in FAA
domly from untreated or 33 °C-treated flowers. Emascula- (5 mL formalin, 5 mL glacial acetic acid, 90 mL 50% ethyl
tion and pollination were repeated for 3 d until all tagged alcohol) or Histochoice (Amesco, Solon, OH, USA), and
flowers were pollinated. The crossing pattern of the tem- dehydrated and infiltrated in an ethanol and tert-butanol
perature treatments (°C) was as follows: (1) female at series. Buds were embedded in wax (Paraplast ® tissue
control temperature × male heat-treated (25 × 33); (2) embedding medium; Oxford Labware, St.Louis, MO,
female heat-treated × male at control temperatures (33 × USA). Wax was sectioned with an AO ‘820’ microtome
25); (3) female at control temperature × male at control (American Optical Co., Buffalo, NY, USA) into 10 µm sec-
temperature (25 × 25); (4) female heat-treated × male tions, stained with safranin red and fast green, and exam-
heat-treated (33 × 33). ined with a light microscope.

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126 A. N. Erickson & A. H. Markhart

Table 2. Experimental set up for the pre-anthesis to post- plants for each treatment. Pollen viability was analysed in a
pollination experiment. Flowers were exposed to 33 °C or 2 × 2 factorial analysis of variance with cultivar and tem-
maintained at day/night temperatures 25/21 °C (25 °C) for 3 d prior perature as the main factors with two replications. Statisti-
to anthesis, reciprocally pollinated, then moved to post-pollination
cal analysis of percentage pollen viability was performed
temperatures of 25/21 °C or 33 °C for 2 d. After 2 d, all plants were
returned to 25/21 °C. after arcsin transformation.

Post-pollination temperature
25 °C 25 °C 33 °C 33 °C
Flower developmental stages sensitive to
Pre-anthesis temperature Pre-anthesis temperature
high temperature
Pistil × Stamen Stamen Pistil × Stamen Stamen
To determine which stages of pepper flower development
25 °C 25 °C 25 °C 25 °C
25 °C 33 °C 25 °C 33 °C are sensitive to high temperatures, flower buds at four
33 °C 25 °C 33 °C 25 °C developmental stages (Table 1: I to IV) were maintained at
33 °C 33 °C 33 °C 33 °C 25/21 °C or exposed from 6 to 120 h to 33 °C. Duration of
high temperature exposure affected the different stages of
flower development variably (F9,64 = 4·4, P < 0·01). Treat-
ment at 33 °C for 48 and 120 h of flower developmental
stages I and IV reduced fruit set (Fig. 1). Flower bud stages
Pistil and stamen sensitivity shortly before
II and III were not significantly affected by any duration of
anthesis and after pollination
high temperature exposure. Both cultivars responded sim-
Twenty-four plants of each cultivar were randomly sepa- ilarly (F1,64 = 1·5, P = 0·18).
rated into four chambers. After 2 weeks at control day/night Flower buds at stage I, which were 1·0–2·5 mm in length
temperatures (25 °C/21 °C), two (R1) or three (R2) flowers and beginning to undergo MMC meiosis, experienced a
of 8 mm in length per plant were tagged for pollination at decrease in fruit set from an average of 57% with 6 h of high
anthesis, and temperatures in two of the growth chambers temperature exposure to 14% with 120 h of exposure (Fig.
changed at mid-photoperiod to 33 °C. After 2 d, the tagged 1a). Most flower buds abscised after flowers opened.
flowers were emasculated in the evening, and flowers at the Flower buds at stage IV (6·6–11 mm in length with matur-
same stage as tagged flowers were marked for pollen dona-
tion. The following day, emasculated flowers were polli-
nated with pollen donated from open and dehiscing flowers
(b) Stage II
from either 25/21 or 33 °C-exposed plants. Pollen was 100
(a) Stage I

always taken from a different plant than that used for the
female. After pollination, plants were randomly placed at a a
control temperatures (25/21 °C) or at 33 °C for post-polli- 50
ab a
nation treatment. After 2 d all treatments at 33 °C were ab
Percent of fruit set

returned to control temperatures. The crossing pattern of

the pre-pollination treatments and post-pollination treat- 0
0 6 48 120

ments is defined in Table 2. (c) Stage III (d) Stage IV

The experimental design was a randomized split-plot a
a a
design with cultivar and post-pollination temperature as the
a a a
main-plot factors and flower cross as the subplot factor.
50 50 b
There were three plants in each subplot with two replica-
tions in time. Analysis of variance was completed using the c
split-plot, random effects procedure in JMP version 3 (SAS
0 0
Institute Inc.) for fruit set. Statistical analysis of percentage 0 6 48 120 0 6 48 120
fruit set was performed after arcsin transformation. Time (h)

Figure 1. Fruit set response of flowers exposed to different

Pollen viability durations of 33 °C at four different developmental stages. Flower
buds were tagged at bud lengths of (a) < 2·5 mm(Stage I, MMC
Pollen viability was estimated to determine whether matur- meiosis); (b) 2·5–4·5 mm (Stage II, tetrad dissolution); (c) 4·6–
ing microspores were damaged by high temperature just 6·5 mm (Stage III, Young microspore); and (d) 6·6–11·0 mm (Stage
before dehiscence. Dehiscing flowers of ‘Ace’ were col- IV, Maturing microspore). Flowers were exposed to 0, 6, 48, or 120
h at 33 °C. Values are means ± standard error from untransformed
lected 2 d after commencement of the temperature treat-
percentage fruit set from two replications. No differences were
ment from 25 and 33 °C-exposed plants. Pollen viability was found between ‘Ace’ and ‘Bell Boy’, and the results presented
estimated as described above, except that 1% aniline blue correspond to the pooled data. Bars with different letters within
in 80% propionic acid was used for staining. Four flowers of each graph are significantly different [Tukey–Kramer HSD (P <
each cultivar were collected from four randomly chosen 0·05)].

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 125–130
Reactions of bell pepper to elevated temperature 127

(a) Pistil at 25°C ture exposure of the pistil for 5 d during stage I
development did not significantly affect fruit set (F1,8 = 1·2,
75 P = 0·31). Both cultivars responded similarly to the treat-
50 ments (F1,8 = 1·2, P = 0·28), and their mean percentage fruit
set was pooled. Mean fruit set percentage ± SE was reduced
Percent of fruit set

from 87·1 ± 4·2%, when pistils from both treatments were
0 pollinated with pollen from untreated flowers, to 49·3 ±
(b) Pistil at 33°C
4·2% when pollinated with 33 °C-treated flowers.

Fruit fresh weight (F1,8 = 203, P < 0·01) (Fig. 3), fruit
length (F1,8 = 164, P < 0·01), and seed set (F1,8 = 160, P <
50 0·001) were significantly reduced when flowers were polli-
25 nated with pollen donated from flowers exposed to 33 °C
during early flower development. The pattern is similar for
25 33 fruit fresh weight, fruit length and seed set, thus only fruit
Pollen temperature (°C)
fresh weight is presented in Fig. 3. Although cultivar differ-
ences in fruit length interacted with pollen treatment (F1,8 =
Figure 2. Percentage fruit set of pepper pistils exposed to 25 °C 7·1, P < 0·01), fruit from both cultivars had reduced length
(a) or 33 °C (b) for 5 d during early flower development and hand when meiocytes were exposed to high temperatures. Fruit
pollinated with pollen from either 25 or 33 °C-treated flowers. length of ‘Ace’ peppers was reduced from a mean (cm) ± SE
Values are means from two replications and two cultivars with
of 8·0 ± 0·1% when pollinated with control pollen to 5·5 ±
standard error bars. Flowers, pollinated with pollen from 33 °C-
treated flowers, had significantly reduced fruit set.
0·2% when pollinated with 33 °C-treated pollen, and ‘Bell
Boy’ fruit length was reduced from 7·0 ± 0·1 to 5·4 ± 0·2%.
The number of seeds per fruit was affected by 33 °C treat-
ment of both the pistil (F1,9 = 13·0, P < 0·01) and stamen.
ing microspores) experienced a decrease in fruit set from an Seed number from pistils exposed to high temperature was
average of 79% with 6 h of high temperature exposure to reduced by 15% for ‘Ace’, but seed number was further
39% fruit after 48 h and only 8% fruit after 120 h (Fig. 1d). reduced by 85–90% for ‘Ace’ when either untreated or
Due to the significant increase in flower abortion by high-temperature-treated pistils, respectively, were polli-
stage IV flowers exposed to 120 h at 33 °C, in comparison nated with high-temperature-treated pollen. ‘Bell Boy’ and
with those exposed to 48 h (Fig. 1d), we separated stage IV ‘Ace’ responded similarly to both treatments (F1,8 = 0·2, P =
into two developmental stages in replication 2. Flower buds 0·68). In addition, all fruit from flowers pollinated with
8·6–11 mm in length with ballooning petals (protruding 33 °C-treated pollen were deformed, and many were par-
flower petals almost twice as long as calyx) were considered thenocarpic.
as a fifth developmental stage (Table 1: stage V). A two-way
analysis of variance of duration and developmental stage
(IV versus V) again demonstrated a significant interaction
(F = 5·5, P <0·01). Flower buds of 6·6–8·5 mm in length
(stage IV) experienced a reduction of fruit set from 83·3% Ace Bell boy
fruit set after 48 h of exposure to 17% after 120 h of expo- Pistil at 25°C Pistil at 25°C
sure. Flower buds of 8·6–11 mm in length (stage V) experi- 120
enced a reduction of fruit set from an average of 94% after
6 h of temperature exposure to 22% after 48 h and 0% fruit
set after 120 h. Most flower buds at 8·6–11 mm in length 40
(stage IV) reached anthesis during the 48 h temperature
Weight (g)

exposure. Flower buds of 6·6–8·5 mm in length (stage IV) 0

Pistil at 33°C Pistil at 33°C


reached anthesis after the 48 h exposure and during the 120 120

120 h high temperature exposure.

80 80

Pistil and stamen sensitivity during early 40 40

0 0

To determine whether early pistil or stamen development is 25 33 25 33

sensitive to high temperature, stage I flower buds (Table 1) Pollen temperature (°C)

were exposed to 120 h at 33 °C. At anthesis, these flowers

Figure 3. Fresh weight (g) of fruits produced by pistils exposed
were reciprocally crossed with untreated flowers to deter- to 25 °C or 33 °C for 5 d during early flower development,
mine fruit set. Fruit set was reduced when pollen was corresponding with MMC meiosis, and hand pollinated with pollen
donated from flowers exposed to 33 °C during stage I (Pol- from either the 25 or 33 °C-treated flowers. Values are means from
len: F1,8 = 53·1, P < 0·01) (Fig. 2). However, high tempera- two replications with standard error bars.

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 123–130
128 A. N. Erickson & A. H. Markhart

(a) (b) Pollen morphology

For further morphological examination of pollen develop-
ment, thick wax sections were viewed under a light micro-
scope. On the fourth day of treatment, collected flower
buds were 2·5–3 mm in length. The microspore develop-
mental stages observed at this bud length included early
MMC meiosis to recently released microspore. The major-
ity of meiocytes observed were in the dyad or tetrad stage.
(c) (d) Both untreated and high-temperature-treated anthers suc-
cessfully produced tetrads (Fig. 4A & B). After 8 d of tem-
perature treatment, flower buds were 4–5 mm in length and
all anthers from non-heat-treated flowers contained young
microspores (Fig. 4C). Anthers from high-temperature-
treated flowers also contained free microspores, but these
were misshapen, clumped, and appeared to be recently
released from the tetrads (Fig. 4D). Untreated flowers, col-
lected just prior to anthesis, contained mature pollen grains
(e) (f) (Fig. 4E). High-temperature-treated flowers also contained
a few mature pollen grains, but these were slightly swollen
and deformed. Most microspores from the high-tempera-
ture-treated flowers were shrunken and empty without a
noticeable exine layer (Fig. 4F).

Pistil and stamen sensitivity shortly before

anthesis and after pollination
Figure 4. Micrographs of anther sections (10 µm thick)
embedded in wax showing different stages of pepper pollen
The second stage of flower sensitivity to high temperature
development from ‘Bell Boy’ flowers maintained at day/night (Stage IV) was further analysed by exposing flowers to
temperatures of 25/21 °C or exposed to 33 °C for 5 d when buds 33 °C for 3 d before anthesis, reciprocally crossing with
reached 1·0–2·0 mm in length. (A) Tetrads from a flower bud 3 mm untreated flowers at anthesis, and exposing pollinated
in length grown at 25/21 °C. (B) Tetrads from a flower bud 3 mm in flowers to 33 °C for 2 d or maintaining flowers at control
length, day 4 of 33 °C treatment. (C) Young microspores from a temperatures (Table 2). Post-pollination temperatures sig-
flower bud 4 mm in length grown at 25/21 °C. (D) Young
nificantly affected fruit set (F1,16 = 48·8, P < 0·01) whereas
microspores from a flower bud 4 mm in length, day 2 after 33 °C
treatment. (E) Maturing pollen grains from a flower bud 8 mm in pre-pollination temperature exposure of the pepper flowers
length grown at 25/21 °C. (F) Aborted pollen grains with a few fully was not a significant factor (F3,16 = 1·4, P = 0·19). The post-
developed pollen grains from a flower bud 8 mm in length day 10 pollination temperature of 33 °C significantly reduced fruit
after the 33 °C treatment. Bar = 10 µm for all figures. set (Fig. 5) from an average of 79% at 25/21 °C to an aver-
age of 27% at 33 °C. Both cultivars responded similarly
(F1,16 = 1·6, P = 0·21).

Pollen viability
Pollen viability
Pollen viability, as estimated by staining in aniline blue, was
Pollen from flowers exposed for 120 h during early devel-
not significantly affected by exposure to high temperatures
opment (Stage I), corresponding with MMC meiosis, were
during the 3 d prior to anthesis (F1,17 = 0·85, P = 0·37). Per-
collected at anthesis to determine pollen viability. Percent-
centage pollen viability remained high for both untreated
age viability, estimated by staining with 0·4% Trypan Blue,
and high-temperature-treated flowers of both cultivars.
was greatly reduced when meiocytes were exposed to high
temperature during meiosis (F1,81 = 179·1, P < 0·01). The
mean ± SE of percentage viability was 91 ± 1% (25 °C) and
11 ± 2% (33 °C) for ‘Ace’ and 81 ± 1% (25 °C) and 21 ± 2%
(33 °C) for ‘Bell Boy’. The two cultivars did have a signifi- Two stages of bell pepper flower development were sensi-
cant interaction with treatment (F1,81 = 13·9, P < 0·01), with tive to high temperature exposure of 33 °C for 48 or 120 h.
‘Bell Boy’ exposed to 33 °C having a slightly higher pollen Bell pepper fruit set decreased when flowers were exposed
viability. Most non-viable, high-temperature-treated pollen during early flower development, corresponding with
appeared to be deformed, empty, and clumped, whereas microspore mother cell meiosis (Stage I, Table 1), and dur-
untreated, normal pollen were triangular and elliptical with ing late flower development, corresponding with
a thick exine layer. microspore maturation, anthesis, and pollination (Stage IV
© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 125–130
Reactions of bell pepper to elevated temperature 129

100 ity and reduced anther dehiscence. We observed that pep-

(a) Post pollination = 25 ∞C per microspores exposed to high temperature completed
meiosis, forming tetrads. Once microspores were released
75 from the tetrad formation, however, most failed to form a
thick, distinct exine layer and expand to the size of normal
50 pollen grains. Although a few viable pollen were produced
by high-temperature-exposed flowers, most dehisced pollen
grains were empty, clumped, and smaller than the viable
Percent of fruit set

pollen of non-heat-treated flowers. Ahmed, Hall & DeMa-
son (1992) determined that microspore development in
100 cowpea was sensitive to high temperature just after tetrad
(b) Post pollination = 33 ∞C dissolution from the microspore mother sac, resulting in
small, deformed microspores and a prematurely degener-
ated tapetal layer. Similar morphological differences have
been observed in pepper pollen exposed to chilling temper-
50 atures during MMC meiosis and tetrad dissolution (Mer-
cado et al. 1997).
25 Besides providing callase for the digestion of the callose
surrounding the microspore tetrad, the tapetum is believed
to provide nutrition and sporopollenin needed to construct
25⫻25 25⫻33 33⫻25 33⫻33
the pollen exine after tetrad dissolution (Bedinger 1992).
Male sterility due to mutation and environmental stress has
Pre-pollination temperature (∞C)
been associated with malfunction of the tapetum in many
plant species (Ahmed et al. 1992; Worral et al. 1992; Jin,
Figure 5. Percentage fruit set of manually pollinated, Horner & Palmer 1997). The stage of high-temperature
reciprocally crossed, pepper flowers exposed to pre-pollination
sensitivity of pepper pollen development appears to occur
temperatures of 25 °C (25/21 °C) or 33 °C for 3 d prior to anthesis
(female × male) and given post-pollination temperatures of (a) 25 when the microspores are most dependent on a functioning
or (b) 33 °C for 2 d. Values are pooled means from two cultivars tapetum, and the observed pollen sterility may be due to
and two replicates with standard error bars. Only post-pollination inhibition of translocation of nutrients or sporopollenin to
temperatures significantly affected fruit set. the developing microspores.

Late flower development: pre-anthesis to

and V, Table 1). Flower development between these stages
was not significantly affected by high temperature. These
results are similar to those of Vara Prasad et al. (2001) who High temperature exposure during late flower develop-
determined that peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is also sen- ment (Stage IV to V), corresponding with microspore mat-
sitive to high temperature exposure during microsporogen- uration, anthesis, and pollination, also resulted in reduced
esis and at anthesis. fruit set. By exposing pepper flowers to 33 °C for 3 d prior
to anthesis or 2 d after pollination, we determined that pol-
len viability prior to pollination was not affected. Instead,
Early flower development: microspore mother post-pollination events are sensitive to high temperature
cell meiosis and are responsible for decreased fruit set, when stage IV
When high temperature exposure occurred during early or V flowers are exposed to elevated temperatures.
flower development (Stage I), early pistil development was These results demonstrate that increasing temperature
minimally affected, resulting in a slight reduction of seed from 25 to 33 °C for 3 d prior to anthesis does not affect the
number, whereas pollen viability was greatly reduced. High reproductive structures prior to pollination. In contrast,
temperature exposure during MMC meiosis reduced fruit pollen viability of bean was greatly reduced when exposed
set, fruit size, and seed number when flowers were polli- to heat stress just before anthesis (Weaver et al. 1985;
nated with high-temperature-treated pollen. Most fruit Monterroso & Wien 1990). We examined pepper pollen via-
from pepper flowers pollinated with high-temperature- bility and determined that exposure to high temperature
treated pollen were malformed and often parthenocarpic. for 3 d prior to anthesis did not reduce viability.
High temperature has a more acute affect on stamen devel- Exposure to high temperature after pollination, on the
opment than on the development of the pistil in other crops other hand, inhibited one or more post-pollination events,
as well, including cowpea (Warrag & Hall 1984), bean; such as stigma receptivity, pollen tube growth and guidance,
(Monterroso & Wien 1990) and tomato (Peet, Willits & transmission of the gametes, and/or fruit initiation and
Gardner 1997; Peet, Sato & Gardner 1998). development. Cochran (1938) observed that the time from
Exposure to high temperature from MMC meiosis to pollination to fertilization in pepper required a minimum of
tetrad dissolution resulted in greatly reduced pollen viabil- 42 h, and after fertilization, the zygote required 24–36 h

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 123–130
130 A. N. Erickson & A. H. Markhart

before division could begin. The length of time required for fruit set, and physiology of bell pepper during elevate tempera-
fertilization to occur corresponds with the 33 °C treatment ture and vapor pressure deficit. Journal of the American Society
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before anthesis, resulting in pollen sterility. The reduction ticultural Science 115, 631–634.
of pollen viability effectively reduces fruit size and fruit set. Peet M.M., Sato S. & Gardner R.G. (1998) Comparing heat
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Injury to the pistil is minimal. In contrast, exposure to high
Cell and Environment 21, 225–231.
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either the female or male organs. Instead, inhibition of fer- development and post-pollen production processes in male-ster-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vara Prasad P.V., Craufurd P.Q., Kakani V.G., Wheeler T.R.
& Boote K.J. (2001) Influence of high temperature during pre-
We thank Vera Krischik, Alan Smith, John Erwin, and and post-anthesis stages of floral development on fruit-set and
Thomas Soulen for helpful reviews and editorial comments. pollen germination in peanut. Australian Journal of Plant Phys-
University of Minnesota journal series 011210094. iology 28, 233–240.
Warrag M.O.A. & Hall A.E. (1984) Reproductive responses of
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) to heat stress. II.
Responses to night air temperature. Field Crops Research 8, 17–
Weaver M., Timm H., Silbernagel M. & Burke D. (1985) Pollen
Ahmed F.E., Hall A.E. & DeMason D.A. (1992) Heat injury staining and high-temperature tolerance of bean. Journal of the
during floral development in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, American Society of Horticultural Science 110, 797–799.
Fabaceae). American Journal of Botany 79, 784–791. Wheeler T.R., Craufurd P.Q., Ellis R.H., Porter J.R. & Vara
Bedinger P. (1992) The remarkable biology of pollen. Plant Cell 4, Prasad P.V. (2000) Temperature variability and the yield of
879–887. annual crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 82, 159–
Cochran H. (1936) Some factors influencing growth and fruit-set- 167.
ting in the pepper (Capsicum frutenscens L.). NY. (Cornell). Worrall D., Hird L., Hodge R., Paul W., Draper J. & Scott R.
Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir 190, 1–39. (1992) Premature dissolution of the microsporocyte callose wall
Cochran H. (1938) A morphological study of flower and seed causes male sterility in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell 4, 759–771.
development in pepper. Journal of Agricultural Research 56,
395–419. Received 24 March 2001; received in revised form 30 August 2001;
Erickson A.N. & Markhart A.H. (2001) Flower production, accepted for publication 30 August 2001

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 125–130

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