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Part I.

Student Profile

Gender Total Rank Percentage

Male 27 1 54
Female 23 2 46

The table above showed the gender of the respondents. It showed most respondents were
male who got 27 followed by female who got 23 respondents with the total of 50 respondents.

Age Total Rank Percentage

12-14 35 1 70
15-16 15 2 30
17 and above 0 3 0

The table above showed the age of the respondents. It showed most respondents were
ages 12 to 14 who got 35 followed by ages 15-16 who got 15 respondents with the total of 50

No. of Siblings Total Rank Percentage

1-3 32 1 64
4-6 15 2 30
7 above 3 3 6

The table above showed the number of siblings of the respondents. It showed most
respondents have 1-3 no. of siblings who got 32 followed by 4-6 no. of siblings who got 15 and
7above no. of siblings got the least number of 3 respondents, with the total of 50 respondents.
Occupation of Total Rank Percentage
Self Employed 15 2 30
Professional 11 3 22
Non working spouse 18 1 36
OFW 6 4 12

The table above showed the mother occupation of the respondents. It showed most
respondents has the mother occupation is Non working Spouse who got 18 followed by Self
Employed who got 15 followed by Professional who got 11 and Overseas Filipino Workers with
6 respondents.

Occupation of Total Rank Percentage

Self Employed 15 2 30
Professional 11 3 22
Non working spouse 4 4 8
OFW 20 1 40

The table above showed the father occupation of the respondents. They showed most
respondents has the father occupation is Overseas Filipino Workers who got 20 followed by Self
Employed who got 15 followed by Professional who got 11 and Non Working Spouse with 4
Part II. Questionnaire Tally

No.1 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 49 1 98
Disagree 0 3 0
Undecided 1 2 2

No.2 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 33 1 66
Disagree 12 2 24
Undecided 5 3 10

No.3 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 47 1 94
Disagree 0 3 0
Undecided 3 2 6

No.4 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 3 3 6
Disagree 33 1 66
Undecided 14 2 28

No.5 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 5 2 10
Disagree 42 1 84
Undecided 3 3 6

No.6 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 47 1 94
Disagree 0 3 0
Undecided 3 2 6

No.7 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 15 2 30
Disagree 25 1 50
Undecided 10 3 20
No.8 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 20 2 40
Disagree 24 1 48
Undecided 6 3 12

No.9 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 45 1 90
Disagree 3 2 6
Undecided 2 3 4

No.10 Total Rank Percentage

Agree 9 2 18
Disagree 38 1 76
Undecided 3 3 6

The success of school in carrying out its primary charge of educating and socializing
students is conditional on students attending school on time. In acknowledgment of the
importance of going to school on right time to have quality education, attending on time becomes
priority goal.

On a general note, the principal and all stakeholders in the school are responsible for not
only punishing late comers but also for developing a strategy for curbing the spitefulness of
students’ late coming to school. On the other hand, parents are also responsible in making the
success of their children. On students late coming parents most work hand-in-hand with school
managers to curb the hazard of students’ late-coming to school. In other words, parents must take
their responsibilities properly in making sure that students are given all they need to go to school,
allowed or conveyed in time, prepared in time and be given transport money enough to and from
the school. Unless these issues are taken seriously.

Regards to the reasons for their late-coming. Teachers and school managers take actions
to investigate reason(s) for students late coming to schools as this may help to reduce the
problem and treat them with consideration.

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