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Chemical Engineering Communications

ISSN: 0098-6445 (Print) 1563-5201 (Online) Journal homepage:

One-pot synthesis and modification of

silica nanoparticles with 3-chloropropyl-
trimethoxysilane assisted by microwave

Juliana F. De Conto, Marília R. Oliveira, Matheus M. Oliveira, Thadeu G.

Brandão, Kelvis V. Campos, Cesar C. Santana & Silvia M. Egues

To cite this article: Juliana F. De Conto, Marília R. Oliveira, Matheus M. Oliveira, Thadeu G.
Brandão, Kelvis V. Campos, Cesar C. Santana & Silvia M. Egues (2018): One-pot synthesis and
modification of silica nanoparticles with 3-chloropropyl-trimethoxysilane assisted by microwave
irradiation, Chemical Engineering Communications, DOI: 10.1080/00986445.2017.1406349

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Published online: 08 Feb 2018.

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One-pot synthesis and modification of silica nanoparticles with

3-chloropropyl-trimethoxysilane assisted by microwave irradiation
Juliana F. De Conto, Marília R. Oliveira, Matheus M. Oliveira, Thadeu G. Brandão, Kelvis V. Campos,
Cesar C. Santana, and Silvia M. Egues
Institute of Technology and Research (ITP), Synthesis Materials and Chromatography Laboratory (LSINCROM), Tiradentes University (UNIT),
Aracaju, SE, Brazil

Industry and academia have shown great interest in the synthesis of organic–inorganic hybrid CPTMS; microwave
material because the modification of inorganic supports with organic groups increases the options synthesis; one-pot synthesis;
for using these materials. Microwave irradiation as a heat source is an alternative tool compared silica
with conventional heating (oil bath or furnace) to reduce the reaction times during the synthesis of
these materials. Thus, the purpose of this work was to synthesize an organic–inorganic hybrid
material, more specifically silica nanoparticles modified with 3-chloropropyl-trimethoxysilane,
using microwave irradiation as the heat source. The hybrid materials were synthesized using the
sol–gel method, with microwave irradiation for 10, 25, and 40 min, at 300 W of power and
temperature of 40, 60, and 80°C. Elemental analyses, FTIR, and N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms
were developed to characterize the materials. It can be concluded that when microwave irradiation
is used as a heat source, the reaction rate is accelerated and the surface area of hybrid materials
increases considerably.

Introduction different characteristics in terms of pore diameter,

surface area, and ordered or disordered pores
The synthesis of mesoporous materials combined
(Hoffmann et al., 2006). Also, it is possible to
with organic compounds, metals, or oxides is an
obtain materials with specific properties as hydro-
area with great research potential. This combi-
phobicity, polarity, as well as catalytic, optical,
nation increases the efficiency and selectivity of
and electronic activity after the organofunctionali-
these materials, favoring several processes when
zation of silica (Kumar and Guliants, 2010).
they are used as a catalyst, adsorbent, or stationary
However, the synthesis of organic–inorganic
phase (Cao et al., 2009; Xun et al., 2014; De Conto
hybrid materials through conventional heating
et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2014). Combined materials
methods requires long reaction times (Cheng
with a mesoporous structure and high specific
et al., 2014; Su et al., 2014). Thus, researchers
surface area also offer opportunities in separation
around the world have proposed new methodolo-
processes. It is possible to use these materials
gies using microwave irradiation as the heat source.
in chromatography and adsorption techniques
This is a good alternative as it reduces operational
because they have high mechanical and thermal
costs, and is simple, fast, and shows high energy
stability, and appropriate porosity and selectivity
efficiency (Rao et al., 1999; Adachi et al., 2004).
(Passos et al., 2006; Van Meter et al., 2009).
Over the past 30 years, many reactions and chemi-
The synthesis of an inorganic porous matrix,
cal processes have been performed using micro-
and more specifically silica synthesis, is usually
wave irradiation as the heat source. However, the
performed using the sol–gel method, or by routes
interactions between microwaves and reagents dur-
using surfactants and hydrothermal treatment.
ing the synthesis of materials remain unclear. The
Depending on the initial feedstock, and variations
reaction mechanisms that result in fast heating
in conditions such as temperature, time, and type
are based on the dielectric heating that can occur
of synthesis, it is possible to obtain materials with

CONTACT Silvia M. Egues Institute of Technology and Research (ITP), Synthesis Materials and Chromatography Laboratory
(LSINCROM), Tiradentes University (UNIT), Av. Murilo Dantas, 300, CEP-490032-490, Aracaju, SE, Brazil.
© 2018 Taylor & Francis

in resonance adsorption or absorption mode or Table 1. Experimental conditions of silica synthesis assisted by
relaxation mechanism, due to microwave dipole microwave irradiation.
alternation and polar species movement (Rao Samples Temperature (°C) Time (min)
SiCPTMS-40/10 40 10
et al., 1999). SiCPTMS-40/25 40 25
Although practical and theoretical knowledge of SiCPTMS-40/40 40 40
microwave interactions with the materials is still at SiCPTMS-60/10 60 10
SiCPTMS-60/25 60 25
an early stage of development, there has been much SiCPTMS-60/40 60 40
interest in the synthesis of hybrid materials using SiCPTMS-80/10 80 10
SiCPTMS-80/25 80 25
microwaves for the previously mentioned reasons. SiCPTMS-80/40 80 40
Furthermore, it is known that the parameters used
in the synthesis of silica assisted by microwaves,
such as temperature, power, and reaction time, pre-hydrolyzed by adding 8 mL of ethanol and
have an important influence on the size of particles 2 mL of distilled water. Subsequently, the sample
and the morphology of the materials (Celer and was irradiated with microwaves for 1 h at 40°C
Jaroniec, 2006). Moreover, one-pot synthesis using and 300 W of power under constant stirring. After
microwave-assisted heating causes spectacular this, CPTMS (0.45 mL) and hydrofluoric acid
accelerations in the reactions, mild reaction solution (1 mol L−1) were added. The mixture was
conditions, and thus shorter reaction times (Ergun placed back in the microwave reactor and submit-
et al., 2013). ted to the reaction conditions presented in Table 1.
Nevertheless, little is known about the synthesis In this step, the sample was kept under constant
of organic–inorganic hybrid materials combining stirring at a power of 300 W.
one-pot synthesis and microwave irradiation. There- Subsequently, the hybrid material was placed for
fore, the purpose of this work was to synthesize an gelation. Afterwards, the hybrid material was dried
organic–inorganic hybrid material, more specifically in an oven at 80°C. In the nomenclature used in
silica nanoparticles modified with 3-chloropropyl- this work, the first number in the sample name
trimethoxysilane, using one-pot synthesis and refers to the temperature and the second number
microwave irradiation as the heat source. the time.

Materials and methods
The silica characterization was performed using
Synthesis of silica modified with
different techniques. The specific surface area
and the pore size distribution were determined
The one-pot synthesis of organic–inorganic hybrid using an N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, in
material was carried out in a microwave-assisted Autosorb I—Quantachrome Instruments, using
reactor (CEM (CEM corporation, model Discover the BET and BJH method, respectively. The sam-
SP)—discovery synthesis) and we studied the ples were treated at 140°C for 3 h under vacuum.
influence of temperature and reaction time in the FTIR analyses were performed in Varian 600
textural characteristic of material. The temperature equipment in the region of 400–4,000 cm−1 with
and reaction time were varied for each sample as a resolution of 2 cm−1 and 140 accumulations.
shown in Table 1. Silica synthesis was performed Pellets were prepared from the dispersion of solids
using the sol–gel method adapted from De Conto in KBr at the ratio of 1:100 and the analyses were
et al. (2014). The scheme of the silica synthesis performed at room temperature. The sample
and functionalization is shown in Figure 1. spectrum was obtained after heat treatment in
Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS, Aldrich �99%) vacuum. The content of carbon, hydrogen, and
and 3-chloropropyltrimethoxysilane (CPTMS, nitrogen was measured on a Perkin-Elmer
Aldrich �97%) were used as precursor reagents analyzer, model PE 2400. The analyses were run
in the silica synthesis (90% molar of TEOS and in triplicate. The percentage of carbon, hydrogen,
10% molar of CPTMS). Hydrofluoric acid (Merck, and nitrogen is given as final results, by the
48%) was used as the catalyst. TEOS (5 mL) was detector equipment.

Figure 1. Scheme of silica synthesis and functionalization steps.

Results and discussion microwaves at 80°C for 10 and 25 min showed

a combination of isotherm types I and IV
The adsorption/desorption isotherms of the
(Figure 2(c)). This type of isotherm I þ IV is a
different silica materials obtained by microwave
characteristic of materials that contain micro-
irradiation are presented in Figure 2.
and mesopores. However, the pore size distribution
Figure 2(a) and (b) illustrates that the materials
in the silica is in boundary region of micropore and
synthesized at 40 and 60°C and irradiated with
mesopore, that is, between 5 and 10 nm. Thus,
microwaves for 10, 25, and 40 min showed
increasing the temperature to 80°C altered the
isotherm type IV, characteristic of mesoporous
textural characteristic of materials.
materials (Sing, 1982; Thommes et al., 2015). On
However, when the material was subjected to
the other hand, the materials irradiated by
microwave irradiation at 80°C for 40 min, the
isotherm reverted to type IV, as can be seen in
Figure 2(c). This can be attributed to the gelation
of the material under these conditions inside the
microwave reactor. Thus, the silica structuration
occurred quickly and, consequently, decreased the
specific surface area of the synthesized materials
(Ergun et al., 2013). According to Kannan and
Jasra (2000), when the microwave radiation is used
as heating source in short period of time, there is
an increase in the surface area. However, a
reduction in the surface area was observed after
submitting the sample long periods of times. So,
one can confirm that the main factor that deter-
mined the development of specific surface area is
the ageing process.
Table 2 shows the values of specific surface area
and pore volume of the samples synthesized in the
microwave reactor. As temperature increases from
40 to 80°C, the specific surface area of the sample
also increased for the reaction times of 10 and
25 min. However, this trend was not observed in
sample SiCPTMS-80/40, as explained previously.
Table 2 shows that the amount of carbon and
Figure 2. Adsorption/desorption N2 isotherm of silica obtained
via microwave irradiation at 40 (a), 60 (b), and 80°C (c), 300 W of hydrogen in the samples exposed to microwave
power and 10, 25, and 40 min. irradiation at 40 and 60°C was around 6 and 2%,

Table 2. Textural and elemental analysis of silica.

N2 ads/des-isotherm Elemental analysis
2 −1 3 −1
Sample SBET (m g ) VBJH (cm g ) C (%) H (%) N (%) Amount of Organica(mmol g−1)
SiCPTMS-40/10 376 0.087 6.19 1.98 0.12 1.27
SiCPTMS-40/25 387 0.129 5.83 1.96 0.15 1.17
SiCPTMS-40/40 397 0.105 6.12 2.09 0.10 1.25
SiCPTMS-60/10 415 0.095 6.80 2.32 0.35 1.44
SiCPTMS-60/25 408 0.148 6.26 2.27 0.29 1.29
SiCPTMS-60/40 410 0.146 6.10 2.25 0.27 1.25
SiCPTMS-80/10 540 0.058 4.66 2.86 0.018 0.85
SiCPTMS-80/25 500 0.059 4.58 2.78 0.025 0.83
SiCPTMS-80/40 365 0.127 4.69 2.42 0.024 0.86
Obtained by elemental analysis, mmol of CPTMS group per gram of silica.

respectively. Therefore, at these temperatures, the Figure 3 shows the results of the FTIR analysis
organic content bonded on the silica surface was of all the samples synthesized by microwave
almost identical. Similar results were obtained by irradiation. The band in the region of 1,069 cm−1
Gu et al. (2015), for synthesis at 40 and 60°C under corresponds to the Si–O–Si and Si–O–Si–C groups
microwave irradiation, with a carbon and hydro- and the band of 698 cm−1 can be assigned to the
gen content in the material of 6 and 1.3%, respect- C–Cl bond (Adam et al., 2009). These vibration
ively. At 80°C, the carbon content decreased to bands can be observed in all samples. The resulting
around 4.6%, and the hydrogen content increased structure of the hybrid material is similar to that
slightly, probably due to the presence of some obtained using the conventional heating process,
uncovered hydroxyl groups in the silica. indicating that microwave irradiation could be
used in the synthesis and modification of silica
with organic groups. Besides, this process is
advantageous because it reduces the processing
time and energy consumption.

According to the results obtained in this work, it is
possible to synthesize silica with CPTMS using
microwave irradiation. Increasing reaction tem-
perature from 40 to 80°C was observed to have an
increase in the specific surface area and a decrease
in the pore volume. From FTIR analysis, it was
possible to identify the organic groups present in
the silica. This proved that the functionalization
of the silica surface with CPTMS was effective.
The elemental analysis verified that the amount
of carbon in the SiCPTMS-40 and SiCPTMS-60
samples was close to 6%, indicating the presence
of the silane agent (CPTMS), while in the
SiCPTMS-80 sample the carbon content was
reduced to 4%, approximately. The hydrogen con-
tent increased with the reaction temperature,
which may indicate incomplete condensation of
TEOS with a larger number of silanol groups
Figure 3. Absorption spectrum in FTIR of silica modified with
(–OH) in place of the siloxane groups (–SiO).
CPTMS obtained via microwave irradiation at 40 (a), 60
(b), and 80°C (c) under different conditions. Note: CPTMS, Furthermore, it was possible to obtain a gelled
3-chloropropyltrimethoxysilane. silica at the end of the reaction in the microwave

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