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Culture and FL Gr1 Composition

Introduce yourself

Name: *Nahuel Andres

Code: *1000836390

Write your composition here, write about you *

well, C i C consider that i´ C m a cool person, i C like to share with people and play

volleyball with my brother and my friends, i C lke WS too WW play basketball and see the

NBA, i C like to write poetry, read some story books and i C love my family like nobody.

Key Type of error Example Key Type of error Example

A Agreement He play tennis W.W Wrong word My career is medicine
PL Plural Two nice man W.S Wrong spelling She is beautifull
S Singular She has a cars W.E Wrong expression I have twenty years old
? Problems in discourse I was studied big W.P Wrong preposition The key is between the car
[ ] Something must be left out Ana she is cute W.O Wrong order I like very much pizza
^ Something is missing I am student C Capitalization I like english
WT Wrong tense I am born in 1977 P Punctuation It is cold, and humid

I consider that I´m a cool person, I like to share with people and play volleyball with my
brother and my friends, I like to play basketball and see the NBA, I like to write poetry, read
some story books and I love my family like nobody.


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