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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519 513

Original article
Effectiveness of ozone for inactivation of Escherichia coli
and Bacillus cereus in pistachios

Meltem Yesilcimen Akbas1 & Murat Ozdemir2*

1 Department of Biology, Gebze Institute of Technology, PO Box 141, 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Section of Food Technology, Gebze Institute of Technology, PO Box 141,
41400 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
(Received 22 December 2004; Accepted in revised form 15 July 2005)

Summary The effectiveness of ozone for the decontamination of Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus
in kernels, shelled and ground pistachios was investigated. Pistachios were inoculated with
known concentrations of E. coli and B. cereus. Pistachio samples were exposed to gaseous
ozone in a chamber at three different concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 ppm) for various
times (0–360 min) at 20 C and 70% relative humidity. The effectiveness of ozone against
E. coli and B. cereus increased with increasing exposure time and ozone concentration. The
physico-chemical properties including: pH, free fatty acids and peroxide values, colour and
fatty acid composition of pistachios did not change significantly after the ozonation
treatments, except for the peroxide value of ground pistachios ozonized at 1.0 ppm for
360 min. Ozone concentration of 1.0 ppm was effective in reducing E. coli and B. cereus
counts in kernels and shelled pistachios, while ozone concentrations <1.0 ppm were found
to be appropriate in reducing the number of both bacteria in ground pistachios without
having any change in their physico-chemical properties.
Keywords Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, microbial decontamination, ozone, pistachio.

bacterium, found in intestines of animals and

humans, and associated with sewage contamin-
Pistachio nuts are Pistachia vera L. fruit seeds. ation of foods, water or poor personal hygiene.
Kernels, shelled and ground pistachios are mar- Bacillus cereus is a Gram (+) spore-forming
keted extensively all over the world. Imported organism, found widely in soil, and raw, dried
pistachios originate in Turkey, Iran and USA and processed foods. In the spore form, the
(FAO, 1999). Raw pistachios are utilized for fresh bacteria do not cause any illness, but the
consumption or processed for use in desserts, bacteria come out of its spore state in proper
candies and ice creams. conditions and produce toxins which can cause
Nuts are subjected to contamination with food poisoning. It was shown that some E. coli
pathogenic micro-organisms at various stages. on walnut hulls remains through the tempering
The traditional methods of tempering, cracking, process and subsequently contaminates the nuts
shelling and handling of nuts usually result in (Meyer & Vaughn, 1969). Chipley & Heaton
heavy contamination. Escherichia coli and Bacil- (1971) found that shelled pecan samples could be
lus cereus, that cause food born illnesses, are the contaminated with E. coli during harvesting.
major bacteria responsible for the contamin- Studies with processed and non-processed Bra-
ation. Escherichia coli is a common Gram ()) zilian cashews revealed contamination with
Bacillus species (Freire & Offord, 2002). In some
*Correspondent: Fax: +90 262 653 8490; countries, the traditional methods used for the
e-mail: ozdemirm@gyte.edu.tr pistachios, such as harvesting by hand, drying
 2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
514 Ozone treatment of pistachios M. Y. Akbas and M. Ozdemir

on the ground, soaking in water containing chamber was maintained at 70 ± 3% RH with

sewage to soften the shells, cracking of shells by saturated KCL solution as measured by a digital
hand and poor storage conditions (damp envir- humidity measurement device (Kimo, model HD
onments and high storage temperatures) cause 50, Bordeaux, France). The chamber was con-
the possible bacterial contamination of the nected to an ozone generator (MKD, model
pistachios with E. coli and B. cereus. This Trio-10, Istanbul, Turkey) in which ozone was
contamination may pose a significant health produced from the air. The generator has a
hazard for the consumers. capacity of producing 10 mg h)1 ozone, requi-
In 1997, an US expert panel affirmed ozone as ring 5 W power at 220 V. Ozone concentration
a GRAS (generally recognized as a safe) was controlled by an Eco Sensor (model OS-3,
substance (Graham, 1997). This affirmation Santa Fe, NM, USA).
triggered broad usage of ozone gas in the food
industry. Ozone has been used mainly for
Microbial inoculation
washing and storage of fruits and vegetables
(Hampson et al., 1996; Liangji, 1999). Recent Before ozonation, raw pistachios were microbi-
investigations involving the use of ozone for ologically analysed using culturing techniques on
dried foods have shown that ozone is a powerful selective media to establish whether they were
antimicrobial agent. It was shown that gaseous contaminated with E. coli and B. cereus. Pista-
ozone eliminated Bacillus spp. and Micrococcus chios were found to be free of E. coli and B.
counts in cereal grains, peas, beans and whole cereus. Therefore, cultures of E. coli ATCC 8739
spices by up to 3 log units, depending on ozone and B. cereus ATCC 6633 strains were suspen-
concentration, temperature and relative humidity ded with sterile peptone water (0.1% w/v)
(Naitoh et al., 1987, 1988). Zhao & Cranston solution and pistachio samples (100 g) were
(1995) used gaseous ozone as a disinfectant in inoculated with the microbial cell suspensions
reducing microbial populations in ground black in sterile bags at a level of approximately 107
pepper and they observed 3–6 log number bacteria g)1. Pistachios were then mixed thor-
reductions in ground black pepper ozonized at oughly and allowed to dry for 1 h at room
6.7 ppm for 6 h, depending on the moisture temperature to facilitate adherence of the bac-
content. However, there is no information teria to the pistachios. Contaminated samples
available for the use of gaseous ozone as a (100 g) were weighed out, divided into four Petri
disinfectant on pistachio nuts. Therefore, the dishes and placed into the ozonation chamber
objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the after the desired ozone concentrations were
effect of different ozone concentrations and reached in the chamber.
exposure times for reducing pathogenic E. coli
and B. cereus in pistachios, and (ii) evaluate the
Microbiological analysis
changes in physico-chemical characteristics of
pistachios exposed to different ozone treatments. Raw, ozonized and non-ozonized samples (25 g)
were diluted with sterile peptone water (225 mL)
in stomacher bags (Seward, London, UK) and
Materials and methods
homogenized with a stomacher (Tekmar Co.,
Cincinnati, OH, USA) for 2 min. Further deci-
Materials and ozonation system
mal dilutions were prepared in peptone water
Raw kernels, shelled and ground pistachios solution and plated out on an appropriate
(Pistachio vera L.) grown in Gaziantep, South medium. Escherichia coli was enumerated by
East region of Turkey, were obtained from a the pour plate technique using TBX (Triptone
local company (Callı Co., Istanbul, Turkey). Bile X-glucuronide, Merck, Germany) agar after
Ozonation was performed in a gas-tight plexi- the plates were incubated at 44 C for 24 h.
glass chamber (30 · 30 · 50 cm) placed in a Bacillus cereus was enumerated by the surface
controlled temperature room kept at spread technique using MYP (Mannitol Egg
20 ± 0.5 C. The relative humidity inside the Yolk Polymixin, Merck, Germany) agar after

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519  2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Ozone treatment of pistachios M. Y. Akbas and M. Ozdemir 515

the plates were incubated at 30 C for 24 h. The

Results and discussion
plates having 30–300 cfu (colony forming
units) were counted. Results were expressed as
Microbiological quality
log cfu g)1 dry weight.
Because pistachios were free of E. coli and
B. cereus, they were contaminated with E. coli
Physico-chemical analysis
and B. cereus prior to ozonation experiments.
Shells of pistachio samples were removed prior to Contaminated pistachio samples were treated with
analysis. Kernels were ground in a blender and different ozone concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and
crude lipids were extracted from the ground samples 1.0 ppm) for 360 min (Fig. 1). At low ozone
with petroleum ether at 110 C in a Soxtec system concentrations (0.1 and 0.5 ppm), E. coli counts
(Soxtec system HT 1043, Tecator, Hoganas, Swe- were decreased by 2–3 log numbers in kernels and
den). Fatty acid esters were determined by the shelled pistachios, respectively, whereas B. cereus
esterification of purified lipids using BF3 – methanol counts were reduced by 1.5–2 log numbers. How-
following hydrolysis by 0.5 N sodium hydroxide ever, populations of both bacteria were decreased
(IUPAC, 1979) and analysed with a gas chroma- by 1.5 log in ground pistachios after being treated
tography (Thermoquest Trace GC, model 2000 with 0.1 and 0.5 ppm ozone for 360 min. At
Series, Milan, Italy) equipped with a flame ioniza- 1.0 ppm ozone concentration, E. coli counts in
tion detector and a fused silicagel capillary column kernels and shelled pistachios were reduced by
(30 m · 25 mm i.d., 0.2 lm thickness; Supelco, 3.5 log numbers, while B. cereus counts were
Bellefonte, PA, USA) coated with SP-2330. The reduced about 3 log numbers. Escherichia coli
oven temperature was programmed from 120 C and B. cereus counts were decreased about 2 log
for 2 min initial hold and then 5 C min)1 increase numbers in ground pistachios after they were
to a final temperature of 220 C. Injector and treated with 1.0 ppm ozone for 360 min. This
detector temperatures were maintained at 240 C showed that surface area of the pistachio samples
and 250 C, respectively. Flow rate of helium, was a critical factor for the effectiveness of the
carrier gas, was 0.5 mL min)1 and split ratio was ozone treatment. The inoculated bacteria
1:150. The rancidity of the samples was determined remained protective in ground pistachios from
by measuring free fatty acids (FFA, calculated as the oxidant effect of ozone, possibly because of
per cent oleic acid) and peroxide values (meq kg)1) reduced penetration and interaction of ozone with
according to the methods described in AOCS organic components such as lipids and carbohy-
(1986a,b). drates in pistachios. Our results were consistent
pH values of the pistachio samples were with the findings reported by Naitoh et al. (1989)
measured with a pH meter (Methrom, model and Zagon et al. (1992) who treated cereal flour
637, Bern, Switzerland) according to AOAC and ground pepper with gaseous ozone, respect-
(1985). The change in colour of the samples ively. They found that surface area was an
was measured with a Minolta chromometer important factor during the ozonation of cereal
(Minolta, model CR310, Osaka, Japan) where flour and ground pepper because they required a
L ¼ 0 to 100 indicates black to white, )a to +a higher concentration of ozone and longer treat-
shows green to red, and )b to +b shows blue to ment time than the whole cereal and pepper to
yellow. achieve the same degree of microbial deconta-
As far as the inactivation of E. coli and B. cereus
Statistical analysis
is concerned, both bacteria showed similar reduc-
All experiments were replicated three times. One- tions at 0.1 and 0.5 ppm ozone concentrations. At
way analysis of variance (anova) (Minitab Inc., 1.0 ppm ozone concentration, on the contrary,
2000) was performed to analyse physico-chemical inactivation of both bacteria was different. A
properties. Significant change (P < 0.05) between substantial reduction (more than 2.5 log) in pop-
treated and non-treated samples was determined ulation of B. cereus (except for ground pistachios)
with Tukey’s HSD range test. occurred mostly in the initial 60 min of ozone

 2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519
516 Ozone treatment of pistachios M. Y. Akbas and M. Ozdemir

E. coli (0.1 ppm)
8 B. cereus (0.1 ppm)
Log (CFU g–1)

Log (CFU g–1)

3 3
2 2
1 1

0 0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (min) Time (min)

8 8
E. coli (0.5 ppm) B. cereus (0.5 ppm)
7 7

6 6
Log (CFU g–1)

Log (CFU g–1)

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (min) Time (min)

8 8
E. coli (1.0 ppm) B. cereus (1.0 ppm)
7 7

6 6
Log (CFU g–1)

Log (CFU g–1)

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 1 Comparative effects of ozone concentrations on microbial inactivation of Gaziantep Pistachios (–¤–, kernel; ÆÆÆ ÆÆÆ,
shelled; and - - - -, ground).

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519  2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Ozone treatment of pistachios M. Y. Akbas and M. Ozdemir 517

treatment, while the same reduction in E. coli was (P < 0.05) for kernels, shelled and ground pista-
attained in 240 min when the pistachios were chios. The peroxide value, a measure of the extent
treated with 1.0 ppm ozone concentration. of oxidative absorption and entrainment of oxygen
in fats or oils, did not change significantly
(P < 0.05) for kernels and shelled pistachios.
Physico-chemical quality
However, this value was significantly (P < 0.05)
The effects of different ozone treatments (0.1 and higher for the ground pistachios treated with
1.0 ppm for 360 min) on pH, FFA, peroxide and 1.0 ppm ozone for 360 min than that of the control
colour values (L, a and b) of kernels, shelled and samples, possibly because of the destruction of
ground pistachios are shown in Table 1. No fatty acids in ground pistachios. No colour change
significant changes (P < 0.05) in pH values of (P < 0.05) was observed in kernels, shelled and
kernels, shelled and ground pistachios were ob- ground pistachios after they were treated with 0.1
served after they were treated with 0.1 and 1.0 ppm and 1.0 ppm ozone for 360 min.
ozone for 360 min. The FFA values, which give a Table 2 shows the comparative effects of differ-
measure of hydrolytic rancidity involving the ent ozone treatments on the fatty acid composi-
enzymatic hydrolysis of fats into free fatty acids tions of pistachios. Five major fatty acids were
and glycerol, did not change significantly determined in pistachios. No significant change

Table 1 Comparative effects of different ozone treatments (0.1 and 1.0 ppm ozone for 360 min) on some of physico-chemical
qualities of Gaziantep pistachios* (kernel, shelled and ground)

Kernel Shelled Ground

Parameter† Control 0.1 ppm 1.0 ppm Control 0.1 ppm 1.0 ppm Control 0.1 ppm 1.0 ppm

pH 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a 6.4a

FFA value‡ 0.9a 0.9a 1.2a 0.7a 0.7a 0.7a 3.5a 3.6a 3.7a
Peroxide value‡ 2.8a 2.9a 3.9a 2.7a 2.6a 2.7a 2.1a 2.6a 3.7b
L 47.8a 48.2a 49.1a 48.8a 48.7a 48.8a 41.8a 42.1a 42.2a
a 1.1a 1.3a 1.5a 1.6a 1.5a 1.5a )11.1a )10.8a )10.7a
b 15.3a 15.3a 15.5a 16.7a 16.8a 16.8a 35.1a 35.2a 35.4a

*Values with the same superscript letter within each row are not significantly different at P < 0.05.
†Each value is the average of triplicate samples.
‡FFA and peroxide values are expressed as titration volume % oleic acid and meq kg)1, respectively.

Table 2 Comparative effects of different ozone treatments (0.1 and 1.0 ppm ozone for 360 min) on fatty acid compositions of
Gaziantep pistachios* (kernel, shelled and ground)

Kernel Shelled Ground

Parameter† (%) Control 0.1 ppm 1.0 ppm Control 0.1 ppm 1.0 ppm Control 0.1 ppm 1.0 ppm

Crude lipid 46.60a 46.60a 46.60a 46.60a 46.60a 46.60a 48.20a 48.20a 48.20a
Palmitic, C16:0 10.04a 10.10a 10.19a 10.05a 10.05a 10.05a 9.73a 10.19a 10.03a
Palmiteloic, C16:1 0.72a 0.71a 0.72a 0.72a 0.72a 0.72a 0.66a 0.6 0.69a
Stearic, C18:0 2.72a 2.79a 2.70a 2.74a 2.74a 2.74a 2.89a 2.86a 2.86a
Oleic, C18:1 70.99a 71.01a 70.82a 71.24a 71.21a 71.27a 70.22a 69.95a 69.86a
Linoleic, C18:2 13.94a 13.48a 13.88a 13.95a 13.98a 13.98a 14.71a 14.82a 14.77a
SFA (16:0 + 18:0) 12.76a 12.80a 12.90a 12.79a 12.79a 12.79a 12.62a 12.79a 12.89a
USFA (16:1 + 18:1 + 18:2) 85.55a 85.08a 84.98a 85.91a 85.91a 85.97a 85.68a 85.44a 85.32a

*Values with the same superscript letter within each row are not significantly different at P < 0.05.
†Each value is the average of triplicate samples.
SFA, total saturated fatty acids; USFA, unsaturated fatty acids.

 2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519
518 Ozone treatment of pistachios M. Y. Akbas and M. Ozdemir

(P < 0.05) was observed between fatty acid pistachios. Financial support by the Gebze Insti-
composition of ozonized and non-ozonized sam- tute of Technology (Project number: 2003-B-3)
ples because low ozone concentrations (£1.0 ppm) and the Government Planning Organisation of
were used in ozone treatments. Our results agree Turkey (DPT) is greatly acknowledged.
with those of Naitoh et al. (1987) who found that
the oxidation of lipids in dry foods rarely occurred
below 5 ppm ozone concentrations. However, aloe
powder, bee pollen and red ginseng powder AOAC (1985). Official Methods of Analysis of the Associ-
treated with a high ozone concentration ation of Official Analytical Chemists, 14th edn. Arlington,
USA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
(18 ppm) for 8 h showed significant changes in AOCS (1986a). American Oil Chemists Society, Official
their fatty acid composition because of the Methods and Recommended Practices. Method Ca 5a-40,
destruction of double-bonds in fatty acids (Byun 3th edn. IL, USA: American Oil Chemists Society.
et al., 1997, 1998; Yook et al., 1997). Similarly, AOCS (1986b). American Oil Chemists Society, Official
Zhao & Cranston (1995) observed significant Methods and Recommended Practices. Method Cd 8–53,
3th edn. IL, USA: American Oil Chemists Society.
changes in essential volatile oil constituents of Byun, M.W., Yook, H.S. & Kween, O.J. (1997). Compara-
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ozone at 6.7 ppm for up to 6 h. hygienic quality of aloe powders. International Journal of
Food Science and Technology, 32, 221–227.
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FAO (1999). Food and Agriculture Organization of the
numbers in kernels, shelled and ground pistachios United Nations. Rome, Italy: FAO production yearbook,
were observed at the end of 360 min ozonation. 52.
Ozone treatments did not change the pH, FFA Freire, F.C.O. & Offord, L. (2002). Bacterial and yeast
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treated with ozone at 1.0 ppm. Ozone concentra- Hampson, B.C., Montevalco, J. & Williams, D.W. (1996).
tions <1.0 ppm for ground pistachios and ozone Regulation of ozone as a food sanitizing agent: applica-
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significant impact not only for the pistachio 102. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
processors, but also for the other nut processors. Liangji, X. (1999). Use of ozone to improve the safety
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It can be concluded that ozone treatment was a 58–61.
promising alternative to the use of chemical Meyer, M.T. & Vaughn, R.H. (1969). Incidence of
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We would like to present our thanks to Mr Ismail powders, peas, beans and whole spices. Journal of
Calli, the President of Calli Company, Istanbul, Japanese Society of Food Science and Technology, 34,
Turkey, for providing kernels, shelled and ground

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519  2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
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 2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2006, 41, 513–519

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