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Super Sweet

Classroom Management
Plan For Kindergarten

Super Sweet Classroom

Management Plan


ELE 3020: Classroom Design & Management

Hallie Ross

Dr. Ficklin

Summer 2020

Table of Contents
Personal Classroom Management Philosophy..............................................................3-5
Classroom Discipline System.........................................................................................6-12
Room Use and Procedures ........................................................................................... 13-16
Procedures for Start of Day ................................................................................... 17-20
Procedures for Instructional Time..........................................................................21-23
Procedures for Transitioning In and Out of the Room....................................... 24-27
Procedures for Ending the Day................................................................................ 28-30
Assignments and Work Requirements ..................................................................... 31-33
Regular Communication with Parents.......................................................................34-36
Strategies for Feedback to Students....................................................................37-40
Additional Resources………………………………………………………………………………………..………41-53

Personal Classroom



Personal Classroom Management Philosophy

I believe that a classroom should be a safe, learning environment for all my students.

As a teacher, I will serve as a guide that is positive and consistent that holds high standards.

I aim to keep kindergarten fun and valuable, knowing this is the student's first experience

away from home. Each child brings something different into the classroom, I will use their

uniqueness to express themselves in the most comfortable manner. I will establish goals

and make sure they will be met to ensure each child will reach their fullest social and

academic potential. When you learn something, you are developing and practicing new

knowledge correctly. For a successful classroom management plan, we need to remember

that schedules will change, therefore, you must be prepared to adapt to the new situations

and have a back-up plan. No matter what happens, my responsibility is my class and

making sure they leave prepared for the next grade level and develop better social skills.

Kindergarten can be a very scary and exciting experience, as this is their first year in a

classroom, which means; making friends, following a routine/schedule, and being in a

school for a majority of the day. This is very new to them, so I want to ensure they are

comfortable and make the best of their year, because this is their first impression of

“school”. I want my classroom to be and open conversation in order for the children to

critically reach and develop a sense of higher order thinking. I always want my children to

be engaged with each other, which is why I will always allow group work. I will use this by

framing my conversations around Bloom’s Taxonomy to develop those higher order

thinking skills. Children learn from each other by observation and sharing ideas, and most

of the time, they don’t realize they are. I definitely want them to develop life-long learning

skills that they will be able to take with them throughout their schooling career.

Organization is something I want my students to practice and develop a habit of keeping

things neat and in order, which is crucial for maintain good grades and even future life

skills. I want to make sure I teach each lesson differently so that I know everyone has an

opportunity to understand the material that is being taught. Every student learns

differently whether it is verbally, visually, or hands-on, and I want to make sure that I teach

my lessons in a way that all can interpret and successfully learn. Finally, I will always be

open to opportunities that involve bettering myself as a teacher, such as workshops, leader

events, or other professional development resources that would be offered. Not only is that

important personally, but it is what our students deserve.

Classroom Discipline

Classroom Discipline System
Theme Related For my classroom discipline system, I will
be following my candy land theme. At the
Discipline System front of the classroom, each student will
have their own small section taped off on
the board. Throughout the day, students
will be able to earn jellybeans, which they
will place in their taped off bowl. The
jellybeans will have a magnet on the back
so they will stay onto the board. Student
jellybeans can also be removed if their
behavior is undesirable. Students will start
the day with all four jellybeans. At the
beginning of the day, each student will
move their jellybeans into the bowl, which
will also be a way to track attendance. At
the end of the day, they will take all of their
jellybeans out of their bowl to sign out.
 Students with four jellybeans are
“Super Jellybeans”. (Great Behavior-
possibly a warning.)
 Students with three jellybeans are
“Sweet Jellybeans”. (Students broke a
rule, after their warning.)
 Students with two jellybeans are
“Jumping Jellybeans”. (Broke another
or the same rule again and will be
asked to fill out a behavior sheet and
will be signed by parent.)
 Students with one jellybean are “Sour
Jellybeans”. (If this jellybean is
removed another discipline sheet will
be filled out with an additional call


If a student is misbehaving in class and

not following the rules, and any
jellybean removed from their bowl at
any time after sweet will require a
discipline behavior sheet that will be
given and filled out. (Attach)
At the end of the day, they write down
what type of jellybean they received and
will be signed by parents and returned
that morning. This will keep the parents
updated on their behavior and allows
me, as the teacher, to be actively
engaged with the students all day long.


1. TRY- Always try your best!

Classroom Rules 2. CARE- Care for yourself, others, and
classroom materials.
3. RESPECT- Treat people the way you
wanted to be treated.
4. LISTEN- Keep your listening ears
open and raise your hand before
5. LAUGH- Make it a great day to have
fun and laugh!

  Turn your homework in at the

beginning of each day in the
Classroom homework bin.
  Sign in and out of the Hall Log and
take the Hall Pass before exiting the
room. Examples of this would be
additional visits to the bathroom,
going to the office, or any other
approved exits. Unless they are
checking out, having them sign back
in when they come back allows you to
monitor time outside of the

  Respect classroom materials and

your tables by keeping it clean and

  Raise your hand before speaking

and avoid interrupting.

  When walking in, move your

number on the lunch chart, put all of
the belongings in the cubbies, and
quietly get started on your warm-up

  Always line up by numbers before

the class leaves the room. Walking
silently and in a straight line will be
the expected behavior. This will
include going to lunch, the library,
P.E., music, art, drills, and any other

Rewards will be given after a certain

amount of golden tickets. Golden tickets can
Individual be earned by good behavior, being a model
Rewards student, or going out of their way to do

something kind.

 5 Golden Tickets: Choose a piece of

 15 Golden Tickets: Choose where you
stand in line for one trip.
 25 Golden Tickets: Sit with a buddy
for day.
 30 Golden Tickets: Homework Pass!
 35 Golden Tickets: Lunch with

 If the whole class receives a comment

from another teacher or staff, they
will receive a cupcake on the board.
Rewards When the class receives six cupcakes,
a whole container, they are eligible
for a cupcake party (adjust with
 Groups will be able to earn points by
having every single person in the
group’s homework is turned in or
winning a challenge in the classroom.
These groups will be adjusted every
nine weeks, and points will start back
over. In order to get the group
reward, each group must reach forty
points and they will each get to pick
which station they want to go to first
when doing centers. Each group will
have a different color caddy on their
table and the point tally will be next
to the Jellybean discipline chart.

 First, each student will receive a

warning before taking any jellybeans
from their candy dish.
 After the warning, students will be
asked to remove their Super
jellybean from their dish. They will
now be a sweet jellybean which will
mean they have to walk with me, the
teacher, for one lap during recess,
which will last around five minutes.
This will allow time for the teacher to
connect with the students and help
discuss the behaviors that resulted in
this time.
 Next, after breaking a rule three
times, students will have to remove
another jellybean, ranking as a
jumping jellybean, and will have to
fill out a Behavior Reflection
Discipline Sheet. This will have to be
sent home and signed by a parent.
 After the fourth rule broken, students
will be left with one jellybean, the
sour jellybean, and will have to do
another behavior reflection sheet
with addition to parent contact.

Behavior Reflection


Room Use and

Room Use and Procedures
Classroom Map


Accessing Teacher’s Everything that needs to be used for the

day will be already placed on the student
Materials storage shelf where they can easily access
any materials. Have this already set up for
the students saves class time and having
one member walk up from the group to get
everyone from the group their materials
will keep class movement neat and

Students will have a caddy in the middle of

the tables containing materials for the
Accessing Students’ whole group including pencils, erasers,
Materials crayons, markers, and glue. Scissors will be
kept in a bin on the student storage shelf,
near the reading corner. Students will also
have a bin that is kept under their chairs
which will hold their books, journals,
folders, and other materials that will be
used in the classroom.
 As a whole class, we will take two
bathroom/water fountain trips
Accessing Restroom
during the school day. One in the
& Drinking Fountain morning and one after lunch.

 At the beginning of the year, I
suggest the students to bring their
school water bottle to class to
prevent having students constantly
leave the room for water.
 If anyone has to use the bathroom
outside of the two breaks, they are
able to take a hall pass and sign out
on the hall log sheet when they leave
and enter the room.


 Before the beginning of class each

day, students are expected to have
Accessing Pencil
their materials ready and prepared
Sharpener for class, this includes having their
pencils sharpened. If their pencil
breaks during class, they will be able
to sharpen it after raising their hand
and asking. They will not be allowed
to sharpen their pencils during
instruction time while the class is

not using any writing utensils.

 There will be one main supply

storage that holds emergency
Accessing Emergency supplies. This cabinet is located near
Supplies the sink in a storage area. This will
house the first aid kit and additional
band-aids on one side, and other
cleaning materials and stuff we will
use in the classroom on the other.

 This will not be accessible for

students freely. Students will have to
ask for any band-aids so the teacher
will be able to monitor supplies.

 All other student supplies such as

glue, scissors, tape, crayons,
markers, and colored paper will be
in bins on the student storage shelf
and will only be accessed when
given permission.

Procedures for
Start of Day

Procedures for Start of the Day

Entering the Room When students enter the room, they will be
expected to place their number on the
lunch chart, put their personal belongings
away, turn in their homework, get out their
materials and start on their warm-up
activity. (SEE PAGE 43)
Students will have a designated cubby with
their number on it where they will keep
Stowing Personal their bookbags, lunch boxes, coats, and
Belongings other personal belongings. This will only
be accessed when coming into the class,
before and after lunch, and at the end of the
school day. Students will also have a
storage bin underneath their chairs where
they can place extra school materials such
as notebooks, pencils, and other items for

Attendance and lunch count will go hand in

hand. On the side of the student’s cubbies
Attendance will be a chart where they will mark
whether they brought a lunch box, choosing
lunch option two, or lunch option two. This
will be magnetic to where students can
place their number onto the board. (SEE
PAGE 43)
Lunch Count

 Students will have their own storage

shelf that is near the reading corner
Gathering Necessary
Materials which will hold supplies that are not
used on a daily basis such as scissors,
markers, and different colored paper.
Any other worksheets or materials
used in class that day will already be
laid out on top of the shelf. That way,
one student from the group can walk
up and pick up a worksheet for their
whole group.
 The warm-up/ bell-ringer will be
already set up, as they will rotate for
groups daily.

Bell Ringer Monday- Sour Sounds and Letter Knowledge

Tuesday- Jumping to the Point Sentence
Wednesday- Peppermint Puzzle (Building on
Prior Knowledge)
Thursday- Super Sweet Science Station
Friday- Candy Crafts with Math (Worksheet
with coloring page)

 These will activities will rotate by groups

everyday so that only one group should be
working on a warm-up, no two groups will
be doing the same.
 Before students come in every day, these
stations will be already set up in place as
they will be changing. This way, groups will
not have to remember which station they
will be doing.
Homework Collection  There will be a homework bin near

the cubbies where students will be
asked to place their homework
before they begin their warm-up.

 While students are quietly working

on their warm-up, I will look through
the homework that was turned in and
check for completion. If everyone in a
group completes their homework,
they will receive group points.

 At the end of the day, they will be

given their homework back to take
home. If homework was not done, it
must be returned the next day with a
parent signature.

Procedures for
Instructional Time

Procedures for Instructional Time

Getting Help  If we are working independently

and assistance is needed, the
expected behavior is to raise their
hand to ask for assistance after
attempting to do it themselves.

 If they are working in a group,

they can ask their group members
for help after they have tried on
their own. If the whole group is
still struggling, they may lean over
and ask a neighboring group

 Every student will be expected to

participate 100% of the time. I will
Participation Guidelines
find ways to incorporate all
students into conversations and
open discussions, as some can be
shy and nervous to speak.
 I want to encourage a positive,
judgement free environment to
where students will feel
comfortable enough to talk in
front of the class.
 Students will be assigned group
tasks to make sure everyone has a

 Students will have a set of bins on

Procedures to Submit their student storage shelf with
the days of the week labeled. One
Completed Assignments
student from the group will be
asked to come up and turn in the
group’s work to avoid over
crowdedness and the same will be
done when returning materials.

 Odd Man Out Game with questions

that cover material already
“What to Do When
learned. A pair of the group can
Finished” use this when two have completed
Activities work.
 Scramble and Sort Individual
activity. This literacy activity will
be cut out words that are already
prepared and in a “When You’re
Finished” Bin located on the
student shelf.
 Tic-Tac-Toe with updated math
problems depending on time of
year and most recent material

Constantly monitoring students while

they are working together in groups or
Managing Student individually is crucial to understand
Conversations their development of learning. You can
walk around and listen in, to reward
groups that are on task and redirect
those who are not.

Transitioning Into
and Out of the Room

Procedures for Transitioning Into and Out of the Room
Examples of Hall This is the hall pass that will be used when
leaving the classroom. It is laminated so
Passes that the information on the bottom can be
easily changed and is attached to a ring.
This way when it is taken, it can be easily
hung or worn around the wrist to avoid
losing it. (SEE PAGE 44)
Students will line up beginning with the
line leader for that week, then the
Line Formation remaining will line up in numerical order
with their assigned number.

They will be expected to walk in a straight

line, on their best behavior, and silently.
Line Behaviors They will walk on the right side of the
hallway until we reach our destination.

When transitioning from different centers

and stations, they will move quietly by
Movement within the walking. There will be no running to avoid
Room any accidents in the classroom. Groups will
move clockwise, which will be addressed
when first beginning stations and frequent
reminders. If students are moving
between stations, there will be a short
song of around a minute playing, and when
it is over, students will be seated and
ready to begin the next location.
 As a whole class, we will take two
Restroom Transitions bathroom/water fountain trips
during the school day. One in the
During Instruction
morning and one after lunch.
 At the beginning of the year, I
suggest the students to bring their
school water bottle to class to
prevent having students constantly
leave the room for water.
 If anyone has to use the bathroom
outside of the two breaks, they are
able to take a hall pass and sign out
on the hall log sheet when they leave
and enter the room.

 Both Fire drills and tornado drills
will be learned and discussed on the
first week of school. We will also
Fire Drills practice proper line formation and
ducking positions before the drill, so
we are extra prepared when the
actual drills come. Students will
need to understand that these are
important and serious procedures
and it is dangerous if not done
Tornado Drills properly.
 When addressing this at the
beginning of the year, I will discuss
the proper evacuation route and
have it highlighted near the door.
 Behavior is expected to silent and
lined up by numbers.

Students will be allowed their allotted

recess time that will be the same
throughout the year. Students have to
Recess earn their recess or free time by modeling
good student behavior in class. When it is
time to line up by number we will go out.
Students will have a two-minute warning
whistle before the final whistle to help
them prepare to come back inside.

Procedures for
Ending the Day

Procedures for Ending the Day
Distributing Things to While students are going to get their
belongings from the cubbies, I will be
Go Home handing back the previous days
completed and graded work to take home
in their folder.
Five minutes before dismissal, students will
go group by group to their assigned cubbies
Gathering Belongings and gather their belongings and bring them
back to their table. I will remind them of
what needs to go home and any reminders
for the following day.
 Mondays through Thursdays we
will stop ten minutes before the bell
Readying the Room for
to discuss the homework and clean
Dismissal our area. Everything should be
removed from the floor and all
trash should be cleaned up.

 Friday we will stop twenty minutes

before the first dismissal bell so we
can wipe down our area and put our
chairs on the tables, so it is easy for
the custodians to sweep and map.

 Each Student will have a tag

attached to their book bag that will
Bus Riders
indicate if they are a car rider or
bus rider.
 The bus riders tag will indicate
which number bus they will ride so
Car Riders they will never forget which bus to
get on. They will line up by number
after the car rider bell dismisses the
car riders.
 The students that will take a car
home, will have their parent’s name
on their tag so they can confirm
their ride once they are in the car
rider line outside. The first bell will
dismiss the car riders so they will
be the first to line up by numbers.
 These lines will be straight, orderly,
and quiet as this behavior is
expected throughout all of school.

and Work

Assignments and Work Requirements
Communicating  I will be working with Class Dojo to
communicate with both the students
Assignments and and parents. I will post grades for
Grades parents to see as well as updates on
their students.
to Parents and
 Parents can choose to show all
notifications that will update them
Communicating  They will be also be able to see what
Grading Scale to is due for homework that night.
Parents and Students
Students will have a set of bins on their
student storage shelf with the days of the
Collecting Completed week labeled. One student from the group
Assignments will be asked to come up and turn in the
group’s work to avoid over crowdedness
and the same will be done when returning

If it a test or assessment, I will walk

around and pick-up as they finish.

Students will have to take home any work

that was not completed during class. If
Late Work they do not bring it back the next day, they
Policy will not receive full credit for that
assignment. If students are out or sick,
they will have the until the end of the week
to complete and submit any assignments.

 Students will have time to complete
missed work. If students are out or
Communicating Missed
sick, they will have the until the end
Work to Students and of the week (or five school days) to
Parents complete and submit any
assignments and parents will be
notified of what is due.

Student System for Classroom work done by students that I

will be keeping will be saved in a data
Recording Grades as a notebook. This will allow me to check
Tool for Self- growth and progress and alert me if I need
Assessment to go back and reteach certain topics or

Communication with

Regular Communication with Parents
Communicating Parents will be sent home with the
rules and procedures at the beginning
Rules and Procedures of the year and have to be signed by
parents. This will be kept and glued at
to Parents the beginning of the student’s journal
for accountability.
Parents will be aware of everything
going on in the classroom and
Encouraging Parent encouraged to participate in all of the
Involvement in the extra activities done during the school
Classroom/School year.

 I will be working with Class Dojo

to communicate with both the
Types of Cyber
students and parents. I will post
Communication grades for parents to see as well
as updates on their students.
 Parents can choose to show all
notifications that will update
them daily.
They will be also be able to see what is
due for homework that night.


Classroom Newsletter

· For every discipline- related contact, 3

positive contacts must made
Communication Log SEE PAGE 53

Weekly Behavior Report SEE PAGE 52

Strategies for
Feedback to

Strategies for Feedback to Students
10 Possible Comments 1. Way to Go!
2. Super job on this activity!
to Express a
3. This is great work!
Job Well Done
4. I will have to tell your parents
how well you are doing!
5. You are a super sweet learner!
6. That is awesome work, show
your group what you did!
7. You are really getting the hang of
8. Sweet Success!
9. This is an example of wonderful
10. You are a pro!

1. I believe in you!
10 Possible Comments 2. I know you can do it!
to Encourage Better 3. How can I help?
Performance 4. I am so proud of how far you
have come, let’s keep going!
5. You have already done _____, this
will be a piece of cake!
6. Don’t give up yet!
7. You’re so close... keep trying!
8. If I can do it, so can you!

9. Be the best you can be.
10. You have got this down!
Just a few more to go.


Award Certificate


Award Certificate


Praise Certificate


Praise Certificate


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