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Name: Paulo Osmar Bedón Vásquez

Course: Intermediate 4

Date: Monday, September 07th 2020

Schedule: 8:45am – 10:15am

My friend is a millionaire

Hello my friend, I found out that you have become a millionaire because you won the lottery, good for
you! I suppose you need some recommendations on how to distribute your money in a good way, I wish I
could help you with my advices and tips. In my opinion the first thing you should do is set aside some
money and save it in your bank account to provide for the future, I wish you could live off your savings in
your old age. Second thing you must do is donate some money to charity, you’d better not save all your
wealth since the person who shares what he has will receive blessings in his life. Third thing you should do
is invest some money in a profitable business, you don’t need to be an expert in economics you only need
to evaluate a product or service and if this is popular with consumers. The last thing that I recommend
and is mandatory, believe me, you shouldn’t waste your money on luxurious things that are not really
important because in the end I assure you they will not give you real happiness but only temporary
happiness. I wish I were as rich as you are, I assure you I would know how to make good use of all that
money for my family and to help other people in poverty, improve our society somewhat, perhaps. But I
hope I have helped you with everything explained. Take care, I'll see you some day later. Bye

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