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Patterns and
During Adolescence Leonard S. Fishman

A mixed longitudinal study of Skeletal Maturation lndicators

(SMI) from the hand-wrist radiograph as a means for evaluating
maturational status.


M aturational development embodies the overall biologic progression

through life. In the gro�ing years, indicators of the level of matura-
tional development of the individual provide the best meaos for evaluating
biologic age and the associated timing of skeletal growth. Adolescence is a period
demonstrating varying increments of skeletal change occurring in widely dispar-
ate age periods.
It has been clearly demonstrated that chronologic age alone provides little
insight or validity for identifying the stages of developmental progression through
adolescence to adulthood GoHNSTON ET AL. 1965, HuNTER 1966, BROWN 1972, ToFANI
1972, FISHMAN 1979 AND 1982, HoUSTON 1980, HAGG 1982). The common practice of
comparing an individual's cephalometric measurements to chronologically based
"normal" standards provides no biologically sound basis for growth evaluation,
prediction or treatment timing. However, appropriate maturational ages can
provide an accurate indication of development, and may be used as a meaos for
making comparisons between children.
Variations in relative statural and craniofacial growth velocities are directly
related to differences in maturational development, and stages of relative matura-
tion are directly associated with specific amounts of completed growth (see all
Maturational development can be accurately assessed, but there are no norms
that can be assigned on a simple chronologic basis. Every child demonstrates a
unique sequential pattern of events, and generalized descriptions of the sequence
of maturational stages and associated skeletal growth curves that represent the
general population cannot be directly associated in any accurate manner with a
specific individual of either sex.
Dr. Fishman is in the private practice of orthodontics in
Syracuse, New York. He also serves as a Clinical Associate
Author Address: in the Graduate Department of Orthodontics, Eastman
Dr. Leonard S. Fishman Dental Center, Rochester, New York. He holds a D.D.S.
550 East Genesee Street degree from Temple University School of Dentistry in Phil-
Syracuse, NY 13202 adelphia, and a Certificate in Orthodontics from the East-
man Dental Center.

178 July, 1987 The Angle Orthodontist'°

Validity of the concept of "normal skel
etal age" is considered by the Author to The SMI's typically occur at earlier
be too questionable for guidance in clini chronologic ages for. girls, but in both
cal decisions. sexes they exhibir a rather even chronol
The system of Skeletal Maturation ogic distribution from the initiation to
Assessment (SMA) has been presented as the termination of adolescence. The
a more reliable means of utilizing hand SMI's make it possible to judge an indi
wrist radiographs for this purpose (Frsa vidual's relative timing of maturation
MAN 1982). Eleven Skeletal Maturity Indi whether it is early, average, or late.
cators (SMI's) have been previously Comparison of boys and girls on a
outlined and described: maturational timescale shows no sexual
differences in the percentages of com
pleted incremental growth at the same
Skeletal Maturity lndicators SMI levels, regardless of chronologic age
(SMI) (Fishman, 1982).
A positive association exists between
Epiphysis as wide as diaphysis the stage of maturation and the velocity
1. Third fingerproximal phalanx of growth. Comparison of individual
2. Third fingermiddle phalanx maturation patterns also reveals positive
3. Fifth fingermiddle phalanx correlations between maturation levels
Ossification and accelerations or decelerations in
growth rate. Maturation is clearly the
4. Adductor sesamoid ofthumb common denominator between individu
Capping of epiphysis als in relation to the timing and amount
of incremental skeletal growth and the
5. Third fingerdistal phalanx
velocity of growth, regardless of sex or
6. Third fingermiddle phalanx
chronologic age.
7. Fifth fingermiddle phalanx
The purpose of the present investiga
Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis tion is twofold. The first is to more
8. Third fingerdistal phalanx clearly define the interrelationships
9. Third fingerproximal phalanx between early, average and late matura
10. Third fingermiddle phalanx tion relative to changing maturational
11. Radius patterns during adolescence. The second
is to assess the feasibility of predicting
These provide a methodical approach these maturational patterns with a signif
to identifying specific maturational stages icant degree of reliability. Such basic
that cover the entire adolescent period. information is considered essential to a
These SMI's pertain to developmental more biological and clinically defensible
changes involved in the osseous pro approach to craniofacial growth evalua
cesses of widening of epiphyses, ossifica tion, growth prediction and treatment
tion, capping of epiphyses, and planning.
epiphysealdiaphyseal fusion.
As seen above, SMI's 13 and 57 are
- Sampling and Methods -
based on selected areas of the third and
fifth fingers. SMI 4 is based on the ossi
fication of the adductor sesamoid of the
thumb, and 811 on fusion of selected
S orne unique criteria are required for
sampling clinical records for matura
tional studies. Secular factors can disad
areas of the third finger and the radius. vantageously increase the variability of
the data, and a very large crosssectional

crhe Angle Orthodontist July, 1987 1 79


database can greatly reduce these effects.

A large database also makes it possible to - Results -

significantly shorten the time frames, ata records associated with each of
thus decreasing the effects of variation of the eleven SMI's for each sex were
maturational age within subgroups. The statistically evaluated to establish mean
reliability of statistical results relating chronologic age values and the associated
maturational data to chronologic age is standard deviations from those mean val
especially enhanced with a large database ues. Chronologic age values deviating by
of longitudinal records. one standard deviation or more were con
This investigation is planned to closely sidered either late or early relative to their
conform to those sampling requirements. respective levels of maturation. This
As seen in Table l, a large crosssectional allows for the immediate typing of an
sample of 4,000 data records was ran individual as being maturationally early,
domly assembled from the author's pri average, or late.
vate practice. These included 2225 hand Four maturational categories were then
wrist radiographs of females and 1775 of established, identified as relative levels A
males. The System of Skeletal Matura through D. Levels A and D represent
tion Assessment (SMA) was applied to early and late maturers respectively,
each film, and the appropriate Skeletal deviating from the mean by more than
Maturation Indicator (SMI) assigned. one standard deviation. Those within one
Separate female and male data files standard deviation of the mean were fur
associated with each SMI were extracted ther divided on the basis of the direction
from the total database. The average of the deviation, B for those earlier than
number of data records for each SMI was the mean, and C for those later than the
202 for the girls and 161 records for the mean (Tables 2 and 3) (Figs. 1 and 2).
boys. It is of interest to note that for both
Within this large database were longi sexes a rather smooth and even progres
tudinal samples that included a series of sion of SMI stages exists throughout the
two or more individual patient records. entire adolescent period. Since most
J ongitudinal samples WPTP ,;:pJprtpn nn
children fall within the overall average
the basis of specific rates of rate of maturation, the subgrouping into
maturation (late, average, or early). relative levels B and C provides addi
Computations were accomplished with tional insight and an opportunity to fur
existing soft ware supplemented by ther examine maturational patterns for
customized programming. this large group. The maturation charts

Toble I
SMI Database
Number of Records

SMI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total

Fema le 115 93 86 106 154 243 304 216 183 447 278 2225
Mal e 183 135 111 131 147 261 251 115 106 213 122 1775

180 July, 1987 The Angle Orthodontistc

Skeletal Maturation






' �t
., 15.00 Lat e

� 14.00 >-----+-----+----+--r

U 12.00


Ea r ly


-- +-L
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Flg. 1 Levels of maturation, FEMALE

· �r=::� l=:: J

r� ��1 · ·r:·� r :·: l _

_�_·_· __ _· • .. • '
• .. :. .. .
.i . a··
19.00 · +·· ···+ · ¡ . l . : -· f ··-··-
1 . -
18.25 l�· j .. L. + ··-.
¡ 1
17.50 ---t·····-- i
j ! .. i
16.75 .. 1 ¡
! j .. ¡
� 14.50
� 13.75
oe 13.00
.e 12.25 .[' Early 1.
L_1 ·· t· . 1 i
····. ¡ l. ! .. l
-i ¡ -·i.

.. \ .... j ... :
8.50 i
7.75 '
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

Fig. 2 Levels of Maturation, MALE

«>rhe Angle Orthodontist July, 1987 181


2.000 � ·

-- =Late


� \
\ Q \ I
\ / -,
0.000 L����������
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Flg. 3 Duration of SMI's in early and late maturers, FEMALE

-- �Le.te
--- =Early


,' J
"§" � /

o \ ¡a /
� / \
:; I
o \ / \ I /
\o- �

\ I
é !
2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

Flg. 4 Duration of SMI's in early and late maturers, MALE

182 July, 1987 The Angle Orthodontist e

Skeletal Maturation

facilitate the plotting, and provide visual group is between SMI 5 and 6. It has
representation of individual maturational been previously demonstrated that girls
patterns. in general reach the point of peak veloc
Since late and early maturers demon ity of growth at SMI 5, and boys at SMI
strates large chronologic age differences 6. This may be the reason for this iso
within each SMI stage, the average time lated exception to correlation between the
period between successive SMI stages sexes.
was investigated. Do early maturers For the late maturation groups, consid
achieve their maturational changes faster erably less correlation is found between
than late maturing children? Figs. 3 and the female and male groups, although the
4 demonstrate the average chronologic duration of time between SMI's 12 and
time periods between SMI stages for the 1011, at the beginning and end of the
girls and the boys. adolescent period, are very similar.
It is readily evident on initial inspec In regard to the comparisons of late
tion that variations in the duration of periods with early periods, the female late
SMI periods for the two groups are asso group exhibits significantly longer time
ciated with the adolescent period. Sorne between SMI periods 45, 69, and 10
SMI maturation periods exhibit longer 11. The male late group exhibited longer
time intervals for late maturers, and sorne time periods between SMI 24, 910, and
demonstrate the opposite pattern, 1011.
although not to the same degree. Closer Both female and male early groups
inspection of the female and male groups demonstrate significantly longer periods
reveals exceptionally similar patterns for only between SMI stages 12 and 78.
the early groups. The balance of the late and early SMI
Early maturers of both sexes exhibited periods were generally similar.
almost identical SMI duration values for To further demonstrate the relation
SMI's 15 and 711. The only significant ship between chronologic time and rates
difference in SMI duration for the early of maturation, the female and male sam

Toble 2 Toble 3
Average Age at each SMI Average Age at each SMI
for Early Average and Late Maturers for Early, Average and Late Maturers

SMI Early Average Late SMI Early Average Late

1 9.157 10.230 11.302 1 10.248 11.368 12.488

2 9.800 10.722 11.643 2 10.955 11.921 12.887
3 9.914 10.872 11.831 3 l l. I09 12.211 13.312
4 10.072 11.041 12.011 4 11.351 12.574 13.797
5 10.549 11.708 12.867 5 11.83 5 13.029 14.224
6 10.802 11.955 13.108 6 12.571 13.779 14.987
7 11.369 12.512 13.655 7 13.230 14.429 15.629
8 12.260 13.263 14.265 8 14.185 15.194 16.203
9 12.636 13.967 15.298 9 14.289 15.485 16.682
10 13.626 14.890 16.154 10 14.958 16.174 17.390
11 14.791 16.508 18.225 11 15.815 17.242 18.669

crhe Angle Orthodontist July, 1987 183


ples were each divided into three SMI growth per chronological unit and growth
subgroups, 14, 47, and 711. Those data over a maturational period. Growth in
records that included the time between each maturational period is most closely
stages 1 and 4 presented a period of related to ultimare total growth.
accelerating growth velocity. The second The early boys and girls both exhibited
group, between stages 4 and 7, presented similarly shorter overall durations of
children with periods of exceptionally time, but the average and late boys still
highvelocity skeletal growth, and demonstrated shorter adolescent time
included periods of intense acceleration, frames than the average and late females.
peak velocities, and intense deceleration Maturational progression often remains
of growth. The third SMI period, 711, within the same relative rate early,
presented decelerating growth rates. average, or late during extended
As seen on Figs. 5 and 6, grouping in periods of time and often throughout the
this fashion demonstrated additional dif entire adolescent period. However, when
feren ces between the late and early individual maturational patterns are plot
maturers. The female late maturers ted on the rateofmaturation chart, as in
maintained high velocity for longer dura Fig. 7, it becomes evident that one's pro
tions of time (SMI 4 7). They also stayed gression through adolescence may involve
longer in the period of a shift from one relative maturational rate
decelerating velocity (SMI 711), as to another.
well as in the total adolescent Although predictable maturational pat
maturational period (SMI terns of development cannot be expected,
111). it was considered important to investi
The female early maturers demon gate the possibility of revealing patterns
strated longer time periods only during that exist on a longitudinal basis within
the accelerating growth rate period ( 14). each of the four maturational rates (A, B,
The male group (Fig. 6) demonstrated C, D) that were sufficiently valid to be
longer time periods for the late maturers used for future maturational estimation.
in the accelerating (SMI 14), decelerat Effects of biological variation were
ing (711), and total adolescent time reduced by separating the total investiga
periods (111). No significant difference tion sample into the smaller maturational
was demonstrated in the intervening high rate samples.
growth rate period (SMI 4 7). Boys dem As seen on Tables 4 and 5, female and
onstrated longer time periods for the late, male longitudinal searches were con
average and early maturers between SMI ducted within the total SMI database.
stages 1 7, but considerably shorter The total sample was initially divided
maturation times during later adoles into three groups. lndividuals exhibiting
cence between stages 7 and 11. SMI stages 13 represented the accelerat
The overall time for the entire adoles ing velocity group. Children in stages 4
cent period was considerably less for both 7 represented the very high growth
average and late maturing boys. This dif velocity group, and 811 the decreasing
ference is contrary to what has been com velocity period.
m o n l y accepted as fact, and lndividuals with only one data record
again demonstrates the importance of were eliminated from the database used
examin ing time frames based on for this part of the study. The remaining
maturation rather than simple chronologic subjects, with two or more data records,
time. represented a mixed longitudinal series.
It also demonstrates the importance of
distinguishing between amounts of

184 July, 1987 The Ang/e Orthodomistv

Skeletal Maturation

I 4
[==::J = Early

ie - = Average
.2 es:zJ = Late

14 47 711 111
SMI Span

Fig. 5 Length of maturation periods, FEMALE

= Early
= Average
e 12SZJ = Late
� 3

14 47 711 111
SMI Span

Flg. 6 Length of maturation periods, MALE

crhe Angle Orthodontist July, 1987 185

The female longitudinal sample included types of equations by solving two equa
421 children and 907 data records, the tions simultaneously using Cramer's rule
male sample 338 children and 808 data (Table 6).
records. Polynomial curve fits and the least
Each of the girls and boys with records squares method were also calculated for
exhibiting SMI 13 was categorized into orders 1 through 3. Because ofthe higher
one of the four relative levels of order of equations, they were solved with
matura tion, and their respective a modified GaussJordan method with
chronologic ages recorded. The pivot strategy.
associated followup chronologic age at Correlation coefficients were calculated
the higher SMI stage was then recorded to establish the degree of fit for each of
for each individual, and mean the nine equations as applied to each of
chronologic values established in a the four sets of longitudinal data for
progressive manner. As each new female and for male subjects. All of the
chronologic SMI stage was established, data arrays for both sexes demonstrated
additional children displaying similar excellent linear, exponential and hyper
chronologic and SMI stages were identi bolic #2 firstorder curve fits and excel
fied and followed through their higher lent polynomial order 2 and order 3 curve
values. fits (Table 6). Correlation coefficients for
In this manner, four maturational paths all ofthese curves were above 0.92.
were established for each sex, represent Fig. 8, which is closely representative
ing the longitudinal progression of of all the curvefit findings for all levels
maturation for children who initiated and both sexes, shows the closest fits for
adolescence at each of the four different the exponential, hyperbolic 2 and third
chronologic levels. Each path was repre order polynomial curves. The thirdorder
sented by eleven points associated with polynomial curve always demonstrated an
their respective SMI chronologic age exceptionally high degree of fit, so it was
values. selected to represent the longitudinal
To see whether maturational prediction curves. The four female and four male
could be responsibly accomplished, each polynomial curves were each constructed
of the eight data arrays were subjected to from 11 sets of SMI chronologic age data
both firstorder and polynomial curve fit- points, and were subsequently tested as
ting. In each case, a leastsquares curve maturation prediction curves.
fit was performed on seven different

Table 4 Toble 5
Female Longitudinal Search Male Longitudinal Search
Longitudinal SMI Data-base Longitudinal SMI Data-base
Number of Records Number of Records

SMI> 1-3 4-7 8-11 SMI> 1-3 4-7 8-11

Leve) A 56 98 63 Level A 75 100 15

Leve) B 79 171 Level B 132 128 28
62 LevelC 116 85 33
LevelC 80 134 56 Level D 47 39 10
Level D 23 50 35
Total Number of Patients = 3 38
Total Number cf Patients = 421
Total Number of Data Records = 808
Total Number of Data Records = 907

186 July, 1987 The Angle Orthodontistc

Skeletal Maturation

� �/
l, ¡_
- -
::? ....-



16 00
· Late -- _.<=:'t= :;:_....� ,;_' �� J /tj...,
g> 1s_25 r:---+-�.:.d. =... .,,="":_:: >;:;.::: .v� e--- - .,,-'--- ��--
_!,! 14.50 �� .... ,:;, :::_;;;;·
g13.75 i...--- .,¿;::::�
IF- 1:7 ;_.; ::: ·
<�,: _t...,..,,""/,,, . .,...,....
� 13.00 t.-- _ . _ r>
¿;.,.:5'_., _,_ .

o 12.25 ----=-==- _ . . =--'r _ _ �- .,__

11.50 "'
10.75 �

10.00 .
9.25 1' ,
�----1- 1
¡,__ � ��L � ·
' i Earty
8.50 1
7.75 -�----'-----'-----+--- �--
7.00 [_ ¡ L_ L_ _L_ _L _¡_ ¡_ L t_ J

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Flg. 7 Maturational variations



2 - Exponential .9872
"' 5 - Hyperbolic 2 .9893
9 - Hyperbolic .9894
' 12.5 3 1


e 1

: 10.5

9.5 -j

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 3 4 SMI

Flg. 8 Mathematical curve fits, female maturation level A

tDThe Angle Orthodontist )uly, 1987 187
Very close similarities exist between the represent all significant testing possibili
curvilinear regression curves for females ties. A total of 7 42 tests were performed,
and males (Figs. 9 and 10). evenly distributed among the four female
For both sexes, the early (level A) and four male curves (Fig. 11 ). These
curves remained within their boundaries represented tests of the following SMI
or close to the border of level B until groups:
SMI stage 8, at which time the A curve
entered well within the B range (within within the
one SD of average), approaching accelerating growth velocity period (14)
the mean values for their respective total high growth velocity period (4 7)
samples. decelerating velocity period (711)
Those with late maturation (level D)
also exhibited similarities between the and bettoeen the periods of
male and female sample, in that the
acceleration (14) and high velocity (47)
curves did not regress toward the total high velocity (47) and deceleration (711)
sample mean values until SMI 1 O, late in acceleration ( 14) and deceleration (711)
the adolescent period for both sexes.
Those with nearaverage maturation (B
and C) maintained a consistency in their In this way. all possibilities were tested.
maturational progress, not departing out Future SMI stage values and
side their respective boundaries. Toward future chronologic ages values were
the end of the maturation period these estimated for all of these examples and
two curves regressed even closer to the tabulated.
mean values. As mentioned previously, biologic pre
To test the reliability of these curves diction cannot be an exact science. The
for prediction, randomly selected longi objective in this investigation was to
tudinal SMI records of 184 female and examine the degree of reliability avail
187 male individuals were organized to able, and to determine whether predic
tion could be utilized in a responsible
rn..LI- /
ICIUIC: U As seen on Tables 7 and 8, the female
tind rnale SMI nrediction errors are verv
Curve-fitting similar when ex�mined either on the basis
of the six SMI groups or by grouping by
one of the four rates of maturation.
Formula sex
An average of over 80% of all of the
estima tions were correctly made
First-order Curvefits
within the range of the SMI stage.
This is consid
1. Linear Y=A+BX
2. Exponential Y=A(e•x1 FM ered very high for biologic prediction.
3. Power Y=A(X8) FM
The decelerating velocity period (SMI 7
4. Hyperbolic #1 Y=A+B/X
FM 11 ), and the accelerating vs. decelerating
5. Hyperbolic #2 Y= 1/(A + BX) FM period predictions (SMI 14 vs SMI 7
6. Hyperbolic #3 Y= X/(A + BX) FM 11) exhibited the highest degree of relia
7. Logarlthmic Y=A+BLogX FM
bility for both sex groups (over 90%).
Polynornial Curvefits For maturation rates, the highest levels
8. Order 2 Y=K+AX+B(X2) FM of predictability were found for rates A,
9. Order 3 Y=K+AX+B(X2)+C(X') FM B, and C in the female sample, and rate
B in the male sample. Test periods
r>0.92 for all Curvefits
involving high growth velocity seem to

188 July, 1987 The Ang/e Orthodontistc

Skeletal Maturation

Tuble 7
SMI Prediction Errors
Fema le
SMI> 14> 14 17>4·7 711 >711 1·4>47 47>71 I 1·4>711
o 41.7% 21.9% 53.1% 31.3% 31.3% 40.6%
<I 83.4% 75.0% 93.7% 68.8% 81.3% 90.6%
1 41.7% 53.1 % 40.6% 37.5% 50.0% 50.0%
>I 16.6% 25.0% 6.3% 31.2% 18.7% 9.4%

LevelA Level B LevelC Level D

o 50.0% 25.0% 35.4% 35.0%

<I 81.3% 85.4% 83.3% 75.0%
1 31.3% 60.4% 47.9% 40.0%
>I 18.7% 14.6% 16.7% 25.0%

Tuble 8
SMI Prediction Errors

SMI> 14> 14 17>47 711 >711 14>4·7 47> 711 14> 711

o 28.6% 25.8% 40.6% 28.1% 28.1% 43.8%

<I 75.0% 74.2% 90.6% 81.2% 75.0% 90.1%
1 46.4% 48.4% 50.0% 53.1% 46.9% 46.9%
>I 25.0% 25.8% 9.4% 18.8% 25.0% 9.3%

Level A Level B LevelC Level D

o 22.9% 35.4% 34.8% 37.8%

<I 72.9% 93.7% 78.3% 80.0%
1 50.0% 58.3% 43.5% 42.2%
>I 27.1% 6.3% 21.7% 20.0%

Tuble 9
Average Chronologic Age Range
of Prediction Errors
(Years in decimal values)

SMI> 14> 14 17>4·7 711 >711 14>4·7 4·7>711 1·4>711

Fema le .246 .246 .363 .653 .431 .336
Mal e .603 .399 .272 .421 .302 .515

LevelA Level B LevelC Level D

Female .496 .420 .289 .326

Male .423 .342 .341 .410

crhe Angle Orthodontist July, 1987 189


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 9 Levels of maturation, FEMALE

16.15 L--l---l-----ii---l----i----t·---+--::�:::1--""'
16.00 t=---L--L--i-----i�----t--::.-!��4::--
" 15.25 !----...----,
� 14.50 ......1t
� 13.75 ¡: 'i_....1F::=1""'
§ 13.oo i=---::::1b--=�r=-- -""1---=---t"'--=--t--=
6 12.25 =+t¡
11.50 b-=-:,-j--=---j--=:;J,,-- �+---l----l----f-----¡¡-----j----:¡

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 10 Levels of maturation, MALE

190 July, 1987 The Ang/e Orthodontist 1C>

Skeletal Maturation




FEMALE: 184 MALE : 187

Fig. 11
SMI longitudinal search prediction scheme

yield somewhat lower predictive reliabil ographic atlas is not as reliable if it

ity, while periods involving a decelera includes an assumption that individual's
tion in growth velocity seem to exhibit chronologic age predetermines the nor
more predictive reliability. mality of the related skeletal age. In the
As seen on Table 9, the chronologic Author's opinion, this is a misapplication
age predictive errors reveal equally of the concept of skeletal age; a "normal"
encouraging results. Almost all of the skeletal age for a specific chronologic age
SMI and maturation rate is not a reasonable indicator of develop
subgroups demonstrate a mean mental normality.
chronologic error between three and five This investigation and others have
months. No con sistent patterns emerged clearly shown that healthy children of
from comparing the subgroups to each any age do not demonstrate any chronol
other, or from comparisons between the ogic specificity regarding particular stages
girls and boys. of maturation. Identifiable maturational
Utilizing the proper prediction curve, indicators provide a more reliable means
SMI values can be predicted within one of evaluating individualized maturational
maturational stage value more than 80% levels within the very wide chronologic
of the time. Chronologic age values can age ranges demonstrated by normal
be predicted within approximately five growing children.
months or less. Maturational patterns and factors
related to the timing of these patterns are
- Summary- more clearly revealed if examined on a
basis of whether they are associated with

1! !?ttilized properly, handwrist radio

graphs provide a reliable and effi
cient means of developmental assessment.
late, average, or early
developmental periods. This information
provides the clinician with the facts and
Simple reference to a handwrist radi
tools to better

crhe Angle Orthodontist July, 1987 191

correlate treatment planning with indivi it at a later chronologic age; the period of
dualized growth expectations. The selec male adolescence generally lasts no longer
tion of specific treatment procedures and than female adolescence.
their timing can then be facilitated in a The literature is saturated with state
very practical way. ments that present "facts" such as "a girl
Orthodontists have long used cephalo starts growing at approximately age 10,
metric and other associated information reaches peak velocity of growth at age 12
to analyze skeletal morphology and direc and terminates growth at approximately
tional growth patterns for individual age 14." Such assumptions, for girls or
patients. Individualized evaluation and boys, are particularly inaccurate and mis
prediction of the timing of these changes leading when applied to an individual
has not been achieved, and it is not valid child. The classic growth curves illustrat
to base treatment decisions on very gen ing such statements are no more than
eral total population data. Each individ statistical representations of data that
ual expresses growth velocity patterns average the total population of all boys
and incremental increases in growth or all girls. These curves do not even
amounts that are specific and unique for hint at the innumerable individual varia
that person, and it is extremely unlikely tions in the underlying data.
that any child would demonstrate The late mandibular growth spurts
a growth velocity curve that conformed often attributed only to boys show a sex
to that exhibited by the total population. difference only with chronological mea
Maturational information does provide surement. On a maturational scale, boys
an opportunity to markedly improve on do not demonstrate any extensive differ
such evaluations. ences from girls in the length of incre
It is very important to clearly identify mental growth periods. They are just
basic factors that represent different enti simply older on the calendar when these
ties to avoid erroneous interpretations. stages occur.
This has led to a great deal of confusion Further clarification is still needed on
in the past. For instance, boys do not take these and many related points of
a /onger time to mature. They simply do confusion. 2/0


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