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Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

(ACV-S06) Tarea calificada 1 - TF - Avance del Trabajo Final.


Ingles I


Modulo I

ICA, 19 de septiembre de 2020



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V: Hi? Who calls?
Carlos: Hi Vanessa, I'm Carlos, this is my new phone number 987123641.
V: Are you Carlos? It doesn't sound like your voice; can I ask you a question?
where were you born?
Carlos: Is it a joke?
V: No! Only answer.
Carlos: Ok, I was born in Ica, in the regional hospital.
V: Sorry for asking this question. You know, there are a lot of scammers nowadays.
Carlos: That's true, we have to be careful. But this is not the reason for my call.
I want to ask you a favor.
V: tell me
Carlos: Well, I have to make a report to the administrator about the budget for the year 2021.
V: Ok, how can I help you
Carlos: It's easy, you just have to send me the list of the staff in your charge.
V: Mm, with the updated salaries.
Carlos: Yes, of course.
V: Ok, first thing in the morning I send you.
Carlos: An additional favor sort them alphabetically
V: Carlos, taking advantage of the call, will the ambassadors of south Korea Ica?
Carlos: Yes, at the end of November we are visited by the Korean ambassador, the Seoul
ambassador, the Gangwon ambassador.
V: Then we have to meet to receive them in the best way.
Carlos: Ok, I'll schedule a meeting and let you know.
V: Ready Carlos and how is your family, they told me that your cousin was delicate.
Carlos: Yes, my cousin my father's nephew was ill, thanks God he has recovered from illness.
And how is your family...
V: My father's father died because he was infected of COVID 19, thanks goodness he did not
infect anyone else.
Carlos: I'm sorry, but well, thanks God he didn't infect anyone else.
V: Yes then.
Carlos: Taking advantage of the call, what did you discover about Jose?
V: Well, he was born on January 31, 1999. He is also a mathematician. And as I said before, he
is a very good teacher. So, it means that he
he is very good with numbers.
Carlos: Yes, that's right, so we did well to hire him.
V: Yes, good decision.
Carlos: Ok, thanks.
V: Ok, bye.
Carlos: See you.

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