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ame as__ ate. 17.1 Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure Essential Queston:What the lationship between the unit and aean measure? (@IEEIEZEN Drawing Angles of Rotation and Finding Coterminal Angles atl af lato in ager yh sang nd edi posios fay threes bouts endpoint. Te ange sin son poston na cna ane when the arg potion he ot initia sid othe angle om the positive acs and hts endpoint the ogi To sh the ant and esion ofrtation a cred arawis dant the ending postion a the termina ie the age In geometry: you were accustomed to working wih angles having messes y between and 00a igonomety angler san hae meas reser, shan "sed ene han T sey thinkin ems elon ot gg ‘compl crcl motons et he an angle oaton sandal postin. Tati ‘ide + lth rotation for nang 8 sth 1 revolution ina y countlokse rection, then the mesure of Gis between 0° and 260% An angle of rotation messed docks from standard Postion ha smite angle mesa. Coterminal angles are angles that shar the ame emia se For example the angles wth measures of 257 and “103 are cerminal a show + the ation or is more tha 1 revolution but ethan olution is eoumerackice deta then the meaare 0 @isberneen Mand 720 a shown, Because ys can have any namber afew wth an angle oto, there ie ouneclokrhe angle of rotation coreponding to ny pos real umber and a lckws angle of ation cortesponding to on zy nels ve umber, ol 37 « tesa © drow nang oration of 310% In what ara isthe sett ange Terminal Bde in Quadeint 4 ® On essme graph rom he ress tp daa postive ctrl ang What isthe angle esr of vr ange? Possible Colecrninat ange = 10° ‘on hese raph the prea ep das mpnecoemin ange. What ic ‘he angle measure our angle? u eis wer Prsslou Colermuret Angle = — SO” ate 4A. Tethe measure fan angef rotation in tandand potion comply termined by the ogo ofits erin! sie? Explain, 2. Find the measure between 120° and 1080 of an ange that i coterisnal wih an ange that hhasa measure of ~¥0. In ation, dese general method fo finding the mestue of| ny angle hats cotermial witha given ae Mle 17 Understanding Radian Measure ‘The gram shows thre cles tte a th og. The dha eo he y ‘ce betwee the iil an emilee 225° glee alld Ht tepid ac ‘Alii on are with aa nt, 4 ison a cele wih rads wnt, ‘BPisona cle with ie 3 wis oie hat the inerced aes ae erent length tough hey antec bythe sme central angle 225 You wl ow explore hw thee a eg ae rested othe ne @ Theange twiton it 22ers couneocrie “hears 3.plpeeins ce 25 represents — ofthe esl number of degree in acc So,thelength ofeach inept arc ofthe taal iewnteens ofthe cic that tes on, © Compstat hee hiner ae athe acto on ound the previour ep Give alana in tee = ears EC cere en omen ca 20h =2e [Et = Shy [Sys l= Py 2 prety sue [Sse 2 Sm, [Sn =2= Sy 3 |2nt3)< or [Roe = py [My=3 > Sy 3. What do you tie bout heaton in the fourth smn ofthe bl? Qu nahes equal So A. “When the rat f the values faible yt te corresponding aes f another aisle qual ‘aconsant is o be proportional tx. and the constant kale the coat af roporinaity. Because = b you an sole for to get y= hela the cae of the ace tha ar inept by 2 225" angle ise are length 5 proportional to herds Iso, wba ithe constant of proportional, and what equi gives sin ers? '5. Suppose tht he central angles 270" instead of 225%, Would the ac lng stil be proportional tothe radius 2 fs would the constant of proportionality sil be he same? Explain (EEE Converting Between Degree Measure and Radian Measure ocala Oth tte neh chk wh lth alan menue ofthe ag theraod =f Inpro sn cd ele cnr th ng wh eho Sin ange ist Imeem oth on cen +o cl thet 30 flee Sine became face of I fade the aired see Thess Sah = ain Sa, gras and degre ‘This esle suse up in the allan able = Vadian ‘CONVERTING DEGREES TO RADIANS | _ CONVERTING RADIANS TO DEGREES ati be number dgreesy (4, | my the ramber radon (= ‘xample | Convert cach measure from degrees to radians or fom radians to degres. 0 REE stot © =a z ade? a ote hiner a degrecora ain pan, Nan is Lange ssucice EAS ep uwa2and Sp ae 7. Theuni ice shothe meses of angle of rato thar commonly sel tvgonometry wh ralin mews ct thie nd dpe ese ele > Provide the missing measures. 313 y a a wo oNg \ _\ a0 ae, E m OR, ar tn ¥ bf — 7 ‘our Tm ‘Convert each measurefrom degrees o radians o fom radians to degrees & nore 2 le 18 te Nodulert co ee Solving a Real-World Problem Involving Arc Length -Axyo sein heist apa, fr acetal nr mene, = fvhere ss the ime tc length Mukiphng bth sds wb equation yr give the a length hm le | fora cee of radish ar lengths itreped by a central angle (nese in radians) gen By elena Many problems involving a: egth lo inlaw, which te angle mesure tough which an objet tums nage ine ner. Fr example the ec a fa dock es a anu belacty of 200 pr mite oe 6 per second, Angular vey may abo Be expresed in ran per uit of ine Ths males cing the lenge rmsd in an aroun’ of ine expecially ear by wing the alent formal ® Mresun A poet onthe Sons qutor aks fl evoaion once every 25.38 days The Sun aera of shut 432,200 ils ts eur What the angle radian per ‘our of point onthe Son gst? What dnc round the Sani ns does the point rel none os? ow des hs alo c “2, Geograph, Theaeecin tree reno Ua ath ere er a os nee ek ‘ort cunts of ah of 86 mes finde Sans css xin cuss “18. hon the menue of wo angle of tation how an you dete i hy cova that acu rowing the angle iP tre ra saa, the Qos is an Loken § Mute of 22° or Der yaclions | Coles ey “V4. What isthe comesin fata tg rm dere oradlan? What isthe conn Fl roma rain ted Ho wth oven as htt ogress tp Cadwas 24 Nutr fay. yo —_ eran termes adiuns to_denvees > Mute fey go 15, Essential Question checkin Anan ofan in sand pointes ae of gh | on theunitckle Whatw the ada mes of he angle of ation? ‘Mallat m tose

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