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Selections from the

Avataðsaka Sütra
The Flower Garland Sutra
[The Flower Garland Sutra is most known for the notion of
the mutual interpenetration of all phenomena which is the
distinctive teaching of the Hua-yen school of Chinese
Buddhism. The teaching is expressed through the metaphor
of jeweled net of Indra: “Far away in the heavenly abode of
the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net that has been
hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it
stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with
the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a
single glittering jewel in each ‘eye’ of the net, and since the
net itself is infinite in all dimensions, the jewels are infinite
in number. There hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the
first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now
arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look
closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there
are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number.
Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel
is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an
infinite reflecting process occurring.”1]

Book One

The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds

THUS HAVE I HEARD. At one rime the Buddha was in

the land of Magadha, in a state of purity, at the site of
enlightenment, having just realized true awareness. The
ground was solid and firm, made of diamond, adorned
with exquisite jewel discs and myriad precious flowers,
with pure dear crystals. The ocean of characteristics of
the various colors appeared over an infinite extent;
There were banners of precious stones, constantly
emitting shining light and producing beautiful sounds. Illustration from the Avataðsaka Sütra, Korea, 13th century,

Nets of myriad gems and garlands of exquisitely

scented flowers hung all around. The finest jewels enlightenment site to be reflected therein.
appeared spontaneously, raining inexhaustible The tree of enlightenment was tall and outstanding.
quantities of gems and beautiful flowers all over the Its trunk was diamond, its main boughs were lapis
earth. There were rows of jewel trees, their branches lazuli, its branches and twigs were of various precious
and foliage lustrous and luxuriant. By the Buddha's elements. The leaves, spreading in all directions,
spiritual power, he caused all the adornments of this provided shade, like clouds. The precious blossoms
were of various colors, the branching twigs spread out
their shadows. Also the fruits were jewels containing a
blazing radiance. They were together with the flowers
Francis H. Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of in great arrays. The entire circumference of the tree
Indra (University Park and London: The Pennslyvania emanated light; within the light there rained precious
State University Press, 1977), p.2.
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—2

stones, and within each gem were enlightening beings, beings, his awesome light shone clearly, like the sun
in great hosts like clouds, simultaneously appearing. emerging, illumining the world. The ocean of myriad
Also, by virtue of the awesome spiritual power of the virtues which he practiced in all times was thoroughly
Buddha, the tree of enlightenment constantly gave forth pure, and he constantly demonstrated the production of
sublime sounds speaking various truths without end. all the buddha-lands, their boundless forms and
The palace chamber in which the Buddha was spheres of light extending throughout the entire
situated was spacious and beautifully adorned. It cosmos, equally and impartially.
extended throughout the ten directions. It was made of He expounded all truths, like spreading great clouds.
jewels of various colors and was decorated with all Each of his hairtips was able to contain all worlds
kinds of precious flowers. The various adornments without interference, in each manifesting immeasurable
emanated lights like clouds; the masses of their spiritual powers, teaching and civilizing all sentient
reflections from within the palace formed banners. beings. His body extended throughout the ten
A boundless host of enlightening beings directions, yet without coming or going. His knowledge
(bodhisattvas), the congregation at the site of entered into all forms and realized the emptiness of
enlightenment, were all gathered there: by means of the things. All the miraculous displays of the Buddhas of
ability to manifest the lights and inconceivable sounds past, present, and future, were all seen in his light, and
of the Buddhas, they fashioned nets of the finest jewels, all the adornments of inconceivable eons were revealed.
from which came forth all the realms of action of the ...
spiritual powers of the Buddhas, and in which were
reflected images of the abodes of all beings. [What follows is a long series of discourses by various
Also, by virtue of the aid of the spiritual power of the boddhisattvas describing the Buddhas and all their
Buddha, they embraced the entire cosmos in a single miraculous displays. Now towards the end of the book the
thought. central metaphor of the text, the net of jewels, returns in the
Their lion seats were high, wide, and beautiful. The following discourse.]
bases were made of jewels, their nets of lotus blossoms,
their tableaus of pure, exquisite gemstones. They were Then the great enlightening being Bold Intelligence
adorned with various flowers of all colors. Their roofs, of the Sun of Knowledge, empowered by the Buddha,
chambers, steps, and doors were adorned by the images looked over all the multitudes assembled on the scene
of all things. The branches and fruits of jewel trees and said in verse,
surrounded them, arrayed at intervals.
Clouds of radiance of jewels reflected each other: the Buddha sits in the hall of truth with steady gaze,
Buddhas of the ten directions conjured regal pearls, and Brilliantly lighting up the palace.
the exquisite jewels in the topknots of all the In accordance with the dispositions of all beings
enlightening beings all emanated light, which came and His body appears throughout all lands.
illuminated them.
Furthermore, sustained by the spiritual power of all The Buddha's palace is beyond conception,
Buddhas, they expounded the vast perspective of the Adorned with stores of precious jewels,
Enlightened Ones, their subtle tones extending afar, Each decoration shining with light;
there being no place they did not reach. Sitting there, the Buddha is most conspicuous of all.
At that time, the Buddha, the World Honored One,
in this setting, attained to supreme, correct awareness With pillars of jewels of various hues,
of all things. His knowledge entered into all times with Chimes of real gold hanging like clouds,
complete equanimity; his body filled all worlds; his Jewel stairways in rows on four sides,
voice universally accorded with all lands in the ten The gates open in every direction.
directions. Like space, which contains all forms, he
made no discrimination among all objects. And, as Arrays of banners of flowery silk,
space extends everywhere, he entered all lands with Jewel trees with decorated branches and boughs,
equanimity. His body forever sat omnipresent in all Garlands of pearls draped on all sides;
sites of enlightenment. Among the host of enlightening The Ocean of Wisdom sits calmly therein.
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—3

The tree branches are adorned by all kinds of gems,

Nets of jewels, exquisite fragrant banners, The limbs are of precious stone, soaring high;
Brilliant lamps hung like clouds; The branches and twigs hang thickly, like heavy clouds:
Covered with various decorations, Underneath sits Buddha on the enlightenment site.
The world-transcending true knower sits within.
The site of enlightenment is unthinkably vast:
Everywhere he manifests clouds of mystic displays, The trees surround it, covering all;
Those clouds teaching throughout the world, The dense foliage and luxurious flowers mutually cover
Harmonizing and calming down all sentient beings: and reflect,
All this appears from the Buddha's palace. While in the flowers grow gemstone fruits.

Trees of gems bloom with fine flowers From among all the branches emanate beautiful lights
Having no peer in all the world; Illuminating the whole enlightenment scene;
The embellishments of the lands of all times Pure, bright, inexhaustible,
Reveal their reflections therein. This appears by the power of Buddha's vows.

Everywhere there are heaps of jewels; Banks of precious stones are the flowers,
Their light blazes in countless hues. Reflections shining like patterned clouds;
Gates and doors open at intervals all around; The encircling trees perfume all around:
The beams and ceiling are especially beautiful. The enlightenment site's adorned everywhere.

The Buddha's palace is inconceivable; See in the site of the Buddha 's enlightenment
Its pure radiance contains every form— Lotuses and jewel nets, all pure;
Flames of light in whorls appear from here,
In it appear all palaces Music of bells and chimes comes from the clouds.
A Buddha sitting in each,
All the wonderfully adorned trees
The Buddha's palace is boundless; Existing in all lands
The Naturally Awakened One abides therein. Appear in the enlightenment tree;
All the masses from all ten directions Buddha, beneath it, sheds all defilement.
Come gather around the Buddha.
The site of enlightenment is made of vast blessings;
The tree branches rain jewels without end.
Then the great enlightening being Seal of Knowledge In the jewels appear enlightening beings,
Made of Jewels of Inconceivable Qualities, empowered Going everywhere to serve the Buddhas.
by the Buddha, looked over all the oceans of beings
gathered at the scene of enlightenment and said in The realm of the Buddhas is inconceivable;
verse, They cause all the trees there to produce music—
In accord with the enlightened way developed by
The Buddha cultivated an ocean of blessings, Buddha,
Many as the atoms in all lands; The hosts of beings, hearing the music, can see it all.
Produced by the powers of his mind and will,
The enlightenment site is pure, without any taint.
Then the great enlightening being Hundred Eyes
Wish-fulfilling jewels are the roots of the trees, Lotus Topknot, empowered by the Buddha, surveyed
Diamond are their trunks; all the assemblies at the scene of enlightenment and
Nets of jewels cover them said,
And a rich fragrance surrounds.
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—4

All the jewels emit wondrous sounds The Buddha in the past cultivated
Extolling the names of Buddhas of all times. Infinite embellishments, all;
The deeds of those Buddhas' mystical powers All the adornments, innumerable kinds,
Can all be viewed in this enlightenment scene. Of every enlightenment tree. . . .

Flowers bloom in profusion, like parti-colored cloth; . . . Then the great enlightening being Cloud Sound
Clouds of light flow in all directions: Pure Moon, empowered by the Buddha, looked Over
The spirits of enlightenment trees bring these to the all the beings gathered at the enlightenment site and
Buddha, said,
With single-minded devotion making offerings of them.
The realm of his spiritual powers is equal to space—
Flames of jewel light all form banners; No beings do not perceive them.
From the banners burst forth sublime fragrances, The stages he perfected in his past practice
The fragrances perfuming all the congregations— Are fully explained in the jewels.
Therefore the place is all beautifully pure.
Striving purely for countless eons,
Lotuses hang down, with light of golden hue, He entered the first stage, that of extreme joy;
The light intoning clouds of Buddha's wondrous voice, Producing the vast knowledge of the cosmos,
Covering all the lands in all directions, He saw countless Buddhas of the ten directions.
Extinguishing the fires of sentient beings' torments.
In the stage of purity amidst all things
The independent power of Enlightenment Tree King He observed standards of purity numerous as beings;
Constantly radiates light extremely pure; Having practiced extensively for many eons,
The assembled masses in the ten directions have no He served the boundless ocean of Buddhas.
Yet all of them appear reflected in the enlightenment Accumulating virtue in the stage of radiance,
scene. His store of calm was firm and enduring;
The vast cloud of teachings he had already learned:
The light flames of the jewel branches are like bright So it is told in the gemstone fruits.
Their light emanates sound declaring the great vow— The incomparable stage of clear intellect like an ocean
What the Buddha practiced of yore in all states of being of flames—
Is fully expounded therein. Comprehending situations, he gave rise to compassion,
With an equal physical presence in all lands:
Under the tree are spirits, as many as atoms in the land, These accomplishments of the Buddha are all
All staying together at this enlightenment site, expounded.
Each before the Buddha's enlightenment tree
Continuously expounding the liberation doors. Universal store of equanimity-the difficult to conquer
Buddha practiced many deeds of yore, According with action and stillness, without
Making offerings to all the enlightened: contradiction,
His practices as well as his fame The realm of the Buddhist teaching is completely
All appear within the jewels. impartial;
How the Buddha purified it, the jewels can tell.
Everything in the scene produces wonderful sound—
The sound is vast, pervading the ten directions; Far-reaching practice-the stage of oceanic wisdom,
If any beings can hear the teaching, Totally comprehending all aspects of the teachings,
It civilizes them and makes them pure. Appearing in all lands like space:
The voice of these teachings comes from the trees.
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—5

The body of space, pervading the cosmos, Some can understand the Buddha's voice
The lamp of wisdom, shining on all beings, Pervading all lands in the ten directions;
All practical methods completely purified: According to sentient beings' abilities to understand,
His past long journey he causes to be told. It produces verbal sounds for them, without any
Adorned by execution of all vows,
Infinite oceans of lands are all pure; Some see the Buddha's various lights,
Undisturbed by any discrimination, Variously shining throughout the world;
This peerless stage is fully explained. And some see too, in the Buddha's light,
Buddhas displaying their mystic powers.
Mystic powers of infinite scope
Enter the illumining power of the teachings; Some see Buddha's oceans of clouds of light
This pure stage of beneficent wisdom Issuing from his pores, of radiant hues,
And its eons of practice are fully revealed. Showing the paths he practiced of yore,
Causing beings to deeply believe and enter Buddha's
The far-reaching tenth stage of clouds of teaching knowledge.
Engulfs everything, pervading all space;
The realm of the Buddha is told in the voice, Some see the Buddha's adorning marks and blessings
This voice is the Buddha's spiritual power. And see where the blessings come from
The oceans of transcendent means he practiced of old
Then the great enlightening being Banner of Light of Are clearly seen in the Buddha's marks.
Benevolent Courage, empowered by the Buddha,
surveyed the ten directions and said, Buddha's qualities cannot be measured;
They fill the cosmos, without any bounds.
Innumerable sentient beings are in the congregation; These and the ranges of psychic powers
Their various minds of faith are all pure; These beings can expound through Buddha's power.
All can enter into understanding of Buddha's wisdom,
And understand all states which adorn it. Then the ocean of worlds of arrays of flower banks,
by the power of the Buddha, all shook in six ways, in
Each initiates pure vows and puts them into practice; eighteen manners: that is, they trembled, trembled all
All have made offerings to innumerable beings. over, trembled all over in all directions; they welled up,
They are able to see the real true body of Buddha welled up all over, welled up all over in all directions;
As well as all his mystical displays. they surged, surged all over, surged all over in all
directions; they quaked, quaked all over, quaked all
Some can see the Buddha's reality-body, over in all directions; they roared, roared all over,
Incomparable, unhindered, pervading everywhere: roared all over in all directions; they crashed, crashed
The nature of all the infinity of things all over, crashed all over in all directions.
Is in that body completely. These various world leaders each caused clouds of
inconceivable offerings to appear, raining on the ocean
Some see the Buddha's sublime body of form, of beings at the site of enlightenment: clouds of
Its boundless physical characteristics blazing with light; ornaments of all fragrant flowers; clouds of decorations
According to the different understandings of various of all precious stones; clouds of flower nets of all jewel
beings, flames; clouds of spheres of light of jewels of boundless
It transforms into various appearances, everywhere. varieties; clouds of treasuries of pearls of all colors;
clouds of all precious sandalwood scents; clouds of
Some see the body of unobstructed knowledge, umbrellas made of all kinds of precious substances;
Equal in all times, like space; clouds of diamonds with pure resonance; clouds of
According to the changes in beings' inclinations, necklaces of jewels shining like the sun; clouds of banks
It causes them to see all kinds of differences. of lights of all gemstones; clouds of all sorts of
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—6

decorations. These clouds of adornments were infinite, realms of sentient beings, focus their perception and
inconceivably numerous. These world leaders each attention on approaching entry into the sphere of
produced such clouds of offerings, showering upon the buddhas, and are intent on the powers, expertises, and
ocean of beings at the Buddha's site of enlightenment, other qualities of buddhahood, are said to have reached
all reaching everywhere. the stage of coronation with omniscience in all its
As in this world the world leaders joyfully produced aspects.
such offerings, so did all the world leaders in all worlds "Furthermore, enlightening beings who accord with
of the ocean of worlds of arrays of flower banks make this knowledge and have reached the stage of
such offerings. In each of their worlds there was a coronation realize a concentration called undefiled, one
Buddha sitting on the site of enlightenment. The called entry into the analysis of differentiations of the
individual world leaders' various resolutions of faith, cosmos, one called array of adornments of the pinnacle
foci of concentration, methods of meditation, practice of of enlightenment, one called flower of lights of all
methods assisting enlightenment; accomplishments, appearances, one called oceanic container, one called
joys, approaches, understandings of the teachings, oceanic plenitude, one called vast as space, once called
access to the realm of Buddha's spiritual powers, access ascertainment of the intrinsic essence of all things, one
to the realms of Buddha's abilities, entryways into the called adjusting to the mental behavior of all beings,
Buddha's liberation, were the same as in the flower and one called appearing in the presence of all
bank ocean of worlds in all the oceans of worlds in the buddhas. Beginning with these, they realize
entire space of the whole cosmos. incalculable millions of concentrations.
"They enter and emerge from all these
* * * concentrations, and, having attained skill in
[The following is from the famous book twenty-six of the concentration, they experience all the effects of
Avataðsaka Sütra. This book contains the teachings of the concentration. At the end of the incalculable millions of
ten stages of enlightenment, presented here as the foundation concentrations, one realizes a concentration of
of all Buddhist teachings. This is perhaps the oldest book of enlightening beings called bearing coronation by the
the Avataðsaka Sütra and exists in Sanskrit as a separate special property of omniscient knowledge. At the
sütra, the Daçabhümika Sütra (“The Ten Stages Sutra”). moment one realizes ,this concentration, there appears
The selection here begins with the description of the tenth an immeasurable lotus made of the finest jewels, as
stage.] large as ten billion world universes, inlaid with all
Book 26 kinds of jewels, beyond the range of all worlds, arisen
The Ten Stages from transmundane roots of goodness, existing in the
realm of the essence ,of illusoriness, appearing based on
. . .Having spoken thousands of such sweet words, the cosmos, beyond the range of the heavens, with a
the goddesses, looking at the Buddha, became silent jewel stem, a pericarp of incomparable sandalwood, a
and remained quiet. Knowing the assembly was settled, fringe of huge emeralds, leaves of shining gold, its body
the fearless Moon of Liberation asked Diamond flowering with innumerable rays of light, its interior
Matrix, the dauntless enlightenment being (bodhisattva), filled with all the finest jewels, covered with a
"Tell us, in order, all the characteristics, qualities, and boundlessly vast net of jewels, surrounded by as many
sphere of those who come to the tenth stage, as well as great jewel lotuses as atoms in ten billion-world
their marks and miracles." universes.
Diamond Matrix said, "Those enlightening beings "The enlightening being, in a corresponding form,
who, having wisely reflected on the possibilities of stands by and, immediately upon attainment of the
knowledge up to the ninth stage, have made a thorough concentration bearing coronation with the special
and discerning investigation, have thoroughly fulfilled qualities of omniscience, appears seated on the great
pure practices, have gathered inexhaustible provisions, jewel lotus. As soon as the enlightening being is seated
have acquired great stores of virtue and knowledge, on this great jewel lotus, as many enlightening beings
have attained great, far reaching compassion, are as there are surrounding jewel lotuses come from the
familiar with the distinctions and differentiations of ten directions, circle that enlightening being, and sit on
worldly realms, have gone into the thickets of the those great surrounding jewel lotuses, and each of them
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—7

enter a million concentrations, while gazing on the their bodies. From the top of the head emerge as many
central enlightening being. Immediately upon rays of light as atoms in countless millions of billion-
everyone's entry into concentration, all worlds quake, world universes, illumining the sites of congregation of
all ills cease, all universes are pervaded with revealing all buddhas throughout the reaches of the space of the
light, all worlds are purified, the names of all buddha- cosmos, then circling the world to the right in ten ways,
lands are voiced, all enlightening beings of the same then stopping in the sky and forming a great circular
practice gather, all celestial and human music and song network of lights, and then proceeding to make a great
sound forth, all beings become blissful, the offering called ‘blazing light’ to all buddhas. That
inconceivable honoring and attendance of all the offering is such that the offerings of all enlightening
perfectly enlightened ones commence, and the circles of beings from the first inspiration up to the ninth stage
all the buddhas are made known. cannot compare even to the smallest fraction of it.
"What is the reason for that? As soon as the "Furthermore, from that great circular network of
enlightening being sits on this great jewel lotus, from lights there rain, in all universes in the ten directions,
the soles of the enlightening being's feet emerge manifestations of flowers, incenses, garlands, perfumes,
countless millions of light rays, which illumine the aromatic powders, robes, parasols, banners, pennants,
uninterrupted great hells in the ten directions and clothing, ornaments, jewels, and more, all beyond the
extinguish the torments of the beings in the hells. From scope of all worlds, produced by the influence of stores
the circles on the knees of the enlightening being of transmundane roots of goodness, complete in all
emerge countless millions of light rays which illumine their features and qualities, sustained by the
all the animal realms in the ten directions and inconceivable power of nirvana—rains of various
extinguish the sufferings of all the animals. From the arrays of great riches pour as from a great cloud on the
sphere of the navel emerge countless millions of rays of places of assembly of each and every buddha. And
light which illumine all the ghost realms in the ten whoever perceives those offerings becomes assured of
directions and extinguish all the pains of all the beings perfect enlightenment.
in the ghost realms. From the left and right sides of the "Then the lights, having made these offerings, again
enlightening being emerge countless millions of rays of illumine the circles of assembly of all buddhas, then
light which illumine the humans in the ten directions circle the world to the right in ten ways, and disappear
and extinguish human sufferings. From both hands into the soles of the feet of those buddhas. Thence it is
emerge countless millions of light rays which illumine known to those buddhas and those enlightening beings
the abodes of celestials and titans, extinguishing their that in this world, this realm, this place, the
pains. From the shoulders emerge countless millions of enlightening being following such a practice has
rays of light which illumine all those in the vehicle of reached the time of coronation. Then, from incalculable
listeners, followers of the elementary teachings in the lands in the ten directions, enlightening beings up to
ten directions, and present to them a way of entry into the ninth stage come to that enlightening being, encircle
the light of the Teaching. From the back of the neck the enlightening being, make great offerings, and, while
emerge countless millions of rays of light which gazing on that enlightening being, enter a million
illumine all the individually awakened ones in the ten concentrations.
directions and present to them a method for quiescent "From the gloriously adorned thunderbolt symbols
concentration. From the face emerge countless millions of well-being on the bodies of enlightening beings who
of light rays which illumine all the enlightening beings have attained the stage of coronation emerges a great
in the ten directions, from those who have just been light ray called demon-conqueror, each ray
inspired for the first time up to those who have reached accompanied by countless millions of light rays; having
the ninth stage, and present to them the principle of illumined the ten directions and shown countless
wisdom and skill in means. From the circle of hair miracles, the light rays again disappear into the
between the brows of the enlightening being emerge enlightening beings' thunderbolt symbols of well-being.
countless millions of rays of light which shine on the As soon as those light rays of a hundred thousand
abodes of demons in the ten directions and eclipse higher qualities disappear, there appears an increase in
them, and then illumine the enlightening beings who the power and strength of the enlightening being.
have reached the stage of coronation and disappear into
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—8

"Then there emerges from the circle of hair between difficult practices. Thus coronated, matured in
the eyebrows of the buddhas beams of light called immeasurable virtue and knowledge, the enlightening
possessors of omniscient superknowledge, being is said to be established in the tenth stage, which
accompanied by countless light beams; illumining all is called Cloud of Teaching.
worlds in the ten directions, circling the worlds in ten "Enlightening beings in this stage have accurate
ways to the right, inspiring many hundreds of knowledge of the totality of the realm of reality, the
quadrillions of enlightening beings, causing all realm of desire, the realm of form, the formless realm,
buddhalands to quake in six ways, stopping all death the realm of worlds, the realm of all beings, the realm of
and rebirth in bad conditions, eclipsing all abodes of consciousness, the realms of the created and the
demons, showing the settings of enlightenment of all uncreated, the realm of space, and the teaching of being
buddhas, and illuminating all worlds throughout the and non being; they have accurate knowledge of the
cosmos to the furthest reaches of space, then returning totality of the realm of nirvana, and of afflictions
again, circling all assemblies of enlightening beings to created by views; they have accurate knowledge of the
the right and manifesting an immense array, those totality of the becoming and decay of worlds, of the
beams of light disappear into the top of the practice of followers of the elementary Buddhist
enlightening being's head. The accompanying light teachings, of the practice of individual illuminates, of
beams in the same way enter into the heads of the the practice of enlightening beings, of the buddhas'
enlightening beings assembled around that powers, expertises, unique qualities of buddhahood,
enlightening being who has reached the tenth stage, and material and spiritual bodies, of omniscience in all
whereupon they attain a million concentrations that its aspects, of demonstration of attainment of
they have never attained before. enlightenment and turning the wheel of teaching—in
"At the same time as those light beams enter the sum, they have accurate knowledge of accomplishment
enlightening being's head, the enlightening being is of all the different ways of access to truth. They also
said to be coronated; in the realm of perfectly have accurate knowledge of the projection of the world,
completely enlightened ones, having fulfilled the ten the projection of the cosmos, the projection of Buddhist
powers, the enlightening being enters the ranks of the followers, the projection of individual illuminates, the
perfect buddhas. It is like the son of a universal ruler, projection of enlightening beings, the projection of
the crown prince, borne by the principal wife, becoming buddhas, and the feasibility or unfeasibility of all
imbued with the characteristics of a universal ruler: the projections.
universal ruler seats him on a magnificent golden "They also know the basis of all buddhas as it really
elephant throne and, bringing water from the four seas, is; they know, too, the basis of the Teaching, the basis of
setting over the palace great arrays of flowers, incenses, the Community, the basis of action, the basis of
lamps, garlands, perfumes, aromatic powders, cloths, affliction, the basis of time, the basis of commitment, the
parasols, banners, pennants, music and song, he takes basis of reverence, the basis of conduct, the basis of
the golden pitcher containing water from the four ages, and the basis of knowledge, all as they truly are.
oceans and anoints the head of his son with the water, "Also, all knowledge of the buddhas entering into
whereupon the son joins the ranks of the consecrated subtleties—knowledge of details of practice, of death in
rulers. Then, when he has fulfilled the tenfold path of heaven and rebirth on earth, of birth, of leaving home,
good action, he gains the name of universal ruler, the of attaining enlightenment, of miracles, of setting the
one who turns the wheel of the law. In the same way, as wheel of the Teaching in motion, of preaching the truth,
soon as the enlightening being is coronated by those of the full details of the Teaching, of the support of the
blessed buddhas, the enlightening being is said to be life span, of the manifestation of the body of glorified
anointed with great knowledge. And having fulfilled form, of the orderly guidance of all beings, of
the ten powers by the anointment of complete buddhas, manifestation in all worlds, of observing the mental
the enlightening being enters the ranks of the truly behavior of all beings, of observing past, present, and
consummately enlightened ones. This is the future in a single instant, of the entire past and future,
enlightening being's anointment, or coronation, with of the totality of mental actions of beings in all their
great knowledge, in quest of which the enlightening variety, of the inconceivable powers, expertises, and
being undertakes many hundreds of thousands of special qualities of the enlightened, of the ultimate
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—9

nirvana of the buddhas, of the lasting of the true enlightenment with the body and mind of a sentient
Teaching based on instruction—beginning with these, being, knowledge penetrating the realization of
they accurately know all the incalculable knowledges of enlightenment in all places, knowledge penetrating
buddhas entering into subtleties. demonstration of preposterous actions, knowledge
"They know all the secret matters of the buddhas, penetrating demonstration of conformist behavior,
such as the secret of the body, the secret of speech, the kno wl e dge p ene tr a ting de mo nstrati on of
secret of mind, the secret of consideration of right and unconventional behavior, knowledge penetrating
wrong timing, the secret of giving enlightening beings demonstration of conceivable and inconceivable acts,
predictions of enlightenment, the secret of taking care acts that can be recognized by the world and acts that
of sentient beings, the secret of encouragement and cannot be recognized, knowledge penetrating
censure as means of guidance, the secret of impartiality demonstration of acts that can be understood by
in timely admonition and instruction, the secret of buddhas' disciples, acts that can be understood by self-
establishing a variety of vehicles of liberation, the secret enlightened people, acts that can be understood by
of distinction of beings' conduct and faculties, the secret enlightening beings, and acts that can be understood by
of penetrating beings' acts and deeds, the secret of buddhas. Just as such vast extent of knowledge of the
distinction of enlightening beings' practices and buddhas is immeasurable, so also the penetrating
faculties, the secret of enlightenment through practice knowledge of enlightening beings in this stage is
and realization of inherent power, the secret of the basis infinite.
of realization of intrinsic essence, the secret of "Furthermore, the enlightening beings following this
manifestation and liberation, the secret of attraction and stage attain the liberation of enlightening beings that is
expulsion, the secret of showing the attitudes of called inconceivable, and the liberations called
standing, walking, sitting, and reclining, the secret of unobstructed, pure discernment, all-sided illumination,
provision of food and physical necessities, the secret of treasury of realization of thusness, following the
showing speech, silence, meditation, liberation, unhindered wheel, comprehending past, present, and
concentration, and attainment; they know all such future, matrix of the cosmos, radiance of the circle of
secret matters of the buddhas as they really are. liberation, and attainment of the realm of totality.
"They also accurately realize all the buddhas' Beginning with these, enlightening beings in the tenth
knowledges of interpenetration of ages, such as one age stage attain countless hundreds of thousands of doors
as containing incalculable ages, incalculable ages as of liberation, and in the same way they attain hundreds
containing one age, calculable ages as containing all of thousands of concentrations, mental controls,
incalculable ages, incalculable ages as containing superknowledges, and spiritual powers; they attain
calculable ages, a moment of thought as containing hundreds of thousands of lights of knowledge, mystical
ages, ages as containing moments of thought, ages as transformations, accomplishments of analytic
containing nonages, nonages as containing ages, ages knowledge, masteries of means and wisdom, floods of
with buddhas as containing ages without buddhas, great compassion, and entries into the controlling
ages without buddhas as containing ages with powers of enlightening beings.
buddhas, past ages as containing future and present "By means of intellect in accord with such
ages, present ages as containing past and future ages, knowledge, they become imbued with infinite ability to
future ages as containing past and present ages, long recollect anything. They are able to receive, take in, and
ages as containing short ages, short ages as containing hold infinite great revelations, clarifications, and clouds
long ages, the containment of what is made of of teachings from the buddhas of the ten directions in a
perceptions in all ages, the containment of ages in all single instant. Just as no place on earth except the ocean
that is made perceptions. can bear, can receive, can take in, can hold the great
"They also accurately know all the complete mass of water showered by the clouds of the oceanic
buddhas' penetrating knowledges, such as knowledge water spirit, in the same way the entries into the
penetrating a point the size of a hairttip, knowledge mysteries of the buddhas—great revelations, great
penetrating atomic particles, knowledge penetrating clarifications, great clouds of teachings—cannot be
realization of enlightenment in the body and land of a born, received, taken in, or held by all sentient beings,
buddha, knowledge penetrating realization of listeners, or self-enlightened ones, or even by
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—10

enlightening beings from the first to the ninth stages. It and from yet more, from infinite buddhas, all in a single
is the enlightening beings in the tenth stage, cloud of instant. Hence this stage is called Cloud of Teaching.
teaching, who bear, receive, take in, and hold it all. It is "Furthermore, enlightening beings in this stage, by
as the ocean bears, receives, takes in, and holds the the power of their own vows, cause great clouds of
great clouds of one water spirit, or two, or three, up to compassion to arise, manifesting the thunder of the
the innumerable great clouds of innumerable water great Teaching, flashing the lightning of mystic
spirits in a single moment, because of the immeasurable knowledge, science, and expertise, whipping up a great
vast breadth of the ocean. In the same way, wind of radiance, covering all with a dense cloud of
enlightening beings in this tenth stage, Cloud of virtue and knowledge, showing a dense swirl of
Teaching, bear, receive, take in, and hold, in a single various bodies, uttering the proclamation of the great
instant, immeasurable great revelations, clarifications, Teaching, routing the horde of demons; and, in one
and clouds of great teachings from two, three, up to instant, throughout as many quadrillions of worlds as
infinitely many buddhas. Thus this stage is called atoms in the worlds in the ten directions mentioned
Cloud of Teaching." above, and throughout yet more worlds, incalculable
The enlightening being Moon of Liberation said, "Is hundreds of quadrillions of worlds, they show great
it possible to count how many buddhas the rains of goodness-bearing elixir of immortality and
enlightening beings receive and hold the great settle and extinguish all the dust and flames of
revelations, clarifications, and clouds of teachings from afflictions of beings produced by ignorance. Hence this
in a single instant?" stage is called Cloud of Teaching.
Diamond Matrix said, "It is not possible to give a "Furthermore, the enlightening beings in this stage of
numerical account of how many buddhas enlightening Cloud of Teaching manifest all the works of buddhas in
beings receive teachings from in a single instant. I will, one world, beginning with abiding in the heaven of
however, make a simile. Suppose that in each ten satisfaction, then descending to earth, abiding in the
directions, in worlds as numerous as atoms in untold womb, birth, leaving home, attaining enlightenment,
quintillions of buddha-lands, and all the realms of being requested to teach, setting in motion the wheel of
beings found therein, there were one being with the the Teaching, and the stage of great ultimate nirvana,
mental command to retain whatever he heard, an manifesting these to beings according to their
attendant of buddhas, a great disciple, foremost of the dispositions and capacities for being guided. As they do
holders of learning, and that being were endowed with this in one world, so also do they do the same in two
such power of skill in learning. Now suppose all the worlds, up to unspeakable, untold numbers of worlds.
beings in all those worlds were similarly endowed, and Having attained such control of knowledge, with
what was learned by each one was not learned by absolutely certain great knowledge and mystic
another. What do you think—would the learning ability knowledge, at will they show a defiled world as pure,
of all those beings be immeasurable?” Moon of show a pure world as defiled, show a narrow world as
Liberation said, “Great, immeasurable would be the broad, show a broad world as narrow; in this way, by
learning ability of those beings.” Diamond Matrix said, mystic power, they show magical transformations of all
“I tell you, in an instant the enlightening beings in this worlds—vast, measureless, minute, erroneous,
stage of Cloud of Teaching bear, receive, take in, and deranged, inverted, upright, and so on. If they want
hold from a buddha a great cloud of lights of revelation they can put a whole world, including its peripheral
of teaching called 'treasury of past, present, and future mountains and seas, into a single atom, yet without
of the cosmos'—the aforementioned ability in learning expanding the atom or shrinking the world, displaying
cannot compare to the minutest fraction of this ability all functions therein. They put two, three, four, five, up
to hold the cloud of light of revelation of the teaching. to untold numbers of worlds into one atom, yet without
And just as they receive this from one buddha, so also expanding the atom, and still displaying all the
do they receive and hold the cloud of lights of functions in the worlds. At will they show in one world
revelation of great teaching called ‘treasury of the past, the arrays of two worlds or, as they wish, show the
present, and future of the cosmos’ from as many arrays of up to an untold number of worlds. As they
buddhas as atoms in all the worlds of the ten directions, wish, they show the array of one world in two worlds,
or in up to an unspeakable number of worlds. As they
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—11

wish they show in one world the beings in up to an "Thus do enlightening beings in this stage of Cloud
unspeakable number of worlds yet without injuring or of Teaching show these and infinitely more magical
troubling those beings. As they wish they show the transformations." . . .
beings of one world in an unspeakable number of
worlds, without injuring or disturbing the beings. As [The final section of the book contains this description of the
they wish they show the full array of a buddha-realm in meaning of the ten stages of the bodhisattva path by the
a point the size of a hairtip; if they wish they show the bodhisattva Diamond Matrix. The book ends with a typical
ful1 arrays of untold buddha-realms in one point. As exposition of the inestimable value of reading even one line of
they wish they instantly emanate as many bodies as the sutra.]
atoms in untold worlds, manifest that many hands on
each individual body, and make offerings to the Then the enlightening being Diamond Matrix,
buddhas of the ten directions with those hands; with having looked over the ten directions and the
each hand they sprinkle as many baskets of flowers on congregations everywhere, observing the cosmos, by
those buddhas as there are grains of sand in the Ganges way of praising the determination for omniscience,
River, and do likewise with fragrances, garlands, revealing the sphere of enlightening beings, purifying
perfumes, aromatic powders, robes, parasols, banners, the power of practice, ex pounding the absorption of
and pennants. They also manifest that many heads on omniscience, removing all the defilements of the world,
each body, and manifest that many tongues in each presenting omniscient knowledge, showing the crest of
head, telling of the glory of the buddhas. inconceivable knowledge, and revealing the qualities of
"In the arising of a thought they go throughout the enlightening beings, spoke these verses by the power of
ten directions, in each moment of thought causing the Buddha, describing the meaning of the stages:
appearance of infinite sets of the process of attainment
of enlightenment up to great ultimate nirvana. They Listen to the excellent practices of enlightening beings,
also manifest infinite embodiments in all times, and Who practice calmness and self-control, are tranquil
also cause to appear in their own bodies the and peaceful in mind,
immeasurable arrays of qualities of lands of infinite Who are like the sky, similar to space,
buddhas. They also cause the appearance of all worlds Who have shed all defilement and abide in knowledge
becoming and disintegrating in their own bodies. They of the Way.
also emit all whirlwinds from a single pore, yet without
hurting or troubling sentient beings. And, if they wish, Having cultivated good for countless eons
they can make endless worlds a single body of water And served hundreds of thousands of buddhas
and set a great lotus thereon; the array of lights of that And honored many self-conquerors and saints,
great lotus pervades endless worlds, showing therein The will for enlightenment is born for the good of the
the branches of the trees of enlightenment and all world.
aspects of omniscience.
"In their own bodies they manifest the lights of the Born is the will for enlightenment, equal to the
ten directions, including the lusters of jewels, lightning, Enlightened,
the lights of the sun and moon, and the lights of all In those refined by discipline and austerity, who have
deities of light. With each breath they shake endless reached ultimate patience,
worlds, yet without frightening the sentient beings Who act with modesty and dignity, born of virtue and
therein. They also manifest the destruction of gales, knowledge,
fires, and floods in the ten directions. Also they cause Who are broad-minded and intent on enlightened
the appearance of physical adornments according to knowledge.
wishes of beings: they manifest the body of Buddha in
their own body; they manifest their own body in the To honor all the buddhas of past, present, and future,
body of Buddha; they manifest own buddha-land in the Purify all lands throughout space,
body of Buddha; they manifest the Buddha in their own Truly comprehend all truths and liberate beings,
buddha-land. The will for enlightenment is born.
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—12

To do good for all is the will for enlightenment born In this state of mind their will for enlightenment is
In the joyful and benevolent who practice giving, born.
Who are always determined to benefit all beings,
Who apply the virtues of buddhas and pledge to protect Wishing all beings well, having fulfilled the provisions
the living. for enlightenment,
With determined minds, they do even what may be
Born is the will for enlightenment, for the weal of all difficult,
beings, Enlightening beings never giving up their intent to do
In those divorced from evil, whose conduct is pure, good;
Who practice self-control, whose senses are calm and In this state of mind their will for enlightenment is
cool, born.
Who have taken refuge in Buddha, intent on
enlightening practice. Thus they should carry out enlightenment practices of
multifold virtues;
Born is the will for enlightenment, for the benefit of all, Vowing to follow Buddha's footsteps, they should
In those who practice good, vessels of patience and attain truth and spiritual power;
coolness, Having purified the three realms of being, they should
Who know the flavor of virtue, have abandoned attain the will for enlightenment;
arrogance and insolence, Having purified the three refuges, they should become
With minds detached and pure, calm and cool. enlightening beings.

Initiating pure action, enduring with firmness and This will be reiterated in sum, so listen;
vigor, When the will for enlightenment is attained, those who
Human lions striving for the welfare of all people, practice giving
Having conquered afflictions by persistence in virtue, Then, having reached Extreme Joy, will become lords of
In this state of mind the will for enlightenment is born. the land.

With well-concentrated minds, the darkness of delusion There, protecting beings by providing what they
dissolved, require,
Arrogance gone, they have abandoned defiled paths; Having established their own giving, they can get
Enjoying the bliss of peace, they have given up others to do so.
attachments to routine life—
In this state of mind the will for enlightenment is born. Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have
perfected giving;
With minds clear as the sky, with knowledge, abstract By following this principle they will arrive at discipline.
and applied, Having achieved right conduct, they will become well
Having killed the demons, dropped afflictions and behaved;
conceit, Thence having reached Purity, they will become lords
Abiding in the refuge of Buddha, finding the truth, of four continents.
their desire,
In this state of mind their will for enlightenment is Stationed there, protecting beings by stopping evil,
born. Abiding in their own moral conduct, they can get others
to do so too.
Firm in means and intelligence to achieve liberation
from the realms of being, Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have
Endowed with technique, science, and spiritual power perfected morality;
to escape the force of evil, By maturation of this practice, they will come to the
Seeking the qualities of buddhas, desirous of virtue, practice of forbearance.
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—13

Maintaining the practice of right forbearance, they will By the results of this virtue they will come to the
become good bearers of patience; practice of wisdom;
Thence having reached Refulgence, they will become Having conquered all demons, they will possess
lords of the thirty-three heavens. wisdom, higher knowledge, and spiritual power.

There, protecting beings by stopping the courses of Having accomplished true wisdom, they will become
afflictions, skilled in mystic knowledge;
Abiding in their own practice of forbearance, they can Having thence attained Presence, they will become
get others to do so too. lords of the heaven of pleasant emanations,

Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have There protecting beings by stopping conceit,
perfected patience; Having settled them. in emptiness and fostered
By maturation of this virtue, they will come to the enlightenment diligently.
practice of vigor.
Abiding in their own practice of wisdom, they can
Having concentrated right energy, they will become induce others to do so too;
good at maintaining vigor; Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have
Thence having reached Blazing, they will become lords perfected wisdom.
of the heaven of timely portion.
By the results of this virtue they will practice right
There protecting beings by stopping wrong views, means;
They will establish right insight and foster Having conquered all views, they will be skilled in
enlightenment by effort. right teaching.

Stable in their own practice of vigor, they can exhort By the exercise of right means they will lead beings into
others as well; enlightenment;
Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have Thence having reached Far-Going, they will become
perfected vigor. lords of the heaven of control,

By the results of this virtue they will come to the There protecting beings by awakening realization,
practice of meditation; Enlightening them after having set them in the way of
Having conquered all afflictions they will become enlightening beings.
stabilized in concentration.
Abiding in their own skill in means, they will also
Having concentrated on right meditation, they will exhort others;
become skilled in concentration; Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have
Thence having reached the Difficult to Conquer, they perfected means.
will become lords of the heaven of the satisfied,
By the powers of this virtue they will come to good
There protecting beings by stopping wrong paths, vows;
Having established right teaching and fostered Having conquered false views, they will be wise,
enlightenment by effort. having attained right insight.

Abiding in their own practice of meditation, they can Settled in true enlightenment by a rightly resolved
urge others to do so too; mind,
Having established all in enlightenment, they will have Thence having attained Immovability, they will become
perfected meditation. Brahma lords of a thousand worlds,

There protecting beings by teaching the Three Vehicles,

History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—14

Enlightening them by establishing them in By the powers of this virtue, they will be victors, lords
comprehension of the world. of the ten powers,
Imbued with all virtues, omniscient, in the course of
Abiding by their own vows, they can also induce nature.
Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have Having contemplated this, the noble should practice
perfected commitment. with concentrated minds,
To attain the state of perfect enlightenment, having
By the power of this virtue, they will come to the fulfilled the ten ways of transcendence.
practice of power,
Certain of perfect enlightenment, once all views are Thus having attained enlightenment and liberation, and
conquered. conquered the four demons,
Having settled all in enlightenment, you will attain
By the combined exertions of right power, they will perfect peace.
overcome all those in error;
Thence having attained Good Mind, they will become Having heard this and thoroughly known the means
Great Brahmas, powerful. and accomplishment of enlightening beings,
You will attain unobstructed enlightenment, the state of
There they will protect beings by teaching the Buddha the Felicitous.
Enlightening them by establishing them in the “This has been a summary exposition of the ten
knowledge of beings'minds. stages of enlightening beings, to be seen in accord with
omniscience complete in all aspects.”
Steadfast in their own power, they can also induce At that point the billion-world universe quaked in six
others; ways, all kinds of flowers rained steadily, celestial and
Having settled all in enlightenment, they will have human music played, and the intoxicating sound was
perfected power. heard to the very summit of existence.
Then the Buddha said, addressing Moon of
By the results of this virtue they will come to the Liberation and all the other enlightening beings, "Good
practice of knowledge, people, this complete perfect enlightenment, developed
Enlightening beings, mines of virtue, having conquered over countless eons, I commend to you, entrusting it to
the four demons. you, with the ultimate charge that you will yourselves
hold this teaching and also fully elucidate it for others.
Having attained right knowledge, they will be skilled To put it succinctly, if the Buddha were to remain alive
in true teaching; for an eon expounding the glories of this teaching day
Having thence reached Cloud of Teaching, they will and night, neither would the glory of this teaching be
become great lords, adept. ended nor would the eloquence of the Buddha be
exhausted. Just as the Buddha's conduct, concentration,
There they will protect beings by enlightening them in wisdom, liberation, knowledge, and vision are
all ways, measureless and endless, likewise is the case of those
Enlightening them by establishing them in highest who will take up this teaching, preserve it, recite it,
omniscience. write it down, cause it to be written down, master it,
put it into action, and fully expound it in the
Stable in their own knowledge, they will also guide community, who will tell it to people faithfully and
others; respectfully with consideration of how these people
When they have settled all in enlightenment, they will might attain the lofty teaching, and get, them to reflect
have perfected knowledge. on it reasonably, who will write it down in a book and
have it kept, respected, taken seriously, and honored in
the home, who will tell the glories of this teaching
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—15

without envy and speak it so it may be written, told, Having heard and accomplished this teaching,
recited, honored, and revealed: their virtue also has no One will be inexhaustible as the ocean.
Then the Buddha, to again make the bequest of this When the Buddha said this, Moon of Liberation and
teaching, spoke these verses: all the enlightening beings, the celestials, the disciples
and other people, and the whole assembly were all
If the beings I see by my enlightened vision transported with joy at the Buddha approving what
Were saints equal to Shariputra, Diamond Matrix said.
And one should honor them for millions of ages,
As many as the sands of the Ganges River; * * *
And if someone honored an individual illuminate
Day and night, cheerful, [This last section is from the last book of the Avataðsaka
With the finest garlands and such, Sütra. This famous book, which also exists in Sanskrit as an
And thereby created excellent virtue; independent Sütra, the Gaëòavyüha Sütra (“World-Array
And if all were individual illuminates, Sutra”), describes the spiritual pilgrimage of a youth namded
If one honored them diligently Sudhana who visits more than fifty different teachers in his
With flowers and incense, food and drink; search for enlightenment. Again, the theme of the mutual
For many eons, interpenetration of all phenomena is prominent. In this
Still if one made even one bow to one buddha selection Sudhana learns from Maitreya, the future Buddha,
And with a pure mind declared obeisance, about the practice of the bodhisattva path.]
The virtue would be greater than all that.

If all beings were to become buddhas, Book 39

And someone would honor them as mentioned before, Entry into the Realm of Reality
With celestial and human flowers of many kinds for
many eons, . . . Thus Maitreya, seeing Sudhana arrive, imbued
One who, at the time of the extinction of the true with virtues, in the realm of nonobstruction, revealed
teaching, him to the assembly, speaking of his treasury of
Having relinquished body and life, would give this qualities. Sudhana, hearing such supreme direction and
scripture, day and night, instruction, was flooded with joy and burst into tears.
Would be superior in virtue. His hair stood on end and he sighed with delight. He
rose and paid his respects to Maitreya. Then, by the
Whoever wants to honor the buddhas, mental power of Manjushri, there appeared in his
Or individual illuminates or Buddhist disciples, hands beautiful flower garlands and jewels, produced
Should rouse firm determination for enlightenment by the vows of enlightening beings; blissfully, Sudhana
And always give this lofty scripture. showered these on Maitreya. Then Maitreya patted him
on the head and said, "It is good that you are so
For this is the king of all good messages; indefatigable, Sudhana; you will be a vessel of virtues,
It has emerged from all the buddhas. like Manjushri and me."
The Buddha is in the house Hearing this, Sudhana disclosed the joy of his heart:
Where this scripture-jewel is placed. "It is hard to find, even in hundreds of lifetimes, such
Friends as these whom I have now met. It is good for
Who passes on even one line from this scripture me to have come here today. By the direction of the
Will attain pure and endless light; honorable Manjushri, perfect in true virtue, I have
One who gives this scripture to others found this rare Friend. I should quickly meet Manjushri
Will not be deprived of a syllable, of a meaning. himself."
Then Sudhana stood respectfully before Maitreya
Supreme is that one among guides of humanity; and said, "Noble one, I have set out for supreme perfect
No being can be found like this one; enlightenment, but I do not know how an enlightening
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—16

being is to learn and carry out the practice of enlightened teachings, responds when called upon,
enlightening beings. It has been predicted by all the rescues sentient beings, fulfills the commitment to carry
buddhas that noble Maitreya will become supremely out the practice of enlightenment, comforts and inspires
perfectly enlightened in one lifetime; and one who is people, keeps true to one's word, ascertains all the
sure of supreme perfect enlightenment in one lifetime myriad buddha-teachings, sustains the lineage of
has gone beyond all the stations of enlightening beings, buddhas and enlightening beings, and preserves the
entered the certainty of enlightening beings, fulfilled all eye of enlightenment."
the transcendent ways, entered all doors of tolerance, Then the enlightening being Maitreya, looking over
attained all states of enlightening beings, mastered all the whole crowd, pointed out Sudhana and said, "Good
ways of liberation, perfected all concentrations, reached people, look at this fine young man, who asks me about
the goal of all courses of action of enlightening beings, the perfection of the virtues of enlightening practice.
attained all powers of memory, intellect, and methods With this diligence, this purposefulness, this zealous
of elucidation, mastered all powers of enlightening commitment, this steadfast will, this unflagging vigor,
beings, gathered all provisions of enlightening beings, this thirst for enlightened teaching, this excellent
mastered the methods of wisdom and skill in means, questing, this burning urgency, this desire to meet
developed the illumination of higher knowledge, spiritual friends and benefactors, this indefatigability in
mastered all learning, purified all practices of attendance on spiritual friends and benefactors, he left
enlightening beings, accomplished all methods of his city in search of spiritual benefactors at the direction
carrying out vows, received the directions of all of Manjushri and traveled south, inquiring of a
buddhas, comprehended all vehicles of liberation, taken hundred and ten spiritual benefactors, until finally he
on the empowerment of all buddhas, embraced the has come to me, his mind thoroughly unwearied.
enlightenment of all buddhas, preserved the treasuries "Good people, it is hard even to get to hear of the
of all buddhas, stored the secrets of all buddhas, gained name of those like this who have set forth on the Great
leadership of the esoteric circle of all enlightening Vehicle of universal enlightenment, who have
beings. Such a one is a hero in all assaults against undertaken the great vow, who are resolute in the great
afflictions, a guide to those in the wilderness of the endeavor, who are girt with great compassion, who are
mundane whirl, a physician for those sick with intent on saving sentient beings with great love, who
afflictions, a chief of all beings, a leader, preeminent act with transcendental energy, who are engaged in
among all noble people, highest of all saints, a pilot for protecting the great caravan of beings, who are carrying
those in the sea of the mundane whirl; such a one beings across the ocean of the mundane whirl, who are
draws the net of means to guide sentient beings, on the road to omniscience, who are engaged in
observes the faculties of people who have matured, is assembling the spiritual ark, who are determined to
united with all sentient beings, is engaged in protecting assemble the great wealth of the treasures of the
all enlightening beings, is in concert with all the works Teaching, who are engaged in assembling the
of enlightening beings, is in the circles of all buddhas, preparations for the great spiritual activity—it is hard
is reflected in the abodes of all beings, is unstained by to even hear their names, to see them in person, to
the things of the world, is beyond the reach of all associate with them, or to share in their practice.
demons, is in accord with the realm of all buddhas, has 'Why is this? This sincere good person has set out to
attained nonobstruction in the sphere of all save all beings, undertaken to liberate all beings from
enlightening beings, is engaged in the service of all misery, to evaporate all bad tendencies, to put an end to
buddhas, is one with all enlightened qualities, wears all states that are inopportune for attaining
the turban of coronation, sits on the throne of spiritual enlightenment, to block off all perilous roads, to dispel
sovereignty, is initiated into the realm of omniscience, all darkness of ignorance, to cross all the wastelands of
is a source of all enlightened teachings, has attained the mundane whirl, to stop all vicious circles, to get
enlightenment and mastery of omniscience. beyond the reach of all demons, to remove all
"So please tell me, noble one, how an enlightening attachment and dependence, to rescue people from the
being is to learn and carry out the practice of mire of lust, to abandon passion for joy, to remove the
enlightening beings, by which practice an enlightening fetters of views, stop attachment to the body as real, cut
being attains enlightenment and understands all through the snare of conception, stop the pursuit of
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—17

error, to pluck out the thorns of delusion, to break engaged in fulfilling all the provisions for
through obstacles, to shatter the mountains of enlightenment, always bearing the responsibility of
obstructions, to remove the net of craving, to dissolve clarifying all avenues of truth, carrying out all practices
the bonds of ignorance, to illuminate existence, to do of enlightening beings with vigor, not stopping
away with guile and deceit, to clear mental disturbance, anywhere, carrying out all vows with unbending effort,
to remove doubt and confusion, to get out of the current meeting all spiritual benefactors without complacence,
of ignorance and delusion, to repel all the ills of the tireless in attendance on all spiritual benefactors,
mundane whirl. properly following the advice and instruction of all
"Indeed, good people, this worthy wishes to spiritual benefactors.
assemble the ship of the Teaching, a precious gift, to "In all the world it is hard to find people who aspire
rescue beings from the four torrents. He wishes to set to supreme true enlightenment; it is even harder to find
up the great bridge of the Teaching for those sunk in those who set out for supreme true enlightenment, who
the morass of views. He wishes to produce the light of master the teachings of buddhas with such diligent
knowledge for those in the darkness of delusion. He application, seek the path of enlightening beings with
wishes to point out the path of sages to those lost in the such ardor, purify the practice of enlightening beings
wilderness of the mundane whirl. He wishes to with such purposefulness, attend spiritual benefactors
dispense the medicine of the teaching to those suffering with such diligence, follow the knowledge of spiritual
from the illness of afflictions. He wishes to give the benefactors with such urgency, carry out the
element of immortality to those assailed by birth, old instructions of spiritual benefactors with such
age, and death. He wishes to cool those burning with unbending determination, assemble the elements of
the three fires by means of the water of tranquillity. He enlightenment with such correct understanding, be so
wishes to give great comfort to those suffering from indifferent to gain, honor, and praise as not to ruin the
sorrow, grief, misery, and depression. He wishes to will appropriate to an enlightening being, seek the
give those bound in the prison of existence the Great Vehicle of enlightening beings with such
knowledge of how to break out. He wishes to give the detachment from home and family, comforts,
sword of wisdom to those tied up in the bonds of enjoyments, and material goods, and seek omniscience
views. He wishes to show the door of liberation to those with such indifference to joy and life. Other
locked in the city of dle triple world. He wishes to show enlightenment beings will not, in millions of eons,
the direction of safety to those headed in dangerous attain the fulfillment of the practice and vows of
directions. He wishes to comfort those suffering from enlightening beings, abide in enlightenment, purify a
the joint operation of afflictions. He wishes to lend a buddha-land, guide sentient beings, know the reality
hand to those terrorized by the perils of falling into realm, attain the transcendent ways, extend the
states of woe. He wishes to show the citadel of nirvana network of practices, fulfill the undertakings of vows,
to those struck by the murderous clusters. He wishes to transcend the works of demons, develop rapport with
tell those surrounded by the serpents of the elements spiritual friends, perfect all the practices of enlightening
how to escape. To those loitering in the ghost town of beings, or accomplish the power to carry out the
the sense media, he wishes to show the way out by the practice of the universally good enlightening being, to
light of wisdorn. Those on wrong paths he wishes to the extent that this Sudhana will achieve these things in
lead into the right path. To the friendless he wishes to one lifetime."
show true spiritual friends. Those clinging to the realm Then Maitreya, having eulogized the true virtues of
of the infantile unenlightened condition he wishes to Sudhana. and thereby strengthened the determination
initiate into the teachings of sages. Those clinging to the for enlightenment in hundreds of thousands of people,
city of the mundane whirl he wishes to lead away into said to Sudhana, "It is good that you have set your
the city of omniscience. mind on supreme perfect enlightenment for the welfare
"Thus, for the salvation of sentient beings, this and happiness of all worlds, for the salvation of all
worthy, ceaselessly pursuing the complete purification beings, for the attainment of all enlightened qualities.
of the aspiration for enlightenment, is tireless in You have made a great gain, and your existence amid
mastering the Great Vehicle, never complacent in humanity is indeed welcome. You live the good life
seeking all means of conveying truth, constantly among the living and have satisfied the purpose of the
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—18

emergence of Buddha in the world. You have met the pervading the cosmos; it is like the medicine 'good to
benefactor Manjushri and have made yourself a worthy see,' obliterating all ills due to afflictions; it is like an
vessel of truth. You have been nourished with virtues extracting drug, as it extracts the arrows of evil
and stabilized on good qualities. You have purified propensities; it is like a chief of gods, because of
high resolve and good intention. You are minded by all mastery of all the faculties; it is like the god of wealth,
buddhas, and you are in the care of all spiritual friends. because it puts an end to all poverty; it is like the
By this intent of yours you have developed the goddess of beauty, being adorned with all virtues; it is
determination for supreme perfect enlightenment. like jewelry, gracing all enlightening beings; it is like
"What is the reason? The determination for the conflagration that ends an eon, burning up all
enlightenment is the seed of all elements of evildoing; it is like medicine for underdevelopment,
buddhahood; it is like a field, growing good qualities in because it increases the growth of all enlightened
all beings; it is like the earth, being a support for all qualities; it is like a dragon pearl, repelling the poison
beings; it is like water, washing away all afflictions; it is of all afflictions; it is like a water-clearing jewel, because
like wind, unattached to all worlds; it is like fire, it removes all turbidity and pollution; it is like a wish-
burning up the deadwood of clinging to views, it is like fulfilling jewel, granting success in all aims; it is like the
the sun, illumining the abodes of all beings, it is like the horn of plenty, fulfilling all wishes; it is like the desire-
moon, fulfilling the sphere of all good qualities; it is like granting tree, as it showers the ornaments of all virtues;
a lamp, producing spiritual light; it is like an eye, seeing it is like a goose-feather robe, as it does not absorb any
the even and the uneven; it is like a road, leading to the of the ills of the mundane whirl; it is like cotton fiber,
city of omniscience; it is like a passageway, leading being soft in nature; it is like a plow, clearing the mind-
away from all wrong paths; it is like a vehicle, carrying field of sentient beings; it is like a warrior, striking
all enlightening beings; it is like a door, leading into all down the self; it is like an arrow, piercing its target of
the practices of enlightening beings; it is like a mansion, suffering; it is like power, overcoming its enemy,
because of determination to abide in concentration; it is afflictions; it is like armor, protecting logical thought; it
like a park, because of experience of spiritual pleasures; is like a scimitar, cutting off the head of affliction; it is
it is like a home, protecting all beings; it is like a basis, like a sword blade, slashing through the armor of pride,
being the practice of all enlightening beings, it is like a conceit, and arrogance; it is like a razor, slicing off
father, protecting all enlightening beings; it is like a compulsive propensities; it is like the banner of a hero,
mother to all beings; it is like a nurse, protecting in bringing down the banner of pride; it is like a machete,
every way; it is like a king, overwhelming the mentality felling the tree of ignorance; it is like an ax, cutting
of all individually liberated ones; it is like all overlord, through the tree of suffering; it is like combat, being a
because of the excellence of all vows; it is like the ocean, savior from all attacks; it is like hands, protecting the
containing all jewels of virtue; it is like the polar body of the transcendent ways; it is like feet, being the
mountain, being impartial toward all beings; it is like base of all virtue and knowledge; it is like a surgical
the surrounding mountains, being a refuge for all probe, cleaning away the coveting of the sheath of
beings; it is like the Himalaya, growing the herb of ignorance; it is like an extracting instrument, extracting
knowledge; it is like intoxicating fragrance, being the the thorn of the notion of self; it is like a hoe, dragging
seat of all scents of virtue; it is like the sky, because of away the thorns of propensities; it is like a benefactor,
the great extent of its virtue; it is like a lotus, unstained freeing you from the bonds of the mundane whirl; it is
by any things of the world; it is like an elephant, patient like wealth, rejecting all that is useless; it is like a
and noble; it is like a horse of good breed, free from all teacher, knowing the way to carry out all enlightening
unruliness; it is like a charioteer, being the driver of the practices; it is like a mine, having inexhaustible
Great Vehicle; it is like medicine, curing the ills of blessings; it is like a fountain, having inexhaustible
afflictions; it is like a pit, because in it all bad qualities knowledge; it is like a mirror, showing the reflection of
disappear; it is like a thunderbolt, penetrating all all ways into truth; it is like a white lotus, free from
things; it is like a chest of incense, producing the aroma defilement; it is like a great river, carrying forth the
of all virtues; it is like a great flower, pleasant to the streams of the ways of transcendence and the ways of
sight of all beings; it is like cooling sandalwood, cooling integration; it is like the chief water spirit, causing the
off the burning of passion; it is like the moon, clouds of the Teaching to shower; it is like the root of
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—19

life, sustaining the universal compassion of all aroused the determination for supreme perfect
enlightening beings; it is like the elixir of immortality, enlightenment becomes imbued with measureless
bringing you to the deathless realm; it is like an all- virtues because of being absorbed by the will for
encompassing net, taking in all beings who can be omniscience. . . .”
guided; it is like health, producing endless health; it is
like an antidote to poison, vitiating the poison of desire; [Here the Avataðsaka Sütra comes to a close with the vows
it is like a spell, destroying the poison of all folly; it is of the bodhisattva Samantabhadra (the Universally Good)]
like wind, removing all barriers and obstacles; it is like
an island of jewels, being a mine of the spiritual jewels Then the great enlightening being (bodhisattva)
of all the limbs of enlightenment; it is like a family, Universally Good, thus explaining courses of eons, as
producing all good qualities; it is like a home, being the many eons as atoms in the untold buddha-lands in the
abode of all virtuous qualities; it is like a market, succession of worlds, went on to make a vow:
attended by all enlightening 'merchants'; it is like liquid
metal, clearing all obstructions caused by actions and As many buddhas as there may be in any world
afflictions; it is like a honeybee, filling the stores of Throughout the ten directions, throughout past,
provisions for omniscience; it is like a road, whereby all present, and future,
enlightening beings approach the city of omniscience; I honor them all, without exception,
it is like a vessel, holding all pure qualities; it is like Pure in body, speech, and mind.
rain, settling the dust of afflictions; it is like a basis,
defining the respective stations of all enlightening With as many bodies as atoms in all lands
beings; it is like a magnet, unaffected by individual I bow to all buddhas,
liberation; it is like a jewel, inherently pure; it is like an With a mind directed to all buddhas,
emerald, being totally beyond the knowledge of all By the power of the vow of the practice of good.
individual illuminates and worldlings; it is like the
drum that sounds the hour, because it wakes up beings In a single atom, buddhas as many as atoms
sleeping in affliction; it is like still, clear water, being Sit in the midst of enlightening beings;
pure; it is like an ornament of the finest gold, obscuring So it is of all things in the cosmos
all collections of virtue in the conditioned realm; it is I realize all are filled with buddhas.
like an enormous mountain, being invulnerable to
anything in the triple world; it is like a savior, not I laud all the buddhas therein,
abandoning any who take refuge in it; it is like Expounding in all languages
motivation, because it draws you toward your aim; it is The qualities of all buddhas,
like intelligence, because it creates contentment of the With endless oceans of manifestations.
heart; it is like sacrifice, because it satisfies all beings; it
is like understanding, because it is what is best in the With the finest flowers, garlands,
minds of all beings; it is like a treasury, preserving all Musical instruments, perfumes and parasols,
enlightened qualities; it is like a summary, containing The finest lamps and incenses,
all the practices and vows of enlightening beings; it is I make offerings to those buddhas.
like a protector, protecting all beings; it is like a
guardian, repelling all evils; it is like the net of Indra, With the finest clothes, fragrances,
rounding up the titans of afflictions; it is like the snare And mountainous baskets of aromatic powders,
of the sky god, rounding up the teachable; it is like the With the finest of all kinds of adornments
fire of Indra, burning up all habitual propensities and I make offerings to those buddhas.
afflictions; it is like a monument for the world. In sum,
the virtues of the determination for enlightenment are Whatever be the best of offerings,
equal to all the qualities and virtues of buddhas. Why? I produce them for all buddhas';
Because it is the source of all the practices of By the power of devotion to the practice of good,
enlightening beings, and from it come all buddhas of I honor and serve all buddhas.
past, future, and present. Therefore, whoever has
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—20

Whatever evil I may commit Always free from defect.

Under the sway of passion, hatred, or folly,
Bodily, verbally, or mentally, I will expound the Teaching
I confess it all. In the languages of gods and dragons,
In the languages of demons and humans,
And whatever the virtue of beings everywhere, And of all living beings.
Hearers, saints, self-conquerors,
Enlightening beings and buddhas, May those engaged in the ways of transcendence
In all that I do rejoice. Not stray from enlightenment;
And may all evils to be inhibited
And all the Lamps of the Worlds in the ten directions Be thoroughly extinguished.
Who have realized enlightenment and attain
nonobstruction I will traverse the paths of the world
I seek as guides, that they may turn Free from compulsion, affliction, and delusion,
The supreme wheel of teaching. Like a lotus unstained by water,
Like the sun and moon unattached in the sky.
And those who wish to manifest extinction
I petition respectfully to remain Extinguishing all the miseries of bad states
For eons as many as atoms in the land And bringing all beings to happiness,
For the welfare and happiness of all beings. I will act for the welfare of all beings
In all lands everywhere.
By honor, service, and direction,
By appreciating, seeking, and requesting teachings, According with the conduct of sentient beings
Whatever good I have accumulated, While fulfilling the practice of enlightenment,
I dedicate it all to enlightenment. And cultivating the practice of good,
Thus will I act throughout future eons.
May the buddhas of the past be honored,
As well as those now in the worlds of the ten directions, May I always be in communion
And may those of the future be at ease, With those who share my practice;
Filled with joy, having realized enlightenment. Physically, verbally, and mentally,
I will carry out vows as one practice.
May all the lands of the ten directions
Be purified, supreme, and filled And may I always be with my benefactors,
With buddhas and enlightening beings Who teach me the practice of good;
At the tree of enlightenment. May I never displease them.

May all beings in the ten directions May I always see the buddhas face to face,
Be happy and well; Surrounded by enlightening beings;
May all beings' righteous aim be successful, I will make fine offerings to them
May their hope be realized. Forever, unwearied.

As I am carrying out enlightenment practice, Preserving the true teaching of buddhas,

May I recall my lives in all states; Illumining the practice of enlightenment,
In every lifetime, as I die and am reborn, And purifying the practice of good,
May I always transcend the mundane. I will practice for all future eons.

Learning from all buddhas, Migrating through all states of being,

Fulfilling the practice of good, Having acquired inexhaustible virtue and knowledge,
I will practice pure conduct,
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—21

May I become an inexhaustible treasury of wisdom and By the power of universal love,
means, By the power of goodness, all pure,
Concentration, liberation, and all virtues. By the power of knowledge, unobstructed,
Gathering the power of enlightenment,
As I carry on the practice of enlightenment, Clearing away the power of acts,
May I see the inconceivable buddhas sitting among Destroying the power of afflictions,
enlightening beings Vitiating the power of demons,
In the lands as numerous as atoms May I fulfill all powers
That are in each atom. Of the practice of good.

Thus may I perceive the oceans Purifying oceans of lands,

Of buddhas and lands of all times Liberating oceans of beings,
In each point in the ten directions Observing oceans of truths,
As I practice for myriad eons. Plumbing oceans of knowledge,
Perfecting oceans of practices,
May I ever penetrate the eloquence of buddhas, Fulfilling oceans of vows,
The voices of all buddhas which adapt to mentalities, Serving oceans of buddhas,
The purity of articulation of all buddhas, May I practice, untiring, for oceans of eons.
By the sounds of the ocean of tones in a single
utterance. The lofty vows of enlightenment practice
Of the buddhas of past, present, and future
Into those infinite voices May I fulfill completely,
Of all buddhas of all times Practice what is good, and realize enlightenment.
May I enter by buddha-power,
Turning the wheel of teaching. All who share in the practice
Of the sage of Universal Good,
May I enter all eons The foremost offspring of all buddhas,
Of the future instantly, I name them good.
And may I act in all eons
Of all times within an instant. Pure in body, speech, and mind,
Pure in conduct, with a pure land,
May I see all buddhas of all times As the sage is named Good,
In one instant May I become thus equally.
And always enter their sphere
By the magical power of liberation. May I carry out the vow of Manjushri
To totally purify the practice of good;
May I produce the arrays of all lands Tireless through all future ages,
Of all times in an atom, May I fulfill all those tasks.
May I thus perceive all the arrays
Of buddha-lands in all the ten directions. May there be no limits to practice,
And no limit to virtues;
Learning the teachings of Persisting in infinite practices,
The Lamps of the Worlds to come, I know all their miraculous creations.
I visit all the Guides
Who have passed away to eternal rest. As long as the earth exists,
As long as all beings exist,
By occult powers, swift in all ways, As long as acts and afflictions exist,
By the power of knowledge, all-sided, So long will my vow remain.
By the power of practice, with all virtues,
History of Buddhist Philosophy Selection from the Avataðsaka Sütra—22

Let me give the buddhas all worlds By the supreme dedication praised by the buddhas of
In the ten directions adorned with jewels, all times
Let me give celestials and humans supreme happiness I dedicate all this virtue to the practice of highest good.
For eons as many as atoms.
Acting in accord with the time, may I remove all
Those who develop respect and devotion obstructions,
On hearing this supreme dedication, May I see Infinite Light face to face and go to the land
Seeking supreme enlightenment, of bliss.
Will be most blessed. There, may all these vows be complete;
Having fulfilled them, I will work for the weal of all
They will have abandoned all evils beings in the world.
And all bad associates
And will quickly see Infinite Light, Let me abide in the circle of that buddha, born in a
If they have this vow of enlightening practice. beautiful lotus,
And receive the prophecy of buddhahood there in the
Great is their gain, worthwhile their life, presence of the buddha of Infinite Light.
Auspicious their birth as humans;
They will soon be like Having received the prophecy there, with millions of
The universally good enlightening being. emanations
I will work for the weal of beings everywhere, by the
Those who have committed hellish crimes power of Buddha.
Under the sway of ignorance
Will quickly put an end to them all By whatever virtue I accumulate, having invoked the
When this practice of good is expounded. vow to practice good,
May the pure aspiration of the world be at once all
Endowed with knowledge, distinction, and nobility, fulfilled.
Invulnerable to false teachers and demons,
They will be honored By the endless surpassing blessing realized from
By all in the triple world. dedication
To the practice of good,
They will quickly go to the May worldlings submerged in the torrent of passion
Tree of enlightenment Go to the higher realm of Infinite Light.
And sit there for the benefit
Of all living beings; The Buddha said, "Sudhana, those enlightening beings
They will realize enlightenment, led by Manjushri, the monks developed by Manjushri,
Turn the wheel of teaching, Maitreya, and all the enlightening beings of the age of
And conquer the devil virtue, the great enlightening beings gathered in
And all its cohorts. various worlds, as numerous as atoms, led by
Universally Good, appointed inheritors of spiritual
Buddha knows those who hold this vow to practice sovereignty, the great disciples led by Shariputra and
good, Maudgalyayana and their circle, as well as celestial and
Who cause it to be told of and taught; human beings, were elated and they applauded what
The fruit of this is supreme enlightenment the blessed enlightening being Universally Good had
Do not entertain any doubt. said."
* * *
As the hero Manjushri knows, so too does Universal
Good; All selections taken from Thomas Cleary, The Flower Ornament
As I learn from them I dedicate all this virtue. Scripture: A Translation of the Avatamsaka Sutra (Boston &
London: Shambhala Publications, 1984).

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