Acute Viral Myocarditis: Diagnosis: Paul A. Checchia, MD Thomas J. Kulik, MD

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Acute viral myocarditis: Diagnosis

Paul A. Checchia, MD; Thomas J. Kulik, MD

KEY WORDS: acute viral myocarditis; diagnosis; echocardiography

T here are insufficient data to carditis, etiological agent, and response ing the diagnosis of acute viral myocar-
support a diagnostic standard to therapy would be clinically valuable. ditis in children. Of the 255 potentially
for this topic. Unfortunately, no sensitive or specific relevant studies, 28 were evaluated as ev-
clinical or laboratory clues to the diagno- idence for this question.
sis have been found (1).
GUIDELINES The diagnosis of acute viral myocardi- SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION
tis starts with ruling out other causes of
The diagnosis of acute viral myocarditis myocardial dysfunction. In particular, We chose to examine six diagnostic
should be based on a high index of suspi- structural cardiac lesions (e.g., left-sided modalities: electrocardiogram, chest ra-
cion, attention to historical clues, and a outflow obstruction and anomalous cor- diography, echocardiography, serum
thorough physical exam. These should be onary artery) can cause congestive heart markers of myocardial injury, endomyo-
augmented by the use of chest radiograph, failure, especially in the neonate, and cardial biopsy, and magnetic resonance
electrocardiography, echocardiography, need to be excluded using echocardiogra- imaging.
and the endomyocardial biopsy. phy. Pericardial effusion is also easy to
Options. Additional evidence of the di- diagnose. Arrhythmia (especially su- Electrocardiographic Findings
agnosis of acute viral myocarditis may be praventricular tachycardia and the per-
obtained by measurements of cardiac tro- ECG findings in patients with acute
manent form of junctional reciprocating viral myocarditis are highly variable. The
ponin and the use of cardiovascular mag- tachycardia) can usually be easily elimi-
netic resonance imaging. most typical findings are: 1) sinus tachy-
nated from consideration using the elec- cardia; 2) low-voltage QRS in standard
trocardiogram. Systemic hypertension (total voltage ⬍ 5 mm) and precordial
OVERVIEW can present with congestive heart failure. leads and low-amplitude Q waves in the
Inherited metabolic causes of myocardial lateral precordial leads; and 3) flattening
The diagnosis of acute viral myocardi-
dysfunction may be more difficult to rule or inversion of T waves in the standard or
tis requires a high index of suspicion,
out, although a positive family history, L precordial leads. Thirty-one of 45 cases
attention to historical clues, and thor-
long-standing failure to thrive, other ab- reported by Keith et al. (2) had flattened
ough physical exam. Regardless of patho-
normalities on physical exam (e.g., hypo- or inverted T waves.
genesis, the diagnosis is based on clinical
tonia), and characteristic electrocardio- There are a number of other ECG find-
findings, echocardiographic evaluation,
graphic (ECG) changes when present ings that may be present with acute viral
and endomyocardial biopsy sampling.
(e.g., for glycogen storage disease of the myocarditis. Marked elevation of ST seg-
There are, however, limitations to the use
heart) may suggest the need for detailed ments is not uncommon. Keith et al. (2)
of each of these examinations, including
investigation along those lines. reported that 10 of 45 cases (ages not
sampling errors related to heterogeneity
Having excluded other causes of myo- specified) had such markedly deviated ST
of disease, the invasiveness of the proce-
cardial dysfunction, there are multiple segments as to suggest myocardial infarc-
dure, and inability of the pathologic ex-
tests that may lend support to the diag- tion. These observations were made in
amination of tissue to reflect the physio-
nosis of acute viral myocarditis or offer patients without confirmation of the di-
logic effect of circulating mediators. A
important information relevant to the agnosis by echocardiography and myo-
simple, highly sensitive, and specific test
therapy provided. This review will con- cardial biopsy, but more recent experi-
that could accurately detect myocyte in-
centrate on available approaches to the ence is similar. Angelini et al. (3)
jury during the course of acute viral myo-
diagnosis in children. An important dis- described 12 adults with symptoms, car-
tinction must be made regarding the sep- diac enzymes, and ECG findings (ST ele-
aration of diagnostic vs. prognostic exam- vations) suggesting myocardial infarc-
From the Divisions of Critical Care Medicine and
ination and between the more general tion, with normal coronary arteries and
Cardiology, St. Louis Children’s Hospital and the Uni-
versity of Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis, diagnosis of severe heart failure and the histologic evidence of acute viral myocar-
MO (PAC); and the Division of Cardiology, Cincinnati features of shock vs. the specific diagno- ditis. There are other reports of ECG and
Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University sis of acute viral myocarditis. other findings consistent with myocardial
of Cincinnati School of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH (TJK).
Copyright © 2006 by the Society of Critical Care infarction in adults with myocarditis (4 –
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- 6).
sive and Critical Care Societies MEDLINE database searches were Arrhythmia is not uncommon in myo-
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000244336.60719.8C conducted to find published data regard- carditis, including supraventricular

S8 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 7, No. 6 (Suppl.)

tachycardia, atrial ectopic tachycardia, creased ventricular wall thickness has three groups: acute viral myocarditis, id-
ventricular premature beats, ventricular also been observed (11). iopathic chronic dilated cardiomyopathy,
tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation Other cardiac ultrasound findings in- and moderate to large ventricular septal
(7). Friedman et al. (8) described 12 pa- clude pulmonary arterial hypertension defect with congestive heart failure. Their
tients (ten patients ⬍18 yrs old), mostly (related to increased left atrial pressure) data show that a serum cardiac troponin
without obvious myocarditis, who had bi- and ventricular thrombi. Evidence of re- T level of 0.052 ng/mL is an appropriate
opsy findings consistent with myocardi- strictive ventricular physiology and dys- cutoff point to make the diagnosis.
tis. Eleven had ventricular tachycardia, trophic calcification has been (rarely) de- The use of troponin measurements in
and one had multiform ventricular pre- scribed (12, 13). ongoing low cardiac output states from
mature beats. Seven still had ventricular various pathogeneses of cardiac failure is
ectopy (mostly ventricular premature Serum Markers of Myocardial a separate question from its role in the
beats) an average of 50 months after pre- Injury diagnosis of acute viral myocarditis. What
sentation. Wiles et al. (8a) made similar has yet to be examined is the role of
observations. Of 33 patients (31 were Myocardial Muscle Creatine Kinase troponin in the timing of biopsy and its
ⱕ18 yrs old) evaluated for ventricular Isoenzyme. There are limited data on the role in the management of immunosup-
ectopic rhythm (but without findings of use of myocardial muscle creatine kinase pressive regimes. It could be a theoretical
pump dysfunction) using endomyocardial isoenzyme (CK-MB) in the diagnosis of advantage to time the endomyocardial bi-
biopsy, three had focal lymphocytic myo- acute viral myocarditis in children. Data opsy coincident with a high troponin
carditis. Variable degrees of atrioventric- on the utility of CK-MB in myocarditis level to improve the yield of finding active
ular block, including complete heart mainly examine its sensitivity and speci- inflammatory infiltrate.
block, have been well described. For ex- ficity in comparison with cardiac tropo-
ample, Take et al. (6) described nine nin measurements. Soongswang et al. Endomyocardial Biopsy
adults with complete heart block with (14) demonstrated that CK-MB and car-
myocarditis, which was permanent in two diac troponin T were significantly higher Endomyocardial biopsy remains the
cases. compared with dilated cardiomyopathy standard for diagnosing acute viral myo-
and left-to-right shunt with congestive carditis, despite its known limitations,
Chest Radiograph heart failure. In a mixed population of such as sampling error, procedural com-
adults and children, Lauer et al. (15) plications, variability of pathologic inter-
The cardiac silhouette is generally en- demonstrated a greater sensitivity and pretation, and low negative predictive
larged with acute viral myocarditis but specificity of troponin measurements in value (19). The standard histologic crite-
may be normal in size and configuration. comparison with CK-MB. ria for establishing the diagnosis (the
Pulmonary congestion (edema) may be Cardiac Troponin. Several investiga- Dallas criteria (20)) were established in
present in variable degrees. Pleural effu- tors have demonstrated elevation of car- an adult population. Although studies
sion and interstitial infiltrates may also diac troponin measurements in patients have applied these criteria to pediatric
be observed. We are aware of no studies with suspected acute viral myocarditis populations, modifications based on age
available examining the specific use of (14 –18). These investigations have uti- groups have not been found.
the chest radiograph in the diagnosis of lized both troponin I and T measure- The vast majority of available pediatric
acute viral myocarditis. ments with equivalent findings. However, studies can be described as representing
these studies have suffered from their class III evidence. Those that can be clas-
Echocardiography lack of consistency in their comparison sified as class II are six in number.
with histologic findings obtained by bi- Schmaltz et al. (21) have the largest pe-
The most characteristic echocardio- opsy. Soongswang et al. (18) conducted a diatric experience, reporting on 60 chil-
graphic appearance is that of enlarged pediatric specific study to assess the use dren. They found that biopsies were diag-
ventricular end-systolic and diastolic di- of serum cardiac troponin T level as a nostic in 11% if cases, helpful in 71%,
mensions and of reduced shortening and noninvasive indicator to diagnose acute and of no help in 16%. Additional pediat-
ejection fractions; atrioventricular valve viral myocarditis in children. Pediatric ric experience is reported by Nugent et al.
regurgitation, especially mitral regurgi- patients with clinically suspected myo- (22) with 24 children, the 26 children
tation, is also common. However, multi- carditis or dilated cardiomyopathy and a reported by Chandra (23), and the 15
ple studies of adults with clinically or control group were recruited. History, children reported by Lewis et al (24).
histologically established acute viral physical examination, electrocardiogram, Each of these reports had similar success
myocarditis have described regional wall chest roentgenogram, echocardiogram, in finding the endomyocardial biopsy di-
motion abnormalities, without global serum cardiac troponin T level, or endo- agnostic in their populations.
dysfunction or ventricular dilation, in pa- myocardial biopsy and clinical course Recent advances in molecular biology
tients with mild disease (9). Indeed, the were studied. The “gold standard” to di- techniques are increasing their sensitiv-
regional wall motion abnormalities asso- agnose acute viral myocarditis was endo- ity and overall utility. It is now possible to
ciated with this disease may be highly myocardial biopsy proved according to routinely use polymerase chain reaction
suggestive of myocardial infarction in the Dallas criteria or recovery from car- and ribonucleic acid hybridization to pro-
adults, although subsequent resolution diovascular problems within 6 months of vide rapid, reliable, and specific detection
suggests that true infarction did not oc- follow-up. The population consisted of 43 of viral genetic material in biopsy sam-
cur (10). There seems to be few published patients admitted due to cardiovascular ples. Martin et al. (25) used polymerase
data regarding regional wall motion ab- problems from primary myocardial dys- chain reaction to analyze 38 myocardial
normalities in children. Transiently in- function and retrospectively divided into tissue samples from suspected myocardi-

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 7, No. 6 (Suppl.) S9

tis patients and 17 control patients. They ST-segment elevation (along with eleva- and, hopefully, for providing prognostic
detected viral genome in 68% of samples tion in serum cardiac enzymes, and even information. The lack of a sensitive and
from myocarditis patients and none from regional wall motion abnormalities on specific gold standard has complicated,
controls. In addition, blood sampling was echocardiography) may occasionally sug- and will continue to complicate, rigorous
negative in all but four cases. gest a need to evaluate the coronary ar- studies of this disease.
teries, even in patients who ultimately
Magnetic Resonance Imaging prove to have acute viral myocarditis.
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Pediatr Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 7, No. 6 (Suppl.) S11

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