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Statistical Inference Course Project Part I

Mateo Córdoba Toro

1000 samples of the means of the exponential distribution are generated using a for , then the mean and
variance are calculated, finally the respective distribution of the samples is plotted reflecting their normal behavior.

Simulation Exercise
A sample of 1000 replicates is generated from the mean of an exponential assimilation of 40 observations.

n <- 40
lambda <- 0.2
B <- 1000

Sample = NULL
for (i in 1 : B) Sample = c(Sample, mean(rexp(n,lambda)))

Sample mean vs Theorical mean

The standard deviation formula is used to find the variance, both theoretically and empirically. the variance has a
small deviation, however it is minimal and tends to the theoretical value.

'Sample mean' <- round(mean(Sample),3)

'Theorical mean '<- round(1/lambda)
'Sample var ' <- round(var(Sample),3)
'Theorical var' <- (1/lambda)^2/n
cbind(`Sample mean`,`Theorical mean `)

## Sample mean Theorical mean

## [1,] 5 5

cbind(`Sample var `, `Theorical var`)

## Sample var Theorical var

## [1,] 0.643 0.625

Distribution Graph
It can be observed that after generating the sample, the distribution of the mean of the imulations is 5 as it is
The histogram shows normal behavior, a normal distribution cross is added with the specification of mean and
standard deviation to indicate that effectively after the replicates the distribution of the means is approximately

hist(Sample, main = 'Histogram of Averages of 40 Exponentials over 1000 Simulations',
freq = FALSE,
from = 3, to = 9,
add = TRUE, lwd=3,
col = alpha('orange', 0.6))
abline(v=5,lwd=3,col= alpha('red', 0.7), lty=2)

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