Evolution of Floral Morphology and Symmetry in The Miconieae (Melastomataceae) : Multiple Generalization Trends Within A Specialized Family

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Int. J. Plant Sci. 181(7):000–000. 2020.

q 2020 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.

1058-5893/2020/18107-00XX$15.00 DOI: 10.1086/708906


Maria Gavrutenko,1,* Marcelo Reginato,†,‡ Ricardo Kriebel,§ Antoine N. Nicolas,∥ and Fabián A. Michelangeli†
*Department of Biology, City College of New York, City University of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, New York 10031, USA; †Institute
of Systematic Botany, New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10458, USA; ‡Departamento de Botânica,
Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 90650-001, Brazil; §Department of Botany,
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA; and ∥Manhattan College,
4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, New York 10471, USA

Editor: Gerhard Prenner

Premise of research. Analyses of the evolution of floral morphology and symmetry broaden our understanding
of the drivers of angiosperm diversification. Integrated within a flower, labile floral characters produce different
phenotypes that promote variable interactions with pollinators. Thus, investigation of floral evolution may help
with inferring potential historic transitions in pollinator modes and ecological pressures that generated present di-
versity. This study aims to explore the morphological evolution of flowers in Miconieae, a species-rich Neotropical
tribe within the Melastomataceae. Despite a constrained floral plan, Melastomataceae manage to achieve a variety
of floral phenotypes appealing to diverse pollinator types, with a majority of the species requiring specialized “buzz
pollination” by bees. However, previous research of Miconieae documented several instances of convergent evolu-
tion of phenotypes associated with generalized pollination strategies. We explore the floral morphological evolution
of Miconieae in a phylogenetic context to understand how diversification relates to different phenotypes and how
common evolution of generalized pollination systems is within this tribe.
Methodology. We constructed the largest species-level phylogeny of the Miconieae and combined it with mor-
phological data on a variety of floral characteristics for more than 350 species scored from field photographs. Trait
evolution was then analyzed using ancestral state reconstruction with stochastic character mapping. Trait corre-
lation was estimated with Pagel’s statistical method for discrete characters and with regression analysis of phylo-
genetically independent contrasts of continuous characters. We analyzed diversification in the tribe with Bayesian
analysis of macroevolutionary mixtures and explored the effect of character state evolution on diversification with
the binary state speciation and extinction approach.
Pivotal results. Our analyses reveal rampant convergent and correlated evolution of multiple characters in-
dicative of pollinator-mediated selective pressures.
Conclusions. We confirm several parallel trends in the evolution of generalized floral phenotypes and find an
association between generalization trends and increased diversification rates that may be related to colonization
of highland environments.

Keywords: generalization, specialization, pollination syndromes, diversification rates, herkogamy, floral traits.

Online enhancements: supplemental tables, figure, data. Dryad data: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.c2fqz614s.

Introduction many evolutionary and taxonomic studies aimed at explaining

the observed diversity of angiosperms (Anderson et al. 2002).
The flower is a complex reproductive structure and an inte- Floral parts carry out distinct functions with a goal of successful
grated system of constituent floral parts (Faegri and van der Pijl sexual reproduction, which makes the entire system subject to
1979). Floral morphology has understandably been a focus of evolutionary forces. Exploring variability in floral morphology
in a phylogenetic framework may point to drivers of evolution
within a clade.
Author for correspondence; email: gavrucent@gmail.com. Floral morphology can be interpreted as the result of concerted
Manuscript received August 2019; revised manuscript received January 2020;
adaptation of multiple floral traits to selective pressures exerted by
electronically published August 6, 2020. pollinators in interactions that vary in their degree of specialization;


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this is the idea at the heart of the pollination syndrome theory taceae and specifically of stamen diversification in Miconieae
(Fenster et al. 2004; Rosas-Guerrero et al. 2014). Classical polli- (Goldenberg et al. 2008; Luo et al. 2009; Brito et al. 2016;
nation syndromes in functionally specialized interactions involve Dellinger et al. 2019a). Miconieae is a wide-ranging, phylogenet-
phenotypic adaptations of multiple floral traits to attract and fit a ically complex Neotropical tribe of approximately 1800 species
certain pollinator type and are well documented (Faegri and van (19–23 genera; Michelangeli et al. 2008). Variation in stamen
der Pijl 1979; Waser et al. 1996; Fenster et al. 2004). On the other morphology within Miconieae is correlated with shifts to gener-
hand, generalist flowers are not strongly adapted to a certain alized pollination systems: short broad-pored anther phenotypes
functional guild of pollinators and thus may not display easily visited by multiple pollinator groups evolved several times in the
classified phenotypes, a complexity that perhaps reduces the ap- tribe, where a majority of species display minute-pored longer
peal of these systems for researchers (Ollerton et al. 2007). Further anthers requiring vibrating action by buzzing bees for pollen re-
complexity is added by reports of intermediate pollination sys- lease (Brito et al. 2016). Interestingly, parallel evolutionary trends
tems with more than one specialized effective pollinator or vary- in floral morphology seem to have occurred multiple times, sug-
ing degrees of generalization observed in species transitioning gesting that ecological pressures have led to the convergent evo-
from one specialized pollinator to another (Manning and Gold- lution of similar phenotypes (Goldenberg et al. 2008; Reginato
blatt 2005; Rosas-Guerrero et al. 2014; Dellinger et al. 2019b). and Michelangeli 2016). Moreover, previous research detected
The existence of the continuum of plant-pollinator interactions the correlated evolution of floral structures, anther color and in-
from generalized to specialized means that not all flowers neatly florescence architecture, and existence of distinct morphological
conform to idealistic syndromes, complicating the inference of regimes within one diverse lineage of Miconieae, potentially in-
agents of evolution from floral morphology (Ollerton et al. dicative of pollinator transitions among different groups of
2009). However, a concurrent examination of the evolution buzzing bees (Reginato and Michelangeli 2016). Shifts toward
of several floral traits through the prism of pollinator inter- more generalized pollination strategies within the tribe have of-
actions that they promote may provide the context for clade di- ten been interpreted as a means to increase reproductive success
versification, specifically the evaluation of transitions between in depauperate environments devoid of bees, such as the high-
specialization and generalization. Such an investigation is par- lands (Cruden 1972; Sandvik et al. 1999; Goldenberg et al.
ticularly intriguing within Melastomataceae, a plant family as- 2008; Varassin et al. 2008; Brito et al. 2017). As a species-rich,
sociated with a wide variety of generalist and specialist pollina- morphologically diverse, and widespread tribe, Miconieae pres-
tors despite its relatively conserved flower morphology (Renner ents a great study case for investigating the ubiquity of transi-
1989; Brito et al. 2016). tions toward generalized pollination in a phylogenetic context,
Melastomataceae is a diverse family with more than 4500 spe- as such studies are few and have often been carried out on island
cies (Renner 1993; Michelangeli et al. 2004). Melastomataceae systems (Armbruster and Baldwin 1998; Kay and Sargent 2009;
manage to achieve a variety of floral traits necessary to appeal Martén-Rodríguez et al. 2010).
to diverse pollinator types, despite a constrained floral plan (com- In this exploratory study of morphological evolution within
plete flowers with free floral parts and no fusion within or between Miconieae, we combine an extensive morphological data set
whorls). The majority of Melastomataceae offer pollen as a re- with a species-level phylogeny to understand how diversifica-
ward and require specialized “buzz pollination” by bees (Renner tion within this tribe relates to floral form. Floral morphology
1989), a pollinating strategy that convergently evolved across and symmetry and the variable pollinator interactions promoted
multiple angiosperm orders (De Luca and Vallejo-Marín 2013). by different floral phenotypes have repeatedly been implicated in
In these specialized flowers, pollen is enclosed in tubular anthers diversification rate variability in angiosperms (Givnish 2010;
with usually minute terminal pores, and it is released only when a O’Meara et al. 2016; Vamosi et al. 2018). Here, we dissect the
bee grasps a stamen and vibrates the anther at a high frequency conserved floral plan into multiple constituent traits and analyze
using its flight muscles (Buchmann 1983; Renner 1989; Vallejo- the evolutionary history of the individual floral characters to ex-
Marín 2019). Divergences from buzz pollination to other modes amine the origins of phenotypic diversity in a seemingly evolu-
are widespread and often involve a transition to other specialized tionarily constrained tribe. We relate these labile floral charac-
pollination systems, often with vertebrate pollinators (Pérez et al. ters to their function in pollinator attraction and orientation
2006; Martén-Rodríguez et al. 2010; Rosas-Guerrero et al. 2014; to consider where such morphological adaptations fall on the
van der Niet et al. 2014). Indeed, other specialized modes of pol- specialization-generalization continuum. We also examine traits
lination have evolved several times within the Melastomataceae, that characterize the entire flower, such as symmetry of repro-
with some flowers providing nectar rewards to hummingbird, ro- ductive whorls (androecium and gynoecium) and herkogamy
dent, and bat pollinators (Lumer 1980; Renner 1989; Judd 2007; (spatial separation of pollen and stigma to promote outcrossing).
Dellinger et al. 2019a, 2019b) or food body rewards to passerines Finally, we analyze trait correlations and diversification rates
(Dellinger et al. 2014, 2019a). Transitions from highly specialized within the tribe to answer the following questions: (1) How is di-
and effective bee pollination to generalist insect pollinator assem- versification in the tribe related to different suites of morpholog-
blages are less frequent and need further study (Rosas-Guerrero ical features? (2) How do different character states of floral traits
et al. 2014). In Melastomataceae, independent evolution of gen- contribute to phenotypes on a continuum from specialization to
eralized pollination systems involving flies, wasps, butterflies, generalization? (3) How common is the evolution of generalized
and nonbuzzing bees has been reported in several instances pollination systems in Miconieae? We expect integrated evolu-
(Goldenberg 2008; Kriebel and Zumbado 2014; Brito et al. tion of floral traits and multiple instances of convergent evolu-
2016, 2017). tion of trait combinations indicative of generalization and antic-
Shifts in pollination mode have been suggested to be evolu- ipate gaining insights for further targeted studies within this
tionary drivers of variability in floral morphology in Melastoma- speciose group.

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Methods expected to be under strong selection because of their role in flo-

ral function and pollinator interactions (Kay and Sargent 2009;
Molecular Data Set and Phylogeny O’Meara et al. 2016). However, because of the constraints im-
posed by the conserved floral plan of Miconieae, these characters
To study the evolution of floral morphology and symmetry, did not fully capture the various aspects of morphological dispar-
we generated the most densely sampled phylogeny of the Mico- ity in the tribe. To further characterize phenotypic variability,
nieae to date. The molecular data set (5584 sequences) comprised we defined 11 additional exploratory characters (app. 2B; sup-
sequences available in GenBank from previously published stud- plementary material VII). Some characters were nested and in-
ies (Michelangeli et al. 2004, 2008; Goldenberg et al. 2008; Mar- applicable to some species in the phylogeny and thus did not par-
tin et al. 2008; Reginato et al. 2010; Gamba and Almeda 2014; ticipate in the downstream analyses. However, they served to
Kriebel et al. 2015; Majure et al. 2015a, 2015b; Meirelles et al. augment our understanding of the suite of core characters and
2015; Reginato and Michelangeli 2016), sequences available in to present a more complete view of Miconieae-specific aspects
GenBank but not used to date in any published studies, and of variability. The full list of character descriptions and exam-
1025 sequences (18.4% of all sequences) newly generated for this ples is presented in the supplementary material.
work (app. 1; apps. 1, 2A, 2B are available online). The molecu-
lar matrix included three nuclear markers (waxy, nrITS, and
nrETS) and six plastid markers (trnS, psbK, accD, atpF, ndhF, Ancestral State Reconstruction
and rbcL). The Miconieae were represented by 1083 species from To analyze discrete trait evolution, we performed ancestral
17 genera. The outgroup included 81 species from the Meria- state reconstructions using stochastic character mapping (Boll-
nieae (six genera), one species of Eriocnema, and three species back 2006) with the function make.simmap of the R package
of Physeterostemon (see Clausing and Renner 2001; Michel- phytools version 0.5-64 (Revell 2012). We pruned the chrono-
angeli et al. 2004, 2008; Goldenberg and Amorim 2006; Golden- gram obtained from treePL analyses to remove the species not
berg et al. 2008). sampled in the morphological data set. We first estimated the
DNA from previously unsampled species was extracted from optimal model of character evolution with the fitDiscrete func-
silica-dried leaf tissues using the Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit tion of the R package GEIGER version 2.0.6 (equal rates model
(Qiagen, Valencia, CA) following the manufacturer’s protocol for style direction; all rates different [ARD] model for all other
with the modifications outlined by Martin et al. (2008). Four discrete characters; Harmon et al. 2008) and then conducted
DNA regions were amplified with polymerase chain reaction fol- 1000 simmap simulations with an estimated root prior. For con-
lowing protocols described in Michelangeli et al. (2004; nrITS1– tinuous characters, we log transformed the data and estimated
nrITS2), Shaw et al. (2005; accD), Reginato et al. (2010; psbKL), ancestral states with the function contMap from the package
and Kriebel et al. (2015; nrETS). Sequences were aligned using phytools (Brownian motion model; Revell 2012). Character
MAFFT version 7 (Katoh and Stanley 2013) through a plug-in states for all examined traits were plotted on the dated phylog-
for Geneious 9.0 (http://www.geneious.com; Kearse et al. 2012). eny to visualize patterns in the data.
Phylogenetic relationships among species were reconstructed by
maximum likelihood using RAxML-HPC BlackBox through the
CIPRES portal (http://phylo.org; Miller et al. 2010) on the basis Trait Correlation
of a nine-marker alignment (10,851 bp). Divergence times were Correlations between discrete binary characters were ana-
estimated with a penalized likelihood approach for large phy- lyzed with Pagel’s statistical method (Pagel 1994) implemented
logenies (Sanderson 2002) implemented in treePL (Smith and in phytools (Revell 2012) with Bonferroni correction for multi-
O’Meara 2012). We provided nine secondary calibration points ple pairwise comparisons. This method fits two models to the
(table S1; tables S1–S3 are available online). These age estimates data: a model in which traits evolve independently of each other
were extracted from a Melastomataceae phylogeny (Caetano and a model in which the evolution of two characters is corre-
et al. 2018), and we consider them to be more accurate than the lated. A likelihood ratio test is then used to assess whether the
previously estimated date of Miconieae origin (27.1 mya; Berger difference between models is significant. Although this test was
et al. 2016), which included only a few species of the group. The designed to correct for phylogenetic pseudoreplication, this
chronogram from treePL was used for all downstream analyses method has been criticized in the literature because it often infers
of diversification and ancestral state reconstructions. statistically significant correlations, even when the similarity in
traits is an attribute of common evolutionary origin (Maddison
and FitzJohn 2015). However, the large size of the Miconieae
Morphological Data Set
phylogeny and the ample variation present in the traits studied
To study the evolution of floral morphological traits, we here suggest that pseudoreplication is not a problem. Tests were
scored 358 species of Miconieae. Morphological characters were carried out using the fitPagel function with the fitMk method for
scored from field photographs of flowers at anthesis. Images are the optimization and the ARD evolutionary model for each char-
available at http://sweetgum.nybg.org/melastomataceae, http://melas acter. Two nonbinary characters (anther symmetry and pore size)
-centroamerica.com, and in the Dryad Digital Repository (https:// were constrained to only two states per trait to fit test require-
doi.org/10.5061/dryad.c2fqz614s; Gavrutenko et al. 2020). A ments. We converted anther symmetry to a binary character by
morphological matrix was built in Xper3 (http://xper3.fr) and in- grouping monosymmetric and asymmetric anthers into one cat-
cluded discrete and continuous morphological characters. We egory because, as opposed to polysymmetric anthers, both char-
defined 12 core characters describing floral form as well as the acter states may be indicative of specialized pollination. Pore size
symmetry and morphology of reproductive organs (app. 2A), was reclassified into minute pores versus large pores by merging

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broad pores with rimose pores because neither of these character according to their biological function (broad and rimose pores
states requires specialized buzz pollination. were grouped together as opposed to minute pores; asymmetric
Correlation between continuous traits was evaluated with and monosymmetric anthers were grouped together as opposed
regression analysis of phylogenetically independent contrasts. to polysymmetric anthers).
Phylogenetically independent contrasts were calculated follow-
ing the comparative method introduced by Felsenstein (1985)
to account for nonindependence of individual species within a
phylogeny. The analysis was performed using the pic function in
The phylogenetic relationships of 1167 species were recon-
the R package APE (Paradis et al. 2004).
structed using maximum likelihood so that the evolution of floral
morphology could be studied (time-calibrated phylogeny avail-
Diversification Analyses able in supplementary material VIII). Sampling spanned 10 clades,
following the taxonomic assignments of Goldenberg et al. (2008).
We analyzed diversification in the tribe with Bayesian analysis of
The phylogenetic tree was used as input for all downstream anal-
macroevolutionary mixtures (BAMM; Rabosky 2014). BAMM
yses, but it is not the emphasis of this study, and thus we will not be
models diversification rates with the reversible-jump Markov
discussing the taxonomic implications of these findings. Instead,
chain Monte Carlo approach and is designed to detect rate hetero-
we focus on implications for the evolutionary history of morpho-
geneity and shifts in evolutionary regimes within the system. We
logical characters.
assigned sampling probability to clades on the basis of the estimate
Examination of field photographs of more than 350 Mico-
of sampled diversity of each clade using previously published
nieae species has confirmed the striking variability in floral traits
monographs of the tribe and our own expert taxonomic knowl-
for a tribe with conserved flower morphology (app. 2A, 2B; sup-
edge (Renner 1993; Michelangeli et al. 2004, 2008; Goldenberg
plementary material VII; fig. 1). Petal and anther colors varied
et al. 2008; Martin et al. 2008; Reginato et al. 2010; Kriebel
among white, yellow, and either pink or purple, which allowed
2016; Reginato 2016). We retained one outgroup clade, Eriocnema
for many different color combinations across the tribe. Variabil-
and Physeterostemon, because it was well sampled. Analyses were
ity of the shapes, positions, and sizes of reproductive organs
run for 80 million generations, sampling every 7000 generations,
allowed for various phenotypes, with variation in forms of sym-
with the first 10% of samples discarded as burn-in. To address po-
metry. While many species had herkogamous flowers, the same
tential sensitivity of the results to the prior on the expected num-
effect (separation between stigma and anthers) was achieved
ber of shifts (Moore et al. 2016), we tested several priors and, as
through various combinations of anther and stigma positions,
the analyses were robust to prior choice (fig. S1, available online),
shapes, and lengths (compare fig. 1F, 1J, 1L).
set the prior on expected number of shifts to 10 (as suggested
by BAMMtools for a phylogeny of this size; Rabosky et al.
2014). The best rate shift configuration was obtained with the
Ancestral State Reconstructions and Variation
maximumShiftCredibility function in BAMMtools.
in Floral Morphology
To determine the effect of discrete trait evolution on diversifi-
cation within the Miconieae and to estimate the rates of transi- Ancestral state reconstructions provided insight into the pos-
tion between character states, we implemented the binary state sible phenotype of the ancestral flower of Miconieae. The most
speciation and extinction (BiSSE) approach pioneered by Mad- recent common ancestor of all Miconieae likely had flowers
dison et al. (2007). BiSSE is a likelihood-based approach that with white petals and colorful (either yellow or pink, blue, or
models trait evolution simultaneously with lineage diversifica- purple) anthers on the basis of the probabilities of these states
tion within a phylogeny, and it is a useful tool for testing hypoth- at the node representing the most recent common ancestor of
eses about the effects of biological characteristics of organisms Miconieae (93% probability of white petals; combined 59%
on speciation and extinction rates (Maddison et al. 2007; probability of colorful anthers; fig. 2). The probability of pink
O’Meara and Beaulieu 2016). We followed methods proposed or yellow being the ancestral state of petal color was much lower
by Beaulieu and O’Meara (2016) to mitigate the high “false pos- (pink petals: 7%; yellow petals: 0%). The ancestral anther color
itive” rate of BiSSE methods by comparing trivial null BiSSE with the highest probability was yellow (47%), followed by
models with the more complex null hidden state speciation white (41%) and pink or purple (12%). The style of the ances-
and extinction (HiSSE) models (R package HiSSE; Beaulieu tral flower was reconstructed as curved and slanted away from
and O’Meara 2016) for each binary character in the matrix. If the central axis (curved style: 63%; slanted away from flower
the trivial null BiSSE model had a better fit on the basis of the axis: 56%; fig. 3). Anthers of the ancestral flower probably
Akaike information criterion (AIC), we generated a suite of had minute pores and were monosymmetrically arranged (mi-
eight BiSSE models of varying complexity (make.bisse in diver- nute pores: 98%; monosymmetry: 77%; fig. 4).
sitree; FitzJohn 2012), assuming that probability of sampling is Visual inspection of character states mapped on the phylogeny
independent of character states, with a sampling fraction of 0.19 along with ancestral state reconstructions indicates that white
for each state to account for unsampled Miconieae species (sup- petals were the most common, while pink petals evolved from
plementary material VI). We then sampled the parameter space white ones several times throughout the evolutionary history of
of the best-performing model, chosen using AIC, with Markov Miconieae (fig. 2A). Although pink petals were distributed through-
chain Monte Carlo for 100,000 generations with an exponen- out the phylogeny (clades Conostegia, Caribbean, Tococa, Cen-
tial prior. We also performed the same series of analyses for trodesma, Secundiflorae, some Clidemia), they constituted only
the categorical characters with more than two states: pore size a quarter of the species studied, and only two clades (Miconia
and anther symmetry. These characters were converted to binary thomasiana clade within the Caribbean Miconieae and Tococa)

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Fig. 1 Floral diversity within Miconieae, exemplified by species with variable floral traits. A, Clidemia capitellata. B, Clidemia ciliata.
C, Charianthus purpureus. D, Maieta poeppigii. E, Anaectocalyx bracteosa. F, Leandra australis. G, Miconia ampla. H, Miconia cernua.
I, Mecranium haemanthum. J, Conostegia macrantha. K, Miconia affinis. L, Pachyanthus pedicellatus. M, Miconia cerasiflora. N, Miconia
aureoides. O, Miconia brachycalyx. P, Miconia corymbiformis. Scale bars p 5 mm.

exhibited predominantly pink petals. White petals were present pink, purple, or blue anthers were less frequent (fig. 2). White
in almost three-quarters of all species studied and were repre- anthers were more common in Miconia (fig. 1K) and Clidemia
sented in nearly every clade within the phylogeny. Species within (fig. 1A), while nearly all species within Caribbean Miconieae
two large clades (Miconia and Cremanium) had predominantly and Conostegia had yellow anthers (fig. 1J). Ancestral state re-
white petals. Yellow petals were very rare and appeared in only constructions suggested that white anthers had evolved from
six species (two closely related species within Miconia, one in colorful anthers (either pink or yellow).
Caribbean, and three in Cremanium; fig. 1H, 1P). Yellow petals Deviations from polysymmetry in the gynoecium were fre-
seem to have evolved from white ones. quent within the tribe (fig. 3). A straight style evolved from a
Anther color was a more labile character than petal color. curved style in several instances. Most species within Cremanium
Most of the clades contained all three phenotypes, although and Clidemia had flowers with a straight style (fig. 3B), which

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Fig. 2 Ancestral state reconstructions of petal color (A) and anther color (B) in Miconieae. Character states of the terminal branches are at the
tips. Node labels show ancestral state probabilities. Taxonomic assignment of species is indicated by arches with clade numbers: (1) Cremanium,
(2) Caribbean, (3) Conostegia, (4) Mecranium, (5) Miconia, (6) Clidemia (*Leandra), and (7) Tococa 1 Secundiflorae 1 Centrodesma.

could be either slanted away from the floral axis or directed up- Anther symmetry varied between polysymmetric, monosym-
ward. However, an upward style was less frequent, and only the metric, and asymmetric; polysymmetric anthers (68% of all species)
Cremanium clade mainly contained species with an upward style were more common than anthers with deviations from poly-
(fig. 3A). Most of the species in the phylogeny had styles that were symmetry (fig. 4B). Asymmetric anthers appeared in several spe-
directed away from the floral axis at an angle starting at the ovary. cies and seem to have evolved from the monosymmetric character

Fig. 3 Ancestral state reconstructions of style direction (A) and style curvature (B) in Miconieae. Character states of the terminal branches are
at the tips. Node labels show ancestral state probabilities. Taxonomic assignment of species is indicated by arches with clade numbers: (1) Cre-
manium, (2) Caribbean, (3) Conostegia, (4) Mecranium, (5) Miconia, (6) Clidemia (*Leandra), and (7) Tococa 1 Secundiflorae 1 Centrodesma.

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Fig. 4 Ancestral state reconstructions of pore size (A) and anther symmetry (B) in Miconieae. Character states of the terminal branches are at
the tips. Node labels show ancestral state probabilities. Taxonomic assignment of species is indicated by arches with clade numbers: (1) Cremanium,
(2) Caribbean, (3) Conostegia, (4) Mecranium, (5) Miconia, (6) Clidemia (*Leandra), and (7) Tococa 1 Secundiflorae 1 Centrodesma.

state. Polysymmetric anthers evolved from monosymmetric ones in and petals were white; fig. 1K, 1P). Such a phenotype was found
Cremanium (fig. 1H, 1P), Conostegia, and Mecranium (fig. 1I) and in 15% of all species and appeared in multiple instances across
from asymmetric ones in Clidemia (fig. 1B, 1D, 1F) and Miconia three clades (Miconia, Cremanium, and Mecranium). These
(fig. 1K). findings were supported by Pagel’s correlation test, which
Anther pore sizes varied between minute, broad, and rimose showed significant correlation between 10 out of 15 pairs of ex-
(slits), with minute pores being the most common (74% of all amined binary characters (table 1). On the other hand, Pagel’s
species; fig. 4A). Broad pores evolved within Miconia but ap- test indicated that herkogamy, though found in most species,
peared in only a few species, while Cremanium mainly con- was correlated only with pore size and style direction.
tained species with broad anther pores. Ancestral state recon- Regression analysis of phylogenetically independent contrasts
structions indicated that the rimose pore phenotype (slits) did showed a significant correlation between anther and petal sizes
not evolve from minute pores but from broad pores. (P  p 2:2 # 10–6 , r2 p 0:506), with a curious deviation in
Flower size varied greatly within the tribe, with an evolutionary some clades within Clidemia and Miconia. A map of continuous
trend toward smaller flowers occurring in Cremanium, Miconia, traits plotted against each other shows that petal and anther sizes
and Leandra and toward larger ones in Tococa (fig. 5). Petals of covary, with integrated evolutionary trends in floral size (fig. 5).
some species were only 1 mm in length, while other species dis- In Clidemia and several subclades of Miconia, petal size de-
played large petals reaching a length of 20 mm (fig. 5A; app. 2A; creased or remained the same with a simultaneous increase in an-
supplementary material VII). Anther sizes also fell within a wide ther length, resulting in a peculiar floral phenotype with long,
range, from 0.4 to 10 mm long (fig. 5B; app. 2A; supplementary often colorful anthers and small, pale, and often reflexed petals
material VII). (fig. 1B, 1F, 1G, 1K).

Trait Correlation Diversification Analyses

Correlations between discrete characters were assessed with a Diversification rates within the entire tribe (1083 species) with
Pagel’s test for correlated trait evolution and through visual in- one outgroup (four species of Eriocnemeae; sensu Penneys et al.
spection of character states mapped over the phylogeny. Pore 2020) were modeled with BAMM. There was a notable hetero-
size was correlated with symmetry in both the androecium geneity in diversification rates through time and among different
and the gynoecium as well as with contrast between the petals clades. The maximum shift credibility configuration with the max-
and anthers of the flower. This was particularly evident when imum marginal probability of rate shifts along branches detected
broad and rimose pores were grouped together so that pore size nine diversification rate shifts (fig. 6). The oldest shift occurred
could be converted into a binary character (two character states: approximately 17 mya, near the most recent common ancestor
minute pores and large pores). Large pores were more common of the tribe Miconieae, and denotes the split between the clade of
in flowers with polysymmetric anthers, a straight upward style, Eriocnema and Physeterostemon (four samples in this phylogeny
and a lack of anther/petal contrast (especially when both anthers out of seven known species) and the radiation of the Miconieae

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Fig. 5 Map of trait evolution of maximum petal lengths (A) and anther lengths (B; log transformed). Trait values of terminal branches and
estimated trait values of internal nodes are shown with a color gradient. Terminal branches are aligned for a perfect match between species in
the phylogenies. Species names are omitted for clarity. Clade assignments: (1) Cremanium, (2) Tococa, (3) Clidemia, and (4) Miconia.

(fig. 6; shift 1). The second shift occurred 12 mya at the node shifts occurred later, between 5.3 and 1 mya. Two shifts in Cre-
representing the most recent common ancestor of a clade that in- manium (2.5 and 4 mya; shifts 4 and 5), one shift in Clidemia
cludes Conostegia, Cremanium, and the Caribbean clades (shift 2). (5.3 mya; shift 6), and a shift in Miconia (4 mya; shift 9) exhibit ini-
Diversification rates within this group increased and remained tial increases in diversification rates followed by slight decreases.
higher than those of the rest of the tribe, except for clades with A shift in Mecranium (1 mya; shift 3) corresponds to a higher di-
more recent diversification shifts. The other seven diversification versification rate without a recent rate decrease. Leandra experienced

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Table 1
Results of Pagel’s Test for Correlated Evolution of Discrete Characters
Contrast Anther symmetry Style curvature Style direction Herkogamy
Pore size 7.8 # 10 *27
.0003* 1 2.3 # 217
10 * 1.1 # 10205*
Contrast .0008* .0104 1.4 # 10206* .937
Anther symmetry 1.8 # 10218* 2.2 # 1027* .560
Style curvature 1.7 # 1025* .449
Style direction 9.2 # 1026*
Note. Numbers are P values. Significant results are indicated by asterisks.

two consecutive diversification shifts. The first one (4 mya; shift 7), be an adaptation to prevent the release of concealed pollen by
near the origin of the clade, resulted in a slight increase in di- illegitimate flower visitors (Buchmann 1983; Marazzi et al.
versification rate and was followed by a burst (1.5 mya; shift 8) 2007; Arceo-Gómez et al. 2011; Mesquita-Neto et al. 2018).
toward the highest diversification rates within the entire Mico- Similarly, the evolution of monosymmetry in the androecium
nieae tribe. and gynoecium is often associated with shifts toward specialized
A suite of models generated for every trait under BiSSE and pollination, as these functional modules are responsible for pol-
HiSSE scenarios provided evidence for state-dependent diversi- linator orientation and precise pollen placement (Neal et al.
fication in only one trait, herkogamy (table S2). The best model 1998; Pérez et al. 2006; Kay and Sargent 2009; O’Meara et al.
for herkogamy had equal speciation rates for herkogamous and 2016).
nonherkogamous flowers (table S3). While the rates of transi-
tion toward herkogamy were significantly greater than the re- Morphological Diversity
verse (fig. 7A), plants with nonherkogamous flowers showed
lower extinction rates (fig. 7B). Miconieae is a species-rich tribe that exhibits great floral diver-
sity, with a great amount of variation in individual floral traits,
which jointly produce a wide range of floral morphologies. Ex-
Discussion istence of such variability in floral traits despite constraints im-
posed by the conserved floral plan supports the idea that, rather
Examination of floral trait evolution using the largest species- than being balanced on an “adaptive peak” toward highly suc-
level phylogeny of Miconieae to date with morphological data cessful bee buzz pollination (Renner 1989), Melastomataceae
on a variety of floral characteristics for more than 350 species are indeed wandering an adaptive plateau of very different mor-
revealed rampant convergent and correlated evolution in most photypes exploiting the same syndrome (Reginato and Michel-
floral characters. angeli 2016; Dellinger et al. 2019a). Such phenotypic diversity
We detected correlated evolution of multiple characters indic- also demonstrates a rich canvas for various pollinator interac-
ative of pollinator-mediated selective pressures and confirmed tions and thus multiple opportunities for departures from the
parallel evolutionary trends toward phenotypic generalization syndrome. We discuss individual trait variability and evolution-
previously suggested for this phylogenetically complex tribe (Gol- ary trends inferred from ancestral trait reconstructions to gauge
denberg et al. 2008; Varassin et al. 2008; Brito et al. 2016). In
whether they can be viewed through the prism of adaptation to-
our analyses, we did not set out to infer the pollinator from mor-
ward pollinator morphology and behavior on the specialization-
phology but rather investigated which character states tend to co-
generalization spectrum.
occur when the floral phenotype deviates from what we know to
be a specialized phenotype in this tribe, such as the proposed an-
Petal Color
cestral phenotype.
Petal color is an important visual cue for both insect and bird
pollinators (Renner 1989; Lunau 2006) but is informative for
Ancestral Flower
inferences about pollination mode only when viewed in combi-
We conclude that the ancestral flower likely had white petals nation with other characters. For instance, there is plenty of ev-
and colorful anthers and displayed monosymmetry in both the idence for the role of petal color in bee signaling to interpret
androecium and the gynoecium. It was likely herkogamous, emergence of colorful petals in some Miconieae as adherence
had a curved style directed away from the center of the flower, to the specialized buzz-pollination mode. Colorful petals attract
and had monosymmetric stamens with minute anther pores bees from a distance and are important in providing a con-
(see fig. 1G, 1L for such color and shape combinations). Such trasting background for anthers as a short-distance cue (Larson
floral features are commonly observed in Melastomataceae, al- and Barrett 1999; Heuschen et al. 2005; Lunau 2006). Alterna-
though yellow anther color is more widespread than pink or tively, pink petals could indicate shifts to a different specialized
purple (Renner 1989; Larson and Barrett 1999). This phenotype pollination mode by hummingbirds, especially when brightly
is consistent with morphological specialization toward buzz colored pink or deep-red petals form a tubular shape in a mature
pollination by bees, which is the predominant mode of pollina- flower (Varassin et al. 2008). Such pollination has been ob-
tion in the family and is ancestral in Miconieae (Buchmann served in several nectariferous species of Miconieae (Penneys
1983; Renner 1989). Across angiosperm clades, minute anther and Judd 2003, 2005; Goldenberg et al. 2008; e.g., see Cha-
pores in buzz-pollinated flowers are commonly interpreted to rianthus purpureus in fig. 1C). Yellow petals were observed in

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Fig. 6 Diversification rates of Miconieae and Eriocnemeae estimated with Bayesian analysis of macroevolutionary mixtures. Diversification rates
were estimated for a phylogeny of 1083 species of Miconieae, three species of Physeterostemon, and one species of Eriocnema (all other outgroups
removed) and are shown with a color gradient (number of lineages per million years). Clade assignment is indicated by bars on the right. Circles denote
the diversification rate shifts with the maximum marginal probability. The bar on the bottom shows a geological timescale in millions of years.

only a few species, and they often either were short and incon- understory plants (Renner 1989), white petals could also pro-
spicuous or lacked anther/petal contrast, suggesting that yellow vide a strong visual signal to bees. We also observed some strik-
pigment in these species would not be an effective attractive cue ing floral displays created by white petals of small flowers ar-
for bee pollinators. However, as a contrasting backdrop to ranged in dense inflorescences, although inflorescence size or
brightly colored anthers (Lunau 2006) or in shaded flowers of structure was not formally included in our analyses. Conversely,

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vestigated. Additionally, there is a possibility of nonadaptive

evolution of this trait due to genetic correlation with other floral
or vegetative traits (Armbruster 2002), and thus caution is nec-
essary when petal color is considered through the prism of pol-
linator interactions. We conclude that, although petal color
provides important context for the inference of shifts in pollina-
tion modes, such interpretation is strongly dependent on the
states of other character traits and should be analyzed jointly
with corolla shape and androecium morphology as well as pol-
linator reward and inflorescence architecture (two traits not in-
cluded in this study).

Anther Color
We attribute the observed anther color variability and multi-
ple historic changes in this trait to the role of anthers in floral sig-
naling. In buzz pollination, the pollen is not visible to the polli-
nator, and the anther itself assumes the signaling function to
attract pollinators seeking a pollen reward (Lunau 2006). Yel-
low anthers in particular mimic the color of pollen and trigger
innate responses in pollen-collecting bees and flies (Lunau and
Wester 2017; Lunau et al. 2017), although bees have been
reported to instinctively respond to colors other than yellow
and to demonstrate learning behavior (Lunau 2006). In addi-
tion, removal of yellow anthers, stamens, or stamen appendages
in species of Melastomataceae resulted in reduction of visitation
by bees (Larson and Barrett 1999; Luo et al. 2008). Multiple
studies of Melastomataceae and other angiosperm families asso-
ciated evolution of elaborate anthers, including evolution of
heteranthery, where anthers are organized in separate “pollinat-
ing” and “feeding” functional whorls of different size, shape,
and color (Luo et al. 2008; Vallejo-Marín et al. 2009, 2014),
with adaptation to buzz pollination (Marazzi et al. 2007; Luo
et al. 2008; Vallejo-Marín et al. 2010). Interestingly, such divi-
sion of labor was not observed in Miconieae, although it is fre-
quent in sister tribes within Melastomataceae (Vallejo-Marín et al.
Fig. 7 Trait-dependent diversification in Miconieae. A, Transition 2010). We consequently interpret the retention of yellow anthers
rates between character states under the best binary state speciation in every major clade of Miconieae as a consequence of ancestral
and extinction (BiSSE) model of herkogamy evolution (speciation specialized pollinator modes, whereas the repeated evolution of
rates are constant). B, Extinction rates of character states under the white anthers might be indicative of generalized pollination. We
best BiSSE model of herkogamy evolution (speciation rates are con-
conclude that, as a short-distance signaling cue for pollinators,
stant). Marginal distributions for transition and extinction rates were
sampled with Markov chain Monte Carlo. Horizontal bars show 95%
anther color is an important and more reliable predictor of pol-
confidence intervals. lination mode than petal color.

Anther Pore Size

retention of white petals could be evolutionarily favored by gen-
eralist pollination modes where bright petal pigment no longer Consistent with previous findings by Brito et al. (2016), we de-
functions in pollinator attraction and could be selected against tected convergent evolution of broad and slit-like pores within
as an unnecessary expense—especially if an alternative reward Miconieae, and we interpret such pore broadening as an evolu-
is offered. In multiple documented cases of generalized pollina- tionary trend toward generalization on the basis of the functional
tion systems in Miconieae, when a nectar reward supplements differences between pollen extraction from anthers with large
or substitutes a pollen reward, petal color is white (Goldenberg pores and from anthers with minute pores. Departures from buzz
and Shepherd 1998; Varassin et al. 2008; Kriebel and Zumbado pollination required the evolution of alternative mechanisms of
2014; Brito et al. 2017). Moreover, while only a few studies that pollen expulsion (“bellows” and “saltshaker” modes) and pollina-
looked at Melastomataceae flowers have expressly addressed tor reward in Merianieae (Dellinger et al. 2019a, 2019b). In
the visual color ability of bees (Buchmann and Buchmann Miconieae, the evolution of broad pores allows pollen expulsion
1981; Gross 1993; Velloso et al. 2018), some weak UV patterns by nonvibratory animals and is in some cases accompanied by nec-
were found in a species of Memecyleae. This is an important vi- tar production (Goldenberg and Shepherd 1998; Varassin et al.
sual guide for bee pollinators (Lunau 2000), and corolla and an- 2008; Kriebel and Zumbado 2014). Such increase in the pore size
droecium colors on the UV spectrum should be thoroughly in- is thought to have adaptive value because, with a supplementary

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nectar reward, it seems to expand the number of pollinator spe- several study systems (Dalechampia [Euphorbiaceae]: Arm-
cies without excluding buzzing bees (Goldenberg et al. 2008; bruster 1988, 1990; Collinsia [Plantaginaceae]: Heinrich and Ra-
Varassin et al. 2008; Kriebel and Zumbado 2014). This is con- ven 1972; Armbruster et al. 2002). In Miconieae, decrease in size
sistent with the retention of ancestral pollinators as secondary expands the pollinator assemblage when flowers are grouped
pollinators and the existence of intermediate phenotypes adapted into inflorescences, and therefore it can be seen as a generaliza-
to both ancestral and derived pollinators in floral syndrome tion strategy. In addition to large buzzing bees that can vibrate
transitions in angiosperms (Pérez et al. 2006; Wilson et al. and pollinate the entire inflorescences of small flowers, buzzing
2006; Rosas-Guerrero et al. 2014). Further investigation is nec- bees that are too small to be effective pollinators of larger flowers
essary to determine how widespread nectar rewards in broad- can also pollinate such flowers (Goldenberg et al. 2008). Broad-
pored Miconieae species are. pored flowers in dense inflorescences can further exploit pollina-
tion by a variety of nonbuzzing insects, and they warrant further
inquiry to determine whether the evolution of nectar reward
parallels the reduction in size. An additional advantage of size re-
Nearly identical patterns of historic diversification in androe- duction in species that present pollinators with a “big bang” floral
cium and gynoecium symmetry demonstrate the integrated nature display (flowering strategy with many flowers open at once) is
of floral function. Changes in floral symmetry are often observed eliminating the need for the production of petal pigment for polli-
in pollinator shifts, although the evolution of monosymmetry as nator attraction (Kriebel and Zumbado 2014).
an adaptation to specialized pollinators, including adaptations
toward buzz pollination, is more commonly reported (Marazzi
Trait Correlation and Character State Co-occurrence
et al. 2007; Jabbour et al. 2008; Arceo-Gómez et al. 2011;
O’Meara et al. 2016; Vamosi et al. 2018). Such linked patterns Correlation analyses and examination of character state co-
of symmetry in reproductive organs are necessary for precise occurrence exemplify that several traits should be considered
pollinator orientation and pollen extraction, successful pollen in unison to inform hypotheses about shifts in pollinator modes,
transfer, and preventing unmatched visitors from pollinating as inferring the taxon or even the functional guild of a flower’s
the flower (Larson and Barrett 1999; Luo et al. 2008; Vallejo- pollinator is quite difficult using any single character within our
Marín 2019). In such specialized flowers, monosymmetric posi- morphological framework. Highly significant correlation among
tions and the shapes of the style and anthers would be the evo- floral traits demonstrates the integrated nature of floral function
lutionary results of adaptation to the most effective pollinator and is well documented in animal-pollinated flowers (Endress
species and could thus be interpreted as indicative of a special- 2006, 2016; Diggle 2014). As coordination of floral traits is re-
ized pollination mode (De Luca and Vallejo-Marín 2013). How- quired for successful pollination, their correlated evolution is
ever, polysymmetric buzz-pollinated morphologies, including not surprising, especially in functional modules of traits respon-
the classic Solanum flower phenotype, are also common (De sible for pollinator orientation and pollen deposition on the pol-
Luca and Vallejo-Marín 2013). linator body and stigma (Ordano et al. 2008; Rosas-Guerrero
Besides pollinator fit, variations in stamen symmetry, com- et al. 2010). Demonstrated in our study by the nearly identical evo-
bined with the shape and direction of the style, can also be lutionary patterns of symmetry changes in the androecium and
interpreted from the point of view of herkogamy, which is the the gynoecium, interaction of such functional traits was found
main mode of outcrossing promotion in the Melastomataceae to be more important for differentiating pollination modes than
(Renner 1989). Herkogamy seems to be evolutionarily favored that of floral traits involved in attraction in several recent studies
within the Miconieae, which would explain the multitude of di- (Rosas-Guerrero et al. 2010; O’Meara et al. 2016; Dellinger et al.
verse herkogamy types achieved in combinations of morpho- 2019a). In addition to great disparity in floral morphologies due
logical features of several floral units. Although reduction of to different combinations of constituent traits, the modularity of
herkogamy has been reported in species of Miconieae with gen- floral traits is further illustrated by the divergence of allometric
eralized pollination syndromes (Kriebel and Zumbado 2014), trajectories in the petal and anther size of some Miconia and
herkogamy could be conserved within the tribe because of the Leandra species. Such change in the proportion of floral parts,
reproductive advantages of outcrossing rather than as a result specifically those involved in pollination, has been strongly asso-
of pollinator-mediated selection. Further investigation that ac- ciated with pollinator-mediated selection (Kirchoff 1983; Ushi-
counts for self-incompatibility and apomixis (reported but not maru and Nakata 2001; Summers et al. 2015) and may be attrib-
thoroughly studied in the tribe) is necessary to tease apart the uted to anthers assuming the function of pollinator attraction and
agents of adaptation in this trait (Goldenberg and Shepherd guidance in these clades.
1998; Maia et al. 2016). The repeated co-occurrence of certain character states and the
convergent evolution of a (suspected) generalist flower pheno-
type demonstrate the need for synergistic approaches to studies
Flower Size
of floral evolution (Donoghue and Sanderson 2015; O’Meara
We found some support for the previously reported conver- et al. 2016). Such a comprehensive view of diversification con-
gence toward floral size reduction in some Miconieae clades siders the interplay of trait combinations that sequentially come
(Goldenberg et al. 2008; Brito et al. 2016), although the results together, providing morphological context for trait transitions.
could be an artifact of the ancestral reconstruction method for We found that a phenotype with broad anther pores, a straight
continuous traits and should be interpreted with caution (Web- style, and lack of anther/petal contrast emerged multiple times
ster and Purvis 2002). Adaptations toward bees of a certain size in the phylogeny, but it is never found in flowers with a mono-
were shown to preclude visitation by mismatched bee species in symmetric androecium. This seems to suggest that the evolution

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of a polysymmetric androecium was a prerequisite for subse- namics of floral morphology in the context of herkogamy and
quent transitions toward derived character states in the other pollination mode generalization. Physical separation between
traits, in effect providing a path toward generalist pollination the stigma and the anther pores is achieved through spatial ar-
and away from the adaptive plateau of buzz pollination. A sim- rangement and the shapes of reproductive organs within the
ilar example of one character state hinging on the state of the flower, with nonherkogamous Miconieae flowers presenting
other is the evolution of nectar spurs conditional to the emer- some of the same structural features found in flowers with a gen-
gence of monosymmetry in the Asteridae (Jabbour et al. 2008). eralized pollination syndrome within the tribe: a polysymmetric
androecium with a straight, upright style. While the faster tran-
sition toward herkogamy is an expected consequence of the evo-
Diversification Analyses
lutionary advantages of outcrossing, the lower extinction rate in
The oldest shift in diversification dynamics detected with nonherkogamous species warrants further investigation. Loss of
BAMM corresponds to the diversification burst at the base of herkogamy could lead to decreased extinction during coloniza-
the Miconieae clade first reported by Judd and Skean (1991) tion of novel environments, where plant species capable of self-
and may be the reason for difficulties in morphological clade de- fertilization have adaptive advantages over species with obligate
limitation (Goldenberg et al. 2008; but see Berger et al. [2016] specialized pollinators that may be unavailable during range ex-
for an unexpected alternative shift configuration). Similarly, pansion (Toräng et al. 2017). Species colonizing species-poor
the second burst in diversification rates 12 mya may reflect the habitats devoid of specialized pollinators, such as newly emerged
early radiation events in the tribe with complex biogeographical mountain ranges, islands, or disturbed habitats, are more suc-
history (described in Michelangeli et al. 2008). Of the seven cessful if they are able to reproduce asexually or through self-
more recent shifts in the tribe, five occur within Clidemia and pollination (Sandvik et al. 1999; Kriebel et al. 2015), providing
Cremanium, two clades that share some floral characteristics one potential explanation for the greater success of nonherko-
but that likely diverge in their pollination modes. Species in both gamous species. Alternatively, emergence of physiological self-
clades exhibit predominantly polysymmetric anthers, white petals, incompatibility could eliminate the need for herkogamy, while
and straight styles (figs. 2B, 3B, 4B), but access to nonvibratory such generalized nonherkogamous phenotypes would increase
visitors is restricted by minute pores in Clidemia and is enabled the diversity of pollinators, resulting in greater reproductive suc-
by broad/rimose pores in Cremanium. Interestingly, the more re- cess. Self-incompatibility has been documented in Miconieae,
cent second diversification rate shift in Leandra occurred within and Goldenberg and Shepherd (1998) suggest that nearly a quarter
the clade Carassanae, which has greater floral variability and of all Miconieae could be self-incompatible, but the current knowl-
more shifts between different morphological regimes in flowers edge of the issue in such a species-rich tribe is very limited. More-
than the rest of Leandra (Reginato and Michelangeli 2016). over, further investigation of herkogamy in Miconieae should
Such variability of floral phenotypes would broaden the assem- include floral grouping, as potential decreases in intrafloral herko-
blage of buzzing bee species able to pollinate the flowers in this gamy in dense inflorescences were not accounted for in our study.
clade and may be indicative of adaptive evolution.
In addition to their morphology, Leandra and Cremanium Conclusions
are distinct from the rest of the tribe because the representatives
of both clades are commonly found at higher elevations than Our examination of the floral morphology of the Miconieae
other Miconieae species (Goldenberg et al. 2008; Michelangeli confirms that multiple traits within the flowers evolve in a uni-
et al. 2008; Reginato 2016; Reginato and Michelangeli 2016). fied fashion because of the integrated functioning of these angio-
This suggests that biogeography plays an important role in sperm structures. Correlated evolution of multiple floral traits
shaping species diversification and pollinator interactions in emphasizes the need for consideration of trait combinations in
the tribe. Rapid diversification concurrent with parallel patterns studies that focus on the processes that affect reproductive trait
of floral evolution is likely a product of ecological opportunities morphology. We detect analogous trends toward generalized
provided by the environmental heterogeneity observed in ele- pollination in a range of characters related to the size, color,
vated habitats (Hughes and Atchison 2015). Montane condi- shape, and disposition of reproductive structures within the
tions are also associated with shifts in pollinator mode due to Miconieae flowers. We find an association between generaliza-
the unpredictability of pollinators at higher elevations (Cruden tion trends and increased diversification rates that may be re-
1972; Varassin et al. 2008; Dellinger et al. 2014), although such lated to adaptations to highland environments within the tribe.
transitions usually involve specialized vertebrate pollination Our analysis of the general evolutionary trends within the tribe
(Pérez et al. 2006; Rosas-Guerrero et al. 2014). It appears that provides a guide for future targeted investigations of various
shifts in Miconieae pollination strategies may also involve a aspects of floral morphology within this study system. More
transition from specialized bee pollination to generalist pollina- field studies are necessary to determine pollinator assemblages
tion in elevated environments where buzz pollination is not re- of species with various morphotypes and the incidence of alter-
liable (Varassin et al. 2008; Brito et al. 2016). Further investiga- native rewards and to expand our knowledge of self-compatibility
tion into drivers of diversification in Miconieae should include within the tribe. Additionally, future analyses would need to
combinations of floral traits (O’Meara et al. 2016) viewed in consider other aspects of floral displays, for instance, inflores-
biogeographical context, as our analyses of individual traits cence size and architecture as well as UV patterns in flowers. Fi-
failed to detect state-dependent diversification that could fully nally, exploration of herkogamy and the morphological dispar-
explain these shifts. ity of individual traits (especially anther shape and pore size)
BiSSE analyses helped detect the role of herkogamy in Mico- and morphotypes could benefit from thorough quantification
nieae diversification, leading to further questions about the dy- using 3D morphometrics (van der Niet et al. 2010).

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Acknowledgments Garden for assistance with laboratory work and Dr. Amy
Berkov and Dr. David Lohman for providing helpful com-
This work was possible thanks to the generosity of many ments on the manuscript. Additionally, Asuncion Cano, Diego
colleagues who have shared photographs of plants in the field Paredes, Lizeth Cardenas, Wilder Carmenate, Carlos Parra,
and/or plant tissue, most notably, Renato Goldenberg, Walter S. Humberto Mendoza, Kim Watson, Janelle Burke, Julian Aguirre-
Judd, Gretchen Ionta, Lucas Majure, Darin S. Penneys, Frank Santoro, Ismael Capote, Michael Nee, Teodoro Classe, and
Almeda, Marcela Alvear, Carmen Ulloa, Eldis R. Bécquer, many others provided logistical support and help during field-
Mayara K. Caddah, John L. Clark, Ken Wurdack, Karen Red- work. NSF provided funding for this research (DEB-0515665,
den, and Mac Alford. We thank Mathew Sewell and the staff DEB-0818399, DEB-1146409, DEB-1343612, and IAA-
at Pfizer Plant Research Laboratory of the New York Botanical 1444192).

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