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Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.4

Name: Pagsuyuin, Aeron Kert P. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar

Research on the Bill of duties of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Aristotle’s
Good Citizen-Good Man Treatises. Fill out the tables by answering the questions.
Bill of Duties, 1987 Philippine Constitution
Does it help you practice
Article 4 Bill of What is your understanding
good citizenship? Why or
Duties of the section?
why not?
We all have duties and
It does help me practice a
responsibilities as Filipinos such
good citizenship as I learned
Section 1 as honor the Phillipine flag, pay
too much about the duties I
taxes, obey the law and many
must fulfill as a Filipino
Every individual have rights but It does because it made me
Section 2 impose not to harm anyone’s realize that I must respect
rights. others right while having mine.

The government have the right It does as I learned that we

Section 3 to execute laws that will protect should be loyal and honest all
each human rights. the time.
It includes that the violations
It does as I learned that every
committed in the government
Section 4 wrong actions taken has a
such as corruption has its
corresponding punishment.
corresponding punishment.

Aristotle’s Treatises
Does it help you practice
Article 4 Bill of What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
Duties this treatises?
why not?
Good man is so called in virtue
It does help me as I learned
of a single absolute excellence.
Good Man that I must practice excellence
Possessing excellence is a
at my best.
quality of a good man.

Aristotle suggests that a good

Yes, it does. It made me
ruler who possesses practical
The Ruler realize that I should be a good
wisdom can be both a good
man and a good citizen.
citizen and a good man.

Aristotle acknowledges that they

are necessary to a city but
Yes, because being good in
states that not everyone who is
everything starts in being a
Good Citizen necessary to the city can be a
good citizen of the Republic of
citizen: good citizenship requires
the Philippines.
that the citizen be free from the
necessary tasks of life
Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.4
Name: Julita, Clarissa P. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar

Research on the Bill of duties of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Aristotle’s
Good Citizen-Good Man Treatises. Fill out the tables by answering the questions.
Bill of Duties, 1987 Philippine Constitution

Does it help you practice

Agrticle 4 Bill What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
of Duties the section?
why not?
It was stated in this section that we
Yes, this section help me
every citizen should be loyal to the
practice good citizenship as it
Republic of the Philippines by
Section 1 awaken me about my duties as
honouring the national flag and
a citizen of my beloved
anthem, obeying the law, promote
peace, pay taxes and etc.
Yes, I was reminded that I do
The rights give to us should be
have rights but should claimed
Section 2 practice responsibly without
and practiced it without
disrespecting the rights of others.
violating the right of anyone.
The citizens of the Republic of the Yes, it makes me realize that
Philippines as well as the state everyone has their own rights
Section 3
should respect the rights and that should be valued by
dignity of every human. everyone.
Yes because it arouse my soul
As Filipinos it is also our duty to
that we are not just Filipinos
participate actively in government
that have been born in the
Section 4 activities with all honesty and purity
Philippines to have freedom
associated with the freedom we
but rather be a punctual
are claiming.

Aristotle’s Treatises
Does it help you practice
Article 4 Bill What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
of Duties this treatises?
why not?
Aristotle discusses here not just Yes, because as what I have
what good man should do but also learned, Aristotle mentioned
Good Man what good for a man to do with that the excellence of a citizen
corresponds to being a good must be an excellence relative
citizen. to the constitution.
The good ruler is a good and wise
Yes because it makes me
man, and that he who would be a
The Ruler realize that we should be a
statesman must be a wise man for
wise citizen of our country.
the own benefit of its country.
One is a good citizen to the extent Yes, I have learned that for me
Good Citizen to which one upholds and honors to be a good citizen is to honor
the constitution. the constitution.
Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.4
Name: Atienza, Kimberly Claire P. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar

Research on the Bill of duties of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Aristotle’s
Good Citizen-Good Man Treatises. Fill out the tables by answering the questions.

Bill of Duties, 1987 Philippine Constitution

Does it help you practice

Article 4 Bill of What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
Duties the section?
why not?

In order to promote a peaceful,

Yes because I became aware
just, humane and orderly
of the responsibilities of a
Section 1 society, we are entitled to
Filipino and learned to live my
realize our duties and
life the way it has to be.
responsibilities as Filipinos.

Yes because being a good

It talks about the obligations of
citizen of my country means I
Section 2 an individual to respect the
should respect the right of
rights of one another

It tells that every human has the Yes because it reminds me to

right but also have to respect be good and respect other
Section 3
the territory or property people as they have rights like
belonging to someone’s right. mine.

It promises to protect the right of

every Filipino in participating the
Yes, as I became aware of the
Section 4 government actively not
things I must not commit.
violating any human rights and

Aristotle’s Treatises
Does it help you practice
Article 4 Bill of What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
Duties this treatises?
why not?

Aristotle discusses the life of a

Yes, it helps me be a good
Good Man good man and the life good for a
man as what Aristotle told.

The ruler must learn by obeying,

as he would learn the duties of a
general of cavalry by being
under the orders of a general of
cavalry, or the duties of a Yes as I come to realize a lot
The Ruler
general of infantry by being of things.
under the orders of a general of
infantry, and by having had the
command of a regiment and of a

It is not enough to say a citizen

is someone who lives in the city
or has access to the courts of
law, since these rights are open
to resident aliens and even Yes as I learned a lot about
Good Citizen
slaves. Rather, Aristotle being a good citizen.
suggests that a citizen is
someone who shares in the
administration of justice and the
holding of public office.

Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.4
Name: Laya, Shara H. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar

Research on the Bill of duties of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Aristotle’s
Good Citizen-Good Man Treatises. Fill out the tables by answering the questions.
Bill of Duties, 1987 Philippine Constitution
Does it help you practice
Article 4 Bill of What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
Duties the section?
why not?
Every Filipino do have the duties
as the citizens of the Republic of It does help me be a good
the Phillipine in which he or she citizen because of the duties
Section 1
is oblige to be responsible in mentioned that I should
any law associated on being a practice and posses
Filipino citizen.
It has been stated in this section
that the rights of the individual
Yes because it strengthens me
impose upon him the correlative
Section 2 as an individual that others
duty to exercise them
also have rights like mine.
responsibly and with due regard
for the rights of others.
It declares that citizens and the
State shall at all times respect Yes as I see the fairness when
Section 3 the life and dignity of every it comes to possessing human
human person and uphold rights.
human rights.
Based on section 3, citizens
shall participate actively in It does help me practice good
public and civic affairs, and citizenship because it made
Section 4 contribute to good governance, me realized that there is
honesty and integrity in the always consequences in every
public service and the vitality action.
and viability of democracy.

Aristotle’s Treatises
Does it help you practice
Article 4 Bill of What is your understanding of
good citizenship? Why or
Duties this treatises?
why not?
Aristotle defines a great-souled
man as an individual that
Yes it does because Aristotle
represents happiness and
Good Man clearly define what good man
obtains the five virtues: wisdom,
is that I know I must become.
justice, bravery, self-control and
the overall goodness.
The Ruler He argues that practical wisdom Yes because I learned a lot of
only is characteristic of the ruler: things not just to practice good
it would seem that all other citizenship but also things that
virtues must equally belong to makes me a better individual.
ruler and subject which means
that a ruler knows how to be fair
and just
He said that all must have the
virtue of the good citizen- thus,
and thus only, can the state be
perfect; but they will not have Yes as I learned that anyone
Good Citizen
the virtue of a good man, unless can be a good citizen.
we assume that in the good
state all the citizens must be

Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.5
Name: Pagsuyuin, Aeron Kert P. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar
Research on classical philosophies, sayings, and/or doctrines. Then, fill out the
table by answering the questions.
Classical Philosophies: Research
Does the doctrine
Is the saying relevant o
Chosen Saying/s or contribute to your
your future plan or career
Doctrine/s present home or school
Yes, it contribute to my Yes, I know that my future
present home and school plan is something that will
situation. This saying is never go easy on me.
“To find yourself, think for one of the best that There will be times that I
yourself.” – Socrates describes my personality will be lost in track and this
most of the time. I always saying from Socrates will
think for myself to find remind me that in able for
myself whether at home or me to find myself I have to
in any school situation. think of myself.

It surely contributes to my
“Strong minds discuss Yes it is relevant to my
school as I strongly agree
ideas, average minds future plans. It encourages
with this philosophy of
discuss events and weak me to have a strong mind
Socrates. I have observed
minds discuss people.” to think about ideas to grow
this in my school and even
- Socrates as an individual.
at home.

Yes it contributes to my It is relevant to my future

school as it is even plans. Because I believe
Socrates believe that the
mentioned by our that the education I am
goal of education was to
Philosophy teacher that it’s achieving is not just about
improve a person’s soul.
not just the mind that is being intellectually
being developed but also upgraded but also rising a
our soul. great soul.

Yes. Most of the people at

“Everyone wants to tell Yes. It is relevant to my
school, whether friends,
you what to do and what’s future plans. I know that I
bestfriends, classmates or
good for you. They don’t will never achieve anything
schoolmates tells me
want you to find your own without the help of people
what’s good for me
answers. They want you around me as what
especially those persons
to believe theirs.” Socrates believe to.
who really care for me.
- Socrates

Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.5
Name: Julita, Clarissa P. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar
Research on classical philosophies, sayings, and/or doctrines. Then, fill out the
table by answering the questions.
Classical Philosophies: Research
Does the doctrine
Is the saying relevant o
Chosen Saying/s or contribute to your
your future plan or career
Doctrine/s present home or school
Yes. Competitors whether Yes, it is relevant. As I
in home or school makes grow older I realize that my
our life challenging. But chosen career is not as
“The first and greatest knowing that your greatest easy as I think it would be
victory is to conquer competitor is yourself will when I was just a little kid.
yourself” - Plato lead your way to victory. This saying reminds me
Whether at home or that I should conquer
school, the first and myself first before I was
greatest victory is to able to attain my greatest
conquer yourself. victory.

It contributes in my present
“Excellence is not a gift, home or school because
Yes because I believe that
but a skill that takes we all know that when we
excellence is the key to be
practice. We do not act talk about ‘excellence’ it is
successful someday.
‘rightly’ because we are anywhere. This saying
Knowing how excellence
‘excellent’ in fact we really hit my heart and soul.
can be achieve will enable
achieve ‘excellence’ by Most of the people
us to make it on top.
acting ‘rightly’.” – Plato nowadays can’t define the
real meaning of excellence.

We have to realize our real

function and value at
“True wisdom comes to
school or even at home to Yes because this
each of us when we
be a worthy person. philosophy of Socrates
realize how little we
Achieving true wisdom will makes me realize that I still
understand about life,
make us one. Sometimes, know little about life, myself
ourselves and the world
we have to bow down and and the world around me.
around us.”
admit that we are not yet
- Socrates
knowledgeable enough.
Yes. Socrates once told
that an unexamined life is
I am aware that I will not be
not worth living. He is right
able to succeed on my
“Life without experience because experiences and
future plans someday if I
and sufferings is not life.” sufferings mold us to be
will never experience pain
- Socrates who we are today. And
that will make me stronger
mostly we have those
and tougher.
experiences and sufferings
at school and home.
Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.5
Name: Atienza, Kimberly Claire P. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar
Research on classical philosophies, sayings, and/or doctrines. Then, fill out the
table by answering the questions.
Classical Philosophies: Research
Does the doctrine
Is the saying relevant o
Chosen Saying/s or contribute to your
your future plan or career
Doctrine/s present home or school
Desire, Emotion and
Yes it is relevant to my
Knowledge. Three things
future plan or career
that define who you are as
choice. Human behaviour
“Human behaviour flows a human. Yes, it
is one of the important
from three main sources: contributes to my present
factors in planning or
desire, emotion, and home and school. Through
creating your future. You
knowledge.” – Plato this philosophy of Plato, I
and I must know how this
was enlighten of what
three things should affect
should took control on
us to commit no mistakes.

“Why do you care about

Yes. Because most of the
laying up the greatest Yes. It is relevant. It made
time people around me
amount of money and me understand that
care more about money,
honor and reputation, and wisdom and truth is the
honor and reputation rather
so little about wisdom and most important things in life
than wisdom and truth. It is
truth and the greatest especially in seeking for a
visible at school and
improvement of the soul?” better future.
sometimes at home.
- Socrates

People encountered at
school or at home has their
own characteristics and
“Those who are hardest Yes it is. Love is one of the
traits. I agree that those
to love, need it the most.” most important instrument
who are hardest to love,
- Socrates in success.
need it the most. Let us
admit the fact that some
people were hard to love.

“Anyone can become

angry- that is easy but to Being angry in some
be angry with the right situation at school is usual
Yes it is. In our journey to
person at the right time especially at home. This
the future it is important to
and for the right purpose saying help me to analyze
have a strong control on
and in the right way – that which situation and which
our emotions.
is not within everyone’s person should be angry or
power and that is not mad to.
easy.” – Aristotle
Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.5
Name: Laya, Shara H. Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar
Research on classical philosophies, sayings, and/or doctrines. Then, fill out the
table by answering the questions.
Classical Philosophies: Research
Does the doctrine
Is the saying relevant o
Chosen Saying/s or contribute to your
your future plan or career
Doctrine/s present home or school
Yes, it contributes to my
school especially in my Yes it is relevant to my
present home. This one future plan. Without
makes me ask myself if I courage I will never
do really have courage. Do achieve anything in the
I really know what to fear in future. Without it I will
“Courage is knowing what
school even at home to be never be who I am today
to fear.” – Plato
a courageous man? The and in the future. I badly
answer is yes. I know what have to have this special
to fear and what not to fear asset to hold my dreams
so I do have courage in and make it all true.
school and at home.
Yes. It is mostly seen in a
Yes it is relevant. Reaching
scenario or situation at
for our dreams will be a
“Be a free thinker and school. We should be
difficult and rough road.
don’t accept everything aware that not everything
Many people will bring you
you hear as truth. Be we hear is true. We should
down and cause you
critical and evaluate what not believe in everything
downfall. Beware of
you believe in.” - Aristotle rather think it twice before
trusting too much and don’t
deciding whether to believe
believe it easily.
it or not.
Yes it contributes to my
school and home. I can
Yes it is relevant. I learned
“The ideal man bears the easily characterize the
that I should be an ideal
accident of life with dignity people around me whether
man that bears the
and grace, making the they are ideal man or not. It
accident of life with dignity
best circumstances.” is all about passing those
and grace, making the best
- Socrates circumstances with pure
heart and not violating
human’s dignity.

Yes. Wisdom is a powerful

Yes, through this
tool in school and
philosophy of Aristotle, I
sometimes at home. Based
“Knowing yourself is the was enlighten that I should
on Aristotle, wisdom comes
beginning of all the continue discovering my
from within oneself.
wisdom.” – Aristotle untold stories to attain the
Knowing yourself will lead
wisdom I need to be fruitful
to the wisdom you are
aiming for.

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