Aet 570 Training Program Plan Signature Assignment wk6

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Training Program Plan

Tiffany Kessler


October 27, 2020

Professor Charity Jennings



This training program will provide a framework for converting the traditional class into a

blended/hybrid course by using flipped classroom methodology. Using the implementation of

flipped classroom training will provide for faculty a frame work for the ever changing teaching

practices that are continually taking place. The changes that are adding demands to the

education profession have been added to both administration, faculty, and students. There are

new roles forming and the need for interaction, strategic planning and polies have to rise to meet

these changes.

Needs Analysis Introduction

Harrisburg Area Community College is one of ten schools that offer dental assisting

programs (Best Dental Assisting Programs, 2020). The program at HACC offers twenty four

seats in the DA Program, which is filled to capacity yearly (Dental Assistant, 2020). The college

is centrally located in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and has a long standing reputation of its dental

programs success. HACC provides an experience in an exceptional way by not only providing

educational services but dental services in their twenty four chair operatory dental clinic (Dental

Treatment Facility, 2020). The competitive nature of this career path is divided among not only

college programs but vocational schools as well.


Individuals choosing to take the path of dental assisting must have a formal education

that consist of both didactic and pre-clinical experience. As a dental assistant there is only a

certain level of career advancement that can be achieved under this particular certification. In

order to move forward both professional and financially, another level of licensure would have to

be completed.

Those who choose dental assisting as a career have a specific passion for hands on

techniques and patient education in the field of dentistry, yet they may not desire to be a dentist.

The dental assisting program currently offered at the college has a limited experience for

students to complete their certification exam and practice as a certified dental assistant, the next

level for advancement in this field would be an Expanded Function Dental Assistant. This is a

licensed career and entails deeper theory and pre-clinical experience. HACC has implemented

this program for licensure into their dental education offerings. The flipped classroom format

would provide the ability to accommodate and reach more prospective students as well as expand

faculty instruction and college admissions.

A needs analysis will provide insight into how to provide training for faculty in

preparation for the flipped classroom instruction. The assumption that all have the abilities and

skills to attain this new dimension would be at best, subjective only. The purpose of this needs

analysis would will define if implementing training for blended format curriculum to the

Expanded Function Dental Assisting Program would be received with positive feedback from

administration, faculty, and students.

The following data for the needs analysis will be given in a form of a series of

questionnaires, this data will give feedback from all stakeholders. A training suitability analysis

will show the desire for implementing the proposed flipped classroom training (HR-Guide 2017).

The following information from the surveys will provide the framework for the training.

Using this data will determine how to deliver training, the cost of the training, level of interest in

flipped classroom training, student demographics and administration support.

Faculty Survey

Question Respondents Responses

Do you feel you would enroll 10 Yes - 10
for flipped classroom
training? No- 0
How many weeks do you feel 10 a. 1-2 weeks – 0
would be sufficient for
flipped classroom training? b. 3-4 weeks – 2
a. 1-2 week
b. 3-4 weeks c. 6-8 weeks - 8
c. 6-8 weeks
How many of your classes 10 a. All of my classes - 0
can be taught in blended
form? b. 1-3 of my classes - 10
a. All my classes
b. 1-3 of my classes c. None of my classes - 0
c. None of my classes

Would you attend all training 10 a. All - 10

sessions provided?
a. All b. Some at least 6 - 0
b. Some at least 6
c. Some at least 3 c. Some at least 3 - 0
Do you have any experience 10 a. I taught 1 class prior - 2
with on-line teaching
instruction? b. I have never taught an
a. I taught 1 class prior
b. I have never taught an online class - 8
online class

Do you feel this will enhance 10 a. Strongly agree - 7

your teaching skills overall?
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree - 3
b. Agree
c. Disagree c. Disagree - 0
d. Strongly disagree
d. Strongly disagree - 0

Administration Survey

Question Respondents Responses

Do you feel flipped 5 Yes - 5
classroom training is needed
for faculty? No- 0
How many weeks do you feel 5 a. 1-2 weeks – 0
would be sufficient for
flipped classroom training? b. 3-4 weeks – 0
a. 1-2 week
b. 3-4 weeks c. 6-8 weeks - 5
c. 6-8 weeks
How many classes should be 5 a. All classes that can be
taught in blended form?
a. All classes that can taught in flipped format - 5
be taught in flipped
format b. 1-3 of my classes that can
b. 1-3 classes that can be
taught in flipped be taught in flipped
c. No classes format - 0

c. No classes - 0

Would you attend training 5 a. All - 0

sessions provided to observe?
a. All b. Some at least 6 - 1
b. Some at least 6
c. Some at least 3 c. Some at least 3 - 4
How much funding for 5 a. $500-$4999 - 1
training would be approved?
a. $500-$4999 b. $5000-$6999 - 4
b. $5000-$6999
c. $7000-$10,000 c. $7000-$10,000 - 0

Do you feel this will enhance 5 a. Strongly agree - 5

your teaching skills overall?
a. Strongly Agree b. Agree - 0
b. Agree
c. Disagree c. Disagree - 0
d. Strongly disagree
d. Strongly disagree - 0

Student Survey

How interested are you in 30 How interested are you in

enrolling in a flipped enrolling in a flipped classroom
classroom instruction? instruction?
a. Strongly Interested a. Strongly Interested – 25
b. Interested
c. Not Interested b. Interested – 3

c. Not Interested - 2

If HACC offered flipped 30 If HACC offered flipped class

class format how many format how many course would
course would enroll in? enroll in?
a. 1-2 classes a. 1-2 classes - 14
b. 3-4 classes
c. 4+ classes b. 3-4 classes - 12

c. 4+ classes - 4
Which type of Technology do 30 Which type of Technology do
you use most often? you use most often?
a. iPhone a. iPhone - 8
b. laptop b. laptop - 17
c. home desk top
c. home desk top - 5

The information provided from the survey samples has provided feedback that all

stakeholders have an interest in this training for faculty at Harrisburg Area Community College.

Survey were sent via faculty/student email, survey monkey, and Facebook.

Showing the needs assessment data, this training will have a valuable impact on faculty

enhancement and student learning. The description, budget, stakeholders, evaluation and

implementation will be described further in this plan.

Training Program Description


The scope of this training program will provide faculty with training that will provide a

framework for converting the traditional class into a blended/hybrid course by using flipped

classroom methodology. During training participants will specifically learn about the needs of

leaners, teachers, and best practices in developing a flipped classroom. The program will

provide real time experience by being conducted in a blended/flipped format. Trainees will be

efficient in the design, how to develop, how to implement, and how to evaluate as flipped

classroom delivery for students. This mode of instruction would be effective for current and new

instructors, which may be incorporated into the onboarding processes, to be efficient with a

blended classroom setting.

After completion of this training, trainees will have gained not only flipped classroom

training but also the how to develop and implement the use of technology skills for learning



The participants involved with this training will consist of full time employees who are

staffed in the both the Dental Assisting and Expanded Function Dental Assisting Programs. This

training will not only provided new and appreciated skills, it will also count toward college

professional development for faculty portfolios

This group consists of ten fulltime faculty, all who have completed their bachelor degrees in

adult education.

Program Goals

Upon completion of this training the leaner will:

1. Apply the flipped classroom method as it pertains to course design

2. Enhance knowledge to create effective course activities and assessments that align with

course outcomes through technology

3. Select technologies that will support and enhance activities in a flipped course in


Program Objectives

1. Learners will successfully complete an eight week training course on blended/flipped

classroom training. Learners will demonstrate the face-to-face instruction in which takes

the pedagogical approach of aligning individual learning with interactive environments


2. Learner will demonstrate developing course content containing activities for online that

provides examples of higher order thinking regarding clinic competency task list.

3. Learner will demonstrate the skills and concepts used in this course to design and conduct

their own video presentation of a lesson that encourages higher order thinking.

Positive Impact on Adult Learning

The training program for faculty at HACC will have a positive impact on learning by

incorporating technology, which is the now the paradigm shift that almost everything has

turned to, with active learning. The other facet to mention is that by providing a flipped

classroom for adult learners there is a greater need to accommodate busy lifestyles and

schedules. This training will prepare faculty members the ability to meet the needs of their

adult learners.

The training will provide collaboration techniques that a vital when the changing the

culture of educating is now needed. Trainees will leaner to take their traditional classroom

setting and turn into an atmosphere where the leaner is in control of the process. The flipped

classroom training will provide trainees with skills to actively engage their students while

also having the hands on learning piece to accompany their lessons. The flipped classroom

training empowers trainees with those collaboration skills that interact with students and

guide them through their learning process. Van Alten explains the “flipped classrooms

achieve higher learning outcomes when the face-to-face class time was not reduced

compared to non-flipped classrooms, or when quizzes were added in the flipped classrooms”



The length of the training will consist of eight week one hour sessions, this was

developed from the feedback of the faculty questioner responses. The college will hire a

trainer/consultant from an outside firm, this will be one of the significant expenses. Faculty will

attend when a time has been established that is appropriate for all schedules.

Surveys will be sent out one month prior to schedule training in order to prepare. The

training will take place in the IT Building on campus in the smart classroom, here all resources

will be available for trainees to utilize during the flipped classroom training.

Budget Grid

Activity Number Costs

Surveys 45 0
Survey monkey, faculty& Staff emails,

Training Consultant 1 4,200.00

8 weeks 1 hour/week
Hotel Accommodations

Materials/Equipment provided 0
Smartboard, laptops

IT Support 8 hours 500.00

Faculty 10 0

Promotional Materials 500.00

Flyers, Certificates of Completion

Total 5,200.00
Source: Fictitious data, for illustration purposes only

Stakeholders and Goals


The stakeholder’s in this plan consist of the current HACC dental assisting students,

Department Chair, Dean of Health Sciences, Dental Program Faculty, Academics House, and

Admissions Office. These mentioned groups will play a key part in the development of this

project moving forward. Students will have the opportunity to attend this course while

continuing to work full time. The Health Sciences Department will add another valuable

education piece to their portfolio for prospective new students. Faculty in the Dental Program

Department will add another skill to their educational profile, while becoming part of the change

for keeping up with the new trend of learning for students. Academics will be presented with

this plan and will be a key element in recommending this blended course move forward in the

college 335 forms, then into the college catalog. Admissions will eventually tally and give

feedback on the rise in enrollment for the dental programs at the college.

Training Promotional Materials

Department Chair Dean of Health Sciences Dental Program Faculty

Present plan for training and Liasion for supporting Providing educational goals
the benefits to both college, training and assisting in while making a difference for
facutly, and students staffing trainer and budget HACC students career
expenses strenght

Students Academics House Admission Office

Having the option to continue Provided the data for Provide data from admission
to work while being able to acceptance of blended format numbers for HACC by adding
accommodate busy life delivery to move to college blended educational options
schedules 335 document for perspective students

A flyer was created for the generating the message for the blended training course available

to dental faculty. (See hyperlink below) The flyer will provide the following information for time

and duration of the training. It will be provided throughout HACC faulty e-mail, the Select

Medical building where the dental department is located, and also the HACC Dental Facebook


The general public will be provided with an infographic placed on the HACC website, a

message on the HACC automated billboard, HACC Facebook page, and twitter showing the

college now offers an option to enroll in a hybrid choice for the dental programs offered at the



Benefits of this Training



Student Blended Collaborative

Success Training Learning


The assessment will take place over an eight week period. It will include the assessment

of the faculty blended training which will take place during week eight with a final presentation

of a video lecture of their choice to their peers. Faculty will be provided with the framework for

converting their traditional classes into a blended course using the flipped classroom

methodology during the eight week duration.

All resource are readily available at the college. Faulty will use the smart room in the

technology building at no cost, here all the technical resources for training is available

Program Evaluation

The evaluation of a program “is a continuous process and it is performed as the very basic

part of the program activities to attain data to conclude if there is a need to make changes or

eliminations, or accept something in it” (Ulum 2015). Evaluations can create not only better

learning programs but also advanced facilitator skills and achievements.


The purpose of our training program is to ensure its acceptance and effectiveness through

a series of data using questionnaires, surveys, and rubrics aligned with the Kirkpatrick Model

Theory. Along with these evaluations, a summative evaluation will be based upon a final project

completed by the participants which will give insight if the stated objectives were met


Kirkpatrick Rubric Program Training Evaluation Model

Overall Criteria Advanced Proficient Needs Unsatisfactory

4 3 Improvement 1
Level 1 Reaction Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied

experience with
the blended
training course

Did the course Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree

cover adequate
material to
change your
Would you Strongly Recommend Possibly Not recommend at all
recommend this recommend recommend
training to other
Level 2 Learning Gained 4 or more Gained 2-3 or new Gained 1 new Gained 0 skills
new skills skills skills
Have you gained
new skills with

What was the Turn current How to make New technology How to use the LMS
biggest skill you curriculum into current material system
learned to use the blended/hybrid into a video
most format presentation

Did you Days and times of Training time was Training time was Training was not set up
experience any training did not too short too long to foster learning
barriers during accommodate
training schedule
Level 3 Behavior
Use 80% to 100% Use 50% to 70% Use 25% to 40% Use less than 25%
Have you started
to use your skills
learned in this
Did you see
results in the At least 5 new At least 3 new 1 new change No changes at all
transformation of changes changes
your new
compared to prior

Have you noticed Notice 10 or more Notice 7 to 9 Notice 4 to 6 Notice less than 3
measurable changes in skills more changes in changes in skills changes in skills
changes in your skills
skills with online
and face- to- face

Level 4 Results
All participants Most participants Some participants None of the
Have participants have applied new have applied new have applied new participants have
applied new skills acquired skills acquired skills acquired skills applied new acquired
learning in skills
training course for
their students

Would it be a Greatly benefit Good benefit Some benefit Little to no benefit

benefit to both

students and
college to
continue the
blended training

Were the stated

objectives met in All stated At least 2 At least 1 No objectives were
this course objectives were objectives were objective was met met
met met
TOTAL: 36 points


Trainer Evaluation Survey

By using this feedback the trainer will understand any deficiencies or improvements areas

that would benefit future presentations of training courses. These survey will distrusted via

faculty portal through survey monkey, which is what is used at the college for data feedback.

yes Needs No
Trainer had Improvement
knowledge of
blending training

Would you yes Needs No

recommend the Improvement
course material
be changed
Did the trainer Yes Needs No
present the Improvement
material in a clear

Did the training Yes Needs No

course add to Improvement
your knowledge
of blended format

Participant Survey
Participants in the blended training course will be given a survey to complete on training

course experience. This survey will disturbed to faculty through google docs and will be

reviewed by trainer, faculty lead, and Department Dean.

yes No
Did you enjoy this

Would you do yes No

future training
courses presented
by the college
Was this a Yes No
Was this a Yes No

Additional Comments
The additional comments provided by participant will allow for a personal look of

everyone involved. Feedback is always a necessary tool not only that the end of the evaluation

but thought the entire process. Feedback can bring about both conversation and change

simultaneously which can be a valuable resource for change.



Is there any
changes that
would make this
course better

What was the

best part of this
training course
What was the
worst part of this
training course
What have “you”
learned from this
course both
personally and

Implementation Activity

The Activities that have been designed for successful completion of this training course

are presentation in the attached Power Point Present. In order to be approved to teach in blended

format at the college, the completion of all activities must be completed with at least an 85%

final score.

Assessment Points
Online Discussion 100 points
Video Plan 100 points
Final Video Presentation 100 points
Graphic Organizer 50 points
Total Course Points 350 points

On-Line Discussion

These activities will be to post with all classmates relevant responses to threads and add

collaborative discussions. This will teach the participants how to be an engaged facilitator when

preparing the discussion board for their own blended class format. Using this activity trainees

can see and understand how their students can use this type of collaboration when faced with an

initial question posted by the instructor.

Video Plan

Each learner is responsible for creating a video presentation on the subject of their choice

from their own current curriculum. A step by step video plan will be presented to the trainer

before the final presentation for review, below is a list of questions in order to prepare for the

final video. Learners will use this activity to share and present to all attendees in the training

course. After the presentation, the entire class and trainer will give addition feedback for needed

changes. The purpose of this activity is to allow for the creation of providing students in the

blended class to have videos as part of their resources for higher learning experiences.

My Video Plan
What is the topic you plan to cover in your
How do you plan to cover the topic (i.e.
demo, PPT)?
What is your planned format method? (i.e.
screencast-o-matic, Adobe spark etc…)
Make a list of supplies you will need prior to
recording your video.
What actions will you need to take prior to
recording your video
Insert script here:

Final Video Presentation

Each trainee will develop a 5-10 minute video using the presentation format of their

choice. Prior to developing a video, this activity must have a script attached to it. Videos are a

useful source in the blended class format however, just starting to narrate without a script can

leave room for error and confusion this is why there is a need for a prior video plan.

The video must contain the subject matter that will be covered when the class meets face-

to-face. This type of delivery will show trainees student’s how visual engagement makes this

learning a powerful

resource. A sample video

on dental sealant

placement is presented

below. (sample)

Graphic Organizer

Graphic Organizers are a useful educational tool. This activity is where trainees will

develop a sample graphic organizer for the course(s) in which they are going to transform to the

blended delivery. This will demonstrate how students can incorporate different learning styles

with both verbal and visual styles (Gonzalez 2017).


This training program has been created in order to allow for faculty to continue to move

forward and provide the needs of higher education to their future students. The shift in the

paradigm for presenting material, accommodating busy lifestyles, and simply a new way to

engage learners is making a global difference.

Training programs should possess a stepping stone for those involved, the evolution of

outcomes of these programs is imperative. In order to enhance learning and continue to preserve

the quality of any program, using Kirkpatrick’s model with the four levels for evaluation has

proved to be a valuable resource. By continuing to evaluate a training program and the needs of

those involved. An organization can not only provide their employees with personal growth but

all those implicated in the process.



Best Dental Assisting Programs in Pennsylvania. (2020). Retrieved from

Dental Assistant. (2020). Retrieved from


Dental Treatment Facility. (2020). Retrieved from


Gonzalez, J. (October 2017). The Great and Powerful Graphic Organizer. Retrieved from

HR-Guide. (2017). Needs Analysis: How to determine training needs. Retrieved from https://hr-

ULUM, Ö. (July 2015). Program Evaluation through Kirkpatrick's Framework. Pacific Business

Review International Volume 8, Issue 1. Retrieved from

Van Alten, D., Phielix, C., Janssen, J., Kester, L. (2019). Effects of flipping the classroom on

learning outcomes and satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Retrieved from

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