Principles of Business Management

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1. Assignment Title: ASSIGNMENT 2

2. Learning Outcome(s) covered:

 LOC 4: Critically evaluate the process of decision making.

 LOC 5: Evaluate the sources of recruitment and the selection process.

 LOC 6: Critically evaluate the budgetary and non-budgetary control methods.

3. Programme Learning Outcome(s) covered:

 4a: Able to consider ethical perspectives when making business decisions.

 4b: Maintain high professionalism in activities regarding business.
 4c: Use Emotional Intelligence when conducting business activities and making business
 5b: Demonstrate leadership skills by creating vision, setting objectives, negotiating and
controlling team activities.
 6b: Able to synthesize theories and concepts to explain the cause of a given situation.
 7a: Able to understand own capabilities and limitations in when taking on challenges and
 7c: Able to maintain high quality of work in a situation of limited resources and time.
 8b: Able to obtain resources and coordinate activities to initiate entrepreneurial ventures.

4. Scenario/Introduction/Background Information:

Scenario 1

You are the owner of ‘GEETHA’ a retailer of luxury furniture and décor products in
Malaysia. You are currently not satisfied with some of your suppliers. Your target market is
young trendy professional people. You need to select new suppliers that will provide
suitable goods to sell in your store.
The following suppliers could be considered:

Supplier A : provides funky and fashionable furniture.

Supplier B : provides antique furniture.
Supplier C : provides contemporary and modern furniture.

Task 1:

1. Identify and explain the SEVEN (7) steps of the rational decision-making process.
Apply the SEVEN (7) steps of the rational decision-making process in order to choose
which two suppliers should be appointed. (25 marks)

2. Explain the different types of decisions with relevant examples. In your opinion, which
type(s) of decisions is most important to the organization? (10 marks)

3. Provide an example of a creative decision in an actual organization that has led to its
success. What techniques can other organizations use to make successful creative
decisions? (15 marks)

Scenario 2

You are the owner of ‘SHENGEE RESTAURANT’ a newly-establish-local brand

restaurant in Mantin. You are planning to expand this restaurant business in the center of
Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. You need to recruit and select new workforce
for your restaurant in Kuala Lumpur.

Task 2

1. Define your understanding on ‘recruitment’ and ‘selection’. (8


2. The role of an owner as human resource practitioner is important in an organization.

How would you apply the SIX (6) selection techniques for assessing job applicants in
your new restaurant? (12 marks)
Scenario 3

Organizations need to have a good yardstick of how well they are performing with respect
to their goals. To do this, the organizations need to exercise some form of control in order to
keep some targeted elements or measures of organizational performance within acceptable
limits. Organizations keep track of the targeted goals by continuously monitoring their

(Source: William G. Bill Borges (2015), Principles of Management, 1st Edition, SJ Learning.)

Task 3

1. What is budget? What are the FIVE (5) advantages and disadvantages of using a
(15 marks)

2. What is Total Quality Management, TQM? Discuss the FIVE (5) key principles of
TQM. What are some of the obstacles to implementing TQM? Explain. (15

5. Information Sources:

You will need to do sufficient background reading from the suggested textbook and other
sources to undertake this assignment successfully. The following source is suggested for your
background reading, but you are expected to find out more on your own initiatives:

 Books

 William G. Bill Borges (2015), Principles of Management, 1st Edition, SJ Learning.

 Griffin, R.W. (2012), Management, 11th Edition, South Western Cengage Learning.
 Steven P. Robbins & Mary Coulter (2011), Management, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc.
 Koontz (2011), Management, 11th Edition, McGraw Hill.
 Hannagan T., (2010), Management: Concepts and Practices, 5th Edition, Pearson.

6. Instructions to Students:

1. This is a take home assignment. This assignment carries 30% for final grading and a
group task.
2. This assignment requires you to complete all the questions. All questions must be bound
together for a single submission.
3. Please ensure that you show clear headings for each questions or part of questions. Each
question must be completed separately. There should be a list of references of materials
you had used or referred to in completing your assignment at the end of your submission.
Please list text used sources first, followed by electronic sources.
4. Submit the word processed report on A4 size with 12 font, Times New Roman, 1.5
5. You are allowed to submit your work before or on the submission deadline on 30
November 2016.
6. No late submission will be accepted.
7. Use Harvard Referencing Style.
8. Plagiarism and copying is an academic dishonesty. Submit your work in original.
9. F grade will be awarded for a plagiarism/copied work.
Grading Criteria Used To Assess Work

Range of
Grade Grading Descriptors

 Exceptional high quality work

A 80 – 100  Excellent command in the subject matter
 Showing excellent knowledge
 Tightly argued work
 Well formulated arguments based on the strong and authentic
evidences such as diagrams, tables, charts etc……..
 High level of innovativeness and creativity
A- 75 – 79
 Originality of work and excellent critical thinking
 Excellent communication and presentation skills

 Medium to high quality work

B+ 70 – 74  A very good command in the subject matter
 Showing a very good knowledge
 Well argued work
B 65 – 69  A very well presented evidences such as diagrams, tables,
charts etc……..
 Evidence of innovativeness
B- 60 – 64  Little originality of work and good critical thinking
 Good communication and presentation skills
 Work of acceptable quality
 Knows the subject at acceptable level
C+ 55 – 59
 Showing a basic knowledge and understanding
 Acceptable form of presented evidences such as diagrams,
tables, charts etc……..
 Very little originality of work
C 50 – 54
 Adequate communication and presentation skills

C- 45 – 49  Work of unacceptable level

 Lack of knowledge in the subject
D+ 40 – 44  Lack of necessary knowledge and understanding
 Disorganised presentation of evidences such as diagrams,
D 30 – 39 tables, charts etc……..
 No originality of work and critical thinking
F 0 – 29  Poor communication and presentation skills


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Marks Weighted
Range of achievement
Weight () Awarded Marks
No. Breakdown of assessment criteria
(%) (%) (b) x (d)

T1.1  The SEVEN (7) steps of 21

the rational decision-
making process.
 Choose TWO (2) 4

1.2  Types of decision. 10

1.3  Techniques of creative 15


T2.1  Definition of 8
‘recruitment’ and
2.2 12
 SIX (6) selection

T3.1  What is budget? 5

 FIVE (5) advantages 10
and disadvantages.

3.2  What is TQM? 5

 FIVE (5) principles of 5
 Obstacles of TQM. 5

TOTAL 100%

Key to marking ranges:

A 75 – 100
B 60 – 74
C 50 – 59
D 30 – 49
F 0 – 29

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