01 - Green - Chapter 2

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2.1. Sustainability and Sustainable Development

Sustainability is a concern about the attitudes and practices of the modern language government
education, non-governmental and higher (HE). The concern of the population began to ask for
sustainability in North America in the 70s, after the environmental crisis. After realizing the risk
of environmental, economic growth and social justice, sustainability has become an
environmental challenge. Sustainability has followed the environmental movement affects both
governmental and non-governmental organizations to be responsible for the environment, more
socially and economically. Sustainability seventy years has been discussed in political circles to
question the impact of human activities and use of natural resources. Environmental problems
such as destruction of habitats, species, ozone depletion and global warming, the consequences
of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-eighteenth. (Porras, 2009). The United Nations (UN) used
the term "sustainable development" to resolve the competition between economic growth and
environmental protection. Sustainable Development focusing mainly on the current resource, but
the resource needs arising in the morning. As a solution, sustainability means economic growth
and industrial development is not necessarily incompatible with the quality of the environment.
In terms of sustainability, the main argument that the achievement of the objectives of
environmental protection and economic and social development of the work to support each
other is the only solution. According to Porras sustainability "means that the pursuit of economic
activity and environmental management. The most commonly cited for creating the concept of
sustainability established under a number of conventions and declarations World of Environment
and International Development, the United Nations in 1987. This committee, known as the
Brundtland Commission published a landmark. In this report, the Commission on Sustainable
Development as "... development that meets present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs", which can be characterized as one of the first literary
settings. Triple-called framework proposed in his book Cannibals with Forks 1997 John
Elkington fall into three categories based on triple core framework and equal effect. These
categories are social, environmental and economic sectors. The figure has three main goals of
sustainability based on economic, environmental and social resources. The origin of the idea
because of the prevailing contemporary environmental sustainability coexistence, social and
economic simultaneously.

2.2 Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions

One of the most important questions about the sustainability of the scientific discussion within
the universities. There are courses on sustainability and education in ecology and sustainability.
Has become a research university is a point to be able to integrate the three pillars of sustainable
development; the knowledge-based society, the economy and multidisciplinary environment.
Despite the fact that sustainability is a key issue for education and research in universities, the
challenge is for them to review the procedures and the physical environment in schools that are
based on sustainability. To the principles of sustainability and the campus, and the Institute's
activities, there have been a number of conferences and obligations of how sustainability. There
are also non-profit organizations (NGOs), to assess the sustainability of the university, with an
emphasis on environmental sustainability. (Eagan, 2008)

Interest on sustainability in higher education took place in the 1970s when it became a global
problem of environmental pollution and entered politics. The researchers realized that it was the
current environmental crisis has affected the economic and social benefits. To solve this
problem, and to develop a global holistic policy, the university has helped a number of
international declarations and conferences. Over 1000 educational institutions in the
implementation of training programs signed international declarations on sustainability,
institutional and organizational greener physical activity. A number of universities have signed
statements that show your commitment to sustainability is increasing day by day.

Stockholm Declaration can be defined as the first to establish link sustainability and higher
education in 1972 and 1990, numerous international declarations and conferences have been
clearer link. In other countries, the common basis for the declaration and objectives of Talloires
create an international agreement on the sustainable development of higher education (Bethesda).

The Stockholm Declaration 1972

This statement is not specific to the EH. The idea was the relationship between man and
environment. The statement focuses on human needs, suggesting that "the nation should improve
the human environment for present and future generations. The goal is to simultaneously achieve
the basic objectives and bring peace, economic development and global social." In this context,
the declaration of Stockholm, in particular Principle 19 provides environmental education to
"broaden the base to protect and improve the informed opinions and individuals Manager,
companies and societies human dimension of the environment". (Rosen, 2009)

Tbilisi Declaration (1977, Tbilisi, Canada)

Evaluation of the Declaration of Tbilisi is an important tool for sustainable returns to education.
Education, Science and Culture, the United Nations (UNESCO) and the UN Environment
Programmed (UNEP) were the authors of the official standards of the international conference
on the origins of the educational environment. The statement was the first college in a holistic
and global perspective on the environment. The necessary environmental education and the
principles of the new approach to environmental education was the most important issue in this
statement. Identify the fundamentals of environmental education, as required by students in all
areas, not only in science and technology and social sciences and arts. Since there is a connection
between nature, technology and society, which determines the level of social development..

Talloires Declaration (1990, France)

It was the first demonstration of its commitment to education institutions ET sustainability.

Global issues that threaten the survival of humanity and biodiversity, such as environmental
degradation, pollution, depletion of natural resources was the main issue, which focused on a
statement. Declaration of Talloires at the university "university leaders to the leadership and
support to raise money for urgent challenge" the signing of a number of universities 20 1990 356
2007 this statement includes 10 action points directly to universities for sustainability. The goal
was to meet the teaching, research and information operations at colleges and universities in the
integration of sustainability and environmental education. Declaration of Talloires deal with
multidimensional issues such as curriculum, research, academic, business and public attention. In
addition, the declaration emphasizes the importance of achieving sustainable development in all
campuses experiments.

Halifax Declaration (1991, Canada)

University administrators Halifax (Canada) gathered to express their concerns about the long-
term global problems such as environmental pollution and the inevitable effects of the economy
on the subject. The scope and principles of this statement is similar Talloires Declaration.

Agenda 21 (1992, Rio de Janeiro)

Agenda 21 was mainly education and, in a statement, the US Environmental sustainability taking
into accounts the guidelines of previous statements. Agenda contains 21 initiatives from
individuals, governments and nations, and the theory was that they could develop their own
programs based on their own needs, to ensure the future development of policy and ideas of
resistance, including education, public awareness and advocacy.

Kyoto Declaration (1993, Kyoto, Japan)

An important contribution to the Kyoto Declaration adopted by the Ninth Round Table of the
International Association of Universities, the current debate on sustainability, it was a clear
foundation for achieving sustainable development in universities. Main arguments explanation of
the Kyoto establishing international scientific community in the implementation of projects for
the sustainable development of the infrastructure of the university development plan.
(Alshuwaikhat, 2008)

He stressed the moral responsibility to reform the universities of the existing systems and
proposed the introduction of institutional policies. The principles agreed will encourage them to
make better use of natural resources to stop the unsustainable practices that illustrate the need for
researchers to learn and make use of research for sustainable development in order to analyze the
results described in the most effective sustainable development. University of adoption of this
policy shows that the sustainability objectives of the University. Declaration of Kyoto also draws
attention to research, activities and information to the public, and we should mention the
cooperation with universities

Swansea Declaration (1993, Swansea, Wales)

Swansea statement focuses on environmental pollution, environmental impact and are issued for
the vitality of sustainable initiatives. Swansea statement stressed that companies should develop
the civilized world and the environment. He highlighted several points of resistance statements
universities. The ability of universities to examine the natural functions of the campus, the need
for students and staff on environmental responsibility and ethics at the University were the main
points of the declaration. (Rappaport, 2008)

The CRE-Copernicus Charter (Geneva, Switzerland, 1994)

This is a university cooperation program focuses on environmental protection and sustainable

development. More than 320 European universities participating in the program. Copernicus map
stressed the responsibility of the University to managers and policy makers to create sustainable
communities. The Charter emphasizes the need to create networks of universities.

2.3 Defining a Sustainable Campus

"The university is a university and higher education degree, which is usually a university and
schools in different parts of faculty expertise, a college, which is the training and distribution
points;. It is often part of a university."

The future of Latin campus "to describe the distinctive physical character of American
universities." Today, the time property of the campus including buildings, and has gradually
become a synonym for all members of the university. The natural and removed the corrupt forces
in the city, the American College result of the isolation of the romantic idea of the campus, the
town and its culture.

Campus can be seen as "intentional community" consisting of different elements, such as

administrators, teachers, staff and students, which promotes dialogue, debate, collaboration and
learning social interaction occurs in the entire system in this lab environment class. These
institutions have developed models and the operation and maintenance of policies in all areas,
some systems. Therefore, a physical presence an image as a whole.
The University also places that reflects the values and changes in the political and moral. Once
this is done, the impact on the environment through university activities and functions, decision-
makers and planners on campus with a focus on sustainable development as a global problem.
The issue of sustainability in universities is increasing the pressure on a number of factors that
authorities and non-governmental environmental organizations. (Eagan, 2008). For more than 30
years of history, the development of a number of international declarations Stockholm
Declaration in 1990, sustainability in higher education has increased a lot. These conferences and
SE sustainability criteria and sustainability at the university established in national and
international declarations. In the middle of these moral responsibility statements of the
universities to facilitate change and social model and to respond to environmental education.
With the exception of Halifax and Kyoto, these statements focus on practical and sustainable
programs University. Halifax Kyoto, and action plans and practical plan to achieve your goals.

After analyzing the reports, conferences and national and international institutional politics,
Sarah Wright argues that there are common principles and theories to determine the sustainable
university between these initiatives. These questions are the summary of sustainability in higher
education to carry out a number of priorities: (Rappaport, 2008)

Long-term physical effects: Although this theme is expressed in virtually all odds, this was not
the biggest problem. The explanation of the Kyoto encourages universities to assess the physical
measures to reflect best practices for sustainable development. The university must demonstrate
commitment to the environment through the establishment of institutional and environmental
practices policy. These practices include resource conservation, recycling, waste reduction and
the environment.

Sustainable research: Highlight of scientific research in sustainability. It is a recognized

environmental sustainability, and this is a necessity because of the economic and social benefits.

Sensitization: Environmental change occurs if all sectors of society to participate. Universities

are places to seek knowledge, you must use this knowledge to solve difficult problems.

Mission, institution-building and construction for expressing its commitment to environmental

projects the institution and its commitment to sustainability, university or college will have a
written mission statements and goals. To demonstrate this commitment, the carriers are paid
position as an energy source or main program sustainability at the university. Public events such
as lectures, conferences are important elements of the institutional problems of sustainable

In general, a sustainable city or an organization or institution must maintain and improve the
equitable distribution of natural resources, the people in poverty in the broader concept of
development, not only economic development, cultural development. According to this
definition of sustainable campus is to protect the environment, economic development and
commitment to the community. Another definition of a sustainable university Eagan (2008),"a
college that deals with minimizing the negative impact on the environment, campus resources in
the economy, society and health arising from the use.

Cole set for sustainable campus community as one that protects and improves human health and
the environment against the policy of the local and global responsibility. This is the framework
for the scientific community to check the knowledge to manage the environmental and social
challenges of today and tomorrow. A normally say that the campus can be made sustainable
environmental management and healthy campus environment creates a balance between energy
consumption and the amount of resources and waste reduction. In fact, the need to improve the
sustainable campus equality and social justice in itself, and that these principles of society.
Alshuwaikhat says sustainable campus is a place that corresponds to a better balance between
economic, social and environmental production, analyze the impact of campus operations. For
sustainability, cooperation and participation of all stakeholders to achieve the important
objectives. According to these definitions, a city or an organization like a university campus to
be sustainable is required to maintain and strengthen the resources to eradicate poverty and
misery of the people, the notion of export sustainability include social development.

After analyzing the profitability and self-statements; the practice and Regulations University,
Alshuwaikhat, H. complete picture, including all the necessary matters referred to in the
sustainability of the existing universities. In this model, which defines sustainability;
Implementation of EMS universities, public participation and social responsibility, as well as
teaching and research of sustainability are closely linked. The integration of campus
sustainability, we need a clear vision and policies; and the commitment to sustainability is a
multidimensional problem

2.4 Eco Campus ( Green Campus)

Green campus includes sustainability in all relevant sectors, through the development of
environmental knowledge courses. Provide opportunities for students to environmental reports to
the local environmental issues, Green Park done. Purchase of environmentally friendly
development policies, maximize energy efficiency, reduce the amount of campus waste, promote
green transportation and green building green is part of the campus. In addition, the
environmental study centers and making environmentally responsible environmental
sustainability a priority at the university. (Rosen, 2009)

Eco-campus concept developed to achieve environmental sustainability Autonomous University

of Madrid (UAM). This university, a public institution dedicated to knowledge through
education and research, also played a leading role in environmental awareness. The Senate
unanimously approved the UAM Charter Agenda 21 commitment and agreements reached
"Earth Summit meeting" - said the project "eco-campus".

J Finley ecological model city with Richard Frame recording window can lead to the
implementation of a sustainable campus. Develop a green campus, the similarities between the
city and the campus in terms of dimensions, footprint, resource consumption and environmental
pollution can be campuses principles Ecocity.

The larger towns of products of human origin, which is the most devastating power of nature.
The Ecocity concept offers a new approach to the major cities, so it is less destructive nature.
Ecological city maintains the city as an integrated ecological society in harmony with nature.
The main purpose of ecological city to remove all waste coal to produce energy from renewable
sources and integrate the urban environment. Environmental citizens can redirect new
circumstances between cities and environmental degradation. These are sites that promote the
use of new environmentally friendly technologies to solve current problems. Urban planning,
public transport, district heating, construction and design, reduce resource use and waste
management are reviewed and a new approach to environmental protection.

Ecocity Builders is defined as "sustainable structural models long-term solution and operation of
natural and human ecosystems. Ecocity offers residents a healthy abundance, it does not use
more resources (renewable) than it produces, and without further waste can be processed without
toxicity to the same or adjacent ecosystem reflects the ecological consequences of the inhabitants
of the global life support, .. And reflects the principles of social equality, fairness and justice "
As the small towns in the campus-like, there are similarities between the campuses and
municipalities, including "independent infrastructure, miscellaneous, security forces and the
judiciary, the history and unique culture of communication and network independence." In
addition to the aesthetic quality of design and landscape architecture, green parks and nightlife,
leisure facilities, tree-lined streets are common features of buildings in the city and campus. All
these structured systems and large population of service capabilities in both cases. All these
similarities because of the built environment, services and operations in the amount of
environmental impact. Campi wider complications smaller samples, so that you have problems,
environmental concerns and challenges in a city. SE significant environmental impact in
institutions such as cities, including air and water pollution, waste, hazardous chemicals and
habitat destruction.

Campus can accept Ecocity concept of eco-friendly and green practices to reduce damage to the
environment, conservation and social responsibility as the range of natural resource guides. Most
of the existing campus design and construction of the project was when power was cheap
companies and energy consumption, such as heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation n 'was not
a problem. The guidelines écociétés rehabilitation of damaged urban areas, land use priorities to
revise and strengthen environmental ethics should consider the campus facilities, such as specific
cities. The Ecocity principles can be used to control a user customization in buildings and
campuses view infrastructure and systems. The Ecocity model is a reference to how to rethink
policy, consumption, purchase, transportation, construction, manufacturing and purchasing. The
application of environmental measures model of eco-campus, innovative environmental
technologies in areas such as public transport, building design and construction strategies can be
reviewed and revised.

The transformation and social change is a global leader in research, innovation and education
facilities, colleges and universities. That is why universities can be considered as a global
concern key positions, and create a set of progressive initiatives for present and future
generations. The écocommunication community has pledged to reduce energy, water and food
and waste minimization, air and water pollution. SE, society has a moral responsibility to
participate in environmental protection, to find a balance between urban development and nature.

2.5. Environmental Policy

The concept of sustainable development began at the UN Conference on Environment and

Development (UNCED) held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To solve global problems such as
poverty, war and the growing gap between developed and developing countries, government
representatives from 178 countries and individuals, government agencies, NGOs and the media
attended the event. The question of how to ensure the health of the global environment through
the application of the principles of sustainable development was the central theme. This
conference, said that progress depends on economic and social positive of natural resources,
which should take effective measures to protect the environment.

After World Summit, many institutions and educational communities, the government and
organizations in the private sector become more concerned about environmental sustainability
and environmental impact of their own position. He began to implement the idea of establishing
their own environmental policies. Environmental policy is the organization's commitments result
of environmental and sustainability issues. water pollution, the deterioration of air quality and
waste management, conservation of biodiversity, conservation and management of natural
resources in these ecosystems, wildlife and endangered species are the main issues.
Environmental policy is focused on problems that are a result of human activities, which can
have a negative impact on human health, the environment and basic resources. (Alshuwaikhat,

2.6. Environmental Management System (EMS)

Universities can cause damage to the environment in terms of energy, materials and resources
and protection policies pollution decreased significantly perivallontos.Sygkekrimena ecosystem
implementation of environmental protection measures can be observed in many universities, easy
to implement, but the organizational and institutional systems are lacking. There was a growing
interest in the application of environmental management systems (EMS) at the University in
order to facilitate the transition to prevent environmental degradation. EMS is integrated into the
overall system of an organization's management. The system can be regarded as "a combination
of organizational measures to manage the processes and activities." According to this definition,
the environmental management can be described as "Dealing with the impact of a well-defined
management structure for an organization" for the environment. regarding a location campus,
EMS can be described as greener campuses facilities, transmitting light in a classroom, while
improving the quality of the environment.


Alshuwaikhat, H. (2008) An integrated approach to achieving campus sustainability: assessment

of the current campus environmental management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Eagan, D.J., Keniry, J. and Schott, J. (2008), “Higher education in a warming world: the business
case for climate leadership on campus”, available at: www.nwf.org

Jessica Finlay, Jennifer Massey, (2012),"Eco-campus: applying the ecocity model to develop
green university and college campuses", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
Education, Vol. 13 Iss: 2 pp. 150 – 165
Porras, I. M., (2009). The City and International Law: In Pursuit of Sustainable Development, 36
FORDHAM URB. L.J. 537, 541

Rappaport, A.(2008). Campus Greening: Behind the Headlines, Environment. Science and
Policy for Sustainable Development, 50.1, 6-17 http://dx.doi.org/10.3200/ENVT.50.1.6-17

Rosen, M.(2009). Key energy-related steps in addressing climate change. International Journal of
Climate Change Strategies and Management, 1. 1, 31-41 DOI (Permanent URL):

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