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Claren C.

Opena TW501
18-567391 Seminar in Thesis Writing

Established Criteria in Selecting Literary Piece

According to (“Literature (Fiction) - The Writing Center”), qualitative research that

surrounds on interpreting literature comes with a detailed planning and writing paper.
Analyses involve the assumption that a piece of literature mean everything. It talks
about gender, culture, identity and many more. Interpretation of literary texts have
meanings that are arguable and complicated, thus, the pivotal role of a researcher is to
sort these meanings. To make it accountable, there are established criteria in selecting
literary texts subject for interpretation. These are as follows:
1. Familiarity of the texts. A researcher must have a general knowledge about the
text. He or she must possess a clear understanding of the work they will
2. Research topic/novel must have a lot of evidence. Researcher select a
number of possible topics. He/she should choose specific topic by simply
identifying much evidence.
3. Select novels that are relevant to the future researchers. Literary texts must
have an essential role to future researchers. Choose novels in a scholarly way by
touching issues like gender, race, class that has significant meanings to the
readers and to the current milieu.
4. Choose novels that are significantly related to the existing literary
criticisms. Literary criticism is known to be a tool for interpreting a text.
Moreover, the purpose of literary criticism is to provide and value judgements on
a work of an aritist.

Likewise, Bibby (2014) pronounce these key features in selecting literary texts,
these are lexis and syntax used by the author, length of the literary piece, interest and
relevance to the future researchers and familiarity.

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