Fund Raising For The Sri Prichard Old Folks' Home: Category Age Fee

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Name: ______________Year 4( ) Date: _____October 2019 Marks: Section B: ____

1. This paper consists of three sections, Section A, Section B and Section C. Section C: ____
2. You are required to answer all the sections.
Total: ________
3. In Section C, you can choose to answer Question 1 or Question 2.

Section A
[10 marks]
Study the notice below and use the information to complete the text.
Fund Raising for the Sri Prichard Old Folks’ Home

Day: Sunday
Join us at the Date: 27th Aug 2019
Fun Run ! Time: 7 a.m. – 9 a.m.

Category Age Fee

Children 7 to 12 RM 5
Young adults 13 to 17 RM 10
Adults 18 to 59 RM 20
Seniors 60 and above RM 5

 Registration: before 6th Aug 2019 (Saturday)

 The first three runners in each category will get a hamper.
 Hampers sponsored by generous givers
Organised by Taman Gembala Baik Residents’ Association.

Residents’ Association of Taman Gembala Baik will be organising a Fun Run on 27 th Aug

2019. It will start from (1) ____________________________. The runners will be divided

into four categories, which are (2) ___________________________________________.

The funds raised from this event will go to (3) _________________________________.

The first three runners in each category will receive a hamper sponsored by

(4) __________________________________. For those who are interested to join the

Fun Run, please register yourself before Saturday, (5) ___________________.

Section B
[15 marks]
B (i)
Study the information in the notice and answer the questions that follow in the spaces


Date: 19 August 2019
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Venue: School hall

Category A Category B
(Year 1 to Year 3) (Year 4 to Year 6)

1st prize: a trophy and a hamper 1st prize: a trophy and RM200
2nd prize: a hamper and a certificate 2nd prize: RM150 and a certificate
3rd prize: a certificate 3rd prize: RM80 and a certificate

Rules and regulations:

1. Drawing paper is provided.

2. Bring along your own stationery, watercolours, crayons, palette and paintbrushes.
3. Your drawing must be original.
4. The title of the drawing will be given at the start of the competition.
5. You must be at the school hall by 8:30a.m. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter
the hall.
6. If you are interested to take part in the competition, please obtain the form from
Mdm. Aize during recess.
7. Please submit your form before 15 August.

Mdm. Gem
Teacher- in –charge of The Art Club

You want to take part in the competition.

Name three things that you need to bring along.

(a) _______________________________________________________________


(c) _______________________________________________________________

3 marks
B (ii)
You want to tell your brother that you have joined the National Day Drawing Competition.
Based on the notice and the diary, write an email to your brother about your experience.
Your email should be between 50 and 80 words.
24 August 2019 Saturday Cloudy

8:30 a.m. At the school hall, sitting in front of the stage.

9:00 a.m. The title of the drawing and drawing paper was given by Ms. Awienda.

9:30 a.m. Brainstorming and started to draw.

10:00 a.m. Finished drawing and started to paint using watercolours.

11:00 a.m. Almost done. Touched up my drawing.

11:30 a.m. Ms. Piu and Mdm. Amie came to collect our drawing papers. The result of the
competition will be announced within two days during assembly.

12:00 noon Walked back home and had lunch.

From: To:

Subject: National Day Drawing Competition


Section C
[25 marks]
This section consists of two questions. Answer one question ONLY.

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

Question 1

sunny volleyball

drove read

picnic novel

swam home

took out cleaned up

ate fun

Question 2

- young boys – racing – noise – loud – disturbed - residents

- knocked - lamp post – thrown off -injured - friends

- sped off

- residents – neighbourhood – help – called - rushed


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