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Environmental Quality About Us -Laboratories

» Air Quality Laboratories Lab Analysis C harges Functional Performance
» Water Quality
Laboratoy Functions Board Analyst Notification GR
» Noise Pollution
Laboratory Services
Waste Management List of Recongnised Laboratories Proficiency Report

Consent Status
Lab Sampling C harges C ommittee
Public Hearing

Public Awareness
Analysis charges of Ambient Air /Fugitive Emission Samples
Other Links
Analysis charges for Source Emission Parameters
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring using on-line monitoring instruments by Mobile Van
Auto Exhaust Monitoring-One time checking of vehicular exhaust
Analysis C harges of Water and Wastewater Samples
Analysis C harges of Soil/Sludge/Sediment/Solid Waste Samples
Analysis C harges for Hazardous Waste Samples
Analytical Quality C ontrol (AQC ) Participation Fees: to be given to MPC B by recognized laboratory for AQC exercise Samples
B. Analysis Charges:(applicable w.e.f. April 01, 2010)

1.Analysis charges of Ambient Air/ fugitive Emission Samples:

Parameters Charges per
Sample in Rs.
1 Ammonia 600/-
2 Aanalysis using drager (per tube) 400/-
3 Benzene Toluene xylene (BTX) 1000/-
4 C arbon Monoxide 600/-
5 C hlorine 600/-
6 Fluoride(gaseous) 600/-
7 Fluoride(particulate) 600/-
8 Hydrogen C hloride 600/-

9 Hydrogen Sulphide 600/-

As mentioned in
10 Lead and other metals (per metal) respective group
at C lause5.0
11 NO 2 600/-
12 Ozone 1000/-
As mentioned in
13 PolyAromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) respective group
at C lause5.0
14 Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) 600/-
15 Particulate Matter (PM2.5 ) 1000/-
16 Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10 ) 600/-
17 Sulphur Dioxide 600/-
18 Volatile Organic C arbon 2000/-
Trace Metals on air filter paper using EDXRF-Aluminimum, Antimony,
Arsenic,Barium, Bromine, C admium, C alcium, C esium, C hlorine, chromium,
C obalt, C opper, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Iodine, Iron, Lanthanum, Lead,
3000/- Per Filter
19 magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Palladium, Phosphorous,
Potassium, Rubidium, Rutherfordium, Selenium, Silicon Silver, Sodium,
Stronlium, Sulphur, Tellurium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Ytterbium
and Zinc.
20 Water Extractable ions in Air Particulate Matter using Lon C hromatograph (IC )
(i) Processing / Pretreatment C harges per Sample (filter paper) 300/-

ii) C ations (Na +, NH4+,K + , C a ++ & Mg ++)and Anions (F- ,Br - ,C l- ,NO 3 - , NO 2 - 1,200/- (for 12
,SO 4 - - &PO 4 - - - ) ions)

21 Organic and Elemental C arbon (OC /EC ) on quartz filter paper 2000/-

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