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Environmental Quality About Us -Laboratories

» Air Quality Laboratories Lab Analysis C harges Functional Performance
» Water Quality
Laboratoy Functions Board Analyst Notification GR
» Noise Pollution
Laboratory Services
Waste Management List of Recongnised Laboratories Proficiency Report

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Lab Sampling C harges C ommittee
Public Hearing

Public Awareness
Analysis charges of Ambient Air/ fugitive Emission Samples
Other Links
Analysis charges for Source Emission Parameters
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring using on-line monitoring instruments by Mobile Van
Auto Exhaust Monitoring-One time checking of vehicular exhaust
Analysis charges of Water and Waste Water Samples
Analysis C harges of Soil/Sludge/Sediment/Solid Waste Samples
Analysis C harges for Hazardous Waste Samples
Analytical Quality C ontrol (AQC ) Participation Fees: to be given to MPC B by recognized laboratory for AQC exercise Samples

5. Analysis charges of Water and Waste Water Samples

(Applicable w.e.f.April 01, 2010)
Existing Existing
Sr.No. Name of the Test Charges Sr.No. Name of the Test charges
( Rs.) ( Rs.)

Organo Phosphorous
1 C onductivity 60/-
Processing/Pretreatment C harges per
2 Odour 60/- 1000/-
3 Sludge Volume Index (S.V.I.) 200/- 18 C hlorpyriphos 400/-
4 Solids (dissolved) 100/- 19 Dimethoate 400/-
5 Solids (fixed) 150/- 20 Ethion 400/-
6 Solids (Volatile) 150/- 21 Malathion 400/-
7 Suspended Solids 100/- 22 Monocrotophos 400/-
8 Temperature 60/- 23 Parathion-methyl 400/-
9 Total Solids 100/- 24 Phorate 400/-
10 Turbidity 60/- 25 Phosphamidon 400/-
11 Velocity of Flow (C urrent Meter) 200/- 26 Profenophos 400/-
12 Velocity of Flow (other) 550/- 27 Quinalphos 400/-
13 Acidity 100/- Synthetic Pyrethroids (SPs)
Processing/Pretreatment C harges per
14 Alkalinity 100/- 1000/-
15 Ammonical Nitrogen 200/- 28 Deltamethrin 400/-
16 bicarbonates 100/- 29 Fenpropethrin 400/-
17 Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) 600/- 30 Fenvalerate 400/-
18 Bromide 100/- 31 a-C ypermethrin 400/-
19 C alcium(titrimetric) 100/- 32 b-C yfluthrin 400/-
20 C arbon Dioxide 100/- 33 A-C yhalothrin 400/-
21 C arbonate 100/- Herbicides
Processing /Pretreatment C harges per
22 C hloride 100/- 1000/-
23 C horine Demand 200/- 34 Alachlor 400/-
24 C hlorine Residual 100/- 35 Butachlor 400/-
25 C hemical Oxygen Demand (C OD) 350/- 36 Fluchloralin 400/-
26 C yanide 350/- 37 Pendimethlin 400/-
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
27 Detergent 200/-
Processing / Pretreatment C harges per
28 Dissolved Oxygen 100/- 1000/-
29 Fluoride 200/- 1 Acenaphthene 400/-
30 H.Acid 350/- 2 Acenaphthylene 400/-
31 Hardness (calcium) 100/- 3 Anthracene 400/-
32 Hardness (total) 100/- 4 Benz(a)anthracene 400/-
33 Iodide 100/- 5 Benzo(a)pyrene 400/-
34 Nitrate Nitrogen 200/- 6 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 400/-
35 Nitrite Nitrogen 200/- 7 Benzo(e)pyrene 400/-
36 Percent Sodium 600/- 8 Benzo(g.h.i.)perylene 400/-
37 Permanganate Value 200/- 9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 400/-
38 PH 60/- 10 C hrysene 400/-
39 Phosphate(ortho) 200/- 11 Dibenzo(a.h)anthracene 400/-
40 Phosphate(total) 350/- 12 Fluorathene 400/-
41 Salinity 100/- 13 Fluorene 400/-
42 Sodium Absorption Ratio(SAR) 600/- 14 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 400/-
43 Settleable Solids 100/- 15 Naphthalene 400/-
44 Silica 200/- 16 Perylene 400/-
45 Sulphate 150/- 17 Phenantherene 400/-
46 Sulphide 200/- 18 Pyrene 400/-
47 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen(TKN) 350/- Polychlorinated Biphenyls((PCBs)
Processing / Pretreatment C harges per
48 Urea Nitrogen 350/- 1000/-
C ations(Na +,NH4 +,K +,C a ++,&
Mg++)and Anions (F- ,Br - ,C l- ,NO 3 -
1200 (for 12
49 1 Aroclor 1232 400/-
,NO - 2 ,SO 4 - - ,& PO 4 - - - ) in surface ions)
and ground water sample using Ion
C hromatograph
Metal 2 Aroclor 1242 400/-
500/- 3 Aroclor 1248 400/-
C harges/Sample

1 Aluminium 300/- 4 Aroclor 1254 400/-

2 Antimony 300/- 5 Aroclor 1260 400/-
3 Arsenic 300/- 6 Aroclor 1262 400/-
4 Barium 300/- Tri Halo Methane(THM)
Processing /Pretreatment C harges per
5 Beryllium 300/- 800/-
6 Boron 300/- 1. Bromo dichloromethane 400/-
7 C admium 300/- 2. Bromoform 400/-

8 C hromium Hexavalent 200/- 3 C hloroform 400/-

9 C hromium Total 300/- 4 Dibromo C hloromethane 400/-
10 C obalt 300/- 5 Other Organic Parameter
11 C opper 300/- 6 Adsorbable Organic Halogen(AOX) 2000/-
12 Iron 300/- 7 Tannin / Lignin 350/-

13 Lead 300/- 8 Oil & Grease 200/-

14 Magnesium 200/- 9 Phenol 200/-
15 Manganese 300/- 10 Total Organic C arbon(TOC ) 500/-
16 Mercury(Processing &Analysis) 800/- 11 Volatile Organic Acids 350/-
Benthics Organism Sample
17 Molybdenum 300/- 1000/-
Benthic Organism identification & C ount
18 Nickel 300/- 1 600/-
(each sample)
19 Potassium 200/- Plankton Sample Collection 250/-
20 Tin 300/- 1 Plankton (phytoplankton) count 600/-
21 Selenium 300/- 2 Plankton(Zooplankton) count 600/-
22 Silver 300/- 3 C hlorophyll Estimation 600/-
23 Sodium 200/- Bacteriological Sample Collection 200/-
24 Strontium 300/- 1 E.C oli(MFT technique) 400/-
25 Vanadium 300/- 2 E.C oli(MPN technique) 350/-
26 Zinc 300/- 3 Faecal coliform (MFT technique) 400/-
Organo C hlorinePesticides(OC Ps) 4 Faecal coliform (MPN technique) 350/-
Processing/Pretreatment C harges
1000/- 5 Faecal Streptococci (MFT technique) 450/-
per Sample
1 Aldrin 400/- 6 Faecal Streptococci (MPN technique) 400/-
2 Dicofol 400/- 7 Standard Plate C ount 200/-
3 Dieldrin 400/- 8 Total C oliform(MFT technique) 400/-
4 Endosulfan-I 400/- 9 Total C oliform(MPN technique) 350/-
5 Endosulfan-II 400/- 10 Total Plate C ount 350/-
6 Endosulfan Sulfate 400/- 11 Toxicological - Bioassay(LC 5 0 ) 2800/-
Toxicological- Dimensionless toxicity
7 Heptachlor 400/- 12 1600/-

8 Hexachlorobenzene(HC B) 400/-

9 Methoxy C hlor 400/-

10 o.p.-DDT 400/-
11 p.p.-DDD 400/-
12 p.p.-DDE 400/-
13 p.p.-DDT 400/-
14 a-HC H 400/-
15 b-HC H 400/-
16 y-HC H 400/-
17 o- H C H 400/-
Note:(i) Sampling charges for water and wastewater samples are separate as specified in Clause A (IV), but subject to minimum of Rs.700/- irrespetive of number of
(ii) Sample Collection charges includes transportation and visit charges unless mentioned specifically.


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