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Business case assignment, Part one: November 7, 2019

To: Mr. Shaver, IS professor

From: Candace Damron

Mr. Shaver,

Do you care about what you are feeding your animal? Most people do not realize that feeding
kibble has many negative effects on your animal. I am here today to propose a raw feeding
company named “Hometown Raw” which is going to be all locally sourced and sold to only
local, small animal boutiques in the metro Atlanta area.

The raw feeding industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world at this moment.
Working at a family owned animal boutique I have experienced many raw companies being
taken out of pet boutiques because they have become too corporate and too processed.
Hometown Raw’s main concern is to make sure that animals are getting the proper nutrients
that they need to thrive while staying non-corporate and only selling to small pet boutiques.
We will have a farm located in Dallas, GA and will be certified organic because most raw
companies are not. Everything that will be put into my raw diet will be comprised of three main
things: muscle meat, organ and bone which will make the meal complete.
 Referring to Attachment 1, is a logo for Hometown raw that has our slogan “Feed local
and feed right” and where this farm is going to be and how these animals will live.
 Showing where and how these animals are going to live is beneficial to the consumers
because they know exactly where the meat they are feeding their animal is coming
from. I know it makes me feel more comfortable feeding my dog a meal knowing that
the animals are being treated correctly and fed correctly.
 Hometown raw will also be significantly more clean than other raw companies because
it will not be corporate which means that we will not need as many animals to get the
meat from and can stay on one farm and stay locally sourced.

The main concern is to make sure consumers know that their animal is getting the best food
possible for their beloved pet. Hometown Raw can do that and do it humanely. I am putting my
whole heart into this business and not only thinking what it could do for the raw feeding
community but also what it could do for your pet. But at the end of the day this is your decision
and you must do what you think is right.

Candace Damron
CEO, Hometown Raw
1432 Humane Farm Road, Dallas GA 30132
Attachment 1

Hometown raw logo: Made to look cute but not too overwhelming. The saying is to make our
sure people know we are local and to make it more appealing to the consumer.

Where the farm will be located: To show where the animals will be living and how they are

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