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Distribution of any safety directives or communications shall be as follows:

 Copy to the Supervisor in charge of each subcontracted employer

 Copy to the Project Superintendent
 Copy to the Subcontractor's Head Office
 Copy to [Company Name]'s General Manager
 Posted on Safety Bulletin or Job Board

Employees of [Company Name] including sub-contractors and their employees working on sites will
be held jointly and personally accountable for their actions and any infractions of this safety policy.

<< NOTICE >>

Infractions in following safety rules or laws represent a serious level of

neglect and [Company Name]’s project superintendent or his designated
replacement has the authority to exercise a "ZERO TOLERANCE" policy and
have the violator(s) dismissed from the project. No further warnings are
required or will be given with respect to.

Fall Protection Safety

Electrical or Mechanical Lock-Out Safety

Fire Prevention Safety

Trenching/Excavation Safety

a) Construction Employees

1st infraction – a recorded verbal warning

2nd infraction (same offence) – written notice and one day loss of work and pay
3rd infraction (same offence) – permanent dismissal from employment

b) Subcontractor Employees

1st infraction – a recorded verbal warning

2nd infraction (same offence) – written notice to employee and employer – temporary
removal from site
3rd infraction (same offence) – permanent removal from site

NOTE: Architects, owners, suppliers, sales personnel, and public visitors must abide by the
personal protective equipment rules and other prescribed regulations that may be associated with
their work. Failure to do so may cause the project superintendent to act.

These notices and penalties shall be enforced as written on all projects. Dismissal of an employee
shall be reviewed with a party of three (e.g. superintendent, manager, and management JHSC

Rev. 03/16/2020

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